Australian Age of Dinosaurs in Winton, Queensland | Museum
Australian Age of Dinosaurs
Locality: Winton, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 4657 0078
Address: Lot 1 Dinosaur Drive 4735 Winton, QLD, Australia
Likes: 9992
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25.01.2022 Excavated and brought up to the Laboratory, preparation of these sauropod caudal vertebrae and metatarsal is nearly complete. From this angle the damage caused by the self-mulching blacksoil allows us to see the internal structure of the caudal vertebrae! Just another day in the Lab! #preservingfossils #fossilfun #annsitecaudals #annsitemetatarsal
25.01.2022 Is it a Goose? Pic by Karen #isitreallyagoose? #dinosaurstodunnarts #answercomingsoon
24.01.2022 Check out this collaboration between our Masters and PhD researchers Sam and Adele. Here, Sam is helping Adele with the osteology paper for 'Ferrodraco lentoni' (Butch the Pterosaur) by taking the finer measurements of Butch's teeth. Aren't they cute !? #australianageofdinosaurs #experiencewinton #womeninscience #PhD #masters
23.01.2022 The beauty of a wet season. Taken at Lark Quarry Conservation Park. Pic by Bec (Tour Guide/ Dinosaur Stampede Caretaker) #wetseason #outbackqueensland #experiencewinton #larkquarryconservationpark
21.01.2022 It was a top of 40C today but it didn’t stop the fossil crew from getting a big load of exhibition fossils for our new "Australia through Time" display in the Laboratory. Some great renovations and updates are on our big list of jobs for 2021. Pictured are big slabs of fish fossils and three different types of stromatolite. We also had the ute packed with the smaller specimens. Big day! ... #australiathroughtime #fossilfun
21.01.2022 What's in a word? For her Education placement, work-experience student Caitlin has created this crafty word search for us! Can you help us solve it by finding the ten words she has hidden for us? The words can go forwards, backwards, diagonally, up or down. Let us know how you go in the comments below! #australianageofdinosaurs #kidscorner #workexperience #wordsearch
21.01.2022 Spice up your jewellery box with some of our rockin', natural history-inspired necklaces and earrings! Made by the Museum's Tour Guide/Dinosaur Stampede Caretaker and lapidary master Karen and PhD researcher Adele. These beauties were all created here in Winton! Karen's petrified wood is locally sourced and cut in the Museum Laboratory, and Adele's acrylic earrings are handcrafted on a nearby property. Aren't they just out of this world? Available for purchase through the Museum's online shop: #museumshop #onlineshop #necklace #earrings
20.01.2022 Guess what is in the container? #staytunedforthebigreveal
20.01.2022 We had to wave down our mate Dale to help undo a bolt. Thanks mate! How do we monitor the fly level on The Jump-Up? When our guests start commenting about how 'friendly' the flies have become, it's time to change the level! ... Gosh! We are all hoping we don't get to free protein.... ewwww! #flylevel #veryimportantinformation #outbackflies #bringaflynet
20.01.2022 Progress has been slow, but we are seeing the finish line! This is the last of the cervical (neck) vertebrae to be prepared from the Judy site. All that is left to do is tidy up where the blacksoil has broken up the vertebrae and we are finished! Watch this space... #judysitecervicalvertebrae #fossilfun #fossillaboratory
19.01.2022 Uh oh, Junior Palaeontologists! Hughey, Leaellyn, Matilda and Banjo were arguing over their favourite holidays and now they're all confused! Can you find out which favourite holiday belongs to which dinosaur? Let us know in the comments down below! #australianageofdinosaurs #experiencewinton #kidscorner #squigglemaze #festiveseason
19.01.2022 Staff appreciation post Victoria is our confident and happy Tour Guide/Dinosaur Stampede Caretaker. Here is what Victoria has to say about working for the Museum:... "I applied for the position of Tour Guide because I have loved dinosaurs since I was little. I’m also an aspiring presenter for wildlife and nature documentaries/shows, and it suited my science (zoology) background. Working as a Tour Guide has been the perfect combination of all three. I want to provide world-class tours because I know I’m representing the Museum and I want to give visitors the best possible experience. I believe in providing excellent customer service so that people enjoy their time at the Museum and will recommend the experience to others." #staffappreciation #aaodteam2020
19.01.2022 Calling all Junior Palaeontologists! Our very first Education work experience student, Caitlin, has designed a dot-to-dot for us! Use your best counting skills to connect the dots and uncover the dinosaur. Do you know who it is? Let us know in the comments below! #australianageofdinosaurs #workexperience #kidscorner #dottodot
19.01.2022 Local opal miner and TV celebrity ("Outback Opal Hunters") Col Duff recently donated these pendant-sized opalised petrified-wood specimens. These extraordinary fossils will be on display in the Laboratory very soon. #opalisedpetrifiedwood #opalton #thankscolduff #outbackopalhunters
18.01.2022 This excerpt is of "Dinothaw: Search for the Coldest Dinosaur" by Honorary Technician Rose Siva. Searching for fossils in Antarctica can be tricky and interesting in equal parts. Follow Jason's adventure with this awesome book! Available for purchase through the online Museum Shop at #australianageofdinosaurs #experiencewinton #bookreading #kidscorner #gracethetourguide
17.01.2022 They're running off the shelves! These dinosaur tails, that is We roped some of our friendly staff into demonstrating these groovy accessories. You can purchase your own tail, in either green or purple, from our online shop: #australianageofdinosaurs #onlineshop #dressup #dinosaurtails
17.01.2022 Staff appreciation post Michelle joined our team in October and here is what she has to say about working for the Museum: "It was back in 2015, during my first stint living and working in Winton, that I was introduced to the Australian Age of Dinosaurs. Although I didn't work for them, I developed a great love and appreciation for the work their team were doing and the vision they were working towards. ... Fast forward five years and I'm an accredited Savannah Guide running my own walking tour business, Australian Nature Guides, with my husband at Carnarvon Gorge and loving every minute of it! As our 2020 season drew to a close I noticed an ad from the Museum seeking guides to fill short-term positions. Being a fellow Savannah Guides Enterprise, and a place full of interesting discoveries and stories, I just couldn't resist! Working at The Jump-up has involved immersing myself in a new discipline and has challenged me to expand my guiding repertoire. This has proven to be a fabulous learning experience with a huge amount of support from my colleagues. Plus, I'm having a fabulous behind-the-scenes experience of the inner workings of another Savannah Guides Enterprise. Now that I'm a fully-fledged Tour Guide I'm helping our visitors experience the wonder that is Australian palaeontology and how it influences our understanding of modern day environments, which is a true joy. Every day I'm blown away by the amazing local dinosaur discoveries that have been made out here and the positive impacts they've had on the Winton community." #staffappreciation #aaodteam2020
16.01.2022 The best way to enjoy the morning is with a good cuppa in a groovy mug, or cup and saucer! Have you seen ours? If you prefer loose-leaf tea, then check out our groovy tea diffusers! Everything is available for purchase in our online shop: #australianageofdinosaurs #onlineshop #mugs
15.01.2022 Staff appreciation post Alex is the Museum's chirpy Café Assistant. Here is what Alex has to say about working for the Museum:... "After finishing school I qualified as a chef. After a while I went looking for a new challenge and began studying veterinary science. As 2020 came around I thought it pragmatic to get away from the city and pursue my passion for hospitality and exploring my dream of working with animals in a rural environment. Australian Age of Dinosaurs provides experience in both these fields, whether it is passing the inquisitive emu or ‘barista-ing’ a fine cup of coffee. I am incredibly grateful to have become part of the Museum family and to help provide our guests with the world-class experience they deserve." #staffappreciation #aaodteam2020
14.01.2022 Mud-nesting wasp Mud-nesting wasps, native to Australia, are starting to reproduce. This wasp is beneficial to the environment as it helps to control spiders, aphids and other pest insects. It also pollinates native plants. This is an insect that is best viewed from a distance. It is not aggressive, but when provoked it will fight back. A sting from one of these wasps is extremely painful. ... #mudnestingwasp #dinosaurstodunnarts See more
14.01.2022 It's a surreal feeling when you have two extraordinarily preserved dorsal vertebrae from the Judy site on the table in front of you. The detail on these vertebrae is spectacular. This detailed preparation was completed by the Museum's Honorary Technicians. Enjoy this snippet from the Laboratory. #dorsalvertebrae #judythesauropod #beautifulpreservation #fossilpreparation
14.01.2022 Just in! The perfect dino-games for Christmas day: "Dinosaur Bingo" and "Match these Bones". There is limited stock available, so don't delay! Dinosaur Bingo ($29.95): Easy to play and full of weird and wonderful (and adorable) creatures, "Dinosaur Bingo" will engage and delight children for hours. It can be played with three to eight people, making it the perfect game for dino-mad children and their families. Match these Bones ($24.95): Reunite the dinosaurs with... their skeletons, learning about your favourite species and how they were discovered. Read fascinating facts from the included educational booklet as you play, from which dinosaurs had feathers to what those spikes on "Triceratops’" skulls are really for. Free shipping within Australia with purchases over $100.00.
13.01.2022 In the lead-up to the holiday season how can you tell if someone has been naughty or nice? Ask them with this lie detector, of course! #australianageofdinosaurs #onlineshop #liedetector #naughtyornice
13.01.2022 Back by POPULAR demand! Pterosaur kites are back in stock and ready for shipment. Get in quickly before they all sell out (again)! Remember: free shipping within Australia with purchases over $100. ... These unique pterosaur kites are inspired by the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site. The kite measures 140cm x 76cm, is made from tough spinnaker nylon with fibreglass struts and includes detachable wingtails. The kite comes complete with single flying line, flying instructions and information on pterosaurs and the Jurassic Coast. Don't miss out!
13.01.2022 Are you travelling to Outback Queensland this summer? As it is getting hot make sure you are prepared with plenty of water bottles, hats and sunscreen. As you can see, Banjo needs cooling off too and he loves it! Lk how happy he is. ... #summer #outbackqueensland #besunsafe
12.01.2022 These little cuties are cave bats. In fact, it's a mother cave bat with her babies and they have made their home in a mud nest created by a bird. #cavebats #dinosaurstodunnarts
11.01.2022 Crikey, it's Steve Irwin Day! This is an international event honouring the life and legacy of the Crocodile Hunter himself. On this day, think about how far we have come in recent years with wildlife conservation, and what actions we can take to contribute to the continued conservation of our native wildlife. Step outside, look around, and see how many animals you can find - can you identify them all? Is there room for a new native bush or tree in your backyard? Maybe a birdbath or feeder? Have a backyard picnic with your family. Turn off the electronics, open the windows, step outside for a cuppa, and enjoy the serenity! You can find out more information at #steveirwin #steveirwinday #wildlifeconservation #wildlifewarriors
11.01.2022 Some of the Museum's visitors are very hard to see! This ring-tailed dragon was spotted sun bathing on a big rock at the front of the Reception Centre. This dragon was very comfortable posing for photos with other visitors for most of the day! What a cutie! ... #ringtaileddragon #reptiles #dinosaurstodunnarts #camoflague #thisdragonlovesthemuseum
11.01.2022 Have you ever seen a wild parrot snoozing? This little cutie is a red-winged parrot - a very common bird around the Winton area. Pic by Karen... #Redwingedparrot #dinosaurstodunnarts #parrotsnoozing See more
10.01.2022 The next shipment of pterosaur kites will arrive in late November. With limited stock available, these kites are selling out quickly. If you are looking for the perfect Christmas gift, or want to scare the kids, pre-order your kite now! Free shipping within Australia with purchases over $100.00. Pterosaur kite ($45)... This pterosaur kite has been designed by and inspired by the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site. This unique kite measures 140cm x 76cm and is made in tough spinnaker nylon with fibreglass struts and includes detachable wingtails. The kite comes complete with single flying line, flying instructions and information on pterosaurs and the Jurassic Coast. Don't miss out! #museumshop #pterosaurkite #limitedstock
10.01.2022 Are you looking for the perfect Christmas present for the young palaeontologist in your life? We have you covered! Get inspired! Check out the Museum's range of children's toys now #museumshop #xmas2020 #childrensgifts
09.01.2022 Are you looking for unique gift ideas? How about a vial of Dinosaur Dust? The Museum's Dinosaur Dust contains sieved site material with real dinosaur fragments, plant material, gypsum and remnants of plaster jackets. All material within the vial has been found near Winton, Queensland, and is bottled on site. The vial stands 11cm high and includes an information card. Available online: ... #museumshop #dinosaurdust #bespokegifts
09.01.2022 Just in! Holocene drink bottle (700ml) Green and clean. Protect the Holocene. This simple message is about looking after the world around us by consciously choosing sustainable and reusable products. The Holocene began 11,650 years ago following the last glacial retreat and has been characterised as a time of climactic stability. However, as carbon dioxide emissions, global warming, ocean acidification, habitat destruction, extinction and widescale natural resource ext...raction continue to significantly modify the world around us, it is up to all of us to make meaningful decisions. We all have an important part to play in protecting this planet and its inhabitants. Human impact on the environment is so substantial that a working group of scientists has proposed a new epoch the Anthropocene although there is much discussion over whether it should start in the mid-20th century or much earlier. This 700ml stainless-steel drink bottle with screw-on lid is free from Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical compound used in the manufacture of certain plastics, and is reusable. Shop online now: #museumshop #holocene #stainlesssteel #drinkbottle #protecttheplanet
09.01.2022 Winton has a rich history with links to the Great Shearers' Strike, Waltzing Matilda, Qantas and dinosaurs. ABC presenter Ashwin Segkar caught up with the Winton Mayor Gavin Baskett, Executive Chairman David Elliott and Red Dirt Tours owner/operator Vicki Jones to discover what there is to see and do there. Duration: 19min 43sec ... Broadcast: Sun 20 Sep 2020, 10:00am To listen, click the link below #goodtogo #outbackqueensland #experiencewinton #thisisqueensland
08.01.2022 A wonderful video that showcases the arrival of the Museum's latest bronze dinosaurs! John Elliott #DestQ #OutbackQueensland
08.01.2022 Cuteness overload, O Mg! Hurry though, these Oxygen and Magnesium tees are in limited supply! These tees are available through the Museum's online shop. #australianageofdinosaurs #experiencewinton #museumshop #omg
08.01.2022 Learn about Australia's rocks and fossils with this ripper of a book! Grab your copy from our website at #australianageofdinosaurs #experiencewinton #bookreading #kidscorner #gracethetourguide
07.01.2022 For anyone who loves chasing storms, this storm cell would have had your adrenaline levels at a perfect high! This photo is from the big storm front that hit the Winton area on the 12 November 2020. #wetseason #outbackqueensland #experiencewinton
07.01.2022 Did you guess right? Our bronze sauropods have arrived in Townsville!! WE ARE SO EXCITED!! ... Watch this space. They will arrive at the Museum next week! #DestQ #bronzesauropods #outbackqueensland #theyaregoingtomakeourmuseumamazing #experiencewinton
06.01.2022 In the "March of the Titanosaurs" exhibition Sam is using the Museum's Artec 3D scanner to digitise the complex geometry and texture of the five sauropod footprints for analysis. This wonderful tool can assist researchers to study new sites even when it isn't possible to visit. #artec3Dscanner #marchofthetitanosaurs #sauropodfootprints #palaeontologymovingforward
05.01.2022 BEAT THE HEAT! From 15 November the Museum will be offering guided tours from 8am. This will allow visitors to enjoy walking through Dinosaur Canyon before the heat of the day. The Museum has also extended its winter hours, remaining open seven days a week, 8am to 5pm until 30 November.... From 1 December to 31 March the Museum will be open six days a week, Monday to Saturday, 8am to 5pm (Closed Sundays). For more details about the Museum’s opening times or to book a ticket visit #experiencewinton #outbackqueensland
05.01.2022 Just in! Night Sky planispheres (Southern Hemisphere) The Night Sky is widely recognised by the amateur astronomy and educational communities as the overall best planisphere on the market. With instructions printed on the back for handy reference you will be locating constellations and select deep sky objects within minutes.... The Night Sky is printed with dark stars on a light background, for easy nighttime readability. The constellations are drawn simply, emphasising the brighter stars which makes them easy to recognize and locate with the naked eye or entry level equipment. Coordinates are shown because they can be useful for cross referencing with star atlases. A selection of deep sky objects for binocular viewing are included. The map scale is larger than on similar-size planispheres because the whole sky does not have to be shown on a single map. Shop now: #museumshop #planisphere #darkskysanctuary
04.01.2022 After a hot day there is no better feeling than watching a monster storm cell roll over the jump-up country at Lark Quarry Conservation Park. BEAUTIFUL Photo taken by Bec (Tour Guide/ Dinosaur Stampede Caretaker)... #larkquarryconservationpark #dinosaurstampede #experiencewinton #outbackqueensland #wetseason
04.01.2022 This will certainly get your heart racing! This is a new species of tarantula found around the Winton area. It's called a rattling tarantula. They are found in the black soil plains but not a lot is known about them yet. This one was photographed on the access road to the Museum (when it was gravel). ... #rattlingtarantula #dinosaurstodunnarts
02.01.2022 It is so wonderful to have the Museum's Honorary Technicians working through the backlog of fossils in the Lab! This is a piece of a sternal plate and small phalanx (or phalange) from the Judy site sauropod. All we have to do now is prep around the other part of the phalanx, which is on another bigger block, with various bones in it. Watch this space to see the final restoration of the Judy site phalanx. ... #fossilfun #fossillaboratory #prepadino
01.01.2022 Here's a quick peek at the picture book "She Found Fossils", written and edited by Maria Eugenia Leone Gold and Abygael Rosemary West. The beautiful illustrations have been done by Amy J Gardiner. A brief biography regarding women in palaeontological history, this book is great inspiration for budding female scientists. Available from our online shop at #australianageofdinosaurs #experiencewinton #bookreading #kidscorner #gracethetourguide
01.01.2022 Psst! If you liked Sabina Radeva's "Origin of Species", why not try the matching "Evolution Colouring and Activity Book"? Available for purchase in our online shop: #australianageofdinosaurs #onlineshop #kidsbooks #kidsactivities
01.01.2022 How good is your memory? Have you seen this dinosaur on your travels around Australia's Dinosaur Trail? Hint: the dinosaur is 'Muttaburrasaurus' #namethatplace #muttaburrasaurus #australiasdinosaurtrail
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