Australasian Victorian Studies Association (AVSA) | Businesses
Australasian Victorian Studies Association (AVSA)
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24.01.2022 The Belcher Visiting Fellowship in Victorian Studies, 2020-21, and 2021-22 The Principal and Fellows of St Hugh’s College are pleased to invite applications for the Belcher Visiting Fellowship in Victorian Studies. This a fixed-term position and will be offered for a period no longer than twelve months; it is expected that the post would be held by an academic on paid research leave from another institution.... The Belcher Visiting Fellowship in Victorian Studies is available from October 2020 and from October 2021 for one, two, or three academic terms. For a year’s appointment, the Belcher Visiting Fellow will receive a subsistence allowance of up to 16,000; research expenses (currently up to 1,665); relocation expenses up to 4,000; travel expenses up to 3,000; as well as an allowance of up to 2,000 to facilitate academic events in College during the Fellowship. The expense allowances would be made available pro rata for those taking the post for fewer than three terms. Details of the Fellowship and how to apply can be found on the College website.
20.01.2022 If you love Victorian literature, promoting new scholarship and free books, please consider undertaking a review for the Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies. If you are keen, please email our new Reviews Editor, Alison Bedford [email protected] or seek her out on Twitter @bedforda1 or Facebook. Books currently available for review: - A Century of Weird Fiction, 18321937: Disgust, Metaphysics, and the Aesthetics of Cosmic Horror. Jonathan Newell. "offers a new p...erspective on the weird & cosmic horror...suggests weird fiction utilises the power of disgust to confront the complex relationship between human & nonhuman A whole bunch of Dickens titles. Could you offer a review on Dickens and: - women - publishing - animals - sanitation - America/Americans - England and the English - his early years - Cultural Encounters with the Arabian Nights in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Melissa Dickson "argues for a view of these tales not as a depiction of otherness, but as a site of recognition and imaginative exchange between East & West, in a period when such common ground was rarely found" - Tennyson’s Poems: New Textual Parallels R. H. Winnick "these new textual parallels significantly expand our knowledge both of Tennyson’s reading and of his thematic intentions and artistic technique."
18.01.2022 We would like to invite anyone interested to join the North American Victorian Studies Association reading group on "Victorian Epidemics." This interdisciplinary reading group investigates the cultural, historical, political, and medical cultures surrounding these epidemic and pandemic events, their relationship to European imperial expansion and new forms of globalization, and their legacy to, for instance, ant-vax movements worldwide. It will meet monthly, via Zoom, from S...eptember 2020 to June 2021. Sessions include: *Epidemics and Empire *The Age of Tropical Medicine * Gender, Illness, and Care *Anti-vaccination in the Victorian Period *The Apocalypse We have also left the final sessions open so that members of the group to set the agenda for our discussions. Members may attend as many or as few sessions as they wish. A list of readings and the sign-up sheet is available at: For further information, please contact Ross Forman at [email protected] or Matthew Reznicek at [email protected]
15.01.2022 We are thrilled to announce the publication of vol. 23 no. 1 of the "Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies": "Victorian Interfaces"! This Special Issue was guest edited by AVSA's Mandy Treagus and Madeleine Seys (both of The University of Adelaide) and features articles on interfaces throughout the Victorian world and the nineteenth century. Congratulations to authors and editors. Please circulate through your networks.
15.01.2022 Registrations are now open for the AVSA conference to be held 17-19 June 2020 at Monash University, Melbourne (Clayton). Early-bird registrations close on 20th April (full rate from 21st April). Early-bird student/unwaged rate $200, Staff rate $300. Fee includes a welcome wine /canape reception, morning and afternoon tea and lunches throughout the conference. You can also register/pay for the conference dinner at Mykonos Taverna on 18 June. Banquet meal with live entertainment is $65 per head (meat, seafood, veg options available for main dish).
14.01.2022 The Australaisn Journal of Victorian Studies is a fully refereed journal published by the Australasian Victorian Studies Association (AVSA), and it draws on an international pool of peer reviewers. It welcomes good, new, interesting work on any topic relating to Victorian Studies - taking 'Victorian' loosely as a conceptual rather than historical term, but with a focus on English-language texts and sources. Areas include literature and print culture, theatre, visual and other... creative arts, architecture design and heritage, and all strands of history. Submissions from a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches are welcome. Any enquiries: please contact the incoming Editor, Joanne Wilkes, on [email protected], or the Reviews Editor, Alison Bedford, on [email protected] Peruse our latest issue here:
10.01.2022 Stuck at home? Need a project? Why not review for the Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies? If you are keen, please email our Reviews Editor, Alison Bedford [email protected] or seek her out on Twitter @bedforda1 with the title you would like to review. Books currently available for review: Bagehot: Life and Times of the Greatest Victorian Routledge/T&F have a big list of upcoming titles (note that this show...s a search result for 'victorian', you may like to search for your favourite author or other key terms too) ttps:// So do Palgrave And if you come across an upcoming title you would like to review, get in touch and we can organise a review copy! Please note that most publishers are currently offering ebook or PDF copies, as this is faster and more reliable than postal services at the moment.
10.01.2022 AVSA 2020 conference cancellation. AVSA regretfully announces that the 2020 conference scheduled for 16-19 June at Monash University has been cancelled. With widespread travel bans and airline cancellation of the keynote speakers’ flights, it is now impossible to host the conference as scheduled. Any registration fees already paid will be refunded shortly. We apologise to anyone who has already booked travel, and are sorry that we cannot meet as planned.
10.01.2022 REVIEWERS WANTED! A person with an interest in Swedenborg, religion, the Tennysons and/or AS Byatt to review On The Conjugal Angel. Australian preferred due to postage logistics, suitable international reviewers considered. And another for "Waltzing Through Europe: Attitudes towards Couple Dances in the Long Nineteenth Century" by Egil Bakka, Theresa Jill Buckland, Helena Saarikoski and Anne von Bibra Wharton (eds).... Please contact Reviews Editor Alison Bedford [email protected] for more information or to volunteer.
10.01.2022 CFP for Love Among the Poets: The Victorian Poetics of Intimacy Abstracts due 1 August 2020
08.01.2022 CALL FOR PAPERS "Popular forms and practices of reading and writing in the Victorian and Edwardian periods"
08.01.2022 Wanted: A person with an interest in Swedenborg, religion, the Tennysons and/or AS Byatt to review On The Conjugal Angel. Australian preferred due to postage logistics, suitable international reviewers considered. Please contact Reviews Editor Alison Bedford [email protected]
04.01.2022 AVSA Postgraduate and Scholars Without Institutional Funding Conference Travel Grants AVSA offers travel grants to scholars in the following categories to attend annual AVSA conferences: students currently enrolled in a postgraduate research degree at a university; scholars without institutional funding (SWIF), e.g. retired or unwaged academics, sessional tutors, PhD students awaiting examination, postdoctoral researchers... Travel Grants for the AVSA 2020 Conference at Monash University are now open. Two grants of $500 will be offered to assist with travel expenses for students or Scholars Without Institutional Funding who have already been accepted to present at the AVSA 2020 conference at Monash University. Criteria and further information about how to apply are available at the link below. Applications close 17th April.
03.01.2022 Breaking news! We are thrilled to launch the digitized back issues of #AJVS from 1995-2005 on our #OpenAccessPublishing platform! #VictorianStudies Over the coming weeks, we'll be featuring groundbreaking research from these issue. Please share widely among your networks.
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