Australian Macedonian Council of New South Wales Inc. | Other
Australian Macedonian Council of New South Wales Inc.
Phone: +61 2 9220 3588
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25.01.2022 Pocituvani vernici, vo Sabota 08.08.2020 se proslavuva Sveta Macenicka Paraskeva- Petka Rimjanka, Patronot na nashata Crkva. Ve izvestuvame deka poradi sostojba...ta so Coronavirusot i restrickiite, na sluzbata Liturgijata koja ke zapocne vo 8.30 am vo Hramot moze da ima 50 vernici, zatoa ve molime da rotirate i da dozvoluvate i na drugite luge da vlezat i da se pomolat vo Hramot. So dlaboko zalenje ve izvestuvame deka ovaa godina nema da se sluzi rucek za Hramovata Slava vo Crkovnata sala poradi sostojbata so Covid 19. Bog po molitvite na sveta Petka neka ni podari pobrzo iscelenie od Pandemijata i pobrzo vrakanje kon normalna sostojba. Dear parishioners, on Saturday we will celebrate the Patron feast day of saint martyr Paraskeva- Petka. Liturgy will start at 8.30 am and because of Covid-19 restrictions only 50 people can stay in Church at one time. So please rotate and allow other people who are waiting outside to come in and light candle and say a prayer. Sandy we also have to inform you that this year because of the restrictions launch will not be served in the Church hall. God through the intercessions of our Patron saint Paraskeva-Petka may deliver us from this unpleasant situation and introduce to us again peaceful and normal everyday life.
25.01.2022 ++SVETA PETKA++ Utre Sveta Liturgija 8 30 am
24.01.2022 To our Dearest Families from Filip II and supporters of our school. With great joy the children have returned to class and they are normalising in these trialin...g days. Orthodox Scripture Classes by the Will of God will start Term 4. Today the Dormition Holy Mother of God Fast started. This is the shortest Fast (2 weeks). For those who havent tried to Fast and would like to, please consult with your Spiritual Father for a Blessing and a Fasting rule and with the help of Bogorodica let them start. For those of us who wear an Orthodox Prayer bracelet, we are attaching an Orthodox audio lesson on how to pray with the help of the prayer bead. With deep respect and love from the Orthodox Scripture team at Filip II.
23.01.2022 Utre na praznikot Raganje na Presveta Bogorodica, Sveta Liturgija so pocetok od 8.30 am. Site ste dobredojdeni. Tomorrow is feast day of Nativity of Mother of God, Divine Liturgy starts at 8.30 am. All welcome
22.01.2022 50 GODINI ZA PRESVETA BOGORODICA Vo Petok 28.8.20 vo 9.00am, ke ima Sveta Liturgija za praznikot Uspenie na Presveta Bogorodica, i za 50 godisninata za nash...ata Crkva. Site vernici se dobredojdeni. Za mnogu godini da go slavime praznikot na nashata Crkva Presveta Bogorodica This Friday 28.8.20 we celebrate the 50th anniversary of our church, Presveta Bogorodica. To commemorate this historic day, a liturgy will take place in honour of Presveta Bogorodica. Facebook event Church Liturgy for Sveta Bogorodica / 50 Year Anniversary
21.01.2022 Please like and share this beautiful collaboration between Macedonian and international musicians and enthusiasts from around the world.
21.01.2022 As huge blasts rock the Lebanese capital of Beirut, Macedonians Australians in NSW extend our thoughts and prayers to the people of Lebanon during this difficult time. Lebanese Community Council of NSW
20.01.2022 The Prime Minister is speaking live with an update on job numbers across the country. The federal government is expected to unveil a new skills package for school leavers and people looking for work to take up courses in areas like healthcare, transport, manufacturing and retail.
20.01.2022 Pocituvani vernici, vo Nedela 02.08.2020 se slavi spimenot na velikiot prorok Ilija, koj e patron svetitel i zashtitnik i na nashiot Makedonski Narod. Po toj po...vod Liturgijata ke zapocne vo 8.30 am a vednash posle Liturgijata ke se otsluzi i Panihida Pomen za site upokoeni Ilindenci, borci za sloboda na nashata tatkovina Republika Makedonija. Poradi restrikciite koi se vo sila za zastita od Covid 19, Vo Crkvata moze da ima do 50 luge, ve zamoluvame da ne se zadrzuvate predolgo vo Crkvata i da dozvolite i na drugite posle vas da vlezat vo Crkvata i da se pomolat. Sveki ke moze da se palat i nadvor na shandani koi se postaveni pred vlezot na Crkvata. Na povozrasnite im preporacuvame da nosat maski dokolku se vo moznost za dopolnitelno da se zastitat sebesi. Cestit praznik i cestito ime na site koi nosat ime po sveti lrorok Ilija. Dear parishioners on Sunday 02.08.2020 we will celebrate the feast day of st. Elijah. Liturgy will start at 8.30 am and because this is also our Macedonian national feast day, afterwards Memorial Service will be served for all our Macedonian heroes who gave their lives for freedom of our motherland Republic of Macedonia. Reminder that restrictions are still in place and we all need to stay safe from Covid 19 virus, so no more than 50 believes are allowed in Church at one time. So we ask everyone to come in Church pray for few minutes and move on to free room for anyone waiting outside. Candles can be light outside as well. All faithful mid age and older are encouraged to have mask if thats possible to be additionally protected. Happy feast day of st Elijah and happy name day to all those who bear that name.
20.01.2022 Придружите ни се и уживате во ден полн со музика, храна, пиалоци и нон стоп игри... Недела 22 ноември 2020, од 11:00 часот во дворот на црквата Св. Климент Охридски-Канбера
20.01.2022 Charity Lunch 22 Nov 2020-Video
19.01.2022 Think F.A.S.T! In Australia, a stroke occurs every 9 minutes. Its National Stroke Week this week so Australians are being encouraged to learn the F.A.S.T signs... of a stroke (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) so they can get help quickly by calling 000. Around 56,000 Australians are affected by strokes, every single year. Its one of Australias biggest killers and causes of disability. The sooner a person gets help, the better the outcome. So remember, act F.A.S.T and help save a persons life.
18.01.2022 Today MKUD Ilinden - Sydney celebrates its 54th anniversary. The current Ilinden family would like to thank all the people who have contributed to making Ilinde...n a beacon for keeping our Macedonian culture alive. To past and present committee members, dancers, choreographers, sponsors, parents & grandparents, supporters and the Macedonian community we thank you for everything you have done to build the success of the dancing group. A massive thank you has to go to Sv Petka Church Rockdale, they have shown tremendous support to the group over the last 50 years. The Macedonian community should be proud of what they have been able to achieve.
18.01.2022 Полувреме! Македониа - Естониа 1:0 #СегаЕНашеВреме
17.01.2022 1st - Club Championship 1st - First Grade League Champions 1st - Second Grade League Champions After a gruelling season we are delighted to confirm we ...are returning to top flight football in 2021. Congratulations to the coaching staff Tommy Markovski, Jonathan Dalleh, Michael Gulevski, Luke Lupeski and Salim Moutasallem on assembling one of the strongest squads we have seen in years. Well done to the players for their hard work and strong performances which helped the club claim top honours and return back to first division. Thank you to our sponsors and loyal fans who have stood by us, we can't wait to start preparing for next season and our 65th year and hope to see you on Sunday to celebrate promotion #WEAREBACK #WEAREGOINGUP #YAGOONA #YAGOONALIONS
17.01.2022 Vo Petok 11.9.20 vo 9.00am, ke ima Sveta Liturgija za praznikot Odsekuvanjeto na glavata na Sveti Jovan Krstitel. Site vernici se dobredojdeni. Za mnogu godini ... This Friday 11 September starting at 9am, there will be a Divine Liturgy for the beheading of John the Baptist at our Sveta Bogorodica Church at Broadmeadow. All Parishioners are welcome to attend. See more
16.01.2022 Macedonian Elections 2020 - Update Voter turnout is currently at 45.74%. Polls are still open until 21:00 local time (Macedonia).... #macedonia #election #2020 #vote
16.01.2022 Congratulations to the #Macedonian National Football Team on their fantastic 2 - 1 win this morning against neighbouring Kosovo.
15.01.2022 R U OK Day is Thursday 10 September 2020. It’s our national day of action when we remind #Australians, including #Macedonian Australians, that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? if someone in your world is struggling with life’s ups and downs. If you feel like something’s not quite the same with someone you know there’s something going on in their life or you notice a change in what they’re saying or doing - trust that gut instinct and take the time to ask them Are... you OK? If someone says they’re not OK, make time to listen, encourage action and check in. That conversation could change, or even save, their life. We encourage all members of the Macedonian Australian and broader multicultural community to reach out and to check-in with each other...a conversation could change a life. For more information and support, please visit
15.01.2022 Pocituvani vernici vo Sabota 21.11.2020 po povod praznikot posveten na sveti Arhangel Mihail i drugite bestelesni sili, Svetata Liturgija ke zapocne vo 8.30 am.... Site ste dobredojdeni. Dear believers, on Saturday 21.11.2020 in honour of Saint Arhangel Michael and others Heavenly Powers, Divine Liturgy will start at 8.30 am. All welcome. See more
15.01.2022 MALA BOGORODICA - SVETA LITURGIJA: Vo Ponedelnik 21.9.20 vo 9.00am, ke ima Sveta Liturgija za praznikot Mala Bogorodica. Site vernici se dobredojdeni. Za mnog...u godini This Monday 21 September starting at 9am, there will be a Divine Liturgy for the Birth of the Holy Mother of God at our Sveta Bogorodica Church at Broadmeadow. All Parishioners are welcome to attend.
14.01.2022 COMMEMORATING ILINDEN AND THE MACEDONIAN STRUGGLE FOR INDEPENDENCE On 2 August 1903, St. Ilijas Day, the Macedonian struggle for independence manifested itself with the epic Ilinden Uprising (or in Macedonian). The quest for freedom from the Ottoman yoke of oppression resulted in an armed Macedonian resistance campaign that was initiated, coordinated and implemented by Macedonians fighting for their fundamental human rights to self-determination and fo...r a free and independent Macedonia for the Macedonian people. Even though the Ilinden Uprising failed to achieve independence for Macedonia and the Macedonian people, the short-lived Krushevo Republic was proclaimed and Macedonians enjoyed a system of self-government for a mere 10 days. Today, on the 117th Anniversary of the Ilinden Uprising, ethnic Macedonians world-wide honour and celebrate our Macedonian forefathers who bravely fought and died defending our fatherland, Macedonia, and the Macedonian people. Goce Delchev, Dame Gruev, Jane Sandanski and our Ilinden heroes were Macedonians who fought for an independent Macedonia and freedom for the Macedonian people. Their memory must never been forgotten. As Macedonian Australians, it is imperative that we always remember and honour the ultimate sacrifice made by these brave souls who valiantly gave their lives for the Macedonian cause and in the protection of fundamental human rights. Further, Macedonians in New South Wales will never co-celebrate our glorious Macedonian heroes and historical events with any Balkan neighbours under the guise of a shared history, and through so-called revised and filtered historical narratives imposed upon the Republic of Macedonia by friendship agreements. These agreements ultimately undermine and disrespect the Macedonian identity and historical continuum from antiquity to the present. Our ethnic Macedonian identity and national consciousness; our Macedonian literary language; our collective Macedonian traditions, customs, folklore and our ancient Macedonian history are the most important and tangible elements that unite us. They represent our common Macedonian past and will shape our shared future, where ever we may be throughout the diaspora. On behalf of Macedonian Australians in NSW, we would like to congratulate our community, our partner organisations, friends and supporters on this important national and religious day. We strongly encourage all members of the community to attend Ilinden celebrations in your local area across NSW. ... !
14.01.2022 29 years ago today, on 8 September 1991, the Macedonian struggle for independence and statehood culminated in the declaration of independence of the Republic of Macedonia from the yolk of foreign rule. The Macedonian people united in their call for freedom and for an independent national state under the motto of Macedonia for the Macedonians. The struggle of the Macedonian people for an independent and united Macedonia continues today, even in such turbulent and difficult ...political times. Macedonian Australians reject all negations of Macedonia and the Macedonian national identity, name, history and culture. Even in these difficult times, we will continue to advocate for the basic human rights of Macedonians and to develop our community in NSW. Long live Macedonia and the Macedonian people. . !
14.01.2022 From Macedonia to the Hunter - Professor Billie Bonevski The Hunter is made up of people from many different backgrounds and life experiences. In ABC Breakfast's "Who Are You?" series, the team share the stories of how people have developed their own sense of identity.... In this week's episode, the ABC's Dan Cox spoke to Professor Billie Bonevski to hear her story.
13.01.2022 Недела на грижителите 11-17 Октомври 2020. It’s National Carers Week 2020! Спомени од традиционалниот еднодневен излет, организиран од Македонско Авс...тралиската Добротворна Организациа, по повод одбележуваето/прославуваето на неделата на грижителите во Октомври 2019. Memories of the one day trip, organised by the Macedonian Australian Welfare Association, to celebrate the Carers Week in October 2019 .
12.01.2022 National Premier Leagues NSW Men’s Round 11 fixture between Rockdale City Suns FC v North Shore Mariners FC Ilinden Sports Sports Centre on 11 October 2020 Photo: Keith McInnes for Football NSW #NPLNSW
12.01.2022 Utre Petok 28.08.2020 na Praznikot Uspenie na Presveta Bogorodica, Svetata Liturgija ke zapocne vo 8.30 am. Po molitvite na Bozjata Majka za mnogu godini blagos...liveni. Tomorrow Friday 28.08.2020 on the feast day of Dormition of Mother of God, Divine Liturgy will start at 8.30 am. Through the intercessions of Mother of God may all be blessed
12.01.2022 NEWS- COVID-19 UPDATE- Due to the COVID-19 crisis enveloping Victoria and clusters emerging in Sydney, the NSW Govt. and Office of Sport through Northern NSW Fo...otball have amended to Return to Play Guidelines which are effective as of immediately. Important Changes. - For Broadmeadow Magic SAP, and NPL Youth fixtures, ONLY ONE Parent/Caregiver may accompany a junior participant to training or to matches (whether Home or Away). -All spectators must maintain 1.5m social distancing from each other AT ALL TIMES. -Any football participant (including Committee, Parents, Spectators, Club Officials, Coaches or Volunteers) are to refrain from attending any football venue or activity (training, club function or match day) if they have visited Victoria or any of the reported case locations in NSW (refer to NSW Health Website Link- ( ) until they have completed a compulsory 14 day self-isolation from when they last visited the identified COVID-19 active location. We ask members to be vigilant and honest to self identify, however, if you know a team-mate has visited one of these areas we ask for the Coach or a Club Member to be notified. Specific Rules Regarding Senior Mens @NPL Northern NSW (18s-First Grade), and Herald Womens Premier League (14-First Grade) fixtures at Magic Park. As per NSW Health Order, our venue capacity for Premier Competition Senior Football still stands at 500 patrons, however, - Grand Stand Capacity is capped at 25%, Seating areas will be limited to 1 person every 4 seats. Whilst members of the same household may sit together, this does not alter the capacity of the grandstand. Signs stating the current capacity will be monitored and if at capacity do not be offended if you are asked to move by a Duty Officer. - As previously stated regarding exclusion from known COVID active locations, patrons signing in to Magic Park will now be required to acknowledge on the sign-on sheet or via the QR code that they have not recently visited these areas. If you are not prepared to sign-in as requested DO NOT ATTEND. We are in this together, most importantly, if you are feeling unwell or experiencing any COVID-19 Symptoms, DO NOT ATTEND any Broadmeadow Magic FC football activity or venue. Duty Officers will be enforcing the latest updates at our first home fixture this Sunday 19th July as we take on Charlestown Azzurri. GO MAGIC!!! #thisismagicfootball #wearebroadmeadowmagic #HeraldWPL #NPLNNSW #clubchampions
12.01.2022 Воздвижение на Чесниот Крст, Отец Александар Шмеман Со векови на денот на Воздвижението, односно Воздигнуваето на Чесниот Крст, архиереите, стоеи среде цркв...ата, окружени од мноштвото свештеници, го издигале Крстот високо над главите на соборот на верни, додека хорот во тоа време громогласно пеел Господи, помилу! Тоа бил празникот на христианското царство, кое се родило под закрилата на Крстот, во денот кога царот Константин го видел Крстот над ко пишувало:: Со ова е победиш Тоа е благден на победата на христианството над царствата, културите и цивилизациите, свет ден на оно христиански свет ко се распаднал, се распаа пред нашите очи. Да, и оваа година, како и секоа, е се изврши ово торжествен древен обред. И хорот радосно е пее: Крстот е сила на царевите, крстот е убавина на вселената. Но околу храмот во ко служиме е трешти огромниот град, ко е рамнодушен кон денот ко се празнува, градот ко нема апсолутно никаква врска со славата што се слави. Милионите луе е продолжат да си го живеат своот секодневен живот, со неговите грижи, интереси, радости, таги, немаи никаков однос со она што се извршува во храмовите. Зошто се осмелуваме да ги повторуваме овие зборови на победата, повторуваи ги пак и пак за Крстот, дека то е неуништлива победа? За жал, треба да се признае дека многу Христиани не би знаеле да одговорат на овие прашаа. Повеето Христиани како да се навикнале на тоа, Црквата да биде изгонета на маргините на животот, да биде протерана од културата, од животот, од училиштата од секаде. Многу Христиани се задоволни со тоа што со презир им е дозволено да ги исполнат своите обреди, под услов да се однесуваат тивко и послушно, да не му пречат на светот да го гради своот живот обезбожен, обесхристовен, обезверен, обезмолитвен. Ваквите изморени Христиани, вее и не се сеаваат што рекол Христос нота пред Распетието: Во светот е имате жалости, но не плашете се, зашто ас го победив светот. Но, ми се чини, нашето славее на Воздвижението на Крстот, повторуваето на древните зборови на победата и торжеството, сето тоа не е за само да си спомнеме за победата во минатото, да си спомнеме за тоа што било и што повее не е. А за тоа, би требало подлабоко да се водлабочиме околу смисолот ко ово збор зборот победа го има во христианската вера. Можеби, само денес, кога сме лишени од надворешната сила, надворешната победа, подршка од власта, неброни богатства, лишени од с она што се чинело символ, знак на победа, ние сме способни да сфатиме дека, можеби, се тоа и не била вистинска победа. Да, со злато, сребро и скапоцени камеа бил украсен оно Крст ко преку рацете на свештениците се издигал над човечката толпа, но ниту златото, ниту среброто, а ниту скапоцените камеа не се способни да го затемнат вистинскиот и првичен смисол на Крстот: орудие за страшна и мачна казна, на кое со клинци бил закован осуденикот, ко умирал задишан од бол и жед, биваи отфрлен од сите. Да собереме храброст, и да се запрашаме: Зар не згаснале поради тоа сите тие христиански царства и култури, зар не се превртела во пораз победата, токму поради тоа што ние, Христианите, сме станале глуви и слепи за краниот смисол, краната содржина на Крстот како главен символ на Христианството, што помисливме дека со злато и сребро може да го потиснеме суштинскиот смисол на Крстот, што помисливме дека она што Бог го бара од нас е просто славее на минатото? Но да се почитува Крстот, да се подигне, да се пее за Христовата победа на благденот на Воздвижуваето на Чесниот Крст, значи, пред с, да се верува во Распнатиот Христос, да се верува во тоа дека крсниот знак е знак на еден сепотресен, и истовремено, сеединствен пораз, ко само во силата на ово пораз, само во мерата во коа го примаме како пораз станува победа и торжество. Не, Христос не доде во светот за да донесе некаква надворешна победа: Нему при рака Му беше сета сила на Царството Божо, но То се одрече од неа. Во моментот на Неговото предавае на смрт, То рече: Зар мислите дека ас не можам да измолам од Моот Отец да ми испрати легиони на ангели, кои би ме заштитиле? (Мт. 26,53). Но никогаш Христос не беше повее Цар отколку тогаш, кога биваи окружен со злобната и занишана толпа коа Го хулеше се искачуваше кон Голгота, носеи го на грбот Крстот Сво. Никогаш не беше толку очигледна Неговата царственост и царска сила, како во оно час, кога Пилат Го изведе пред толпата, облечен во багреница, осуден на срамна смрт како престапник, со трнов венец на главата, кога Пилат рекол на збеснатата толпа и’ рече: Еве ви Го Царот ваш! Бидеи, каде се наоа сецелата тана на Христианството, а со тоа и неговата победа, ако не во радосната вера дека преку отфрлениот, распнатиот и осудениот Христос, во светот засветли убовта, се откри Царството Божо над кое нико и ништо од светот нема власт? С што треба да направиме, е да Го прифатиме Христа со сето наше срце, со сета наша вера, и со сета наша надеж. Ако го нема ова, секоа наша надворешна победа останува сосем бессмислена. И можеби то надворешен пораз на христианскиот свет, тоа осиромашувае и отфрлае, на неко начин ни биле и неопходни, за да се очисти нашата вера од секоа земна надменост, од надежта на надворешната сила, на надворешната победа. За да се очисти нашето видувае на Крстот Христов, ко се вознесува над нас и над светот, дури и кога ние и светот не го гледаме. Се крева и победува Крстот Христов, без разлика на с. Крстот е убавина на вселената. И во каква и темнина да се наоа човекот, колку и навидум во светот да торжествува злото надворешно, срцето на христианинот го познава и слуша гласот Христов ко говори: Не боте се, оти го победив светот!.
11.01.2022 The Macedonian language is included in this list.
11.01.2022 New rules around gatherings have come into effect today. For multilingual resources with advice about the new rules, visit
10.01.2022 Pocitucani vernici, od Sabota 28.11.2020, pocnuva Bozikniot post. Postaven e i kalendar so objasnuvanje za polesno sledenje na postite. Spored tipikot za parohi...jani, vo prvata i poslednata nedela od postot se jade hrana prigotvena so maslo. Vo ostanatite denovi od postot se razreshuva riba. Meso, jajca i mleko i mlecni proizvodi ne se dozvoleni preku site denovi od postot. Onie koi sakaat da postat postrogo i se veke utvrdeni vo postot, moze da postat od Ponedelnik do Petok so maslo, Sabota i Nedela riba. Za sekoe prashanje kontaktirajte go parohiskiot Sveshtenik. Vi posakuvame lesni i blagodetni posti Dear parishioners on Saturday 28.11.2020 starts Christmas fasting period. Attached is easy to follow calendar for the Christmas Lent. What follows bellow is the general rule for parishioners according to the Tipikon (Church rule). During the first and last week of the Lent we eat only food prepared with oil. In the other days we eat food prepared with oil plus fish. Meat, eggs and dairy should be omitted throughout whole fasting period. For those already established in the practice of fasting and want to keep stricter rule, Monday to Friday food prepared with oil, and fish can be restricted only on Saturday and Sunday. For any questions and enquiries please contact the parish Priest. We wish you blessed and graceful Christmas Lent.
09.01.2022 Congratulations to Rockdale City Suns Football Club - Ilinden on this momentous victory! The Macedonian community, football fans and the wider community alike are all proud of your efforts!
09.01.2022 Excellent results around all three grades for the mighty SHELL COVE BARBARIANS!!! Youth Grade : Kiama 1-2 Shell Cove. Reserve Grade: Kiama 1-2 Shell Cove.... First Grade : Kiama 0-3 Shell Cove. Barbari Barbari Barbari
08.01.2022 R U OK Day is Thursday 10 September 2020. Its our national day of action when we remind #Australians, including #Macedonian Australians, that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? if someone in your world is struggling with lifes ups and downs. If you feel like somethings not quite the same with someone you know theres something going on in their life or you notice a change in what theyre saying or doing - trust that gut instinct and take the time to ask them Are... you OK? If someone says theyre not OK, make time to listen, encourage action and check in. That conversation could change, or even save, their life. We encourage all members of the Macedonian Australian and broader multicultural community to reach out and to check-in with each other...a conversation could change a life. For more information and support, please visit
07.01.2022 Fellow Macedonian members & parishioners, Due to the current situation regarding COVID-19 and the recent spikes in cases, the management committee of the Macedo...nian Orthodox community of greater Wollongong St. Dimitrija Solunski have decided to cancel tomorrows traditional Ilinden lunch which commemorates our Macedonian hero Goce Delcev. The mass however will still go ahead with the following conditions as per NSW public health orders: 1. The maximum people allowed in the church is 1 person / 4m2. We estimate that this will amount to 50 people. Once this number is reached, it will be a case of one out/ one in. We kindly ask that those who are in the church to give a chance for others to light a candle and say a prayer. 2. People attending will be required to provide their name and contact details when they enter so that they can be used for contact tracing. 3. As usual, there will hand sanitiser available at the entry. May the memories of Goce Delcev and all Macedonian heros that have fallen for our beloved Macedonia live forever. Macedonia forever!! ! 2020
07.01.2022 There's one week left to apply for the Premier’s Multicultural Communication Awards! Categories include: Campaign of the Year Agency Campaign of the Year ...Business Campaign of the Year Community Best Audio Report Best Audio-Visual Report Publication of the Year Alan Knight Student Award Young Journalist of the Year Best Use of Digital of Social Media Public Interest Award Lifetime Achievement Award Put your nominations in this week!
07.01.2022 We are the Premiers! We are delighted to have finally after many years won the NPL 1 minor premiership following our nail biting 2-1 win today over the North S...hore Mariners. It was a memorable day that we will never forget. A big shout out to our coaching staff, players, officials, sponsors and our wonderful fans. The best in the league. To our under 20’s who also qualified for the semi finals, congrats. We are the only club to have both senior grades in keying semi final football. As a result, we also won the club championship. A historic day.
07.01.2022 *2020 Local Business Awards Finalist Announced* MKUD Ilinden Western Sydney is featured in the Fairfield City Champion Newspaper on page 2, on 16th September 2020 issue.
06.01.2022 16 Nedela po Pedesetnica i praznik Vozdizenie na Cesniot Krst- Krstovden. Vo denesnoto Evangelskoto cetivo, slushavme za parabolata za Gospodarot i talantite ko...i im gi podelil na slugite. Ovie talanti se darovite i talentite koi sekoj od nas gi dobiva od Boga, a nie treba preku dobrodetelen zivot da gi umnozuvame odnosno preku niv, da specalime i drugi darovi. Togas ke sme kako slugite koj gi umozile talantite i vlegle vo radosta na Gospodarot. Onoj koj go zakopal talantot i go vratil neumnozen na Gospodarot, prilega na covek koj ne gi umnozuva Bozjite darovi i ne zivee dobrodetelen zivot. Zatoa, umnozuvajte gi darovite i talentite, pecalete novi darovi i talanti preku Vera i dobrodetelen zivot, za da mozeme i nie da bideme pokaneti i da vlezeme vo radosta na nasiot bog. Da bideme blagodarni na Boga za ona sto go imame i toa da go umnozuvame, a ne postojano da go obvinuvame Boga za ona sto go nemame. Denes isto taka bese proslaven i spomenot na Vozdvizenieto na cesniot i zivotvoren krst. Ovoj praznik vklucuva dva crkovno-istoriski sobitija od zivotot na crkvata. Prviot, pronaoganjeto na cesniot krst od strana na caricata Elena. Po prethodni informacii od nekoj Evrein caricata Elena go razruzusila neznabozeckiot hram na Venera, i vo zemjata nasle zakopani 3 krsta. Pokraj mestoto pominuvala povorka so mrtovec, pa patrijarhot Makarij, gi soprel i eden po eden od trite krsta gi polozuval vrz mrtovecot. Od prvite dva krsta nisto ne se slucuvalo bidejki bile tie na razbojnicite no koga go polozile tretiot krst na Gospod Isus Hristos, se slucilo cudo i mrtviot voskresnal. Taka se utvrdilo deka toj e zivotvorniot krst Gospodov. Vtoriot nastan e prenosot na Krstot od Persija vo Erusalim. Za vreme na zazemanjeto na Erusalim carot Hozroj go odnel krstot vo Persija. Posle 14 godini carot Iraklij go vratil torzestveno krstot vo Erusalim. Koga sakal da go vnese vo gradskite porti angel Bozji ne mu dozvoluval a patrijarhot Zaharij mu go otkril toa. Potoa carot ja slekol carskata obleka, i vo obicni alista, podobno ba Hrista go vnesol torzestveno Cesniot krst vo Erusalim. Slovoto za krstot e bezumstvo za onie koi ginat, no za nas koi se spasuvame e SILA BOZJA. So silata na Zivotvorniot Krst Gospodi Isuse Hriste spasi i pomiluj 16 Sunday after Pentecost and feast day of Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Today's Gospel reading describes a parable about the Lord and the talants that he gave to his servants. Two of the slaves multiplied the talants given to them and were awarded by the Lord to enter in His happiness. One of them did not multiply and returned just one talant. People are God's creations with unique gifts and talents and we are supposed through them to earn more gifts and talents, to multiply them through good and pious christian life, filled with good deeds and virtues. If we do opposite, we look like the servant who was punished by His Lord being not obedient and faithful not multiplying the given talant. That's why we always should multiply our gift and talants given to us by God, and earn more talants and gifts through proper pious christian life, filled with virtues and faith. If we do so, we will be invited and will be rewarded with entrance into the happiness of our Lord, into His Kingdom of Heaven. Let's always be joyful and satisfied with what we have, rather than being always desperate after what we are missing. Let's always multiple the good that we have as gift from God. Today we also celebrated the feast of Exaltation of the Holy and life giving Cross. Two historical and Church events were commemorated on today's feast. First event is connected with saint Helen. She tried and found information about the Holy Cross from one Jewish man. Then she ordered and destroyed temple dedicated to Venera, and bellow the building in the ground she found 3 crosses. In order to find out witch one was the Christ's one, Patriarch Makarij ordered to stop one funeral procession. All three crosses were put on that dead man. Only when the third cross was put on the dead man, people were amazed seeing a miracle and seeing that man appeared to be alive and Risen from the dead. The second event is connected with the king Hozroj who taking over Jerusalem took also the Holy cross and transferred to Persia. King Irakli 14 years later win over kind Hozroj and the Holy cross was returned to Jerusalem. When the king Irakli, reached Jerusalem he was not able to enter into Jerusalem because he was dressed as a king, and angel of God was preventing to do si. Receiving advice from patriarch Zaharij, he took off his royal clothes and got very simple and moderate, after that he got the Holy Cross and returned to Jerusalem. For the word of the cross seems foolish to those who are on the way to destruction; but to us who are on the way to salvation it is the power of God! With the power of Holy cross Lord Jesus Christ save us.
06.01.2022 I liked it before, but now I cant. I forgot says Nada. But she is still knitting, with a little help from MCCI care worker Angelika. Originally from Macedoni...a, Nada enjoys being able to speak her own language now when she is no longer working and finds that she is losing her English. She sees Angelika twice a week. Are you looking for a Home Care Provider? If so, phone us on 02 4229 7566 to find out how we can support you, or see our website,, for more information. #multiculturalism #agedcare
05.01.2022 Book on the Macedonian National Movement in Pirin Macedonia Macedonia Rises - The Macedonian National Movement in the Pirin Part of Macedonia by Atanas Kiryakov... and Aleksandar Donski is based on material from the archive of the Macedonian human rights activist Atanas Kiryakov. Mr Kiryakov is from Blagoevgrad in Bulgaria. The book contains a wide variety of documents including testimonies, letters, photographs, articles, legal decisions, and a clear outline of the rights requested and demanded by the Macedonians. In the census of 1946 when Macedonians were allowed to openly declare their ethnicity, around 70 per cent of the population of Pirin Macedonia declared themselves as Macedonians. The material clearly shows that the Macedonians in Bulgaria still do not consider themselves as Bulgarians and continue to work for their rights including self-identification and cultural expression. The book was published by the Macedonian Literary Association Grigor Prlichev in Sydney. The English version is Here. The Macedonian version is Here. See more
05.01.2022 Utre Sveta Paraskeva-Petka Hramova Slava na nashata Crkva, Liturgija 8.30 am. Tomorrow Saint Paraskeva-Petka, Patron feast day of our Church, Liturgy at 8.30 am.
04.01.2022 *Happy 4th Birthday MKUD Ilinden Western Sydney* We love to thank everyone that have been part of this great journey, from small beginnings always come great th...ings. We have turned 4 and growing more each year. We thank the Macedonian community for our growth. Thanks to all our members, parents/grandparents, family and friends. A huge thanks for their work each week to all our trainers and committee members past and present. A special thanks to MKUD Ilinden Sydney along with Sveta Petka Church-Rockdale for always supporting our group. Our 2020 Sponsors have been fantastic and please support the following businesses; Smart Line Personal Mortgage Advisers MKD Transcorp United Autos Jonos Party Bus The Newtrition Co Hybrid Impact Gym Fastway Couriers Rosa Dora Imports Byron & Associates Solicitors and Attorneys Liquor Stax - Revesby Aronia for Life Divinity Funerals Sofra Catering Mike Uncevski Funerals Incredibe Edibles Catering Sugarev Inc LS Bakery Zenith Legal The Burek Brothers & Co Nick Wedding Photography & Video - Hire Cars Mr Tapan RAAM Storage
04.01.2022 IMPORTANT MEASSAGE FROM THE MACEDONIAN SCHOOL COUNCIL of NSW concerning all Macedonian Language School
02.01.2022 MEDIA RELEASE MACEDONIA’S CURRENT GEOPOLITICAL CRISIS WILL AFFECT MACEDONIANS WORLDWIDE 30 November 2020, Sydney... Macedonia’s current geopolitical situation is increasingly alarming, traumatic and harmful to ethnic Macedonians in Macedonia, Australia and throughout the diaspora. Existential threats from internal and external factors and political forces, including the current anti-Macedonian Government in the Republic of Macedonia, as well as neighbouring Bulgaria and Greece, are determined to extinguish the eternal Macedonian spirit, national identity, ancient past, historical figures and heroes, culture, language and Church on a global scale. The unprecedented conditions imposed upon Macedonia in order to gain admission to the NATO alliance and now the EU amount to ethnocide on a monumental level. This is evidenced with Macedonia forced to sign one-sided agreements and treaties negating the historical and constitutional name of the Republic of Macedonia and our ancient and recent past, language, culture, church and the Macedonian minority across geographical Macedonia, specifically outside the borders of the Republic of Macedonia (read Prespa Agreement with Greece and Friendship Agreement with Bulgaria). Current Macedonian Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev, does not have the authority nor qualifications to speak on behalf of ethnic Macedonians and the global Macedonian diaspora on historical, linguistic, cultural or other related matters. Recent comments promulgated by the Prime Minister during an interview with Sofia-based media about an alleged shared history with Bulgaria, and claims that Bulgaria’s illegal fascist occupation of Macedonia during World War II should be viewed as simply an administration amount to historical revisionism. Ethnic Macedonians suffered greatly in defence of Macedonia during the occupation, and approximately 7,000 Macedonian Jews were deported to Treblinka by the occupying Bulgarian forces, a key Tripartite Pact member. These matters are deeply concerning and have given rise to a multitude of human rights issues that impact ethnic Macedonians worldwide. Ethnic Macedonians are being rebranded and bastardised. It is ethnocide on an unprecedented global scale. On a local level within the Macedonian diaspora communities including in Australia, these issues will become more and more evident and real for us in areas such as education, health and other services. Macedonians must be resilient and work collaboratively to mitigate the negativity/disinformation/attacks of those who wish to cause harm to the Macedonian community, including in Australia. Coordinated global and localised information campaigns must continue to occur to create awareness of the situation and the impacts on the Macedonian people in Macedonia, Australia and around the world. Media: [email protected] #Macedonia #Macedonians #humanrights #SelfDetermination
02.01.2022 Today is World Food Day, a celebration of how food unites us What’s your favourite Macedonian dish? Share your photos and tag friends
01.01.2022 The Australian Macedonian Council of NSW Inc. is currently developing ideas for project proposals aligned to grants for FY2020-21. We are actively seeking project proposals from current and future Partner Organisations that focus on youth development, to enhance the existing Future Community Leaders Program. We invite all NSW-based Macedonian Australian community organisations and their representatives to participate in an online Zoom meeting to ascertain the needs of the com...munity and develop relevant project ideas. The meeting will be held via Zoom on Thursday 30 July 2020 from 17:30. Meeting details and link will be provided to interested parties representing community organisations prior to the meeting. Youth representatives are strongly encouraged to attend and actively participate. Please email your interest to attend the meeting to [email protected]
01.01.2022 Looking for a career in law with meaningful work, work-life balance and unique career progression opportunities? Apply for the NSW Government Graduate Programs Legal Stream and start your legal career with us in Sydney.
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