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AWARE Wildlife Rescue Inc | Charitable organisation

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AWARE Wildlife Rescue Inc

Phone: +49 9900 630


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23.01.2022 We received this little red joey into care 4 days ago after a good meaning member of the public found him and kept him for two weeks thinking it was ok and it would be fun. He is now severely under weight this is due to not being fed the correct amount of milk or food and not often enough. He also has a bacterial infection which is making his tummy upset and poo very smelly.... He does not have any fat left on his body and all his muscles have shrunk to nothing causing all his bones to stick out. He is very weak and dehydrated so has a big fight on his hands to get back to good health. We will do all we can to help him. Please if you find injured orphaned or sick wildlife do not try care for them yourself please hand them onto experienced rehabilitators your local veterinary hospital or rehabilitation centre. It is now against the law to keep an animal longer then 72hrs without a licence and fines apply.

21.01.2022 Spring is upon us, we are coming into baby bird season so it won’t be long for baby birds getting ready to leave the nest and learn to fly Remember don’t be a birdnapper!

21.01.2022 Ducking Season Currently in care 2 Shell Ducks (also known as mountain ducks) and 4 Pacific Blacks - one with a broken leg, cast was removed this week and is learning how to manage with his healed leg , he will have a permanent limp but this won’t affect his life in the wild

21.01.2022 Our 2 big joeys Bindi and Eisha have headed south to their forever home thankyou to our wonderful carers for taking them.

20.01.2022 An update on Red He is doing amazing in fact so good that today he decided to get out of his pouch and have a hop around Loveds his bottle and grass roots

20.01.2022 These poor diamond doves were both seperate dog attacks , they are both healing beautifully and you can see the new pin feathers coming through now

20.01.2022 Twin possums Chase and Chance spending their first night in the preschool cage Upgraded from the pet carrier. They are still to little to go outside so will stay inside where it’s nice and warm but both eager to explore while they learn how to climb, hang, use their tail and eat solids such as native foliage and a tiny bit of veggies and fruit. At this size they will only spend a few minutes at a time out of the safety of their pouch and still require special milk as majority of their diet.

19.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Spring is here and that means it is that time of year to start searching for Ringtails Possums in the Peel/Yalgorup Region. Wirambi Landcare will be coordinating the Citizen Science Tally of the Ringtails for the second year (our fourth in total) with Geoff Barrett from DBCA who is overseeing the project along with the support from City of Mandurah. The program starts on September 29th and runs until October 29th. Our main aim is to get as many people involved a...s possible in the Peel/Yalgorup Region in order to gather as much information as we can to gain a better understanding of the species. We are hoping for a greater number of people to be involved this time around. Due to the covid-19 restrictions we had a significant drop in participants which resulted in a low number of ringtails being recorded. We are as always looking for organisations and local businesses to assist in the conservation effort of the species in any capacity. So do not hesitate to contact me in regards to this program and others for the Ringtail Possum. Any questions please let me know. Thank you for your support. Regards Jason Bird Head of Landcare, Research Supervisor and Volunteer Coordinator Website: Instagram: @WirambiLandcare

18.01.2022 How is this for design?! A volunteer rescuer attended this duck family as the caring caller became worried when the ducklings were not using the makeshift ramp... she had created. The caller did all the right things such as using a board and ramp, but it was windy and the ducklings couldn't hold their balance. The volunteer rescuer quickly put in place this design with materials she found around the yard. "Flat piece of polystyrene with towel on top, weighted down so can't blow away and Bob's your Uncle!" Ducks will often incubate eggs in quiet backyards, expecially those with a pool. They then take the ducklings for a quick dip and begin the important journey back to their water course, this can be up to 5km a day! It is very important not to interfere with this journey and make sure they can get out of the pool and have clear access out of the yard to begin with. A fantastic outcome, thank you to the caller, the emergency response operator, the model duck family and the genius volunteer rescuer!

18.01.2022 These four Brushtail Possums are in care with a TWR carer. They are all orphans with two from Mareeba, 1 from Chewko and 1 from Petford. They are enjoying their favourite dinner which is fresh native leaf and flowers.

16.01.2022 *A very important reminder* Quendas and possums have joeys too! One of our dedicated wildlife rehabilitators rescued twin quendas in the early hours of the a few days ago. Mother quenda was found deceased and cold on the road. Sadly someone hit her and didn't stop to check. IF YOU FIND A DECEASED MARSUPIAL ON THE ROAD: Please check the pouch, keep surviving joeys warm and take them immediately to a wildlife rehabilitator/shelter. Ensure the mother's body isn't left on the road. You can save lives by doing this! These twin quenda joeys are now in care with one of our quenda rehabilitators and they are going well.

16.01.2022 AWARE Wildlife Rescue Inc This Kookaburra had concussion , a couple of days in care then back to where she come from in Wagerup

15.01.2022 Meet Jasper our new joey 1.5kgs, not a well boy not sure what his history is but in our care now. Lots of fluids as he was severely dehydrated he has made it thru the first night. Jasper goes back to see Dr Tiffany for more fluids today. Please don't try to care for these babies if you don't know what to do. Please hand them in to your nearest vets or wildlife rehabilitator it is illegal to keep these animals.

13.01.2022 This page is solely intended to update members of the public with progress of wildlife they have contacted us to rescue and rehabilitate.. If you have a wildlife emergency please call one of the contact numbers for help.

12.01.2022 this my new joey Eisha she has come in at a busy time but has settled well

11.01.2022 Had the privilege to go collect this little guy today, lucky the lady saw him behind her car before taking kids to school and moved him into a safer place then gave us a call. After getting a quick check over to make sure he was good to go back home, I then took him back to the nearest pond in the area

11.01.2022 After a slight concussion from being clipped by a car this beautiful Tree Martin was released back to its home after a night of care

11.01.2022 This little baby raven was mistakenly taken by a gentleman to the vets as he thought something was wrong with it But in actual fact It was a fledgling learning how to fly with its parents supervision As he drove down the street the baby ravens parents followed his car for quite a distance and he couldn’t understand why as he thought he was doing the right thing and it must of been injured as it couldn’t fly The gentleman was so upset when I rang him after collecting the bab...y from the vets and was so excited to help me reunite it with its parents After driving to the location and deciding the best option was to make a makeshift nest as the original nest was so high in the date palm which looked impossible for the baby to get back up too ,2 hours later we were happy with our creation but the baby’s parents decided it was not staying their and it was in fact going to go back up to its original nest We got the pleasure of watching the 2 parents get the baby back we’re it belongs by coaxing it up and talking to it on it’s journey Ravens are Such smart birds Pics in comments of the makeshift nest See more

10.01.2022 Some of my released girls with Alpha Popeye on our property most have his joeys on board.So relaxed having a scratch

09.01.2022 Looking for bird carers Mandurah and surrounding Peel region WA Are you open to learning ?... Can you spare the time to do regular feeds and care for sick, injured and orphaned birds? Do you have an area in your home quiet, warm away from pets and children? Do you have transport and able to travel locally to do pick ups and rescues? If you answered yes to these questions and have a passion for wildlife Please contact us for more information.

08.01.2022 Did you know feeding native birds can alter natural behaviour and harm their health? It creates an unhealthy dependence on humans and the food is often not suit...ed to their physiology. Additionally, it can draw birds into unsafe areas where they may be predated on. Feeding native birds without a licence is now an offence under the new Biodiversity Conservation Act. Feeding commercially available bird seed can also spread weeds and may be a blend that isn’t suitable to native birds. Instead, you can play your part by having native plants and shrubs in your garden, so birds have access to natural food sources. More info on having a bird friendly garden is available at Read more about feeding native birds in the winter edition of LANDSCOPE magazine, out now in newsagents and online at

06.01.2022 Tis the season! **PLEASE SHARE!** AUSTRALIAN MAGPIES: DOs & DON'Ts: DO seek advice from a wildlife hospital.... DO respect magpies and keep magpie families together. DO follow the advice of licenced wildlife rehabilitators. DON'T feed, take home, make a pet of, cut the wings of, cage, or displace magpies. DON'T try to release magpies into an area they were not originally from. DON'T illegally take wildlife from the wild. If you find a magpie and you think they might need some help, this advice may help... When to take a magpie straight to a wildlife hospital: -if there are any injuries. -if an adult can't fly. -if a nestling (tail less than 3cm long) is on the ground. -if a bird has a tumour, disease or parasites. -if the magpie has been attacked by anything, brought in by a cat, harassed by a cat or disturbed by a dog. When to wait and watch: -if a fledgling is on the ground, wait and watch to see if the parents return; contact a wildlife hospital for advice if parents don't return for 2+hrs. -if you are concerned a chick's parents might have died, wait and watch to see if family members/parents return. -if you have returned a young rehabilitated magpie to their territory, wait and watch to see if the parents feed them. -if a fledgling is on the ground in the evening, wait and watch to see if the fledgling can climb up a tree to safety. When to interfere and place a young bird in a tree: -if the young bird is fledgling age and not injured or unwell. -if there are parents around but the young bird cannot get itself up into a tree. -if the young bird is at risk of predation or attack if left on the ground. -if it is getting dark and the young bird is still on the ground. For ALL NESTLING BIRDS, please take them to a wildlife hospital for assessment to check for injuries. If they are healthy, the wildlife hospital will help you by providing advice on the best course of action. It is now illegal for people to keep magpies without a licence. It is now illegal for magpies to be kept or cared for by someone who is not licenced to rehabilitate this species. But we do need your help to rescue, transport and return magpies to their families where appropriate! Please do the right thing for the magpies and seek professional advice. We really hope to PREVENT humanisation, illegal keeping/trade and inapropriate magpie keeping this season. Prevention is the key. Magpies seem to be a species at high risk of illegal taking from the wild and keeping as 'pets'. We can all help them but educating our friends and families and seeking professional advice. As always, we love magpies and are here to help if you have any questions or concerns about these beautiful birds. Have a wonderful day everyone!

05.01.2022 A tree logger discovered a nest of Babies on the job , and too late to reunite with parents ,his wife delivered the baby’s to us and one of our amazing carers Von has had them in her dedicated care Watching them grow has been delightful, Now they are on their next stage ready for release very soon

04.01.2022 Rusty our little Euro has went to his forever home on Tuesday. He went from my bed to the sideboard he loves eating the tissues Miss the little devil.

04.01.2022 AWARE Wildlife Rescue Inc This cute little (6g) Fledgling Silver Eye was left behind from his family and got inside a MOPs house at night, poor thing was very disoriented, he thought he was a bat for the first few hours he was in care he’s doing well and will be released when the time is right

02.01.2022 Two of our silver gulls currently in care: Yellow Band/"Steven Seagull" was transferred to us to learn how to be a gull. Sadly Steven was handraised by member ...of the public on cat food (NOT appropriate) and it's taking some time for him to work out how to be a gull. But thankfully, No Band/"Gobble Guts" who was handraised by AWARE Wildlife Rescue Inc was also transferred to us to buddy with Steven. Gobble was raised by a licenced rehabilitator on an appropriate diet and knows how to feed herself. She's showing Steven how to be a gull. Well done to Gobble for showing Steven how to eat an appropriate diet. And well done to AWARE for raising Gobble so well. If you find a baby bird needing help, please do the right thing and hand them into a wildlife rehabilitation centre ASAP. It is not legal or kind to keep wildlife and deny them the chance at rehabilitation for release. You can call the Wildcare Helpline for more info - 94749055.

02.01.2022 KANGAROO I’ve looked into her bewildered eyes A displaced confusion she cannot disguise From her carer’s bag being carried around ... A far cry from mum, who once bounced on the ground Sucking her toes, she wears away their tender pads Comforting herself for missing the mum, that she once had I’ve seen the burnout on her carer’s face Her love reflected through each tender embrace As she feeds her orphan around the clock Gentle stroking away her horrific shock There’ll soon come a time to let her go Will she survive? We’ll never know I’ve heard that carer’s are thin on the ground With not enough hands to go around Countless hours, are they in vain? How can man, be this insane? Slaughter of our majestic emblem; what a disgrace Disbelieving eyes of the world, watching this space I’ve heard the cracks in our first man’s voice They were here first, he states, it should be their choice. He tells the tales of the mighty Roo, here long before man ‘It’s their birthright to claim this great southern land’ The carnage, the bloodshed, and his broken heart Listening to our Aboriginal elder’s plea, tears me apart I’ve read the trembling hands surrounded each night They cannot sleep, and wake in fright A war zone, a living hell, guns blazing away, Roos fleeing, their babies dying, as gentle souls pray No land safe of such thinly disguised greed Blood streaming into rivers from which gunmen feed I’ve seen the blood lust of man protecting his stock Claiming to love and care for his grazing flock Bravely ridding himself of all competition So man can devour their flesh, after all it’s all just tradition Yet all animals lives matter, of this I’ve no doubt Please open your eyes, see with your heart, and give a loud shout Listen to Mother Earth and her broken beat Her shattered heart, cracking beneath our feet For when in time her tears will fall In her deluge we will but call and call For we are her offspring, and she our fate Stand with me now, before it’s too late Flavia Ursino Coleman Beyond speciesism

01.01.2022 These 2 little boy Black Glove Wallabies are now safe n sound after losing them mums in car accidents. Please stop n check if you do hit any wildlife there may just be a joey that survived the accident.

01.01.2022 A big shout out to Coles Erskine for kindly donating us a $50 voucher. It is muchly appreciated

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