Benjamin J Harvey in Sydney, Australia | Entrepreneur
Benjamin J Harvey
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 1300 887 887
Address: 203/13 Wentworth Ave 2000 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Likes: 7015
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24.01.2022 People on a mission have no competition. Keep moving
24.01.2022 What I want to share with you is the importance of living on purpose. What is your master message? If you had a few words to tell me what would they be? Contemplate and write those down and get an understanding of what message you would like to share with the world. Because what I've found is people who live their message and connect with their message are the ones who become the most successful out there.... The key thing I would like you to get out of this post is what would get you living in a state of inspiration every day? Because once you find that, you really have found the key to living an inspired life.
24.01.2022 As a coach, you don't have to be an expert in any particular field. Your job is to identify their blind spots and give them guidance towards success in each session. In fact, here’s all you need to be successful as a coach:... You need to genuinely love helping people. You need to be able to listen and understand where people are coming from. You need to be good at asking the right questions at the right time. You need to like learning knowledge and giving advice. You need to be honest (with yourself and others). That’s it!
24.01.2022 Wow! Cham Tang and I, at the Mind Body Spirit Festival many years ago...
24.01.2022 It's incredible to think that we've achieved what we have in the past 11 years. Thank you to all that have given us love and support. We're feeling absolutely grateful.
23.01.2022 I want to talk to you about Daily Practice. One of the things people often ask me is: "How long do I have to do personal development for?" The truth is UNTIL you succeed. You need to have an "UNTIL MINDSET" which means you will persist until you are successful at your business, your wealth, your career or whatever your goal is.
22.01.2022 Have your ever wanted to change jobs or start a new business and thought to yourself... "How can I make this transition without disrupting my life too much?" Well, it all comes down to your level of 'Risk Tolerance'. ... There's 5 core methods I like to use that can help you through this transition. The first (and lowest risk) method is called 'The Dreamer'. To learn more about The Dreamer and the 4 other methods for transitioning into doing what you love, simply watch the video below
21.01.2022 Choose simplicity
21.01.2022 The #1 regret I have in business is believing in "natural talent. There is a thought-virus that sneaks into people's minds all over the world and it sounds like this: "Of course they can do it because they are naturally talented at XYZ". I regret that this prevented me from realising early on that ANYTHING can be learned. Anyone who had achieved the levels of success I desired simply learned something new and took ACTION.... Learn and grow then make a move!
21.01.2022 I'm super excited to announce my NEW coaching Meetup group: "Sydney Coaching Community"! We meet regularly, LIVE and online via Zoom going over... Valuable content based on solid principles approved by the ICF (International Coach Federation) LIVE demonstrations... Q&A sessions to empower you as a coach On top of this, you’ll get a dose of inspiration, personal development and have the chance to do a bit of networking with others. Join the group today (you don't have to be living in Sydney to join because our meets are online!)
20.01.2022 Do you like to play?
20.01.2022 If you can make things important in your life, they will literally show up...and the fastest way I found of doing that is by list writing. You could write out 500 reasons why you’re already worth $20 million. What will happen is your brain can’t help but go, OMG! This guy’s had this thought 500 times in a row. This must be important! So what the mind, body, soul, and spirit does is it just goes out there and creates it.... It might not be as exciting as some other stuff out there, but the fact is, it works! I wrote about my results from list writing here
20.01.2022 Have you ever wanted to start your own coaching business and make a great living helping people? Or has the current lock-down situation got you thinking about the next chapter of your career? If so, I've got some very exciting news for you today ... Next week I'll be running a special free online webinar called "5 Steps To Starting A Coaching Or Consulting Business". (As usual, this webinar will be 100% valuable content and there's nothing to buy.) If you're serious about creating the ultimate lifestyle business where you choose to do what you LOVE every day, don't miss out on this incredible FREE training event. To claim your FREE spot now, click here:
20.01.2022 If you're curious about starting out as a coach or a consultant, then one of the things you might be wondering is... "Can I really charge money for helping people transform their lives?" To find out the answer to this, check out today's video below.
20.01.2022 Do you ever ‘shy away’ from selling your products or services? I see it happen all the time. Someone has an incredible product or service that truly helps people, yet they stumble when it comes to actually selling it. And that’s a real shame, because if your product really helps people, then it’s your obligation to get it into the hands of as many people as you can.... So today I'd like to share some exciting news that will help you change your mindset from a ‘fear of selling’ to one of ‘inspiring people to buy’. Announcing our brand new free Zoom training called... "Selling Made Easy" (*This exciting new event will only be held ONCE LIVE via Zoom, so don't miss out!) Book your free spot below!
20.01.2022 Not too tricky, not rocket science, not brain surgery, nothing too complex. Just two simple words: "I'm allowed". Give yourself permission to live life on your own terms, to do what you love and really have the freedom to create something magnificent with this life. Find out how you can make a difference and a living doing what you love by attending my free 1-day course via Zoom. Click here to learn more
20.01.2022 Ever thought of writing a book? The process of becoming a published author is not as difficult as it may seem. Especially if you have a 10x author as your mentor. If you want to learn the exact steps to get started and an easy road map you can follow to produce a high quality printed book (not just an eBook), then please come to our FREE online event, presented by 10x author, Fiona Jones.
19.01.2022 A very important rule in my life that I live by even up to this day In case you're wondering, here are my other set of rules that I live by
19.01.2022 Dreaming of becoming a better public speaker? Join my Free Public Speaking Meetup event via Zoom tomorrow (September 9th) or next week Wednesday (September 16th) and get all the practice and the feedback that you need to take your presenting skills to the next level For all the details and to book your free spot, click here >>> ... OR Head over to my Free Public Speaking Meetup group to RSVP >>> (You don't need to be living in Sydney to join as the Meetup's online!)
19.01.2022 If you're ready to break out of your limiting beliefs that are stopping you from living an extraordinary life, come join me at our upcoming FREE 1-DAY EVENT "Turning Point Intensive"! At this life-changing online event, you'll learn the fastest way to create your best year yet! The event has been updated for 2021, and will be delivered LIVE via Zoom.... For full details and to claim your FREE spot, click the event below or go to
18.01.2022 One of the things I've learnt is that anxiety is in fact expansion. It's your body getting ready to do something new. Next time you're trying something new or your stepping out of your comfort zone, rather than shying away from that feeling, welcome it. Enjoy it. Enjoy the fact that your body is getting ready... it's transforming. It's doing some type of vibrational shift to get you ready for an experience that potentially is going to be one of the most exciting things you've ever done
18.01.2022 Have you ever come across this common objection when selling your coaching program or services? "But it won't work for ME" If so, here's what to say ... (NB: This also works for any product or service you might be selling!)
18.01.2022 You know what FEAR really stands for? Fantasised Experiences Appearing Real. There are only 2 types of energy. One that contracts and one that expands. Fear is definitely an energy that contracts you. To overcome fear:... 1. Write down 5 things that contract you (what you're afraid of). 2. Come up with a way of how to face those fears in a SAFE and STRUCTURED system. It's something that I've been doing for many years. Anytime that something pops up in my life that contracts me, I find a way to step straight into it so I can have that freedom of being limitless and having no boundaries around me so I can continue to E X P A N D!
18.01.2022 Are you looking for a way to share your message and help more people during these challenging times? If so, we highly recommend you consider running online events and virtual workshops It's the perfect way to leverage your time, effort, and income because you're able to share your message with hundreds (even thousands!) of people all at one time. Join us & attend a special free online 45-minute webinar we're running called "How To Use Event Marketing To Grow Your Business" ...(As usual, this webinar will be 100% valuable content, nothing to buy). Spots for this FREE webinar are strictly limited due to limitations with our webinar software provider. To claim your free spot now, book here =>
17.01.2022 If you want to have a happy life, understand that you are the one in control. Look only for the good in EVERYTHING and watch your life turn into an EXTRAORDINARY adventure it was designed to be (P.S join me at my free 1-day online event, "Turning Point Intensive", and discover how to make 2021 your best year yet! More details here:
17.01.2022 In this content-saturated world, there's so much NOISE, but there's not really much value... If you want to get heard in this noisy world of ours, always remember the VALUE that you provide in your content will always be the loudest post. This value is what will allow you to rise above the noise
16.01.2022 There was this one night where I was finishing up work at around 10 pm, and was feeling exhausted. Just as I was laying down for the night, my phone rang. I could see right away it was a coaching client. I had a decision to make at that point either answer the phone or just let it ring out. Many people would let it ring out because it was an inappropriate hour for a call. But I answered it.... I answered it because I love what I do, and no matter how tired I am, I always make time for what I value
16.01.2022 Do whatever it takes to be your own best friend
16.01.2022 The fastest way to position yourself as an expert in someone's mind is to teach them something that will genuinely improve the quality of their life. It really is that simple.
16.01.2022 Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. You all know what you do, the love you share and the impact it makes in the hearts and minds of your children. My father had the most incredible influence in my life and I am forever grateful for this. Now as a father I fully appreciate everything he did at a far deeper level. Nothing but respect to him and all the other loving dads out there doing their thing to give their children the freedom and opportunity to be themselves everyday and in every way. All my love.
15.01.2022 Can I charge people for helping them? Who would listen to me? I’m not sure I have what it takes to become a coach. ... It’s natural and very common to have these questions rattling around through your mind. It stems from something known as the 'Imposter Syndrome'. It's this little voice that convinces us that we are acting as an ‘impostor’ in our own life and couldn’t possibly be successful at something like coaching. But the fact is, ANYONE can become a successful coach. Because coaching isn’t a 'gift'... it isn’t a natural talent... Coaching is a SKILL... and skills can be learned
15.01.2022 Want to get your coaching clients results as fast as possible? We use something called the R.A.P.I.D Results Model, and it works incredibly well for getting people fast results that actually stick. I recently shared this technique at one of our paid programs called 'Accelerated Coaching Certification' and you can check out the training session below for free
15.01.2022 Dreaming of changing careers? Want to learn how to make a great living helping others to improve their lives? If so, then I hope to see you at the "How To Become A Highly Successful Coach" online event! Register for your free spot here: I can't wait to meet you!
14.01.2022 If you'd like to learn effective methods on how you can coach yourself and others to succeed in business and life, or if you want to add coaching as an additional skill or revenue stream to your current business, then come to our free 1-day online event, "How To Become A Highly Successful Coach". Click here to register for free
14.01.2022 People spend too much of their lives trying to fit in... wanting to be accepted. I personally find "normal" to be pretty boring. You only have 1 go at life, so why settle for ordinary when you can be EXTRAORDINARY?
14.01.2022 In case you haven't heard, our popular 1-day event "How To Become A Highly Successful Coach" is now ONLINE Discover how to create a fulfilling lifestyle helping people... all from the comfort of your own home on your mobile, tablet or desktop I'll be teaching the exact same content from our annual live 1-day events, including all the exercises, downloads, stretch breaks, lunch breaks, chat conversations and more!... Plus, I'll even be demonstrating coaching techniques during the event so you can see how powerful these methods really are. Best of all though... this online event is 100% value and you will not be asked to buy anything during the day. It's a fun, highly practical and engaging online event that gives you more career options in life For more info or to grab your free spot, head to
13.01.2022 Want to be happy right now? Look back through your life and remember moments in which your life is better now than it was then. Maybe your finances have improved, maybe it’s your relationships or your health... You'll find that it allows you to gain incredible gratitude in the present moment
12.01.2022 How fast do you do it when things go pear shaped?
11.01.2022 I've got some SUPER exciting news today... For the first time ever I'm running a FREE 1-Day Coaching Course LIVE via Zoom! If you've ever been curious about becoming a coach, but don't know how to get started... Or you want to add coaching skills to your tool-belt as a manager or business owner... Or you have an existing coaching business and want to get more clients (and charge more for your services)... Then this is your chance to join me live online via Zoom for..."How To Become A Highly Successful Coach". Claim your free spot below!
11.01.2022 Want to gain more self-confidence? Here's how in 3 steps: 1 Grab a piece of paper and a pen, and write down every single thing you have ever accomplished or achieved in your life. And I mean everything... from that time you didn't think you could do something at the time but you did. Or when you didn't think you could drive a car but you learned. Or when you didn't think you would make more than $x but now you have.... Anything. Big or small. 2 Read the list out loud to yourself every night before you go to sleep. The reason we do this is that you'll allow yourself to go into a sleep state and you get to dream these activities into reality. And when you wake up in the morning, sure enough, you'll start to feel even more confident in your day's activities. 3 Do this for about 3 weeks. Before you know it, you'll have more confidence in yourself and your capabilities that other people will say, "You have such natural self-confidence." Little do they know that confidence is a skill, and skills can be learned.
11.01.2022 H stands for Happiness, S stands for your Cellular Set Point C stands for Conditions of living V stands for Voluntary actions or choices you make daily... 50% of your happiness is actually made up by your Cellular Set Point. To increase this, spend more time feeling the feelings of what you want through visualisation, meditation, or contemplation. 40% goes to Voluntary Actions. When something happens to you, what sort of meaning do you give it? Is it an empowering or a disempowering meaning? Take control of the meaning then take an action that's actually going to drive you towards being happier. And the 10% comes from your Conditions Of Living. No matter how much you change your conditions of living by buying material things, it will never ever actually have a huge impact on your happiness. So, stop buying stuff that you don't need!
11.01.2022 Why do Oprah Winfrey and Hugh Jackman have a coach? Why does Roger Federer, Serena Williams, Ian Thorpe, Michael Jordan and every successful athlete that ever lived ALL have a coach? As Ex-Google CEO, Eric Schimdt says...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Coronavirus Update From Authentic Education On behalf of the entire team here at AE, we hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy during these challenging times. We wanted to give you an update with what’s happening with all of our events. With the new rules in place, it’s dramatically impacted the way we do things and our big problem is that we can no longer have LIVE events for about the next 6 months.... We’re moving all our live events that were booked from now until September to online events. These will be just as engaging and interactive with the exact same content as our live events, so now you can learn from the comfort and privacy of your own home on your mobile, tablet or desktop. You’re even able to ask questions in real time throughout the day too. If you have previously booked yourself in to attend one of our LIVE events, you’ll receive an email and an SMS about this soon if you haven’t already done so. We will certainly keep you updated every single step of the way. We look forward to continuing to support each and every one of you during this time and for many more years to come. Stay safe & healthy, The AE Team
10.01.2022 I wanted to share this today because it's such an important thing to understand. One of the things I've learned working on myself over the years is until I fall for a cause, until I fall for a mission, until I really involve myself completely in my message that I want to share, I continue to have troubles throughout my life. So, how do you find purpose and do what you love?... 1 Find out what brings you the most amount of meaning. If you had a spare weekend, what would you do? What will make you feel most fulfilled? 2 What is it that you TRULY want to dedicate your life to? 3 What is your message? If a friend walked up to you and asked you to give them a message, the message of your life, what would you tell them? If you have to tell me just in one sentence that will make all the difference in my life, what would that sentence be? Find your purpose, find your peace.
09.01.2022 There's never been a better time in the history of the human race to become a coach and to help others navigate these incredibly difficult times If you're interested in helping others, setting your own hours and an uncapped income, then please come to our free 1-day online event, "How To Become A Highly Successful Coach". Check below to book your free spot and see you online soon.
08.01.2022 We recently surveyed hundreds of Internationally Certified Coaches who get to change people's lives on daily basis, and work when and where they want to... And the #1 fear they ALL had before becoming a respected coach was that they didn't think they were good enough... So how did they overcome the fears and mental blocks that were preventing them from taking that first step towards success as a coach? ... Check out today's video to find out how!
08.01.2022 One of my teachers once asked me to describe what "letting go" is I tried all these different answers and he said, No. 'Letting go' is to never pick up again. I thought, ok, that’s a bit deep... But as I sat and thought 'letting go' is to never pick up again...I thought if I let go of cigarettes, then I guess I will never pick up a cigarette again. If I let go of my need to try and impress other people, it means I never pick up the need to impress other people.... Quite often, I find that people who are surrendering to their purpose no longer pick up the need to prove themselves to other people. People who aren’t on purpose are continually trying to prove a point with... You need to believe me! You need to understand this concept! You need to follow what I’m saying! They’re always trying to prove something because inherently in their heart, they don’t have a knowing that they're chasing their beliefs. When you get onto purpose, I find that not only do you stop trying to prove things, you just surrender into what is, and you just experience the joy and fulfilment in just doing what you love.
08.01.2022 Want to know the most effective way to help your coaching clients (or yourself) reach their goals sooner? Watch the video below, then try it on yourself... I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how well it works
08.01.2022 I'm excited to announce my free 1-day course via zoom... Prosper From Your Passion Sharing Your Knowledge Online The new step-by-step method for creating your content & monetising your message via Zoom, Online Courses, Webinars, Coaching or Consulting & LIVE Events. (Even if you doubt yourself, or don't know your niche) ... I'll teach you how to enjoy the kind of life where you wake up every morning happy and energised about what the day will bring...the kind of life where you have total freedom to help and inspire others AND get paid handsomely for doing what you love. Grab your free tickets below or head over to:
07.01.2022 One of the biggest mistakes we made with purpose is that we're thinking of it as one thing and also thinking that we'll do it for the rest of our life. It's MANY things, and you do it until it's boring... that's the beauty of life! As an example, I remember I was doing Reiki healing on someone back in 2009. It was at that moment where I was bored. I finished the session and I said, "I don't want to charge you, this one is on the house".... I never did a healing after that because it's an insult to clients if I kept doing healing after I lost my inspiration. I still do my healing, but I just do it with words now. You've got to honour what's inspiring today, but don't think you'll dedicate your life to it. Do what's inspiring you today. If it's not inspiring tomorrow, stop doing it. It's a great way to keep things fun and enjoyable in your life
06.01.2022 One of the best ways to attract new clients is running free events that are either in person or online. Why 'free'? Because free events are quite simply the most powerful way to start a genuine relationship with your clients... and you do this by GIVING INCREDIBLE VALUE first rather than asking for a sale right away.... Now many people worry that they'll only attract ‘freebie' seekers when they give away something for free. And they're right. A very small portion of people will only want your free thing. But the benefits of offering something for free FAR out weigh the negatives. Watch my video below to discover how you can profitably grow your business by giving away something for free such as a free live event, free webinar, free report or free sample of your products and services. #eventmarketing #marketingsuccess #webinars #onlineevents #freeevents
06.01.2022 Interesting to see PayScale's recent report on how much life coaches are paid by the hour even in this pandemic For those who are still wondering if you can make good money as a coach, check out my latest blog post: Or learn more at my upcoming coaching event, "How To Become A Highly Successful Coach":
04.01.2022 If you missed out on our "Selling Made Easy" Zoom training earlier today... I just wanted to let you know that this event was the single most TRANSFORMATIONAL experience I've ever been a part of. It was one of those very rare occasions where EVERYONE attending just totally got what was being taught on a truly deep and spiritual level.... A level of understanding where the attendees can now just go out with confidence and have natural conversations with people that inspire them to buy... without needing any tricks or icky sales techniques. So if you're interested in increasing your income by inspiring people to buy, then I highly recommend you get your hands on a replay link from our team by emailing [email protected] because this was an incredibly special free event and like no other we've ever run before
02.01.2022 Want to learn how to attract clients with online events in the current climate? The ability to help people change their lives with just the power of your words is extremely powerful and fulfilling. And you don't have to be famous or have a wildly outgoing personality to become a success with online events.... All you need are a few keys to run a successful online event, and that's what I'll show you at my NEW FREE 1-day online event called, "How To Attract Clients With Online Events". Click the FB event below or go to for all the details and to get your free ticket. I hope to see you there
02.01.2022 Our beliefs can either empower us to great heights or limit us through self-sabotage. What do you believe to be true, that really isn't? Here's how I test my beliefs:... 1. Is this statement 100% true? 2. Are you 100% sure it is true? 3. What does holding onto this belief do to you? 4. Who will you become in 10 years as a result of holding on to this belief? 5. What will the cost be in 10 years if this belief is not changed now? 6. Who would you become and how would you act without that old belief? 7. Creation of an intention card.
02.01.2022 VAK sequencing has taught me how to develop charisma when presenting, which has allowed me to connect with my audience and turn them into clients. It stands for Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. They're sensory receivers, and one of them defines the best way for an individual to experience something and learn new information. A simple way of using the VAK system looks something like this.... Visual I want this next thing that I’m about to share with you to be CRYSTAL CLEAR inside your mind. It’s going to resonate with you at a VERY DEEP level. Auditory When you HEAR the words that I’m about to say, it will be like MUSIC TO YOUR EARS. Kinesthetic So, I want you to GRAB ahold of the next piece of content because it will change your life. So to develop your charisma in your presentations, remember to talk to your VISUAL learners, your AUDITORY learners and your KINESTHETIC learners
01.01.2022 I'm honoured to be a presenter at the upcoming ICF (International Coach Federation) Australasia 2020 TRANSFORM Coaching Virtual Summit The Virtual Summit is designed to enable and prepare coaches, leaders and HR professionals to: Connect people through diversity, inclusion, compassion and collaboration; Flourish in a virtual and non-virtual world;... Grow leaders and teams in a changing world; and Co-Create the future and design new workplaces I'll be speaking on Wednesday, 14th October at 12pm (AEDT) about how to build your business to become a highly successful coach. I'll expand on the most effective way to package your coaching services and enter the market to create a highly successful coaching business. Come learn, adapt, innovate and transform yourself and your business practice to help transform leaders, teams, organisations and communities with whom you engage! The summit spreads across 4 weeks, 4 themes and, 40 summit sessions from only $147 AUD. Register your ticket here: #ICFAUSTRALASIA #2020TRANSFORM #LeadersTeams #CoCreate #Flourish #Connect
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