Susan Vu | Alternative & holistic health service
Susan Vu
Phone: +61 450 616 321
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24.01.2022 Psychic Activation Workshop
23.01.2022 Free Energy Reading and Healing
23.01.2022 "Dear Soul of my Amethyst Crystal I love you, honour you and appreciate you so much." As I held my crystal and had a moment of connection with it, the first message I received was Trust in your Psychic Abilities and see it as a gift from God . , ?...Continue reading
22.01.2022 When you learn to value your intuition, your body's intelligence and trust in your senses , slowing down will become an automated priority. I always create enough space in my life, and time for silence and stillness so I can stay connected to myself which ultimately allows me to stay more connected to the people who mean the most to me and to projects that ignite my soul's fire.
22.01.2022 INTIMACY AND SEXUALITY Check out my education highlight for my video version explaining the difference between white and red tantra : RED TANTRA: Involves merging sexual energy to experience divine union between feminine and masculine energies . Initiation on this path involves raising consciousness , awareness and intention around sexuality and healing blockages around it (guilt, shame etc) It involves expanding the experience of bliss and ecstasy in sexual union . Can be done with oneself or with a partner/s . WHITE TANTRA: Does not involve cultivating sexual energy. Instead the intention is to develop spiritually through meditative practices with oneself which may include yoga, breathwork, prayer and meditation . These practices lead to purification of the mind and body and deeper connection to the soul by activating the kundalini (definition explained in previous post) and opening higher energy energies to experience deeper intimacy with self and god. I use a combination of both of these practices to help people connect more deeper with themselves, their souls , their higher selves and I love watching how it transform the relationships around them. It journey of liberation really does start within ... #healing #whitetantra #redtantra #liberation #freedom #joy #love #connection #spirituality #therapy #sexuality #intimacy #empowerment #consciousrelating
19.01.2022 PSYCHIC INSPIRATION #3 Imagine if humans were innately wired and made in a way that they could not 'sense' or feel? In the core of our essence we are still very primal beings and just like how animals have their instincts and know what to do to thrive and adapt to different environments. So do we . Have you ever sensed danger or had a bad gut feeling around someone or something and then it turned out to be right?... Becoming more psychic has a lot to do with remembering and connecting with our primal selves which know how to attune to its environment and pick up information around us. Until SUNDAY 12PM , anyone who feels READY to activate and own their psychic abilities in the online workshop on the 19th can get 20% off with the code READY .
18.01.2022 Affirm: I will show up for myself today. What does that look like?Affirm: I will show up for myself today. What does that look like?
18.01.2022 , ? ... . . , . . . ... , . , . . . , . . . . , , . , . ...
17.01.2022 / Feeling like there is more to life than what meets the eye Feeling like you're on the brink of something Suddenly very drawn to all things spiritual... Wanting a connection to a higher source or light Suddenly feeling waves of emotions you have not felt before or have not felt in a long time A lot more emotional than usual Noticing when you are operating from your head or from your heart Asking bigger questions to life "why am I here? , what is the point of all of this"? Over feeling 'numb' most of the time Ready to change and welcome changes Intuition starts to speak more loudly and you start to make less 'logical' decisions but you have an underlying sense of knowing and trust More vivid dreams Noticing spiritual signs around you Willingness and curiousity around connecting with spirit through meditation and ritual Wanting to develop psychic abilities Wanting to better and improve yourself on the deepest levels See more
17.01.2022 PSYCHIC INSPIRATION #2 You can only access your intuition in the present moment, when you let your ego step aside and allow the finer subtle spiritual realms to speak to you through your senses. You may be ... - Claraudient (hear sounds) - Clairsentient ( feel emotions , sense energies ) - Clairvoyant (see it visually) These senses will only speak to you when you are surrendered in the present moment and in a receptive mental state. In my psyshic activation workshop I will teach you how to strengthen and heighten your psychic senses which directly correlate to your level of presence. It has a lot to do with meditation! You will need to learn how to set aside your ego, if your ego speaks more loudly than your BODY then it will hinder your abilities.
17.01.2022 ESJA Woman is a womens collective that inspires self-discovery and life fulfilment through environmentally responsible workshops, events and experiences both on and off line. Life balance is the beating heart of Esja. Our areas of focus cover career, finance, family, social, health, community and earth awareness, personal growth, home environment and intimate relationships.... At ESJA Woman we believe that every woman, girl, and in fact everyone has within them the ability to achieve amazing things and reach their pinnacle in life. ESJA Woman is about creating a better world for the one and the many. We believe that the feminine energy is beautiful, authentic and strong. We choose to focus on women and girls because we feel that by giving women and girls opportunities to reach their full potential a ripple effect is created which then extends to families and communities, nations and the world.
16.01.2022 ? I am on a mission to help women reduce the pain experienced during periods by addressing the ROOT cause and transforming the cycles of painful menstruation (whether it’s physical /mental/emotional etc.) through transpersonal therapy . DM me if you’re interested in giving it a try. I am a strong advocate for healing holistically and naturally avoiding artifical drugs and bandaid solutions as much as possible as they are ...just short term fixes and are preventing deeper healing required for true freedom and liberation. I have an offer specifically for women who are OVER experiencing painful periods and ready to do the deep work to reduce the pain they usually experience every month significantly. Transpersonal therapy may include and is not limited to Trauma Release Processes Psychosomatic Processes Emotional Freedom Technique Ancestral Lineage Clearing Soul Retrieval Processes Inner Child Therapy Sacred Divine Initiations - Divine Feminine // Kundalini and more I used to suffer from monthly period cramps for years , I would take pain killers as soon as my period started. It was not until I started my inner healing journey did I break free from these cycles. Now I sometimes experience discomfort but not the point of needing to take any medication! It’s been truly liberating and empowering . #heal #periodpain #menstruationmatters #menstrualcycle #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #wombhealing #wombhealth #transpersonaltherapist #holisticcounselling
15.01.2022 I Value Love Love gives me purpose, love gives me passion, and love is a choice. I can either do something out of fear or out of love. Love gives me the ability to tap into my deepest and most authentic desires and it pulls me in the right direction, every time. Love is the key to full alignment because it is the essence of my soul. My soul is immeasurable and infinite. My capacity to express love, give love and receive love is infinite. When I am in love that is when I trust the most and when I allow myself to trust I allow myself to let go of control. That is the key to creating the space for miracles to happen. It's an ongoing journey and I promise to be forgiving and gentle with myself as I explore the depths of my heart , the depths of my being.
14.01.2022 When you intentionally start tapping into your psychic senses , you step into the field of unified consciousness and will start to notice the connections between all things . The word 'psychic' is usually associated with readings and being able to see into the future. However it is so much more than that. It's about being in connection with what's around you and not just see into the future but notice how your energy is creating your future , this is about being in an intimat...e relationship with yourself, your body, mind and spirit. Tuning into your deeper souls callings and noticing where your body and mind is at. Without that clear awareness of where you're at with yourself, how can you know what decisions you need to make? It's only by being in a very intimate relationship with yourself that you will be able to have intimate relationships with others. It's only by being in a very intimate relationship with yourself that you will be clear on what you NEED and WANT. #psychic #awareness #mindfulness #intuition #insight #intimacy #spiritualgrowth See more
14.01.2022 Why I am NO longer offering energy healing/reiki sessions . My focus now is on offering Transpersonal Therapy/Counselling .
13.01.2022 Short reminder for those times the ego tries so hard to play it safe .
13.01.2022 PART TWO - Psychic Activation Workshop
12.01.2022 Live recording of a free auric reading! Every now and then I will tune in and give someone a free reading. This is an insight on how I work with your spiritual team . Readings are usually $50 and go for 30-40mins approx.
11.01.2022 Use the gift of discernment and the power of staying present to choose what you will allow into your subconscious mind. Studies have proven that up to 97% of the decisions we made are based on our subconscious mind . The beliefs that you have are based on what you allow IN . Beliefs --> Emotions --> Thoughts ---> Actions . Does the external output increase your life-force or deplete it? Learn to listen to your body so you can consciously reject and put boundaries towards external outputs which are not life-enhancing. It takes practice but by doing this you will build greater trust for yourself as you will stop allowing things in which do not serve.
10.01.2022 Join @jayhoad and I for a 15 minute deep relaxation journey
10.01.2022 A quick meditation you can do at any time when you have 3 minutes to spare to ground back into the present , into love and into your higher self. Listen to this daily for 7 days and watch the shifts as you connect more deeply with your inner self and allow more authentic forms of actions and expression to unfold. Are you ready for some magic? Allow the inner alchemy ... You are worthy . Music credits to my beloved Jay Hoad
10.01.2022 EMBARKING ON THE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY If you want to move from the head into the body , heart and feel more at peace and present in day to day life sometime’s it is essential to embark on a spiritual journey. A part of the spiritual journey is to heal past pain, trauma and transform the mind, body and soul by letting go of what does not serve. This means transforming fear into love. ... At the start of my journey it really was all love and light but then as I journeyed deeper I discovered shadow work and it's connection to authenticity. This is when the work really began Have you ever been triggered by a certain thing, behaviour or object again and again, feeling an intense resistance to it? Or do you find yourself in a negative cycle of attracting certain relationships or situations that do not serve? Shadow work involves internalising the trigger and seeing how it relates to you then undertaking an internal alchemical process to transform it by looking at the ROOT CAUSE so that it no longer triggers you. The hardest thing I had to do was break the cycle of intense heart breaks , codependency, love and sex addiction, heal my core trauma wound which was abandonment and overcome suicidality. After doing the shadow work combined with deep transpersonal processes they are now my greatest gifts today as it has made me so passionate in helping people become more empowered rather than disempowered by their trauma. We can all rise up above it and choose the life that we want, break free from disserving patterns and beliefs , EDUCATE ourselves and help lift each other up . If you are feeling curious about shadow work and feel called it DM me. We can have a chat I’d love to support you. So much love #loveoverfear #quote #heal #transform #empowerment #raiseawareness #traumarecovery #heal #healingjourney #transformtriggers #empowerment #shadowwork #spirituality #spiritualjourney #therapy
08.01.2022 Expression is the lesson Casting light on the shadows Expressing your fears, insecurities what lies behind imperfection..... As you express and allow these parts to be seen and felt , the light enters the darkness and it gets neutralised The alchemy occurs. An open heart is the key, the power and force that breaks the shadow and brings forth wholeness The practice is to cultivate the courage to feel, courage to break the mould , courage to be seen The warrior training is to increase ones capacity to feel it all, go into it, even the messiest, darkest and most ugliest parts... and bring light to what no longer serves. Feel it to heal it , bring love to it to transform it... If you are having difficulty accepting all parts of you and avoiding being alone , Im here to support you and together we can increase your heart and souls capacity to love yourself and love others...
07.01.2022 #mysticalcreatures #fairies #motherearth #naturetherapy #ecosexual #tantra #sensuality #freewomen #being #fantasy
07.01.2022 Beautiful quote by @tashka.urban The hardest thing I had to do was recover again and again from multiple heart breaks , codependency, love and sex addiction, heal my core trauma wound which was abandonment and overcome suicidality. They are my greatest gifts today as it has made me so passionate in helping people become more empowered rather than disempowered by their trauma. We can all rise up above it and choose the life that we want, break free from disserving patterns and beliefs , EDUCATE ourselves and help lift each other up . So much love #loveoverfear #quote #heal #transform #empowerment #raiseawareness #traumarecovery
07.01.2022 How deeply are you willing to say yes to life and what currently is... How deeply are you willing to open yourself up to whats alive in you and embrace it with... open arms ? How deeply are you willing to be real, raw, open and vulnerable with yourself and what comes up? Can you allow your heart to hold space for you and all that you are? Allow yourself to receive nurturing and unconditional love from within... This is the ultimate heart opening pose . If youre a love warrior like myself , you understand the power of choosing love over fear and strengthening your ability and capacity to discern between what is life giving, expansive, unifying and creative (LOVE) and what is destructive, contractive and reactive (FEAR) . Coming home is coming back to your heart . Stay in your centre, stay in your power, stay in your heart
06.01.2022 Tao Hands is a special spiritual transmission that carries the frequency and vibration of Tao love, light and forgiveness and more. The application of Tao Hands transforms negative information that can cause blockages in soul, heart, mind and body, and restores balance and harmony.
05.01.2022 Join Gian Raj for her online webinar on learning how to feel safe by coming back to your body. Gian will take you on a journey to help you understand your fear as well as look at how you can build tolerance through change. Learn exactly how to use fear to your advantage so you that you can find your path forward. Revisit what it means to take care of ourselves by using ancient body practices, reflect on what is arising for you and undertake a guided meditation to set the scene for you.
05.01.2022 Earlier this year I went on a journey of seeking the definition of True Love . I felt like I had been so lead astray with with conditioning from mass media and basing love solely on the eros (feelings of romance and passion) . I went to the bible and found this definition. Straight up this resonated so much and I felt a cleansing of my heart start to take place as I meditated on these words so much lifted and became even more clear on why I take the path of the love warrior. To alchemise what does not serve , is to alchemise what is not love. #lovinggod #truelove #apage #eros #biblestudies #corinthians #lovewarrior
05.01.2022 Want to learn about heart centred erotic play and dive into the topic of heartgasms/ full body orgasms? Come join @moonrosemickie and I in the temple keys group tomorrow at 10/11am Brisbane time :
05.01.2022 Emotions are your feedback mechanism, they are there to serve you and show you to yourself.
03.01.2022 As you re-activate your psychic senses so does your ability to be emphatic and feel not only your own emotions deeply but others too. Being emphatic not only relates to how you feel another person, but it can apply to how you feel an animal, an object, a room and environment. You become a more highly attuned energy reader , it is one of the most important skills you can have if you want to live a high vibing life. You've got to learn how to choose high vibing environments, relationships, objects, music etc. It starts with your psychic senses!
02.01.2022 An insight on my therapy practice : ---|| Somatic Shadow Work || --- A practice I often explore with clients. Going beyond the mental constructs of the stories and allowing the body to work with the mind . The process starts at the first somatic experience that arises from sharing the story. It starts at the first unconscious/conscious point of resistance. This is where I have a lot fun. Noticing the change in their field, their breath , body posture, ey...e movement, tone of voice. That contraction and resistance. Where are they holding resistance? This is when we create a solid ground of safety together to gently go inwards and I guide them down towards a theta state (meditation/hypnosis/breathwork). Safety comes first. This is where it gets beautiful, I watch them hold themselves in the discomfort, pain and resistance . Their energy shifts as they talk and explore from this place . Together, we get curious it sometimes starts heavy, dark because it's unfamiliar , foreign, uncomfortable. We shine some light on this part because we both know we're safe adults in this situation . As we explore this with curiosity I invite them to keep 'observing' , because it reminds them that they are not this pain or darkness, they are the conscious observer of it. It creates space for gentle compassion to come in and it prevents them from disassociation. (People can disassociate and temporarily disconnect from their bodies when they do not feel safe. A sign of this is go into the analytical mind rather than staying with the actual sensory experience). I create space for their own innate somatic intelligence to take the lead by simply reminding them to breathe. They are in control . From this point onwards the rest is mystery and it is the most fascinating part of my practice. Because I get to observe my clients unique ways of integrating this shadow by getting intimate with it and allowing it to be safely integrated. This may come in various forms - physical release: tears, yawning, laughter, shaking - receiving an image or visualisation, symbol that holds a deeper meaning - memory recall of past events that was supressed - increase of one's capacity to experience pain - compassion for the inner child - psychic sensory experience , information download , revelations, realisations etc. etc. It goes on and on. I absolutely love this work and I enjoy working somatically from a place of energetic flow and openness . I allow myself to be a mirror and space holder for their own body's and soul's intelligence to guide them into deeper wholeness and sovereignty. I help people explore their inner labyrinth, coming back to their centre, coming back home . See more
02.01.2022 Use the gift of discernment and staying connected to your body to choose what you will allow into your subsconscious mind. Studies have proven that up to 97% of the decisions we made are based on our subconscious mind . The beliefs that you have are based on what you allow IN . Beliefs --> Emotions --> Thoughts ---> Actions . Does the external output increase your life-force or deplete it? Learn to listen to your body so you can consciously reject and put boundaries towards external outputs which are not life-enhancing. It takes practice but by doing this you will build greater trust for yourself as you stop allowing things in which do not serve.
02.01.2022 Discernment Tip with Love vs Fear: Choosing Love will increase your life-force , choosing Fear will deplete your life force. Of course it is not always so clear and straight forward especially when in a triggered state , this is where the deeper work is needed to discern what your actual truth us, beneath the triggers.
01.01.2022 CONTROL Issues, Obsession with POWER, Dark Feminine/Masculine
01.01.2022 This womens circle is an intimate gathering where Susan enables each of us to drop into a deeper part of ourselves to be seen, witnessed and heard. A safe and confidential space will be offered for all to express and explore their authenticity and vulnerability. The intention of the gathering is to offer unconditional love, support and a community that empowers women to live with a greater sense of peace, purpose and wholeness.