Australian Land Based Anglers Association | Local business
Australian Land Based Anglers Association
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25.01.2022 Is the grass always greener? 18 hours drive followed by a 20km run up the coast in a boat, with the promise of fishing isolated rock platforms, only to be faced with a week of donuts apart from this little schooly.
25.01.2022 Young ALBAA member Tristan with a football of a golden perch caught landbased. Cracking fish!!! #yellowbellyfishing #yellowbelly #goldenperch #landbasedfishing #landbased #kidsfishing #takeakidfishing #fishingnsw #nswfishing #ansa_nsw #freshwaterfishing #freshwaterfishingaustralia
24.01.2022 A very young @by_the_gills lands his first lbg tuna from the far north coast about 22 years ago. The good old days with uncrowded locations and no responsibilities to hold us back #tuna #kidsfishing #fishingnsw #nswfishing #landbased #landbasedgamefishing #landbasedgame #lbg #ansa_nsw #rockfishing
24.01.2022 A younger @stapleskurt with a solid top water south coast king. Just a couple of short months and the bruisers will be back.
24.01.2022 Making an effort to look after your catch certainly brings rewards at the dinner table. It might mean ending your fishing early and walking that longtail out to get it home in prime condition. #tuna #sashimi #rockfishing #eatyourcatch #fishingforfood #freshingredients
24.01.2022 Some fish just cant be stopped. Pete Oberg trying to put the brakes on a massive Cobia #landbasedgame #landbasedgamefishing #rockfishing #nswfishing #fishingnsw #lbg #landbased #landbasedfishing #ansa_nsw
22.01.2022 Matt with a nicely marked little green fish lured while walking the banks. Numbers should increase while the size might decrease as the weather warms up #greenfish #cod #murraycod #murraycodaddiction #ansa_nsw #freshwaterfishing #lurefishing #spinnerbaits
22.01.2022 Perennial spin man @caughtonchrome with another quality capture pre covid restrictions 2020. Landed a cast in front of a small scattering of baitfish and bingo!!! #lbg #tuna #longtail #spinfishing #fishingsolo #landbased #landbasedgamefishing #landbasedgame #rockfishing #fishingnsw #nswfishing
22.01.2022 Not many of our members had a shot before the season was Covid interrupted, but those that did showed that there were some good fish around. The lbg season that couldve been. @ndkknd #lbg #tuna #longtail #fishingnsw #nswfishing #landbasedgame #landbased #landbasedgamefishing #rockfishing #ansa_nsw
22.01.2022 Sydney king on live squid. Does anyone live bait the Sydney rocks any more? #seriola #seriolalalandi #rockfishing #lbg #landbasedfishing #landbased #landbasedgame #fishingsydney #sydneyfishing #ansa_nsw #kingfish
21.01.2022 This longtail looks like its been to hell and back #tuna #rockfishing #lbg #landbasedfishing #landbasedgame #landbasedgamefishing #ansa_nsw #fishingnsw #nswfishing @manics_house_of_fun
21.01.2022 Ryan Viret with a 113kg beakie from JB. A lot of people consider marlin to be the pinnacle of LBG, do you agree or there something else at the top of your list? Thanks for the photo @finney_andrew #landbasedfishing #gamefishing #LandBasedGame #LBG #fishaustralia #fishing #Marlin #marlinofftherocks
19.01.2022 Spots not stripes. @ben.heinrichson1 with yet another fish that wasnt a Spanish... Still a somewhat uncommon capture from the stones. #spottymackerel #mackerel #fishingAustralia #fishing #landbasedfishing #landbasedgamefishing #LBG
19.01.2022 AGM 2020 Members update: Thursdsay 12th Nov 2020, saw the AGM held online Via Zoom.... A summary of the year was given by the relevant committee members for those in attendance. The Committee was stood down and nominations were taken and voted on. The results are, President/ Public Officer, Christian Gough Secretary, Alex Krout Treasurer, Luke Nicholson Social Officer, Spyros Vassiliades Club Recorder, David Muscat Publicity, Paul Baker / Michael Tweedie Welcome to the new Committee, and here’s to a new year with some social events for us all to catch up in person!
18.01.2022 Seeking out a new ledge to fish and hooking up first drift....satisfaction. #rockfishing #lbg #landbasedfishing #landabased #landbasedgamefishing #landbasedgame #fishingnsw #nswfishing #hookups #fishingwithmates #ansa_nsw
18.01.2022 A sizeable Mack Tuna that would be a perfect 4kg spin target. Unfortunately these bait thieves always grab livies on gear intended for bigger targets #tuna #lbg #landbased #landbasedgame #landbasedgamefishing #rockfishing #fishingnsw #nswfishing
18.01.2022 @___mikkolindqvist___ admires the length of a Cobia he landed on the mid north coast of NSW #lbg #landbasedfishing #landbased #landbasedgame #landbasedgamefishing #fishingnsw #nswfishing #rockfishingaustralia #rockfishing #cobia #cobiafishing
17.01.2022 There were reports of some good reddies being caught before this storm hit, it will be very interesting to see how the fishing is straight after! #landbasedfishing #LandBasedGame #LBG #snapper #kidswhofish #fishlikeagirl #fishing #fishaustralia #fishingAustralia
17.01.2022 Not sure who started the Rod bite for the camera but Chris Hack was the first I ever saw do it. Here @wil_scheibe continues the trend while displaying an awesome land based GT from North Queensland #landbased #rockfishingaustralia #rockfishing #gtfishing #spinfishing #gianttrevally #landbasedgame #landbasedgamefishing #queenslandfishing #fishingqld
16.01.2022 In the spirit of celebrating member captures, young Brock finally shook the monkey off his back by landing this 24kg, 132cm longtail on 10kg line just a few short weeks ago. Would have been a certain junior record, however, all ANSA competitions were justifiably suspended due to covid restrictions. #takeakidfishing #tuna #lbg #landbased #landbasedgamefishing #landbasedgame #rockfishing #fishingnsw #nswfishing #ansa_nsw
15.01.2022 ATTN ALBAA MEMBERS The 12month ANSA comp us about to draw to a close and we could do with a couple more entries. So as an incentive (apart from doing it for the kudos and accolades) we have some ALBAA t shirts up for grabs. The first two entries get two shirts each. If we only get one, that entrant gets THREE shirts! Entries close on the 30th of June. Thanks @wil_scheibe for the photo of his and his old mans landbased marlin captures! A top effort by father and son #LandBasedGame #landbasedfishing #fishaustralia #fishingAustralia #fishing #gamefishing #Marlin #blackmarlin #marlinofftherocks #ANSA_NSW
15.01.2022 Have you seen a fatter pig? This big boy was just ready to burst he was so swollen. Hooked in half a meter of water on top of a rock platform on high tide while targeting bream on salted bonito fillets. Was indeed a surprise capture and went super hard. #rockfishingsydney #rockfishingaustralia #rockfishing #blackdrummer #rockblackfish #ansa_nsw #fishingnsw #nswfishing
15.01.2022 When youre chasing bream at your local breakwall and a 4kg+ red jumps on to make things interesting #landbased #nswfishing #snapper #snapperfishing #rockfishing #fishingnsw #ansa_nsw
15.01.2022 ALBAAs newest member @pete_perekovic with a 90s breakwall longtail caught solo. This was a great decade for us 40somethings. The fishing wasnt always easy but it was a great time to be alive. #lbg #landbased #landbasedgamefishing #landbasedgame #nswfishing #fishingnsw #breakwallfishing #longtailtuna #tuna #ansa_nsw #rockfishing
14.01.2022 Sightcasting to fish, is there anything better!? #landbasedfishing #LandBasedGame #LBG #fishing #fishingAustralia #tuna #longtail #sightfishing
14.01.2022 Its a great time of year to chase demersals before the pelagics start showing up. ALBAA member @pete_perekovic fishes more often than most and hes been nailing Pigs, Silvers, Bream and Tarries #rockfishing #fishingnsw #portstephensfishing #drummer #breamfishing #bream #ansa_nsw
14.01.2022 @caughtonchrome with a solid queenie on spin tackle. An irreparable wrist injury has forced him to reassess his approach to LBG with a focus that centres on spin gear #spinfishing #lbg #landbased #landbasedfishing #landbasedgame #landbasedgamefishing #fishingqueensland
13.01.2022 Competition coming soon to celebrate our 300th Instagram post. Stay tuned..... Follow us on on Instagram @albaa_fishing
13.01.2022 The end of a long day on the stones with about half an hour of daylight left. As we get older we get better at leaving unnecessary gear out of our backpacks but theres still plenty to pack up and carry out before the sun disappears #lbg #landbased #landbasedgame #landbasedgamefishing #rockfishing #fishingwithmates #fishingnsw #nswfishing #ansa_nsw #fishinggear
13.01.2022 According to ALBAA member @travis.furlong3 the Bass have been going off, with multiple good fish caught every session. Here is a recent 40cm model caught from a location not too far from home #bass #australianbass #australianbassfishing #fishingnsw #nswfishing #landbasedfishing #landbased #australiannativefishing #catchandrelease #ansa_nsw
13.01.2022 For those of you who feel that yellowfin are the pinnacle of LBG, here is one of the true greats! One of @bobsterfish fin. Read the story here: #landbasedfishing #LandBasedGame #LBG #gamefishing #yellowfin #blastfromthepast #tuna #landbasedfin
12.01.2022 When the Bream at your feet are so big they smash your hard earned livies intended for much bigger targets #rockfishing #landbased #bream #ansa_nsw #nswfishing #fishingnsw #baitthief
12.01.2022 Another successful catch, mat and release by new member Joe #mulloway #mullowayfishingaustralia #mullowayfishing #catchandrelease #landbasedfishing #landbased #ansa_nsw #fishingsydney #nswfishing #fishingnsw #jewfish #jewfishingaustralia
12.01.2022 Longing for those black days sighting pods of longtails to cast to. #longtail #tuna #sightcasting #landbasedfishing #landbased #landbasedgame #landbasedgamefishing #fishingnsw #nswfishing #spinfishing #ansa_nsw
11.01.2022 At ALBAA we all love to watch fish swim away strongly. But every now and then a bit of fillet and release doesnt go astray! #landbasedfishing #LandBasedGame #LBG #fishaustralia #fishing #filletandrelease #catchandcook #spanishmackerel #mackerel
11.01.2022 If an injury like this happens on the rocks, are you equipped to deal with it? #rockfishing #fishinginjuries #fishingwithfriends #fishingwithmates #landbased #landbasedfishing #beprepared
11.01.2022 Instagram Post 299 @stapleskurt with a solo fishing Sydney drummer selfie. Didn’t turn out too bad a shot! #rockfishing #fishingsydney #sydneyfishing #fishingselfie #baitfishing #ansa_nsw #drummerfishing #rockblackfish #landbased #landbasedfishing #landbasedfishingaustralia Post 300 next and we will be having a prize giveaway competition....stay tuned. Follow us on Instagram @albaa_fishing
10.01.2022 All, As we have entered into a new Financial Year, your ALBAA membership is now due, which also includes your yearly membership to ANSA. (new membership form can be found on the ALBAA website) FY20/21 Membership Prices:... Family: $73 Single: $60 Student: $20 Please transfer your fee to below account and ensure the description incl your name and Membership. Acc Name: ALBAA Inc BSB: 112-879 Acc No: 057-560-789 Please ensure you have paid your membership by 15 Aug. Thanks
09.01.2022 Even land based devotees get out on the boat sometimes. Youd need to be living under a rock to miss whats happening on the offshore scene on the east coast of Australia at the moment. Kurt landed this 60kg SBT on 24kg line after 30 seconds trolling and time enough for only one lure in the spread. That lure happened to be a JB dingo in lumo. #tuna #gamefishing #gamefishingaustralia #sbt #ansa_nsw #boatfishing #jblures #shimanoreels @Kurt Staples
08.01.2022 Waiting, watching, wishing. July is by far the slowest month in the southern LBG calendar.... #landbasedfishing #LandBasedGame #LBG #fishaustralia #fishing #fishingAustralia #thewaitinggame
08.01.2022 You may have already seen this pic as its doing the rounds, but wed like to celebrate such an awesome capture from a few months back by longtime ALBAA committee member @caughtonchrome . Cracking 19kg Spanish from NSW waters on spin gear. #lbg #spanishmackerel #landbased #rockfishing #landbasedgamefishing #landbasedgame #fishingnsw #nswfishing #ansa_nsw #spinfishing
07.01.2022 Sending out a livey as the sun breaks the horizon. Anticipation level 100. #lbg #landbasedfishing #landbasedgamefishing #landbased #rockfishing #fishingnsw #fishingnorthcoast #ansa_nsw #sunrise
07.01.2022 Proving that last rock wall red was no fluke. @pete_perekovic with a daytime 67cm 3.76kg red while breaming #rockfishing #breakwallfishing #fishingnsw #landbased #landbasedfishing #ansa_nsw #snapper #snapperfishing
07.01.2022 Late afternoon hookup. A satisfying result for an all day effort. @manics_house_of_fun gets rewarded for persistence #lbg #landbasedgame #landbasedfishing #landbasedgamefishing #rockfishing #landbased #fishingwithmates #fishingnsw #ansa_nsw #nswfishing #sunset #hookedup
06.01.2022 The closing minutes of a very tense battle. Despite being an active member of the LBG community for a VERY long time this was @manics_house_of_fun s first longtail on spin. #landbasedfishing #landbasedgamefishing #LBG #fishing #fishingAustralia #tuna #longtail #northernbluefin
06.01.2022 It might be a dirty carp but the boy can sniff out a big fish #ansa_nsw #freshwaterfishingaustralia #kidsfishing #landbased #landbasedfishing #nswfishing #sydneyfishing #fishingsydney #mudmarlin #carpfishing #takeakidfishing
05.01.2022 A rather large specimen.... but still second prize #landbased #landbasedgame #landbasedgamefishing #fishingnsw #nswfishing #ansa_nsw #rockfishing @kurt.k.edwards
04.01.2022 When slow days watching floats drives you crazy #lbg #landbased #landbasedfishing #landbasedgame #landbasedgamefishing #fishingnsw #nswfishing #breakwallfishing #rockfishing #ansa_nsw
03.01.2022 Hooked up to a marlin and drinking a beer. Probably only one more thing required for it to be the perfect day #lbg #landbasedgame #landbasedgamefishing #landbasedfishing #landbased #marlin #fishingnsw #nswfishing #ansa_nsw #rockfishing
01.01.2022 North coast daily double from the mid 2000s #lbg #landbasedgamefishing #landbasedgame #landbased #fishingnsw #rockfishing #tuna #cobia #fishingwithmates thanks @rodd730 for the pic
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