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Ave Maria Consultancy in Dickson, Australian Capital Territory, Australia | Medical and health

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Ave Maria Consultancy

Locality: Dickson, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Phone: +61 408 090 026

Address: PO BOX 716 2602 Dickson, ACT, Australia


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25.01.2022 As we contemplate our New resolutions and what we want for ourselves and our loved ones for 2016; ask yourself, maybe for the first time; what is it that I truly desire? It's not what I need! It's not what I want; it is the longing for; the journey; the chasing of really understanding what I desire! For most it is the living in the moment! What do I desire at this time, at this place, and for whom- it changes every minute in every moment in every situation! So as the wears off, the stomach is no longer bloated and our festive over indulging comes to an end for another year: take a moment to really consider what it is that you truly desire? A friend reminded me this morning of her desire as she cares for a dying animal; her desire is to live in the precious moments, savour those moments and to be fully alive for her friend, embracing what those moments reveal and attentive to her friend's needs and wants; allowing the desire to totally encumber you and give you what you ask for! My prayer for you and me is to be truly open to your own desire! Once we cut through the forest of doubt, shame, and negative self talk; what is it that we truly desire for ourselves and those whom we love? My desire is to be OK with me, to live from who I am, as opposed to who I think I should be! To love my own character flaws and embrace my 'not quite right bits'; to challenge my head tapes and live fully embodied! To learn to laugh at myself and have FUN with the gifts that have been given! In two words GRATEFUL ACCEPTANCE! Of whom I am, what I have been given and the wisdom of all those who I am blessed to know and love on my life! My desire for you and me is to gratefully accept ourselves in each moment and each situation and each other! I wonder how different that is to asking the universe for wealth and happiness at the beginning of each year and being disappointed time and time again...just a thought...2016 the year of living dangerously out true desire hmmmmmm

24.01.2022 For the reminder to live in the moment for the moment; breathing in; slowing down and being alert and attentive to my surroundings: ever watchful and fully engaged with those that support and honour me... The weekend leadership workshop... June 20th and 21st...Powerful, amazing and paying attention to the small things! To my community of participants a huge thank you for your generosity and wisdom; not to mention delicious scones, Dean (Gen, Linda, David, John, Sarah, Brigeet...a, Joanne). To our hosts with the most and our facilitators Jo and Saan blessings, and generous thanks for your gifts to takes group of strangers and meld them into a well established, functioning and forward planning visionary team called Peakgrove Enterprises! To our fellow floor workers, the stars of our show, the true Heroes who held are stuff and didn't laugh at us; the wonderful Peakgrove Equine non human community; who taught not to take ourselves seriously, who knew their own minds, who laughed at our manufactured chaos, and asked us to enter their space and live joyously in the moment, here and now fully present and alive, forget the past, stuff the future; here and now- now bloody hell get your act together!!!! Generous hospitality, fun and frivolity...leaving with a few questions open to what may be...great Amen and Blessed Be... Nige (see I still can't shut up) lol! Talk to you all in cyber land hoping for a reunion 6 months down the track See more

23.01.2022 Please keep a look out for my new website and some major changes! I have just been granted registration as a marriage celebrant! Anybody in need of a celebrant? I do funerals, commitment ceremonies, marriage renewal of vows and naming days! Just contact me and fingers crossed for the new arm of the business! Thank you for your support

20.01.2022 I am struck again by the difference between ourselves as nurses and those who assist in the care of clients, namely the medical profession! Numbers mean the world to our doctors; task orientation and a commitment to find solutions to problems; the need to fix is in the forefront of their mind! Sitting with my mother in intensive care during the past two days has authenticated this even more! The pain on their faces as they try to speak to us as relatives in plain English; the... jitteriness as they hop from foot to foot and don't speak directly to your face; the way they answer your question with a question and almost sweep down from on high, pat you on the head and in their own way: "I console you". The poor things don't know what had hit them in dealing with a registered nurse like me! I watch them squirm as they try to deliver intense sad news; not only to me, but to my fellow companions on this ICU journey! For years in the public health system I have often wondered what happens to these compassionate beings as soon as they become doctors! As I explain, talk to me I'm an RN the beads of sweat on their brow disappears and they become animated with figures, technology, graphs and numbers! The human who cowers for words vanishes and the AI machine takes over explaining the dynamics between hypercapnoea and hypoxia! Another failed cannulation doctor; allow me; mum relax think of the time we just had watching the Dolphins swim at sea world, your hands are freezing let me warm them up and so dry; here a little moisturiser, a little touch and a little distraction and warmth and empathy; look there's the vein, tourniquet ; there you are!!! All it took was engagement, calmness and a little touch! Hmmmm Q: what makes a nurse a nurse? What is this thing we call compassionate person centred care

20.01.2022 This week I have had the pleasure of saying farewell to a wonderful, beautiful and inspiring woman who had been instrumental in my family life! Her story of overcoming hardship to create a community or in her words a "village" of human kindness and hospitality that welcomed all; made me realise how important our role as Aged Care workers is foundational to creating that space of welcome and kindness. The wonderful lady through her own illness was still able to energise people... with her personality. Her word de jour was always "amazing", everything for her and in her life was "amazing" her daughter recalled the night before her death after more than 3 years without her voice due to motor neurone disease; she uttered the word "amazing" as her daughter gave her a blessing; a life worth living a life that was amazing! This week I also had the opportunity to deliver training in the areas of communication and how at times we often get this not quite so right; either to my own colleagues or to the residents and families I engage with! This week I was able to bring to life the idea of being part of an amazing community and workforce that creates a village of kindness, respect and hospitality to all those who seek our services in Aged Care! As workers under great stress and duress at some time in her day; how do we continue to create this village and be aware of the amazing gift we are to those whom we serve! Thank you so much Ellle See more

17.01.2022 They say nursing is just a job... I say nursing is a vocation; a gift! A gift that is meant to be shared with the world! I thank God each and every day for the gift of nursing! Please watch the below video that summaries who we are as nurses! I take my proud heritage amongst my foremothers and forefathers that taught me and nurtured this gift of nursing in me! I now take my place after 28 years imparting and kneading this gift in our students, an honour and a privilege to pass the gift to others! Lord make me an instrument of your peace

15.01.2022 As we stop in the business of our lives and take stock of the year that has been and the year that is to come; I offer a blessing and a thought for all... The meaning of Christmas is usually lost in the presents, the money, the alcohol and the food. As we breathe for the first time in weeks and for some: months; what do we celebrate and give thanks for? The greatest act of love; the gift of the presence of God in our lives... The truth of our own humaneness incarnated in the ...image of Our God! How we gather and share this special time is of no concern; but the intention of why we gather and who we gather with is! In the moments of anger, fear, frustration, tears, sadness mixed with joy, jubilation, happiness and gratitude; we remember we are both human and divine; we are the incarnation of Our God; Emmanuel- God is with us! I pray we all remember this gift in those who we love and gather with and to those whom can not be with us; here on earth or in heaven! And now my blessing: I wish you faith- the foundation that frees us all from the judgement of self and others! I wish you hope- the ability to make life more worth living, that our lives will be more valuable, more beautiful, more humane and more satisfying! Finally I wish you love- the source from which we create and the power that changes our lives: the source of our strength! May this season of Christmas be the light that shines in our hearts for ourselves and others... As we gather; a special prayer and blessing to those dedicated care workers, nurses and all health professionals who are celebrating with those in hospitals, aged care and disability services! And a special shout out to the hospitality staff who continue to cook, clean and tidy up after us in the "silly season", thank you! Peace, love and life to you all Nige xxxx

09.01.2022 #l via

07.01.2022 I've had my head down and have been travelling throughout NSW and ACT to various Aged Care Facilities. It seems to me that each of us involved in Aged Care at any level is shocked by the happenings of how one of our own could kill an elderly resident. I for one am deeply amazed at the thought that life is so futile and means nothing to someone who supposably cared. What is it that leads someone to kill another human person? We within the industry spend so much time and money ...on training, orientating and recruiting the right people to work with aged vulnerable people and then this happens! What systems do we have in place that this is not allowed to happen again? Where is the sanctity of human life? I have also completed an e-learning course which I believe all those within our industry should complete. "Respect Patient Choices - Advanced Care Planning" As an ex-facility manager and care manager, I have always had the proactive attitude that within the admission process I begin to plant the seed of Advance Care Planning (ACP) and upholding the choice of the resident for non active treatment. As I move around and discuss these issues, I am alarmed that we as individuals are more reactive when it comes to Advanced Care Planning (ACP). It seems that we collectively wait to the moments of End of Life Care to discuss ACP. In completing the e-learning I believe it gives us a greater insight into choice; as we move towards customer directed care (CDC) within our facilities; this I believe will be at the forefront of someone's wishes being upheld and the choices not to be treated in serious life threatening events. I recommend the e-learning modules as a tool to have the conversation and commence what I see as proactive management and respect for the ageing person. I pose two reflective questions: How do you see Advanced Care Planning (ACP) as part of the holistic care of the resident? When do you introduce the topic of ACP to the resident and their families? Please log onto the following website for information and e-learning modules

03.01.2022 Christmas is a time of reflection and joy! As we sit back reminiscing of the year 2014, we ask ourselves for what are we grateful? I have been inspired by those who work tirelessly for our infirmed and aged! It is no easy task. Our residents for us are a constant source of joy, stress, happiness and at times frustrating. On this day we unite our thoughts and hearts to those in our care who have no one but us! We remember those residents and clients who suffer from dementia an...d their families at this special time; as we celebrate the joy of the season we are reminded of the other side of joy, pain. As people dedicated to the care of our elders in our society, may we like the Magi from our Biblical stories, follow the star to our Bethlehem; may we be spurred on by the shining stars of our lives, our residents and clients. May we follow their stars to the centre of their lives where we will find the true beauty of why we care; it is them; it is us united in Spirit. So thank you to all who make us the people we are, our family, our partners, our loved ones, our colleagues and of course of residents and clients! Happy Christmas to all! Now follow your stars and journey well! Peace, love and gratitude! Nige xxxx See more

01.01.2022 I've been busy reviewing policy and procedures and taking part in pre-accreditation surveys! I am totally astounded at some of the practices we claim as evidence based! I am really considering; when reflecting on the current death of the high care resident in respite at Kempsey and the suspicious deaths of two residents at Ballina; what is happening in our world of Aged Care? We need to demand a national staff ratio with RN coverage 24/7! Who is with me????

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