Australian Women's Natural Body Sculpting | Sport league
Australian Women's Natural Body Sculpting
Phone: 0414671017
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25.01.2022 Ah the moments.....friends celebrating each others success on the stage We cant wait to celebrate your journey to the stage this year at our make sure you grab your Photography Package for 2020!!
25.01.2022 **IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT** If you have any questions please feel free to touch base with us. Stay positive, Healthy and Safe and fingers crossed we will see you all in September, hopefully for bigger and better.... Toby and Jane xx
24.01.2022 We are only 16 Weeks away from our first event in 2020 - Diamond Classic . AWNBS Bikini is one of our most popular categories, so be sure to check out our criteria and divisions in which to compete and register early! . Registrations will be open last week in Feb and posing classes start March 2020 - so stay tuned to our socials for updates
24.01.2022 AWNBS SEASON B 2020 UPDATE Hi Everyone Sorry for the lack of information over the past few months its been an extremely unpredictable landscape that weve all had to navigate around, theres been plenty of changes for us and as we slowly begin to find a routine and grove its making it easier to again focus our attention back to business and what that will look like for us.... Id like to thank those who have reached out over the past few months and also those who are seeking more details on Season B 2020. At this stage with regards to Season B for us we are waiting upon an update from our venue, they too are dealing with lots of changes and working out how to continue to operate and what their COVID safe plan will look like. This in turn will effect the outcome of how and when we move forward and what our show can look like. We would like to move forward with a show. Weve turned our sights to the month of October, however an actual confirmed date we hope to announce upon venue confirmation. Once we get feedback and costings from the venue we will be able to make a more informed decision - Im just sorry I cant be more definitive, usually Im OCD organised but this time Ive just got to continue to be patient. I will reach out again when we know more but at this stage weve been treading water since March and are awaiting an outcome to continue our preparation to many aspects in our life and of course the AWNBS show day. The website and emails will continue to remain down over the next month, however you all know that if you, your coach or friends have any questions please dont hesitate to reach out to myself or Toby anytime, just via our Instagram or Facebook pages are the best form to touch base and when we know something we will be sure to announce immediately. If we can get the green light we will be seeking your thoughts/support to get the show off the ground....without athletes shows cant go ahead, you need people to step on your stage. Until then, thank you all for your support - stay safe, keep training hard and we will be in touch soon. Jane x AWNBS
22.01.2022 Happy Back Attack Day . . . .... . . Knack Photography . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #swimsuit #proathlete See more
21.01.2022 Photography Packages for 2020 . Thanks to our amazing Photography Teams we will be again providing a range of images for our athletes in your Photography Packages that encompasses your show day . PACKAGE INCLUDES:... Backstage Studio Photo Shoot - white background Front Stage Group, Individual + Candid Media Banner Images - individual, group, family shots . Cost $80 - min 20 to max 200+* Images per package . Backstage Photo Shoot and Media Banner images are open for ALL athletes to have their photos taken, even if you have yet to purchase your package . * Images per package can vary depending on how many media banner or backstage studio photos you choose to have taken (the more you do the more in your pack) as well as how many divisions you enter (the more times on stage the more images in your pack) . . . . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
21.01.2022 16 Weeks and Counting down Diamond Classic here we prep You can find out everything for our upcoming show day via our website Categories... >>> Registration Fees >>> Stage Walks >>> Posing Classes - Dates + Times COMING SOON >>> Venue - @kedronwavell >>> Event Day Program >>> Official Onsite Beauty Services >>> And so much more.... . . . Still unsure - Jane today [email protected] or message us via Instagram or Facebook See more
20.01.2022 Happy Hump Day . . . .... . . . . #humpday #swimsuit #awnbs See more
20.01.2022 Registrations are now LIVE for the Diamond Classic Sunday May 24 2020 . 6 Categories available with multiple divisions on offer! . Lock it in now...and make sure you attend one of our upcoming posing classes... . . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
19.01.2022 AWNBS Figure is judged on Symmetry only quarter turns and Fit Body is judged on both Symmetry and Muscularity. . To find our more check out our categories page on our website today . .... . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
19.01.2022 Pink or Purple Fitness sets for 2020 . Choose which colour you will wear on stage OR choose both! . There will be limited Pink sets for 2020 - so please order in advance!... . . . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
19.01.2022 Fitness athletes need to display a fit, firm physique with lean full muscular development and further athletic physical appearance, with visible six pack! . . . .... . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
18.01.2022 Celebrate what you accomplish and raise the bar each time you succeed Is fitness your division in 2020? Check out our criteria now
18.01.2022 Bikini International will again be on our Categories list for 2020 . This category athletes will need to display a firm physique with lean athletic physical development with visible six pack. . If you are unsure where your physique fits, please email Jane [email protected] OR attend one of our upcoming posing classes... . . . . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
17.01.2022 World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF) World Championships dates, venue and event information have been announced! WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - LOS ANGELES November 21st and 22nd 2020... Two Day Show Format and the opportunity for amateurs who earn professional status on Saturday to step up and compete with the Professionals on the Sunday. To find out more on WNBF Worlds head to OR email Jane [email protected] today . . . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel #worlds2020 #worlds31
16.01.2022 Diamond Classic is fast approaching - registrations are NOW OPEN . More shiny Diamond Trophies to award this Season A . .... . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
16.01.2022 Diamond Classic Sunday May 24 2020 - Registrations will be LIVE on Friday February 28! . View all our Category Info + Divisions via below link If you require a payment plan for your Registrations please contact Jane via [email protected] today!
15.01.2022 Is Bikini your category for 2020? . With registrations opening soon, make sure you get in early as this is our most popular Category! . Bikini Athletes is designed to find athletes with a fit and shapely body that is not heavily muscled or over defined. Your stature is to be graceful, confident and glamorous .... . . . . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
14.01.2022 Are you a Figure or Fit Body Athlete? Then we welcome you to our stage in 2020. . Find our more on our criterias and divisions today via our website link below . . . . . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
13.01.2022 Have you locked in our dates for 2020 yet? Sunday May 24 Sunday September 20 .... Venue @kedronwavell . Onsite Beauty Teams Shique Beauty Its a Brow Thing . . Posing Classes Start Saturday March 14 . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
13.01.2022 Love seeing the images of the stage setting from a distance . Who cant wait for the stage in 2020??? . .... . Not long to go until Season A kicks off for another year - make sure youre up to date with all things AWNBS by keeping track of our socials or visiting our website!! . . . #bringon2020 #awnbs2020 See more
10.01.2022 12 Weeks and Counting down Diamond Classic You can find out everything for our upcoming show day via our website Categories... >>> Registration Fees >>> Stage Walks >>> Posing Classes - Dates + Times COMING SOON >>> Venue - @kedronwavell >>> Event Day Program >>> Official Onsite Beauty Services >>> And so much more.... . . . Still unsure - Jane today [email protected] or message us via Instagram or Facebook . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
10.01.2022 Everyones journey tells a different story....what will your story be? . . . .... . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
09.01.2022 Happy Hump Day + Back Attack Day! . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
09.01.2022 14 Weeks and Counting down Diamond Classic here we prep You can find out everything for our upcoming show day via our website Categories... >>> Registration Fees >>> Stage Walks >>> Posing Classes - Dates + Times COMING SOON >>> Venue - @kedronwavell >>> Event Day Program >>> Official Onsite Beauty Services >>> And so much more.... . . . Still unsure - Jane today [email protected] or message us via Instagram or Facebook . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
08.01.2022 2021 SEASON B EVENT We're excited to announce that we will be moving forward with a Season B event in Brisbane Queensland in October 2021. Exact date will be announced soon as turn our sights towards the new year. This will be our ONLY show for 2021, which will incorporate all our testing to further award World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF) Professional Athlete cards.... We look forward to sharing more news as the new year unfolds. ~ Toby & Jane
06.01.2022 SEASON B - EVENT CANCELLED Evening Everyone, Tonight.....after the excitement of July being able to lock in a date, we are having to now cancel our Season B event only a month down the track.... Many circumstances have led to this decision, which Ive been trying my best to work through, so thats why its taken me so long to cancel it. We had the final piece of news this week, which just really made the decision for us to cancel the event. We have to do what is right for our athletes, our team, supporters at our events and for us. I want to Thank the ladies who have contacted me via email and our socials to register, for volunteering at our show and just general overall excitement to both compete and help - it was really wonderful to hear and it gave me much promise and hope that we could get this to happen. So whilst we wont be able to get something running for 2020 - I really hope that 2021 will bring bigger and better things for all feds and events across Australia and our affiliates across the World with the WNBF. All we can do is stay safe and remain positive! We thank you all for your understanding and support and lets look forward to bringing on 2021. Jane x
06.01.2022 **Posing Class - THIS SATURDAY MARCH 14** . Location @bodybossstudio Unit 2/58 Pritchard Road Virigina Brisbane Northside . Cost $5 ... . Time 9am to 10 - all categories covered . Please register via our website > events > posing classes . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
06.01.2022 Are you unsure on where your physique fits? . Check out our criteria page on our website, which will have an overview, images, posing criteria and more so that you can compete in the category where you will be most competitive . .... . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
06.01.2022 Ah the moments.... . Be proud of your achievements and every step it has taken for you to reach them . .... . . . . . . .#awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel
06.01.2022 Lock in Saturday March 14th for our first posing class for 2020!! . Our booking page is now LIVE on our website, so you can pre-book in advance the sessions you can make. Head online to make your class bookings or email Jane [email protected] . Classes are $5 paid on the day and will run for 1 hour duration - posing will be covered for all categories ... . Please bring heels or sneakers as well as wear fitness attire clothing in which to pose . Look forward to catching up with old faces and welcoming all our new faces to the AWNBS very soon . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
06.01.2022 Happy Valentines Day . . . . .... . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete See more
05.01.2022 Fitness Wear orders will OPEN soon for 2020 Be sure to pre-order YOURS early - sample garments will be available at posing classes March 2020 to try before you order . .... . See more
04.01.2022 The Body Achieves what the Mind Believes! . Go for your dreams, push for your goals, be proud of your achievements not matter what! . .... . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
03.01.2022 Life Begins at the end of your comfort zone! . Achievements are as simple as being able to just get through preparation, standing on stage, being confident in your figure suit, bikini or sports wear, performing your individual stage walk, not stuffing up your posing routine or placing Top 5! . Be proud of your achievements and new found confidence .... . . . . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
02.01.2022 In 2020 we will be offering 50+ age group divisions across Fitness, Figure and Fit Body . .
01.01.2022 Diamond Classic Registrations are NOW open! . Make sure you become a member and register online via our website today . Weve got 6 Categories available:... Bikini Fitness Figure Fit Body Swimsuit Bikini International . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
01.01.2022 Happy Hump Day . . . .... . . . . . . . #awnbs #awnbsofficial #wnbfworlds #fitnesscompetition #brisbane #queensland #competenatural #testedfederation #athlete #wnbfpro #bikinipro #wnbf #bikinicompetition #figurecompetitor #wnbffigure #wnbffitbody #strong #fitbody #wnbfaustralia #bodybuilding #bikiniinternational #fitnesscompetitor #proathlete #fitnessmodel See more
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