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Awakening Ancient Futures in Michelago, New South Wales | Festival

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Awakening Ancient Futures

Locality: Michelago, New South Wales

Phone: +61 402 276 358

Address: Ingelara Farm Michelago, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 How wonderful is this! What a powerful resource to have in our schools and be taught to our children.

22.01.2022 We are feeling lost for words as to how deeply appreciative and grateful we are for the magical day that unfolded yesterday. There are so many people to thank and acknowledge for their commitment and dedication to the vision we collectively held for our Awakening Ancient Futures Gathering. To the traditional custodians of the land which we met upon and to their ancestors and all our ancestors past and present. To Daniel Williams, Tina and Nevada Brown, Ellen Mundy and Rach...el Shields - proud Aboriginal men and women who held space and shared their cultural knowledge with us so that we can all learn and take forward our responsibilities as custodians of this earth today, for our children, for their children, for seven generations to come... To the current custodians of Ingelara, thank you for believing in us and sharing your land for us to celebrate her beauty and give back with abundance. To our Awakening Creation Crew, who helped us to create and hold the intention for bringing together a gathering to share our creativity, compassion and commitment towards a more sustainable and peace-filled future. To all the presenters, who shared with such graciousness and generosity their gifts of wisdom. To the volunteers who were always there, ensuring that the food flowed, and fun was had by all. To Bogdan for his most amazing addition of the Chai-Kra Cafe, many months in the making and such a huge hit on the day! To the abundant Antonia from Canberra's Magic Kitchen who shared her nourishing food with us throughout the day. To Keren and her crew of healers for the healing and harmonious vibes that they helped us to hold through the healing space that they offered. To you who joined us - we honour and acknowledge you for your contribution to our co-creation, may we continue to stand strong together with open hearts, Awakening Ancient Futures... Much gratitude to Stuart Cohen who captured and created this beautiful album to commemorate our day of celebration! Blessed by beauty. Much love & gratitude... Kirribee... travel, walk Everyone Belongs!

22.01.2022 Sharing the many magical moments co-created as we celebrated and connected to community and country. Photos by Stuart Cohen

22.01.2022 Yesterday the world celebrated Earth Day and today we returned to Ingelara so we could reconnect and listen more deeply... a simple practice yet how often do we stop and sit in silence? Today we headed for a walk into the bush, listening to where we were called to be. We found our way down to the creek and we lay on the rocks in the sun listening to the water running downstream. The longer we laid there the more peace-filled we felt. We then shared what we loved about each ot...her, ourselves and the bush. When we returned to the farm we laid under the trees and drew pictures. Here is a picture I drew of the creek, no phones or cameras were with us to digitally capture this magic moment. No photos were needed to capture what we felt and these words flowed to me as I drew, our message for Earth Day... In nature I remember that I’m here to love, that I came from love, that I am love. From stillness and silence love speaks to me, reminding me to listen more deeply, to stay awake, to trust in the beauty and perfection of true nature. All in divine timing. Love is. Love is you and me doing our bit for Earth, today and everyday. This years Earth Day theme was protect our species and at our Awakening Ancient Futures Gathering 1 month ago we took action to protect the Scarlet Flame Robin as we planted together 120 trees! Our inspection on the way back confirmed these beauties are growing well and our efforts have been gratefully received. Happy Earth Day! See more

20.01.2022 Feeling the nature spirits are very happy... a beautiful time at Ingelara, enjoying the afterglow and noticing how much nature speaks to us when we stop to look, listen and feel...

20.01.2022 Final stages of preparation... having some fun with our creation crew! Still time... come and join us tomorrow for a day of connection and co-creation with community:)

16.01.2022 Only 2 days to go! Getting excited to see all who are joining us for our gathering this Saturday! Will be a magical day and loving all that has unfolded through the connections and co-creations so far... Huge thanks to all who have purchased tickets, volunteered, or are contributing through presentations, workshops or healing. If you haven’t yet taken action, now’s the time! Make sure you get your tickets today and bring along your family and friends:) Few tips and tricks in ...preparation... What to bring: - open heart and mind - reusable water bottle - hat and sun protection - mug, bowl and cutlery (we are promoting sustainability and dining for zero waste!) - small amount of cash for lunch and dinner from Magic Kitchen and produce from Ingelara biodynamic farm If you are interested in camping please let us know as we have a small number of sites still available. Finally, if you are coming from NSW make sure you vote beforehand or on your way! Keep an eye out for the signs along the Monaro highway to easily find your way and feel warmly welcomed into this beautiful space we will hold together, co-creating towards a more sustainable, peace-filled future. Feeling we need this more than ever today.

12.01.2022 Join us this Sunday at Power Yoga Canberra for this beautiful co-creation and offering. Nurture for Nature is an invitation to join us for a morning of nurturing to calm and clear our bodies, minds and spirits. This event has been born from the desire to help in the healing of the land, people and animals affected by the recent fires in Australia. The fundraising for this event will go towards supporting sustainability of traditional landcare practices to ensure our current fire crisis DOES NOT become our new normal. Look forward to seeing all who can come along on Sunday! Please register on link, donations gratefully received at the door.

12.01.2022 Reconciliation week has been a special time to remember... to remember this land and the First Nations people. To remember the history that preceded colonisatio...n as well as the truth of what took place through colonisation and since this time. There are many atrocities that as a nation it’s time to acknowledge... to hold space for truth and love to create a pathway for healing and harmony. Through deep listening we open our hearts to receive the truth so we can learn from the past and create more loving, respectful relationships. We also open our hearts to learn from the deep wisdom that has healed and held this land in safe and strong hands for over 65,000 years. Grounded in truth, we walk together in courage. Reconciliation week theme, 2019 See more

12.01.2022 Continuing the magical sharing from our gathering, thank you Zoe Konovalov for these beautiful pictures!

09.01.2022 Please book your spot, this is a fantastic opportunity to learn and meet. Daniel is very skilled, walks what he teaches and shares and you can carry these skills though life.

08.01.2022 Lost property from festival Anyone want. these?

05.01.2022 Today is Harmony Day, a day to remember that "Everyone Belongs" and to mark the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This week more than ever, we call on our individual and collective efforts for harmony and healing... Today is a day where we celebrate as a nation amongst many nations the diversity of cultures and the richness this creates for us all in our multi-cultural communities throughout Australia. Cultures and communities tha...t remember and honour our individual stories, with deep respect and acknowledging the First Australians who walked and cared for this country for over 60,000 years, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We planned our first Awakening Ancient Futures gathering in 2018 to coincide with Harmony Day, to celebrate our cultures and to come together to co-create from this awareness of our history, of the past wisdom, to identify individual and collective solutions for our modern day challenges. This year we invite you to join us this Saturday (23rd March), bringing together our compassion, courage and creativity towards a more sustainable peace-filled future. Remembering that we all belong, and we all have a responsibility to care for this country, because the decisions we make today we make for our children, for our children's children, for 7 generations to come!

05.01.2022 Words seem to be lost to describe the magical unfolding of this day... Luckily these beautiful photos captured by Stuart Cohen speak for themselves! Our vision was to hold a space where everyone who chose to gather with us would feel warmly welcome, and realise we all belong. We are all here as custodians of this land today, and together we can listen and learn with deep respect and acknowledgement to our traditional custodians, our First Nations people, as we move forwar...d to take inspired action to care for ourselves, for each other, and this land that we walk upon and the waterways that flow through. Here are some of the beautiful quotes that have been shared with us by friends and family who joined with us on the day... "It's like we created Utopia, a future way of living today" Nick "Lovely people and really special moments and encounters that have stayed with me. I loved how community orientated, environmentally focused and kid friendly it was and the connection to country, story telling and sharing history was really powerful and meaningful." Sara "We created pure magic!" Pete There were many more and we would love to hear your reflections and intentions that have come through as to how you will take inspired action to live in a more peace-filled and sustainable way each and everyday... Please share your comments with us to keep the ripples flowing:) Kirribee... walk, travel

02.01.2022 Hi everyone We are planting trees tomorrow morning at Ingelara if you feel called. We would love to spend time giving back to Mother Earth Love Gini

01.01.2022 Thank you Zoe Konovalov! More magical moments to share and shine from Awakening Ancient Futures Gathering 2019! The memory and magic lives on...

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