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Australian Medical Expeditions
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25.01.2022 Amazon Apocalypse. Over 20% has been lost already, and deforestation rates are soaring under Brazil's right wing government. A documentary by DW Deutsche Welle
25.01.2022 Eyeball (scleral) tattoo gone wrong!! The decision to walk into a tattoo parlor and have someone needle-inject ink into the whites of your eyeballs is a bad If done as intended, the tattooist injects ink just under the surface of the conjunctiva, so it colors the sclera the white part of the eye. If the needle isnt in exactly the right place, the ink can be injected into the inside of the eye, onto the retina or into the tissue around the eye, causing terrible consequences. A 26-year-old man presented with pain, photophobia, decreased visual acuity and eyelid edema in the right eye after undergoing a green eyeball tattoo in a tattoo parlor. Four days later his symptoms worsened and he sought medical care. The patient reported that the green pigment used in the injection was diluted with isopropyl alcohol, distilled water and glycerin. A clinical diagnosis of orbital cellulitis and posterior scleritis of the right eye was made. The patient was admitted for hospitalization. Intravenous antibiotic treatment (ceftriaxone and clindamycin) and topical antibiotic (moxifloxacin) were started. 2 days later, oral prednisone was initiated. A right tarsorrhaphy was performed due to conjunctival exposure and after 3 days the sutures were removed, resulting in clinical improvement. The patient completed 7 days of oral antibiotic treatment and prednisone was slowly tapered for 30 days. Fifteen days after starting treatment, proptosis, restriction of ocular movements and chemosis resolved, choroidal detachment disappeared and visual acuity improved. The right lower eyelid developed a green pigmentation. Eyeball tattoos are done by non-ophthalmic trained personnel, which increases the risk of serious ocular complications like globe penetration and endophthalmitis. Nevertheless, long-term effects on the eyes and vision are uncertain, but in the worst case scenario could include the loss of vision or the eye. Regulations prohibiting the practice of these procedures are required, because despite warnings of multiple health risks, more people are looking to get this procedure nowadays.
24.01.2022 Snakes season will be in South Africa again very soon. This set of equipment is all you will ever need to catch a snake. Proceeds from sales of snake handling equipment go towards the care of snakes in our venom production. Please contact [email protected] to order.
24.01.2022 Its Flashback Friday! In 2002, the Western Cape high Court was faced with an unusual situation: an accused in a botched robbery, which had led to two murders, ...had a bullet lodged in his leg which the police wanted to get their hands on. The bullet was the only piece of evidence that could link the suspect to the incident, and the police wanted to perform ballistics testing on it. The accused, however, denied being involved in the robbery and steadfastly refused to allow the bullet to be removed, arguing that forcibly removing the bullet would violate his right to bodily integrity and the right against self-incrimination. Do you remember how the court dealt with this strange situation? Refresh your memory: #FlashbackFriday #BeInformed #CriminalProcedure #ConstitutionalLaw
24.01.2022 X-RAY IMAGING FOR COVID-19! . Here are three chest x-rays from the same patient with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia over time. On presentation (day 0), there are ea...rly signs of airspace disease, but by day 5, one can appreciate near total, pan-lobar opacification disrupting lung architecture and gas exchange to the point of needing mechanical ventilation. Although superinfection and interstitial edema can certainly confound the radiographic imaging, seeing x-rays like this every day is a reminder how quickly this disease can progress. . Im often asked is the x-ray getting better? by families. I use this opportunity to explain that day-to-day improvement is better ascertained through other means (oxygen requirements, secretions, etc.) as oppose to radiographic improvement which can trail behind by many weeks. For this reason, I dont order x-rays unless I feel theres an acute change (pneumothorax needing a chest tube, pleural effusions, etc.) . Share this clinical image, tag a friend, and drop me a comment with questions! . ----- Blog: See more
23.01.2022 It's Flashback Friday! In 2002, the Western Cape high Court was faced with an unusual situation: an accused in a botched robbery, which had led to two murders, ...had a bullet lodged in his leg which the police wanted to get their hands on. The bullet was the only piece of evidence that could link the suspect to the incident, and the police wanted to perform ballistics testing on it. The accused, however, denied being involved in the robbery and steadfastly refused to allow the bullet to be removed, arguing that forcibly removing the bullet would violate his right to bodily integrity and the right against self-incrimination. Do you remember how the court dealt with this strange situation? Refresh your memory: #FlashbackFriday #BeInformed #CriminalProcedure #ConstitutionalLaw
23.01.2022 Today the final stage of the case against Julian Assange takes place at the Old Bailey, London. It is the most significant and consequential assault on the pres...s of our lifetimes: the US Government is seeking to extradite and prosecute a publisher for exposing its crimes. None of the people behind the murderous war in Iraq and Afghanistan have had to front a court, let alone face any consequences. But the publisher who exposed their cimes is facing a lifetime in jail. (Are you comfortable with that?) Bear in mind that Assange is being prosecuted exclusively for publishing the footage in 2010 that revealed the murder of Reuters journalists in Iraq by a US apache helicopter. Not for anythinig else. Not only was that publication clearly in the public interest - similar to leaks about the truth of the Vietnam war (see the Pentagon Papers) - but what Assange did was no different from what national security journalists do on a regular basis: collaborating with sources to obtain, and publish, documents in the public interest. Moreover, if the US Govt succeeds in winning its case to extradite Assange to the USA it will be the first time the Espionage Act has been used against a publisher who is not an American citizen. Are you okay for the US Govt to set this precedent? The British Government and judiciary are happy to as well, since the way they've conducted this case has been a travesty of justice. So whether or not this is allowed to happen will depend on how loudly we all stand up to defend the right of publishers worldwide to expose Government shitfuckery. Should Assange answer to questions regarding his conduct in Sweden? Yes he should - and given the opportunity to do so safely, he will be keener than anyone to have the chance to clear his name - but this case is completely separate from the extradition case, and the two should not be conflated - that's exactly what the US Govt is hoping will happen. Did WikiLeaks help Trump's election in 2016? Yes, it did - but what helped Trump's election even more was how shit Hillary Clinton was as a candidate in that election - and, again, this is completely separate from the extradition case and should not be conflated - again, that's exactly what the US Govt is hoping will happen. Now that we've acknowledged all that, let's focus on the issue at hand: defending a publisher from being prosecuted by the US Government for exposing that government's war crimes Hundreds have asked us to make a new Honest Government Ad to help people understand the situation. But the reality is that nothing has changed: the US Govt has produced no new evidence to justify its crusade to extradite Assange. So our last one is (sadly) pretty much still current. The only thing that *has* changed is that a publisher has been imprisoned in a maximum security cell without access to his lawyers for over a year since we made this video. Produced by Patrons of the Juice Media
21.01.2022 This Week in Science (24 - 30 August, 2020) - HIV: - Turbines: - Ice: ... - Sunlight: - Neuralink: - Bacteria: - Africa: - Google: - Wolverines: - Elephant Shrew: - Space Signal: #Science #Research #Biology #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Google #Musk #ElonMusk #Neuralink #Africa #Polio #Wolverines #ElephantShrew #Bacteria #HIV #Turbines #ClimateChange #IceSheets
21.01.2022 Weve probably seen the videos of people being belligerent with Victoria police and shop staff and if not, here are some: Melbourne woman threatens to sue who questioned her for not wearing mask (26 July 2020); Woman films herself refusing to wear a face mask in Victoria shopping centre during argument with police 7 News (27 July 2020); and [ 2,510 more words ] See more
21.01.2022 BREAKING: The Industrial Relations Commission has handed down its decision to award you a wage increase of 0.3% over 2020-2021, backdated to 1 July 2020. This ...decision is an insult to nurses and midwives. After relying on nurses and midwives so much through COVID-19, it’s clear the Berejiklian Government does not value the important work you do. We won't take this lying down. We will continue to campaign for better wages and conditions, so this Government has no choice but to deliver on safe staffing. To find out more about this decision, please join us TOMORROW at 11:00 for this important livestream on our Facebook page:
20.01.2022 Corrective Jaw Surgery
20.01.2022 This week's YouTube - how I place lines with ultrasound!
19.01.2022 I have previously reported on the matter of Masson v State of Queensland, first in the Supreme Court of Queensland (Queensland Ambulance not negligent in treatm...ent of patients extreme asthma (July 25, 2018)) and then in the Court of Appeal (Queensland Court of Appeal finds paramedic was negligent in treatment of extreme asthma (May 11, 2019)). Today, in [ 2,330 more words ] See more
19.01.2022 Synthetic human angiotensin II (Giapreza) is an IV vasopressor approved for septic or other distributive shock states. Normally, renin is released by the kidney...s in response perfusion pressure in the renal arterioles, salt concentration at the macula densa, and sympathetic stimulation. Renin cleaves angiotensinogen to angiotensin I which, in turn, is further cleaved to angiotensin II by angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE - yes, the same ACE which is inhibited by medications like captopril and lisinopril). Angiotensin II stimulates the release of aldosterone and is also a potent vaso/venoconstrictor. . As a cardiothoracic anesthesiologist and intensivist, angiotensin II is a vasoactive agent I can use in both the OR and ICU settings for patients with profound vasoplegia refractory to more conventional therapies like norepinephrine, vasopressin, etc. Dosing starts at 80 ng/kg/minute for the first three hours followed by titration anywhere between 1.25 ng/kg/minute to 40 ng/kg/minute every 5-10 minutes. Given its extreme potency, I'll only infuse this through a central line. . The ATHOS-3 RCT showed patients with distributive shock who received angiotensin II versus placebo had a higher incidence of venous > arterial thromboses. This stresses the importance of adequate VTE prophylaxis. . Once cost becomes less of an issue, I think this is the perfect drug to offset ACE inhibitor-related vasoplegia we often see under general anesthesia. Also, given its a hormone involved with several physiologic pathways, its clinical indications may be further expanded in the future. . Have you seen angiotensin II used? Drop me a comment with questions and share this post with colleagues! . ----- Blog: See more
19.01.2022 Intraosseous (IO) access is a quick, relatively inexpensive, and simple route for obtaining central access in trauma and resuscitation settings when periphera...l access is difficult to acquire. When placing an IO line, care must be taken to avoid fractured bones, active infections, and patients with underlying bone pathology like osteopetrosis. In addition, IO access should be formally converted to central access within 24 hours if indicated. . The only times Ive placed IO lines have been in the ICU as my colleagues in the ED usually place them prior to emergent operative cases. With kits like the EZ-IO (pictured), I prefer placing lines at the proximal humerus (1-2 cm above the surgical neck) or proximal tibia (2 cm inferior to patella, 2 cm medial to tibial tuberosity). Its important to use the right needle size, make firm contact with the cortical bone, and feel a pop into the medullary bone space. An indicator line helps confirm that the appropriate depth has been achieved. . Once the IO needle is positioned, I aspirate bone marrow and then immediately flush lidocaine into the space since infusions tend to hurt more than the drill itself. Pressure bags are helpful when infusing large volumes through an IO too. Above all else, Im always looking for signs of extravasation and tense fascial compartments which could suggest an extramedullary infusion or bone injury. . Tag a friend who should know about intraosseous (IO) lines, let me know if/where youve seen them used, and drop me a comment with questions! . ----- Blog: See more
18.01.2022 Currently, paramedics are not given any instructions or guidelines regarding where to position their equipment bags around the patient during out-of-hospital C...PR. This is a statement from a recent study performed on gear placement for pre-hospital professionals responding to out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. The study found that allowing EMS personnel to place their equipment in random places around the patient leads to decreased CPR performance and ultimately increases risk of a poor outcome. Key takeaways for EMS: Research PitCrew CPR/High-Quality CPR models and implement into your protocols. (The Resuscitation Academy is a great resource) Practice/Train using this team-based approach and place the equipment in the same position each time. Dedicate responsibilities to each position of the code team so each team member knows what to do with minimal on scene communication. Read the full study here:
17.01.2022 For those that may be interested, the Department of Infrastructure has commissioned a review of emergency management arrangements for Norfolk Island. More infor...mation can be found here: Review of Norfolk Island's emergency management governance arrangements See more
17.01.2022 Result of a Malayan Pit Viper Bite! The Malayan pit vipers venom is only fatal in about 2 percent of cases. But victims of this snakes bite often have to limbs amputated due to tissue necrosis. Snake venom contains several enzymes, nonenzymatic proteins, and peptides, which can cause local edema, blisters, and skin necrosis. Antivenom is the only effective treatment to prevent death in severe cases. However, it carries a risk of anaphylactic reaction, and so antivenom usage should be approached with extreme caution. See more
15.01.2022 Picture showing a severe frostbite! Frostbite occurs when exposure to low temperatures causes freezing of the skin or other tissues. The initial symptom is typi...cally numbness.This may be followed by clumsiness with a white or bluish color to the skin. Swelling or blistering may occur following treatment. The hands, feet, and face are most commonly affected. Complications may include hypothermia or compartment syndrome. People who are exposed to low temperatures for prolonged periods, such as winter sports enthusiasts, military personnel, and homeless individuals, are at greatest risk. Other risk factors include drinking alcohol, smoking, mental health problems, certain medications, and prior injuries due to cold. The underlying mechanism involves injury from ice crystals and blood clots in small blood vessels following thawing. Diagnosis is based on symptoms. Severity may be divided into superficial (1st and 2nd degree) or deep (3rd and 4th degree). A bone scan or MRI may help in determining the extent of injury. Prevention is through wearing proper clothing, maintaining hydration and nutrition, avoiding low temperatures, and staying active without becoming exhausted. Treatment is by rewarming. This should be done only when refreezing is not a concern. Rubbing or applying snow to the affected part is not recommended. The use of ibuprofen and tetanus toxoid is typically recommended. For severe injuries iloprost or thrombolytics may be used. Surgery is sometimes necessary. Amputation, however, should generally be delayed for a few months to allow determination of the extent of injury. #medicalcreations #resident #medicine #surgeon #medschool #medstudent #womeninmedicine #medicalstudent #nurse #nursing #medico #study #surgery #medicina #plasticsurgery #orthopedics #scrubs #futuredoctor #frostbite #blood #foot #toes #amputation
15.01.2022 In 1999 I started African Reptiles and Venom to supply snake venom for SAVP our antivenom production company. As I live between Johannesburg and Pretoria, the t...wo largest cities in South Africa, the people soon heard about what I was doing and they would coming visiting me out of the blue. The amount of time that was wasted due to these visitors asking me about snakes got me thinking about compiling a snake course. By January 2000 the course was ready and I started doing snake training courses. This training has taken me all over Africa mainly to remote mines. Here, they have snake encounters and it becomes prudent to mitigate health and safety issues with this training. The venom supply is how this company African Reptiles and Venom started but by a stroke of luck the need for training came along. This was a blessing because I soon found out that there just wasnt enough money in the venom supply. Somehow the expenses exceeded the income and it was a good thing there was extra income from the training courses. The supply of venom is actually my social contribution for the people of Africa. The reason I say this is because the cost of production for the venom is not covered by the income I receive from the venom. I have a 75% shortfall annually. This shortfall is covered by the income from the snake identification, snakebite treatment, and venomous snake handling courses. What this means is that if you want to make a contribution to the production of our antivenom you can do so by doing a snake course with African Reptiles and Venom. Our next course date is Saturday 26 September 2020. We hope to see you here on that day. Contact [email protected] for more information.
14.01.2022 Hes a minister whos not across his brief - and not across the myriad of issues in aged care. Its poor form from a minister in charge of fixing a system in crisis during a pandemic.
14.01.2022 Americans really do take the cup at being creative. I'm choking
14.01.2022 NEWS: You can now find heads of argument on SAFLII! SAFLII has provided access to heads of argument for Constitutional Court cases from 2016 to the present. documents give an outline of the main points being argued by each side, including the disputed facts; relevant authority; application of the authority to the facts and the conclusion. Being able to draft heads of argument well can make a world of difference to your case! Now you can refer to these documents, drafted by the best advocates in the country, in litigation in our top court, while browsing through SAFLII. Simply click the link under "Heads of arguments". #BeInformed #Litigation #ConstitutionalLaw #OpenAccess #FreeLawAfrica See more
14.01.2022 This image shows the general receptor profile of many common vasoactive agents. Keeping things simple, -1 mediates systemic/pulmonary vasoconstriction, -1 aug...ments chronotropy (heart rate) and inotropy (contractility) and -2 causes vasodilation in smooth muscle beds. Keep in mind that agents like dopamine and epinephrine have a dose-dependent efficacy across multiple receptors. . It's important we understand the adrenergic receptor profile of these pressors/inotropes to know how to best utilize them as single agents or in combination with each other to offset side effects. . Keep in mind that this diagram doesn't include many important agents like vasopressin, milrinone, angiotensin II, calcium, inhaled pulmonary dilators, etc. Also keep in mind that textbook and clinical medicine are two very different entities - some patients do better with certain medications than others. . Tag a friend who deals with these medications, let me know which combinations you use, and drop me a comment with questions! . ----- Blog: See more
13.01.2022 3D renderings like this video allow us to understand the dynamic interaction between various cardiac structures. Now lets fly through the left heart! . We off in the left atrium heading through the mitral valve (anterior and posterior leaflets of the mitral valve, ALMV and PLMV, respectively) into the left ventricle (LV). We can see how the chordae tendineae interact with the ALMV and PLMV and the papillary muscles (PM). You can also see muscular columns lining the LV known as trabeculations. . As blood exits the LV through the aortic valve (AoV), you can see the ostia of the right coronary artery (RCA) and left main (LM) coronary artery while traveling up through the ascending aorta into the aortic arch (notice the ostia for the three great arch vessels - innominate artery, left common carotid artery, and left subclavian artery). . Share this video with friends and drop me a comment below with questions! . Source: Sharecare YOU . ----- Blog: Rishi Kumar, MD See more
11.01.2022 In the peak of the pandemic in Italy, even young people were struggling to survive from COVID-19. Watch Mattia's story as he spends a month in hospital from diagnosis to recovery. Via BBC News
10.01.2022 Orthotopic heart transplantation (OHT) is one of my favorite procedures as a cardiothoracic anesthesiologist! After establishing general endotracheal anesthesia... (GETA) with standard monitors, an arterial line, a central line with a PA catheter, and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), the remainder of the procedure is carefully coordinated with the transplant team procuring the donor heart. Minimizing the time the heart spends outside of a body (the "ischemic time") is incredibly important! . Cardiothoracic surgeons typically begin with a midline chest incision followed by sternotomy and pericardiotomy. After the patient is systemically heparinized, the ascending aorta is cannulated followed by a separate superior and inferior vena caval cannulations ("bicaval" venous cannulation). Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is initiated once the donor organ is "nearby" but the recipient's heart is not actually explanted until the donor heart is visualized. . The simplest way to think about an OHT is in terms of the actual connections to the right atrium (RA), right ventricle (RV), left atrium (LA) and left ventricle (LV). The RA is connected to the SVC and IVC, the RV to the pulmonary artery (PA), the LA to the pulmonary veins, and the LV to the ascending aorta. . Most commonly, I've seen a cuff of the native left atrium containing the pulmonary veins sutured to the donor left atrium. Often times the ascending aorta anastomosis is created next to allow de-airing via an aortic root vent and reperfusion by removing the aortic cross clamp. Finally, the right-sided anastomoses are completed (SVC, IVC, and PA), CPB cannulas are removed, purse-strings are tied down, and protamine is administered to reverse heparinization. . Tag a friend interested in cardiac surgery, and drop me a comment with questions! . ----- Blog: See more
10.01.2022 "Governments have approached the pandemic like trauma doctors, instead of thinking like economists" - Former Liberal PM Tony Abbott. The former PM thinks that w...e should be thinking more like economists rather than health professionals, and sacrifice our vulnerable elderly for the sake of our economy. What do you think of the Liberal Party's approach to aged care? Via SBS Australia
10.01.2022 He's a minister who's not across his brief - and not across the myriad of issues in aged care. It's poor form from a minister in charge of fixing a system in crisis during a pandemic.
09.01.2022 Apparently, it's ok for the Premier to dole out massive pay rises to her mates, while nurses and midwives miss out on what we deserve. To top it off, it's appa...rently ok because it's "only for 12 months", not considering the long term impacts on our incomes, super, families and communities. Tell the Premier she's out of touch:
09.01.2022 Result of a Malayan Pit Viper Bite! The Malayan pit viper's venom is only fatal in about 2 percent of cases. But victims of this snake's bite often have to limbs amputated due to tissue necrosis. Snake venom contains several enzymes, nonenzymatic proteins, and peptides, which can cause local edema, blisters, and skin necrosis. Antivenom is the only effective treatment to prevent death in severe cases. However, it carries a risk of anaphylactic reaction, and so antivenom usage should be approached with extreme caution. See more
09.01.2022 Todays correspondent refers me to issues of restraint by US police. One high profile case involves Elijah McLean who was restrained by police and sedated by ...paramedics with ketamine. Regardless of the dosage of ketamine, it raises an issue of paramedics sedating patients on the advice or request of police. In this case the police had been there first and had apparently painted a picture of Mr. [ 1,011 more word ] See more
08.01.2022 There was never any suggestion that GPs were unskilled or that they should be restricted from doing ECGs, says Professor Richard Harper, chair of the MBS Review Taskforces cardiac services clinical committee.
08.01.2022 VIOLENCE IS NOT PART OF THE JOB. We know that things can be tense in health settings.But please, respect your nurses and midwives - they're there to help.
08.01.2022 Apparently, its ok for the Premier to dole out massive pay rises to her mates, while nurses and midwives miss out on what we deserve. To top it off, its appa...rently ok because its "only for 12 months", not considering the long term impacts on our incomes, super, families and communities. Tell the Premier shes out of touch:
07.01.2022 Amazon Apocalypse. Over 20% has been lost already, and deforestation rates are soaring under Brazils right wing government. A documentary by DW Deutsche Welle
07.01.2022 In a groundbreaking judgment with respect to children, the South Gauteng High Court has declared that section 4(b) of the Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act 140 of ...1992, as amended is inconsistent with the Constitution and invalid to the extent that it criminalises the use and/or possession of cannabis by a child. The judgment came about after an urgent review concerning 4 children who appeared before magistrates having been alleged to have committed offences referred to in Schedule 1 of the Child Justice Act. They had all tested positive for cannabis which tests had been performed at school. They were accordingly alleged to have been in possession of cannabis. The Honourable Justice Opperman wrote that "criminalising children for cannabis related offences, even under the guise of prevention and/or deterrence, will have a profound disproportionate negative effect on them. The criminalisation, moreover, is a form of stigmatisation which is both degrading and invasive. Children accused of such offences risk being labelled and excluded by their peers in circumstances where as a society, we have accepted this type of behaviour." #Beinformed #OpenAccess #FreeLaw #Dagga #Childrensrights Read the full judgment on SAFLII:
07.01.2022 This mornings Constitutional Court hearing is streaming on YouTube! Check it out: (Centre for Child Law v Director General: Home Affairs and Others) #BeInformed #CourtsInAction
07.01.2022 Download high-yield #USMLE from our website: , #subscribe, and enjoy downloading our medical notes. #medicine #medicalschool #medical #medicalnotes #doctors #futuredoctors #usmlepreparation #usmleprep #usmlestep2
05.01.2022 Nurse Skye Romer questions the rationale of asking hard-working nurses and midwives to continue to work harder through this deadly pandemic for less money. Read... more about the campaign to stop the wage freeze in this month's Lamp: See more
04.01.2022 Saved by a plastic bag! The surprising way to help premature babies! Hypothermia contributes to neonatal mortality and morbidity, especially in preterm and low ...birth weight infants in developing countries. Plastic bags covering the trunk and extremities of very low birth weight infants reduces hypothermia by preventing heat loss, and is a low-cost, low-technology tool for resource-limited settings. #medicine #neonatology #medicalcreations See more
04.01.2022 If you are looking for something to do this weekend, Cardiff WEMS - Wilderness and Expedition Medicine Society (UK) are running their International Online Wilde...rness and Expedition Medicine Conference. If it is the time difference that is stopping you from attending, the conference will be recorded and made available to all ticket holders! The conference will begin at 1800 AEST on Saturday the 5th of September. *This post is for information purposes only, AWES has no affiliation. Please direct all questions about the conference to the event organisers*
03.01.2022 A paramedic has found an innovative way to communicate with hard of hearing patients while wearing a face mask.
01.01.2022 Americans really do take the cup at being creative. Im choking
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