Elizabeth Robinson | Public figure
Elizabeth Robinson
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25.01.2022 Sending you much love
24.01.2022 Harvard Professors Communications From The Afterlife Meeting and coming to know Professor John Mack towards the latter part of his life was a great gift. John was and is greatly admired throughout the world for his pioneering work and research and contribution to our understanding of the greater multidimensional nature of reality. As he appeared for the first time in the Dreamscape entering the room I was in to communicate with me, I couldnt have known that his communicatio...ns and interactions would continue through my life bringing encouragement, insight and wisdom. In this video I read an excerpt from my book, There Are No Goodbyes, and share further insights and understanding about his revelations from the other side. So you might like to make yourself a nice hot cup of tea or coffee, and share some sacred moments with me through this video. I look forward to that and Im sending you much love
24.01.2022 When life seems tough and those challenges just keep coming at you, allowing yourself to simply stop, and to rest into the stillness and comfort of the greater everything beyond those challenges, will bring necessary respite and spiritual reconnection. Bringing your focus into this present moment of your breathing, will offer you sanctuary. It will be an opportunity to breathe in the oxygen, to reignite the oxytocin and to feel the love that is truly here for you. Your pre...vious and present adversity and the painful and uncomfortable feelings those moments and memories can generate, can make you perceive you are alone in your suffering. But after decades of spiritual discovery, I know the opposite is true. We are all supported by those divine others who are in fact navigating us through each tough and challenging moment. They exist in a world adjacent to ours, in dimensions right next to ours, and interact through the unified field, to lovingly guide us through our suffering and elevate us into a greater state of wisdom and unified truth. You are not alone, even in your darkest moments. No one is ever alone. There is always higher love. Much peace to you. I send you great love
24.01.2022 For those of you in the UK or Europe, my publishing house is currently offering 50% off all its books. So if youd like to buy a copy of, There Are No Goodbyes, nows the time. Im sending you all great love https://www.hayhouse.co.uk/there-are-no-goodbyes-pb
22.01.2022 My next NEWSLETTER is about to be mailed out - So SUBSCRIBE NOW Hello lovely people. I thought those of you who may be interested in receiving my news and updates, discounts and invitations to an upcoming online seminar Im in, might like to join my mailing list. If you do, then go to my website and you can subscribe there! My next newsletter is due out this week so subscribe today so you dont miss out!... Blessings and love
21.01.2022 GIVE AWAY - There Are No Goodbyes Today Id like to give away a signed copy of my book, There Are No Goodbyes. In honour of the two beautiful girls who I write about in my book who tragically took their lives, Shylo and Mia, Id like to gift a copy of my book to a grieving parent who has lost their beloved teenager to suicide.... So if you are that parent, or if you know someone who is navigating the unspeakable pain of the loss of their beloved teenager to suicide, and you would like a copy of There Are No Goodbyes, please indicate below. Tomorrow night I will sit with those who have let me know and choose the recipient and let them know directly. If instead you would like to order a copy of my book and youre living here in Australia, you can order a signed copy of There Are No Goodbyes, directly from me. At the moment every order will receive a personal message intuited from the Dreamscape. Blessings and love to all, and especially those grieving the loss of someone dear
21.01.2022 Travelling Through Worm Holes, A Murder & Life At The Edge Of A Greater Reality Last night I woke up just before 3am. Id been dreaming and the dream was vivid and mystical. I was moving very rapidly down wormholes of space-time. I could sense where I was being drawn, guided by light and consciousness that I could sense more than see. At one point I remarked that the light guiding me could be brighter, but that at its current brightness I could stay in trust and still use it ...Continue reading
21.01.2022 An early evening moment to connect with you all. From my heart to yours I send you great love
20.01.2022 Great love to all
20.01.2022 A Give-Away Offer It’s my wish to be able to support more people during this challenging time many of us are going through. So I’ve decided to offer a FREE 30 minute session with every 90 minute phone session that you book from today until 31st December. You can use the free 30 minute session yourself, or gift it to a family member or friend. It could include energy transmissions for health, anxiety, grief or wellbeing. It could focus on supportive coaching. It could in...volve insights from my master spiritual teachers and guidance using my tarot. Essentially this offers you the ability to have a free follow up after your initial session or to gift a family member the support they may need. Simply book a 90 minute phone session through my website and you will be sent an email detailing your gift. I look forward to supporting you soon and send you great love
19.01.2022 What an incredible time of great challenge and suffering. I learned today that Southern Oregon where I used to live, has had devastating fires over the last few days. So to all those who have experienced the impact of these fires, and those on evacuation notice, I send you compassionate wishes and great love To my dear friends and community in the area, you are in my heart and my prayers
18.01.2022 Are You Looking For An Extraordinary Life? Well here is a story for you ... She was my uncles second wife. My Aunty Ruth was a dressmaker and worked from her home in our country town. Each time we visited she would appear in a flurry with a radiant joyful smile, with a tape measure around her neck and an anxious laugh. She would announce that shed been busy sewing, or that she had a client arriving soon, or that she was just ironing someones newly made garment. I always ...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Profiting In Times Of Challenge: Ive just had a lovely walk and was prompted to make this brief video to share with you all. I chat about what I feel as my body and mind non-localise and Im then able to connect more fully into the surrounding interdimensional Dreamscape. The Dreamscape is my most powerful spiritual tool that I use to support others to grow and awaken. Im consulting daily and the 25% off discount code on all sessions with me is still available until the end of July. TRANSFORM2020 is the discount code to use as you book your appointment on my booking page on my website Im sending much love to all
17.01.2022 A Testimonial for this Special Offer - A signed copy of my book, There Are No Goodbyes + a Personal Spiritual Message for you divinely given from my master spiritual teachers and the divine luminous Dreamscape "Hi Elizabeth, Ive just returned from a holiday and your book was waiting here for me. Thank you for the intuited message you sent. It is exactly what Ive been feeling in my heart and so it very much resonated with me. Im grateful for you and our ange...ls." Lisa B If you would like to order a signed copy of my book, There Are No Goodbyes, together with a special intuited message to offer brief guidance and insight, those in Australia only can order this package by private messaging me. Next week it will be available as a special package on my website shop. Much love to all
16.01.2022 Conscious Living Focusing upon what will enhance our life experience allows us the conscious awareness to choose wisely. Investing time to deconstruct and decommission habitual behaviours, perceived notions and constrictive mental constructs, provides us the freedom we need to see through a new awakened lens and higher conscious elevation. Our higher conscious elevation then enables us to see with greater wiser vision, and in so doing, it allows us to create a more valu...able and viable version of ourselves, and our lives and our world. May this be so I send you all great love
16.01.2022 To offer you support during this most extraordinary time on our planet, I have a personal email being mailed out to my list tomorrow. It will have updates, my latest discount offer and news of an upcoming international online summit. Those who havent yet subscribed to my emails and newsletters can do so through my website. My email will be sent out to you tomorrow morning Sunday 13th September in Australia, which will be Saturday 12th in the USA. Im sending you all great love
16.01.2022 This was earlier this evening. I’m preparing for the in-person sessions to begin tomorrow. Lovely to feel the energy building. I send you great love
15.01.2022 Transitioning from living our life based upon illusion and unreality, then through the hardship of the adversity necessary to shift and unshackle us, then into the garden of our authenticity, is a courageous road but a necessary one. It's why we have come. It's the nature of our journey here in earth school. Not to simply flail and sputter through life's challenges and suffering, but to bravely find footing despite it all. We are born to remember how to darn and mend the abse...nt threads through time and space so that we can embody our wholeness and completeness in our greatest expression of our true divinity. I do hope you are all traversing this monumental time on our planet with compassionate support and the consistency of unconditional love. While the losses and challenges are high for so many of us right now, as we breathe into the stillness and come home to the moment, and be willing to love what arises within us as we do, then we will be given respite from the overwhelm or the sadness or discomfort, and instead come to feel the great love we have within our hearts for ourselves as well as for those around us. You are always greatly loved, even in your most painful moments of great suffering, you are greatly and infinitely loved
14.01.2022 For those who have asked me how to order a signed copy of my book, There Are No Goodbyes, here is the link to my website shop. My book is now available for purchase. Much love
14.01.2022 A few minutes in, I suddenly notice a young man from the afterlife who begins to communicate from above. An unexpected and higher spiritual hijack of my video begins. This video is sixteen minutes long, but the insights shared are about non-locality and the timeless unified field, which may be of interest. Enjoy I send you great love
12.01.2022 Sending Our Love To You All In Melbourne To all my friends and clients in Melbourne, we all send you our loving support as Melbourne heads into Stage 4 Lockdown for the next six weeks. Let us all act in ways that are kind and caring, thoughtful and generous to each other. Be mindful of others as you make conscious decisions and be generous to yourself as you take time in the stillness to replenish and renew. ... To those courageous medical doctors and nurses at the front line of COVID-19 cases in hospitals in Melbourne and indeed across the world, we thank you and bless you for all the incredible work you are doing, as you try to save lives and bring people back to whole health. We know you must feel afraid and uncertain, and overwhelmed and heart-broken at times. Please know that our love is with you and around you as you face each new day of this huge worldwide crises. May you feel the loving presence of the angels, and the infinite love of your loved ones who have passed, who are supporting you from the afterlife. Much love to all
12.01.2022 Working Within the Quantum Field Through Activation Of Our Ability To Non-localise - Interdimensional Energy Medicine In this video I share details about my transmissions of high frequency energies as part of the interventions I offer to those who have consultations with me. Lots of interesting details here for those who would like to know more. Im sending great love
12.01.2022 Much love to all
12.01.2022 Shylos Family For those of you whove read my last book, There Are No Goodbyes, I wanted to collectively send a huge wave of loving compassionate support to beautiful Shylos family who live in Northern California. In the last 24 hours theyve had to evacuate and face very difficult conditions. Shylos mother and I connected by phone yesterday and I wont share the details here, but the extraordinary nature of what unfolded will be included in the final chapter of my new b...ook. I cant wait to share it with you. Jeanie & Muggs, May relief be brought to you May our love be felt by you May grace be your way And may peace be yours, always The love and support and dynamic ongoing life beyond our earth plane, never ceases to take my breath away. We are never alone, even though we may feel it. Our spiritual teachers, angels and mentors, and our family members and dear friends know what we are about to face, or what we have to experience for our growth, and they literally move mountains to bridge into this realm to offer love and guidance. We live the extraordinary every day as we are courageous enough to take our blinkers off and allow the passage of our souls expression and experience to be truly liberated. Im sending you all great love I love you Shylo
11.01.2022 This article from my newly launched Blog has been featured because of the detailed information about the afterlife and because of the deeply moving nature of the young mothers experiences in the afterlife. I hope you enjoy it and I hope you feel moved to share it with others. Its a moving and inspiring read and will bring comfort to those who have lost loved ones. I send you great love
09.01.2022 Amazon Reviews For those of you who have read and enjoyed my book, There Are No Goodbyes, I would really appreciate it if you could write a brief review on Amazon. The reason why it supports authors is probably obvious, but it helps others to see that you recommend the book and why you recommend the book. People love reading reviews. That supports me to reach more people with the powerful messages and meaning in my book. It will also prepare the soil for the planting of my books to come. So thank you in advance. I send great love
09.01.2022 My New Blog Is Now Live Welcome to Awakened Lens For the last month Ive held an intention to design and create and build a platform online where my articles and audio episodes can be available for you to visit and read and be inspired and supported. Awakened Lens, the Blog is now launching. ... This morning my Blog has gone live, and I would love you to come visit and let me know your responses and feelings about it. As you read an article you have the opportunity to share it with your social media or to make a comment and begin a discussion with others. That would be lovely. I look forward to sharing more of my insights and personal and professional experiences through my Blog and for it to be another gathering place where we can all interact and you can be supported through the life challenges you face and the decisions you have to make. For those who have lost loved ones, I know many of my articles and the stories they share will be meaningful. I hope they will be. If you would like to see an article on a particular subject then do let me know and I will endeavour to create it for you. I hope you find my blog interesting and heart-warming. I send you great love
08.01.2022 This was taken spontaneously last week one night as I finished a ceremonial smudging of the apartment here in Sydney. I thought you might like to see what unfolded. Sending love
08.01.2022 Taken earlier this evening just after my last session for the day. I’m sending you love
08.01.2022 Continuing the conversation here, I wanted to share this post from Lissa Rankin, who is a doctor in the USA, author of multiple books and lovely soul finding her feet and her truth as we all are here in earth school, the university of adversity. Lissa has previously been published with Hay House, but is now published by Sounds True. Her next book is due to be released next year. I’m sharing her post here as I’d be interested in your thoughts on the matter....Continue reading
07.01.2022 Intergenerational Trauma One of the most profoundly significant aspects of your healing process, is discovering how your past is determining your present moment experience. In my work around the world with beautiful people who seek to better understand what is holding them back from reaching the lived experience of their full potential, I look at three main areas of influence. Intergenerational trauma is one of them. ... This case study shows you how my clients ancestral trauma was impacting her health. I hope you find it interesting. Im sending you great love
06.01.2022 Not only does your early trauma and adversity dictate your inner experience, but it also defines and shapes your outer experience. Think of your early trauma as your blueprint, your early wiring that programs your life experiences. Your career, your relationships, the joy you have, the way you can enjoy healthy connections with friends and partners and your health and wellbeing, all depend upon your willingness to compassionately look within and heal. Most of us have traumat...ic experiences growing up. But most of us don’t realise the legacy of that early adversity. The fact that it dictates your effectiveness in the world, it limits all sectors of your life, you would think most people would apply themselves to healing their trauma instead of avoiding it. But they don’t. Most deny and avoid. They build coping mechanisms and habitual strategies to adapt to their emotional pain. They live a false version assuming they’re authentic and as issues arise, they assume it’s the other person’s deficiencies that cause the problems, not them. Or perhaps they deny their own needs or unconsciously over-give to the other person, to make up for their inadequacy. It unlocks your authentic superpower as you locate, heal and integrate your early adverse experiences. It’s your choice to change and it’s time to choose wisely. I’m here to support you and I send you great love
06.01.2022 Change Is The Only Constant Twenty-eight years ago when I began to have extraordinary experiences that simply did not fit within the narrow lens of the conventional paradigm, I was shocked, overwhelmed and rattled out of my caged perceptions. I was compelled to better understand what the hell was happening to me. When I spent 2003 living in the home of Professor John E Mack in Boston as an invited guest, he would often use an endearing phrase that my daughter and I were rela...Continue reading
06.01.2022 Infinite possibility is waiting for us to awaken to our authentic power, to choose personal and spiritual growth, to enable our alignment with the greater possibility of the greater life for us all. Im sending great love to everyone, always
06.01.2022 We all need this wisdom more than ever. Huge love to you all https://www.elizabethrobinson.com.au/permission-to-matter
06.01.2022 Sending you love
05.01.2022 Something to reflect upon today. Awakening to the extraordinary value of your infinite being is the core truth of why we journey here on earth. May you realise that truth today and always ... Im sending you great love
05.01.2022 News One of the reasons Ive not been posting so much recently is because I am intensely focused co-creating my new Blog and creating content for my new Blog. My intention for my new Blog is very simple. Im creating a place for you to visit that will inspire and educate and bring luminosity to something you are facing in your life or bring insight and understanding to the greater reality within and around you. ... My experiences of the greater reality and my knowledge and insights from over three decades of extraordinary experiences and personal and spiritual growth, together with my expertise cultivated from supporting thousands of people around the world to discover their inner truth, needed a place to be held for you to personally and spiritually profit. This is the time of our rising. What we all need the most is to awaken to a whole new world within and around us. That world has to be simpler and gentler and more compassionate. It has to be kinder and more unconditionally loving. It needs to inspire and awaken us to our authentic truth. So it is my intention for my Blog to be a portal for you to visit and explore and be inspired and be reminded of what is truly possible and what is truly available. My new Blog launches next week. I look forward to sharing it with you all. I send you great love
04.01.2022 It was an extraordinary moment when a woman who had recently died, came to visit her colleague, only to walk straight into me and reach through me to her colleagues hands to hold them for one last goodbye. Friends and colleagues in the legal profession. Quite a fascinating experience for me and I hope an interesting read for you. Life continues after we leave our earth lives. Much love to all https://www.elizabethrobinson.com.au/the-afterlife-communi/
04.01.2022 Another wisdom walk where I share my experiences of being a multisensory and how we find elevation into our true multidimensional experiences. Let me know your thoughts I send you all great love
04.01.2022 Why People Give You Pushback - A Very Personal Story The other night as I climbed into bed, I immediately noticed a shift in the energy landscape in the room around me. Then the multidimensional Dreamscape field suddenly opened up revealing my fathers older brothers wife, my Aunt Ruth, standing at the edge of the room on the other side of my bed. "Hello Aunty Ruth, its lovely to see you," I said, noticing her looking away from me and towards someone standing the other sid...Continue reading
04.01.2022 My friend and colleague, Professor John Mack, was a highly respected and internationally regarded Harvard Psychiatrist and researcher of non-ordinary experiences. After a number of his patients shared their 'otherworldly' experiences with him under hypnosis, he felt compelled to continue his research into a phenomenon he believed was true. He was interviewed on the Oprah show at the time, published a book on his findings and what followed was explosive for John both personall...y and professionally. Following his death I wrote about his afterlife communications in my book, There Are No Goodbyes. Part of John's fascinating research was about an extraordinary case involving a visitation at a school in Zimbabwe, is shared in this new Netflix documentary called, Phenomenon. As it's not yet available to view in Australia on the version of Netflix we have here, I thought I would post this here to share it with those of you who can access it and who may be interested in this potent subject matter. I'd love to hear your thoughts about this by the way. For those of you who know of the work of American investigative journalist and author, Leslie Kean, she is also featured in this documentary. I send you all great love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZIJ0tJD5vU
04.01.2022 One of the hardest moments of any life journey, is when we enter the realisation that it’s time to let go. For some, it’s about a relationship. For others it’s a town or city. For some people it may be a spiritual belief, a religion or religious practise. It may be letting go of consuming unhealthy food, or too much alcohol or letting go of overspending or over giving to others. Sometimes it could be letting go of a community group, or letting go of a friend, a home or even ...a career. Sometimes we reach the moment of awareness that it’s time to let go of trying to make a parent happy, or to let go of trying to be accepted or acceptable, to prove we are good enough to be enough. Letting go of who we perceive we need to be, to allow ourselves to simply be who we are already, is for some, their work in progress. Throughout my thirty-year career, I’ve worked with very many very ill people, who are facing death and dying without the ability to continue to live the life they hoped they would. For those people, I’ve witnessed their extraordinary courage to let go and let go further and more fully, let go of their precious life and their most precious loved ones. Right now, for many of us, our plans and perceptions of what our pathway and progress would be, have changed. For some of us, that change has been or will be significant. One of the most emotionally challenging parts of the realisation process, is awakening from the trance of our unconsciousness. By going within and coming to know the inner parts of us still attached to our lives staying the same, we can better understand why it’s so hard to let go. Working lovingly and compassionately with those inner parts of ourselves, is an essential. To integrate and heal from the traumatic early life moments that created their unhealthy and unhelpful attachments, is one of the aspects of my therapeutic work with people that is not only healing and empowering for my clients, but so deeply rewarding for me. So in order to progress in life, we have to find the place within ourselves, and the willingness and intention to be ready to let go of what we have, in order to find the more that we’re truly capable and deserving of. I send great love to all
01.01.2022 PodCast One - A Life Of Greatness In 2019 I had the absolute pleasure to be interviewed for the first series of PodCast Ones new podcast series called, A Life Of Greatness. Sarah Grynberg is the host of the show and shes done a wonderful job interviewing many world renowned authors and speakers, such as Dr Joe Dispenza, Vishen Lakhiani of Mind Valley, Ainslie Macleod and Gabby Bernstein amongst many others. Now in its fourth series, Sarah interviews Medical Medium, Rob...in Sharma, Sonia Choquette, Rabbi Lable Wolf and other best selling authors and thought leaders. I thought those of you who have only recently joined my page or those who missed my interview in the first series, may like to listen to it here. You can follow the link to catch up on some of Sarahs other interviews and follow her on Instagram. Thank you Sarah for your dedication and commitment to shine your beautiful light and allow others to shine their light and truth to those who will listen. Much love to all
01.01.2022 Finding Safety Within A Culture Fraught With Intimidation And Bullying Finding your voice within a toxic family culture, organisational culture or wider societal culture or online culture that’s so very often steeped in intimidation and bullying, can often lead us to remain quiet in silent witness. Inaction is often chosen as a safe alternative to action. It is a protective state where we stay back and away from and choose not to become embroiled in the carnage, because t...Continue reading
01.01.2022 From The ‘New Age’ To The ‘Informed Age’ It’s Time For Us All To Wake Up As I found myself suddenly and unexpectedly experiencing non-ordinary experiences in my late twenties, I was really shocked, dumbfounded and confused. Which version was the true reality? Why was it that my school, my Catholic religion, my family and friends never spoke of the ‘other reality’ that I could see and experience? Well, there were some occasions when my mother did enjoy telling us stories o...Continue reading
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