Wallonia | Business service
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25.01.2022 http://www.awex-export.be//medi/ausbiotech-2018-after-show
25.01.2022 We look forward to welcoming #Transurb on our stand at #Ausrail+ 2019 in Sydney. Nano simulator will be in demonstration.
24.01.2022 En rponse la crise mondiale sanitaire laquelle nous faisons face actuellement, le Gouvernement Wallon a constitu un fond extraordinaire de solidarit de 350 millions deuros dont 233 millions serviront au soutien des entreprises walonnes et des indpendants. Le 1890, service rgional dinformation et dorientation des entrepreneurs est votre porte dentre unique pour toute information quant limpact du Coronavirus sur lconomie wallonne ainsi que sur les mesures d...aide mises en place. https://www.1890.be Le gouvernement wallon a galement pris une srie de mesures exceptionnelles afin de soutenir les exportateurs wallons au travers de sa filiale, la SOFINEX. Ces mesures permettent notamment de fournir des garanties sur les crdits octroys par les banques ou octroys directement par la Sofinex elle-mme. Pour plus dinformations concernant ces mesures daide lexportation, nhsitez pas visiter le site de la Sofinex: http://www.sofinex.be/covid-19-mesures-sofinex/ Sachez que des aides europennes, fdrales ainsi que rgionales sont galement disponibles destination des entreprises ayant t touches par cette crise. Veuillez noter que le service de financements internationaux se tient la disposition des entreprises wallonnes pour les conseiller au sujet de leurs problmes de liquidits suite la crise. Les services gographiques sont galement disponibles pour fournir des informations sur limpact des annulations ou report des salons et foires auxquels vous tiez inscrits par le biais de lAWEX et assurer le cas chant le remboursement de vos droits dinscription. Le site gnral de lAWEX fournit plus de dtails sur les diffrentes aides mentionnes ci-dessus, sur les diffrents services (finance & gographiques) votre disposition ainsi que diverses informations sur la situation du Covid-19 en Belgique (recommandations formules par les autorits, organisation du travail, dplacements ltranger, recommandations gnrales de sant, volution de lpidmie,...) Nhsitez donc pas le visiter : http://bit.ly/Covid19Awex Stay safe everyone.
24.01.2022 The Walloon company Deltrian, specialised in air filtration and lighting for more than 50 years has decided to get personally involved in the fight against Corona virus by offering a concrete, fast and lasting solution for the manufacture and supply of surgical masks. #deltrian #awex #coronavirus
22.01.2022 If you are interested in innovation within the cargo industry, do not miss this Innovation Lab & Summit organised from the 4th-14th of November 2019 at Liege Airport with Qatar Airways and Alibaba Group as host partners. This summit will hold an acceleration program, an "ideation" day, a startup day and a conference day so if you wish to take part in this unique experience of inspiration, meeting and networking for the cargo industry, you can register on the following website: www.wecargo.be
22.01.2022 Wallifornia MusicTech is back in July ! Wallifornia is a sunny MusicTech hub based in Lige (Belgium), where startups, music professionals, investors, developers and hackers develop together the future of the music industry. Once a year, to kick-off the Music Festival Les Ardentes (100.000 attendees), Wallifornia gathers 500+ attendees around keynotes, panels, pitch competitions, match making sessions, acceleration program, hackathon, demos, performances and of course, epic parties. During Les Ardentes, Wallifornia is also THE place to be for gamers. The 100.000+ attendees are welcome in the gaming zone and in the Wallifornia Park to shine challenging each others. https://walliforniamusictech.com/
21.01.2022 Thunder Power arrives in Wallonia-Belgium. A region of opportunities for investors from around the world. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-10/20/c_137545250.htm
19.01.2022 Covid19 diagnostic tests approved : ZenTech officially starts the production. Specialised in the diagnostic of pathologies occurring in the early life stages and in the diagnostic of chronic diseases affecting both children and adults, the Walloon company ZenTech had, at the beginning of April, developed a serologic test to rapidly detect Covid19 antibodies. Five hundred of these tests were made available to the medical world for validation (CHU of Lige) and after rigorous a...nalysis, the results were very positive. Production already started this Thursday morning. (16/04/2020) Within 4 weeks, ZenTech should have reached the rate of one million tests per month with the objective of eventually manufacturing 5 million rapid serologic tests. That test, that gives a result as quickly as in 10 to 15 minutes, does not detect whether the Coronavirus is present in the body, but rather if the person has had an immune reaction to it and has developed its antibodies. http://www.zentech.be/
19.01.2022 Business BKF at #BakerMcKenzie- good start of the week with the view of Philip Davies, Former CEO Infrastructure Australia.
18.01.2022 Mithra annonce la signature dun nouvel accord de licence et dapprovisionnement exclusif dune dure de 20 ans avec Mayne Pharma Group Limited pour la commercialisation de son contraceptif oral (Estelle) en Australie. #mithra
17.01.2022 La socit COLOP Arts & Crafts, base Eupen, a mis au point un tampon grce auquel se laver les mains et se protger contre les infections devient un jeu denfant ! #colopartsandcrafts #wallonia #covid19
17.01.2022 Great visit of Avietas plant. Thank you Herve Bataille, senior Export Manager for the tour. Australia is Today the 3rd export market for Avieta
16.01.2022 The Belgian Lippens Holding Group is increasing its investments in Australia. https://www.lecho.be//les-lippens-deboursent/10245150.html
16.01.2022 Novadip presenting in the Regen session at #Ausbio18
15.01.2022 Along with seven other hubs around the world, Liege Airport will serve as the European hub for the World Health Organization (WHO) https://simpleflying.com/liege-airport-medical-cargo-hub/
14.01.2022 Mithra annonce la signature d’un nouvel accord de licence et d’approvisionnement exclusif d’une durée de 20 ans avec Mayne Pharma Group Limited pour la commercialisation de son contraceptif oral (Estelle) en Australie. #mithra
12.01.2022 Welcome to our stand at Ausrail Plus Meet 6 of our internationally renowned Walloon companies presenting their technological know-how in the rail industry: BEA manufacturing sensing solutions for automatic doors systems, CE+T specializing in power electronics, Multitel designing solutions for railway certification (ERTMS), Reprover developing RTS materials precast solutions for railway infrastructures, Schumacher Europe manufacturing professional power conversion products and Transurb Simulation delivering rail simulators and advanced training solutions. Visit our stand where a PECO device is installed as well as a Light Rail Nano Simulator. #ausrailplus2019 #railconference #innovation #rail #wallonia #beasensors #transurbsimulation #reprocover #multitel #schumachereurope #cetpower
12.01.2022 Great catch-up with Walloon companies, friends, colleagues and Oz buyers at #Anuga2019 . Australia is definitely a market of choice for our fine food products
12.01.2022 The Easter celebrations being just around the corner, I wish to inform you that the Apromo Trading Easter Shop opens its doors today! Apromo Trading is a Sydney based company importing Belgian (and European) chocolates and goodies. They feature Belgian brands such as Galler Chocolatier, Caluwe Artisan, Dolfin, De Bock dragee eggs, Du Barry Chocolatier, Ickx Chocolatier, Trefin & Cavalier with Stevia sweetener. ... It is the perfect place to buy European quality chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies for the entire family! For more information on how to indulge yourself with Belgian chocolate this Easter, see their flyer here under with their address and the opening days and hours of the shop. Happy Easter everyone.
11.01.2022 Hopefully soon in Australia.
11.01.2022 La société COLOP Arts & Crafts, basée à Eupen, a mis au point un tampon grâce auquel se laver les mains et se protéger contre les infections devient un jeu d'enfant ! #colopartsandcrafts #wallonia #covid19
10.01.2022 Fantastic new technology platform in Wallonia.
08.01.2022 GD Tech & Desami invited as speakers at the Australian Small Bridges Conference in Surfers Paradise last month.
08.01.2022 Great catch-up with Peter Bruce, Managing Director Sopura Australia. #SOPURA, A global reference for sustainable hygiene solutions which are both innovative and environmentally sound.
08.01.2022 https://youtu.be/8I4aLthxkms
07.01.2022 Specialised in predictive maintenance of industrial machines, the Walloon company I-Care adapted to the Covid-19 crisis by converting a thermal measuring device initially designed to detect machine malfunctions into a high-tech non-contact thermometer to combat the spread of the virus. #wallonia #belgium #thermometer #coronarivus #icare #thermal
07.01.2022 Developing the international dimension of Walloons digital sector.
06.01.2022 Australian innovation at its best... great visit of Southern Oil Biofuel refinery in Gladstone...definetly some potential synergies with Belgian companies and R&D centres
06.01.2022 The Walloon company Any-Shape is proud to start a serial production of #swabs, developed in close collaboration with CHU de Lige, and just validated by famhp - federal agency for medicines and health products, in order to help in the #covid19 crisis... #3dprinting - BioWin - The Health Cluster of Wallonia - Wallonia Foreign Trade and Investment Agency (AWEX) - #additivemfg - EOS https://www.lesoir.be//une-societe-liegeoise-va-produire-p... https://www.any-shape.com/
05.01.2022 https://youtu.be/r2ATHV5QP3s
04.01.2022 Belgian food producers are open for Business. #WeAreFoodBe
04.01.2022 Thanks to Transurb Simulations team for a great experience. Simulator at its best
04.01.2022 At #Ausbio18 with a great delegation from Wallonia-Belgium.
02.01.2022 We are delighted to announce the official opening of the one and only Tintin Shop in Australia! The Melbourne boutique is the sole distributor and official retailer of Tintin merchandise in Australia! So do not hesitate to visit their website or their boutique for all Tintin collectables, stationery, toys & games, homeware, decor & fashion accessories and of course the worldwide famous Tintin comic books. https://www.tintinshop.com.au/
02.01.2022 Had the chance to visit the new Line 4 at Lutosa ( not shown on the picture). Very proud to be able to enjoy this great Belgian product in Australia
01.01.2022 Great catch-up with Gladstone Mayor, Matt Burnett and visit of Gladstone Port Corporation.
01.01.2022 Visit of the Equine hospital with TIQ. Great facility.
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