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Australian Athletic Centre in Findon, South Australia, Australia | Sport & recreation

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Australian Athletic Centre

Locality: Findon, South Australia, Australia

Phone: +61 426 822 175

Address: Unit 3, 30-36 Glen Elder Street 5023 Findon, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Why its important to train your groin for soccer Soccer often involves a lot of change of direction over a large period of time and groin injuries are one of... the most common issues we see in the clinic Physiotherapist Liam talks with Adam from AAC about the importance of groin focused training Australian Athletic Centre

25.01.2022 New Gym = Better Gym New Coach = Better Team Welcome to the squad @danmilovanovic . #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #coach #team #gym

25.01.2022 When you think you could do what your athletes do... then you watch it in person Yeah noooooo! Level of respect for this guys talent went up a few levels. . #aac #setthestandard #motorsport #speedway #bike #motorcycle #motorbike #gillman #athlete #adelaide #southaustralia #sport #sunday #sunny #sun #talent #respect #fast #yourebetterthanme

24.01.2022 Doing this for the money... . I’ve been questioned this multiple times. Both jokingly and seriously. Let’s see the facts . 23 y/o making close to 6 figures working PT at a commercial gym. Decision - buy a house or open a gym (guess which one happened).... . 12 months on. Business gradually building but nothing special... still earning decent $ personally. Decision - go on holiday to refresh or hire a Coach. I did the latter... 3 times in the space of 9 months. And if I’m honest, I would do it all again. . Business going strong - BOOM COVID hits What happens? Downsize? Call it a day? Instead... adjust, survive and thrive in a brand new bigger facility! . 2 weeks later, here we are However, mindset remains the same as it was previously. The financial reward will come but it will always be seen as a means to provide optimal services to athletes and make the business, it’s Coaches and this industry better! . Lockdown... we’ve seen worse. See you soon team. #setthestandard . #wheredreamsbecomereality #money #covid_19 See more

24.01.2022 FACEBOOK LIVE - TOMORROW 9 AM . We have special guest, Lachlan Hinds, joining us on Facebook Live. Lachlan has an extensive background in S&C having previous roles at Woodville West Torrens, Inspire Institute of Sport in India with Judo athletes, Henley High School and is currently the Strength & Power Coordinator at Cycling Australia. . Lachlan shares his knowledge as hell be presenting Utilising Load Velocity Profiling to Individualise Strength Training Prescription ...Certainly one not to miss for athletes and aspiring Coaches! Be sure to tune in, take notes and ask questions. . #aac #setthestandard #facebook #intsagram #insta #facebooklive #zoom #coach #coaching #training #load #velocity #prescription #strengthandconditioning #exercise #exercisescience #exercisephysiology #education #learning #foreverlearning #wednesday #humpday See more

24.01.2022 Yoga 6 am tomorrow morning! . Last couple spots remaining for tomorrows first Yoga Class with @yogawithbritts Book in via the @mindbody App - free with any standard membership . #aac #setthestandard #yoga #new #classes #tuesday #mindbody #adelaide #southaustralia #australia #gym #morethanagym #community #pilates #training #health #lifestyle #stretching #mobility #exercisescience #fitness #exercise

24.01.2022 STOP DOING UPRIGHT ROWS . Okay... to clarify we actually wanted to title this post stop demonising exercises - but we thought the other would get more clicks We’ve all heard of certain exercises being bad and chosen to avoid exercises we don’t like. As you progress as a coach you will learn there’s no bad exercises, only bad implementation or misunderstanding. . The upright row has been previously thought of as a ‘dangerous’ exercise. The argument to why it is da...ngerous is because performing the exercise involves internal rotation at the shoulder. Some say putting the shoulder into internal rotation puts the shoulder at risk of impingement due to ‘closing’ the subacromial space. . If an athlete has healthy shoulders, internal rotation and temporary closing of the subacromial space will not be in issue. Ideally, we would like most athletes and general population to be able to move through a full range of internal and external shoulder rotation. . In cases that someone has presented with possible history of shoulder impingement, then maybe exercises such as upright rows may be something to modify or progress to down the track. . #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #uprightrow See more

23.01.2022 SIDE LUNGE PLATE DRAG . Constantly on the hunt for new ways to train the frontal plane and these fit the bill perfectly. If youve suffered with groin injuries and need strengthening certainly give them a go. Expect them to feature in Mondays strength session . #aac #setthestandard #groin #frontalplane #sidelunge #exercise #training #gym #lifting #health #injuryprevention #strengthandconditioning #exercisescience #exercisephysiology #girlsthatlift #whoruntheworld #fitness #saturday #sport #winter #adelaide #southaustralia #australia

23.01.2022 2 Things Uni Won’t Teach You - Programming & Personality . Universities like to sell you on the fact that they will get you ‘industry ready’. That you will come out of your degree with everything you need to hit the ground running in your new job in the industry. They roll out a list of all these credentials that you earn from the different courses in the degree and hang their hats on the fact that they’ve jumped through all of the hoops whatever governing body has for them. . Unfortunately, they either briefly touch or completely forget to teach you 2 of the biggest components of getting and then maintaining that job; Personality and Programming. . 1 Your personality is what is going to sell you to not only your potential employers, but also your clients. If you can’t connect with people, then how are you meant to coach them? How are you meant to be there for them when they’re learning new skills, pushing themselves or coming off an injury? Personality gets you where you want to be. . 2 If personality gets you that job, then programming is what lets you keep it. You can be the best coach there is, but if your programs aren’t getting results, or even making people worse you aren’t going to last long. Universities are structured and theoretical. A good program is chaotic and 50:50 theory and instinct. This is why they struggle to teach you how to put together a decent program. . If you want our advice, practice. Practice writing programs for different scenarios and practice being that person people want to learn from and be coached by. . Need help? Contact us for internship applications. . #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #programming #teambuildr #personality See more

23.01.2022 3 things likely for Summer... Sunny weather Sweaty Saturdays @ashalawson hitting PBs like its nobodys business #ifightnowtoo .... #aac #setthestandard #pb #summer #saturday #sweaty #warm #adelaide #southaustralia #proagility #fivezerofive #strengthandconditioning #exercise #exercisescience #exercisephysiology #fitness #girlsthatlift #girlsthatsprint #run #sprint #agility #toogood See more

22.01.2022 19 million step challenge anyone? Didn’t stop us from coming back last time... rest assured it won’t this time . #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #covid

22.01.2022 Why do I shake during exercise? . Everyone has either seen or experienced the shakes when exercising. Youve either had to hold a position for an extended amount of time or youve been working out pretty intensely and you start to feel your muscles wobbling. Some people see this as a sign of a good workout, others see it as a bad thing that means they have gone too hard. Neither of them are completely wrong or right. . When you work out, your brain is sending signals via ...your nervous system to your muscles to tell them what to do. The more intense you work out the more frequently these signals need to be sent to make the muscles do what they need to. When you start shaking, this means that your brain cant get enough of these signals to your muscles to make them contract smoothly. . There are a few different ways that this can happen. One of them is that when creating energy, your muscle cells also create by-products that need to be buffered out. When these by-products exceed the amount that your body can buffer, they start getting in the way of the signals your brain is trying to send. The other way is a lot simpler. Your brain and nervous system just get tired from sending so many signals and you have depleted the chemicals that go from the nerves to the muscle cells. . Is this bad or harmful? No not really. Its just a natural process from exercising at an intensity those muscles arent used to. With proper rest and recovery your body will adapt and come back stronger for it. . #aac #setthestandard #shake #shakes #fries #dance #dancing #exercise #iso #contract #hold #wobble #pain #nopainnogain #dangerous #notreally #wallsit #squat #legs #thursday #gym See more

22.01.2022 Private Industry is the Future of S&C . It goes without saying, my opinion on this is HEAVILY biased and only provides benefits for AAC if this is to be true. So, disregard everything you’re about to read, report the post as spam, send DM’s that we are portraying an unrealistic dream and that I have no knowledge about anything. . BUUUT... if you’re crazy enough to believe the private sector has a future, and a big future at that, please continue on.... . To clarify, we’re talking purely S&C in this post which doesn’t include training general population for health and fitness purposes. At the current time, if you’re in the industry you likely fall in one or more of the below . 1 Unemployed - working odd jobs to survive. 2 Contracted for pennies part time (eg. Local, state sporting clubs) - likely still working odd jobs. 3 Employed/Contracted - decent money, some S&C but mainly gen. pop. and no where near what you hoped for. 4 Employed by a professional organisation working full time - congrats on being one of the very few as there isn’t many going around . There are outliers. However, 95% if not more would fall into the above. So, why am I confident private industry is slowly taking over? Because successful private businesses that actually specialise in S&C are popping up left, right and centre across South Australia. Look at @peaqconditioning @jtperformance_ @nexasport just to name a few (and oh yeah... @australianathleticcentre ). The more these businesses thrive, the more that will be established and in turn the higher demand for legitimate S&C careers that will develop. . 1000’s of athletes across SA are already experiencing the benefits of seeking private coaching outside of their respective clubs/sporting organisations. Barring a complete 180* for some unprecedented reason (COVID 2021 please no ), this will only continue to grow. . The future of private S&C is bright. Stick around if you want to reap the rewards. . #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #strengthandconditioning #private See more

21.01.2022 5 Overhead Pressing Variations . The overhead press is a compound movement using most of the musculature of the upper body. It also requires the core to stabilise your spine as you press overhead. The conventional press is a great tool for increasing strength as well as picking up any imbalances or movement deviations around the shoulder area. Here are a few different variations of the press and the reasons behind why we would use them. . 1 Strict Barbell Press... Called the strict press because it strictly targets the shoulders and upper body. Either done seated or standing this movement does not allow any help from the legs or hips forcing the upper body to do all the work. Put these in your program as an accessory to increase your bench or if you are an athlete that works overhead and needs more strength and endurance in those overhead positions. . 2 Barbell Push Press The difference between this and the strict press is that the push press uses a dip and drive of the knees to move the barbell overhead. This allows for more total weight to be moved or for lighter weights to be moved faster. It is also a great way to start learning more advanced overhead movements such as the split jerk or snatch. . 3 Barbell Split Jerk The split jerk requires you to move the bar from the shoulders to overhead as fast as possible. This requires a lot of power, coordination and stability. Training the split jerk is great for increasing vertical force production. This benefits athletes whose sport require ballistic overhead movements like throwing or pitching. . 4 Arnold Press Similar to a conventional dumbbell overhead press, just adding a rotational element at the bottom of the lift. This hits more of the deltoids as well as increasing time under tension. If you are looking for a way to increase shoulder endurance or hypertrophy, then spice your program up with these. . 5 Landmine Press If you have any shoulder issues or impingements and normal pressing causes pain, then these are a great way to get some in. The forward angle of the landmine is more comfortable for the shoulder and still gets all of the important benefits of the vertical pressing motion. See more

20.01.2022 Yoga Boxing Strength . No, you dont have to do 3 classes a day to get results. But were definitely giving these 2 a round of applause for their efforts Shows what a goal, a lot determination and an alarm in the morning can accomplish. ... . Well done girls! . #whoruntheworld #girls #aac #setthestandard #yoga #boxing #strength #hiit #class #team #squad #tuesday #motivation #fitness #adelaide #southaustralia #friends #family #community #gym #morethanagym See more

19.01.2022 SHOULD I BE COMPLETING EVERY TRAINING? The main questions to consider are: 1 What is your goal? 2 What are you wanting to get back to?... 3 Do you feel like you arent recovering properly because youre doing too much? A lot of people get into the habit of feeling like they have to stick to their training schedule and program regardless of how theyre feeling which isnt always the best option! It might mean you have to miss or modify a training session to help alleviate some problem areas, which is okay!! The health and wellbeing of the athlete is far more important than missing or changing some of your sessions in the short-term!

19.01.2022 A great spot, with an ambitious vision, run by a great group of individuals We love seeing facilities such as @playerperformanceproject pop up around Adelaide. They’re yet to officially open but they’ve already announced themselves in a big way! Watch these guys grow massive in 2021 and beyond . #soccer #strengthandconditioning

18.01.2022 Behind The Neck Pressing . Overhead pressing from behind the neck cops a lot of criticism from the medias. Unfortunately, it has become such popular opinion that this exercise is bad for your shoulders that people are regurgitating this information without even knowing why. . People will claim that pressing from behind your neck puts your shoulder girdle into a compromised position and by adding a loaded barbell in that position you will get injured or slowly dete...riorate your shoulders. They are kind of right, but mostly wrong. . While we are not saying everyone should start throwing weight behind their neck instead of in front, it does take adequate mobility and stability to be able to get into position safely. Without these pre-requisites you will eventually get injured. If you have that stability and mobility then go for it, pressing from behind the neck is a great way to maintain strong healthy shoulders. Especially if your sport requires any overhead throwing or catching. . Look at the sport of Olympic Weightlifting. They are pressing double or even triple times their body weight from behind their neck and enjoy a healthy retirement after their sport. It is all about proper application at the right times. This rule applies to any and all forms of exercise. . #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #behindtheneckpress See more

18.01.2022 COVID Marshal duties have been tough . @normatec_anz @nba And Adelaide weather getting us through a tough day on the tools ... . Who wants a spin in the boots for their lunchtime break? . #aac #setthestandard #nba #covid #marshal #virus #adelaide #southaustralia #australia #gym #aminoenergy #massivejoes #nike #normatec #recovery #hyperice See more

17.01.2022 Rounded Shoulders Part 2 Healthy Shoulders . Continuing on from our last post, we decided to make a list of some of our favourite exercises. All of these exercises are designed to promote healthy scapula and shoulder movement through different ranges of motion. . 1 Band Pull Apart... Simple and easy. Grab a band, keep your arms straight and pull it apart. This works the mid Trapezius and posterior Deltoids as well as a good stretch for the chest. Throw these into your warmup or as an accessory exercise in-between your main sets. . 2 Shoulder Dislocations A great mobility exercise. Can either be done with a band or a dowel. This puts your shoulder through its full range of motion without allowing you to cheat by arching your lower back. . 3 Banded Triple Threat A more advanced version of the band pull apart or face pull exercise. This puts your shoulder through a larger range of motion while being loaded by the band. This also forces your Scapula to move through a larger range of motion and stabilise she shoulder girdle. . 4 Landmine Press A fantastic way to get some overhead pressing in while being more forgiving on the shoulders. Weve touched on this exercise recently with how diverse it is, and for those that find a pinching in their shoulders or just general discomfort this exercise is a good way to strengthen them up while avoiding those discomforts. . 5 Scapula Pull Ups The Scapula plays a huge role in how well your shoulders move, especially in ranges above the head. This is a bit more of an advanced exercise, but a great way to specifically target those Scaps as well as stretch out your Lats and bigger upper back muscles. . #aac #setthestandard #shoulders #bouldershoulders #mobility #health #strength #exercise #fitness #sport #injury #injuryprevention #gym #morethanagym #strengthandconditioning #exercisescience #exercisephysiology #physio #alliedhealth #nike #justdoit See more

17.01.2022 Qualified COVID Marshal thinks he can take up boxing Then again... what cant the Pope do? . #aac #setthestandard #boxing #covid #covidmarshal #pope #friday #fight #fightnight #gym #community #friends #family #stopthespread #fitness #health #lifestyle #fun #punch #cardio #workout #morethanagym #instafit

16.01.2022 When you think you’re about to watch snap city... instead you get ridiculous force absorption #donottrythisathome . Posted @withregram @mcinneswatson Did someone say depth jumps? If there was ever a greater term it’s SHOCK TRAINING... Box height is 2.10m apparently! Courtesy of @fftft414 on Twitter Anyone wana try? #speed #plyos #plyometrics #training #sport #dunking #jumping #sprinting #depthjumps

16.01.2022 General Physical Preparedness for Football . General Physical Preparedness (GPP) is the baseline physical level of an athlete. This is the groundwork upon which more specific skills can be built. GPP is as non-sport specific as possible and encompasses everything from strength, speed, power and endurance. This is usually phased into the off-season for Football, where athletes will have a break from their sport specific training and work on building up their bodies. Here... are some of the best exercises that we like to use during the GPP phase. . 1 Sled Push Such an underrated and often hated piece of equipment. Sled Pushes work the entire body and can be changed up depending on what adaptations youre after. Need to work on strength/endurance? Then load that thing up. Want to work on power/endurance? Take some weight off and move it as fast as you can. . 2 Trap Bar Deadlift Another fantastic full body exercise. We have talked about the Trap Bar a bit in previous posts, but probably because we love it so much for our athletes. Its easy to use and easy to see the benefits for our athletes. . 3 Lunges When done properly, lunges are a good exercise to get some single leg stability training. Being able to work off of each leg individually is very important as this promotes a more stable base for any later training where you are on your feet. . 4 Glute Ham Raise Every footballer knows how important hamstrings are. This targets the distal portion of the hamstrings (closer to the knee) as the knees bend and the hips stay straight throughout the movement. Starting with just the eccentric part (the down) you should build your way up to be able to do the concentric portion too (the up) for some seriously strong strings. . 5 Sprints If youre not sprinting, then you should be. During the season you would be getting enough sprints in by playing games, but in the off season you need to keep it going. All out, max effort sprints are one of the best ways to keep your hammies strong and safe. If you want to be in the best shape coming into the next pre-season then keeping the sprints going throughout the off season. . #aac #setthestandard #football #footy #australia #aussierules #gpp #strength #speed #power #run #jump #fast #strong #sport #offseason #thereisnooffseason #deadlift #sprint #sled #lunge #glutes #hamstrings #gym See more

16.01.2022 Above all else, member safety and well-being will be at the forefront. . Hand Sanitising Stations Cleaning Stations First Aid Kit & AED ... Disposable Gloves & Face Masks . These were installed prior to the most recent set of restrictions in Adelaide and their importance has only been further highlighted this week. . Train hard. Stay clean. Stop the spread. #setthestandard . #adelaide #covid_19 #aac See more

16.01.2022 You arrived a student, yet you quickly became family. You fought battles we could only imagine, yet you still brought a smile to everyone’s face. You were taken from us too soon Chelsea. Thank you for making all of our lives better in the time we had you here.

16.01.2022 Our sweatiest ACL superstar back doing what she does best. @ashalawson you are goals . #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #acl #dontcallitacomeback

16.01.2022 CONSISTENTLY CHANGING CAUSES CATASTROPHE . Havent missed a rep in training Diet on point Sleeping 8 hours a night ... End result a sure thing . And then it happens... You lose on the weekend The scale doesnt budge Even worse, you get injured. Time to change everything! Or is it? . Unfortunately, progress is rarely linear. And sometimes happens irrelevant of ticking all the boxes. A poor result or a flare up in rehabilitation doesnt mean youve done something wrong nor that you should change the process - if it brings consistent negative outcomes, maybe its time to re-evaluate. Otherwise, continue as you have for the greater goal. . Trust the process. . #aac #setthestandard #change #process #trusttheprocess #wednesday #humpday #consistency #exercise #diet #health #sport #weightloss #win #lose #injury #injuryprevention #weights #lifting #gym #morethanagym #longterm #goal #dedication See more

15.01.2022 #justdoit x #setthestandard . #aac #nike #gym #adelaide

14.01.2022 A big baseball contingent walking through the doors of AAC the past 12 months. With the upcoming @australianbaseballleague due to start next month... players from the U.S. abroad elsewhere and local have their preseason in full swing. . Having the benefit of accomodating such athletes, we had to ask them - what separates those who make it and those that don’t at the higher level? . Unanimously, their response - those who make it put in the work on and OFF the field!... . They don’t, nor do we, claim lifting will automatically make you the greatest baseballer ever... but it could get you that one step further in your career and/or at the very least get the most out of your game. . Great to see @tennesseefitzgerald and @_jasonlott in for another season with the @adelaidegiants . If you legitimately want to make your baseball dream a reality, we have your performance covered. Doors are open Your next move. . #aac #setthestandard #baseball #adelaide #giants #abl #wheredreamsbecomereality See more

14.01.2022 @tolsy21 stopped in for a lift. Wanted deads. Hit 232.5kg just so he could join the 500lbs club. Baseball things .... #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #baseball #deadlift See more

13.01.2022 3 years ago this guy was dumb enough to believe we could make something of this place 3 years ago we were brave enough to take him on board Today... pretty much the same thing but in a bigger home Let’s keep at it @victor.thach .... #aac #setthestandard #performex #wheredreamsbecomereality #brothers #exercisephysiology #strengthandconditioning See more

12.01.2022 Off Season well and truly about to kick off before the @australianbaseballleague begins at the end of the year @michaelgahan getting settled in for a big few months. If youre a Baseballer and need help getting your body in shape call or dm us and lets get the conversation started. . #aac #setthestandard #baseball #adelaide #giants #abl #australia #southaustralia #offseason #thereisnoffseason #strengthandconditioning #sport #exercise #exercisescience #exercisephysiology #sprint #jump #agility #gym #fusionsport #smartspeed

12.01.2022 Did you know? - Training prior to surgery has been shown to improve rehabilitation and return to sport outcomes . @tomthunig is less than 24 hours away from going under the knife to repair his ACL (thanks for the delays COVID ) - yet he is still working his backside off to get the upper hand on his rehab. Developing a greater training base with the appropriate prehab program prior to surgery gives you a stronger base to begin recovery post surgery. Tom is out to ensure he utilises every single second he has. Best of luck and see you on the other side mate . #aac #setthestandard #acl #prehab

11.01.2022 Years of effort, with multiple hurdles, that culminated into promotion! Congrats to the @adelaidecobrasfc on securing top spot in State League 2 over the weekend. One big goal ticked We move onto the next one! . #cobras #stateleagueone #ffsa #soccer #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality

11.01.2022 WEIGHT LOSS - DO THIS . Here’s the one rule nobody will tell you for weight loss... the law of thermodynamics Put simply - calories in vs calories out OR better yet - if you consume less calories than you burn you will inevitably lose weight! Incredible, hey??? No not really. Yet, so many still get it wrong and more often than not it’s to do with the basics. . Note - This post will purely discuss consumption and not energy expenditure. Both are crucial but we’ll save t...he latter for the future. . 1 TRACK YOUR CONSUMPTION If you have access to a smart phone, you can track your food easily - our recommendation is @myfitnesspal Every food item, beverage (coffee, alcohol, sports drink), etc. it all counts! If you don’t know how much you’re putting into your body then you’re relying on luck. Be diligent early on and you’ll quickly develop a habit of making better nutritional choices in the long run. . 2 DON’T COMPARE YOUR CONSUMPTION TO OTHERS Don’t you hate those individuals that can eat and drink whatever they want and never put on a gram??? Yep, same here. Unfortunately, that’s a little something called genetics. Blame your parents. However, learn to accept it and manage the cards you’re dealt. . 3 DON’T COMPARE TO YOURSELF YEARS BACK A common mistake we see is individuals doing what they did years back and expecting the same results. Those methods may still work, but I assure you if I ate how I did at 17 now I would be carrying MANY excess Kg where as back then I could get away without adding a single gram. Similar to step 2, learn to accept and adapt. . 4 CONSISTENCY How long will it take to lose it? 3, 6, 12 months maybe more. It depends on how much you have to lose. Ideally, you should be aiming for a drop of 0.25-1kg per week. We’re doing this for the long term. We’re not dieting - we’re creating better nutritional habits that fit your lifestyle, that you can maintain for the rest of your life. . Yes, if you have a diagnosed or undiagnosed underlying medical condition that effects weight loss you can put a big old asterisk next to this post. But only a small % fall into this category. For everyone else, do the basics if you want results. See more

11.01.2022 The weather was more enjoyable than the workout . #aac #setthestandard #sunsoutgunsout #saturday #sun #sunny #warm #summer #soon #perfectconditions #hiit #workout #team #squad #community #family #friends #training #lifting #health #lifestyle #gym #morethanagym #sweat #sweaty #photoforthegram

10.01.2022 POST WHAT YOU PREACH . If you have an idea that you want to share - post it! Victor and Miki discuss why coaches and exercise professionals shouldnt hesitate to use social media as a platform to share their knowledge and how it can benefit others involved in the industry both professionally and recreationally. . #aac #setthestandard #post #preach #practicewhatyoupreach #exercise #exercisescience #exercisephysiology #strengthandconditioning #fitness #fitnessindustry #performex #friday #gym #training #health #instagram #facebook

10.01.2022 If you think a Woolies mud cake wont help your placement grading... you are wrong! . #aac #setthestandard #sendit #noexcuses #flinders #flindersuni #exercise #exercisescience #exercisephysiology #physio #uni #placement #learning #education #study #career #goals #strengthandconditioning #adelaide #southaustralia #gym #community #thursday #fitness #health #lifestyle #cake #nike #mudcake

10.01.2022 When is the right time to see us for ACL Rehabilitation? . One of our most frequently asked questions. This is what we recommend . #aac #setthestandard #acl #aclinjury #aclrehab #knee #kneerehab #injury #injuryprevention #rehab #exercise #prehab #exercisephysiology #strengthandconditioning

10.01.2022 Day 1 . Road back to sport starts now . #acl #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #basketball #community

10.01.2022 BREAKFAST CLUB . Yoga tomorrow 6 am Book in via the @mindbody app! . #aac #setthestandard #yoga #tuesday #breakfast #breakfastclub #bread #oats #morning #team #club #squad #stretch #meditation #mobility #flexibility #health #lifestyle #fitness #class #movegoodfeelgood

09.01.2022 BREAKFAST CLUB . First Yoga Class in the books! Be sure to secure your spot next Tuesday @ 6 am - link in our bio . #aac #setthestandard #yoga #tuesday #breakfast #breakfastclub #bread #oats #morning #team #club #squad #stretch #meditation #mobility #flexibility #health #lifestyle #fitness #class #movegoodfeelgood

09.01.2022 Lachlan Hinds from Cycling Australia speaks to us about using velocity measures to inform programming for the individual athlete

09.01.2022 That smile when you get accepted for a Masters in Exercise Science (Strength and Conditioning) . #aac #setthestandard #strengthandconditioning #exercise #exercisescience #masters #esu #study #education #knowledge #learning #uni #smile #happy #family #development #proud #community #foreverlearning #nike #justdoit #australia

08.01.2022 Free month for anyone that can do better. #corefordays . Posted @withregram @mad_scientist_duffin Dragonflies at 245lbs. Although not sure if attempting these after taking myself to failure on ab wheel rollouts was a food idea Still just a few weeks into this ab training and bodyweight stuff. Always learning always experimenting. FREE AUDIO Download of my life changing book below!... CO-Founder @KabukiStrength VISION: A Better World Through Strength strength equipment research-based education world-class strength coaching doing good in the world >>> Free Education @kabuki_virtualcoaching CO-Founder @BearFootShoes Optimizing the human to ground interface CO-Founder @BuildFastFormula Nutrition and training before supplementation Research-backed formulas & effective dosages full-disclosure labels & no-BS claims manufactured in UL-certified facilities. #madscientist #UnconventionalExecutive #chrisduffin See more

08.01.2022 Imperfect Training for Perfect Adaptations . We are constantly being told that in the gym our training and technique has to be perfect. Any deviations to this need to be picked up and corrected straight away, usually overloading our athletes and making the session feel more like a cognitive puzzle than something enjoyable and nourishing. . But if we have a look at an athletes movements out in the field, on the court, in the ring or in the stadium they are less than... perfect. Especially once they start to get tired. . This brings up the question, if an athlete has spent all their time training in the gym to move absolutely perfectly, then are they really prepared for when fatigue sets in and performance drops? Which it inevitably will. . Sport is chaotic and unpredictable, so we like to let some of that bleed into our sessions. Obviously, our clients safety is paramount and there are specific adaptations we strive for, but if they can get used to working safely when fatigued and things being imperfect in the gym then they will be more prepared when that happens while performing. . #aac #setthestandard #training #perfect #imperfect #technique #sport #run #jump #land #boxjump #strengthandconditioning #exercise #exercisescience #exercisephysiology #fitness #performance #coaching #adelaide #southaustralia #monday See more

08.01.2022 WHATEVER IT TAKES . @chelsea_masclet has more reasons than most to throw an excuse around... yet she comes in and SENDS IT each and every hour of placement. Well give the full story in a future post but all aspiring Exercise Science students, Coaches and anyone else legitimately pursuing a goal - go out of your way, out work the competition and do the little things if you want to take your career the next level. Were stoked to continue having her here for the next month @flindersuniversity youve sent us a gem . #aac #setthestandard #sendit #noexcuses #flinders #flindersuni #exercise #exercisescience #exercisephysiology #physio #uni #placement #learning #education #study #career #goals #strengthandconditioning #adelaide #southaustralia #gym #community #thursday #inspiration #fitness #health #lifestyle

07.01.2022 If squatting is bad for your knees, so is going to the toilet - Adam Pople

06.01.2022 Rounded Shoulders Rugby Players to Office Workers . Kyphosis, or forward rounding of the shoulders and excessive flexion of the upper back is something we are seeing more and more with people working behind desks or spending extended amounts time on their phones. It is also something we see in sport. Sports such as Rugby or Cycling have athletes that are known for these rounded shoulders as adaptations from their sport. . Here we have two different demographics with the... same physiological response to their environment. We hear it all the time that this is bad posture and that its not good for you, but then whats the difference between the Rugby player and the desk worker with the same shoulders? . The difference is that the Rugby Player or the Cyclist are constantly in this position because it is the most advantageous for their sport while the office worker is adapting to their poor posture. Yes, they are both more susceptible to restrictions in shoulder complex range of movement, but as an athlete you have to way up the pros and the cons. . From a coaches stand point, when training these different demographics we need to know what outcomes we want. With the office worker we want to look at fixing their posture and strengthening those surrounding muscles. Whereas we dont want to pull the athlete out of the advantageous position their sport has put them in. So we want to look at keeping the shoulders healthy and reducing risk of injury while allowing them to maintain the posture that is best for their sport. . #aac #setthestandard #shoulders #rugby #posture #computer #apple #mac #nike #iphone #phone #neck #back #cycling #deskjob #deskjockey #desktop #health #injury #injuryprevention #fitness #strengthandconditioning #exercisephysiology #photography See more

06.01.2022 DOING IT FOR THE CLOUT . Each time I get questioned whether I want to train high level athletes to become more well known (aka. famous)... I laugh Each time I hear a new Coach enter the industry wanting to become famous... I sigh (and laugh a little bit harder). . If you think Coaching high level athletes will get you famous, you need pull your head out your you know what - seriously, try to think of a single S&C Coach that is mainstream. You can argue Tim Grove...r... but how many MJs do you think are going around? . Youll have a better chance training low level celebrities. Even then, how many celebrity trainers could you name off the top of your head - you might be able to name a few... but thats because youre a Coach! Regular people genuinely dont give a damn. . Enter this game if you seriously have a passion, if you want to make a good living and help better establish an industry still in its infancy. Its not the easiest route... but heck youll meet individuals and Coaches that legitimately LOVE what they do. How many other industries can honestly say that?! . #aac #setthestandard #clout #instagram #facebook #famous #coach #strengthandconditioning #sport #exercise #trainer #fitness #fitnessindustry #passion #love #job #career #adelaide #australia #gym #morethanagym #whysoserious See more

05.01.2022 Welcome back and welcome #nevertooyoungtolift

05.01.2022 Goal of tonights boxing class - fight off COVID . #aac #setthestandard #covid #boxing #virus #combat #fighting #class #fridaynight #fridaynightatthebar #fitness #gym #morethanagym #health #lifestyle #community #punch #box #fit #adelaide #southaustralia #australia

04.01.2022 2.0 . We kick off in a little over 12 hours . #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #twopointzero #gym

04.01.2022 TOP 2 KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR EXERCISE SELECTION . THE MOST EFFECTIVE - Self explanatory. Choose the exercise that best helps achieve the given goal. Theres likely more than one option. . WHAT DOES THE ATHLETE ENJOY - Sometimes the most effective isnt optimal. If the athlete hates the exercise, chances are theyll give a half ass effort and not stick to it long term. Hence, why there are usually multiple options for consideration #1. Inevitably, there will exercises ...the athlete must do that they wont enjoy... but minimising these occurrences improves the experience and buy-in to S&C for the athlete long term? . Coaches, have we missed any? What are your most important considerations when programming? . #aac #setthestandard #exercise #exerciseselection #programming #coaching #experience #buyin #strengthandconditioning #exercisescience #exercisephysiology #gym #training #nordic #hamstrings #pt #trainer #personaltrainers #fitness #injuryprevention See more

03.01.2022 We kept it on the down low... but we turned 3 today! Huge occasion. Bigger celebration to come Thanks to everyone for making it possible - #teamaac . #aac #setthestandard #birthday #three #gym #adelaide #australia #morethanagym #watchthisspace

03.01.2022 48 hours in 48 seconds #setthestandard

02.01.2022 Excess Training Volume - Are you doing too much? . Volume, a key variable in all training programs. Considering our job as strength and conditioning coaches is to create adaptation, it’s one of the first places to start when designing a program. Striking the balance between stimulating positive changes and not creating excess fatigue can be challenging though, and volume is often where this balance is lost or found. . One commonly overlooked factor in the conversa...tion is that the majority of athletes (especially in team sports) aren’t particularly advanced in a strength and conditioning sense and can find improvements with a surprisingly low volume. With our young athletes, this often looks like a single set of an exercise, especially strength movements (see the 1 x 20 program for more info [future post coming on that topic]). With slightly older athletes, two sets is our most common number for strength exercises, with more for jumping or running based exercises (they’ve usually been exposed to these by their sport). . While two sets of a strength exercise and three of a jumping one might not seem like a lot of work, it’s absolutely enough to stimulate the changes we’re looking for without nuking them with fatigue or desensitising them in the future when they might need a higher volume program to continue adapting. . It’s important to remember that the athletes are aiming to be masters of their sport first and foremost. Setting them back from practicing their sport in the best possible condition only limits them. Doing enough to achieve this without limiting their sport training often entails less volume than we initially think. . #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #baseball #adelaidegiants #trainingvolume See more

02.01.2022 Happy Birthday to the man too busy to look at the camera #robertsville #aac #setthestandard #happybirthday

02.01.2022 We hate saying goodbye But we love seeing athletes pursue their dreams Best of luck @sarahwillacy for the upcoming @wleague season Might be a different capital city but the colours suit us just fine @wswanderersfc .... #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #soccer #sydney #wleague #womenssport See more

01.01.2022 1 week in Yeah, we like it #home . #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality #gym

01.01.2022 Merry Christmas Team We’ll see you back Monday for more lifting #christmas #aac #setthestandard #wheredreamsbecomereality

01.01.2022 SHOULD TRAINING BE THE SAME IN SEASON AND OFF SEASON? The main difference between your training In Season and Off Season should be what your main focus is! What... this means is that your primary focus in the season should be on your sporting skills and ability!! These are the things that win games of course! Adam from Australian Athletic Centre explains that during the season your training should focus on field activities, and paying close attention to the skills that influence winning! Your training in season should focus on avoiding injuries and improving your performance in your sport!

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