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25.01.2022 The decision upholding Graham Morants conviction for aiding his wifes suicide is a red flag for Queenslands #assistedsuicide and #euthanasia law with the inevitable #wrongfuldeaths from coercion, described by one judge as "wickedness"
23.01.2022 The World Medical Association has reaffirmed its long-standing policy of opposition to #euthanasia and physician-#assistedsuicide. After an intensive process of consultation with physicians and non physicians around the world, the WMA at its annual Assembly in Tbilisi, Georgia, adopted a revised Declaration on Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide. This states: The WMA reiterates its strong commitment to the principles of medical ethics and that utmost respect has to be ...maintained for human life. Therefore, the WMA is firmly opposed to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.
23.01.2022 ACA's submission to the UTAS Review of Tasmania's #euthanasia and #assistedsuicide Bill warns #wrongfuldeaths are inevitable
23.01.2022 In 2019 #assistedsuicide accounted for 0.22% of all deaths of non-Hispanic whites in California - 3 times the rate for Hispanics and Asians and a massive 11 times that for blacks. #euthanasia is driven by "captains of industry" used to being in control
22.01.2022 The final report on euthanasaia and assisted suicide from the Ministerial Expert Panel in Western Australia recommends a scheme that is even more recklessly indifferent to the risk of wrongful deaths that the scheme which commenced last week in Victoria. Two GPs (or a nurse practitioner), with no special expertise in a persons particular medical condition, can arrange to give the person a lethal injection 10 days after the person has requested it. They can even recommend it to a person on their own initiative. People whose death is "reasonably foreseeable" within 12 months will be eligible. #assistedsuicide #wrongfuldeaths #euthanasia #vad
21.01.2022 9 lessons about #wrongfuldeaths from #euthanasia in Canada. Reasons for requesting a lethal injection: 1 in 8 loneliness: 1 in 3 feeling a burden on family.
21.01.2022 The latest statistics on euthanasia from the Canadian province of Ontario covering euthanasia deaths to 30 September 2019 has just been released. This report should raise a red flag for other jurisdictions considering legalising euthanasia. In nearly one in four cases (24%) the 10 days cooling off period between a first request for euthanasia and the lethal injection being given was waived. In 13% of cases (total = 535) the person was NOT imminently dying and the only justif...ication for rushing the process was a claimed "imminent loss of capacity". One has to wonder how clear the persons decision making capacity could be if its loss was so imminent and when any assessments are done within a day or so of a first request.
21.01.2022 43 people died from #assistedsuicide and 9 were killed by #euthanasia from Jun-Dec 2019 in Victoria - 0.25% of all deaths. Oregon took 14 years of legalised #assistedsuicide to reach that rate. Victorias law cannot prevent #wrongfuldeaths
21.01.2022 Belgiums experiment with #euthanasia has expanded its scope continually over the past 17 years with deaths by legal euthanasia increasing more than elevenfold from 235 in 2003 to 2,655 in 2019. The increase just from 2018 to 2019 was 12.6%. Of deaths by euthanasia in 2019 some 16.9% (448 cases) involved people whose deaths were not expected in the foreseeable future. In 2019 some 49 people with psychiatric disorders were killed by euthanasia. And in 2016 and 2017 three (ages 9, 11 and 17) were euthanased. A fourth child was euthanased in 2019. The #wrongfuldeaths of children, the frail elderly and the victims of child sex abuse continue.
20.01.2022 By having, as its destination, the planned, premature death of a person, [Victorias euthanasia and physician assisted suicide] law ventures into an uncertain medical terrain, the vagaries of human nature and the extraordinarily complex nature of interpersonal relationships. No law can perfectly capture this reality. Of minds made up and then changed. Of the ebb and flow of the human spirit, despairing now, content a day later. Of a selfless impulse, in some, to ease the burden on ones family. Of a lifetime habit, in others, of acquiescing to the suggestion, even unspoken, of a dominant relative. #assistedsuicide #euthanasia #wrongfuldeaths #vad
20.01.2022 In an open letter signed by 1181 New Zealand doctors it is affirmed that "that physician #assistedsuicide and #euthanasia are unethical, even if they were made legal" and that legalising these risks #wrongfuldeaths of vulnerable people who feel they are a burden. This position aligns with that recently affirmed by the World Medical Association and held by the New Zealand Medical Association.
20.01.2022 The answer to bad deaths is not #euthanasia. The answer is a better understanding of basic medical ethics, of palliative medicine, of what happens to the body when it is dying, and how to care for someone at the end of life. Dr Amanda Landers explains. #VAD #assistedsuicide #wrongfuldeaths
18.01.2022 Guidelines issued for assessing and executing requests for #euthanasia and #assistedsuicide from people with mental disorders, including addictions such as alcoholism, by the Netherlands Federation of Medical Specialists and the National Council of the Order of Physicians of Belgium essentially authorise doctors to agree with a patient that abandoning all hope - as if they were at the gates of hell in Dantes Divine Commedy - is the only proper response to their mental illness or addiction. These guidelines put people with mental illness or addiction at grave risk of #wrongfuldeaths
18.01.2022 Labor MP Margaret Quirk has warned that the WA #assistedsuicide and #euthanasia bill is a white flag of surrender that would lead to #wrongfuldeaths for First Nation people; the elderly and regional Western Australians lacking equitable access to palliative care. Liberal leader Liza Harvey and Liberal MP Sean LEstrange shared personal stories of family members outliving mistaken prognoses and achieving significant milestones with their loved ones.
17.01.2022 The much vaunted mandatory training for doctors before they are licensed by the State of Victoria to prescribe a deadly poison to people for the purpose of #assistedsuicide or administer a lethal injection for the purpose of #euthanasia is supposed, among other things, to ensure these doctors are competent to assess decision making capacity and voluntariness in those requesting assisted suicide or euthanasia. However, a comparison of the total of 10 minutes training provided ...on these topics in the Victorian mandatory training with the thoughtful proposals presented in an article published in the Internal Medicine Journal in January 2019 entitled "Biggest decision of them all death and assisted dying: capacity assessments and undue influence screening leads to the conclusion that the bar has been set very low indeed in Victoria and that there will be #wrongfuldeaths in Victoria due to this failure.
17.01.2022 I am living in the advanced stages of quadriplegia, now 33 years along. I am feeling the suggestive influence from my nursing care, regarding euthanasia. They use indirect pressure by speaking about other patients who have chosen the path of assisted death, unsolicited from me. I am worried about Canadian laws, so anti-life, and I dont ever want to end my life. I didnt choose when I was born, and I wont choose when I die. Another thing that concerns me is as these evil laws progress against the vulnerable like myself, when will this new found right to die become the duty or obligation to die? I can see it coming... #assistedsuicide #VAD #euthanasia #wrongfuldeaths #disabledrights
16.01.2022 On 24 July 2019 within hours of Oregon Governor Kate Brown signing Senate Bill 579 into law - the first amendment to a law authorising #assistedsuicide in the USA - the pro-assisted suicide corporation Compassion & Choices openly declared its plan to start rolling back restrictions and procedural safeguards in assisted suicide laws so that more people will die by assisted suicide. The amendment allows the previously mandatory waiting period of 15 days to be dispensed with if ...a single doctor, who may never have met the person before but is approached as a known provider of assisted suicide states that the person will, within reasonable medical judgment, die within 15 days. This gives no time to explore other responses to a request for #assistedsuicide before a person is dead by prescribed lethal poison, increasing the risk of #wrongfuldeaths Legislators considering passing assisted suicide laws are now on notice that all apparent safeguards in proposed bills are seen by proponents as so many "regulatory roadblocks" to be removed one by one as soon as possible in order to achieve their real goal of assisted suicide or #euthanasia on request (or without request for those considered better off dead).
16.01.2022 The latest release of data on Oregons 22 year old experiment with assisted suicide reinforces how flawed this fatal experiment is, including the fundamental concern that as there is no witness known to be present in four out of ten cases in which the lethal poison is ingested it may have been administered to them by a family member or other person under duress, surreptitiously or violently. Such is the design of this assisted suicide scheme that we can never now. What we do... know is that assisted suicide is being chosen more for existential reasons, including feeling a burden on family and friends (59% of cases in 2019) than because of any concern about inadequate pain control (mentioned by 26.6% of people overall). Numbers continue to rise at an average rate of 15% per annum since 1999 so that now one in 200 (0.5%) of all deaths in Oregon are by ingestion of a lethal poison under Oregons assisted suicide law.
15.01.2022 Vermont is experimenting in the dark with #assistedsuicide so #wrongfuldeaths remain hidden. The 57 deaths from lethal poison between May 2013 and June 2019 are all falsely recorded on the death certificate as natural while the official report to the Vermont legislature describes - using Vermont newspeak - the mechanism of these deaths as the person "utilized the patient choice prescription".
15.01.2022 Associate professor and geriatrician Mark Yates has warned that elderly Victorians now face the additional burden of choosing to continue with life or to have it terminated. He warns that the legalisation of assisted suicide and euthanasia in Victoria from 19 June 2019 now puts the elderly - 10 to 15 per cent of whom already experience abuse - at an additional risk of being coerced or persuaded to request or ingest a deadly poison under the new law. #wrongfuldeaths #assistedsuicide #euthanasia
15.01.2022 Christophe, a father of four young children aged 4, 6, 7 and 10 years old, has begun the process of seeking euthanasia in Belgium, after the Belgian health system refused funding support for the only available treatment for the rare blood disease - paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria which he has suffered from since he was 17 years old. Christophes is not the first case where the cost of treatment or proper care has been a factor that pressures people towards #wrongfuldeaths from #euthanasia or #assisted suicide.
12.01.2022 David Seymour has admitted to the New Zealand Parliament that people with decades to live will die under his Bill but claims it is worth it so others can "choose to go on their own terms". Other MPs warn of #wrongfuldeaths from errors in prognosis, diagnosis and missed coercion under the NZ #euthanasia and #assistedsuicide bill.
12.01.2022 Palliative care expert Odette Spruijt urges Tassies to reject the cultural normalization of the intentional termination of life by #assistedsuicide or giving them a lethal drug #euthanasia
10.01.2022 WA Minister for Health, Roger Cook has admitted that despite an alleged 102 safeguards nothing in his #assistedsuicide and #euthanasia Bill would provide protection from #wrongfuldeaths of "patients from someone who has decided to become a serial murderernothingso to try to provide protection is absurd". Dr Harold Shipman killed 250 of his patients.
09.01.2022 A 3 man tag wrestling team of Labor ministers revealed during an all night sitting that WAs #euthanasia and #assistedsuicide bill has NO oversight of referrals for "expert" opinion on coercion, capacity or prognosis; and that doctors can arrange the details of administering the poison to an elderly woman with her husband without any requirement to discuss these with the woman herself.
09.01.2022 The National Council on Disability has warned of #wrongfuldeaths from #assistedsuicide and #euthanasia laws due to discriminatory attitudes to #disability where doctors think people with a disability, including disabilities associated with a terminal illness, would be "better off dead". The report calls for suicide prevention for all rather than #assistedsuicide for some.
09.01.2022 Even zealous advocates for assisted suicide like Andrew Denton are occasionally forced to admit that there is, "no guarantee ever that doctors are going to be a hundred percent right". Dr Stephen Parnis counts the ways: wrong diagnosis, life expectancy underestimated, mental illness missed, coercion overlooked. Wrongful deaths under any assisted suicide law are inevitable. #WrongfulDeaths #AssistedSuicide #VAD #WrongDiagnosis #Coercion
08.01.2022 In a petition to the members of the Parliament of Western Australia one hundred and fifty medical practitioners, including senior oncologists, geriatricians, psychiatrists and palliative medicine specialists, call on the Parliament to reject the legalisation of #assistedsuicide and #euthanasia. "No number of alleged safeguards can ever guarantee that there are no #wrongfuldeaths from assisted suicide and euthanasia, including the deaths of those who are either overtly or pressured into feeling a burden on others such that they would be better off dead. "Those at risk of wrongful death need and deserve our societys care and protection, so that their individual rights are not abused. "Given the historic and current abuses that have led to royal commissions into the care of the elderly and into the abuse of those with a disability, how can we consider introducing a new, lethal way of potentially abusing these and other vulnerable groups in our society."
07.01.2022 WA MP, Dr David Honey has warned of #wrongfuldeaths under the #euthanasia and #assistedsuicide bill being debated this week in the Legislative Assembly. "Many of us would know of instances when someone has had a prognosis of imminent death, often from cancer, and they have gone on to live for a good few years. One of the factors that causes suffering for many patients is the apparent imminence of death. It would be a dreadful unintended consequence of this bill if that distressing fact led to a person taking their own life early."
07.01.2022 In the final three days of consideration in detail of the WA #euthanasia and #assistedsuicide Bill, like the three wise monkeys, the Minister for Health, Roger Cook would see no evil (ignoring real risks of #wrongfuldeaths); the Attorney-General John Quigley would hear no evil (ridiculing members asking probing questions) and the Premier, Mark McGowan would speak no evil (inadvertently admitting taking a poison under his bill IS suicide).
07.01.2022 Western Australian Minister for Health, Roger Cook, did a great impersonation of Humpty Dumpty when in speaking on WAs #euthanasia and #assistedsuicide Bill he announced that taking a lethal poison to cause your own death under his Bill was NOT suicide and being injected by a doctor or nurse practitioner with a lethal poison to cause your death had "nothing to do with euthanasia". The WA Bill is even more reckless than Victorias and will inevitably result in #wrongfuldeaths
06.01.2022 The district court in the Hague has ruled that a person with dementia may be given #euthanasia even if the person is actively resisting the process provided that an advanced directive requesting euthanasia was completed when the person was considered competent. The case involved a 74 year old woman whose coffee was drugged and who was forcibly restrained by family members while a doctor administered a lethal injection. She had said just a few days before that she didnt want die. However, the Court ruled that as she was now demented neither her contemporary expressions of a desire to live nor her active resistance were of any legal value. They were trumped by her previous written declaration. #wrongfuldeaths
06.01.2022 In a shocking decision Germanys highest court has declared an unfettered right to #assistedsuicide including from commercial organisations. The State is forbidden from limiting this right based on any requirement to be suffering in relation to a medical condition. This appalung judgement ignores the inevitability of #wrongfuldeaths and abandons Germans with suicidal ideation to predatory suicide promotion businesses.
06.01.2022 New Zealand MPs raised grave concerns about the End of Life Choice Bill, which would permit #assistedsuicide and #euthanasia for any New Zealander with a grievous and irremediable medical condition, including the risk of #wrongfuldeaths of people with disability, from elder abuse and coercion, unavoidable medical errors in prognosis, diagnosis and identifying mental illness, and from undermining suicide prevention, including for young people.
05.01.2022 Labor MP Adele Farina changed her vote on WA #euthanasia and #assistedsuicide bill courageously defying pressure to vote for it or abstain. She pointed to the real risk of #wrongfuldeaths, including painful, prolonged or otherwise complicated deaths due to the experimental use of poisons; involuntary or coerced deaths due to the lack of any assessment of decision making capacity at the time the lethal poisons are ingested and no witness to the death.
05.01.2022 In the lead speech opposing the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2019 which would legalise #euthanasia and #assistedsuicide in Western Australia, the Hon Nick Goiran powerfully enunciated the case that it was impossible to create a scheme which could guarantee that there would be no #wrongfuldeaths due to medical errors, elder abuse and patient steering and a lack of equitable access to palliative care.
05.01.2022 In a shocking decision Germany's highest court has declared an unfettered right to #assistedsuicide including from commercial organisations. The State is forbidden from limiting this right based on any requirement to be suffering in relation to a medical condition. This appalung judgement ignores the inevitability of #wrongfuldeaths and abandons Germans with suicidal ideation to predatory suicide promotion businesses.
04.01.2022 #euthanasia and #assistedsuicide always lead to #wrongfuldeaths - Australian Care Alliance tells Queensland Law Reform Commission.
04.01.2022 The decision upholding Graham Morant's conviction for aiding his wife's suicide is a red flag for Queensland's #assistedsuicide and #euthanasia law with the inevitable #wrongfuldeaths from coercion, described by one judge as "wickedness"
04.01.2022 The mass media has mindlessly repeated that Victorias shiny new assisted suicide law has "68 safeguards" even turning these into "68 strict safeguards and conditions that patients must meet before they can be given approval to access" assisted suicide. However, as even Andrew Denton admits "There is no guarantee ever that doctors are going to be a hundred percent right." There will inevitably be wrongful deaths. Read a full analysis of the alleged 68 safeguards here... #assistedsuicide #wrongfuldeaths #euthanasia
03.01.2022 3 Quebecers given #euthanasia for a hip fracture while 40% were euthanased less than 10 days after request. 43 doctors euthanased more than 10 people each in a year. Many doctors do not know the people they euthanase. Euthanasia now 1.9% of all deaths (3.28% in the capital).
03.01.2022 WA Minister for Health Roger Cook, Premier Mark McGowan and Attorney General John Quigley took turns in an all night sitting to defend the seaworthiness of their #assistedsuicide and #euthanasia bill. While Cook said taking a lethal poison under the Bill wasnt suicide if the paperwork was in order, the Premier described it as "awful" and the AG compared it to swallowing weedkiller from the garden shed - only requiring more paperwork. The Minister for Health also confirmed t...hat any death caused using the provisions of his Bill would be enduring!
03.01.2022 Queenslanders with a condition that two doctors or nurses say will cause their death someday could be given #euthanasia by a nurse or doctor injecting the person with a lethal poison. There will be many #wrongfuldeaths if this recommendation from a parliamentary committee leads to a #euthanasia and #assistedsuicide law.
01.01.2022 Great post from DefendNZ - good reasons to vote against any law permitting doctors to kill people #euthanasia or help them commit #assistedsuicide. All such laws lead to #wrongfuldeaths
01.01.2022 0.38% of all deaths in Victoria in Jan-June 2020 were by #assistedsuicide and #euthanasia - it took Oregon 16 years to get to that rate. The latest VADRB Report raises more questions than it answers so how many #wrongfuldeaths is unknowable.
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