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25.01.2022 Is this the solution to stop humans from trashing the planet?
23.01.2022 APOD: Anticrepuscular Rays Converge Opposite the Sun (2019 Jun 24) Image Credit & Copyright: Juraj Patekar Explanation:... Is there ever anything interesting to see in the direction opposite the Sun? Sometimes there is. Notable items include your own shadow, a shadow of the Moon during a total solar eclipse, a full moon -- in eclipse if the alignment's good enough, a full earth, planets at opposition, glints from planets, the gegenschein from interplanetary dust, the center of a rainbow, hall-of-mountain fogbows, an airplane glory, and something yet again different if your timing, clouds and Sun position are just right. This effect starts with clouds near the Sun that are causing common crepuscular rays to stream though. In the featured rare image taken from an airplane in mid-April, these beams were caught converging 180 degrees around, on the opposite side of the sky from the Sun, where they are called anticrepuscular rays. Therefore, it may look like something bright is shining at the antisolar point near the image center, but actually it is reverse-shining because, from your direction, light is streaming in, not out. Starship Asterisk* APOD Discussion Page #APOD
22.01.2022 Where on Earth would you be if the Pangea supercontinent never broke appart?
20.01.2022 APOD: Planets of the Solar System: Tilts and Spins (2019 May 20) Video Credit: NASA, Animation: James O'Donoghue (JAXA) Repost with active video Explanation: How does your favorite planet spin? Does it spin rapidly around a nearly vertical axis, or horizontally, or backwards? The featured video animates NASA images of all eight planets in our Solar System to show them spinning side-by-side for an easy comparison. In the time-lapse video, a day on Earth -- one Earth rotation -- takes just a few seconds. Jupiter rotates the fastest, while Venus spins not only the slowest (can you see it?), but backwards. The inner rocky planets, across the top, most certainly underwent dramatic spin-altering collisions during the early days of the Solar System. The reasons why planets spin and tilt as they do remains a topic of research with much insight gained from modern computer modeling and the recent discovery and analysis of hundreds of exoplanets: planets orbiting other stars. Starship Asterisk* APOD Discussion Page #APOD
13.01.2022 APOD: Jupiter Abyss (2019 Jun 10) Image Credit: NASA, Juno, SwRI, MSSS; Processing & License: Gerald Eichstädt & Sean Doran Explanation: What's that black spot on Jupiter? No one is sure. During the latest pass of NASA's Juno around Jupiter, the robotic spacecraft imaged an usually dark cloud feature informally dubbed the Abyss. Surrounding cloud patterns show the Abyss to be at the center of a vortex. Since dark features on Jupiter's atmosphere tend to run deeper than light features, the Abyss may really be the deep hole that it appears -- but without more evidence that remains conjecture. The Abyss is surrounded by a complex of meandering clouds and other swirling storm systems, some of which are topped by light colored, high-altitude clouds. The featured image was captured last month while Juno passed only about 15,000 kilometers above Jupiter's cloud tops. The next close pass of Juno near Jupiter will be in July. Starship Asterisk* APOD Discussion Page #APOD
11.01.2022 Solar sailing is a dream that started at The Planetary Society 40 years ago with our co-founders Carl Sagan and Louis Friedman. #LightSail2 makes that dream a reality thanks to the support of our members and donors. Launching June 22 on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy!
11.01.2022 APOD: Mercury Crosses a Quiet Sun (2019 Dec 02) Video Credit: NASA, SDO, NASA's Science Visualization Studio; Music: Gustav Sting (Kevin MacLeod) via YouTube h...ttps:// Explanation: What's that black dot crossing the Sun? The planet Mercury. Mercury usually passes over or under the Sun, as seen from Earth, but last month the Solar System's innermost planet appeared to go just about straight across the middle. Although witnessed by planet admirers across the globe, a particularly clear view was captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in Earth orbit. The featured video was captured by the SDO's HMI instrument in a broad range of visible light, and compresses the 5 1/2 hour transit into about 13 seconds. The background Sun was unusually quiet -- even for being near Solar Minimum -- and showed no sunspots. The next solar transit by Mercury will occur in 2032. Starship Asterisk* APOD Discussion Page #APOD
10.01.2022 The strongest magnet in the Universe enters our Solar System. What would happen?
06.01.2022 Coincides with our input into the NASA RadioJOVE research program, studying radio storms on Jupiter, it's largest moon Io, and the corresponding, extremely large and active radio storms that occur between the two!
05.01.2022 SPRITE STORM OVER EUROPE: On May 11th in the Czech republic, Martin Popek photographed dozens of red sprites leaping up from a thunderstorm 280 km away. "They w...ere over the intersecting borders of Austria, Hungary and Slovakia," he says. Unlike ordinary lightning bolts, which lance down from thunderstorms, sprites fly up. They spread their gossamer red structures through the upper atmosphere alongside auroras and noctilucent clouds, making them a true space weather phenomenon. Some researchers believe sprites are linked to cosmic rays: subatomic particles from deep space strike the top of Earth's atmosphere, producing secondary electrons that may spark the eerie red forms. If this link is real, it could mean more sprites are in the offing. Cosmic rays are increasing to their greatest intensity in more than 50 years.
04.01.2022 APOD: Primordial Contact Binary 2014 MU69 (2019 May 22) Image Credit: NASA, JHU APL, SwRI, Roman Tkachenko Explanation:... Primordial contact binary 2014 MU69, also known as Ultima Thule, really is very red. In fact, it's the reddest outer solar system object ever visited by a spacecraft from Earth. Its reddish hue is believed to be due to organic materials on its surface. Ruddy color and tantalizing surface details seen in this composite image are based on data from the New Horizons spacecraft recorded during the January 1 flyby of the farthest world yet explored. Embedded in the smaller lobe Thule (top), the 8 kilometer wide feature nick named Maryland crater is the largest depression known on the surface of Ultima Thule. Transmission of data collected from the flyby continues, and will go on until the late summer 2020 as New Horizons speeds deeper into the dim and distant Kuiper Belt. Starship Asterisk* APOD Discussion Page #APOD
03.01.2022 SpaceX is set to launch its first 60 Starlink internet constellation satellites tonight. Liftoff is scheduled for 10:30 p.m. EDT, the opening of a 90 minute window. Weather is 80% go, but there has been no word on upper level winds. #SpaceX #Starlink
03.01.2022 Our good friend Robert Brand testing his Mars Impactor devices in the USA! Great to see mate! Hope you guys reach your target altitudes, and the impactors work as expected! Good luck!
01.01.2022 SOLAR ECLIPSE PHOTOGRAPHED FROM THE MOON: While millions of people enjoyed a spectacular view of Tuesday's total eclipse in Chile and Argentina, only one lonely... satellite watched it from the Moon. China's Longjiang-2 microsat was flying over the farside of the Moon when the eclipse began. Earth popped over the horizon just in time for these remarkable shots. The circular dark spot is the Moon's shadow, plunging the ground below into the kind of cool, otherworldly darkness that only happens during a solar eclipse. People on the outskirts of the shadow witnessed a partial eclipse. People in the inky-black core experienced totality. Built at the Harbin Institute of Technology in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, the 47-kg microsatellite was sent into space on May 21, 2018, together with the Chang'e-4 lunar probe's relay satellite "Queqiao." Longjiang-2's main camera, a tiny CMOS device weighing only 20 grams, has been photographing the farside of the Moon ever since. These rare photos of the eclipse are bringing an end to its mission, however. Chinese controllers plan to de-orbit Longjiang-2 at the end of the month, crashing it into the Moon.