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Authentic Freedom Now

Phone: +61 402 965 272


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25.01.2022 2014 is the year of being an Authentic Change Maker. This weekly event will support you in bringing a deeper level of awareness to your Authentic Self which is the first decision if being an inspirational change maker is important. Come and join me to dive deeper and evolve into a fearless human being that chooses to be the change you wish to see in the world

15.01.2022 When we experience confusion we experience ourselves in a state of suspension. Clarity is the key to allow for inspired action to flow from within us into the world. Authentic Freedom Now

14.01.2022 There are 2 key ideas that make life effortless. Learning how to let go and learning how to allow/receive. By mastering these ideas we jump into the flow of life and see life as an adventure, an adventure to remember who we truly are. Authentic Freedom Now

11.01.2022 Vulnerability is the key to co-creation. Through vulnerability we create a space for authentic communication and can heal fear based energies by owning how we feel instead of blaming the other. Authentic Freedom Now

03.01.2022 The only thing we take with us when we leave this world is our experiences. It is through the experience that we expand and remember more of who we truly are. Often the things that scare us the most have the greatest amount of opportunity of expansion and where our hidden talents & gifts lie behind the fear. I dare you to try something new today and notice how you feel. In gratitude & appreciation Authentic Freedom Now

03.01.2022 By spending our time focusing on what we do love, we allow and welcome our inspiration into our life. We can only perceive what we are the vibration of. Get in alignment with all that you love and see how effortless it shows up in life. Authentic Freedom Now

02.01.2022 Only when we are open to receiving can we actually receive. This may be as simple as asking how can I receive? The analogy that I enjoy sharing is: Imagine if your mind is the lid to a bottle. When the mind is shut, doesn't matter how much water is poured over the bottle, nothing is getting inside. When the lid is opened we are able to allow water to enter the bottle. Is your mind open or closed? Authentic Freedom Now

02.01.2022 This article very clearly explains why it can be so challenging to let go of certain things in our lives. For example, people who constantly become sick often unconsciously do so to receive love in the form of attention. This article provides 10 different hidden positive intentions and i'm sure most people will resonate with a few out of the list so worth checking it out. Authentic Freedom Now

01.01.2022 Our purpose in life is to be all of who we are. When we follow our excitement and joy we get to express who we are through our work, projects & vision. We bring purpose through who we are being rather than feeling purposeful through the things we do. When we honour who we are, we experience inner freedom & happiness. Authentic Freedom Now

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