Australian Property Educators | Education
Australian Property Educators
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25.01.2022 Got plans tonight?? There is still some last minute tickets to join Pure Property Investment team tonight in a LIVE exclusive event. They'll show you where to invest by going over 30 years of data Our very own Munzurul Khan will share his personal and clients' experiences to demonstrate the data.... Don't miss it! . . . . . . #propertyevent #property #propertyeducation #australianpropertyeducators #livepropertyevent
24.01.2022 Getting the banks to approve your loan in a tough market - How?? -
24.01.2022 Merry Christmas! May this festive season bring you peace, joy, clarity and prosperity #christmas #xmas #merrychristmas #merryxmas #peaceonearth #joy #prosperity
23.01.2022 ***Property Podcast We Chat Properties*** Watch 4 reasons to subscribe . . .... . . . #property #propertyinvesting #accountant #accountants #mortgagebroker #mortgagebrokers #podcast #propertypodcast #realestate #video See more
22.01.2022 Munzurul Khan (the property enthusiast) shares his thoughts and 4 main points for a Smart Property Investment! Remember to LIKE Australian Property Educators for more interesting facts.....
22.01.2022 A sneak peak of the August seminar on Tuesday night Scott McManus an expereinced property investor shares his experience and why it's important to Manage your Managing agent #australianpropertyeducators #propertyeducation #propertyseminar #seminar #manageyourproperty #propertyinvestment #investinginproperty #money #wealth
22.01.2022 Check out our new website . .... . . #australianpropertyeducators #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment #propertyinvestmenteducation #propertyinvestingeducation #wealth #wealththroughproperty #money See more
22.01.2022 Our makeshift podcasting session done and dusted. Always fun times with these gentlemen. We Chat Properties @australianpropertyeducators... Stay tuned for our podcasts to be released, LIKE Australian Property Educators to find out more. #podcasting #property #podcastingonabudget #investment #finance #keshab #aussie #ataussiewesaveyou
22.01.2022 When the topics are hot, out comes the makeshift podcasting studio. Improvise with what you have to ensure these words of wisdom are not lost. A taste of what we talked about today.
20.01.2022 ***SEMINAR TONIGHT 7PM *** - see you all there :) - Real life property disasters and how to avoid them - #seminar #propertyinvestmentseminar #freeseminar #property #propertyinvestment #wealth #wealththroughproperty #realestate #investinginproperty #investinproperty #money #makemoneythroughproperty
19.01.2022 Next Seminar Alert HOW TO GET THE BANKS TO SAY YES! When : Tuesday 23 Oct @ 7:00pm Where: Parramatta RSL Cost: 1.5 hours of your time ... Its getting harder for investors to secure finance to keep growing their portfolios. At this seminar we will show you what you need to do to get your loan approved. No tricks, no gimmicks just pure strategies to help you get your loan approved. Secure your spot now by typing in YES in the comments . . . . . #australianpropertyeducators #propertyeducation #propertyeducators #seminar #freeseminar #wealththroughrealestate #wealththroughproperty #mortgage #mortgagebroker #accountant #mortgagebrokers #accountants #propertyinvestment #propertyinvesting #propertyportfolio #propertyportfolios #banking #banks #realestateeducation #selfeducation See more
18.01.2022 Who do you TRUST unconditionally? Would you join forces with them to invest in property together? Ross Le Quesne shares 3 top Tips on Joint Ventures in Property Investing *****TAG a buddy who you'd invest with*****... . . . . . #Property #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment #jointventure #jointventures #mortgagebroker #mortgagebrokers #aussie #video #podcast See more
16.01.2022 What is Santa bringing you this Xmas? More wealth building assets or a pair of socks? This is a great time of the year to ponder on 2018 and set some property goals for 2019. You can have a free chat with us to help you set realistic goals for your circumstances, simply drop us a private message. :) ... #xmas #Christmas #goals #propertygoals #property #propertyinvestment #investiinproperty #newyear #whatssantabringingthisxmas #wealth #wealththroughproperty
14.01.2022 Full house as the expert share how to get the banks to say yes plus other options . . . .... . #australianpropertyeducators #property #propertyinvestment #realestate #mortgage #mortgages #mortgagebrokers #mortgagebroker #accountants #accountant See more
14.01.2022 ***Is this the year of Joint Venture in Property Investing?*** As mortgage brokers we are getting asked more and more about Joint Ventures. But before you rush off and do the deal you must read this to make sure it's done properly: *** Due to demand we have released a podcast on it as well.*** . . . . . #podcast #propertypodcast #jointventure #jointventures #jointventureinpropertyinvesting #australianpropertyeducators #blog #propertyblog #jointventureblog #jointventureinpropertyinvestingblog
13.01.2022 Episode #3 : Lending market - what all the noise is about iTunes Or SOUNDCLOUD . . . . . #australianpropertyeducators #lending #apra #property #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestmenteducation #wealththroughproperty #banks #bankingsector #loans #mortgages #housing #podcasting #podcast
13.01.2022 Our " We Chat Properties" podcast is now LIVE -
11.01.2022 How to maximise your cash flow out of your property investments. Full podcast #property #propertyinvesting #wealththroughproperty #podcast #propertypodcast #wechatproperties #propertyinvestment #propertyportfolio #
11.01.2022 In the famous words of Warren Buffett, "Be fearful when people are greedy and greedy only when people are fearful", we explore Fear & Greed and how that is affecting psyche of property investors. ***Here is a snippet of our latest podcast, Fear & Greed in Property Investing Full version available on iTunes... or SOUNCLOUD *** . . . . . . . #property #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment #investment #investing #wealth #currentmarket #propertycycle #currentpropertymarket #fear #greed #fearandgreed #money #propertyisalongtermgame
11.01.2022 Auction clearance rates in NSW hit an all time low for the first time in almost 20 years. #australianpropertyeducators #ape #propertyinvestment #timetobuy
10.01.2022 *** Small development first timer PODCAST *** Scott Le Quesne, experinced mortgage broker @ Aussie Parramatta & Rouse Hill and a passionate property investor, talks about his motivation behind looking into developing a site. An open insight into his personal property investment journey. Full version on iTunes - We Chat Properties... . . . . #property #propertydevelopment #realestate #realestatedevelopment #owneroccupiermortgage #mortgagebroker #propertyinvestor #propertyinvesting #developments #aussiehomeloans #propertyinvestment #duplex See more
09.01.2022 A short snippet on How Parental Guarantees can work for First Home Buyers. Listen to full podcast, links below. *** A MUST- HEAR for anyone preparing to buy an owner occupier property in 2019*** iTunes Stitcher TuneIn . . . . . #property #firsthomebuyers #parentalguarantees #podcast #propertypodcast #wechatproperties #owneroccupier #aussiehomeloans #aussieparramatta #mortgagebroker #mortgagebrokers #accountant #accountants
08.01.2022 Find out what Jeremy Iannuzzelli is currently doing with his portfolio and WHY?
08.01.2022 As we reflect on the long weekend that has been (and we hope you all enjoyed Australia Day!), it brings us to a sentiment that is dear to us Aussies: Achieving the "Great Australian Dream" of home ownership. With property prices climbing much higher than many can afford, we have had numerous calls and questions asking "Is there still a way to get into our first home and if so what are our options?" In short, YES, there are still options. To answer some of your burning questio...ns on this issue we have created a blog Speak to an experienced mortgage broker who can guide you on achieving your "Great Australian Dream" by calling Aussie Parramatta on 9687 1833. . . . . #thegreataustraliandream #firsthomebuyers #firsttimebuyers #mortgages #mortgage #mortgagebroker #mortgagebrokers #Aussie #Aussieparramatta #aussierousehill #blog #australianpropertyeducators #yourfirsthome
08.01.2022 60 second update on the Sydney market . . . .... . . #australianpropertyeducators #sydneyproperty #property #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment #wealth #wealththroughproperty #money #investinproperty #propertyinvestmenteducation #sydneypropertymarket See more
07.01.2022 FREE E-BOOK - Top Suburbs to Invest in Right Now by Australia's Top Buyers Agents - Australia's best property investment minds doing the research for you Get yours NOW... . . . . . . #australianpropertyeducators #property #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment #freeebook #freeresource #wealththroughproperty #wealthcreation
07.01.2022 Are you self employed and looking to borrow money for a mortgage in 2019? If yes, this information is gold for you. Listen to the full podcast here Also available on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher and TUNE IN (podcast name - We Chat Properties) .... . . . . . . #selfemployed #mortgage #mortgages #banks #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment #investinproperty #investinginproperty #property #selfemployedpropertyinvestor #podcast #propertypodcast #selfemployedpodcast #wechatproperties See more
06.01.2022 Top 3 TIPS for EXISTING property investors What tip can you share from your personal property investment journey? Comment, LIKE, Share ... . . . . . #property #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment #existingpropertyinvestors #investortips #tipsforinvestors #propertyinvestor See more
04.01.2022 What's happening in the Melbourne market - by Jeremy Iannuzzelli . . . .... . #property #propertyinvestment #propertyinvesting #investinginproperty #wealth #money #wealththroughproperty #propertyportfolio #melbourne #melbournemarket #realestate #melbournerealestate #melbournemarket #australianpropertyeducators See more
04.01.2022 A snippet of a podcast looking at what's happening in the market right now & where to buy For full version click here . . . . . #property #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment #realestate #propertyinvestmenteducation #propertyeducation #investinproperty #propertymarket #propertyupdate #portfolio #podcast #podcasting #australianpropertymarket #australianpropertyeducators
03.01.2022 ***PODCAST on Rentvesting*** Rent where you want to live and buy where you can afford. Why are people choosing this as a way to crack into the property market? Does it make financial sense? How do I work out if this is for me? Hear how to work out if this is right for you...... Leave us your comment, we love hearing from you . . . . . #rentvesting #renting #rentwhereyouwanttolive #buywhereyoucanafford #buyproperty #property #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment
03.01.2022 3 Top Property Investment Tips to save you $$$ on your mortgage in under 60 seconds What tip would you add here from your experience?... . . . . . . . . . #property #propertyinvesting #mortgage #loan #propertyinvestment #mortgagebroker #investing #investment #australianpropertyeducators #wechatproperties #freepropertyebook #freeebook #ebook See more
03.01.2022 Are you SELF- EMPLOYED and looking to purchase property? This is an excellent PODCAST for you. Comment, LIKE, Share . . . . . . . #podcast #propertypodcast #selfemployed
03.01.2022 What you need to know about Positive Credit Reporting - with Ross Le Quesne . . . .... . #credit #creditreporting #banks #loans #mortgage #investment #investing #property #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment #investinproperty #money #wealth #wealththroughproperty #investinginrealestate #investinrealestate #propertyinvestmenteducation #propertyeducation See more
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