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Aylmore Racing

Phone: +61 429 954 472


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25.01.2022 Looking for something to do this Friday night ?? Come on out to MAKIT NARROGIN SPEEDWAY CLUB for a nice meal and mingle with the drivers after practice (4pm- 6pm) Check out the speedway Facebook page for more info

25.01.2022 SPEEDWAY is back !! Braeden and Flynn ventured to a very cold and eventually wet Makit Narrogin Speedway club on Saturday for the first meeting of the new season. A big day to kick it off with nearly 90 cars nominated across the divisions. Flynn debuted the new #47 junior 125, in a field of 14 cars, a few teething problems that the crew will need to sort out, but the driver drove very well keeping the car on good lines in trying conditions. Flynn will only get faster as the... season progresses. Cheers to Quinn Schmook for looking after the car on race day . Braeden drove double duties in 2 divisions that are poles apart, Francis Racing senior 125 running a single cylinder 2 stroke engine and his regular supermod with the V8 Riverside Mechanical power plant. We managed to get all the heats in before the rain stopped the meeting. Finishing positions were awarded in points amassed in the 3 heats. In the end Braeden won the night in the supermods and was runner up in the F125’s Thanks to Timmy Earnshaw for all he does to keep the car going. Massive thanks to all our sponsorsyou guys make it all possible. Cheers to new sponsors Winged Apiary , CJ and Bob for coming along and having a look 4 weeks back at Narrogin for the Supermod Country Round See more

24.01.2022 WHAT A YEAR !!! Aylmore Racing has had an epic 2019/2020 season. Braeden won his second state title in 3 years, at Kalgoorlie international speedway in March. H...e also finished 3rd in the Supermod Country Round Series for the season. Peppy won the Northwest Championship at Carnarvon Speedway early in the season and then surprised by gathering the Supermod Club Champion for Narrogin Speedway Club. The newest member Flynn has been learning his craft in various Midget project cars while we are finishing his car. Flynn has been getting faster each outing and will be looking forward to a very competitive year ahead. As a team we have a busy season ahead!!! Peppy is not going to spend much time in the seat, scaling back a bit and concentrating on helping the 2 younger members. Braeden is going to be busy, running his Supermod at various meetings around the state. Braeden has also been offered an AMAZING opportunity to run a V6 Wingless Sprintcar this season for the BEARD RACING team based in Bunbury. Also he has also been asked to run a F125 for The FRANCIS racing team. Flynn should be in a regular junior F125 owned by the youth project group based in Narrogin, where he can settle into a regular ride. See more

24.01.2022 Another race car engine going together, Braeden Aylmore,s 308 for his super mod speedway car. The ex wa #1 car missed out on going back to back state titles due to mechanical failure. hopefully this engine will see the young fella out in front again soon

23.01.2022 Loaded on the way to Kalgoorlie for the state title Saturday night Weather is a bit iffy but hopefully will stay away Massive thanks to all our sponsors who help us along With a bit of luck one or both of these cars will find they way to the podium

22.01.2022 Something out of left field Did anyone find a near new packet of welding rods in their gear after the last Narrogin meeting ? Or maybe Esperance Supermod country round ? Please return them

19.01.2022 Awesome night with unbelievable crew WA 1 Braeden you bloody little ripper

19.01.2022 That Western Australian Supermods Title winning feeling returned for Braeden Aylmore on last Saturday night at Kalgoorlie International Speedway and he could no...t have done it in better style. To read the full story, click on the website link below. Aylmore would like to thank his 2019-20 season sponsors: Williams Motel Caravan Park Narrakine Riverside Mechanical repairs and fabrication - Serpentine Sandilands Auto Repairs BP Williams Mcdougall Weldments M&M Contractors JP Upholstery & Canvas KJB Fabrication Aylmore Racing Narrogin speedway Photos: Blake Jones Photography #TotallySpeedway #YourSpeedwayFix

18.01.2022 Team Narrogin here at Carnarvon speedway for the 2 Day Northwest Championships Glen Graham, Brody Day and Peppy

18.01.2022 From then to now !! Darren and Braeden over time

17.01.2022 PRESENTATION WEEK !! put your tickets aside by contacting Sharon Kulker or Leo at Makit Hardware

17.01.2022 Big surprise this arvo !! Huge thanks to Braeden for keeping me going Vicki for putting up with me, Timmy for being the spanner swingerand a massive thanks to our sponsors that make it possible Williams motel and caravan park McDougal Weldments Williams BP ... Riverside Mechanical JP ulpholstry Fishers Welding Narrakine Group Maggie Signs Sandilands Auto M and M Contractors See more

17.01.2022 WELL !! A massive thanks to Dean and Maisie from Dean Miller Pacing Stables !!!! A very lucky Flynn had his uncle Dean purchase for him the ex Gannaway #26 midget So I guess Flynn is now a privateer in the junior F125’s ... Flynn is a massive part of the Aylmore Racing crew and will still be doing the fundraising and working bees for the project group. Cannot wait to see the new look #08 midget on the track Good luck Flynn, respect and look after your gear and there will be years of fun ahead See more

17.01.2022 New toy at Aylmore Racing headquarters

17.01.2022 Those drivers that are planning on racing at Narrogin on Sept 7 you need to have your cars daylight scrutineers NO LATER than next Saturday 24th

16.01.2022 Grid draws for tonights 1st country round at Geraldton city speedway. Peppy travelled up with the ever reliable Timmy and Flynn as his crew! Braeden still has no heart in his mod so he stayed home to rectify that issue

15.01.2022 Racing last night at Geraldton was not what we planned dnf in heat 1 flat right rear tyre Back if the field in heat 2 and mid pack in heat 3 saw Peppy out of p14 for the feature 18 cars started the 20 lap journey which went green to checkered ! Didnt make too much ground finishing 13 th car is straight, washed and in the shed . Cheers to Timmy and Flynn for crewing ... Cheers also to the crew that camped and travelled great laughs and awesome fun Both cars should no on the track November 30 Manjimup speedway ! See more

15.01.2022 Feature State Title 2019/20

15.01.2022 Welcome to the newest member of Aylmore Racing !!! Flynn Harper started his racing career this season thanks to the amazing quarter midget youth project. Flynn is Darrens great nephew and Braedens second cousin, but he has been around the team since he was born. The speedway bug has certainly bitten Flynn from a young age. Enjoy your speedway experience mate

14.01.2022 With the unexpected cancellation of the Speedway Sedans Sedan stampede in November at Moora , Still keep getting your cars ready as Makit Narrogin Speedway are running money shows for both productions and street stocks on November 2 see our Facebook page for details

14.01.2022 AMAZING 1 race weekend where Braeden won and all of a sudden there is bullshit questions being asked about a measured (by 2 different people) and then sealed e...ngine If there is an adapter plate supposed to be supplied with an intake manifold then you would presume that the manifold needs one Rule book says 19mm adapter plate allowed ! Except on Braeden Aylmores car apparently!!! See more

12.01.2022 Braeden made a long waited return to racing last night in Collie for country round 2. With pretty good grid draws it was a nervous driver that saddled up in the first heat, spinning while leading he was sent to the rear at the restart making his was back to 4th. Heat 2 and 3 saw the 88 machine cross the line in first places. Starting the feature outside pole when the flag dropped Braeden shot straight to the lead and was never challenged, lapping all but 2nd and 3rd places in... the 20 laps. AWESOME power plant thanks to Simon and Bronny at Narrakine group from Williams and to Glenn and Jodie from Riverside Mechanical Serpentine. Also to Williams Motel and Caravan Park McDougal Weldments BP Williams JP ulpholstry Maggie Sign and Decals M and M Contractors And a big thanks to Timmy and Jonno for crewing See more

11.01.2022 Last night saw the debut of the newly purchased 08 midget ( photo shows the proud owner Dean Miller and his nephew pilot Flynn) . Great driving by Flynn all night saw him have a 6,5 and 4th in his heats , starting out of 5 in the feature and finishing 4th A night of firsts with Flynn’s first contact of another car, followed by his first contact with the concrete fence no damage done ! Also the first meeting where he has finished every race !! Massive thanks to the teams that lent us parts and advice to get and keep going And big huge thanks to Rebecca (mum) Quinn (dad), uncle Timmy, Russell ( the guru) Francis, uncle Dean for getting it done on the night

10.01.2022 Last night saw Flynn race the #47 junior 125 at Makit Narrogin speedway. A massive night of racing and with rain threatening a great effort by the club to get as much done as they did. We have spent many hours in the shed over the last 2 weeks on this car trying to figure out how to keep the chain on !!! Although not perfect ( a long way from it actually) we did manage to not throw a chain in the 3 races that Flynn had. Other issues but lost a left rear wheel in the fi...rst heat , fixed that to get back out there Finished the next heat and the feature Flynn is starting to gain confidence in himself and the car and it shows on the track GOOD EFFORT MATE Huge thanks to Quinn, Bec, Timmy, Stevo for getting Flynn back out Also to the midget crew from here and Gero for all the advice Pull it apart and start again I suppose See more

10.01.2022 The Aylmore racing drivers, Peppy,Braeden and Flynn wish everyone a merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year!!

10.01.2022 Fantastic to have the support of the whole team at Riverside mechanical! Glenn and Jodie have been been through the roller coaster of Braedens racing career! Fantastic people, professional work!

09.01.2022 Peppy and Braeden ventured down to Esperance for country round 3, having a few days rnr as well . A different night to say the least with big highs and low Lows for both cars. Peppy had a dnf in his first heat with major handling issues. Braeden suggested something major changes which we threw at the car , resulting in a rocket ship #8 winning the next 2 heats. Braeden was the bench mark with 2 wins in his first couple of heats, heat 3 saw contact in the first lap with Br...aeden ending up in the fence ,snapping a rear axle, out for the feature. Peppy started the feature out of pole, over driving half way through and spinning out, he kept it going but was a long way behind finished in 5 th. All in all Aylmore racing won 4 out of the 6 heats, with both cars very very fast. Peppy winning his first country round heat ever !!! Then doubling the record Cheers to lance and Boga for lending their rear axles unfortunately they didnt fit Big cheers to Vicki and Danielle allowing us 2 clowns do this and for putting up with the bad tempers Chris, Vanessa and Jade, bloody awesome having you guys helping out See more

09.01.2022 First race meeting of the year !! Slightly different look this year. Braedens 88 machine is still without a heart but will be on the track at the next meeting

08.01.2022 Braeden and Peppy making the long trek to Morawa today Bit of fun ! racing a new track ! Going to be hot !

08.01.2022 Peppy ticked another bucket list item last night by racing at Bunbury Speedway. This is something that has been on the wish list for some time !! Hard luck to Boga, Lance and Bingy , not the best way to finish out the season. Get on the mend Bingy. Peppy had a Great night with a 2nd,1st and a 1st in the heats and grabbed the win in the feature. Cheers to Timmy for all the help! Cheers to the wardys, gummy and Mel and Timmy for a great time telling lies around the fire late into the night . HUGE THANKS TO ALL OUR SPONSORS THROUGHOUT THE SEASON we would be unable to do it without you

08.01.2022 Peppy and Braeden road tripping to Carnarvon for the 2 night northwest championship with peppy driving and Bj crew chief 5 heats and a feature H1 start p5 finish 3 H 2 start p5 finish 1 H 3 start p 4 finish 1... H 4 start p 2 finish 1 H 5 start p3 finish 1 Feature start p 1 finish 1 Massive thanks to Braeden throwing changes at the car and getting it fast Great weekend thanks to the Narrogin Speedway crew Glen Graham , Andrew Day and Brody Day Top job Brody 2nd on Saturday for JSRA and 1st on Sunday Martinelli cup Cheers to the supermod crew for a top weekend See more

07.01.2022 Congrats to the Narrogin speedway junior and senior 125 midgets on your efforts today at your state title. A very steep learning curve for everyone! To the gero... juniors hard luck team you were all very fast all day. There is a very old saying in speedway , to finish first first you must finish!! Jasmin awesome, just awesome WA1!! Jacob 3 meetings ago you didnt want to get in your car WA2 mate well done, Campbell not your car but you drove it like a champ WA3 . Emma hard luck you had nowhere to go at the start, Olivia and Ella a very tough day with car gremlins but you stuck at it . Paige ,if it could go wrong it did but you held your head high! Cameron we are going to claim you too, good job mate you have come a long way this season. ALL of the junior midgets raced the right way,a credit to yourselves, your parents and to the youth speedway project See more

07.01.2022 Some shots from Carnarvon

06.01.2022 Agm and windup Sunday June 28 Agm @ 10am Windup to follow $10per person 12 and under free ... RSVP by sms to Sharon Ward 0458350111 Finalise the season and start again

03.01.2022 Down town Esperance on display promoting country round 3 and the south east open Big field of supermods tonight Both Peppy and Braeden are here to fly the flag Supported by Vicki, Danielle, Chris, Vanessa and Jade

03.01.2022 Racing last night at Makit Narrogin Speedway for the first country round of the season for supermods. Great fields in all divisions saw Flynn piloting the 47 junior f125 machine, after the crew inflicted a massive amount of changes since last meeting Flynn was gaining speed and awesome control when he flicked a chain off in the first heat sending him to the infield. Flynn was suffering a massive headache so decided he would not race the rest of the night. We are making ground... small steps at a time Braeden was engaged in double duties again driving the #4 f125 owned by Russell Francis , getting the hand of this nimble machine he had a 5th, 4th and 2nd in the heats putting him out of 4 in the feature, finished 2nd in a quality field of 12. Supermod country round saw Braeden starting off the rear in the heats due to not making it to the drivers brief, he finished first in the heats putting him out of pole for the feature where he was never headed making it a clean sweep for the night. Massive thanks to Brad ,Peppy ,Danielle, Stevo , Hanna and Vicki for the help and to our AWESOME. Sponsors for your continued support See more

02.01.2022 Going through some old photos A bit of damage over the years

01.01.2022 Today Braeden was lucky enough to turn some laps in the 57k wingless from the Beard racing stable! Huge thanks to Kim, Kyle and co for allowing me to have a run in the car, Wardys racing for the road trip and taxi service, and the lovely Danielle for all the support and helping to get strapped in!

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