Australian Galloway Association in Westbury, Tasmania | Local business
Australian Galloway Association
Locality: Westbury, Tasmania
Phone: +61 400 952 510
Address: PO Box 42 7303 Westbury, TAS, Australia
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25.01.2022 Get your Galloway Family cattle & story in front of the public. The AGA is looking for articles and good photos for this years Galloway Annual. Please email to the AGA office asap
25.01.2022 Miniature Belted Galloway - FIELD DAY - Reminder At Freedom Rise Stud in YARRAMAN S.E. QLD Date: Sunday 12th September 2021 Items to be covered will include cattle breaking and halter training, ear-tagging (NLIS, identifying and pest control), ear tattooing and more. Numbers of attendees may be limited this year due to the current COVID environment. ... More information Link: Tour of our herd of approximately 60 Miniature Belted Galloways. Introductory Halter Breaking Guest speaker, Tanya Hoare, who has nearly 30 years’ experience in showing cattle Basic Structure for Breeding Soundness & Basic Angulations and Movement Ear tattooing, collection of tail hair DNA samples, handling for submission to the Office for processing. Subcutaneous injections (7-in-1, etc). See more
24.01.2022 Hardy Scots could come to hill farmers' rescue: Hardy Galloway and Belted Galloway cattle breeds.
24.01.2022 GALLOWAY SEMEN AVAILABLE: Photo: One of many Galloway sires semen available in Australia for the commercial and stud market. Globe Magnet (IMP CDN) Galloways are a great breed to use in any crossing program and have proven so in the areas of carcass yield & quality, weight gain, as well as a first or second cross cow.... There is an extensive list of Galloway Family semen sires on the AGA web site and the soon to be published in the AGA Galloway Annual.
23.01.2022 COVID19 in East Gippsland, Australia. Atleast the cattle don't have to ware masks!
22.01.2022 Oradala Red Ochre Mountain - Red Belted Galloway. Semen available from a diverse lineup of sires: Galloways, Belted Galloways and Miniature Galloways and Belties. ... AGA Website and new sires being added to the AGA annual, coming out soon. AI is a great way of getting new bloodlines. Suggest researching the animals' traits to see if they align with your breeding aims.
20.01.2022 Barwon Downs Galloway x Angus Composites sold for $3,550... Jan 2021. Contracts to AGA members Greg and Sharon Bartley.
19.01.2022 A mob of Galloways heading out onto the rough hills. Being a breed that have a diversified grazing habit which protects the environment and helps produce quality beef.
15.01.2022 Goats on frontline of bushfire-prevention efforts in parts of New South Wales BETTER OPTION: ... Goats in the Bush ABC Rural 020921 Goats are great for controlling weeds like blackberries..... but how do control the goats! Just another pest for the bush and neighbouring famers! I used 700 goats to control Blackberries at one stage, but they were hard to keep in the paddocks and the wild dogs really liked them! One needs to go out to western NSW to see the damage they can do out there. I have run cattle in the bush numerous times and found that they eat a lot of the undergrowth (not Blackberries). The breed of cattle that I had the most success in the bush was Galloways. Galloways have shown in trials overseas that they eat a lot more diversity of plant species than other beef breeds. This was shown in my bush when I put Shorthorns and Galloways into the same bush. The Galloways went deep into the bush cleaning up most of the plants, eg tussocks and the Shorthorns only travelled a short distance from the bush gate! I guess the centuries of foraging the hash hills of Scotland developed their metabolic systems to better utilize the coarser plant species.
15.01.2022 Congratulations Leeanne and Jason of the Lallybroch Galloway Stud on a very successful first showing of your Miniature Galloways. Their debut was at the Maitland Show, NSW. 2021
14.01.2022 GALLOWAYS SUIT THE ENVIRONMENT: YOUR ENVIRONMENT ......YOUR CHOICE! My Farming Week: Val Folan, Crappagh Island, Connemara, Co Galway Val Folan farms on Crappagh Island, off the coast of Connemara, Co Galway....
14.01.2022 BELTED GALLOWAYS PRODUCING WHAT THE MEAT WORKS WANT: Ali Hilli from Jalaway Belted Galloways, Gippsland; When you get a call from the buyer at the Abattoir about the steers you sent in by to ask where he can possibly get more of them with that quality. You know you’re on the right track.
14.01.2022 Looking for Galloway cattle? Galloways, Belted Galloways, Miniature Galloways, Commercial and Crossbred Galloways: go to the Australian Galloway Association website and the For Sale section and you will see these cattle listed and so many others from all over the country of Oz....
13.01.2022 Hot off the press or atleast in your email inbox: The AGA Newsletter From the President The year seems to be flying past, with only a few months to 2021 and hopefully a better year all round for everyone. Unfortunately due to the pandemic field days have had to be cancelled. For those who have a spring calving herd, I hope calving has gone well and your calves are growing well helped by the good spring conditions we seem to be experiencing.... With restrictions being lifted, let’s hope we can all get out and attend shows and field days next year and meet up with our fellow Galloway Family members. The Galloway Annual will be posted in the next week or so, I hope you enjoy reading it. Thanks to those members who have advertised and supported it’s publication, and those who have supplied information and photos. Luke Bonar
12.01.2022 FIRST OF AGA WEBINAR SERIES: CATTLE MANAGEMENT. Belted Galloways Galloways Miniature Galloways Breeding - Producing Marketing... Thursday 21st October.... 7.45pm
12.01.2022 Glen El Rusty D2 - Dun Miniature Galloway Semen available from a diverse lineup of sires: Galloways, Belted Galloways and Miniature Galloways and Miniature Belties. ... AGA Website and new sires being added to the AGA annual, coming out soon. AI is a great way of getting new bloodlines. Suggest researching the animals' traits to see if they align with your breeding aims.
10.01.2022 Oz Galloway genetics has been used successfully in a number of countries including UK, Russia, Germany , etc and there is more heading overseas shortly. Photo: Dun heifer calf at Jurgen Griener's herd, Germany: Her sire is Australian: Globex Xplosive X63
10.01.2022 ROYAL CANBERRA SHOW 2012 winning pair of Galloway bulls. Southern Cross El Toro on the left went on to be the All Breeds Champion. His semen and many more sires are available. Check out the AGA web site for the full list.
09.01.2022 The Spring edition of the AGA Galloway News has been emailed to your in box
09.01.2022 Alan Dunk Tumblegum Stud Passed away last night after a long struggle with illness. Our thoughts go to Pauline and family.
08.01.2022 Freedom Rise Miniature Belted Galloway Stud, in Yarraman, SE Qld., held a very successful field day last month. See full details and photos in the soon to be published AGA Annual
07.01.2022 Galloway and Galloway crosses in the Far East Russia (Chita Region) by Australian Merlin and Jane Bradley's Globex semen following on from original imports of Australian Galloway genetics in the 1990s
07.01.2022 Showing (when COVID allows) is a great way of involving the younger generations.
06.01.2022 WANTED people for the AGA Galloway Marketing Committee: The AGA is forming a single Marketing Committee for the whole Galloway Family and the AGA is looking for... members to assist with preparing a marketing plan. With COVID-19 restricting some of our Galloway promotions i.e. shows, field days, travel it is the perfect opportunity to channel our enthusiasm and energy into marketing strategies. Please contact Sallie at the AGA office and register yourself to be a vital member of the marketing team for the Galloway family.
05.01.2022 The December Newsletter will be emailed before Christmas - what would you like to see in it? Can we have your suggestions for content and if you have any photos you'd like to share please email to [email protected]
04.01.2022 A GOOD picture is worth a thousand words! Please send in your good ones and we will let you keep all the others!
04.01.2022 GETTING THE RIGHT GENETICS is worth every hour it has taken and all the money it has cost to pull a stock trailer from Delta Junction, Alaska to Delburne and back a 6,000-km round trip to pick up the young bulls that will bring fresh blood to the herd at home, say Alaskan beef producers Doug and Cathie McCollum.
04.01.2022 Victoria is in another COVID lock down for 5 days. Atleast the cattle don't have to wear masks!
03.01.2022 Galloway cross Angus steers in Scotland. See article below re another lot of Galloway bulls going to Alaska to breed more Galloway X Angus cattle for quality pasture finished beef. This cross is also proven to be very successful in Australia
03.01.2022 King of the Hill.... Galloways are great breed for producing high quality beef and for being great forages, converting a larger diversity of plants than other breeds.
01.01.2022 A lot more than looking good: Belted Galloway cow at Greenethorpe NSW. Didn't really have to say that it was a Belted Galloway did I.! Everyone, including city people know recognize them. What a lot of people, including some in the beef industry, is that they a very productive cattle that produce great meat. efficiently.
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