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Australian Nutrition Centre in Townsville, Queensland | Medical and health

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Australian Nutrition Centre

Locality: Townsville, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 4755 4999

Address: 32 Thuringowa Drive 4817 Townsville, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Many women are surprised to learn that when they stop dairy, they stop having period pain. When women come to us suffering from issues like heavy periods, endometriosis, PMS, acne and period pain, one of our first treatment suggestions is to stop dairy. And for good reason, it usually works. Not EVERY time, but so frequently that it’s part of our first-line treatment. WHY?... Dairy contains A1 protein, which in some people is converted into an inflammatory peptide BCM7, which then can go on to mediate a whole bunch of cytokine reactions fuelling heavy and painful periods. It’s the very same cytokines that are involved in PMS and PMDD. One way around this is to try ‘A2 only’ milk if you MUST do dairy, or try plant-based milk such as Almond or Coconut milk. N.B. Not all plant-based milks are healthy, choose one with no-added sugar and as little ingredients as possible. Even better - make your own! Is dairy necessary for calcium? The most common objection we hear (other than what will I put in my coffee) is where will I get calcium from. There’s plenty of calcium in green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and A2 dairy. There’s even a meta-analysis of cohort studies showing that milk drinkers don’t have better bones than non-milk drinkers! For many, it’s about weighing up the taste of their coffee against painful periods. With so many delicious alternatives you just have to get used to, I know what I’d rather, and I’ve never had a period! James Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Dawson-Hughes B, Baron JA, Kanis JA, Orav EJ, Staehelin HB, Kiel DP, Burckhardt P, Henschkowski J, Spiegelman D, Li R, Wong JB, Feskanich D, Willett WC. Milk intake and risk of hip fracture in men and women: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Apr;26(4):833-9. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.279. Erratum in: J Bone Miner Res. 2017 Nov;32(11):2319. PMID: 20949604.

23.01.2022 Deep Health I like it. I recently started another nutrition course which focusses on how to get clients make change. In one of the early chapters it refers to ‘Deep Health’. They say Deep Health is ‘a multi-faceted, whole-person, whole-life experience of thriving in all domains: physical, mental, emotional, and so on.’... That really resonated with me and what ANC is all about. ‘We don’t want clients to have big muscles but small lives, or clients who look good but feel awful inside. Truthfully, most clients come to us ‘wanting to lose weight’, but what they’re really asking is ‘Help me feel better’, believing weight loss is the answer. In fact, the weight loss is usually a side effect. So with all that being said..How can we help you feel better? What would you like to feel, but not yet feeling?

23.01.2022 LOSE 6 or MORE Kilograms by Christmas. We wanted our clients to get even better results than before, and now they can. We have the fortune of a wonderful ‘Health Coach’ Janelle who has joined our team to help with ensuring people are able to stick to, and ENJOY their weight loss journey. Yep, we said ENJOY. ... The health coach format allows us to create an even more supportive and fun environment, where you’ll be supported in a way that is adaptive to your needs and means you will get results. N.B. If you do not need to lose more than 3kg, this is NOT for you. Why choose this protocol? If you’re reading this you’re most likely tired of feeling confused and misled when it comes to weight loss. We help you gain the understanding of what your body’s specific needs are, and what foods will actually help improve your overall health. Ultimately you’ll lose weight in a healthy way, whilst improving energy and well-being. What to expect? The Protocol is divided into 4 Phases each with their own focus and overall objective. For each phase, you’ll receive an easy to follow step-by-step guide, delivered via the hard-copy booklet you receive when you order your pack. As you move through each phase you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the changes occurring in your body to help ensure your success on the protocol. You’ll have the opportunity to record your progress using your personal health tracker page. This enables you to keep an eye on the foods that have a negative effect on your health and which foods bring you closer to health. Throughout each Phase, the Protocol Coaches will be on hand to guide and support you via the Facebook closed group as well as on email, phone or by visiting us in store. Is this for me? The first thing you should know is that this isn’t an easy Protocol. It takes organisation, time and discipline. It’s for those who have already done the hard yards without result, and are looking to lose 5kg or more. Doing this protocol doesn’t require any exercise to be effective, though we do recommend low-impact exercise like going for a walk each day. We DON’T recommend intense exercise as this can create excess inflammation in the body and hamper your results. Cost? Because we’re feeling a little festive already, we’re wanting to offer some significant discounts. $299 - which includes all of the products we think you'll need to complete the protocol successfully. How do I sign up? Email [email protected] , give us a call on 0747554999 , or send us a message on Facebook Just simply say ‘I’m in’. Want more specific info on the protocol? Send us a message and we’ll send you a sample of the food guide.

21.01.2022 Peri/Menopausal Weight Gain: Is It Inevitable? If you’re a woman in your mid-40s to mid-60s and are finding you are gaining weight no matter what you doeven if you’ve been exercising and dietingyou’re not alone. We’re here to help, and we’re here to help you understand.... During perimenopause oestrogen levels begin to decline, but also increase (confusing huh?). That natural shift in hormones slows your metabolism, which progressively decreases each year. Then around menopause, it’s common to see a significant drop. YES - WEIGHT GAIN IS MORE COMMON DURING PERIMENOPAUSE AND MENOPAUSE, BUT THAT DOESN’T MEANT THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. Your declining metabolism means that even if you eat the same foods you ate in your 30s, you’re more inclined to gain weight (sound familiar?). To make matters worse, it also makes it harder to lose the kilos you’ve already put on. You’ve likely noticed the extra kilos have settled only around the middle (goodbye waist). Unfortunately, this increases the risk of heart-related problems. Which is another reason why it’s beneficial to maintain a healthy weight as you get older. IT MAY TAKE MORE MINDFULNESS TO MAINTAIN YOUR WEIGHT, BUT IT IS POSSIBLE. No matter if you’re starting perimenopause or have already farewelled your last period, it’s never too late to get your diet back on track. I often find it amusing how we learn all these things at school, yet most people are only taught the basics about the human body; let alone how diet affects it. Luckily, there are lots of strategies available to avoid weight gain before or after menopause; and that’s where we come in. Working with a Nutritionist is a great way to create a sustainable way of eating that’s personalised for you. So, you can avoid putting on unwanted kilos in middle age. As a university qualified Medical Scientist and Nutritionist, our practitioner Jacqui has a comprehensive understanding of the human body in addition to how diet can affect its functions. Thankfully, we have just created a one-hour Peri/Menopausal Weight Management appointment. Where we work with you to pinpoint your problems and create an individualised treatment plan; so, you can achieve a healthy weight (or prevent it occurring in the first place). You’re able to book online for a suitable time or visit us in-store seven days a week. Happy Sunday

19.01.2022 People come to us when diet and exercise haven’t worked. We take a closer look as to WHY. WHAT IS THE NUMBER ONE WEIGHT GAIN HORMONE?... Hormones can influence your body shape and metabolism. Metabolism is complicated, but in the sense we all talk about it, it drives how we store fat and how we burn fat. I feel like a broken record but, HORMONES PLAY A BIG ROLE IN METABOLISM. Dr Jolene Brighton says it beautifully Number One Weight Gain Hormone ‘Thyroid. This is the number 1 hormone to look at when you experience rapid weight gain, despite having a great diet and engaging in regular exercise. Too little thyroid hormone, known as hypothyroidism, causes your body to slow EVERYTHING down...including burning fuel. Instead of using your calories, you store them as fat. This is our body’s way of surviving and one of those times where we need to evaluate if weight is a symptom of a hormone imbalance.’ So how do we support the thyroid and boost metabolism? Feed Your Thyroid the right nutrients. Nutrients like Iodine, selenium, zinc and L-Tyrosine are a necessary for your thyroid to do its job properly. The most common form of hypothyroidism we see is due to the autoimmune disease Hashimoto’s. But taking iodine by itself without selenium can encourage the immune system to attack the thyroid even more, which is why we rarely recommend iodine by itself. This is also why we often look at ways to quieten that immune system attack on the thyroid. If you suspect you have thyroid issues I’d recommend getting it tested thoroughly. A ‘TSH’ level greater than 2 is a flag for many natural practitioners us included. But it’s much more complicated than just that. We mostly commonly see thyroid issues arise during PERIMENOPAUSE, MENOPAUSE, POSTPARTUM and following a STRESSFUL EVENT. Do you think you might have a problem? Let us know!

19.01.2022 Are you qualified or a student currently studying in the nutrition or natural health space? We have a retail sales part-time position available starting next year with the opportunity to progress in to a practitioner role. Your job will be primarily focused on giving customers and clients basic advice on diet, lifestyle and natural health products within your scope of knowledge. There will also be some basic administrative duties. ... We will provide all the necessary training to have you confident in dealing with all the basics!

18.01.2022 By now you’ve probably met our lovely sales assistant Kiara who just so happens to be a physio student. She’s pretty passionate about joints and all that kind of ‘physio’ stuff. So we often ask for her expertise and here is what she has to say on a common problem Osteoarthritis. ‘A common belief of osteoarthritis is that it is a ‘wear and tear’ process of tissues occurring within the joints, producing pain and stiffness. However, it is the complete opposite! Osteoarthritis is... in fact a ‘wear and repair’ process where your body is working hard to replace damaged tissue and near by bone INFLAMMATION is produced so your body knows to increase its immune cell activity to start the repair. It is this INFLAMMATION that has been found to be the culprit for causing pain and further cartilage breakdown. Eliminate the inflammation, eliminate the pain!’ With all this being said, what would we recommend? Our favourtite anti-inflam is Turmeric. We just so happen to have a new super duper, super strong curcumin complex that performed as well as NSAID’s in a recent clinical trial. It’s already become a favourite of our more ‘arthritic’ clients. Limp on in and ask us about it! See more

16.01.2022 I’m sleeping for 8-10 hours a night I have no reason to be this tired I’ve seen a few women lately who keep telling me this and are often surprised to learn that there’s more to the story than just getting enough sleep. Constant fatigue, low libido, irritability, anxiety, low mood and weight gain are part of a bigger picture, one that's related to our hormones.... All our hormones are connected, like one big happy (or one big unhappy) family, so whatever happens to one has a kick-on affect on the others. Some women struggle to have a proper night’s sleep, either getting to bed late or waking at 2-3am. And other women sleep like a log but still have to drag themselves out of bed. We then start the day irritable and tired. We push through the day with little joy, drive or motivation. We rely on caffeine and sugary and salty foods for a quick energy fix. Suddenly we gain a few kilos, then the bedroom mojo disappears, PMS symptoms worsen and everyday tasks are draining. Finally, our ability to handle stress goes out the window and we are irritable, all the time. In the end we lose our spark and mojo! The symptoms I've just described are due to Adrenal Fatigue and I see it every single day. Most women are relieved to finally be heard and know they aren’t crazy and their feelings are valid. As women, we are notoriously too capable. We work hard to build successful careers, relationships and often juggle family commitments. Of course, we shrug it off as being fine and we’re happy to do it. But in the process, we accidentally sacrifice ourselves. It’s easy to assume feeling fatigued, irritable, anxious and wired is because of everything we do in a day. Or because we lack the time to get it all done. And we might think things will get better once we get a chance to relax and get on top of things. But often it doesn’t unless you address the root cause. The good news is there’s lots we can do to address the stress and support your adrenals to get you back on track. And finally, yes I do believe you can have it all. Book in to see us to discover how you can have it all too. Life isn’t meant to be this hard. Jacqui

16.01.2022 Are the pool chemical affecting your skin? My skin is breaking out more than ever since swimming training has started back up, why is that? This has been a routine question from young teenagers since we started up our skin consultations. (Boys, you aren’t excluded from this!). Chlorine is a harsh chemical that strips your outer skin layer from its natural protective oils while opening up your pores.... While the use in swimming pools are great at preventing unwanted microbe growth, it also damages your microbiome on your skin. We have all experienced this feeling, you know that dry, irritated sensation when you get out. Also as a side note, long-term exposure to chlorine can also affect the thyroid, which is why we’ll often see people like swim teachers have wacky thyroid results So what can you do to protect ourselves this summer ?? We want to support our skin from damage so a good dose of vitamin C. Take it 30-60 min before swimming to help prevent chlorine damage. Take adequate dosing of fat-soluble vitamins like D, E and Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA). We want to replenish those protective oils back onto our skin. And Zinc! Zinc is a key nutrient for our skin and it’s great for reducing those unwanted pimples from popping up. Got any other skin questions? Book into one of our new Inside-Out Skin Assessment and let our practitioners help you get your summer glow back.

14.01.2022 Men want collagen, Women NEED Collagen! My beautician said I should get some collagen for my skin but I thought it was just for hair and nails? Collagen is a vital building block in our body. It’s like the glue to keep our GI track intact, tones your muscles and helps support our skin to be plump and youthful. However, we as women may actually need it a lot more than males! Not for the youthful part (well yes I guess) but more for the fact that once a month our bodies go th...rough a complete collagen break down throughout our body! Yep, our period is ageing us! So when it comes to period time, our hormones tell our body to start shedding the lining of the uterus to make a period. And you know what holds the lining in place.. COLLAGEN! So your body just doesn’t just tell your uterus to break the collagen, it tells your whole body, that includes the collagen on your skin (this is how wrinkles are formed)! So that’s why we as women likely NEED collagen in our beauty regimen and often looks like we age faster than men. There are a few varieties our there but look for one that contains hydrolysed peptides. There are better absorbed and are the right type for our bodies (for skin we want type 1 and 3). Other collagen support supplements you can take is a good quality Vitamin C and Omega 3. Got any other skin questions? Book one of our skin consults and let one of our practitioners help you beat the ageing clock at its game.

11.01.2022 The count down is on until the big guy gets here. We are open as usual right up until Christmas Eve for all of your health needs. Stuck for time? Shop online or give us a call (47554999). Click and collect service available!

09.01.2022 TOWNSVILLE’S MOST EPIC CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY!!! We have teamed up with 24 local businesses to bring you an incredible prize package worth over $3000 for ONE LUCKY WINNER to have under their tree this Christmas. Prize includes: @arileighrussellfit 2x PT sessions + tailored exercise program... @paragonhair_ $200 voucher + hair products @1millionstrongtsv 2 weeks free membership, access card + 2 x shirts + shaker @theclassic_studio $200 Brow tattooing voucher @cbarthestrand Breakfast for two @shawandco_tsv $100 voucher @firstthingsfirstwc $150 voucher @thebeautyandbodybar_ftfwc $150 voucher @tcityjewellers Sterling silver Ankh pendant + chain valued at $258 @float_house_townsville 3 x float sessions @australiannutritioncentre $150 voucher @blushstudiotownsville $250 voucher @coffeeworkstownsville Coffee + chocolate hamper @jmzhair Barber package valued at $90 @yourcanvas_ Benefit party kit @nourishtolift Nutrition consult + personalised plan @ivyandannfloral Dried flower arrangement @allure.designs__ Personalised thermal mug @buttonsbyrenee $200 voucher @sashhireco_ $200 Dress hire voucher @masterwraps Tail-light tinting @anneescaphe $20 coffee voucher HOW TO ENTER: You must be following ALL the businesses that have so generously sponsored these amazing prizes. RE-POST THIS GIVEAWAY IMAGE on your page using the hashtag #TSVepicXMASgiveaway & Tag 2 of your BFFs to win!! Feel free to write in your caption why you think you should win this incredible prize pool for Christmas. COMPETITION CLOSES AT MIDNIGHT 22ND DECEMBER! WINNER DRAWN AND ANNOUNCED WEDNESDAY 23RD DEC AT 6PM! We thank you all in advance for participating and good luck to everyone who enters!

08.01.2022 Help! my skin is breaking out, my belly is sore and I can’t enjoy certain foods, my periods are out of whack and I’m getting break through bleeding even though I’m on the pill While it’s easy to think, hormones are out of balance, if we delve a little deeper and look at WHY the symptoms are occurring we can get to the root cause instead of treating the symptoms. Poor liver and gut health can contribute to painful or heavy periods, PMS, fluid retention, breakouts and breast... tenderness in the lead up to your period. A healthy gut microbiome and liver play a key role in the excretion of oestrogen. Our large intestines and liver naturally process and remove waste from our bodies. That waste can be toxins, chemicals and hormones. To be removed, oestrogen is taken to the liver to be metabolised. Then the excess oestrogen is sent to the gallbladder where it mixes with bile and is sent to the large intestines and finally excreted through our daily bowel motion. BUT we require adequate amounts of fibre to bind up and sweep out the excess oestrogen through our bowels. If you aren’t having daily bowel movements or consuming adequate fibre, excess oestrogen can occur and the cause pesky symptoms above. Some of our favourite ways to support gut and liver health are: Eat lots of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts and cabbage as these nutrient powerhouses support the livers natural detoxification process Consume a diet high in plant foods. They are packed full of fibre and nutrients which are required for liver health and to bind excess oestrogen in your large intestines. If you feel your gut isn’t quite right maybe it’s time to speak to James or myself (Jacqui) so you can optimise your gut for better overall health. We can provide an individualised treatment plan focusing on dietary and lifestyle advice, and prescribe suitable vitamin and herbal supplements to improve not only your gut, but overall health and wellbeing. Happy Sunday!

06.01.2022 Yes this is a shameless plug, but this stuff really is the shiz! You know how I know you’re stressed!? Selling 98 bottles of Adrenal Rx in 10 days tells me so. ... If you’re truly stressed, frazzled, burnt out and over it, you don’t really have the time or energy (or care factor) to be reading about how toxic stress can be. So just know this. The herbs contained in Adrenal Rx make life easier. The herbs don’t take the stressors away, but they do help the body cope. Leaving you feeling less anxious, less angry, less tired and less ‘over it’. Imagine feeling calm and energised, and still able to fight all the battles you need to. Hit us up if you’d like more info, but this product truly is a life saver this time of year. Tag a friend who may need this ‘bottle of meditation’. James

06.01.2022 I’ve been to the doctors and they’ve placed me on antibiotics for my acne. It clears it up but when I stop my acne comes back! I don’t want to be on antibiotics for the rest of my life! What can I do? You will be surprised that this is a common issue we see in the clinic. Now, I’m not saying that antibiotics are bad, they have their time and place in this world, but for some, it can be problematic for their skin. Most antibiotics used for skin are what we call, which means they are non-selective on which bacteria they want to attack and kill (even the good ones are killed off). So when we stop taking the antibiotics, we don’t have our good bugs policing what is coming onto our skin. The badies come back and the breakouts start again. The way we look at it, we want to balance the skin bacteria and calm down the inflammation on skin. Interested? Well, let me introduce you to two of my friend SB (Saccharomyces Boulardii) and Zinc. These two are best buds. SB polices the bad bacteria from over-populating your skin and creating havoc whilst Zinc reduces inflammation and fixes the broken skin. If you have ever watched Wreck it Ralph, SB is like Fix-it-Felix and the hammer is the Zinc. (I have watched it too many times with my son) Keep in mind that it won’t happen overnight. If you’ve been on antibiotics for a long time, it may take up to 5 months of oral supplements to correct the damage. Persistence is key here. Interested in balancing your skin microflora? Or curious about some other ways we help with skin? Pop in and have a chat with us.

04.01.2022 We fix problems. That’s our job. We’ve developed a bit of a reputation of being able to help solve problems that others haven’t yet been able to. Often our patients say to us, ‘you’re my last resort’ and you’ll often hear us respond with ‘well we have no choice but to fix you’.... I don’t think we do anything too special, other than listen, put the pieces together and address what we believe to be the root cause of what’s going on. By having the time and the ability to look at things holistically, we can solve some complex issues with simple solutions. One of our favourite things to help fix is eczema and dermatitis especially in kids. So, what’s going on here? Firstly, we focus on the gut. Yep it all begins in the gut. There’s more often than not an overgrowth of a bacteria called Staph Aureus in the gut, which not so surprisingly is also found the on the skin. Our immune system responds by trying to attack the overgrowth. Wherever it sees it, it tries to attack it. So when our immune system is busy attacking the skin, that’s when we see the lesions on the skin. When the integrity of the skin becomes compromised, the immune system flares up even more and it’s game on. So we can see how the itch-scratch-itch cycle makes dermatitis hard to get on top of. So what do we do? We start with trying to get the gut healed, calm the immune system down via the gut. Secondarily we aim to restore pH to the skin with basics like olive oil. I’ll be the first to admit it can be much more in-depth and complicated than this, but quite often it’s not. Steroid creams address the immune system dysregulation of the skin, not the body, which is why the lesions likely come back as soon as you stop the creams. If you’d like help with your skin, or know someone who does, here we are.

03.01.2022 It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas in store With only 6 weeks to go until Christmas, let’s be kinder to ourselves, our bank accounts and the earth. Choose mindfully. ... We have a range of carefully selected, environmentally friendly gifts that are perfect for all ages. My youngest is an avid gardener and will delight in the Sow and Sow Gift of Seeds and Pop up Pot both 100% Recycled and Australian Made Swipe to check out our favourite gifts of the season.. Stay tuned for more gift ideas

03.01.2022 We are doing it again but with a Concept 2 Rower! With every Inbody scan, you get to go into the draw to win a Concept 2 Rower 1 x Paid Bodyscan = 1 x entry We are limiting it to 60 entries only!... Don't miss out, book in for your Inbody scan today to ensure you get an entry!

03.01.2022 Check out our article in the new Living Healthy Magazine by Queensland Country Health Fund. Made in North Queensland for North Queenslanders.

03.01.2022 Congratulations to Jacqui our Nutritionist who officially graduated this week from @cquniversity We are beyond proud of the amazing practitioner you are already. The community is lucky to have someone as passionate and clever as you are

02.01.2022 N.B. The photo used is for dramatisation purposes only. As can be seen, James is not an experienced tradesman, but knows a lot about electrolytes! One of my mates Jimmy who is an electrician was getting headaches and cramps recently. He also noticed he was getting dizzy when bending over. I asked him if he was dehydrated and he said ‘I can’t be, I’m drinking at least 6 litres a day, and putting in hydrolyte powder which is more than I normally would’. I asked him a few quest...ions and based on his symptoms I had a hunch that he still wasn’t properly hydrated. I put him on one of our all-time favourite products ‘Basica’. Which is this brilliant mineral and electrolyte formula from Germany. It’s got more than just your usual hydration products. Getting the right levels of sodium, chloride, magnesium, potassium and calcium is critical. Few days later Jimmy was happy to report his energy was much better and his headaches had gone. With Basica flying off the shelf lately I know Jimmy isn’t the only one feeling the heat. It reminded me how important proper electrolyte balance is, and how often water just isn’t enough up here. Are you properly hydrated? Some symptoms of dehydration may surprise you, but some are much more common. Headaches Dizziness Cramping Muscle Spasms Dark Urine Confusion, mental fatigue Dry skin Loss of appetite Sugar cravings Constipation Irregular heartbeat Nausea

01.01.2022 I don’t want to undo all of my hard work from this year I get it. You’ve worked hard all year to get leaner and healthier, but the unavoidable ‘Christmas Cheer’ is now in abundance and we don’t want to be a stick in the mud, and we want to let our hair down and enjoy ourselves. So here it is. My TOP TIP for avoiding blow-out this holiday season. IF you’re not great at exercising self-control and prone to rebound weight-gain, then read on....Continue reading

01.01.2022 At University we were always told ‘Prevention is better than a cure’. This really is a great mantra for us to all listen to. So my message is simple. This is a busy time of year with extra pressures, deadlines and stresses. Please don’t allow yourselves to fall in a heap. There is a lot that can be done preventatively that will mean you can still do all that you need to, but not crash at the end. Who wants to spend their hard-earned holidays recovering instead of enjoying!? Not me!

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