Australian Council of Social Service in Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia | Non-profit organisation
Australian Council of Social Service
Locality: Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9310 6200
Address: Level 3, 219-241 Cleveland St 2012 Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 As Australia enters its first recession in three decades, the Government wants to wind back responsible lending laws that protect people from exploitative lending by banks and other lenders. This would lead to a debt disaster for people on low incomes. We’re standing with 120 other organisations and many individuals to protect our communities from unsafe and irresponsible lending. Join the campaign to #StopTheDebtDisaster here: Financial Counselling Australia Consumer Action Law Centre
25.01.2022 Tomorrow is Equal Pay Day, and the Federal Government has yet to commit to renewing funding for fair pay in the community service sector. Cutting funding for community sector workers would mean less people to help those who reach out in times of great need, such as when theyre facing homelessness, domestic violence or dealing with mental health issues. As the sector is made up of 80% women, it would also make the national gender pay gap even worse, as ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie writes in Womens Agenda today. ACTCOSS - ACT Council of Social Service Inc. NSW Council of Social Service - NCOSSTasmanian Council of Social Service Inc Victorian Council of Social Service Northern Territory Council of Social Service WACOSS QCOSS South Australian Council of Social Service
25.01.2022 MELISSAS STORY I no longer have to choose between buying my medications or enough food to last the fortnight. My bills arent late. I bought a new toaster the day the old one broke. Things that are so simple for people who have never struggled but have time and time again been big decisions for me to make. ... Raise the rate!! Youll see a huge shift in overall mental health when people dont have to struggle to survive anymore. Melissa TAKE ACTION Join the Raise the Rate for Good campaign, as we fight for a permanent, adequate raise to JobSeeker. People during a crisis need support, not a $300 a fortnight cut to their incomes, something the Government announced for people on JobSeeker from September 25. (Photo not of Melissa) *To sign up and learn more: *To share your views about JobSeeker Payment being lowered by $300 a fortnight at the end of September:
25.01.2022 With politicians back in Canberra today, we are urging them to do the right thing by people so we can get through this crisis together, without leaving people behind. Instead of cutting $300 per fortnight from millions of peoples already sparse incomes next month, we need the Government to put in place a permanent, adequate JobSeeker rate, which before the temporary COVID increase, had not been increased in over 25 years. Click to watch ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie give this ...message to politicians this morning on The Today Show: This Wednesday, there will be a National Day of Action for the Raise the Rate campaign, find out more here about how you can get involved:
25.01.2022 #RaisetheRateforGood
24.01.2022 With tragically high levels of family violence and unemployment in this pandemic, more and more people are facing homelessness. Homelessness Australia is calling on the Federal Government to put in place adequate income support and to invest in social housing to prevent this mounting homelessness crisis. TAKE ACTION ... Email the Treasurer to urge him to invest in social housing in the lead up to the October Budget:
24.01.2022 KEEP SEPTEMBER 15 FREE!! Join our Campaign Action Meeting on Tuesday September 15!! With the Coronavirus Supplement facing a devastating $300 a fortnight cut from September 25, and the October 6 Federal Budget fast approaching, now is the time to create a wall of voices to Raise the Rate For Good. ... We are inviting you to a special online national gathering of Raise the Rate for Good campaign supporters to plan how we can take action together. Hear from people on JobSeeker, and discuss with other supporters across the country how you can build momentum in your community. REGISTER HERE:
24.01.2022 The Raise the Rate for Good campaign spoke to Michael about the recent cuts to his JobSeeker payment. With more cuts on the way, here's his message to the Government: "I would like our politicians to live on JobSeeker for a month and then evaluate the trauma from that experience at the other end I would say to them, now do you understand? They might be more empathetic with what Australians are going through.... Instead of another cut at Christmas time, we need a permanent, adequate increase to JobSeeker and other income support. TAKE ACTION: Use our digital tool to have a physical holiday card sent to key Government leaders with your personal message: We’d also love for you to send your own card or print out the one on our website and post to other members of the Government: #StoptheXmasCuts #RaisetheRateforGood
23.01.2022 Yesterday at the Press Club, a unique alliance came forward - the community, economists, and business - to call for permanent, adequate rate of JobSeeker. Dr Cassandra Goldie from ACOSS, Chris Richardson from Deloitte Access Economics, and Paul Zahra from the Australian Retailers Association came together to speak about how critical is that our economic recovery from the current crisis includes ensuring that people looking for paid work have the income they need to be able to... cover the basics. You can view the full Press Club address here: Take this time to contact your local Member of Parliament, tell them here how devastating the impending cut to JobSeeker will be for peoples health and finances: And tell the Prime Minister and Treasurer what you think of the JobSeeker cut. Call the Prime Ministers office on 02 6277 7700 and the Treasurers office on 02 6277 7340.
22.01.2022 There is NO evidence that doubling income support payments discouraged people from looking for paid work. That's what top academics yesterday told the Senate Inquiry looking into the Government's plan to cut income support payments at Christmas time and then again next year. We know people are really struggling to find paid work. There is currently only one job vacancy available for every 12 people without a job or enough hours, with even fewer jobs in regional areas.... TAKE ACTION: If you're looking for paid work, share your story about what it's like with the Raise the Rate for Good campaign here:
22.01.2022 4 IN 10 PEOPLE ON JOBSEEKER WILL HAVE $14 A DAY AFTER PAYING THEIR RENT, FROM SEP 25 Today our JobSeeker survey showed how devastating the $300 a fortnight cut to peoples incomes will be. The September 25 cut will mean that 4 in 10 people on JobSeeker will have only $14 a day left, after paying their rent or mortgage. $14 a day to cover bills, food, medicine, and other essentials is nowhere near enough. We all know it.... People on JobSeeker need a permanent, adequate income. Not a huge cut. We need the Government to listen to what people on JobSeeker are saying, and act. Read the full report here: Contact your local Member of Parliament to tell them here how devastating this cut will be for peoples health and finances: And tell the Prime Minister and Treasurer what you think of the JobSeeker cut. Call the Prime Ministers office on 02 6277 7700 and the Treasurers office on 02 6277 7340.
22.01.2022 Bringing forward high-end income tax cuts, while failing to Raise the Rate of JobSeeker for Good would be a dangerous mistake by the Federal Government. Income support payments must be enough to cover the basics so that people can rebuild their lives. We also need to see investment social housing construction and aged care, which will create jobs, instead of income tax cuts which would mostly benefit people on high incomes. TAKE ACTION... Join the Raise the Rate for Good campaign, as we fight for a permanent, adequate raise to JobSeeker. People during a crisis need support, not a $300 a fortnight cut to their incomes, something the Government announced for people on JobSeeker from September 25. *To sign up and learn more: *To share your views about JobSeeker Payment being lowered by $300 a fortnight at the end of September:
21.01.2022 DONT FORGET OUR JOBSEEKER SURVEY!! We want to hear about how the higher payments have affected you!! This survey has questions about what the $550 a fortnight Coronavirus Supplement has meant for your health and finances, and how you feel about the $300 a fortnight cut planned for September 25.... This survey is for people on JobSeeker, Parenting Payment, Youth Allowance, and other payments. Complete the survey here:
20.01.2022 There are some things that we dont have a lot of control over, but we do have control over whether we can provide people with basic economic security," says ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie on the release of the ACOSS & UNSW Inequality in Australia report today. The COVID-19 recession will likely leave a large increase in income inequality in its wake unless income support payments are permanently strengthened and every effort is made to reduce unemployment and long-term unemplo...yment quickly. We need to #RaisetheRateforGood so people on JobSeeker can cover the basics. Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand Brotherhood of St Laurence Mission Australia The Smith Family Anglicare Australia The Salvation Army Australia cohealth Vinnies Australia Australian Red Cross
20.01.2022 No matter who you are or who you love, everybody deserves a happy and healthy life. Today, ACOSS celebrates LGBTQIA+ Youth! Happy #WearItPurple Day!
19.01.2022 JOBSEEKER SURVEY The #RaisetheRateforGood campaign is running a survey to understand the experiences of people on JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, Parenting Payment, and other income support payments who have received the $550 a fortnight Coronavirus Supplement, which started on April 27. This survey, which follows-up on a survey we did in May, asks questions about how the higher income support payments have affected your ability to cover the cost of housing, bills, food, medicine...s, and other essential costs over time. Our survey also includes questions about how the Governments announcement that the supplement would be cut by $300 a fortnight from September 25 and how this will affect you and your household. Complete the survey here:
19.01.2022 New data from the Departments of Jobs and Small Business has confirmed what we all know: there are nowhere near enough jobs to go around. In regional Australia, things are particularly tough, with 28 people on JobSeeker competing for every job vacancy, or 740,000 people competing for 25,000 vacancies. In the capital cities, it is 13 people on JobSeeker competing for every vacancy.... In these hard and uncertain times, it is more important than ever that the rate of JobSeeker allows people to cover the basics. That means a permanent, adequate raise to JobSeeker, not the $300 a fortnight cut that 1.6 million people on the payment are facing, in less than 3 weeks. Here is how you can help us Raise the Rate for Good: *Share your job-seeking stories with us, to help us show that there are nowhere near enough jobs out there: *Register for our national online meeting on Tuesday September 15 to meet other supporters and plan actions: *Find out other ways of taking action on our website:
19.01.2022 With Federal Parliament sitting for the last two weeks for the year, ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie is in Canberra to urge the Government to deliver a permanent, adequate increase to JobSeeker and other income support payments. Instead of short-term measures and cuts, we need to Raise the Rate for Good so people have the security of knowing they can cover the basics and rebuild their lives. TAKE ACTION Can you call the Prime Minister and office today to stop the cut to income at Christmas and instead permanently and adequately increase JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and other income support? Here’s what to do: Call the Prime Minister's office on 02 6277 7700. Call the Treasurer's office on 02 6277 7340. Call your Local Member of Parliament - you can find their number here: ACTCOSS - ACT Council of Social Service Inc. See more
18.01.2022 Tomorrow is the Day of Action to #RaisetheRateForGood! Join us to send a clear message to the Government: we must ensure everyone can #coverthebasics through a permanent and adequate raise to JobSeeker and other income support payments. Join the Raise the Rate campaign and participate through sending a tweet to PM Scott Morrison (, participating in our Raise The Rate Digital Protest at 11am AEST or join our Phone-Calling Party at 2pm AEST. ... With your help, we can help the Government to see why raising the rate for good will benefit millions of people at this time of crisis, and into the future.
18.01.2022 Tomorrow is our National Day of Action, a chance to drive home the message that the Christmas cut will take away any chance for people doing it tough to start rebuilding their lives or even keep a secure roof over their head. The core of our success has been the courageous people who have shared their stories of life on income support, and everyone who made sure those stories were heard. Can you take part tomorrow to make sure these stories are heard? It might not feel like i...t in the wake of last week’s announcement but we have never been closer. The backlash to the Christmas cut was hard and fast and we can’t ease off now. We need the Government to know that if they go through with this cut that they will face the fight of their lives in 2021. TAKE ACTION Join the National Day of Action this Thursday 19 November: #RaisetheRateForGood #StopTheXmasCut
18.01.2022 Heres our summary of requirements for people on JobSeeker (mutual obligations): Theres been changes due to COVID-19 and the requirements are different for people in Victoria compared to other states or territories. In Victoria, due to COVID-19, people are not subject to any mutual obligations, penalties or suspensions. ACOSS is urging the Government not to go back to the mutual obligations and payment suspensions that applied before COVID-19, which caused a great deal of stress and hardship.
17.01.2022 As we near the end of this tumultuous year, Australia reMADE has produced this beautiful video to encourage everyone to take a moment to pause and think about where we go from here. Find out more about their work creating and promoting a positive vision for the future through conversations with everyday people who are making a difference in their communities:
17.01.2022 ALMOST HALF WILL HAVE TO SKIP MEALS On Friday, we released the results of our survey of over 600 people on JobSeeker, who shared their thoughts with us about the $300 a fortnight cut on September 25. Almost half (48%) said they would definitely need to skip meals, and reduce how much fresh food they purchase. Another 33% percent said they would probably have to buy less fresh fruit and vegetables.... As one survey participant told us: Fresh produce is difficult for me to purchase regularly due to costs. I live with someone in a high-risk group for Covid, and have chronic illnesses myself, so we try to shop online but it is so difficult, most fresh fruit and veg is expensive. We live in the suburbs. Having the supplement has meant we can eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day. The Government needs to put in place a permanent, adequate JobSeeker rate, not a $300 a fortnight cut. Read the full report here: TAKE ACTION!! Contact your local Member of Parliament to tell them here how devastating this cut will be for peoples health and finances: And tell the Prime Minister and Treasurer what you think of the JobSeeker cut. Call the Prime Ministers office on 02 6277 7700 and the Treasurers office on 02 6277 7340.
16.01.2022 *Trigger Warning* Today, on R U OK Day, Suicide Prevention Australia is calling for the base rate of JobSeeker to be increased and for JobKeeper to be extended to reduce the risk of suicide. ... As ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie said in her speech at the National Press Club yesterday: People are deeply distressed about how they will cope. "One of the best protectors of peoples mental health is to deliver basic financial security. Its absolutely vital that the Government puts in place a permanent, adequate rate of JobSeeker. We need to Raise the Rate for Good. For crisis support, mental health support, emotional assistance and referrals, please contact Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 or visit their website for more information:
16.01.2022 A huge thank you to everyone who took part in the Raise the Rate for Good National Day of Action today! There were cards and calls coming in to Canberra from all of over the country. We’re sending the message to the Government loud and clear stop the Christmas cut and instead Raise the Rate of JobSeeker and other payments for good so people can cover the basics and rebuild their lives.
16.01.2022 Check out The Projects story on our report with Deloitte showing the Governments planned JobSeeker cuts would shrink the economy by billions and destroy almost 150,000 jobs. Putting in place a permanent, adequate JobSeeker rate is not only the right thing to do, its the smart thing to do too. We need to Raise the Rate for Good!
15.01.2022 The people struggling the most in this recession are those without paid work. They will get absolutely no benefit from the Governments planned income tax cuts, which its considering bringing in sooner. Research out today shows people on the highest 20% of incomes are set to get about 80% of the benefits of the income tax cuts. We know people on higher incomes are more likely to save money because they can afford to do so. The best way to stimulate the economy and to supp...ort those in need is to permanently and adequately increase JobSeeker. People without paid work have to spend in the economy straight away on essentials to get by day-to-day. Its the smart thing to do, as well as being the right thing to do.
15.01.2022 As many of you will know, the campaign to Raise the Rate for Good is far from over! To continue this incredibly important work, we’re currently recruiting both a Senior Campaigner (fixed-term) and a Community Organiser (permanent) to join our team, and focus on this movement. If you’re passionate about ending poverty and inequality in Australia, are looking to join a team of driven individuals who share this goal, and believe people with lived experience should be at the heart of advocacy, then we want to hear from you! See details for both roles on the ACOSS jobs noticeboard:
15.01.2022 SHEAS STORY After Covid hit and I saw myself and everyone else in the hospitality sector fall into crisis basically overnight, I decided now is the time to leave hospitality and start my Diploma, so I can have more financial and job security next time something like this happens. Ive created a worst-case scenario budget for if the government returns the benefits to what they were pre-Covid. As Im now a student, Im on Austudy, Ill be on $33 a day, if the supplement end...s. This budget barely covers petrol, rent, and food (and Im not talking fresh vegetables, Im talking peanut butter and pasta). I have no clue how bills will be paid. As a full-time student, studying for 4 days and volunteering 1-2 days a week, with the statistical improbability of me finding a job during this time, if I do find one, it will likely be working in a bar until 1-2am every morning, and getting up at 6am for class and work-placement. This feels like a setup for failure. And Im incredibly anxious about whats to come. Shea TAKE ACTION Join the Raise the Rate for Good campaign, as we fight for a permanent, adequate raise to JobSeeker. People during a crisis need support, not a $300 a fortnight cut to their incomes. Next Wednesday the 26th is our National Day Of Action. Visit our Facebook event to find out how you can get involved: There will be a Raise The Rate Digital Protest happening in the morning, and a Phone-Calling Party, for people to ring politicians offices, in the afternoon, and lots of other ways of being involved.
14.01.2022 New @ACOSS @UNSWArtsandSocialSciences report shows that even before the recession, the highest 20% of households had 6 times the income of the lowest 20%. Will COVID-19 produce more inequality? A permanent, adequate rate of #JobSeeker, with no cuts in September, and jobs rich stimulus measures would stop the gap from growing - @Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand @Brotherhood of St Laurence @Mission Australia ... @The Smith Family @Anglicare Australia @The Salvation Army Australia @cohealth @Vinnies Australia @Australian Red Cross See more
13.01.2022 Thanks to all of those people working in the community services and health in the response to this crisis. Our partners at HESTA, the industry super fund for people in health & community services, are sharing updates from health workers in Melbourne.
13.01.2022 The planned cuts to the Coronavirus Supplement for people on JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and parenting payments would shrink the national economy by billions and cost tens of thousands of jobs, finds a new report out today. The report by Deloitte Access Economics also finds the worst impacts would be in regional communities. More info: Were calling on the Government to extend the existing Coronavirus Supplement to prevent the devastating cuts of $300 per fort...night in two weeks and to put in place a permanent, adequate JobSeeker rate that means people can cover the basics. We need to Raise the Rate for Good! TAKE ACTION: Contact your local Member of Parliament to tell them here how devastating this cut will be for peoples health and finances: And tell the Prime Minister and Treasurer what you think of the JobSeeker cut. Call the Prime Ministers office on 02 6277 7700 and the Treasurers office on 02 6277 7340.
12.01.2022 Introducing the Community Leadership in Times of Crisis webinar! This event is the next installment in our ongoing ACOSS Policy Webinar series, and will explore teachings from previous crises (such as the HIV health crisis) with a specific lens on how we can adapt and apply these lessons in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Registration is free, click here for more details: The ACOSS Policy Webinar Series: COVID-19 Recovery is proudly sponsored by HESTA
12.01.2022 Australian Retailers Association, Deloitte Access Economics and ACOSS today urged the Federal Government to permanently increase JobSeeker at the National Press Club today. "For a long time theres been clear evidence we needed to do more on the unemployment benefit," Economist Chris Richardson said. "The arrival of the virus has strengthened the case for a stronger unemployment benefit going forward."
12.01.2022 With politicians this week set to debate the Government’s plan to cut income support at Christmas time, ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie is in Canberra at Parliament House. She’s hand delivering some of the hundreds of holiday cards you’ve been sending in, urging the Government to put in place a permanent and adequate rate of JobSeeker, rather than cuts and short term measures. TAKE ACTION If you haven't already, use our digital tool to have a physical holiday card sent to key Go...vernment leaders with your personal message: Even if you've already done this, you can send your own card or print out the one on our website and post to other members of the Government: #StoptheXmasCut #RaisetheRateforGood
11.01.2022 Thank you everyone for the amazing support today! If you have not had a chance to support the Raise the Rate Day of Action, its not too late. Please take a minute to tweet Scott Morrison ( to support our message that we must permanently and adequately increase Jobseeker and other payments so everyone can #coverthebasics
11.01.2022 The community service sector is made up of 80% women, who deliver crucial services, including domestic violence, mental health and homelessness services. But the Federal Government has yet to commit to renewing funding that ensures staff in the community service sector are fairly paid. As new research out today shows, cutting this funding for community sector workers would mean less people to help those who reach out in times of great need. If the Government were to fail to... commit to extending the level of funding required for current numbers of staff it would have a devastating effect. Wed see thousands of job losses, right when the government should be focused on doing everything it can to reduce sky-rocketing unemployment. Wed also see a dramatic reduction in services available, right when so many people are depending on them to get through this crisis. Australian Services Union ACTCOSS - ACT Council of Social Service Inc. NSW Council of Social Service - NCOSSTasmanian Council of Social Service Inc Victorian Council of Social Service QCOSS WACOSS South Australian Council of Social Service Northern Territory Council of Social Service @australianservicesunion
09.01.2022 KARENS STORY "I use to work in hospitality. Late last year that ended as I was a casual manager and they had no more shifts for me me. I went onto Newstart Allowance (now JobSeeker). I have a 9 year old son, and was paying private rental at the time. When I received my Newstart Allowance it didnt even cover my rent. After a few weeks, a fall into rental arrears and then became homeless with my son. We ended up in a refuge. I paid rent in the refuge which was 25% of my inc...ome. I am now studying full time. Before the supplement, I had to choose between petrol to get my son to school or buying his school jumper. Now I have that extra cash, I can now live a little bit better. I can afford decent fresh fruit and veggies and meat, I can afford to pay for petrol or car repairs, I can afford my medication for my anxiety, my son can go to school with decent school lunches. I no longer skip meals to ensure my son eats. But most of all I can afford to live in a decent place. If the government takes this away, my family will suffer again. I will remain poor. I will cease studying and look for another bar job and miss the opportunity to gain a better career for myself." - Karen. TAKE ACTION Join the Raise the Rate for Good campaign to secure a permanent, adequate raise to JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, and other payments. People need support during a crisis, not a $300 a fortnight cut to their incomes, which will take effect on September 25. *To register for our Campaign Action Meeting on Tuesday September 15: *To share your views about JobSeeker Payment being lowered by $300 a fortnight: *To contact your local Member of Parliament: (Photo not of Karen)
08.01.2022 Rents are even less affordable for people out of paid work than they were at the start of the year, finds Anglicare Australia Rental Affordability Update released today. Most of the rent price drops are at the higher end of the market. At the same time, more and more people are competing for cheaper housing. Thats squeezing out people of the market. With 1.6 million people locked out of paid work, the new rate of JobSeeker is the only thing keeping them afloat. The Governme...nt must not go ahead with its plan to cut the new JobSeeker rate by $300 per fortnight on September 25th. TAKE ACTION Join the Raise the Rate for Good campaign, as we fight for a permanent, adequate raise to JobSeeker. *To sign up and learn more: *To share your views about JobSeeker Payment being lowered by $300 a fortnight at the end of September:
08.01.2022 3/4 OF PEOPLE ON JOBSEEKER EXTREMELY WORRIED ABOUT $300 A FORTNIGHT CUT Today we released the results of our survey of over 600 people on JobSeeker about how they feel about the September 25 JobSeeker cut. People told us that the $300 cut will have a substantial impact on their ability to cover the cost of housing, bills, medicine, food, and other essentials.... More than half of people told us that they will definitely have to skip meals, and buy less fresh food when JobSeeker is cut in 2 weeks. People on JobSeeker need a permanent, adequate income, not a huge cut. The Government needs to listen to the evidence, to the people on JobSeeker, and act. Read the full report here: Contact your local Member of Parliament to tell them here how devastating this cut will be for peoples health and finances: And tell the Prime Minister and Treasurer what you think of the JobSeeker cut. Call the Prime Ministers office on 02 6277 7700 and the Treasurers office on 02 6277 7340.
07.01.2022 Its Equal Pay Day today and it needs to come as an urgent reminder to the Federal Government that it needs to commit to extending funding for fair pay in the community service sector. The sector is made up of 80% women, who help people when theyre most in need, when theyre escaping domestic violence, facing homelessness or dealing with mental health issues. Cutting funding for workers would mean less services for people to turn to and would only make the gender pay gap even worse, especially with women facing the worst economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis.
06.01.2022 This Thursday, 3rd December is International Day of People With Disability (IDPwD). The 2020 IDPwD Theme is "Not all Disabilities are Visible" which focuses on ...spreading awareness and understanding of disabilities that are not immediately apparent, such as mental illness, chronic pain or fatigue, sight or hearing impairments, diabetes, brain injuries, neurological disorders, learning differences and cognitive disabilities, among others. ABC Reporter, Nas Campanella shares her story about a shocking interaction that she had on a train ride, to raise awareness about disability so the community will think more carefully about the way they talk directly to people with disability and the way they speak about us. You can read Nas' story below: #blindness #VisionImpairment #disability #disabilities #IDPwD #IDPwD2020 #DisabilityAwareness #discrimination #community #CommunityAttitudes
06.01.2022 Can you take a minute to support the Raise the Rate Day of Action? Tweet PM Scott Morrison now ( with your message about why we need to #coverthebasics for the 2.3 million people on JobSeeker and other payments. We need a permanent and adequate increase to help people over this critical time. ... Tell our PM to #RaisetheRateForGood
05.01.2022 Happy #WearItPurple Day! Celebrate LGBTIQIA+ young people! Let them know they are valued and supported. Be proud of who you are! Support Minus18 and Wear it Purple today
04.01.2022 We’re looking for a Senior Campaigner and a Community Organiser to join the ACOSS team and help make a change! If you’re passionate about working in the community sector, have demonstrated campaign management skills, and are driven by the want to end poverty and inequality for good, then we want to hear from you. We know our work is stronger with a diversity of backgrounds and experiences across our team, including lived experience of the issues we work on. People from cultural and socio-economic backgrounds including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with disability, people of colour, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and people with firsthand experience living on income support encouraged to apply! Click here for more information on how-to apply:
03.01.2022 From Wonthaggi to Winfield, Wilson to Wildwood, today Raise the Rate for Good supporters are delivering holiday cards to Members of Parliament, making calls to government leaders and attending (COVID-safe) community events. There's still time to join the Raise the Rate For Good community fight to fix the income support system for good so everyone can cover the basics take part in the National Day of Action! #RaisetheRateforGood #StoptheXmasCut
02.01.2022 We saw from the Robodebt disaster what can happen when you remove humans from decision making. Today the Human Rights Commissioner is warning against artificial intelligence in the delivery of government services, saying it can be "really dangerous".
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