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25.01.2022 AFRICAN TRIOS C-19 CRIME SPREE NO REASON FOR HATE The three African women who broke quarantine rules after a Melbourne crime-spree and send-off party and smuggled Coronavirus into Brisbane are now, more importantly, victims of racism. The same media which has serialised the activities of Karens that ran afoul of the public health message is now chastising those incensed Netizens whove lambasted one of the virus-spreaders on social media.... Diana Lasu, 21, Olivia Winnie Muranga, 19 and a third woman Haja Timbo, 21, provided false declarations on their border statements when returning from Melbourne via Sydney on July 21. After touching down in Brisbane from a jaunt that is now under investigation by Taskforce Sierra Linnet (Sierra Leone mustve been taken-ED) the trio swiftly pulled the smug-rug out from under Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. The Premier was gloating about Queenslands easy ride through the first wave of the Kung Flu, but now thanks to the diversity and a cultural misunderstanding regarding right and wrong, Qld is back in the infection-game. If the medium is the message, then with a tweak of relative context, this is all about race. To Continue With Article (as certain content cannot be reproduced on FB) Please Click The Link. Don't Be Afraid, It's Been Checked By The Bomb Sqaud Already...
24.01.2022 DROP THE CHARGES! Any charges against Zoe Buhler of Ballarat, a pregnant woman, should be dropped. The invasion of her home that she could be charged with organizing a 'freedom rally' against lockdowns, was unjustified. For nationalists the matter of disease control is one thing, how the Coronovirus problem is used to establish a police-state - is something entirely different. We have seen controls imposed over the country which are employed almost to 'try them out'. Quarant...ines in particular areas, the use of police to move on people, curfews and more are tactics used to control civil disorder. The pandemic has been a perfect cover to weigh them as control methods. It is to be hoped that ordinary citizens will support Zoe Buhler in her legal fight.
24.01.2022 POLICE INJURED AS AFRICANS RIOT AT SYDNEY PARTY Surry Hills, in inner-Sydney, resembled downtown Mogadishu on Saturday morning as police struggled to break up an out-of-control party involving over 100 of our African replacements. A female constable had to be rescued after being physically dragged inside the premises by a multitude of wildly intoxicated black males. So calamitous was the scene that the Public Order and Riot Squad had to be called in to deal with the mass of rioters, who jeered at police. The trouble began at 1:00 am with neighbours calling police with complaints about the excessive noise coming from the short-term rental apartment. When they arrived the officers were unable to gain entrance to the premises as revellers physically blocked doors. Police Rescue eventually managed to break down the door, after several attempts. A witness told the Saturday Telegraph, It became quite a dangerous situation as police were severely outnumbered by the partygoers. I heard reports that partygoers tried to drag police into the unit and close the door. Other people were jumping off the unit balcony as well, she said. Police brought in reinforcements but the crowd became aggressive and they were forced to deploy capsicum spray resulting in an African woman suffering a panic attack and shrieking terribly. Another witness reported, They stormed the unit clearing out the occupants. Some occupants scuffled with police requiring police to use force to quell the uprising. There was plenty of screaming going on but after about 15 minutes police had control and started moving on the majority of partygoers. A male and female constable was taken to nearby St Vincent’s Hospital and treated for minor injuries. Police made several arrests and charged two women and a man. All are due to face Downing Centre Local Court in the New Year. We are just relieved that no black life was harmed during the heavy-handed police response, which we assume was related to the result of the US election. It is very clear to us as that Surry Hills Police are Trump supporters. But to be fair, at least none of the precious Africans who, again, are our replacements was charged with violating any COVID-19 nonsense.
24.01.2022 Though poor and in trouble I wander alone, With a rebel cockade in my hat; Though friends may desert me, and kindred disown, My country will never do that! You may sing of the Shamrock, the Thistle, and Rose,... Or the three in a bunch if you will; But I know of a country that gathered all those, And I love the great land where the Waratah grows, And the Wattle-bough blooms on the hill. Australia! Australia! so fair to behold While the blue sky is arching above; The stranger should never have need to be told, That the Wattle-bloom means that her heart is of gold, And the Waratah red blood of love. Australia! Australia! most beautiful name, Most kindly and bountiful land; I would die every death that might save her from shame, If a black cloud should rise on the strand; But whatever the quarrel, whoever her foes, Let them come! Let them come when they will! Though the struggle be grim, 'tis Australia that knows, That her children shall fight while the Waratah grows, And the Wattle blooms out on the hill. Waratah and Wattle Lawson, 1905
23.01.2022 TRUMP OR NOT, WHITES STILL LOSE 2020 might well be considered the Year of Truth, as far the Presidential Election has shown us America’s true colours. The contradictions fly like sparks inside the confused mind of this imperialist giant. Now more than ever, the inherent schizophrenia of the United States is on display for the world to see....Continue reading
23.01.2022 PROTECTION OF STATUES IS PROTECTION OF HERITAGE - POPULAR ACTION REQUIRED (Contributed) Groups of 'woke' liberals and extreme-left organisations (Trotskyites and anarchists) have attached themselves to so-called Aboriginal protests and demand the removal of statues and other memorials to Australia's European settlement. Sometimes, these groups do vandalism.... This is all a decided 'culture wars' attack upon identity and should be resisted. From a nationalist perspective, the use of an Aboriginal cover for this attack, is cunning indeed. It benefits only those globalist capitalist forces which seek the obliteration of Australia's past that it may sink more easily into the globalist economic order. The protection of our statues and memorials requires popular initiative. Australia First Party reasons that communities must form monitor-groups to protect Australia's heritage that it really is 'kept in stone'. Such groups may arise out of neighbourhood-watch networks or otherwise, but a grass roots initiative across geographic areas and political and local heritage groups is essential. The culture-busters can be defeated!
22.01.2022 ANARCHIST ELECTIONEERS LEAP FOR JOY As Kamala Harris and her vice president Joe Biden are handed a dubious victory by a partisan media and the mighty tech giants, anarchists around the world are celebrating. Yes, the anarchists who worked so very hard to put a party democratically elected by dead people, underage voters, counter fraud and those who voted up to 27 times each into control are leaping for joy. Their military-grade rifles are leaping with them....Continue reading
22.01.2022 VICTORIANS STILL SUPPORT ANDREWS DESPITE EVERYTHING An Essential Poll shows that Victorians still think that Comrade Daniel Andrews is doing a ripping job as Premier despite the COVID-19 debacle and his indenturing the state to Communist Chinese rule. Victoria is recording more and more Kung Flu deaths every day due to the incompetence, indifference, and arrogance of Daniel Andrews and his quasi-communist cabal. But apparently, that doesnt bother Victorians, wholl keep voti...Continue reading
20.01.2022 JOIN THE AUSSIE NATIONALIST CAMPAIGN TO RENAME "CRACKER BARREL" CHEESE *It's a pity to have to type this disclaimer because it presents a sad reflection of the audience, but this is a JOKE aimed at the furore surrounding COON CHEESE. Perhaps if the numskulls who made now-deleted comments below had bothered to actually READ it instead of leaping to the wrong conclusion they might not have us right now despairing over how people can be so ... well ... thick. We fully support t...Continue reading
20.01.2022 DICTATOR ANDREWS AWAITS HIS DANFALL Dictator Dan Andrews is facing his political Waterloo, destined for his Melbourne bunker, where hell be found slumped in his favourite beanbag, a figurative bullet through his head. By his side will be Mrs Dictator Dan and their pet Shar-Pei Mao Zedong. Theyll have taken poison. The writing was on the wall for Dictator Dan when he screwed up with the Indian security guards and the quarantine, which he tried to make all about diversity ...and wokeness. Dan hired an Abo security firm, which is a contradiction in terms. He got exactly what he paid for. The doo-doo hit the fan. People died. Fingers began pointing. He knew he was politically dead in the water, and that his great leap forward onto the Belt and Road would never come. But he wasnt about to leave the spoils of Victoria to a replacement premier, or, god forbid, a Liberal government! So, after allowing a Black Lives Matter rally to proceed unmolested by his goons in VicPol, he ordered an economic scorched earth policy; his Nero Decree! Giving daily press conferences like an obsessive-compulsive, he managed to talk so much yet say nothing; the benchmark of a professional politician. When pressed about his C-19 measures, he tried to lay the blame for harsh restrictions elsewhere. Only, its too late now, and everyone knows. He had to come clean in the end. It was all Dictator Dans idea. He ordered the 8:00 pm curfew so that the police could enforce the lockdown, the decision was not taken under any advice. Yet, Dan wouldnt be swayed by whingeing citizens who lost jobs, or who couldnt visit loved ones, or who were going out of their minds in the lockdown. No. Rules were made to be followed, a principle that hes stuck by ever since he was a school monitor at Marist Brothers. Those who broke the law by being outside without a valid permit, or looking the wrong way at a gang of officers, got everything they deserved. Dan insisted on seeing the bodycam footage first-hand, which he and his inner-circle would toast with a round of Golden Gaytimes. [Article continues at]
18.01.2022 AUSTRALIA MUST CUT FREE OF SOCIALIST USA The only result that we can come to expect in this day and age is the worst possible scenario. As such, a life-size ventriloquist dummy, Joe Biden, is now being declared the 46th president of the world’s newest banana republic called America. The civil rights legislation of 1967, signed off by a vile turncoat named Lyndon Barber Johnson, have borne their full multiracial fruit with all their bitter social poisons. The war-mongering, ...Continue reading
18.01.2022 LEFT-LIBERAL THINK TANK AT (SYDNEY'S) UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SPURS FAKE 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' CAMPAIGN The UTS Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research is a publicly funded group which leads the incitement of a fake Black Lives Matter movement. The campaign would demonise white Australians and their history. The usual crop of 'useful idiots' may reason that this effort will advance some theoretical Aboriginal interest. They can have their delusion. However, w...e believe some of the organizers know exactly what they are doing! In a period when Australia has been open to massive demographic change, and with the rise of Chinese imperialism and the liberal-left campaign to open Australia to more and more 'asylum seekers' ('refugees') there can be no possible Aboriginal interest served by that - any more than any white Australian interest can be served. It is time to keep borders closed and work towards Australian self-interest. Close attention needs to be paid to the use of public funds at UTS. It is time to 'de-fund Jumbunna Institute!
17.01.2022 ASIO TRIPPING ON THE RIGHT DESPITE LEFTISTS CAUSING VICTORIAS KUNG FLU OUTBREAK With the unsurprising news of Melbournes COVID-19 link to the Black Lives Matter protests in June, its apparent just how hypocritical Australias Security Intelligence Organisation is. Thats not news to those familiar with its history, but its worth pointing out at a time that its slathering concerns about young people being radicalised online. On that basis, it is petitioning for laws would allow kids as young as 14 to be given the full ASIO treatment. However, the young people of which it speaks, and does so in syllogisms, are only ever broken into two groups, Islamic and Far-Right. Of late, the Islamic threat seems to have receded and their codified statements presume more against this volatile Far-Right. Brenton Tarrant gave them endless ammunition in this regard with his attack on two Christchurch mosques that resulted in 51 dead and 49 injured. If he hadnt existed, they would have to have invented him. But what of the Far-Left? What of Antifa? What of the militant Marxist-Leninist-Trotskyite-Woke front and its Black Lives Matter frontispiece? This is where the motives of ASIO become more obscure since the threat of homegrown radicals on the Far-Right are more implied from the bravado of the online shenanigans of stupid kids. The National Socialist Network offers ASIO, the Jewish Community, and the usual anti-racist mouthpieces the perfect bogey. But they are about as threatening as angry schoolgirls. The sad truth is, if they ran into one of those Tongan drill-rap gangs, they would not only be subject to a horrendous physical defeat, the humiliation would resonate among us all. Thats why they have to run around at night, picking their selfie spots choosily, just in case theyre ever put to the test. [continue to blog to avoid Facebook Nazis]
16.01.2022 SUE JAKOBI GETS OUT THERE: ELECT A NATIONALIST TO BALLARAT CITY COUNCIL Sue is campaigning for Ballarat Council in various ways appropriate to the social restrictions currently imposed. It's a postal ballot (which has some advantages with a full candidates' statements sent to all electors). That is set for October 24.... Sue is demanding that the Council focus on providing services for voters and citizens, not enmeshing itself with the international-student agendas of Federation University. She urges too that Council promote the real heritage of Ballarat and not the 'social-progressive' (sic) issues beloved of a minority. The campaign will observe also that the resumption of gold mining in Ballarat on a more commercial scale, courtesy of Yaoo Capital, is a project likely to serve only Chinese interests and not that of the workers of the city. Despite the plaintive cries of the CFMMEU and the Australian Workers' Union, ultimately the business may fall within the ranges allowed for Yaoo to import much of its own labour. Is Yaoo linked to the Chinese strategy of One Belt One Road to which Dan Andrews's government signed up? Will the new 'fast rail' to Melbourne just run to Port Melbourne where China will seize the governing interest? Anyone wishing to assist the campaign can write to [email protected]
16.01.2022 WHY VOTE FOR SUE JAKOBI FOR BALLARAT CITY COUNCIL? Sue Jakobi is not the establishment connected candidate so typical of this election. Sue represents the ordinary citizen of Ballarat - the worker, the tradie, the small operator, the pensioner and their families. Ballarat voters know that their local government doesn't speak for them. It can't when it's dominated by major party machines and their hanger-on 'official' independents. Sue Jakobi is a fighter who can be expected work tirelessly for the people's interest. She has no other interest than that of securing the future for people of Ballarat. As the campaign develops on the ground, we will update you. Volunteers are welcome!
16.01.2022 CHANGE IN BALLARAT - VOTE SUE JAKOBI As attached - Sue's leaflet for her campaign for Ballarat City Council (South Ward). You can print out for friends as you like.
16.01.2022 AUSTRALIA FIRST PUBLISHES ON JOHN CURTIN So far, three volumes of an anthology of the works of John Curtin, has appeared. This massive effort by Kevin McCauley serves to advance the ideological development of our movement. Here's the link to Curtin's Call, Volume One
15.01.2022 DAN ANDREWS MAKES VICTORIA A COLONIAL ECONOMY (Contributed) Some of us wonder why Victoria's economy ain't making it. It would appear it had long slipped into a new colonial type status - dependent upon others for sustenance.... We read: "The largest downturn is likely to be felt in Victoria given its current spike in cases, as well as that state's dependence on migration and on foreign students in an age of lockdowns and closed borders," Deloitte's Chris Richardson said in the report." Victoria's dependence was ultimately stamped when Dan Andrews signed us up for China's 'One Belt One Road' infrastructure-building. Yes, on the surface things get built. Below the surface,China takes charge of road, rail, ports, airports and so forth. Time for a real independence struggle!
15.01.2022 CAMPAIGN IN BALLARAT UNDER WAY Voters in South Ward in Ballarat City should start receiving the first leaflets in support of Susan Jakobi for city councilor. Susan continues to make contacts and speak with local people. Many are surprised at the amount of rate-payers' money being directed toward 'woke' community programs that serve decided minorities.... Susan advocates for the defence of the true heritage of the Ballarat district. She reports today from the site of "the first meeting on August 20 1854 that produced the ideas for the Eureka Stockade rebellion. This site is also of major significance in that it was here that gold was first found in the Ballarat region (the site was in Buninyong Borrough)". The plaque reads, 'After the discovery of gold at Buninyong in August 1851 the government announced that the diggers would be charged a large licence fee. The injustice of that decision sparked a public protest here at the diggings'. 'Buninyong Tonight for the first time since Australia rose from the bosum of the ocean, were men strong in their sense of right, lifting up a protest against an impending wrong, and protesting against the Government. (Melbourne Argus, 20 August 1851) This was the first of many protests leading to the Eureka Rebellion of 1854.' Today marks the 169th Anniversary of this meeting.
15.01.2022 DANIEL ANDREWS TO BECOME AUSTRALIAS FIRST COMMUNIST DICTATOR Daniel Andrews is set to become Australias first communist dictator after announcing his intention to extend Stage Four lockdown measures in Victoria from their September deadline for another 18 months. Doing so would grant him the same powers as his hero Emperor Xi Jinping (sic). Having always craved unlimited control of his Victorian subjects, Dictator Dan is using the crisis which his mismanagement exacerbate...Continue reading
15.01.2022 SUE JAKOBI FOR BALLARAT COUNCIL Sue Jakobi will contest Ballarat City Council South Ward in the election set for October 24. The programme will be announced shortly.... Ballarat is a historical Australian city now open to the challenges of rampant population growth. This campaign will be the first time Australia First has participated directly in Ballarat politics. In 2017, the party held a ceremony at the cemetery in commemoration of Eureka Stockade. Sue was an Australia First Party Federal candidate in 2019 for 'Lalor' when she obtained public funding for the party.
14.01.2022 FACEBOOK BANS ANTIFA AFTER BRUTAL ASSAULT VIDEO Facebook has issued a statement admitting that violent Leftists were freely using its networks to organise civic mayhem and serious assaults. The ban-hammer comes down after a nasty incident in Portland where an innocent truck driver was beaten unconscious by a BLM rioter who is now on the run. A video of his brutal assault was shared among hundreds and thousands of Antifa-type accounts. Facebooks Dangerous Individuals and Orga...Continue reading
14.01.2022 DELETED WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM VIDEO REVEALS SOCIALIST LIFE IN A GLOBALIST WORLD IN 2030 A video Tweeted by the World Economic Forum 2030 has been removed by its owners. One look and you’ll see why it is most alarming. The video belongs to the World Economic Forum 2030 at Davos. For those who aren’t familiar, Davos is a town in the Swiss Alps, wherein a conference centre that could well be a setting for a James Bond film, the world’s richest gather every year to decide what t...Continue reading
14.01.2022 REMEMBRANCE DAY 2020 Australian nationalists recall the sacrifice of Australians in war today. In particular, they remember the Great Patriotic War Against Japan as the quintessential struggle that needed to be fought and won - that our Nation might live.
12.01.2022 SOLID VOTE FOR SUE JAKOBI IN BALLARAT Sue Jakobi’s campaign for South Ward in Ballarat City Council has turned up another solid vote for Australia First nationalism. The electoral result sits at 1391 votes for 6.22%. Once again it proves the point: we don’t have voters, we have followers!... The nationalist objective was to establish a support base in the city which is soon to be targeted by the usual pattern of globalist developmentalism. We are pleased there are now many contacts gleaned from the people who wished Sue well at different points in her campaign. South Ward is one of three wards in the city. Sue’s campaign might be seen as a public opinion poll of people in Ballarat and fairly indicates that there are over 4100 nationalist minded people across the three wards. As we have said in other nationalist campaigns, it is not so much the percentage of people who might vote for a candidate it is the sheer number. This number might be ‘disturbing’ for the liberal-minded who dominate Ballarat’s politics. It means they are open to a new challenge. The scale of the vote makes Sue a credible commentator on the future of Ballarat.
12.01.2022 REAL WAR CRIMINALS ARE NOT OUR SOLDIERS The present possibility that Australian soldiers might face war crimes trials over alleged conduct in Afghanistan belies the real truth. It must be stated openly that Australia should never have sent any service personnel to the Middle East in wars imposed upon us by our so-called 'ally'.... In 2001, US forces invaded Afghanistan, ostensibly to hunt out Osama bin Laden. In 2003, a certain "coalition of the willing" invaded Iraq on a lie - that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. The agenda for these wars was oil, precious minerals, geo-strategic advantage and propping up Israel. Any notion of an Australian interest depends upon the position of speaker! Australia's Prime Minister, John Howard, led the Aussie branch of this propaganda circus. He committed our military into false action. All since have continued these wars with their waste of our troops and resources. Whether or not the odd soldier in Afghanistan disobeyed the laws of war should be put aside. Punish the politicians instead!
12.01.2022 ANDREWS MARXIST-ARMY CLASHES WITH ANTI-MASKERS Victorian police made a show of force at a Melbourne Freedom Day rally in which dozens of arrests were made and fines issued. Police clashed with around 1000 angry anti-lockdown protesters who ignored warnings not to gather in defiance of the governments strict Stage Four lockdown conditions. ... Media reports protesters chanting, taunting officers, and abusing media (good-ED) amid a disproportionate show of police force, including Public Order Response and Mounted Police. Riot police also mobilised because presumably, theyre as bored as everyone else from the Garden State. The urge to crack a few so-called COVIDIOT heads mustve been too powerful to resist. Protesters initially gathered at Melbournes Shrine of Remembrance, before moving on to Albert Park lake where the wall of police blocked them from making it to Parliament House. So, they sat down and used stubborn body language and taunts to telegraph their discontent at the Andrews Dictatorship. All the while, police wearing body armour and face shields, picked off protesters, arresting them and leading them away. At last reports, the protest had exceeded four hours, with a similar but lamer event held in Sydney which was attended by Aboriginal loudmouth Anthony Mundine. With a bit of luck, hes the only one wholl come down with the Sino Sniffles. The event organiser James Bartolo did a one-eighty-degree turn-around and warned his Facebook followers not to go through with the event. Bartolo, who the media has labelled a major player in the anti-coronavirus conspiracy movement, was arrested on Friday morning at his Taylors Hill home. Police broke down the 27-year-olds door and charged him with inciting an illegal protest. This came after the arrest of pregnant Ballarat woman Zoe Buhler, 28, was handcuffed in front of her children inside the family home and charged with something or other. Who cares, at a certain point its all just gossip, anyway. Bartolo, who was gagged by bail conditions, told his followers the rally was a trap something he figured out too late. So, too was posting about it on Facebook, the greatest honeytrap in modern history. It is a set from the get-go. Its all just terrible, dont go to that one, he said. What is going to happen, Dan Andrews will blame the protest for the lockdown extension. Dont go to the protest. Too wise, too late, old fruit. Thats exactly what he is doing, having thrown press conference #54678 in which he slammed protesters as selfish. No doubt, fudged figures will provide the medical evidence needed for Andrews to justify tightening his grip and extending the lockdown. To him, its been like Christmas, and what kid wouldnt want Xmas to last all year round? Feature continues @
11.01.2022 TURN OFF, TURN IN, AND DROP OUT OF SOCIAL MEDIA By Duncan Fair It would be a rare occasion on which I’d admit that Julia Baird had inspired me to write an article, but here it be....Continue reading
11.01.2022 LIFE IN VICTORIA'S DANDEMIC Living under stage three COVID-19 restrictions is boring, fortunately, it is the middle of winter and this year Melbourne is at its chilly best, so there is less incentive to be roaming about outside, but the grey southern metropolis has been rendered positively lifeless. Melburnians intent on doing a shopping run or getting some exercise are waddling about in the now ubiquitous blue paper facemasks and huge, puffy winter coats, which seem to be t...he fashion this year. Dogs are being walked to exhaustion just so their masters can get outdoors while vendors of overpriced hot beverages are doing a roaring trade as people sip milky coffee and wander about shuttered shopping precincts on their thrice daily constitutional. The populace hangs on every word of the noon government press conference, with its expanding cohort of infected citizens and the steadily climbing rate of deaths among the aged and infirm; this must have been what it was like during the great wars, picking up the paper every day to read the casualty reports. The premier, Daniel Andrews, normally a lively and enthusiastic sort of bloke, trundles out each lunchtime to break the bad news, his face ashen and his shoulders slumped. It even appears as though his normally poor posture has degenerated into a full-blown stoop since the revelation that the current wave of infection may be as a result of his governments incompetence. Mr Andrews and his band of corruption-stained suburban-political functionaries have let the side down when it comes to infection control, the most egregious mistake so far has been putting the hotel quarantine of returned travellers in the hands of private security firms. Unlike the other states, who opted for military and police supervision of the plague palaces, the Victorian authorities awarded the contracts to reputable private security firms who then promptly sub-contracted much of the work to cowboy outfits. [Continue reading by following the link]
09.01.2022 CHINA CALLS AUSTRALIANS WHITE TRASH BUT VERY FEW WHITES REMAIN TO TAKE OFFENCE The Global Times has attacked Australia over the Morrison governments inability to allow our foreign policy to be dictated by China. In a series of bellicose articles, the squawking Beijing mouthpiece has borrowed the infamous line of former Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, who in the 1990s made a jibe about Australia being destined to become the poor white trash of Asia.... No journalist from The Global Times has set foot in Australia recently, since the idea were still a White country is sadly outdated. That was one of the barbs in the never-ending salvos of invective fired at us as payback for not behaving more like the tributary state they have been patiently cultivating. This week, Beijing has continued imitating the Sopranos crew by suspending our Barley exports on the basis they are harmful weeds. This from a country which uses rat poison as its prime ingredient in baby formula. And after the cute-but-cantankerous South Park cut-outs from the regimes Bully Bureau banned imports from an abattoir in Queensland for something or other. Likewise, our wine industry is being probed, hopefully not anally, on other bogus grounds. None of this has anything to do with whatever they allege, and outside of the industry fatsos who never help Australians anyway, we couldnt care less. We all know the real reasons are the insistence by the Morrison government for independent doctors to investigate the China Plague which China is already treating as if it came from somewhere else. This coupled with new laws restricting foreign influence, and harmful foreign investment. They particularly take issue with the latter since all their investment IS harmful and they believe it rude of us to single them out.>> Continue reading @
09.01.2022 MELBOURNE COPS USE LOCKDOWN AS EXCUSE FOR THE OLD ULTRA-VIOLENCE. PREMIER DENIES TOXIC CULTURE Its not easy being a cop in Victoria. Beating on all those grandmothers, young women, pensioners and mentally-ill citizens take it out of you. Its like that old song by The Who, No one knows what its like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes. In this case, its behind blue uniforms (or black really)....Continue reading
08.01.2022 JUST NOT PART OF 'THE FAR RIGHT' ..... (Contributed) Professor Rob (aka Slackbastard) has written a 'smart' item for the Trotskyite controlled Overland magazine. ... Rob bangs on about the marginalisation of the Far Right and names all the usual actors, from the anti Islamist leftovers of Reclaim Australia, through to the neo-nazis. The strawman champion of anarchism 'fights' the Right which basically doesn't exist. We are pleased that he failed to mention the members of the Australian Council of Nationalists (to which Australia First Party is affiliated). Whatever the motive in this - we are more than pleased. Australian nationalism is neither Left nor Right and the 'Far Right' of Rob't imaginings is welcome to its own company!
08.01.2022 GOING WOKE SENT US BROKE: HOW THE GOVT USED UNSKILLED MIGRANTS TO SPREAD KUNG FLU AND RUIN US The latest revelations of bureaucratic and policy failure in Victorias COVID quarantine fiasco may shock the recently unemployed workers of the garden state, however, we suspected that something fishy was going on at the departmental level. An internal email from the Department of Jobs has been leaked to Nine Media which reports that the public servants tasked with procuring securit...y services for the hotel quarantine programme in Victoria were operating under social inclusion policies. What this means is that instead of sourcing competent local guards from reputable operators the contract was given to a Sydney-based firm who sub-contracted out the recruitment drive to smaller outfits on the understanding that all the candidates would be drawn from marginalised groups. The reasons the government gave for choosing New South Wales-based Unified Security were the fact that is an Aboriginal owned company and that it had a track record of training marginalised jobseekers under contracts with The Brotherhood of St Laurence and Metro Trains. Let that sink in for a second, the perimeter security of the single most important public health and safety program in modern Victorias history was supposed to be handed off to otherwise unemployable people who qualify for the support of a religious charity. Not to disrespect those long-term unemployed Aussies who are forced into the pointless and soul-crushing job network system, but charities most often cater to charity cases, people who have no prospect of ever securing a job on their merit and rely on other people to hand them paid work on a plate. [Continue reading by clicking the link to New Australian Bulletin]
08.01.2022 MEDIA RELEASE - VOTE 1 SUSAN JAKOBI FOR THE PROSPERITY, HERITAGE AND CULTURAL IDENTITY OF BALLARAT. The following programme will be released as a leaflet in South Ward letter-boxes very soon:...Continue reading
07.01.2022 THE PHIL GALEA CASE: WHO WERE THE REAL PLOTTERS? Phil Galea may well have been an odd fellow who fantasised about attacking "Muslims" and "lefties" as the mass media duly reports, but was his plotting ever serious and did it ever have any substance? But even worse: even if we allow that Galea had some 'idea' in mind, he had "mates" who he says gave him up. Were they involved? And more damning, might they have been the real criminals?... We reasonably understand Phil Galea was associated with certain so-called 'patriot' groups in Melbourne from 2014. We are aware of certain persons in those groups who had state connections. It is more than likely that the hapless Galea was led along by those who were entrapping him. One particular 'patriot' is accused by many of being an informant - and a provocateur. Galea was very close to him. In the shadowy world of (pseudo) terrorism and counter terrorism, we must be alert for false flags and show trails. It is noted that Galea had been defended by a leading senior counsel who never doubted his essential innocence and the likelihood of other actors. Galea should be released and sent home with as much sympathy as we can all muster while the real gameplayers follow Lawyer X to a period of imprisonment.
07.01.2022 NO BLACK LIVES MATTER IN PUTINS RUSSIA Joe Biden is tipped to be the next president of the United States. He may as well be since America deserves him. He might just provide the final straw to send the country reeling into civil war so that the Whites can segregate. And we know that Biden, who is being kept alive by amyl poppers just long enough to move into Office and die, is merely the vehicle with which to give the US its first woman of colour President....Continue reading
07.01.2022 WAR WITH CHINA HAS ALREADY BEGUN War with China has already begun just in case you hadnt noticed. Maybe no hospital ships are bringing back our dead and wounded, no air-raid sirens intermittently blaring up at Darwin, no missiles hitting critical infrastructure on our shores, but it is war just the same. Cyberwarfare is in a full-tilt against the Australian government, universities, and businesses, as was revealed back in June. Prime Minister Scott Morrison didnt name Chin...a as the culprit of this sustained cyber-attack against our country but every China expert not on life support did so. Then there are the much-threatened economic reprisals and the bellicose rhetoric that has accompanied Australias firm stance on China over the spread of COVID-19. The head of ASIO, Mike Burgess, has said that Australia is currently experiencing its highest rate of infiltration by foreign intelligence officers and their proxies than at any time during the cold war. Indeed, Chinese agents are turning up everywhere, such as the China-woman journalist with Xinhua News who crashed a press conference at the PMs courtyard and got into a Manson-style psych-out staring contest with an SBS cameraman. This woman was an instance of how hysterical China is becoming in its ties with Australia, and how truculent it behaves when total subservience isnt forthcoming. She had gone to glare at the PM, and signal Chinas displeasure, even though she was without appropriate media accreditation. Eventually, she turned tail and scurried away when security services approached her over her erratic behaviour. Yet, her invasiveness and sense of entitlement epitomise the ownership Beijing feels it holds over us. And we mustnt forget about those taxpayer-paid turncoats among us, like anti-White Lebanese Labor bigot Shaoquett Moselmane. (Continue on website link)
07.01.2022 BLM LINK TO MELBOURNES KUNG FLU TOWERS Victorian health authorities have traced a link between two attendees of last months Black Lives Matter rally in Melbourne CBD, to the cluster of 242 new cases of COVID-19 in public housing towers. This dramatic finding has the Department of Health and Human Services quibbling over irrelevancies, and are refusing to say whether any of those involved lives in the towers. The Department isnt keen to blame the two unclean anarchists, or ...radical Africans, who caught the Kung Flu and spread it around the housing blocks in the citys inner northwest. They would prefer a better sort of theory, one that suggests it landed in the towers on the back of a carrier pigeon. To assume otherwise would mean that the government was culpable for not preventing the rally from going ahead. Heaven knows, while Victorian businesses were forcibly closed, and everyone else was being threatened with a ray gun if they dared venture outside without a 24-carat genuine excuse, it was only fair that a noisy horde of parasitic radicals got to show their solidarity with a dead black felon from half the world away. It was the optics, see, it showed that the government believes that Black Lives Matter. [Please follow the link for the full skinny]
06.01.2022 ASIO / MEDIA CAMPAIGN ABOUT 'FAR RIGHT' MILITANTS IS BASICALLY A FRAUD Federal Parliament has heard and promoted the claims of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) that between 30 and 40 per cent of its work is devoted to investigating 'Far Right' activists. Australia First Party states that the investigation is falsely based. It has been posited by the nationalists that agents and compliant persons have operated the 'Far Right' as a honey pot to identify ...some dissident youths. That does not mean there may not be 'genuine' (sic) players either, whether potentially violent or otherwise, but it does imply the phenomenon is not as it is portrayed. It is dangerously overstated. The definition of 'Far Right' has been an issue with all sorts of 'thought' bundled together for investigation while players themselves have blurred all sorts of ideological lines. It is said by the nationalists that that has also been done deliberately - by agents. The aim has been to create a confused and confusing hive of misaligned thought. One disturbing aspect of ASIO's argument has been an emphasis on 'neo-nazis'. It has long been the case that neo-nazism in Australia has had links to the security agencies themselves. This fact has been ignored and is not taken up by any commentators. Nonetheless, one thing is certain: any young people going online and having 'extremist' chatter (much of which can in fact just be harmless) need to get themselves off any chat-rooms or twitter threads or any other social-media platform. Any who have been lured into shadowy circles need to disassociate at once. Australia First Party maintains that the 'Far Right' is no real threat to anyone, let alone the established globalist order. The real threat to the public may lie in zealous security agencies who may just 'create' violence to justify a different agenda. That means conspiracy trials, show trials - which create an even more rigid security state.
04.01.2022 NEW AUSTRALIA FIRST PARTY WEBSITE The party has a new special information website: This site will contain major documents, special campaign info and membership information... Our other main website at .net will continue and be developed as our news site.
04.01.2022 JOIN AUSTRALIA FIRST The party is on a national membership drive. Is it time you joined the party?
04.01.2022 EUREKA STOCKADE MEMORIALS MAY BE TARGETED FOR VANDALISM A real and substantial danger exists that the Old Cemetery memorial to the Eureka Stockade and the Eureka Stockade Memorial Gardens may be vandalised by so-called anti racists and anti fascists. A wave of statue vandalism organized by extreme left Trotskyite and anarchist elements has swept over the country. It is likely to intensify with travelling gangs and local elements combining to strike at night. Targets in Vi...ctoria may include also the grave of William Guthrie Spence and the Ned Kelly site, and in Western Australia, the grave of John Curtin. In the new madness, all are racists and symbols of a past to be denied. Dr. Jim Saleam, president of Australia First Party, said today: This is all a decided 'culture wars' attack upon Australias European identity. From a nationalist perspective, the use of an Aboriginal cover for this attack, is cunning indeed. I believe it benefits only those globalist forces which seek the obliteration of Australia's past that it may sink more easily into the globalist economic order. I am appalled that the so-called unions in Ballarat which pretend they like the heritage of Eureka are actually in bed with these Trotskyites and anarchists on issues like racism (sic). When it becomes a case of anti racism uber alles, they will cave at once. We will be hard pressed if Unions Ballarat would support surveillance of all sites. Dr. Jim Saleam concluded: Australia First Party reasons that communities must form monitor-groups to protect Australia's heritage such that it really is 'kept in stone'. Such groups may arise out of neighbourhood-watch networks, historical and heritage associations, veterans organisations and other community groups, which together would represent a grass roots initiative across geographic areas and political cleavages. The culture-busters can be defeated! In other localities throughout Australia our party will participate in any such local groups. The protection of our statues and memorials requires popular initiative. People in Ballarat bear an enormous responsibility far outside of regular policing to ensure the sanctity of their local history. They can rely upon no one. Contact: Jim Saleam : 0407 732 868 and 02 9559 2070 Below pictured, Australian Nationalists commemorating Eureka Day December 3rd, 2017.
04.01.2022 ANTI-LOCKDOWN PROTESTERS FACE-OFF WITH POLICE BUT NOT WITH REALITY Melburnians have taken their anger to Dictator Dan Andrews for a second day by defying his quasi-military lockdown. Today, it was reported that hundreds of freedom protesters hit the streets bound for an anti-lockdown rally at Victoria Markets. Tensions rose at around 11.45 am as protesters faced-off with Dans Blue Army (They wear black really) on Peel Street before making their way to the markets where a h...Continue reading
03.01.2022 VICTORIA'S HERITAGE ATTACKED EVERYWHERE. (Contributed) If it's not statues, it's lolly brands like Redskins and Chicos. If it's not movies, it's the school curriculum. But the mass of 'woke' liberals and Victoria's Trotskyites and anarchists are now on a roll by leaching onto 'Black Lives matter' and are raising the ante every day. Victoria's heritage is under real challenge.... Of course, the denigration of Australian Identity can really only serve Chinese imperialism which is also on the march under Premier Dan. Not that this really concerns liberals and the far-Left. So, it seems that all patriotic Victorians should maintain and defend our legitimate heritage. One great symbol of our heritage (which we do share with New South Wales) is the Murray River Flag. It's a proud old flag from the colonial past (oops, we can't say 'colonial' any more either!) which flew along the Murray towns and on the paddle-wheelers. It might be apposite today too, given the environmental damage the rampant free market system has done to the Murray. There are three versions of the Flag, including one for South Australia. The Murray River Flag is a branch flag for Australia First Party. We note too that the Southern Cross star design is to the Eureka Flag design.
02.01.2022 RE-REGISTRATION TIME IS HERE AGAIN! Australia First Party will be tested by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) for its eligibility to remain a Federally-registered party. That test will be applied in September via the AECs usual process. The maintenance of the party registration has been stressed to members in recent communications. The status of the party as a regularized structure, registered by the AEC, has clear benefits for our nationalist cause. This goes well ...beyond the pedestrian electoral benefits our party name and logo on a ballot paper, tax-deductible status, certain telecommunication information rights, and even access to the electoral roll. Rather, it confers on our nationalist activism a particular legality at a time when globalism is restricting the rights of Australians to freely organize against it. Meantime, a registered party has rights in respect of meeting venues and public events, public communication and the maintenance of a public presence. Lately, nationalist-minded organisations have bonded together in a new Australian Council of Nationalists, which involves two registered parties ourselves and Love Australia Or Leave. The registered parties offer a strong centrifugal force for all forms of nationalist organisation in the community. Australia First members have participated in a variety of electoral, community and cultural efforts both in a physical struggle and in the fight of ideas. This will continue. The re-registration of the party in 2020 will be a signal that our members wish to intensify their efforts to develop our party into a nationally organized movement with an impact in Australian politics. So, please, if youre unsure about your registration status, get in touch with us (the number is available on this site) and make sure! Moreover, please enlist as many friends and family members as you can! Australia needs every Australia First Party member it can get!
02.01.2022 MORRISON GROVELS TO HIS NEW COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF The result of the media and big tech-led US Election hasn’t been officially declared yet but already Scott Morrison is crawling like a snake on his belly to a senile end-of-times President. But more so, he is genuflecting at the altar of the future black supremacist president Kamala Harris. ScoMo Tweeted about this cathartic act of national debasement, ignoring the fact that his conservative ally got a once-in-a-century shafting ...Continue reading
01.01.2022 ANGRY DAIRY FARMERS FLY THE EUREKA Victorian dairy farmers angered by water costs are flying the Eureka Flag in opposition to what they believe is an unaccountable and destructive policy governing the flow of wet stuff to their properties. The ABC, which hates farmers, is reporting about the spreading campaign of rebellion against a system that is driving Aussie farmers off the land. The message is simple and is encapsulated in the rebel symbolism of Australias Nationalist ...Continue reading
01.01.2022 MULTIRACIALISM IS THE REAL KILLER VIRUS By Duncan Fair It has been a few weeks since I have posted a report from the Victorian quarantine zone, this is mainly since, apart from a few sporadic outbreaks of discontent, not a lot has been happening in Melbourne.... I have been fortunate enough to secure an essential worker permit for a menial job, which pays little more than Jobkeeper, wears me out and takes up all my time during the week, so arriving home at night Im slumping in front of the TV and hitting the sack early, rather than pondering the state of play in the republic of Danistan. This must please Andrews greatly since a tired Victorian is less likely to be challenging his lockdown and despotic rule. This week, however, there was cause for optimism as the caseload of COVID infected has fallen sharply and was bobbing just below the governments threshold for a partial re-opening of society on the 28th of September. As most of my co-workers are in the same boat as me, having taken whatever casual work is available due to their normal occupations being closed down for the duration, the tone of conversation on the production line was hopeful. Then came Friday afternoon and the revelation that another serious outbreak of the virus had occurred in the district of Casey in Melbournes outer eastern suburbs. The City of Casey runs in a narrow strip from Dandenong in the north down to Port Phillip Bay, encompassing the suburbs on Cranbourne, Narre Warren and Clyde. I was driving home from work with the radio on when I heard the news that over 30 people from several families in Casey had been diagnosed with COVID-19 and that community leaders had been called in to assist the authorities. I knew something hinky was going on; the only peoples who have these community leaders in Melbourne are the various bands of Muslims and Africans. The leaders are usually selected by the police to help mediate the incessant communal violence found in these ethnic groups. Continue article by clicking link to New Australian Bulletin
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