Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council | Non-profit organisation
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council
Phone: +61 2 6257 7960
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24.01.2022 A great resource for nurses is NurseClick.
24.01.2022 As the world struggles to fight COVID-19, we’ve never been more aware of the importance of our and our loved one’s health. That's why today, #WorldHeartDay, ANMAC, would like to remind you that a healthy diet, regular exercise and happiness are the perfect combinations for a healthy heart! To find more information click on World Heart Federation or visit #UseHeart #CareYourself #HealtCare #anmac
23.01.2022 Today is R U OK? day This year's theme is "There's more to say after R U OK? If you're worried about someone start by asking are you ok? And if they say yes, listen to your intuition. Dig a little deeper. It doesn't take much to reach out. It will mean nothing to you, but it can mean the world to someone else. To mark R U OK? day 2020, ANMAC staff in Canberra took a walk around Lake Burley Griffin to reconnect after months of working from home.
22.01.2022 In #ANMAC, we understand the easing of lockdown can be overwhelming. That's why it's time to create a new rhythm for yourself that includes some of the new things you started doing during the lockdown, while enjoying a social life, and still creating enough downtime for yourself. Below you will find some tips ACT Health created to help you feel safe as we move towards our new norm. You don’t have to put your foot on the gas as soon as restrictions ease. Take the pace... that works for you. Manage your expectations. Life isn’t going to immediately snap back to how it was before lockdown. If there are settings and situations you don’t feel comfortable with it’s OK to say no or adjust your plans to ensure you feel safe. Avoid becoming overwhelmed and burnt out by looking after your physical and mental health. Sleep and exercise can help boost your mood. Control the controllable. With the weather warming up a picnic is still a great option to catch up with friends while avoiding crowded places. If you’re struggling don’t be afraid to seek help, there is always someone you can talk to. For a list of support services visit: #MentalHealthMonthACT #LockdownEnds #MentalHealthTips #StaySafe
21.01.2022 This week ANMAC celebrates NAIDOC Week. The NAIDOC 2020 theme - Always Was, Always Will Be. - recognises and celebrates that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. NAIDOC 2020 invites all Australians to embrace the ancient history of this country a history which dates back thousands of generations. There are events going on all over the country to celebrate NAIDOC 2020. Please click on this link for what's on in your local area #naidoc2020 #alwayswasalwayswillbe #anmac
21.01.2022 ANMAC is currently recruiting for a Senior Assessor Skilled Migration Services (SMS). This role is a key position within the Skilled Migration Services team and works closely with the Manager of SMS. The Senior Assessor is responsible for the delivery of administrative and assessment support to the SMS team along with oversight of the skills assessment process. Please follow the link to apply Please contact Mandy Fogarty, Human Resources Manager [email protected] with any questions regarding the position.
20.01.2022 Did you know vaccines can give you more benefits than you think? Here are some of them that ACT Health has listed: preventing longer-term health complications from COVID-19 protecting people who can’t be vaccinated due to medical conditions protecting children while research continues to test the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in people under the age of 12... slowing the spread of COVID-19 keeping COVID-19 hospitalisation rates low reducing the need for lockdowns in the future when enough of us are vaccinated being able to attend events and travel in the future. If you haven’t already, book now at a GP, pharmacy or ACT Government clinic #Vaccine #COVID19 #ACT #Health
20.01.2022 #HappyFriday... Do you need plans to enjoy yourself with the family? The First Peoples exhibition, at Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre at Melbourne Museum, is a shared endeavour of Museums Victoria and the Victorian Aboriginal community. The First Peoples Yulendj Group of Elders and community representatives have brought their knowledge, stories, culture, objects and images to guide the exhibition's development. The exhibition is open for you... online! Visit the museum at home and experience the wonder and inspiration of museums and collections beyond the walls. Click below to start the tour #FirstPeoples #Exhibition #AboriginalCulture #TourOnline
20.01.2022 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council is seeking Expressions of Interest for a Vocational Education and Training sector expert to fill a vacancy on the ANMAC Board. Further information can be found on the ANMAC website.
19.01.2022 A retro favourite. Apricot Chicken. Although this is even better as it's set and forget in the slow cooker.
19.01.2022 #ThursdayTips... Thinking about how to solve the doubts and questions for our children and teenagers about the COVID-19 vaccines, ACT Health has posted some tips to make this conversation easier and understandable. Click below to discover the tips More tips on how to talk to children about COVID-19 vaccines are available at #Tips #COVID19 #Vaccines
18.01.2022 They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them. Lest we forget
18.01.2022 ANMAC would like to congratulate Professor Roianne West on her appointment as the new CEO of the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINAM).
17.01.2022 ANMAC would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! If you are applying for a skilled migration assessment we ask that you be patient as we are experiencing a high volume of applications. The best way to contact Skilled Migration is via email at [email protected]. Please rest assured the team is working hard to get through the applications in a timely fashion.
16.01.2022 The ACN Foundation is seeking to collect stories from those who knew of the Australian nurses who tragically lost their lives following the sinking of the SS Vyner Brooke during WWII. If you have a story to share, please reach out to [email protected].
14.01.2022 Protect Yourself and Others from COVID-19 . Get a COVID-19 vaccine ... . Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin . Stay 6 feet apart from others who don’t live with you . Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated indoor spaces . Wash your hands often with soap and water. Use hand sanitiser if soap and water aren’t available To find more information visit #Covid10 #Protection #WashHands #FaceMask
14.01.2022 For up to date information regarding COVID-19
14.01.2022 Happy #WorldPharmacistsDay to pharmacists around the globe! Did you know that pharmacists are one of the world’s top five trusted professions? #ANMAC works closely with the Australian Pharmacy Council, look out for information on next year’s Colloquium by clicking here This year’s theme is Pharmacy: Always trusted for your health For more information visit ... Pharmaceutical Society of Australia #WPD2021 #pharmacistsalwaystrusted #pharmacist
14.01.2022 Government must implement ANMF's aged care action plan
13.01.2022 The National Nursing Forum (NNF) is the Australian College of Nursing’s signature annual leadership and educational event bringing together nurses, students and other health professionals from around the country and across the globe. The NNF will take place virtually from Tuesday 26 Thursday 28 October 2021. The theme for the NNF is ‘Champions of Change’ which will be explored in the keynote plenary sessions and throughout the program. To register click on #Forum #NMF #Nursing #Education #Health
12.01.2022 Are you passionate about healthcare and protecting the public? Would you like to know more about the role of Board members in the National Scheme regulating registered health practitioners from 16 professions? - Applications are now open for 35 community member positions (open to everyone) and 65 practitioner member positions (for people who are registered in the relevant profession). Two recent Q&A webinar sessions, featuring Board members discus...sing what is involved and what life is like as a board member can be accessed at #ApplyToday #Nursing #Midwifery Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Ahpra
12.01.2022 International Council of Nurses calls on public to support nurses: stopping the spread of COVID-19 is in your hands
11.01.2022 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ANMAC staff are continuing to work from home. Our Skilled Migration team is working hard to assess applications in a timely fashion, but we ask for patience and understanding if your assessment takes a little longer. Please remember that the mail is a lot slower due to unprecedented demand on the postal services across the globe. This means documents that are being sent via post to ANMAC are taking longer to get to Australia. Skilled Migration staff will endeavour to answer any questions you have and the best way to contact the team is via email at [email protected] Please stay safe.
10.01.2022 #MentalHealthDay! This year’s World Mental Health Day campaign is encouraging everyone to make a promise to , . It is a simple call to action for the one in five Australians affected by mental illness annually, and for the many more impacted by the current COVID-19 pandemic, and the increased uncertainty and anxiety that has ensued over the last six months.... So, we would like to share with you 5 tips to boost your #mentalhealth: . . Include 3 things you were grateful for and 3 things you were able to accomplish each day. . . Coffee consumption is linked to lower rates of depression. If you can’t drink coffee because of the caffeine, try another good-for-you drink like green tea. . . . The act of planning a vacation and having something to look forward to can boost your overall happiness for up to 8 weeks! . . Do something you're good at to build self-confidence, then tackle a tougher task. . ' . The optimal temperature for sleep is between 15 and 19 degrees Celsius. If you or someone you know needs help urgently, call: Emergency on 000 (or 112 from a mobile phone) Lifeline on 13 11 14 Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36 Headspace on 1800 650 890 For more information visit #MentalHealthMonth #MentalHealthDay2021 #MentalHealthMatters #MentalHealthSupport
10.01.2022 Practising good mental health is more complex than a simple three-step plan, but it is a good place to start. Check-in with yourself and have a go at this Burnout Checklist from the Australian Red Cross - Emergency Services NSW & ACT Wellbeing Toolkit. #MentalHealthMonth #MentalHealthMatters #MentalHealthSupport
10.01.2022 ANMAC would like to congratulate Shannon Wallis MACN who has been awarded the prestigious Health Minister's Award for Nursing Trailblazers.
10.01.2022 Dept of Health and Human Services have issued guidance on student placements
08.01.2022 Our IPE Colloquium is back - online + face-2-face, and we've reduced the registration prices. COVID-19 has had lasting impacts on our professions, and we want to ensure our event is accessible to all. Registrations open Mon 15 Feb 2021! #IPEColloquium2021
07.01.2022 Walking Day? In #Canberra, in the Anzac Parade, you can visit the Australian Service Nurses National Memorial. This monument commemorates those Australian Service Nurses who died and honours those who served and suffered in war since 1899. This is a markedly different memorial to the others on Anzac Parade, being horizontal and flowing in form, as well as nurturing in character. If you want to know more about this, other Memorials and the brave story of our nurses, visit #Nurses #History #Heroes #Canberra #Anzac
06.01.2022 #ThursdayTips! How to clean your smartphone safely. Your phone is harbouring up to around 25,000 bacteria per square inch (around 6.5 cm squared). This is around 20 times more than a toilet seat, 10 times more than a pet food bowl, 6 times more than a checkout touch screen, and 4-5 times more than a doorknob. Source: The Seattle Times While you may want to clean your smartphone, some substances can damage the device. In this video from BBC News, Dr Lena Ciric, a from University College London, says you can effectively clean your phone using just household soap and water. Video journalist: Chris Fox #COVID19 #COVIDTips #Smarthphone #CleanUp #Technology
02.01.2022 The ANMAC annual report can be accessed on our website by clicking the link provided.
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