The Theosophical Society in Australia | Community organisation
The Theosophical Society in Australia
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25.01.2022 Since 2014 the TS in Australia has made available a prize for research into Perennial Philosophy in its Eastern and Western traditions to Studies in Religion, School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Queensland. A similar prize has also been made available to the University of Sydney since 2000. The prize-winning essays for 2019 were from Chara Scroope for the Honours (postgraduate) prize for her essay ‘The ‘Tusks’ of the Smkhyan Elephant: A Study on the Role of Inference (Anumna) in Classical Smkhya’; and Riona Moriya for the undergraduate prize for her essay on ‘Kl: Making Sense of the Paradoxical Terrible Mother’. Pictures: Chara Scroope and Riona Moriya.
24.01.2022 Rosanna Sheridan is Vice-President of Blavatsky Lodge in Sydney and part time worker at the National Headquarters of the TS in Australia. This is her testimony about her membership of the TS which was given at the 2018 School of Theosophy, held at the Springrook Theosophical Centre.
23.01.2022 The September 2020 issue of 'Theosophy in Australia'.
23.01.2022 New video: Introduction to the Theosophical Society in Australia From 1895 until now the TS in Australia has continued to work for the Objects and for the purpose of the Theosophical Society. This video is a bird's eye view of such a journey.... (Note: in the video, while mention was made of a number of Certified Groups in Australia, one of the existing groups - The Canberra Group, located in the National Capital of Australia - was unintentionally omitted. This oversight is regretted.)
22.01.2022 Tim Boyd - Next Steps: The Ageless Wisdom in Shifting Times
22.01.2022 Dr M. Srinivasan, a well-known Indian scientist and Life Member of The Theosophical Society in India, passed away yesterday (31 August 2020). Dr Srinivasan was a physicist who had worked at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India’s premier nuclear research facility, headquartered in Trombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra. He was also involved with the Global Consciousness Project and helped to set up nodes for the same in India in the early days of the project. He is the author of a ...number of scientific papers and of the book ‘Introduction to Occult Chemistry The Amazing Phenomenon of Extra-sensory Perception of Nuclear Structure and Subatomic Particles’, which facilitates the study of Besant’s and Leadbeater’s classic work published in 1908. One of the papers Dr Srinivasan has authored is ‘Bridging the gap between science and spirituality: The role of scientific investigations of paranormal phenomena’, published in the Electronic Journal of Sociology, 2007, the link to which is provided below: Dr Srinivasan gave a number of presentations at the Headquarters of the TS at Adyar over the years, including at International Conventions and at sessions of The School of the Wisdom. In November 2016 he gave the following presentations at The School of the Wisdom: ‘All About Nothing: Physics and the Akashic Field’ and ‘Remote Viewing, Global Consciousness Project, Occult Chemistry, and William Tillers’ Thought implantation experiments inspired by Leadbeater’. We offer sincere condolences to his family.
21.01.2022 Madame Blavatsky on Magic (3) From the very day when the first mystic [taught by the first Instructor of the divine Dynasties of the early races, was taught] the means of communication between this world and the worlds of the invisible host, between the sphere of matter and that of pure spirit, he concluded that to abandon this mysterious science to the [desecration, willing or unwilling, of the profane] rabble was to lose it. An abuse of it might lead mankind to speedy d...estruction; it was like surrounding a group of children with explosive [substances], and furnishing them with matches. The first [divine Instructor] initiated but a select few, and kept silence with the multitudes. [They recognized their God and each Adept felt the great SELF within himself.] The Atman, the self, the mighty Lord and Protector, once that man knew him as the I am, the Ego Sum, the Asmi, showed his full power to him who could recognize the still small voice. From the days of the primitive man described by the first Vedic poet, down to our modern age, there has not been a philosopher worthy of that name, who did not carry in the silent sanctuary of his heart the grand and mysterious truth. If initiated, he learnt it as a sacred science; if otherwise, then, like Socrates, repeating to himself as well as his fellowmen, the noble injunction, O man, know thyself, he succeeded in recognizing his God within himself. Ye are gods, the king-psalmist tells us, and we find Jesus reminding the scribes that this expression was addressed to other mortal men, claiming for themselves the same privilege without any blasphemy. And, as a faithful echo, Paul, while asserting that we are all the temple of the living God, cautiously adds that after all these things are only for the wise, and it is unlawful to speak of them. (H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings, vol. XIV, pp. 47-48. Picture: A view of the Hindu Temple at Adyar.)
20.01.2022 The Buddha explains the nature of self, the enemy within Suppose, brother Yamaka, there were a householder, rich, wealthy, and affluent, and thoroughly well-guarded, and some man were to become unfriendly, inimical and hostile to him, and were to wish to kill him. And suppose it were to occur to this man as follows: This householder, or son of a householder, is rich, wealthy, and affluent, and thoroughly well- guarded. It would not be easy to kill him by violence. What if n...Continue reading
17.01.2022 'The courage that dares to speak" How bitter the struggle was some of you, perchance, may have gauged. I, who went through it, know its results were that no amount of slander or abuse could hereafter make much difference, when one thought it right to take a particular line of conduct; for in the years that followed that trial there were no words too foul, no epithets too vile, to be used in Christian and in Freethought journals, against my co-defendant [Charles Bradlaugh] and... myself. When one has once been through that fire of torture, when everything that man and woman hold dear, fame, good name, reputation, character, and all else when all have been sullied, slandered and maligned, after such a hammering all subsequent attacks seem but poor and feeble, and no words of reproach or unkindness that later can be used avail to touch a courage that has held through trials such as that. And I do not regret (I never have regretted and don't now) the steps that then I took, for I know that both in the eyes of the wise today, and in the verdict of the history that in centuries to come shall judge our struggles, the verdict that then shall be given will not be given on what one has believed but on how one has worked: and I know that though one's eyes may often be blinded, and one's efforts wrong, the courage that dares to speak, the courage that dares to stand those are the things that men remember, and if you can never write coward on man or woman’s grave, their place is safe in the hearts of men, whether their views are blessed or banned in days to come. (From Annie Besant's address at the Hall of Science, London, on 30th August 1891. Later published as 'Adyar Pamphlets' no. 84, TPH Adyar, December 1917, entitled '1875-1891: A Fragment of Autobiography'.)
17.01.2022 ‘Science and Theosophy: Selected Articles by Dr Hugh Murdoch’, published by The Theosophical Society in Australia, 2020. We are very pleased to announce that this new, unique publication is now available for purchase. The book, which has 314 pages, consists of five parts: We and the Universe, Remembering Great Scientists, Theosophy and Science, A Deeper Search, and Book Reviews. Hugh Murdoch (1924-2015) was an astrophysicist and a lifelong member of the Theosophical Society.... He graduated with Honours in 1950 at the University of Sydney. The theme of his Master of Science thesis (1953) was ‘Low Energy Nuclear Physics’. He went on to do a Ph.D. thesis in 1959 in the area of cosmic rays, studying muons (a very penetrating form of cosmic radiation). He was for many years the Coordinator of the Theosophy-Science Study Group in Australia and editor of its Newsletter. Dr Murdoch was also associated with the Theosophical Research Centre in London. The Centre explored the commonalities and differences between Theosophy and Science for over fifty years. The cost of the book for TS members is $32.50 plus postage. The cost for non-TS members is $40.00 plus postage. Orders can be placed at the following email address: [email protected].
16.01.2022 On the 17th of November next the Septenary term of trial given the Society at its foundation in which to discreetly "preach us" will expire. One or two of us hoped that the world had so far advanced intellectually, if not intuitionally, that the occult doctrine might gain an intellectual acceptance, and the impulse given for a new cycle of occult research. Others wiser as it would now seem held differently, but consent was given for the trial. It was stipulated, however, ...that the experiment should be made independently of our personal management; that there should be no abnormal interference by ourselves. So casting about we found in America the man to stand as leader a man of great moral courage, unselfish, and having other good qualities. He was far from being the best, but (as Mr. Hume speaks in HPB's case) he was the best one available. With him we associated a woman of most exceptional and wonderful endowments. Combined with them she had strong personal defects, but just as she was, there was no second to her living fit for this work. We sent her to America, brought them together and the trial began. From the first both she and he were given to clearly understand that the issue lay entirely with themselves. And both offered themselves for the trial for certain remuneration in the far distant future as as KH would say soldiers volunteer for a Forlorn Hope. M The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett Letter No. 44 Received Allahabad, February, 1882.
16.01.2022 The video 'Introduction to The Theosophical Society in Australia', which was posted last week, has been slightly edited and now includes reference to the Canberra Certified Group of the Australian Section.
13.01.2022 Madame Blavatsky on Magic (1) The occult sciences, or rather the key which alone explains the jargon in which they are expressed, cannot be divulged. Like the Sphinx who dies the moment the enigma of its being is guessed by an Oedipus, they remain occult only as long as they are unknown to the uninitiated. Then again they can neither be bought nor sold. A Rosicrucian becomes, he is not made, says an old adage of the Hermetic philosophers, to which the Occultists add, The s...cience of the gods is mastered by violence; it must be conquered, and does not give itself. This is exactly what the author of the Acts of the Apostles intended to convey when he gave the answer of Peter to Simon Magus: Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money [Acts viii, 20]. Occult knowledge should be used neither to make money, nor to attain any egotistical end, not even as a means to personal vanity. Let us go further and say at once thatapart from an exceptional case where gold might be the means of saving a whole nationeven the act of transmutation itself, when the only motive is the acquisition of riches, becomes black magic. So that neither the secrets of magic nor of occultism, nor of alchemy, can ever be revealed during the existence of our race, which worships the golden calf with an ever increasing frenzy. (H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings, Vol. XI, p. 546.)
12.01.2022 Birth, Death, Karma and Reincarnation? (From a booklet of The Theosophical Society in Australia) Is there a purpose and meaning to human life? Are you interested in exploring some ideas which may place your life in a broader perspective? Are you interested in spirituality? If so, this booklet may help you on your own journey.... The ideas which will be presented here come from a stream of enquiry which has been with humanity for millenniaTheosophy or the Perennial Wisdom, sometimes also known as the Ageless Wisdom or the Perennial Philosophy. Theosophy, meaning "Divine Wisdom", can be thought of as the spiritual heritage of humanity. Its principles have been restated in different ways throughout human history, being the essence of the great religions and philosophies of the world. They have been present in teachings such as those of ancient India and China, the Egyptian Thoth or the Greek Hermes, the neo-Platonists, Gnostics of the early Christian era and others such as various poets and philosophers. In each case, the teachings have been suited to their time and culture. In the late 19th century theosophical teachings were re-presented to the world in a more modern form by Madame Blavatsky, a Principal Co-Founder of The Theosophical Society. This form continues to adapt to changing times. However, the fundamental principles of Theosophy remain enduring and timeless. Topics addressed in this booklet: Karma - The Universal Law of Harmony Cause - Effect The Energies That We Generate Physical, Emotional and Mental Action An Impersonal Law Karmic Situations as Opportunities Reincarnation - Have We Been Here Before? Memory of Previous Lives What Reincarnates? Growth of Capacity Spiritual Growth Are We Dead When We Die? Who Am I? Other Fields of Consciousness How do Death and Sleep Differ? What Happens after Death? Increasing Evidence for Continuing Existence Near-Death Experiences Helping at the Moment of Death Is Grief Necessary? Preparing for Our Own Death Birth - Another Opportunity A Child’s Early Environment Considering Life in a Larger Context The Greatest Journey Books Suggested for Further Reading Full text can be seen here:
12.01.2022 A Theosophical Stalwart Passes Away Dianne Kynaston, born in 1947, and who joined the Theosophical Society in England in 1974, passed away this afternoon peacefully in her sleep after a long illness. She served as General Secretary of the TS in Australia for a number of years as well as the Editor of the magazine Theosophy in Australia. She participated in many international events of the Society, including a number of Conventions at its Headquarters at Adyar. Towards the end... of her active Theosophical life she conducted an intense and relevant research on the influence of Theosophy on Australian culture and society, and on world personalities who were touched by the message of Theosophy. She left all her research papers to the Campbell Theosophical Research Library in Sydney where they will be catalogued. A week before she passed away, she rang a TS member to have a calm conversation about the journey of the soul after the transition called death. Those who visited her in hospital could see for themselves Theosophy in action: she was content, calm, and interested in talking to those who came to see her. The TS in Australia owes Dianne Kynaston a great debt of gratitude. In life she was a world traveller and now she begins another journey towards her deserved rest. May she rest in peace and may light perpetual shine upon her.
11.01.2022 Commemoration of the Founding of the Theosophical Society, held at its International Headquarters at Adyar, Chennai, India, 17 November 2020.
11.01.2022 In the very first issue of 'The Theosophist', the magazine she founded in Bombay, in October 1879, in an article entitled ‘What Are the Theosophists?’, H. P. Blavatsky stated: ‘The very root idea of the [Theosophical] Society is free and fearless investigation.’ As a practical expression of that principle she and T. Subba Row, an eminent Theosophist in India who was admired for his profound knowledge of the Wisdom T...radition, engaged in an in-depth exchange of views in the pages of 'The Theosophist' during the years of 1882 and 1887. The subject of the exchange was the inner constitution of the human being. She advocated for the view espoused by the Aryan-Arhat Esoteric Tenets, while Subba Row presented arguments in favour of the Traka Rja-Yoga school of esotericism. The website of the TS in Australia has now included the full articles (see link above), duly checked against the original texts, plus a review article by Josephine Ransom, the author of 'A Short History of the Theosophical Society', on T. Subba Row as well as a historical article by Col. H. S. Olcott on the passing of that respected Theosophist.
10.01.2022 The members of The Theosophical Society in Australia have elected a new National President. Stephen McDonald, who joined the TS in 1976, will assume office on 25 January 2021, at the end of the Convention Business Meeting of the Australian Section of the TS to be held in Sydney. He has been elected for a period of three years according to the Rules of the TS in Australia. An active member of the TS, he has participated in numerous committees and sub-committees, given many tal...ks, and run study groups and workshops. Currently the President of Blavatsky Lodge in Sydney, he has attended several Australian Schools of Theosophy at the Springbrook Theosophical Centre in Queensland. Stephen is also currently President of the McIntyre Centre for Senior Citizens (a complex of retirement flats in Sydney that was established by several industrious Theosophists in 1968). He attended both the International Convention of the TS at Adyar in 1985 and the School of the Wisdom at Adyar in 1986, as well as several National Conventions of the TS in Australia since 1976. Stephen also holds a degree of Master of Health Science (specialising in Primary Health Care, 2016) from Newcastle University in New South Wales. He has devoted his life to the study and practice of Homeopathy. In his statement as a candidate Stephen wrote: As National President it will be my responsibility to communicate the values and mission of the TS and create a shared understanding and unity of purpose throughout the Section. We are not a mundane organisation, we are a dynamic, ever changing organism that must adapt and respond to the challenges of our time. If we are to fulfill the work for which the TS was established, we must act in practical and pragmatic ways based on coherence and good governance. In the TS we have been entrusted with a legacy grounded in a greater purpose than other worldly organisations. The mantle of National President is not just an honour but carries with it the need for dedication to the mission of the TS and to its sound management and future direction.
09.01.2022 The Mahatmas on the Significance of 'Probation' A chela under probation is allowed to think and do whatever he likes. He is warned and told beforehand: you will be tempted and deceived by appearances; two paths will be open before you, both leading to the goal you are trying to attain; one easy, and that will lead you more rapidly to the fulfilment of orders you may receive; the other more arduous, more long; a path full of stones and thorns that will make you stumble more ...Continue reading
08.01.2022 The November 2020 issue of 'Theosophy in Australia'.
08.01.2022 The Purpose of the School of the Wisdom The aim of the School of the Wisdom is to enable the individual to cease from being one who gives intellectual adherence to a particular school of philosophy, and become one who learns to survey the problem of life directly by himself or herself. The essential search is to discover life as it is, life being inseparable from consciousness. The School of the Wisdom aims at bringing each student to survey things from the centre which is ...intuitive awareness. An intense sense of Life must always accompany every true student. There can be no Wisdom without an ever-increasing sense of Wonder. The aim of all studies in the School of the Wisdom is not the perfection of the individual but to enable the individual to use every faculty of his or her being for lifting a little of the heavy Karma of the world. Essential in the progress towards Wisdom is a growing intimacy with all aspects of Nature. The message which each tree, flower, animal, meadow, sea, sky and cloud has, must be listened to and understood. The student needs to learn to study the Book of Nature. (Excerpts from the Inaugural Address of the School of the Wisdom at Adyar by C. Jinrajadsa, 17 November 1949.) For current programmes at The School of the Wisdom please see: Picture: C. Jinarajadasa in his younger years.
05.01.2022 Madame Blavatsky on Magic (2) MAGIC is a dual power: nothing is easier than to turn it into Sorcery; an evil thought suffices for it. Therefore while theoretical Occultism is harmless, and may do good, practical Magic, or the fruits of the Tree of Life and Knowledge, or otherwise the Science of Good and Evil, is fraught with dangers and perils. For the study of theoretical Occultism there are, no doubt, a number of works that may be read with profit, besides such books as t...he Finer Forces of Nature, etc., the Zohar, S‘pher-Yetzrh, The Book of Enoch, Franck’s Kabalah, and many Hermetic treatises. These are scarce in European languages, but works in Latin by the mediaeval Philosophers, generally known as Alchemists and Rosicrucians, are plentiful. But even the perusal of these may prove dangerous for the unguided student. If approached without the right key to them, and if the student is unfit, owing to mental incapacity, for Magic, and is thus unable to discern the Right from the Left Path, let him take our advice and leave this study alone; he will only bring on himself and on his family unexpected woes and sorrows, never suspecting whence they come, nor what are the powers awakened by his mind being bent on them. Works for advanced students are many, but these can be placed at the disposal of only sworn or pledged chelas (disciples), those who have pronounced the ever-binding oath, and who are, therefore, helped and protected. For all other purposes, well-intentioned as such works may be, they can only mislead the unwary and guide them imperceptibly to Black Magic or Sorcery if to nothing worse. (H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings, Vol. XIV, pp. 59-60)
03.01.2022 Dara Tatray is the immediate past President of the Theosophical Society in Australia and former Editor of 'Theosophy in Australia'. A member since 1979, she holds a PhD in the History and Philosophy of Science and is currently the National Secretary of the TS in Australia. This is the first of her presentations in the webinar 'Theosophy Raw and Unfiltered: From the Vedas to the Present', produced by the Theosophical Society in America in 2018.
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