AFAP in South Melbourne, Victoria | Business service
Locality: South Melbourne, Victoria
Address: 132-136 Albert Rd Level 4 3205 South Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Student member Adrian Stevens dreams of one day walking through airport terminals as a qualified commercial pilot. Despite the general downturn in the aviation industry, regional flying schools are reporting a spike in new enrolments which is keeping flight instructors busy.
25.01.2022 With the airline industry at a standstill and farmers desperate for workers, pilots Andrew King (Hainan Air) and Matt Sheppard (Tigerair) are putting their skills to good use in the agriculture sector through Pilots4Harvest2020 - Our training is around some core systems, hydraulics, pneumatics, pressurisation, electrics and operating computer software. All these things are pretty transferable to a combine harvester, especially the more modern ones.
25.01.2022 For every pilot who has gotten you from A to B, there is a missed birthday, a missed wedding and precious time missed with family. We spend a lot of time away from our hometheres a lot of sacrifices to be made, says AFAP Vice-President and Virgin Australia Captain George Kailis. The pilot life is not all doom and gloom, but the road to becoming a captain takes more than just a few solo flights and simulator sessions. - Read more about a career in aviation here or in Saturday's edition of NEOS KOSMOS -
25.01.2022 #YourAFAP has urged the government to extend its JobKeeper scheme for the aviation industry when it expires on 27 September. AFAP President Louise Pole said, The likelihood that international operations will resume in any meaningful way before September is remote and our highly-skilled airline pilot members are currently in a severe financial situation. Interstate domestic flying is set to return on a commercial level in July subject to borders opening but the Australia...n government has hinted international flights are unlikely to make a comeback until the end of the year. Extending JobKeeper for the aviation industry would provide pilots some income until such time as flying can return and enable operators to keep pilots in readiness to resume flying to meet the travel demand, said Cpt Pole. It also meets the requirements set by the federal government in that it would be industry-wide assistance and not specific to any one airline or operator. See more
25.01.2022 "Qantas and Virgin Australia officials independently reached the same conclusion: the passengers had to be stopped before they boarded planes. Easier said than done ... Would it have made a difference to the spread of coronavirus from the Ruby Princess cluster if the airlines had been given the passenger manifest? Quite possibly." Read more: #RubyPrincess #covid #coronavirus #airlines #qantas #virginaustralia
23.01.2022 With international travel unlikely to be on the cards any time soon, AFAP - Australian Federation of Air Pilots President Louise Pole said many pilots were looking to pivot into other sectors. Pilots display high attention to detail, take direction and are able to follow very precise instructions. They also have a highly developed ability to make decisions under pressure. Because the journey to becoming a professional pilot at a commercial operator is a long one, pilots show great determination and personal drive." #aviation #pilots #pilotjobs #pilotjob #qantas #qantaslink
22.01.2022 James Heenan was a Qantas pilot flying Dash 8 aircraft before the coronavirus pandemic hit the economy hard and strict travel restrictions were put into place. ...Hes now working at Sydneys Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, receiving and delivering vital stocks. Read more: #TheLatest #7NEWS
22.01.2022 Airlines in Australia and around the world have greatly reduced their operations as a result of the Covid-19 crisis and many commercial air pilots have been stood down or lost their jobs. Captain George Kailis predicts that once state and then international borders are reopened, there might be a shortage of pilots ready to fly.
22.01.2022 AFAP is assisting members who were employed as instructors by #SoarAviation. Administrators from KPMG Australia have set the first creditors’ meeting for 11 January. Meanwhile Gordon Legal is acting on behalf of a number of students who enrolled in the Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence Aeroplane) course offered by Box Hill Institute in conjunction with #GobelAviation Pty Ltd (trading as Soar).
22.01.2022 AFAP President Cpt Louise Pole is a founding member of The International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA)'s Female Pilots’ Working Group. It aims to be the global advocate of women in the piloting profession; promoting diversity, equity and inclusivity; by providing representation and support to their members, to empower them to improve their working environment and to encourage women to be active participants of the Next Generation of Pilots.
21.01.2022 Former Tigerair pilot Joe Saad has started full-time flying with the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) in Western Australia after his Melbourne-based Boeing 737 pilot role became redundant in late March. He is one of 34 returned and new pilots, doctors, nurses and engineers who have been brought in to boost the RFDS's national ranks in its preparation for a coronavirus outbreak in rural and remote Australia.
20.01.2022 Australian pilots should start training to work on aerial firefighting missions to boost the country's capacity to tackle bushfires and reduce the need to bring in overseas pilots, says the AFAP - Australian Federation of Air Pilots. The federation's president, Captain Louise Pole, said the federal government should own and operate an Australian-based fleet of aerial firefighting craft. Captain Pole said it would take only a minimal retraining effort to get Australian pilots into firefighting aircraft. Read more below ... #auspilots #aerialfirefighting #bushfires #BushfireRoyalCommission
20.01.2022 "This is something Australia has to sort out for ourselves and we absolutely need a viable airline industry on the other side of this because airlines in Australia are infrastructure," ~Virgin pilot Cpt Ben Raby on TODAY program this morning: "We need to connect our economy - Perth is the most remote city in the world and Sydney-Melbourne is one of the densest traffic routes in the world."
20.01.2022 Virgin captain George Kailis has been flying planes for almost 20 years and recalls when Ansett collapsed in 2001, it took years for another airline to get up and running. "There were plenty of aircraft around because it was [post] Sep 11. "It still took five years to get 40 aircraft in the air and 12 years to get 70 aircraft in the air. Virgin had new aircraft arriving and sitting on the tarmac because they could not train pilots quick enough." About 8000 of 10,000 workers at Virgin Australia have been temporarily stood down as it grounded most of its planes due to coronavirus.
20.01.2022 Captain Kailis said it was critical the federal government extended the $1500 a fortnight JobKeeper allowance beyond September for those industries where demand was expected to return slowly. With international flights unlikely to resume until next year, he said it was critical airlines were able to maintain their most highly skilled workers, and the JobKeeper allowance allowed them to do that.
20.01.2022 Qantas makes no secret of the fact that if Virgin cuts a swathe through the wages and conditions of its pilots it will be going to the unions to redress its competitive disadvantage. It remains to be seen how this could be achieved under the existing enterprise bargaining agreements but Qantas boss Alan Joyce is legendary for playing hardball on industrial relations. Only last week Qantas received a rebuke from the Federal Court for misusing JobKeeper and pocketing part of these government subsidies. The court rejected the airline's arguments that it could use workers' earnings paid in arrears to reduce the top-up amount it must make to get their pay to the minimum $1500 a fortnight required under #JobKeeper. #virginaustralia #qantas #industrialrelations #pilots #EBA
20.01.2022 AFAP is lobbying for governments to commit to an Australian-registered fleet of aircraft "crewed by Australian-licensed pilots". AFAP president Captain Louise Pole has called for the federal government to establish an aerial firefighting flight wing with aircraft registered in Australia and staffed by local pilots. The AFAP wants the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to register international planes locally when they are leased to work in Australia so that Australian-licensed pilots can be trained (as aerial firefighters) and fly them. #bushfires #RoyalCommission #pilots #aerialfirefighting #civilaviationsafetyauthority #aviation #aviationjobs
18.01.2022 Bachelor of Aviation students Grace Jacob (2nd year) and Joseph Gammon (3rd year) are this years recipients of the joint AFAP - Australian Federation of Air Pilots & Australian Air Pilots MBF Scholarships at Swinburne University of Technology. Read more in AFAP's magazine AIR PILOT which can be accessed from or at
18.01.2022 Do you fly a drone or remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) for business or as part of your job? Civil Aviation Safety Authority - CASA requires #drone registration and operator accreditation by 28 Jan 2021. Penalties will apply for flying an unregistered RPA or without an operator accreditation (or remote pilot licence) for commercial purposes from this date. (If only flying for sport or recreation, including model aircraft flown at CASA-approved model airfields, registration is not required at this time.)
18.01.2022 Former Jetstar Australia pilot Paul Field is one of four pilots returning to the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. After being stood down from flying the Airbus320 he has left his family behind in Adelaide and returned to Jandakot, Western Australia for a six-month contract role with the RFDS.
17.01.2022 Passengers aged 12 and over on domestic and international flights are now required to wear a mask. The AFAP welcomes today's new National Cabinet ruling as it has been calling on the Australian Government to make masks mandatory in the passenger cabin since writing to prime minister Scott Morrison and transport minister Michael McCormack MP in July last year.
17.01.2022 Zhang Wenwei's new pilot academy - owned by International Aviation Alliance Pty Ltd and run by CEO Councillor Simon Clemence (who is also the Mayor of Mildura Council) - was a major beneficiary of a $2 million Commonwealth grant announced by Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack before last year's election.
16.01.2022 It took pilot Michael Smith almost 4-hours to track the ANZAC rising sun badge around Melbourne in VH-OMS Southern Sun. The AFAP honours the memory of the fallen and upholds those that have served and those that continue to serve. Some AFAP pilot members are former armed service personnel and we also acknowledge their contribution on #ANZACDay2020
16.01.2022 AFAP member Olivia Magoffin went from flying sightseers to delivering Covid tests and aid supplies, such as tents and tarps. It’s all about mateship and helping your neighbours, she says. I have to stay - I have to do this job. #DFAT #ForeignAid #Vanuatu
15.01.2022 New IFALPA Position Paper: Training Considerations for Return to Operations- As operations begin to return to normal; IFALPA believes pilots returning to the line must be: Qualified, Proficient, and Confident. #pilots #aviation #pilottraining
15.01.2022 "Bain's deed of company arrangement (DOCA) was also supported by the AFAP - Australian Federation of Air Pilots ... When flights resume post COVID, the airline will be operating a much smaller fleet of Boeing 737s. Virgin Australia CEO Paul Scurrah has said he expects to have between 30 and 60 Boeing 737s in the air by the middle of 2021, depending on demand."
14.01.2022 Members from around the country came together virtually yesterday afternoon to join AFAP President Captain Louise Pole for the first online Womens Network meeting. #womenpilots #WomenInAviation #givegirlswings
14.01.2022 On International Day of the Air Traffic Controller, pilots thank our friends at Civil Air Australia and all our Air Traffic Controller colleagues - truly essential professionals - for keeping us safe. #ATCDay #solidarity #AirTrafficControl #AirservicesAustralia #airtrafficcontroller #idatc #ifatca #100facesofatc
14.01.2022 "Historically, the aviation industry has strenuously denied that fumes and contaminated air on planes can cause illness, particularly to those exposed over a long period of time, such as pilots and cabin crew ... Its a pretty ground breaking case. Its a big victory for airline staff and passengers. #cabinair #cabinairquality #cabincrew #fumeevent
13.01.2022 Virgin captain and vice-president of the AFAP - Australian Federation of Air Pilots, George Kailis, told the Financial Review the administrator's comments offered a "glimmer of hope" but workers were still in a state of uncertainty. "I don't think this is the end," he said, "But I'm hoping that whoever chooses to take a stake in the airline really has an interest in running an airline."
13.01.2022 Gordon Legal is representing almost 200 student pilots in a case that alleges teaching standards were so low that many of the students did not meet Civil Aviation Safety Authority - CASA requirements to obtain a commercial pilots licence (CPL). Both the TAFE college and the contracted course provider, Soar Aviation, were last year temporarily stripped of their authority to train the students. The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has recently restored accreditation for Soar Advanced Flight Training (Gobel Aviation) and Box Hill Institute but both are subject to administrative sanctions.
12.01.2022 While it is disappointing that the airline on the other side of the Virgin Australia administration will be a scaled-back operation, its survival is critical. Following administration, the AFAP will focus on holding Bain&Co and CEO Paul Scurrah to their commitments to grow the airline once the pandemic subsides and reinstating our pilot members who have lost their jobs.
12.01.2022 The Senate transport committee chair is wanting an inquiry into commercial developments around Aus airports where new office blocks, retail developments and hotels are jeopardising the safety of critical transport infrastructure. The AFAP and AusALPA are concerned about government oversight of the rapid commercial development taking place at the nation's privately run airports. NSW's new Badgerys Creek International Airport is also still in the middle of the planning process. ... "Our legislation is not fit for purpose, we’ve got to have a legislation review to close that gap." #australiangovernment #airports #IFALPA Civil Air Australia
12.01.2022 Precious cargo paxing home in the flight deck
11.01.2022 Australia's National Aerial Firefighting Centre does not own aircraft or employ pilots. It tenders for these services and shares the fleet across the nation. The AFAP has lodged a submission commenting on the recommendations from the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements that include a "sovereign aerial firefighting capability of sufficient size and versatility to meet national needs". AFAP president Louise Pole has called for the federal government to ...establish an aerial firefighting flight wing with aircraft registered in Australia and staffed by local pilots, many of whom have found themselves stood down or made redundant at the commercial airlines. "We have many pilots who are literally on the ground with the skills that are required to cross-train on these aircraft that are used for firefighting." #firefighting #aerialfirefighting #bushfires #pilotjobs #auspilots See more
11.01.2022 Cobham's National Jet Systems, which holds the air operator certificate for the Boeing 717s, will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Qantas. Cobham Plc has operated 20 B717s for QantasLink for the past 15-years, using 380 employees. Although most are currently stood down, Qantas is expected to take on the employees who will remain under existing enterprise bargaining agreements. Cobham Aviation Services Australia will continue to operate four dedicated cargo jets for Qantas Freight, which predominantly deliver overnight mail and parcels.
10.01.2022 Both the ALAEA - Australian Licenced Aircraft Engineers Association & Flight Attendants Association of Australia have pledged their support for Cyrus over Bain in the Virgin Australia administration process... Other unions, including the AFAP declined to commit to one bidder over the other at this stage in the process. "Cyrus has been described by those close to the administration process as more union-friendly, and preferring the vision of existing management for a Virgin Australia 2. However, the US firm is still seeking partners to get its bid over the line, and is hopeful of federal government assistance to help relaunch the carrier. On the other hand, Bain has plans for a smaller, leaner and tech-savvy airline initially with a tight domestic network and one aircraft-type fleet."
08.01.2022 Remember to join us tomorrow for our Webinar focussed on Career Reinvention. We will be joined by Victoria Cope BAE Systems & Arpad Szakal Cellence Plus to discuss various tips to help you decide on what next? Register here:
08.01.2022 Youve asked for it and now its here. Our popular Visual Flight Rules guide (VFRG) is now available as a PDF download on our website. Head to
08.01.2022 The latest issue of the AFAP's magazine AIR PILOT is out now and can be accessed below or from
08.01.2022 Are You Okay? It has been a challenging year so far for many AFAP members and their families. As pilots across the country continue to face unemployment, indefinite periods of stand-down and isolation or physical distancing from support networks, taking steps to support each other is more important than ever. On R U OK Day and in the coming days, we encourage you to check in with just one person - perhaps a current or former colleague you have been meaning to speak with? #auspilots #ruokday2020
07.01.2022 Simon Lutton, executive director of the AFAP - Australian Federation of Air Pilots, which represents most of Virgins 1500 pilots, called on the government to support Virgin Australia and its employees through any administration process. "One way or another it needs to make sure we have a sound and viable competitor [to Qantas], he said. Australia needs a competitive and strong airline industry, we cant have one that is dominated by one player."
06.01.2022 With a five-year labour agreement the Australian Department of Home Affairs granted in Nov 2019, Regional Express (Rex) is able to recruit from overseas using "Temporary Skills Shortage" visas which let an employer sponsor a suitably skilled worker to fill a position they can’t find a suitably skilled Australian to fill. The AFAP has repeatedly called on Michael McCormack MP and the government to remove "Aeroplane Pilot and Helicopter Pilot from its Skilled Occupation In a new submission to an Australian Senate inquiry into the future of local aviation after COVID-19, the AFAP says the federal government should ensure that Australian citizens and residents are provided the priority to re-enter Australian employment opportunities and that operators should not be able to bring in temporary foreign labour. AFAP president Cpt Louise Pole told the #DailyTelegraph that a recent survey conducted among 1000+ members found 40% had been forced to find work outside the industry. (Photo credit: 'Rex Airlines could employ overseas pilots to fly local routes', The Daily Telegraph, 31 Dec 2020) #AusHomeAffairs #AuSenate #covid19australia #aviation #pilots #RegionalExpressRex See more
06.01.2022 The AFAP's 61st Annual Convention has drawn to a close. President Captain Louise Pole thanks the delegates attending in person at the new AFAP Brisbane office and those participating by video. While the #Covid19 pandemic has provided challenges, we were able to come together for a very successful day! #aviation #pilots #solidarity
05.01.2022 Boeing 737 pilot Andres Czajkowski, most recently employed by Virgin Australia in New Zealand, gives his thoughts on pilots using their many existing skills to find employment elsewhere. #pilotjobs
05.01.2022 You never know what might happen in life you want to know you’re financially secure. The Australian Air Pilots MBF pays Monthly Benefits (up to $12,000) to help members better meet their financial obligations while not flying due to Loss of Licence. #Class1Medical #CommercialPilotLicence Read more in AIR PILOT 2020 ISSUE 2 at
05.01.2022 A Virgin Australia pilot has spoken of his devastation after thousands of workers were stood down amid the COVID-19 crisis. The company stood down 8000 employees last month due to the tumultuous impact on the travel industry and severe reductions in international and domestic passenger flights. Daniel Vigilante who has worked at the airline for seven years, said pilots were devastated and were now finding work in call centres, distribution centres and transport operations. ...It has been devastating, pilots have a unique set of skills and they are not easily transferable to other industries. He called on the Federal Government to save the airline, saying passengers could be subjected to higher airfares in future without it. Not having Virgin in the airline industry will throw us back to a monopoly where airfares are substantially higher and going forward products and services would not nearly be as customer focused or competitive as they are today. See more
05.01.2022 A modified Dash-8 multi-response firefighting aircraft has touched down in Bundaberg QLD but, as it is owned and registered in Canada, it won’t be flown by Australian-licensed pilots. AFAP President captain Louise Pole spoke with ABC Brisbane to express her disappointment that governments have entered into wet leasing contracts that mean Australian pilots can’t be involved in local bushfire fighting efforts. She says contracts should include a provision for Australian pilots ...- many who already have low-level (flying close to the ground) experience from their general aviation days - to be trained in firefighting techniques (water bombing, retardant handling etc). Ideally, for future bushfire seasons, the AFAP is calling on the Federal Government to coordinate a rotary and fixed-wing fleet of firefighting aircraft for use across all Australian states that could possibly be even used to assist neighbouring countries. (Listen from 1:39:35) See more
04.01.2022 Virgin Australia has gone into voluntary administration after failing to secure a Government bailout. The carrier is the latest airline to struggle due to the coronavirus pandemic which has all but grounded planes around the world. Virgin Australia said the decision was made to recapitalise the business and help ensure it emerges in a stronger financial position on the other side of the COVID-19 crisis. Simon Lutton, executive director of the AFAP: "Australia needs a competitive and strong airline industry, we cant have one that is dominated by one player." He added that the country needed a "sound and viable competitor" to Qantas.
04.01.2022 Lots of Australians are doing it tough at the moment due to COVID-19. Some will find themselves in financial hardship with new debts to manage. If youre struggling, please contact us for free and confidential advice.
04.01.2022 Many AFAP members have been stood down or made redundant due to the devastating impact Covid-19 has had on the aviation industry. Commercial pilots already have a depth of experience and skills which the federation's president, Captain Louise Pole, said could be re-trained to operate water bombing aircraft during the bushfire season ... "We have many pilots in Australia who would be proud to serve their country by protecting its environment and population. Read more below ... #auspilots #aerialfirefighting #aviation #covid19 #bushfires #BushfireRoyalCommission #virginaustralia #qantaslink
03.01.2022 If you have been off the flight deck for a while, this Return to Flying Checklist for Pilots - adapted from an IFALPA Safety Bulletin - provides the key considerations to help prepare you for a return to flying. #pilotlife #aviation #pilothealth #IFALPA
02.01.2022 Qantas marks its centenary today - congratulations!
02.01.2022 Alongside other organisations and companies within aviation, the AFAP wrote to the Prime Minister to draw his attention to the urgent need for a wage subsidy package in the aviation industry beyond September 2020.
01.01.2022 Support is available through the Member Assistance Program for any AFAP member (and their immediate family). #MayDay
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