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Enabling Spaces

Phone: +61 433 510 416


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24.01.2022 Our thoughts are with those being evacuated at this time.

23.01.2022 Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Tom Oliver. He is a law and bio medical science student studying here in Perth at the University of Notre Dame. We chatted about some of the challenges facing people with autism and the built environment. He is currently undertaking some research on housing options and challenges - something I'm really passionate about - and so I'm more than happy to share this link to a short questionnaire to help him out. He is looking for adults (18 years and older) with a diagnosis of autism to help him out. Please share or tag anyone you know that may be interested.

21.01.2022 The weather is looking fantastic for the Shire of Toodyay’s Rec Centre open day tomorrow, we’re providing the sensory room on behalf of the shire, our volunteers will be there to help you if you need it, look out for our yellow T-shirts! One of our directors, Shelly Dival will be interviewed on ABC Wheatbelt this morning shortly before 8am to talk about why we do what we do.

20.01.2022 I’ve just got home from 2 weeks on the road, Phoenix and Melbourne. All due to my fellowship and my findings. I’ll share some of that soon, I got together with these great guys in Melbourne - all Churchill Fellows as well, and presented to major health care providers in Victoria as we each shared our topics around sensory places in health care settings. The reason I do what I do is because of my grandson Jacson, and every other person like him that needs an appropriate built ...environment. How I can do this is because of the great support of organisations and people around me who also believe in a better world for inclusion. The Churchill Trust certainly gave my research a massive boost, and it’s through connections I perhaps would not have otherwise made that is making so many things possible. I’m very excited to be able to continue to share the journey in creating change and enabling spaces See more

20.01.2022 Really looking forward to Sharing a few tips at this workshop, aimed at employers, tickets are available via the link in the original post.

19.01.2022 Autism West do amazing work, and this series about Neurodiversity in the workplace is no exception. If you are a business owner then this series is aimed at you. I’m proud to be associated with Autism West and will be presenting on the 13th February discussing how an appropriate built environment can support your employees.

16.01.2022 The Department of Communities is leading the development of the next WA Housing Strategy 2020-2030, and would like to hear from you and your housing experience. The Strategy will set direction for housing in Western Australia for the next 10 years and future generations. They are wanting to hear from everyone - owners and renters - these are snap surveys, so don’t delay in following the link and having your say! Please share with all your contacts with a disability of any sor...t that have experiences in the housing market.

14.01.2022 Our sensory room helpers are out and about, you’ll find the room at the sports pavilion!

12.01.2022 Our littlest volenteer Chloe, loves helping with our Sensory Room. Today we're in our usual spot at the Perth Hills Artisan Markets. Come down and have a great day out supporting local business and all the volunteers that helped out with the Wooroloo fires. Chloe is holding up emotion cards from Happy Hubble a stall here that sells sensory products and getting her face painted by All About You beauty to perfection face and body painting. Me: What's your favourite thing about... volenteering with Enabling Spaces Foundation? Chloe: Setting up the sensory room. Me: What's you favourite thing about the markets? Chloe: buying toys! Haha HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY PHAM!!!!

10.01.2022 Looking forward to presenting at the Autism West Workplace Forum next week, if you are an employer, this series of 3 breakfast forums are essential for understanding how you can benefit from a diverse workforce.

10.01.2022 Today is the day to find us in the Toodyay Agricultural Show. Sensory room is set up for anyone with autism or any other sensory issues who need a quiet space or for the elderly in need of a quiet space. Look out for the ladies in the bright yellow shirts around the show today with the emblem on the back.

10.01.2022 Come on down to the markets today at the Mundaring Arena, we’re here with our sensory room for your peace of mind if you or the kids need a reset

08.01.2022 Really thrilled to be involved with Autism West’s employment forums in February. Having an enabling environment supports the individual and enhances employment and social programs.

08.01.2022 As I recover from a fantastic break which was filled with family and friends, I wanted to share how excited and privileged I am to be have been appointed to the Australian Autism Research Council. The AARC reviews and defines national priorities for autism research and identifies areas of research needed for the autism community. It operates under the auspice of the Autism CRC, Australia's only dedicated, and peak research organisation for Autism. I'm thrilled to be able to contribute to this wonderful and essential organisation.

07.01.2022 I recently had the opportunity to talk to Kerry Hort Rowe from Brain Thinking about the work I do and am hoping to do creating enabling spaces for individuals with Autism. Kerry works with individuals and business to understand what our strengths are in the way we think, and how we can apply that to our personal and work lives, I know it has been great for me. It would be interesting to see how adults with autism can use this tool - contact Kerry if you want to learn more. Thanks Kerry for the opportunity to speak about my passion - changing our built environment to be more inclusive of everyone's needs!

06.01.2022 Thanks to the Centre for Universal Design Australia and Jane Bringolf for featuring my work! Designing for neurodiversity should be considered equally with physical access when designing our built environment so I’m excited that the conversation is continuing.

05.01.2022 As you may know our founder, Shelly Dival is a member of the Australian Autism Research Council. The AARC was established in 2018 to review and define national priorities for autism research and identify areas of research that are important to the autistic and broader autism communities. In 2019 over 1,000 people responded to the AARC’s community consultation survey which helped the AARC to define 10 broad research priority areas for autism research in Australia. In 2020 the ...AARC is conducting focus groups for 5 of the 10 research priority areas to help better understand some of the specific questions or topics the community would like researched in each area. The focus groups will involve a combination of online discussion groups and short surveys. The AARC are accepting EOIs from anyone 18+ who lives in Australia and has an interest in 1 or more of the 5 focus group areas (Communication, Education, Employment, Health & Wellbeing and Justice). The focus groups will be conducted by ORIMA Research on behalf of the Australian Autism Research Council. More information (including the Expression of Interest survey) can be found on the AARC webpage. Expressions of interest close at midnight on Tuesday 1 September 2020.

05.01.2022 Hi everyone! Enabling spaces is now on instagram. Please follow us!

04.01.2022 Thank you to my son Jacson and Laura for volunteering at today's sensory room

03.01.2022 What is our new cover photo about? A few weeks ago I was in Phoenix presenting at a leadership symposium - I will share more about that another time - these wonderful guys are Mike Duffy (L) and George Braddock (R). Mike was the project architect for the wonderful First Place apartments (we’re in the foyer), while George was the specialist autism design consultant for the project. We presented together, and over the few days of the symposium it was fantastic to chat to them about designing for autism.

03.01.2022 Not long now until we see you at the Perth Hills Artisan Markets this Sunday at the Mundaring Recreation Centre. We had some great support when we first set up the sensory room at the Toodyay Show, including Fleur Adams from Perth Hills Events. Each venue has it's own features so now we'd like to thank Baldy at Parrys Flooring for the donation of a nice piece of carpet to cover the tiles in the room, and Matrix Productions Australia for light covers. Thank you!

03.01.2022 It might not look pretty but I’ve had this trailer for over 30 years so she’s entitled to look a little aged! After essentially being used for storage she’s getting a new lease of life to carry all our sensory room items! New lights and wiring done today, and I’m finishing off some shelving and some tie back hooks and she’ll be ready to carry our gear to the Perth Hills Artisan Markets on Sunday in Mundaring! She still needs a bit more love and attention though so if you are keen to support us in bringing Enabling Spaces sensory rooms to events and would like to donate material, labour or $$ to help with waterproofing, a new coat of paint and a general tidy up we would not only be very grateful but will organise recognition for you or your business. Contact me for further information

02.01.2022 The 2020 roadshow series of workshops are nearly here! If you have an idea that may benefit Australians and need to research overseas, then come along and find out how the Trust will support your private research, no matter your educational status, or industry, people from all walks of life are encouraged to apply. I’m a 2017 Fellow and my findings are starting to make an impact for designing buildings for autism at government and local levels, I’ll be at the Northam session on the 27th February sharing my fellowship experiences so follow the link and register now!

01.01.2022 Not long now! Sensory Room at Toodyay Show and the 166th Toodyay Ag Show 2019 this Saturday 12th October, sings and volunteer shirts have arrived, and we’ll be purchasing the last of the furniture and sensory toys for the room! Thanks again to all our sponsors Perth Hills Artisan Markets, Vernice Pty Ltd, @ToodyayOPShop, Shire of Toodyay, Short Promotional Runs and of course all of my wonderful supporters for helping make this possible. We hope you all enjoy the show, but if someone finds it a bit difficult then we are here for you!

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