Australian Orchid Council Inc. | Community
Australian Orchid Council Inc.
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24.01.2022 The Australian Orchid Foundation is having a Zoom meeting at their up and coming AGM! see below for more information.
23.01.2022 From The AOC President. Hello orchid growers everywhere! Earlier this year, I had the privilege to be elected President of the Australian Orchid Council. One of my aims for the AOC is for it to be accessed by many more people than happens now and an active presence on Facebook seems like a positive way to start. This site will hopefully fulfil at least two goals. Firstly, people will be able to easily share and understand the variety and beauty of orchids, no matter where the...y live. Secondly, it will be easy to access information about orchid clubs, their activities and the various orchid shows that are held all around Australia on an almost weekly basis. Of course, once hooked on orchids, there would be the possibility to join local clubs and/or the Australian Orchid Society itself to receive the magazine Orchids Australia [6 issues a year for $60 postage included] for people who desire greater involvement and information. The bottom line is to enable more people to be able to share their love for these amazing plants that can be grown almost anywhere in Australia. Marion Davey
20.01.2022 Ian Butterfield and his beautiful Pleione. Video via Pleione Cz
18.01.2022 AOC Awards 2020 #6319 Cattleya P V Elusive Case 'Zulu' AM/AOC 2020 (QLD) 80.20 21.May.2020 Owner: Evans J. & L. ... Event: convened judging (1 inflorescence of 82mm with 1 flower; petals and sepals purple N78B; labellum purple 78A with yellow 10A on tip and shading to purple N74C) 2020 Australian Orchid Council Inc
18.01.2022 10 September 2020 Dear Orchid Grower, The Mid-North Coast Judges Panel seeks your assistance in promoting an Orchid Appreciation Course which we expect will gr...eatly benefit your established orchid growers, newer members and your society. The workshop’s aims to provide an understanding of how judges assess orchids at shows; how awards are made; the relevance of the Australian Orchid Council’s (AOC) award judging system; and well as provide information on orchid nomenclature and terminology, major pests and diseases; cultural guidance; and plant presentation. Members of all Orchid Societies who attend this course can expect to be better equipped to grow quality orchids, gain knowledge, confidence and a capacity to judge at monthly meetings and, generally, better contribute to the workings of each society. The course will be delivered by local and Sydney-based AOC judges. Knowledgeable growers in specified fields will be invited too. Notes and AOC judging books will be supplied to participants. An introduction to this Orchid Appreciation Workshop has been provisionally arranged to be held at Kempsey Heights Bowling Club on Sunday 22nd November 2020 commencing 10.00am. Because of limitations imposed by COVID-19 rules, the actual location is dependent on the number of people interested in attending. Attached is a flyer for your newsletter inviting members of your society to participate in the course. The course will cover around 30 related topics and, consequently will extend over several months, however, the actual timing and duration of the course will be discussed at the first session in an endeavour to meet the needs of all participants. After completing this course some participants may wish to undertake further training to become AOC judges. Those that wish to do so, will have the opportunity to undertake theory and practical exams and attend orchid shows within the region as part of a judging panel. We look forward to hearing from you with the names of those who will be attending the workshop. Please feel free to contact either Dick Cooper or Grahame Beatton for further information: Regards DICK COOPER MNC JP Registrar Members can register by contacting: Dick Cooper 66548447 or Grahame Beatton 65688978 Mid North Coast Judging Panel.
18.01.2022 AOC Awards 2020 #6318 Cattleya P V Elusive Case 'White Lipstick' HCC/AOC 2020 (QLD) 77.50 21.May.2020 Owner: Evans J. & L. ... Event: convened judging (1 inflorecence of 82mm with three flowers; petals and sepals purple N78B; labellum purple N78B with edging of white 155B.) 2020 Australian Orchid Council Inc
17.01.2022 Paphiopedilum concolor var ‘striatum'
17.01.2022 W E ‘ R E C O M I N G T O T O W N . . . . . . T H I S W E E K E N D Tracy Village Social & Sports Club 28 Tambling Terrace, Lyons... Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm Sunday 9:00am - 4:00pm Come down, see us & grab yourself a beautiful flowering friend
16.01.2022 Plants on display at our meting this afternoon
16.01.2022 B. Elizabeth Ann 'Buckleberry'
15.01.2022 Bulb arfakianum 'Red.
15.01.2022 OSCOV has started a fabulous new initiative OSCOV Insights! The first issue is now available for you to enjoy, by reading about activities that OSCOV and its member societies have been up to lately. The full issue can be found here:
14.01.2022 In the posts below there are 11 Links to each section of the Coffs Harbour Virtual Spring Orchid Show. Click on each link and choose 1-3 of your favourite bloom...s. At the time of writing a couple of the sections have two plants tie for first place. Please only vote once, the program is designed to only one vote per Facebook account. Monday the results will be published and we will the choose our Grand Champion and Reserve Champion. See more
13.01.2022 ‘Cymbidium Chatter’ Edition 21 - September 7 - Cymbidium Club of South Australia’s Spring Show ( 3 Amigos Cymbidiums). - An ‘Old Timer’ salutes again!. - Do we ...need more brown Cymbidiums? - Slow release fertilisers suitable for Cymbidiums. - Wains' Orchids. See more
11.01.2022 Epicattleya René Marqués (Epidendrum pseudepidendrum x Cattleya Claesiana) This grex bred by Zur Brough and then registered by Walter S. Murray in 1979. Photo... Akio Ikeda Gawler Districts Orchid Club Inc. #AdelaideOrchids #orchid #orchids #Gawler #art #botany #Botanical #NickysSlippers #CobbandCoHorticulturalProducts
11.01.2022 The Grand Champion Orchid at this weeks, South Australian Orchidaceous Society Show is... Paphiopedilum Chouvetii 'Van Dyke' exhibited by Michael Willoughby & Oui Ju.
09.01.2022 A few of the beautiful orchids that our members have in flower this month.
09.01.2022 Pleione hookeriana (Lindl.) Rollisson, Nursery Cat. (Rollisson) 1875-1876: 39 (1875). In situ photo of Pleione hookeriana. Pleione hookeriana is a cool to cold ...growing epiphyte, lithophyte or terrestrial from the eastern Himalayas, Assam, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and southern China (SE. Yunnan to N. Guangdong) at elevations of around 2200 to 4200 metres. In situ photos courtesy of Framed Himalaya. Gawler Districts Orchid Club Inc. #AdelaideOrchids #orchid #orchids #Gawler #art #botany #Botanical #NickysSlippers #CobbandCoHorticulturalProducts
08.01.2022 AOC Awards 2020 #6320 Paphiopedilum thaianum 'Audomlak' HCC/AOC 2020 (QLD) 79.60 21.May.2020 Owner: Salway J. ... Event: convened judging (1 inflorescence of 80mm with 1 flower; petals and sepals white NN155D with red 71B spotting; labellum white NN155d with a central disc of Green 143A) 2020 Australian Orchid Council Inc
08.01.2022 AOC Awards 2020 #6317 Laelia anceps 'Lynwood' ACE/AOC 2020 (NSW) 86.50 07.Jun.2020 Owner: Dobson L. & B. ... Event: convened judging. (73 inflorescences of 283mm with 204 flowers and 15 buds (3 +1 relevant);petals and sepals Violet 84B; labellum Yellow 7A in throat with solid edging in red purple 71A) 2020 Australian Orchid Council Inc
07.01.2022 AOC Awards 2020 #6321 Cattleya P V Elusive Case Breeding Achievement ASR/AOC 2020 (QLD) 0.00 21.May.2020 Owner: Evans J. & L. ... Event: convened judging 2020 Australian Orchid Council Inc
06.01.2022 Pleione maculata (Lindl.) Lindl. & Paxton, Paxton's Fl. Gard. 2: 5 (1851). Pleione maculata is a cool to cold growing terrestrial from C. Himalaya to China (W. ...Yunnan), Assam India, Nepal, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam at elevations of around 600 to 2000 metres. Photo TropicalExotique Gawler Districts Orchid Club Inc. #AdelaideOrchids #orchid #orchids #Gawler #art #botany #Botanical #NickysSlippers #CobbandCoHorticulturalProducts
03.01.2022 Paphiopedilum (Ruby Leopard x Black Jazz) x Firefighter... The below Paph (Ruby Leopard x Black Jazz) x Firefighter is a first flowering seedling, grown and kindly shared by one of our members. Thank you Cory!
02.01.2022 Another one of those orchids better for the foliage than flowers. Stenoglottis fimbriata. That said, en masse the little pink flowers do make an attractive display.
02.01.2022 NEMOS has just run a virtual Spring Show! Many congratulations to all involved, and the winners of the various classes and Champions.