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Avalon Beach Family Dental in Avalon, New South Wales, Australia | Medical and health

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Avalon Beach Family Dental

Locality: Avalon, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 2 9918 7778

Address: Suite 6/ 15 Old Barrenjoey Road 2107 Avalon, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 D E N T A L H E A L T H W E E K 2 0 1 9 READING FOOD LABELS & UNDERSTANDING SUGAR: **Consume less than 5% of the daily total energy intake to decrease your risk of tooth decay and obesity. Remember sugar is NOT your friend, try not to invite it in... For the average, healthy adult, this equals approximately 24 grams or 6 teaspoons of sugar 1 teaspoon sugar = 4 grams sugar

23.01.2022 CELEBRATING 4 years of business today! Tooth be told... we love our patients!! Thank you for your continued support!!CELEBRATING 4 years of business today! Tooth be told... we love our patients!! Thank you for your continued support!!

23.01.2022 We are excited to have joined the Colgate Brigade through TERRACYCLE! We are now an official DROP- OFF ZONE for all your used oral hygiene products... that is ALL the products and ALL the packaging they come in. We are inviting you to help us try and eliminate the Idea of waste by recycling the "non-recyclable." Did you know it takes quite a lot of preparation to recycle a tooth paste tube?!?! We want to make it easy for YOU! Please don't throw them in the bin- drop them into... our clinic, at our drop off point and help us make a difference by disposing of these products correctly, reducing landfill and making a difference to our environment! We send all the products along to Terracycle and they recycle ALL the materials appropriately. Visit to learn more about the initiative. #makingadifference #recyclingmadeeasy See more

21.01.2022 Happy Easter Everyone!! Remember to take EGGS- TRA special care of your teeth after all of your yummy treats over the long weekend!! P.S see our website for our opening times!!

18.01.2022 A big CONGRATULATIONS to our lovely dentist Dr Jayne Temple, who welcomed baby 'Scout Rylie' into the world on Wednesday 1 May 2019!! Such a cutie we all cannot wait to meet her!!

15.01.2022 With the hysteria involving the shortage of hand sanitisers during this time, it is important to know that effective hand washing still makes a big difference!! Let's help flatten the curve. Stay safe. Stay home and importantly wash your hands. x Two great links here. A great article from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention- directed at healthcare workers but now we think a great read for all. And some brilliant hand hygiene information from The World Health Organi...sation.

14.01.2022 Hey everyone! You know we LOVE flossed teeth...and your teeth LOVE being flossed...But did you know that there are a few ways to floss your teeth??!! We thought we would share the knowledge! Check out this clip from the Australian Dental Association on a few different ways you can do it! Then you can choose which way works best for you!

14.01.2022 DON’T FORGET ABOUT YOUR TEETH!! It is way too easy and completely understandable in these very strange times we have found ourselves in, to let some things slip, but that is why we are here to give you some information and gentle reminders! There are so many things that can heighten yourself and your little ones risk of dental decay! It is SO important be mindful of them and try not to fall into any bad habits.... While the kids are at home and out of their usual schedule please remember: - To brush their teeth a MINIMUM of twice a day. (I have seen first- hand with my kids that there is a tendency to graze more often during the day when at home, so PLEASE try to limit the amount of snacking happening during the day as this style of eating has been PROVEN to accelerate decay.) - Limit grazing (Yes we are all in this category when we are home bound for a long period of time!) If your children say they are still hungry, get them to drink a LARGE glass of water (ONLY WATER) instead and wait at least 10 minutes (Possibly while attempting distract them with something else! Art and craft, puzzles, brain teasers) - While at home please take the opportunity to brush more often rather than less. Make it a game for the kids- set the challenge. Set a timer for two minutes each time. Who can last the distance? (Also try to perfect flossing or start using flossettes are easy and fun for kids to use!). After every single meal or snack this is ideal, but if this isn’t possible have a big swish of water this still have a big impact on combating decay. - If you are confident your child is spitting out ALL the toothpaste and/or they are over the age of 6yrs they should definitely be using a 6yrs and over or adult toothpaste. It is SO important to reduce the chance of a cavity/ abscess while access to dental treatment is very limited and further restrictions are being put into place. Dental surgeries may possibly even close altogether for some months!! We are already at Level 3 restrictions and use of the high- speed drill is already severely limited. We also have very limited resources in the way of mask availability. SO PLEASE KEEP YOUR ORAL HYGIENE IN THE HOUSEHOLD A PRIORITY! *Please share as this is SO important *

07.01.2022 H A P P Y E A S T E R E V E R Y O N E ! ! ! Facetime your family and friends! Have a good laugh and spread that SMILE! It's scientifically proven to be contagious you know?! ... It can mean SO much to people, more than what we sometimes think! (Especially in these strange and uncertain times we have found ourselves in!) It is SO important to remember the act of giving chocolate is NOT what Easter is about. So as always, our message to you is BRUSH, FLOSS and pass on that SMILE! HAPPY EASTER everyone from the team at ABFD xxx See more

06.01.2022 D I D Y O U K N O W.... It is not only sugar that you should be on the look out for when thinking about your beverage choices and your health. The lower the PH of the beverage the higher the acidity and the more chances of enamel erosion.Tooth erosion happens when acids wear away the enamel on teeth. Tooth enamel does not grow back. If untreated, can lead to the progressive loss of the surface of the tooth.

05.01.2022 C O N R A T U L A T I O N S MOLLY & NICK!!!!! Our stunning Dentist Molly has 'tied the knot' on Saturday 3 November 2018 in front of friends and family. We wish her lots of laughter, fun and of-course love for many years to come xxx

05.01.2022 H A P P Y H A L L O W E E N !! From the team at ABFD! *R E M E M B E R* To keep that smile BOO- TI- FUL...after the Halloween rush...don't be a stranger to the dental floss and your tooth brush!!

01.01.2022 D E N T A L H E A L T H W E E K 5 - 11 A U G 2 0 1 9 How is your Oral Health Tracking? Click the link below for tips to keep your smile healthy!

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