Australian Christian Values Institute in Unanderra, New South Wales, Australia | Political organisation
Australian Christian Values Institute
Locality: Unanderra, New South Wales, Australia
Address: PO Box 378 2526 Unanderra, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 God’s Heart for Family Bill Muehlenberg Intention God values family relationships: marriage and parenthood... Scripture Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction. Malachi 4:5-6 Reflection It is interesting that these are the very last verses of the Old Testament. They serve as a bridge to the New. The story of God's grand purposes for humanity is closely connected with something God very strongly values: family relationships. Indeed, this is one of the grand themes of Scripture. Since our three-in-one God is the primary and original family, His desire for us is a replication of such loving and committed relationships. So strongly committed is God to this that a clear indication of the end of all things is the restoration of family ties. Elijah, whose ministry had been one of restoration and repentance, is a fitting figure here. Two things, in particular, can be said about these verses. One, our struggle to stand for marriage and family in a world that mocks and scorns both will not be easy. It will be an ongoing battle. As Peter Adam commented about Elijah: God had sent Elijah at a very low point in the history of the people of God, when most had deserted God, and those who continued to serve God were very discouraged. Elijah had a lonely and tempestuous ministry, but stood firm for God in the church and in the world. We must do the same today as we see marriage and family under such ferocious attack. Second, the curse promised at the end of this passage must be seen in the light of the One who bore the curse of God for us. The curse that we all deserve for our sin and rebellion fell upon Christ at Calvary. He bore the curse for us, as it says in Galatians 3:10-14, so that our relationship with Father God might be restored. Above all else, God wants us to be restored to Him in a right relationship through Christ. And then He wants us to see renewed and restored relationships with one another, beginning with the most basic ones: family relationships. That has always been a priority for God. And it runs throughout all of Scripture. God created marriage and family in the opening chapters of Genesis. The Old Testament closes with the promise of family restoration. The New Testament opens with the stories of two families: those of John the Baptist and Jesus. And the New Testament finishes with the glorious wedding between Christ and His bride, the church. The overarching story of God is one grand narrative: It starts with the eternal and faithful love relations within the Trinity and then works itself out in two main ways: God and His love relationship with humanity; and loving, committed relationships within the family unit, cemented by marriage. We have a marriage in the garden in Genesis 2, and we have the marriage of the Lamb in Revelation 19. We do not get a loftier and more majestic picture of God’s heart for marriage and family than this. THE FAMILY PRAYER SONG - (As For Me & My House, We Will Serve The Lord) Prayer Father God, thank You that at the very core of Your being is love and that You have had eternal love relations within the Godhead. And thank You that You have wanted to see that extended to your creation. Sadly, we rejected You early on, but You did not give up on seeking us, wooing us, and working to restore us to Yourself. And thank You that You gave us earthly marriage and family to be a picture of Your even greater Triune love relationship. Amen. Bill Muehlenberg Bio Bill is married with three sons, and ministers as an apologist and ethicist in Melbourne, Australia. Bill has a BA with honours in philosophy, an MA with highest honours in theology and is currently completing a PhD in theology. Bill is a prolific author and a much sought-after media commentator. He has been featured on most Australian television and radio current affairs programs. Bill hosts his own blog CultureWatch (, which features Christian commentary on the issues of the day. 31 Days Prayer Points 1. Pray for the restoration of FAMILY, FATHERHOOD and MOTHERHOOD in our nation. Malachi 4:6 2. Pray for healing for MARRIAGES, protection for CHILDREN and restoration of the sanctity of LIFE. Isaiah 58:12 3. Pray for Revival, Renewal and Reformation for Australia, that our nation might return to God. 2 Chronicles 7:14 We invite you to support this month-long Prayer & Fasting campaign to raise up prayer for Family and Nation. Every donation to the Canberra Declaration helps us spread the word and make a stand for Family, Faith, Freedom and Life. Donate Here: Register Now: to receive the daily devotions by email. Join us for our daily one-hour Zoom prayer call: DATES: 1st 31st October 2021 TIME: 8PM AEDT ZOOM URL LINK: ZOOM MEETING ID: 776881184 ZOOM TUTORIAL: Daily devotions brought to you by the Canberra Declaration:
25.01.2022 "... when you have such a monopolistic stranglehold, then you pose a real threat to a democratic society. If almost all of our social media giants, search and the like are all skewed to the left (as even US Senate committee hearings are now looking into), and can radically distort information concerning national elections, then democracy itself is put at great risk." ~ Bill Muehlenberg CultureWatch See more
25.01.2022 'Given all that has come out about the #Biden family’s dealings in the Ukraine, President Donald Trump appears to have been fully justified in demanding an inve...stigation into the matter. In other words, when #Trump continually decried the impeachment as a hoax, he was correct. Whether or not all House #Democrats saw it as such, Trump’s impeachment amounted to a kind of information war to cover for probable malfeasance on the part of the Biden family. Perhaps the most sinister aspect of all this is the response of Big Tech social media companies. Shortly after the New York Post bombshell report, Facebook and Twitter moved to censor the story.'
22.01.2022 "We will never know all the reasons God has us in this unchosen place, but we can be assured that He has chosen each of us and placed us here, for such a time as this." #testimony #faith #chosen #Christian #God #Christianity #Gospel #GoodNews
20.01.2022 "Tragically, the survey showed that 59 per cent of participating students had experienced bullying with one in five experiencing it weekly. Hence, it is no surp...rise that four in five students recognise the seriousness of the issue and said it was a problem in their school." #bullying #Christian #God #Jesus #bully #nobullying #Bible #Scripture #WWJD
19.01.2022 Please find attached a link to the newly released #Queensland Christian Values Election Checklist. Currently we are in the first part of 31 Days of Prayer & Fasting for a Breakthrough for LIFE. [] During this time, among other things, we are specifically praying for the coming election in Queensland on Saturday 31 October. Every year for two decades, the Australian Christian Values Institute has prepared a resource for... faith voters for both State & Federal Elections called the Christian Values Checklist. See attachments: This summary of the positions of major parties on issues of concern to #Christians is provided as a service to the Christian community. In the 2016 census, 52% of #Australians identified themselves as Christian. This is not an insignificant figure. On many welfare and social justice issues, the party policies are very similar. Our aim is to deal with the moral and ethical issues that are rarely, if ever, discussed publicly in an election campaign but which are important issues that affect the very foundation of our society. For us at this time, the Life issue is paramount. The team that compiles the checklist make independent assessments and are not members of any political party. This checklist has been compiled after an exhaustive search of party websites, voting history and public statements, including their federal counterparts. Space has not permitted the inclusion of other minor parties. Positions are often difficult to summarise in a format of this kind, and parties have not always made definitive statements. Therefore aindicates in some instances a conscience vote, or a less-than-conclusive opinion on the party's position on some of the issues. equals YES & equals a NO. Please pass this #Christian Values Checklist on to your friends, family members and church networks. For more information: #qldpol #qldelection See more
19.01.2022 "In an open letter on the French website L’Express, more than 50 physicians, psychologists, sociologists, academics and other professionals condemned gender reassignment for children." #gender #LGBT #transgender #transition #reassignment #trans #ROGD #peaktrans
18.01.2022 "Those in the world are often amazed at Christians but for all the wrong reasons. It is time they start being amazed at us in the same way as they were amazed at Jesus." #Christians #Christianity #Bible #Scripture #Belief #faith #God #Christ #Gospel #Witness #Jesus
18.01.2022 "Weekend revolutionaries imagine they can bring an end to #capitalism and still keep all the fruits of capitalism that they take for granted. ... The authoritie...s’ capitulation to COVID #hysteria which set the emotional table for racial hysteria has inflicted a scale of destruction that might, had anyone looked before they leapt, have been anticipated. Indeed, a 2006 paper by Thomas Inglesby, director of Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health, predicted nearly every disastrous consequence of a theoretical lockdown that we can now verify in practice." See more
18.01.2022 "The senator had pointed out the significant danger to women in contact sports from transgender women who, being born male, were significantly bigger and stronger." ~ FamilyVoice Australia
17.01.2022 Who Am I? Kirralie Smith Intention Scripture has the answer to questions of gender identity.... Scripture Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.Genesis 1:2627 Reflection The issue of our identity has been raging since the beginning of time. From Adam until now, humanity has struggled with the question, Who am I? Recent generations have gone through phases of crises all rooted in the same issue. Whether it has been labelled self-acceptance, self-love or self-esteem, it has always centred on the theme of self. Today’s trend is to label the same issue as gender identity but it is still focused on self. There has been a massive emphasis on pronouns, gender fluidity, costumes, medication and surgery to supposedly reject stereotypes or appropriate the opposite sex. Instead of encouraging young people to find acceptance in the reality of who they are, made in the image of God, the enemy of our souls has caused people to question their identity according to feelings, not facts. Our identity does not come from our feelings, our circumstances, or how others may perceive us. Our identity is not found in self. Our identity comes from God. Who He is determines who we are. We can only discover our true identity, our purpose, our worth, in HIM our maker, our Father, our friend, the lover of our souls. God created us male and female. Science asserts this fact. There are only x or y chromosomes. No third (or 76th) chromosome exists. We produce only small (sperm) or large (egg) gametes. No third (or 76th) gamete exists. There is male or female. Sex is binary. God created male or female in HIS image! We are fearfully and wonderfully made, deliberately and purposefully knit together in our mother’s womb. We have been designed with purpose and God saw all that He had made and said it was very good. We are made in His image a reflection of the love, unity, and relationship found in the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. Identifying as something, or someone, other than who God created us to be will leave us unfulfilled, frustrated and empty. We don’t have to measure up to stereotypes or other people’s expectations. We are invited to accept who we are because God made us with intention and purpose. Stereotypes don’t define us. God, His love, and the death and resurrection of Jesus define us. We are who we are, male or female. But whatever we DO, let us do it to the glory of God! You Say | BYU Noteworthy (Lauren Daigle A Cappella Cover) Prayer Abba, Father. Beautiful Saviour. Our true identity can only be found in You. The only answer to the question, Who am I? will be found in answering, Who are You? Help us to meditate on You Your love, Your goodness, Your beauty, Your strength, Your kindness, Your faithfulness. When we are tossed around by the waves our emotions, remind us that You are the anchor, rooted in facts, not feelings. We are made in Your glorious image and there is nothing that can compare to that! Help us to encourage the young people, the hurting people, in our lives to embrace who they are in light of who You are our good, perfect and loving Father. Amen. Kirralie Smith Bio Kirralie is the director of Binary (, an organisation that fights the de-gendering of Australian society and celebrates the true diversity of men and women. She has been a courageous Christian voice on issues of family and gender for a number of years now. 31 Days Prayer Points 1. Pray for the restoration of FAMILY, FATHERHOOD and MOTHERHOOD in our nation. Malachi 4:6 2. Pray for healing for MARRIAGES, protection for CHILDREN and restoration of the sanctity of LIFE. Isaiah 58:12 3. Pray for Revival, Renewal and Reformation for Australia, that our nation might return to God. 2 Chronicles 7:14 We invite you to support this month-long Prayer & Fasting campaign to raise up prayer for Family and Nation. Every donation to the Canberra Declaration helps us spread the word and make a stand for Family, Faith, Freedom and Life. Donate Here: Register Now: to receive the daily devotions by email. Join us for our daily one-hour Zoom prayer call: DATES: 1st 31st October 2021 TIME: 8PM AEDT ZOOM URL LINK: ZOOM MEETING ID: 776881184 ZOOM TUTORIAL: Daily devotions brought to you by the Canberra Declaration:
16.01.2022 "Having recently secured three historic peace deals, Trump has now been nominated not once, but twice for the Nobel Peace Prize."
16.01.2022 "The United Nations has never recognized the transgender ideology. A majority of its members do not allow same-sex marriage. Even so, there’s now what can be pa...ssed off as an official UN document, which activists can cite to advance their cause." #marriage #UnitedNations #trans #ideology #samesex #gender
16.01.2022 "Jesus makes it clear that we must persist, we must persevere, and we must never give up. God does hear us." ~ Bill Muehlenberg CultureWatch
15.01.2022 "RA has just joined eight other national sporting organisations to implement what is touted as a landmark commitment to governance supporting a greater level of... inclusion for trans and gender-diverse people in their sports. This comes on the heels of a World Rugby announcement that it is considering a ban on biological males who identify as female, and other gender-diverse people, playing in the women’s competition. Such a change of policy would reverberate through Rugby Australia, on and off the field, and through other sports."
14.01.2022 "When we pray we should pray that our eyes would be opened to see wonderful things in God’s word. Have we become tired of the Word of God?" #pray #prayer #God #Bible #Word #Scripture #Devotion
13.01.2022 'People regularly refer to the Judaeo-Christian culture in conversation; but many of them, when questioned, are unable to say exactly what it is. I think it is important that we have a coherent story if we are going to defend our way of living.'
12.01.2022 "Without self-restraint, without the capacity to defer the gratification of instinct, and without the habits of heart and deed that we call virtues, we will eventually lose our freedom."
12.01.2022 Abortion right up to birth could soon be legal in South Australia. Under the guise of mere decriminalisation, the 'Termination of Pregnancy Bill' would permit ...abortion for any reason up to 22 weeks and 6 days’ gestation and beyond that (right up to birth) if two doctors agree it is appropriate. Introduced yesterday, we only have THREE WEEKS until the bill resumes debate. We need as many South Australians to take action via this link as possible. Friends in other states/territories can certainly help by spreading the word and by your prayers. Radical social legislation has been narrowly defeated many times in South Australia sometimes by a single vote in the dead of the night. With your help, the unborn will have a voice and a fighting chance. Thank you!
11.01.2022 "Led by the Canberra Declaration, a delegation has recently met and spoken with top Federal MPs from both sides of #politics to raise our concerns about ... vaccine #mandates and #passports." #COVID19 #COVID #pandemic #Auspol #Auspol2021
08.01.2022 "All over the world, men’s issues are being heard in parliament and in the halls of government. Read a few excerpts from the speech of the Female Equalities Minister, Kemi Badenoch MP, from the House of Commons in the UK..." #InternationalMensDay
07.01.2022 "They are free, as is most of the rest of the world. But Dictator Dan Andrews is ever so happy to keep us locked down interminably. The truth is everyone has ha...d enough. They are sick of the tyrannical conditions and just want to go back to normal. And so do I." #vaccinemandate #COVID #COVID19 #freedomday #coronavirus #lockdown #springst #NSWpol #Auspol #Auspol2021 #domperrottet #dictatordan #danandrews #virus #COVID19Aus
07.01.2022 Revival Looks Like Family Pat Steele, Youth for Christ Intention The parable of the prodigal son is a model of God’s desire for revival and reconciliation... Scripture So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son.’ But his father said to the servants, ‘Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.’ So the party began. Luke 15:20-24 Reflection Nineteen years ago, I was hopeless, broken, addicted to ice, and trying to take my own life. Then a friend told me that God loves me. I told her that I didn’t believe in God. When she invited me to church, I yelled that if I walked into the church I would catch on fire. She left, and I was left wondering why I was afraid of a God that I didn’t believe in. In that moment, I realised that God was real, and maybe He could help me. That night I went to the church. When the preacher began telling the story of the prodigal son, I felt God begin to speak to my heart, saying repeatedly, You are my son, I love you and I want you to come home. At that moment, I knew I had fallen short and my answer to God was, How could I possibly return to You? Then suddenly, like the preacher was answering my question, he said, God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) As soon as I heard this, I ran to the front and knelt at the altar with tears pouring out of my eyes. That night I gave my life to Jesus. I was totally set free from addiction and made a brand-new creation. God is all about family: we were made to have a relationship with Him; we were made to be a part of the family of God. Unfortunately like the prodigal son, we all decided to go our own way and that left us in brokenness separated from God. But He made a way through His Son Jesus for a family reunion. Jesus revealed the heart of God as a Father, and He showed us what a relationship with the Father looks like. Then in the ultimate demonstration of love, He made a way by dying on the cross for our sin and rising again so that we can receive forgiveness and be restored as sons and daughters of God (John 1:12). The world right now is full of spiritual orphans crying for a family to belong to (Romans 8:19). We have the most wonderful privilege of sharing the gospel and leading our soon-to-be brothers and sisters to salvation. I think this poem from Mat Wright, one of our Youth for Christ missionaries, sums it up perfectly: Revival looks like prodigal sons and daughters running into the arms of a loving Father and being welcomed into His family. Revival looks like family. How To Discover Hope Prayer Father, thank You for Your love and Your mercy. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to save me. Thank You that my relationship with You has been restored, and for welcoming me into Your family. I thank You that now is the time of salvation. I thank You that now is the time when Your sons and daughters are being revealed. Thank You for raising up a generation of righteous radicals driven by love and fuelled by the power of the Holy Spirit to go get the others. Father, I pray that You would draw in the prodigals according to John 6:44. Father, I pray according to 1 Corinthians 3:6, that every seed that has been sown will be watered and that You will bring the increase for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Pat Steele Bio Pat Steele is a missionary evangelist with Youth for Christ Australia (, and Director of Hope Movement. He is super passionate about prayer and worship and loves telling people about the hope that he has found in Jesus. Pat says evangelism is fun and easy with Holy Spirit, and his mission is to equip believers with simple and practical tools to share hope with the world around them. 31 Days Prayer Points 1. Pray for the restoration of FAMILY, FATHERHOOD and MOTHERHOOD in our nation. Malachi 4:6 2. Pray for healing for MARRIAGES, protection for CHILDREN and restoration of the sanctity of LIFE. Isaiah 58:12 3. Pray for Revival, Renewal and Reformation for Australia, that our nation might return to God. 2 Chronicles 7:14 We invite you to support this month-long Prayer & Fasting campaign to raise up prayer for Family and Nation. Every donation to the Canberra Declaration helps us spread the word and make a stand for Family, Faith, Freedom and Life. Donate Here: Register Now: to receive the daily devotions by email. Join us for our daily one-hour Zoom prayer call: DATES: 1st 31st October 2021 TIME: 8PM AEDT ZOOM URL LINK: ZOOM MEETING ID: 776881184 ZOOM TUTORIAL: Daily devotions brought to you by the Canberra Declaration:
07.01.2022 "Hosted by Australian investigative journalist Sharri Markson, What Really Happened in Wuhan presents a compelling case for the ‘lab leak theory’the hypothesis... that SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing Covid-19, was leaked from a Chinese research facility." #COVID #COVID19 #virus #pandemic #Wuhan #China #lableak #coronavirus #investigation
06.01.2022 "This is a very impressive line-up indeed. These are among the world’s top experts in their fields, and they have certainly debunked so much of the faulty of the panic-merchants and those addicted to draconian lockdown policies. We all need to sign this and share it far and wide. The website for this important document is found here: " ~ Bill Muehlenberg CultureWatch
05.01.2022 "This mafia-style intimidation cannot be allowed to stand. The public needs to know that Kamala’s quest, as in baseball, has already struck out. She has three strikes against her that are a death knell for her prospects." ~ American Thinker
05.01.2022 Tennis champion Margaret Court will lodge an equal opportunities complaint against the WA government after the state's lotteries commission refused to fund her because of her "biblical views on same-sex marriage". Mrs Court said the outreach service of her Victory Life church had applied for a Lotterywest grant to buy a freezer truck to assist the delivery of food to people in need across the metropolitan area. During the pandemic, the amount of food delivered by the church had increased to 70 tonnes a week. But Mrs Court's husband Barry was told at a meeting with Lotterywest, the WA government's peak community funding body, that they would not receive any funding because of her religious views opposing same-sex marriage and questioning gender theory. He said he was told the organisation would never receive funding, especially given Lotterywest was the major sponsor of WA's Pride Festival. WA's equal opportunities legislation makes it unlawful to deny goods or services including grant funding on the basis of a person's religious or political convictions. "I will never back down from my beliefs," Mrs Court told WAtoday. "I will believe in biblical marriage for the rest of my days on this earth."
04.01.2022 AUSTRALIA International Men’s Day TODAY Celebrated in more than 80 countries Better Health for Men and Boys Learn More: Good health comes when mind, body and spirit are in total harmony. - Warwick Marsh ‘Lead by Example’ The IMD website has information on how you can celebrate International Men’s Day on 19 November and make the world a better place. We also have posters and the IMD Logos for your own promotions. Learn More:
03.01.2022 'What if one of the living children herself brings up these topics? Hey Mom and Dad, what about all my frozen siblings? Did you guys really kill a couple of my siblings on the very day that you ‘chose’ me to live? I could have been the one that got frozen or killed. And so on.'
03.01.2022 "Elections ARE important. Whom we elect can have very positive or very negative ramifications in so many areas. Recall how Germans voted back in 1933..."
03.01.2022 "It seems that successful women who juggle a family and a career and pro-lifers who choose to adopt are only to be respected and admired if they aren’t conservative appointments to the Supreme Court."
02.01.2022 'Sometimes it is wise to prepare the heart to mourn. It says in Ecclesiastes that better is the house of mourning than the house of pleasure. As fathers, we n...eed to know what we are about to face and place great store on our relationships with our loved ones.' #fatherhood #dads #children #death #funeral #faith #Christians #Christ #Bible
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