Australian Croatian Community Services in Footscray, Victoria, Australia | Community group
Australian Croatian Community Services
Locality: Footscray, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 1800 953 963
Address: 1/51 Hopkins Street 3011 Footscray, VIC, Australia
Likes: 1697
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25.01.2022 Utjecaj koronavirusa je teak i moe utjecati na nae mentalno zdravlje. Dakle, moramo paziti na sebe i biti COVIDSafe. Saznajte vie na
24.01.2022 Home Care Packages is a government funded program that provides long-term support for older people who want to stay living at home. We are here to help! To find out more about our Home Care Packages please contact our Intake Officer on 0421 566 041 or email [email protected] to discuss your situation and register with My Aged Care.
23.01.2022 Demencija pogaa blizu pola milijuna Australaca. Taj e se broj udvostruiti u sljedeih 25 godina. Ovog tjedna je Dementia Action Week 2020, potraite savjete i alate koji e vam pomoi da bolje podrite ljude koji ive s demencijom.
23.01.2022 ACCS After Lockdown Picnic! Finally, after more then 6 months of lockdown, our social support groups met again and held a picnic to celebrate the reunion and the Christmas holidays. Everyone enjoyed spending time in the Christmas atmosphere, good company and a fresh picnic-style boxed meal. .... Napokon, nakon 6 mjeseci, naše grupe za socijalnu podršku ponovno su se okupile i održale piknik kako bi proslavile ponovno okupljanje i božine blagdane. Svi su uživali provodei vrijeme u božinom ozraju, dobrom društvu i svježem obroku.
23.01.2022 Od danas, 9. studenog, smanjena su brojna ogranienja za COVID-19. KLJUNE PROMJENE ukljuuju: - UKLONJENO je ogranienje putovanja od vašeg doma na 25 km! - UKLONJEN je elini prsten izmeu metroa i regionalne Viktorije!... - Poveavaju se ogranienja za ugostiteljske objekte - 40 u zatvorenom i 70 na otvorenom. - Teretane i zatvoreni sportski objekti mogu se otvoriti do 20 ljudi. - Sportovi u zatvorenom za mlae od 18 godina mogu se ponovno pokrenuti (s ogranienjima). - Vjerske ceremonije i sprovodi poveavaju se na 20 ljudi u zatvorenom i na 50 na otvorenom (bez promjena na vjenanjima). Za sve detalje o promjeni ogranienja posjetite (Photo by 7News)
22.01.2022 Marketing volunteer needed! We are seeking a passionate individual to help us create a better outcome for our consumers. If this sounds like you, please contact Katarina on [email protected].
22.01.2022 Promjena ogranienja: Metroplitan Melbourne prelazi na Prvi korak - ukljuujui vie drutvene interakcije. Regionalna Victoria prelazi na drugi korak - ukljuujui proirenu socijalnu interakciju, fazni povratak neke radne snage i obrazovanje. Ovdje je mapa sa svim informacijama koje su vam potrebne za kretanje: Hvala Victoria, uvaj se i pazi na sebe.
22.01.2022 INFORMATIVNO I ZABAVNO Upravo tako je bilo protekla dva dana u našim grupama društvene potpore. Juer se tako grupi Dandenong prikljuila Gospoa Zlata Bukarica iz Centra za migrante i izbjeglice iz Dandenonga koja je predstavila program i aktivnosti ovog centra a danas je lanove grupa Hume i Whittlesea svojom pjesmom i gitarom iz stana u Zagrebu oraspoložio Siniša Žunec. Poveo ih je svojim glasom i sviranjem iz Zagreba, preko ravne Slavonije do prelijepe Dalmacije, zaustavi...o kratko u Bosni i Hercegovini pa zaljuljao po zagorskim bregima i vratio nazad u Zagreb. Svijet je zbilja postao malen’ kada su u pitanju komunikacije i tehnologija koji ne mogu zamijeniti direktan kontakt ali imaju neke prednosti i otvaraju nove mogunosti. Hvala Siniša i sretan put do Zadra i Preka. INFORMATIVE AND FUN This is exactly how it has been for the past two days in our social support groups. We welcomed yesterday to our Dandenong group Ms Zlata Bukarica, from the Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre (SMRC) Dandenong who presented the centre program and activities, while today members of our SSG Hume and Whittlesea had the opportunity to sing along with Sinisa Zunec.
21.01.2022 DAY 10: KEEP GOING! Reflect back on the past 10 days and think about making a change. Should calling a friends become a weekly occurrence? Did going for a walk make you feel active and happy? The 10 days challenge may be over, but you can make your favorite activities a regular, lifelong thing. Just keep going!!
21.01.2022 If you want to stay in your own home but need assistance to continue living independently, you can get support from the Government. If you need assistance at home, ACCS will help you through the process of application and assessment. Please contact our Intake Officer on 0421 566 041 or email [email protected] to discuss your situation and register with My Aged Care. . Ako elite ostati u svom domu, a trebate pomo za nastavak neovisnog ...ivota, moete dobiti podrku vlade. Ako vam je potrebna pomo kod kue, ACCS e vam pomoi kroz postupak prijave i procjene. Molimo kontaktirajte nas na 0421 566 041 ili e-potom na [email protected] kako biste razgovarali o svojoj situaciji i registrirali se na My Aged Care.
21.01.2022 Ermina Cicak has been working at ACCS for an amazing 8 years! We asked Ermina why she loves her job: "I love making a difference in other peoples lives. I know what I do helps them to stay living independently in their own homes". Ever thought about working in home care? Were always looking for committed, passionate and caring people. Contact us on 1800 953 963
21.01.2022 CROATIAN LANGUAGE IN 2021 Are you interested in learning a language and haven’t considered learning Croatian until now, we hope you come join us. It is a great language to learn and our native teachers provide an enjoyable learning experience. All classes are in the evenings, from 7.009.00 pm $450.00 Course Fee, $420.00 concession (multiple family enrolments) and returning students! We offer various level courses, subject to number of enrolments for each. Visit our w...ebsite page for more information (check our 2021 Calendar Course Guide, Payment Guide and Refund Policy). Enrol online or email a pdf form you can download from the website to [email protected] Make a payment via PayPal or net banking options available no cash payment accepted We will get in touch with all the details. Embark on your learning adventure! That easy! For more information email: [email protected] or contact 0401 261 868. See more
20.01.2022 DAY 9: DONATE TO CHARITY Donating to charity is a major mood-booster. The knowledge that youre helping others is hugely empowering and, in turn, can make you feel happier and more fulfilled. If you are not in a position to contribute financially to charity, but are looking for other ways to give back, consider volunteering your time instead.
20.01.2022 Last week our social support groups West held another interesting information session this time about gambling addiction and how importan is to talk about it with others. If you're concerned that someone close to you is struggling with #gambling, call free and confidential Gambler’s Help services are available 24/7 on 1800 858 858.
20.01.2022 Continue to meet our Care Angel every week and this time meet Ana Jelicic. Ana started working with us 5 years ago: "Making clients feel happy and important, to see a smile on their face, is gold,"she says. Thank you Ana, for this act of care you giving to our community! Have you ever considered working in home care? We are always looking for dedicated, passionate and caring people. Contact us at 1800 953 963 #WeAreACCS #lovecarer
18.01.2022 Over the last six months we’ve seen so much of our daily lives move online and Zoom has become a platform for our weekly social support gattering in order to keep our clients connected, engaged, and involved in their communities. Here is a throwback of our social support mettings
18.01.2022 SUPPORTING OLDER PEOPLE AND THEIR CARERS Australian Croatian Community Services can support you to find the right options to help you stay at home. We will sit down with you and your family to discuss what are your options, your goals, and your interests.
17.01.2022 Continue to Meet Our Care Angel and meet Milojka Atanasova. Milojka started working with us an incredible 17 years ago!! She says "I’ve always loved doing what I do. Just the joy you can put on someone’s face, just by being yoursel." Thank you Milojka, your act of kindness and service shows how big of a heart you have for others. Ever thought about working in home care? We’re always looking for committed, passionate and caring people. Contact us on 1800 953 963
17.01.2022 CROATIAN LANGUAGE CLASSES Learn Croatian with us, from the comfort of your home. Hurry up!!! Classes starting next Monday 7 September 2020. Visit our website page for more information or contact us on 0401 261 868.
17.01.2022 DAY 8: DO SOMETHING CREATIVE Let's be creative today! Research has shown that hand activity from knitting to woodworking to growing vegetables or chopping them are useful for decreasing stress, relieving anxiety, and modifying depression. Show us your art, craft or project that made you happy!
17.01.2022 In these unprecedented times, the safety and wellbeing of our clients, staff and care workers remains our absolute priority. We want to reassure you that at ACCS we have everything in place to continue your journey responsibly, safely and with care. . U ovim neizvjesnim vremenima sigurnost i dobrobit naih klijenata, osoblja i skrbnika ostaje na apsolutni prioritet.... elimo vas uvjeriti da u ACCS-u imamo sve na mjestu za nastavak vaeg puta s nama odgovorno, sigurno i s panjom.
17.01.2022 DAY 7: BAKE OR COOK SOMETHING NEW Today is about breaking up the routine so lets bake or cook something new and different. Eating or drinking something new and out of your routine is the point today and theres the benefit of maybe finding something you totally love! What new recipe are you going to experience today? Tell us!
16.01.2022 Continue to Meet Our Care Angel and say hello to Mirjana Brekalo. We asked Mirjana why she loves her job: "I love working with elderly people to help them live in their home independently, seeing them smiling, listening to their stories and helping them with domestic duties". Thank you Mirjana, the work you do is invaluable to our community! ACCS is in a great need of more Croatian speaking staff, as our community members get older they need our care and support. Call us on 1800 953 963
16.01.2022 On Thursday, 26 November 2020, ACCS held its Annual General Meeting via Zoom at which the 2019-2020 Annual Report was presented. Jenny Matic, Chair made mention that despite the challenges we faced, the resilience and teamwork of staff had enabled ACCS to grow and continue to support our clients and carers. Congratulations everyone for another successful year of serving our clients with the highest commitment to quality of care, innovation, and service excellence! #annualreports, #communitycare #ACCSleadership
15.01.2022 SOCIAL BUBBLES AND VISITORS TO YOUR HOME If you live alone you can form a social bubble with one other person. If you are a single parent/guardian, with children under the age of 18 or caring for a person with a disability or illness over the age of 18, you can form a social bubble with one other person: - The person you form a social bubble with can visit you at your home - You can visit the person you form a bubble with at their home. If they live with someone else then you... can only visit them at their home when they are home alone. - If the person you form a bubble with has children or dependents then they can bring their children or dependents with them when they visit you, and you can bring your children or dependants (if any) with you when you visit them. - You can only form a bubble with someone who lives in metropolitan Melbourne. You can travel more than 5km from your home to visit the person you form a bubble with. The person you form a bubble with needs to be the same person throughout the first and second steps. The person you form a bubble with cant form a bubble with someone else. . Ako ivite sami, ili ste samohrani roditelj a sva djeca koja ive s vama su ispod dobi od 18 godina, moete izabrati jednu drugu osobu koja smije posjetiti va dom. To mora biti ista osoba svaki put. Vi smijete takoer posjetiti njihov dom, dokle god je rije o samo jednoj punoljetnoj osobi koja je u to vrijeme tamo prisutna . See more
15.01.2022 Meet Rada Barisic SSG Coordinator in the South East Region. Rada commenced with us in September and is excited to meet you through our virtual social support groups and eventually face-face once we reach the COVID normal step of the road map. Rada comes with extensive experience in Aged Care as worked as a nurse in both Aged Care & Rehabilitation. She is very passionate about assisting elderly people to maintain their quality of life especially around their social and independence aspects. As part of her career, Rada is also a qualified interpreter for our Croatian community and over the last year has had the experience to work as an interpreter through VITS (Victorian Interpreting &Translating Services). Welcome Rada!!
14.01.2022 Ovaj tjedan je Tjedan Astme! Proljee je sezona u kojoj se vrijeme zagrijava, cvijee poinje cvjetati i u zraku je openito osjeaj novog poetka. Ipak, svi znamo da je 2020. godina bila i nastavlja biti velika godina za ljude s astmom. Asthma Australia stvorila je Take a Breather popis koji moete preuzeti da vam bude pri ruci!... See more
14.01.2022 Keeping your mind and body sharp is important throughout our entire lives, but it becomes even more important as you age. Activities like painting or drawing are some of the best ways to feel more relaxed without negative thinking. At ACCS we understand the importance of mental wellbeing during isolation and we always try to find a way to help our clients to stay physically active and socially engaged.... Visit to read more about our social support groups.
14.01.2022 Meet Melinda Bosanac, our carer for this week. Melinda demonstrates high levels of professionalism and understanding. She takes challenges on and provides outs...tanding care. Her dedication to the comunity she cares for doesn't go unrecognised. Thank you Melinda for always showing so much kindness! Are you looking to change you career? Are you a kind and caring person, who has a passion for helping others? Call us on 1800 953 963 See more
13.01.2022 This week meet Slava Skupnjak, she has been working at Australian Croatian Community Services for 5 years! We asked Slava why she loves her job: "I love working as a care worker because it gives me the opportunity to change the lives of our clients, no matter how small they may be." Thank you so much Slava to do some of the most important work in our community. Are you currently looking for a job as a care worker? Contact us on 1800 953 963. #WeAreACCS
12.01.2022 This year, #Movember looks at mental health through a male lens, focusing on prevention, early intervention and health promotion - working towards a world where men take action to be mentally well, and are supported by those around them. . Ove godine #Movember na mentalno zdravlje gleda kroz oi muškarca, usredotoujui se na prevenciju, ranu intervenciju i promicanje zdravlja - u kojem muškarci poduzimaju mjere kako bi mentalno bili zdravi, a podržavaju ih oni oko njih.
12.01.2022 MEET OUR NEW ROSTERING OFFICER We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new Rostering and Admin Officer in South East Adriana Dorinko. Adriana's Croatian background is from Dalmacija, enjoys listening and singing to Croatian music. Croatian heritage is very important to Adriana and Folklore has been one of her passions since the age of 5 years. Most people would know Adriana from F.A Hrvatska Zora, she been in the committee for over 15 years and it is her fifth year as... the President of the club. I am so grateful for this opportunity to work with ACCS, they do an amazing job in our community. I look forward to many years ahead" Welcome to ACCS team!! See more
12.01.2022 Proitajte naš najnoviji božini "Skrbnik", tradicionalno informativani asopis putem kojeg vas želimo obavijestiti o našem radu na hrvatskom jeziku. Nadamo se da ete uživati u itanju! . Read our latest Christmas "Skrbnik", traditionally informative magazine, through which we want to inform you about our work, in the Croatian language. We hope you enjoy reading.
12.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there who are being celebrated today with gifts and affection for their love, support and being just generally great. #HappyFathersDay
12.01.2022 Mnogo toga treba uiniti kako bismo promijenili nain na koji razmišljamo o starijim ljudima i odnosimo se prema njima. Hvala svim starijim ljudima na ulozi koju igrate - jako vas cijenimo!
11.01.2022 Today is #AgeismAwarenessDay & we're highlighting how ageism can impact older people and to raise awareness and challenge the stereotypes - and particularly around the prejudice older people face. . Danas je #AgeismAwarenessDay i istiemo kako starenje može utjecati na starije ljude te podii svijest oko predrasuda s kojima se stariji ljudi suoavaju. #everydayageism #EndAgeism #EveryAGECounts
11.01.2022 The theme for this year's Dementia Action Week is 'Dementia. A little support makes a lot of difference. The aim of the campaign is to showcase how a little bit of support can assist a person with dementia in living a full, happy and active life.
11.01.2022 Buckley Ward voters!! Please consider Vote 1 Miro Ljubicic for Buckley Ward Moonee Valley Council. If you want someone to represent you and your community, Miro is wonderfull candidate. He is hard working, flexible and reliable person who loves work with the community in establishing refreshing innovative ideas for the future. As our Board Member and IT Support, ACCS is proud of all the years working with him. Vote 1 Miro Ljubicic for Buckley Ward Moonee Valley Council.
10.01.2022 Home Care Packages HCP (Paketi za kunu njegu) Bez obzira na razinu vašeg paketa za kunu njegu (HCP), vlada e vašem odobrenom pružatelju usluga platiti subvenciju za pokrivanje troškova vaše skrbi. Naravno, to može ovisiti o vašem trenutnom prihodu i imovini, koji e se izraunati kada provedete procjenu s timom / službom za procjenu njege (ACAT / S).... Ako nemate pravo na uslugu skrbi za starije osobe koju financira država, usluge privatne kune njege mogu vam biti sljedea najbolja opcija. Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja o ovim informacijama i želite saznati vise o HCP molimo kontaktirajte našeg službenika za prijem na 0421 566 041 ili e-poštom [email protected].
10.01.2022 There is nothing more uplifting than hearing positive feedback from someone who has entrusted us to care for them. Please take a moment and read. Thanks to Tereza i Tomo Zelic and everyone else who’s reached out recently with kind words. #thankyou #positiveACCSstories
10.01.2022 ACCS provides a wide range of aged care home services. A tailored Home Care Package will give you the services you need to enjoy living in your home and your community. To learn more visit or call us on 1800 953 963.
10.01.2022 WE ARE ACCS! Brigita Basic started working with Australian Croatian Community Services (ACCS) an amazing 10 years ago. Brigita says "I am lucky to have found a job that I enjoy. By being able to help someone, the rewards are incalculable". Thank you Brigita, the work you do is invaluable to our community! ... If you like being with people, caring for them and becoming an essential part of their life, then being a care worker is an amazing career to get into. Call us if you want to be part of our dedicated team 1800 953 963
09.01.2022 #WomensHealthWeek 7- 11 September 2020 Womens Health Week will be a great reminder to take time out to check in on your health and to keep making positive changes that can last a lifetime. We at ACCS encourage all women and girls to put their health first and take proactive steps to being healthy in mind and body... #healthylifestyle See more
09.01.2022 Today is R U OK Day! This year has been a challenging year for everyone, and it's OK to not feel your best. Today is a reminder that we should check in with those around us. The R U OK website has good tips on how to chat with someone whose not feeling the best; . Danas je R U OK Dan! Ova je godina bila izazovna za sve i u redu je to se ne osjeate najbolje. Danas je podsjetnik da trebamo razgovarati s nekim. Web stranica R U OK ima dobre savjete o tome kako razgovarati s nekim kome se ne osjea najbolje:
09.01.2022 Fiziko distanciranje i izoliranje sebe od drugih u dobi COVID-19 stvara nove i jedinstvene izazove, osobito za starije osobe. Razumljivo je da izoliranje moe uzrokovati dosadu, frustraciju, pa ak i strah ili tjeskobu. Sreom, postoje neke strategije pomou kojih moete ostati dobro i osjeati se pozitivno. Saznajte vie
09.01.2022 Da li ste znali? Postoji nova telefonska linija za podrku starijim osobama i njihovim obiteljima, prijateljima i njegovateljima. Nova linija za podrku starijih osoba COVID-19 prua informacije, podrku i vezu. Za vie informacija posjetite: -19 / koronavirusa-covid-19-savjeti-za-starije-osobe
09.01.2022 This #RemembranceDay we thank to all our Heroes, who fought for our freedom and the sacrifices they made. We are forever in their debt. #WeWillRememberThem #remembranceday
08.01.2022 2 Dio - Malo atmosfere sa zooma FEŠTA u ACCS grupama društvene potpore gost Nenad VETMA Dašak Splita i Dalmacije - kad ne može uživo, može virtualno Part 2 - video from our zoom meeting... Festivities in ACCS social support groups guest Nenad Vetma The impression of Split and Dalmatia when it is not possible to be live, it can be virtually live See more
08.01.2022 Svaki itelj Victorije u dobi od 12 godina i vie mora nositi zatitnu masku pri naputanju doma, osim ako ju iz pravnih razloga ne mora nositi. Ako vas to zabrinjava, pozovite deurnu telefonsku slubu za coronavirus 1800 675 398 (24 sata). Ako trebate tumaa, pozovite TIS National na 131 450.
07.01.2022 DAY 6: READ A BOOK Snuggling up with a good book can transport you to the magic of other worlds away from immediate worries, reducing stress. Get lost in a good book or read a classic before you see the movie. What are your favourite kinds of books?
06.01.2022 Ljudima u 88 predgraa Melbournea reeno je da kuhaju vodu nakon olujnih oteenja infrastrukture jer voda nije pravilno tretirana.
06.01.2022 Ako ostanete hladni i hidratizirani, najbolji su naini za spreavanje bolesti povezanih s vruinom. Ako se ne osjeate dobro, obratite se svom lijeniku ili otiite do najbliže bolnike hitne službe. Takoer možete nazvati healthdirect na 1800 022 222 i razgovarati s registriranom medicinskom sestrom 24 sata dnevno, 7 dana u tjednu.
05.01.2022 Social isolation can be a significant issue for older people, and one of the hidden benefits of receiving home delivered meals is the social contact the delivery can provide. ACCS ensures that healthy meals are part of the clients well-being is an important component of the Home Care Package and a continuous independent living. To find out more about HCP meal delivery call us on 1800 953 963
03.01.2022 SUPPORTING OLDER PEOPLE AND THEIR CARERS Australian Croatian Community Services can support you to find the right options to help you stay at home. We will sit down with you and your family to discuss what are your options, your goals, and your interests.
03.01.2022 Hrvatski vjesnik, 22.9.2021.
03.01.2022 Australian Croatian Community Services (ACCS) is here to help you explore your aged care options, navigate the home care system with the goal to find the best suitable option. ACCS is committed to working in partnership with you to help you achieve your individual health and wellbeing goals and to remain connected to your community and enjoy your independence. Contact our Intake Officer on 0421 566 041 or send email to: [email protected]
03.01.2022 GUEST to our SOCIAL SUPPORT GROUPS: MATO BARISIC, Editor of the show "Provjereno" on Nova TV It was a great honour and pleasure to welcome yesterday to our social support groups, Mr Mato Barisic, editor of the show Provjereno on Nova TV. The show is watched every Thursday, late in the evening by between 500,000 and one million viewers in Croatia. Provjereno is a research show that brings forth stories of real people. Due to the topics chosen, the persistence with which they ...are researched and the results they achieve, for viewers the journalists have become fighters for justice, trying to change society in Croatia for the better. It was interesting to hear and learn more about the show itself and of the current topics and events that occupy the Croatian public from a veteran journalist and editor of the show which has been present on Nova TV for the last 14 years. Gost u našim grupama društvene potpore: MATO BARIŠI, Urednik emisije PROVJERENO na NOVA Televiziji Bila nam je izuzetna ast i zadovoljstvo ugostiti juer u našim grupama društvene potpore Gospodina Mato Bariši-a, urednika emisije Provjereno na Novoj TV, koju svakog etvrtka, iako u kasnom terminu, prati izmedu 500 tisua i milijun gledatelja u Hrvatskoj. Provjereno je istraživaka emisija koja donosi prie stvarnih ljudi a zbog tema koje biraju, upornosti kojom ih istražuju i rezultata koje na kraju postignu za gledatelje su novinari Provjerenog postali borci za istinu i pravdu, koji pokušavaju promijeniti društvo u Hrvatskoj nabolje. Bilo je uistinu zanimljivo uti i saznati nešto više o samoj emisiji ali i trenutnim temama i dogaajima koji zaokupljaju hrvatsku javnost iz prve ruke, od dugogodišnjeg novinara a odnedavno i urednika ove emisije koja se na Novoj TV prikazuje ve punih 14 godina.
03.01.2022 We are pleased to share our 2019/20 annual report: Find out how our work had impact in 2019/20 and how we adapted to the challenges brought upon us all by the Covid-19 pandemic.
02.01.2022 Being a home carer takes special qualities, the most important being having a caring nature. Milena Konjevic started working with us an incredible 13 years ago! We asked Milena why she loves her job: "I love my job, because I know that I'm making a big difference to people's quality of life. It feels good being able to remove any of their anxieties or worries".... Ever thought about working in home care? Were always looking for committed, passionate and caring people. Contact us on 1800 953 963
02.01.2022 Silvija Barisic has been working at Australian Croatian Community Services for 2 years! We asked Silvija why she loves her job: "I love working with the elderly and the opportunity to make a difference, no matter how small, in the day of the life of our clients".Thank you so much Silvija to do some of the most important work in our community. Are you currently looking for a job as a care worker? Contact us on 1800 953 963. #WeAreACCS
01.01.2022 WE ARE ACCS! Helga Drpic started working with Australian Croatian Community Services (ACCS) ten months ago. Helga says "I like to help people. I feel rewarded when I can make someone happy and make their day easier" Thank you Helga, the work you do is invaluable to our community! To all of you who works for ACCS, thanks for the amazing work you do EVERY day.... . Helga Drpic zapoela je suradnju s ACCS-om prije deset mjeseci. Helga kae "volim pomagati ljudima. Osjeam se nagraenom kad mogu nekoga usreiti i olakati im dan" Hvala Helga, posao koji obavlja je neprocjenjiv za nau zajednicu! Svima vama koji radite za ACCS, hvala na zadivljujuem poslu koji radite SVAKI dan. #WeareACCS
01.01.2022 FEŠTA u ACCS grupama društvene potpore gost Nenad VETMA Dašak Splita i Dalmacije - kad ne može uživo, može virtualno lanovi naših grupa društvene potpore uživali su sino u ekskluzivnom druženju sa Nenadom Vetmom, pjevaem iz Splita. Priali smo,pjevali a iznad svega se ugodno zabavili uz Nenada i njegove hitove Boliš me dušo, Neu život u tuini, Dobro jutro moja jube, Zapivat u jednu po starinsku, Christmas Day i brojne druge pjesme iz njegovog repertoara i najnovijeg albuma Moje pjesme moji snovi. Napili smo se Vugave na Visu, izgubili busolu ve u Klisu, ubrali žute dunje i na kraju ipak videli beli Zagreb grad. Ne umire pisma Nenade, hvala za ovo prekrasno druženje sa našim lanovima i do skorog susreta uživo u Melbournu. Festivities in ACCS social support groups guest Nenad Vetma The impression of Split and Dalmatia when it is not possible to be live, it can be virtually live Members of our social support groups enjoyed an exclusive gathering last night with Nenad Vetma, a singer from Split, Croatia. We talked, sang and above all had a really good time with Nenad and his hit songs. Thank you Nenad for this wonderful evening with our members and see you in Melbourne, live in the future.
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