Azraella Raphael in Sydney, Australia | Astrologist & psychic
Azraella Raphael
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 424 044 130
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25.01.2022 I am Sincerely Grateful "I am sincerely grateful for the grace and the ease that is brought forward into my life at times, for me to rest and receive.... I am sincerely grateful for these grace and ease periods in my life, where I am able to go within and receive my higher guidance, and I am sincerely grateful for the higher guidance that comes through from the Family of Light, from Higher Self, even from Earth Mother herself; that the Angels, Archangels are here to continually guide my path, and that it is okay, it is perfectly okay to rest and receive, take time out on my own internal rhythm, my own internal grace, and to honour this is what my own Soul is needing right here, right now, the grace, the ease. And that I am sincerely grateful for the guidance, for being held in this state, and for knowing that I in divine truth truly deserve this grace, this ease, this pause, this breath, this break in my cycle to rest and receive. I am sincere really grateful that I am wise enough to know that these words of wisdom that we speak, share with you now, have the ability to touch my Soul, touch my Heart and Soul in such a way that peace ensues, that peace and clarity ensues, and that it is safe. It is so safe to receive receive, receive, receive receive..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the ‘I am Sincerely Grateful’ article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #enlightenedmasters #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangeljophiel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #weeklymessage #weeklyguidance See more
25.01.2022 May the Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine merge with you over these Holy-days, supporting you deeply with your own internal Divine Union, balance between Heart & Mind, balance between Soul & Spirit.... May the Christed Heavenly energies bless & illuminate your dreams & goals now, in Highest Divine Order for your Being. May you feel & embrace peace within, & this be reflected back to you without. Mary Christ Mass. Blessed Be. Further Angelic Wisdom in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to read her Divine Wisdom articles. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #angelanswers #trusttheprocess #archangelguidance #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #enlightenedmasters #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage See more
25.01.2022 I Honour You - & so does... "Someone in this world truly honours you for who you are, exactly who you are - right here in this moment.... And that any thought forms to do with judgment, criticism and beyond can simply be offered up, released here - as you know, receive and make peace with, that there are Beings on this Earth, and Beings beyond this Earth that truly honour you. That you are safe here and held here. And that as you open to this Divine Truth, That I am always honoured by The Family of Light, by my Divine Presence and Higher Self. I am honoured by the Earth Mother at all times. I am always honoured, honoured so deeply, that I open myself to this honouring; this beautiful energy of love, of honouring, that is always available to me. If I open my receptivity to this, I will allow that love that is transmitted by all these Beings, all the Spiritual Connection that I have available to me at any time, this love, this power current from the Enlightened Realms can pulsate through me if I allow myself to be honoured. As I allow myself to be appreciated. As I allow this, I will then be able to honour myself deeply and easily at this time. For the love of God Goddess penetrates through the field, and through my sacred intention if I am open to receiving the Divine Honouring Energy from Presence, from Source, the Earth Angels, the Enlightened Beings. I will be able to far more easily honour myself..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View profile/website to complete the I Honour You article. & Azraella Raphael ** * * * #messagefortheday #divineenergy #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage See more
24.01.2022 " I Shall Pause & Breathe, said a wise Angelic Human to another Being that was feeling a little concerned, a little overwhelmed by all that was occurring in their life at that time. I Shall Pause & Breathe, simply provides us an opportunity to do simply that;... to pause, take a break, not be so hard on ourself, and honour all that is occurring in our life up until now. To know that as we pause, as we start to breathe, that we honour all that is occurring in our life, and that we choose to make a conscious choice to not make it right or wrong, but to honour it, to accept that as we pause and breathe, we are able to stand back a little emotionally, mentally, breathe to take respite, to take rest, detach a little, and begin again with a fresh outlook, with fresh energy, with fresh new potentials before us. For if we do not learn to master the art, the kind act upon ourself of pausing and breathing, sometimes turmoil, tumultuous energy, chaos or a troubled heart and mind may seem like it is out of control, and we may feel we wish to the pulsed, to be guided on how to pause, breathe, receive, let go, surrender, align our Will with Divine Will, and come into Oneness. When we Pause & Breathe we become receptive and we are open to change, open to moving in a Higher Direction, open to the Oneness and the Divinity of who we are and All That Is..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the I Shall Pause & Breathe article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #angelanswers #archangelguidance #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #enlightenedmasters #oracleguidance #channelling #trusttheprocess #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage #messagefortheday See more
24.01.2022 How can I Receive & Give simultaneously? "As we say this within, My inner cup is full; I can easily give to others now - we start to raise our vibration, we start to fill ourself with light from the Unified Field. And as we open to this, as we allow ourself to be filled with the light; we must open our receptivity.... We must intend, align our Will with Divine Will to open to the path of Receptivity with grace. That as we give, we can also receive simultaneously. That as we give, if we allow ourself to receive the love, the light, the power, the Divine Assistance, as we allow ourself to receive we can be filled. We can be filled with the light to overflow within us; and the more we overflow with the light, the more we are able to give. But if we do not receive, if we do not allow ourself to receive back the light, the love, the power we give to others, to other projects, to other potentials in our life, if we do not allow ourself to receive all that we give to others outside of ourself, to other things outside of ourself, if we do not allow ourself to receive this energy, this power back, we can begin to feel empty, drained, disinterested in life and not so creative. And if you choose or are not willing to feel this way anymore, choose simply now to acknowledge that, I need to receive as I give..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the My Inner Cup is Full article. & Azraella Raphael ** * * * #empowermentcoach #empowermentquotes #empowermentspeaker #empowermentcoaching #womensempowerment #youthempowerment #womenempowerment #girlempowerment #empowermentofwomen #selfempowerment #womanempowerment #fempowerment #empowermentday #empowermenttemple #femaleempowerment #girlsempowerment #empowermentwoman #menempowerment #innerguidance #soulguidance #divineorder #intuitiveguidance #trusttheprocess #trustthedivine #trusttheuniverse #messagefortheday #empowerment #weeklymessage #angelanswers See more
24.01.2022 Success through bending thy Will ...As we sit, as we rest, as we honour, such as this beautiful Being in the Empress card -... she's proud of her achievements to date; is confident with herself, ready to move forward; for she is progressing. She's ready to apply her Will, use her Creative Power, her Essence and build that long term Success, in particular financial success with the 10 of Pentacles being the focus... "...In the Seven of Wands this Being is applying their Will, with their loving focus, determination in action mode and is building the Empire within and without, is growing to their Highest Level of Success, Highest Level of Potential, in Highest Divine Order for their Being... This Creation Power that is flowing through you when you envisage or receive within yourself to build an Empire, is available to All Beings. Do you apply your Will with Divine Will to manifest, co-create on Earth? Do you bend your Will, set your intention to align it to Divine Will to manifest your full Power of Potential to the Highest level? What do you receive within yourself that you need to do to 'manifest, manifest, manifest' with ease? Share below what you receive from your higher guidance in the comments if guided. Extract from blog of Azraella Raphael. View profile/website to read the full transmission of ‘Success through bending thy Will' article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #empress #sevenofwands #tenofpentacles #minorarcana #majorarcana #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #riderwaitesmithtarot #tarotlove #tarotlover #tarotgram #weeklyguidance #tarot See more
22.01.2022 Eight of Cups - Having the Emotional Strength & Empowerment to achieve your next goal This is the path of Self Empowerment, of acknowledging that we have reached many goals, many targets, & found much emotional, spiritual fulfillment from these,... yet it is the time to move forward on to the next Cup, on to the next goal. And that this next Cup, this next goal shall bring the highest form of emotional healing, spiritual fulfilment for your Being. And that the journey for the Soul looking for their Ninth Cup, their emotionally fulfilling, spiritually fulfilling Cup, involves perhaps climbing over mountains, walking through rivers and ravines; it could be a journey for them. And they are strong, they are empowered, they are ready for the journey, because of all the goals, all the emotionally fulfilling, spiritually fulfilling goals they've achieved up until now. They are ready, they are strong they have built character, they have built inner strength. They have met things deeply. They have liberated themselves of all things that no longer serve & they have come to a place of empowerment, where there is love, there is joy, and there is strength. There is Spiritual Power supporting them to grow in the highest way to meet their Ninth Cup. Their ninth goal. And we say to thee, those of you who are reading now that in Divine Timing, as you..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the ‘Eight of Cups - Upright’ article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #eightofcups #8ofcups #cupssuit #cupscards #cupstarotcards #minorarcana #tarot #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #psychicsydney #psychicaustralia #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcollection #tarots See more
21.01.2022 Star Card - Connection to your Purpose Here in this beautiful card is a Sacred Being, and she is divinely connected to the Heavens, the Earth and her own Divine Presence; her Higher Self. She is truly Divinely Guided by Source, by the Earth, by her Higher Connection.... She is full of love, full of contentment and full of her Highest Potential Path - full of the energy, the frequency, supporting her Highest Potential Path. This card symbolises the greatest Highest Potential Outcome one Being can have when they connect to their Highest Potential, [Purpose]. That they feel in sacred deep connection with the Earth, the Heavens, and their Highest Path of Potential; and that they are divinely supported by all the light, all the love, all the power that they can summon, that they can master holding, that they can embody in their path of co-creation, especially for a Lightworker here. That this can be the potential for a Lightworker Being, to be in sacred flow with the Universe, with God Source, with their Higher Self Connection, with Mother Gaia, fulfilling their mission, their Purpose here. They are totally fulfilled with connecting to their Path of Service, their Mission here. They are full of love, they are full of peace. They are full. Full. Very content and full of Divine Light, Divine Source and Spiritual Power... End of Part 1 - Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View profile/website link to complete reading the Star Card - Upright blog post. & by Azraella Raphael * * * * * #starcard #startarotcard #majorarcana #learntarot #divinetruth #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #riderwaitesmithtarot #sydneypsychics #tarotaustralia #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram See more
20.01.2022 Page of Penatcles - A New Beginning "In this tarot card is a beautiful little boy with his eyes and his heart of innocence - holding, staring into a beautiful gold coin, a Pentacle. The Pentacle that he holds for a new beginning, a new start, a new commitment, a new way forward.... This more likely is about a financial investment in something, whether this be study, or a new beginning, even in business - the baby or beginning phase of the birth of a business or even a business idea. That this Pentacle, this coin will be used wisely, soundly, steadily, to slowly deeply profoundly build a house on rock, not sand. This is the beginning of building a foundation, an earthly foundation in the Earthly world, on the Earthly Plane; building this foundation for a new beginning, a new idea. As one invests in Oneself or in an idea, a project, this can be watered, fertilised and this new beginning over time can begin to grow rapidly, move forward through the Knight of Pentacles to the King of Pentacles; become eventually a fully fledged grown business or project idea that can be large, profound and at the King, or the top of its game, of its industry possibly, of its Highest Potential - whatever the highest potential may be. But to get to the King level one must begin as the Page - the beginning - holding that coin, holding that investment..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View profile/website to complete the Page of Pentacles - Upright article. & Azraella Raphael ** * * * #pageofpentacles #pentaclessuit #suitofpentacles #minorarcana #learntarot #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #tarotreadersofinstagram #sydneypsychic #sydneytarot #psychicsaustralia #riderwaitesmithtarot See more
20.01.2022 9 of Cups: Fulfilment... "This Being sits on a platform, on a bench feeling proud, happy and honouring most deeply ones achievements. How far this Being has come from beginning to almost the end, where they have achieved certain goals, targets - and yet they know that theres just a little more to go;... a little bit more before complete fulfilment - for the completion of the project(s) to take place, these various goals, targets, aims this Being has had in their life up until now. For when you achieve each goal, a beautiful higher part of your consciousness is able to ground down through and within you, supporting your next initiation, the next target, the next goal to grow with love, power, grace and ease. And it is important to honour that each target, each goal supports the next, is the foundation building for the next; and that as we pile upon each of the goals, targets being achieved - more light, more love, more power pulsates, emanates through and out of your Being, to support the next goal, the next target to birth. As you achieve your goals, your targets in life, do you celebrate? Do you honour each one you achieve? Do you allow the platform of this one that has just been achieved to be the strong foundation for the next target, the next goal? Or do you simply flounder about, believing the Universe will just take care of it all?" End of Part 1 - Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View profile/website link to complete Nine of Cups - Upright blog post. & by Azraella Raphael * * * * * #learntarot #minorarcana #9ofcups #nineofcups #tarotcollection #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #psychicsydney #psychicaustralia #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcollection #tarots See more
20.01.2022 Six of Swords - Stability into the new In a boat she travels with a Beloved child. A sacred guardian, supporter, holding the boat, steering the ship,... steering the boat to calmer waters. Each one in the boat has been a little broken, a little bruised, just a little from the turbulent waters before. And now they move on to, perhaps even escape to, the calmer waters before them, with the view of the horizon holding a positive view, a positive view of the step in the right direction, the Highest Direction. The Highest Direction is always to move forward. The Highest Direction is to let go of all that no longer serves. The highest direction is to accept the surrender and release, and to embrace the new, the mystery, the unknown. The highest is always to - Let Go, then - Receive. As we Let Go, we Receive. We are inviting you to consider, What is the highest for me to let go of now, so that I may receive all that my heart is longing for; all that my heart may be guiding me to? What is it that I need to let go of, to receive? What is my Higher Connection now guiding me to do? For I can sail in this little boat, just as the Beings in this card, and I can do this as I sleep. I can do this Multi-Dimensionally as I sleep. I can be willing. I can set the intention that I Am Willing to let go of all that no longer serves, with grace and ease, move..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading our Six of Swords - Upright blog post. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #6ofswords #sixofswords #swordssuit #suitofswords #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #riderwaitesmithtarot #sydneypsychics #tarotaustralia #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading See more
20.01.2022 Eight of Cups - Having the Emotional Strength & Empowerment to achieve your next goal This is the path of Self Empowerment, of acknowledging that we have reached many goals, many targets, & found much emotional, spiritual fulfillment from these,... yet it is the time to move forward on to the next Cup, on to the next goal. And that this next Cup, this next goal shall bring the highest form of emotional healing, spiritual fulfilment for your Being. And that the journey for the Soul looking for their Ninth Cup, their emotionally fulfilling, spiritually fulfilling Cup, involves perhaps climbing over mountains, walking through rivers and ravines; it could be a journey for them. And they are strong, they are empowered, they are ready for the journey, because of all the goals, all the emotionally fulfilling, spiritually fulfilling goals theyve achieved up until now. They are ready, they are strong they have built character, they have built inner strength. They have met things deeply. They have liberated themselves of all things that no longer serve & they have come to a place of empowerment, where there is love, there is joy, and there is strength. There is Spiritual Power supporting them to grow in the highest way to meet their Ninth Cup. Their ninth goal. And we say to thee, those of you who are reading now that in Divine Timing, as you..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Eight of Cups - Upright article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #eightofcups #8ofcups #cupssuit #cupscards #cupstarotcards #minorarcana #tarot #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #psychicsydney #psychicaustralia #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcollection #tarots See more
19.01.2022 Devil Card - Mental Body Illusions This card is full of illusion; the illusion we are bound and trapped,... when in Divine Truth we are not bound or trapped. There is an illusion here that possibly we belong to another, are bound to another, that possibly we are stuck on our path with a project, with a task; that possibly our mind sees no way out of a situation; that possibly our mind is just playing devil's advocate, seeing the worst within every situation, every possibility, that there is no way out. No way to move forward. When in Divine Truth there always is. Always is a way out. Always is a way to move forward. Yet sometimes it takes quite a bit of effort to release the shackles, the chains of the mind. To release the illusions we may have created in our mind, to release the falsehoods that seem like truth. For the falsehoods are not Divine Truth. Divine Truth always sees the highest way moving forward, and it may take a little effort when this card arises for you. It may take a little effort to break free of the chains that the mind may have placed upon you up until now. To liberate oneself of the illusions means to let go of certain beliefs, certain energies where we may have given our power away to another, whether this be our partner, a colleague, a family member, anyone in our community. Perhaps we've even... Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the ‘Devil Card - Upright’ article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #deviltarotcard #deviltcard #deviltcardtarot #thedevilcard #majorarcana #tarot #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #tarotreadersofinstagram #sydneypsychic #sydneytarot #psychics See more
19.01.2022 I am Sincerely Grateful "I am sincerely grateful for the grace and the ease that is brought forward into my life at times, for me to rest and receive.... I am sincerely grateful for these grace and ease periods in my life, where I am able to go within and receive my higher guidance, and I am sincerely grateful for the higher guidance that comes through from the Family of Light, from Higher Self, even from Earth Mother herself; that the Angels, Archangels are here to continually guide my path, and that it is okay, it is perfectly okay to rest and receive, take time out on my own internal rhythm, my own internal grace, and to honour this is what my own Soul is needing right here, right now, the grace, the ease. And that I am sincerely grateful for the guidance, for being held in this state, and for knowing that I in divine truth truly deserve this grace, this ease, this pause, this breath, this break in my cycle to rest and receive. I am sincere really grateful that I am wise enough to know that these words of wisdom that we speak, share with you now, have the ability to touch my Soul, touch my Heart and Soul in such a way that peace ensues, that peace and clarity ensues, and that it is safe. It is so safe to receive receive, receive, receive receive..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the I am Sincerely Grateful article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #enlightenedmasters #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangeljophiel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #weeklymessage #weeklyguidance See more
18.01.2022 Wish Id Done This Sooner - Aligning Heart/Mind "As we contemplate for a moment about times we may have wished that we had done something sooner, lets perhaps consider a kind, loving, thought towards ourself;... that maybe at that time we were being invited to embrace a little bit of fear, a little bit of apprehension, a little bit of troubled memory that needed resolved, of perhaps a thing or things that didnt turn out quite as expected. And that with the offering up of these thoughts, feelings, memories, of which are all just simply energy from our past, energy from previous times, as we honour that energy we become a loving observer of that energy, breathing it out, offering it up and coming back into our Heart. For when we come back into our heart and we listen to our heart, and our mind has released its troubled fears and thought-forms that our Being has resolved in relation to the past, when our Being has given ourself time and space to do this, we return back to the Heart of Oneness. We receive our Higher Guidance, we open up to our Power of Potential, and we unleash our Creative Power, our co-creative power with the Universe, with Spirit. And no longer will we feel the need to say, I wish Id done this sooner. No longer does this need to pass our lips for we have practiced mastering the art of coming into Oneness, coming into Alignment..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Wish Id Done This Sooner article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #messagefortheday #divineenergy #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #trusttheprocess #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage See more
17.01.2022 Death Card - The End of the Old into the New Welcome to embracing change in your life. Welcome to the end of the old and the blessing, the birthing into the new.... Welcome to change and transformation at its highest, most deepest level. Welcome to letting go of the old and making way for the new. Say goodbye to all that is completing now. Liberate yourself of any old energy that no longer serves; any monkey that may have felt like has been on your back; anyone or anything you may have felt you have been carrying up until now. Liberate yourself of this as you say goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to the old and complete a big chapter in your life. For this Death Card can symbolise completion, an ending of a chapter; of an initiation, of a path well worn, of something that no longer serves, and there is a readiness in your Being to take this to the next level, to begin again a new chapter, a new initiation to rebirth, recharge, recalibrate, begin again. For the Death Card is only symbolising this - Completion. A letting go. The end of a chapter. And that you are welcoming in Holy Divine Energy to ignite a spark of creativity within yourself to move forward. Be ready now. We invite you to be ready now to ignite the spark of creativity in your Being; to grow with passion, ignition, igniting the flames... Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Death Card - Upright article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #deathcard #deathtarotcard #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #psychicsydney #psychicaustralia #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcollection #tarots #sydneypsychics #angelanswers #divineguidance
16.01.2022 Hermit Tarot Card - Time to go within "This card can be such a Spiritually Activating one, for this is about returning to the Divine, the Divinity within you,... and the Divinity with your own version of Spiritual Connection. This is about reflecting upon what has and has not worked up until now, and honouring that it may be time for Divine Change. It may be time to heal, regenerate, let go, and embrace a Higher Divinity, a higher path for self moving forward. And what is it you are being guided to embrace? Perhaps at this stage we are needing to be patient, be patient was receiving the Higher Guidance, waiting to see what comes in, as we reflect, as were patient with God Source, receiving the Divine Connection, our Divine Guidance, the Divine information we need to receive moving forward, that connecting to the Divine and our own way, our own special unique way is important here. That our Divine Connection, our Divine Connection to our Divinity and Divine Source, is very important. For it is the healing and the regeneration we need now, the deep healing purification, the deep healing and regeneration, perhaps even a recalibration to a higher level of energy that we need to receive, to receive the Higher Guidance on how to move forward. Being the Hermit is okay, hiding... Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Hermit Card - Upright article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #hermit #hermitcard #hermittarotcard #majorarcana #learntarot #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #psychicsydney #psychicaustralia #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcollection #tarots #tarot See more
16.01.2022 Sending our Beloved Soul Family all my love and blessings for a divine, empowering 2020 experience. Thank you for being a part of this Soul Family Collective. My heart dream is to be the bestest Aunty to my two favourite tiny men nephews. ... What is your heart dream? You can share in the comments if you like so I can give your heart dream an Angelic Kiss Blessing. All my love, Azraella Raphael #spiritualguidance #divineguidance #trustandbelieve #trustyourjourney #intuitiveguidance #divinetiming #trustthejourney #innerguidance #trustyourintuition #trustgodsplan #trusttheplan #soulguidance #empowermentday #empowermenttemple #femaleempowerment #girlsempowerment #empowermentwoman #menempowerment #empowermentwomen #personalempowerment #empowermentmoment #womensempowerment #teenempowerment #womempowerment #empowermentmovement #womenempowermentquotes #empowermentforwomen #womenempowermentcoach See more
15.01.2022 Have I honoured My Love, My Divinity today? Love and Divinity - the Divine Truth, center and core of who you are. That you are complete Love, and that you are in Divine Truth so Divine.... Divine in your Heart, Divine with the Spark in your Soul, and a part of a great lineage of humanity that is also Divine. When we open our heart to our own Love and Divinity, we become humble, we become receptive, we become full of Love; and we operate more gracefully with more Love, with more compassion for ourself and others. When we operate with Love and Divinity, we are open and receptive to all things, we embrace change with greater ease as we come back into our Heart, back into our Oneness. And this is an invitation now to consider your Divinity, your Love, your Divine Spark within. Yet how often do we honour within ourself, I am the Love and the Divinity. I have this deep within me. And its in there for all who seek it. The Love and the Divinity is there for all who seek it. As we honour the Love and Divinity now, lets call for your own Heart, your own Love, your own Divinity, that Divine Spark in your Heart, to activate and ignite, to turn on that Divine Light full of Love, and to allow that light to pulsate, move through you. That as you honour your Love and Divinity and allow it to pulsate, move through you, you shall raise in Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the My Love - My Divinity article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #divinelyguided #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage #messagefortheday
15.01.2022 Success through bending thy Will ...As we sit, as we rest, as we honour, such as this beautiful Being in the Empress card -... shes proud of her achievements to date; is confident with herself, ready to move forward; for she is progressing. Shes ready to apply her Will, use her Creative Power, her Essence and build that long term Success, in particular financial success with the 10 of Pentacles being the focus... "...In the Seven of Wands this Being is applying their Will, with their loving focus, determination in action mode and is building the Empire within and without, is growing to their Highest Level of Success, Highest Level of Potential, in Highest Divine Order for their Being... This Creation Power that is flowing through you when you envisage or receive within yourself to build an Empire, is available to All Beings. Do you apply your Will with Divine Will to manifest, co-create on Earth? Do you bend your Will, set your intention to align it to Divine Will to manifest your full Power of Potential to the Highest level? What do you receive within yourself that you need to do to manifest, manifest, manifest with ease? Share below what you receive from your higher guidance in the comments if guided. Extract from blog of Azraella Raphael. View profile/website to read the full transmission of Success through bending thy Will article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #empress #sevenofwands #tenofpentacles #minorarcana #majorarcana #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #riderwaitesmithtarot #tarotlove #tarotlover #tarotgram #weeklyguidance #tarot See more
15.01.2022 I am Happy within Myself It is time now to accept that we can be happy within ourself, regardless of whatever may be occurring in our life. That we can, no matter what is occurring,... take time out, give ourself a break, honour how far we've come and how much we have done, and still despite it all, be happy within ourself. For perhaps it has not occurred to thee up until now to truly step back and look at, how much one has done, how much you may have achieved, how much you may have moved through, and that despite it all we can choose with our Will, as we align it to Divine Will, to be happy within ourself. That it's safe to do this. That it's a beautiful thing to do this, to honour ourself, love ourself, be receptive with ourself, and to take this love within, this happiness within, direct it into our heart as a blessing, as a sacred honouring to ourself; for have you truly honoured yourself today? Have your honoured yourself & said, 'Wow, look at how far I've come. Look at what I've done. Look at what I've had to move through, and despite it all and even if I would have preferred a slightly different outcome, I can still be happy within myself, knowing I've done a journey, a big journey, I've traveled far & I simply need to step aside, love & honour myself, put myself..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the ‘I am Happy within Myself’ article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #empowermentday #empowermenttemple #femaleempowerment #girlsempowerment #empowermentwoman #menempowerment #empowermentwomen #personalempowerment #empowermentmoment #womensempowerment #teenempowerment #womempowerment #empowermentmovement #womenempowermentquotes #empowermentforwomen #womenempowermentcoach #spiritualguidance #divineguidance #trustandbelieve #trustyourjourney #intuitiveguidance #divinetiming #trustthejourney #innerguidance #trustyourself See more
14.01.2022 Five of Swords: Inner/Outer Conflict Resolution "With this card upright, we are in a process of letting go of conflict. Perhaps on the inner, perhaps on the outer.... That there has been both an inner and outer conflict in truth. For the outer conflict is always a reflection of inner conflict; ones inner thoughts and feelings; how one has felt or thought - conflicting thoughts or feelings. And these conflicting thoughts and feelings are not wrong; are simply a guide of something that is not in alignment. What is it within me that has been a little conflicted? Has my heart and mind been on the same page, wanting the same things? Or is my heart wanting one thing, and my mind wanting another? Has there been a little frustration about this, and this has caused me to be frustrated, agitated, perhaps even angry, and this has been mirrored back to me in my outer world, through my job, my family, my loved ones? If Ive had this inner conflict up until now, would I be willing to surrender the conflicted energy to Source? Would I be willing to simply honour it for what it is, energy that has been unsettled, that hasnt felt that divine, that is truly divine as it goes back to Source? Lets contemplate this now as we embrace the Five of Swords energy, that..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Five of Swords - Upright article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #learntarot #minorarcana #5ofswords #fiveofswords #tarotcollection #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #oracleguidance #oraclereading #oraclecards #dailyguidance #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #tarotreadersofinstagram See more
14.01.2022 Ten of Cups - Emotionally Fulfilling Success Lets look at the divine celebration occurring within this card, this complete emotional fulfillment on many levels.... Fulfillment within home, within family or domestic life, fulfillment with our emotional, spiritual connections even, that we have achieved everything weve dreamed of, from beginning to end; from the simple, to the most complex, and that we did this in varying degrees of steps with our path, moving forward. That we knew at times we had to be a little patient. That being emotionally fulfilled sometimes means at times being patient. That if we are patient enough and we bring enough love, light and power to all we are working on, our dreams and goals we have invested into, the rewards, the celebration will be there for us. It is also a great time to celebrate within the community, perhaps even the community at large is celebrating with you; it is a large celebration, a great achievement. One that brings significant emotional joy and pleasure. And perhaps theres even Beings around you in your community to be thankful for, to be grateful for, that have supported your path to birth in this way. And we share with you, may your celebrations in the future be Blessed. May your celebrations of all your goals, achievements taking place be as emotionally rich and as spiritually fulfilling as..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Ten of Cups - Upright article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #tenofcups #10ofcups #suitofcups #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #tarot #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage #messagefortheday See more
14.01.2022 "My Highest Path of Potential is... being written and rewritten as I take a step in life. As I make the highest decision for myself, a new door, a new potential opens.... As I accept that I am on a higher mission, a higher path, a higher purpose, I can allow the many versions of divine truth, for the many potentials before me to birth. I may sit with this within my consciousness, and simply receive out of all of these potentials, which is the highest for now? Right here in this moment, with this project, this person, this idea? What is my Highest Potential here? What does the Highest Potential bring me in the long term? What does the Highest Potential bring me Multi-Dimensionally? What does my Highest Potential bring me on many levels, on the material plane, the physical plane and spiritually, for me as a Soul with my Spirit? What Highest Potentials lay before for me? To truly receive the answer to this, ask your Higher Consciousness to guide you; to guide you in guiding you to your Highest Path of Potential. What is it I am needing to let go of, release, surrender now, to open to my Highest Path of Potential? What is it I need to be willing to RECEIVE, to embrace to walk upon my Highest Path of Potential? What is it that I am needing to fully forgive even... Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the ‘My Highest Potential Path is’ article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #divinelyguided #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #spiritualguidance #tarot See more
14.01.2022 Sending our Beloved Soul Family all my love and blessings for a divine, empowering 2020 experience. Thank you for being a part of this Soul Family Collective. My heart dream is to be the bestest Aunty to my two favourite tiny men nephews. ... What is your heart dream? You can share in the comments if you like so I can give your heart dream an Angelic Kiss Blessing. All my love, Azraella Raphael #spiritualguidance #divineguidance #trustandbelieve #trustyourjourney #intuitiveguidance #divinetiming #trustthejourney #innerguidance #trustyourintuition #trustgodsplan #trusttheplan #soulguidance #empowermentday #empowermenttemple #femaleempowerment #girlsempowerment #empowermentwoman #menempowerment #empowermentwomen #personalempowerment #empowermentmoment #womensempowerment #teenempowerment #womempowerment #empowermentmovement #womenempowermentquotes #empowermentforwomen #womenempowermentcoach See more
13.01.2022 ARE YOU READY - to start the Spiritual New Year - #Wesak - clear, light, refreshed & energised? This is my favourite time of the year - Wesak - where you have the opportunity to: Release the old (energy, burdens, unfulfilled/incomplete spiritual contracts/projects in your life); and... Be infused with a large amount of light frequency - more potentially that you could even use - to birth your new projects/plans with grace over your coming year. If you are guided that this is your time in May, to receive divine assistance, to be deeply blessed in this Spiritual New Year, visit: #Wesak2019
13.01.2022 Seven of Pentacles - Keep going, your money making skills are growing exponentially With excitement, this gentleman in the Seven of Pentacles tarot card has done well; has grown a tree bearing fruit,... and there is much money, much success to be had at this stage. They have worked hard, they have saved, they have prepared, they are utilising their money, their finances well, and they are preparing to grow for the next step, to find the strength within themselves to know, What is the highest step next to do with our money, with our venture or ventures moving forward? What else is it that I need to do to learn or master money in a higher way to continue growing this money tree? Is it advice I am needing, from potentially other advisors such as financial ones? Is it Divine Guidance Im needing to receive to know what is the highest to do with this financial gain I have achieved? What is the highest to do to continue growing the money tree? And in doing this and connecting to this energy, we share with you that this is a job well done, growing this money tree to this size. That all goals are being achieved gracefully. We are not giving up. We are in the process of growing and growing and growing exponentially, if we embrace our power..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Seven of Pentacles - Upright article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #sevenofpentacles #7ofpentacles #minorarcana #pentaclessuit #suitofpentacles #pentacles #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #riderwaitesmithtarot #sydneypsychics #tarotaustralia #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #weeklymessage See more
11.01.2022 The Hanged Man - Surrender with the Divine "Here is a beautiful Being, in surrender, in the moment, in the now,... at Peace, in Oneness, and on the path of Receptivity with the Divine. For this Being has connection, deeply between Heaven and Earth, and knows that it is the time to be surrendered, into the void, into the mystery, and honouring that at this particular moment in time, there is not much specifically to know, to do, to follow through on, but to be in the moment, be in the now, receive from the Divine and simply BE. In some ways for some Beings this may be known as the space between projects, knowing that you need to wait for Divine Guidance on your next steps moving forward. But in doing this also knowing that you are peaceful in your heart. You are settled in your heart, feeling complete in your heart, and even quiet in your mind as you wait for this, because you know there is not much to do with this, for this, in this moment but to be, be and receive God Goddess's essence, blessings and allow ourselves to be filled with, the Divine Light, with the Divine Love, the Divine Pulsations from the Divine to fill, fill, fill our Being. Preparing us for another change, preparing us for great change, preparing us for moving into another chapter, the highest path of potential, for the highest path of potential here... Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the ‘Hanged Man - Upright’ article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #hangedman #thehangedman #majorarcana #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #psychicsydney #psychicaustralia #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcollection #tarots #tarot #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage See more
11.01.2022 That time of year for Clarity ~ Peace ~ Direction ~ Inspiration ~ Wellbeing Love the start of a new year for ‘Spiritual Clean Out’, where we have the opportunity to ask ourself questions such as: - What no longer serves me?... - What is the highest for me to focus upon now? - What brings my heart happiness, and am I currently doing this? - Do I even know who I am now or am I amidst change, growing into - moving from caterpillar to butterfly? - Is this my ‘limbo land’ phase, where I am in a deep process of spiritually letting go, preparing for my next big spiritual chapter in my life? - What is it I need to do that serves me now? These are some examples of wonderful questions you can ask your Higher Self for Divine Guidance on your Path of Highest Potential (your Purpose) to align your heart to a path of fulfilment. If you have experienced difficulty with your higher connection up until now with receiving divine guidance for yourself, you can always make a booking with yours truly for divine assistance. We’d be honoured to be of service to you. All my love, Azraella Raphael @bookstudio3 Azraella Raphael * * * * * #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #psychicsydney #psychicaustralia #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcollection #tarots #tarot #learntarot #minorarcana #majorarcana #divinationcommunity #sydneypsychic See more
11.01.2022 Four of Pentacles - Money/Energy Consolidation "In this card a Being that is gathering strength and power. They have been gathering it for a little while now.... They are harnessing it, consolidating it, grounding it, so they build a house on rock, not sand. They are generating a lot of power, a lot of interest, a lot of passion in their venture, and they wish to grow this money, this foundation that they have built to an exponential level; to a powerful level. But to do this they need to sit and honour, consolidate their dreams, desires, their energy, their power, their money, to work out, receive the highest way to move forward with their money. The highest way to move forward with their ventures. What is the highest way to build an empire from this position? What is the highest way to embrace our abundance, finance, resource mastery and build the highest potential outcome for this project or projects at this time? How do I build my faith, my power, my strength and apply this, use this similar, same energy to build the finance, resource, abundance? How do I embrace change to move forward with this finance, resource, abundance in this way? How can I build this house on rock, not sand? So it is simply a time of a little bit of reflection, a little bit of honouring, a little bit of acknowledging that... Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Four of Pentacles - Upright article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #fourofpentacles #4ofpentacles #pentaclessuit #suitofpentacles #minorarcana #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotdecks #tarotcollection #sydneypsychics #tarotaustralia #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarot See more
11.01.2022 I embody Clarity, Peace, Love "I embody this because it is the Divine Truth of who I am, as a Being, as a Soul here. And that my Clarity, my truth, my Peace, my Love for myself that I hold as a Soul here,... is the constant base reality of my perception about myself and my life here. I embody Clarity, Peace, Love because it is the Divine Truth of who I am, and I wish to send this energy, this message, this Divine Truth out into the world. For I embody Clarity, Peace, Love, so that I am also able to offer myself in sacred service, as a sacred way-shower, as a sacred Angelic Human here on this Earth. I am able to offer through my divine intention, through my empowerment, through my love, Clarity, Peace, Love for all Beings. I embody Clarity, Peace and Love, so I also have this for my life, for my loved ones, for all things important to me. And I offer through sacred prayer now, all the Clarity, all the Peace, all the Love that each Being can receive now. May they choose to receive my prayer, my intention, my Clarity, Peace and Love for them, as well as for others, on behalf of humanity, for the Earth and all Beings. May Clarity, Peace, Love rain upon all Beings. May Clarity, Peace, Love be embodied by all Beings. May Clarity, Peace, Love be the divine reminder of who you really are deep within..." Balance of transmission in comments below by Azraella Raphael & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #enlightenedmasters #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage #archangelchamuel #archangelhaniel See more
10.01.2022 The Hanged Man - Surrender with the Divine "Here is a beautiful Being, in surrender, in the moment, in the now,... at Peace, in Oneness, and on the path of Receptivity with the Divine. For this Being has connection, deeply between Heaven and Earth, and knows that it is the time to be surrendered, into the void, into the mystery, and honouring that at this particular moment in time, there is not much specifically to know, to do, to follow through on, but to be in the moment, be in the now, receive from the Divine and simply BE. In some ways for some Beings this may be known as the space between projects, knowing that you need to wait for Divine Guidance on your next steps moving forward. But in doing this also knowing that you are peaceful in your heart. You are settled in your heart, feeling complete in your heart, and even quiet in your mind as you wait for this, because you know there is not much to do with this, for this, in this moment but to be, be and receive God Goddesss essence, blessings and allow ourselves to be filled with, the Divine Light, with the Divine Love, the Divine Pulsations from the Divine to fill, fill, fill our Being. Preparing us for another change, preparing us for great change, preparing us for moving into another chapter, the highest path of potential, for the highest path of potential here... Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Hanged Man - Upright article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #hangedman #thehangedman #majorarcana #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #psychicsydney #psychicaustralia #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcollection #tarots #tarot #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage See more
10.01.2022 We welcome you to our Page, where youll find many divine truths, many heart healings and sharings, and you can link hearts to our Beloved Soul Family Collective. Blessed Be.
10.01.2022 I Only LOVE "There was a time when a beautiful little Angelic Boy said, I Only Love.... He chose not to like. He chose not to accept what seemed the same, or boring, or common to him. He chose in his heart to only accept ALL that he truly deeply loved. I Only Love. I only love and bring to my heart ALL THAT I LOVE, only that which I love. And all that I do not love, I let go of and bless and send on their way, with my full blessing, my full honoring as I release it all into the light. I choose to only embrace love. I choose to embrace love and let go of all else that no longer serves, for there is no liking, there is no tolerating, there is no begrudging acceptance. As we divinely choose through our Higher Will to only love, to welcome in all that we love in our life. I Only Love. We invite you to contemplate, What is it I Only Love? And what is it that I am willing to surrender, let go of that I have liked or tolerated, up until now? Who or what do you truly love and what are you willing to release now? Blessed Be. Blessed Be. Blessed Be. More transcripts found in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to read more articles like I Only Love. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #messagefortheday #divineenergy #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangelchamuel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage See more
07.01.2022 I embody Clarity, Peace, Love "I embody this because it is the Divine Truth of who I am, as a Being, as a Soul here. And that my Clarity, my truth, my Peace, my Love for myself that I hold as a Soul here,... is the constant base reality of my perception about myself and my life here. I embody Clarity, Peace, Love because it is the Divine Truth of who I am, and I wish to send this energy, this message, this Divine Truth out into the world. For I embody Clarity, Peace, Love, so that I am also able to offer myself in sacred service, as a sacred way-shower, as a sacred Angelic Human here on this Earth. I am able to offer through my divine intention, through my empowerment, through my love, Clarity, Peace, Love for all Beings. I embody Clarity, Peace and Love, so I also have this for my life, for my loved ones, for all things important to me. And I offer through sacred prayer now, all the Clarity, all the Peace, all the Love that each Being can receive now. May they choose to receive my prayer, my intention, my Clarity, Peace and Love for them, as well as for others, on behalf of humanity, for the Earth and all Beings. May Clarity, Peace, Love rain upon all Beings. May Clarity, Peace, Love be embodied by all Beings. May Clarity, Peace, Love be the divine reminder of who you really are deep within..." Balance of transmission in comments below by Azraella Raphael & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #enlightenedmasters #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage #archangelchamuel #archangelhaniel See more
06.01.2022 Angelic Wisdom - A Divine Teaching "We welcome you into the Heart of the Divine Angelic Portal of Wisdom. This is where you may connect to at any time to receive loving guidance and support, and even at times Divine Angelic Healing,... to support the Divine Angelic Wisdom to come through your Being, so it becomes a knowing; a knowing of what the Highest Path of Potential is for your goal, your target, your aim in life. Lets honour as we connect to our own Angelic Wisdom within, your own Angelic Presence, your Higher Self. Lets go within as we receive through sacred intention and prayer - access - we open up to - our Higher Self, our Angelic Connection, as well as to the Divine Angelic Wisdom Portal that is available to any Being at any time. As you ask for permission to enter into this portal, this gateway, to receive the Angelic Wisdom that is in Highest Divine Order for you at this time, you will receive Divine Guidance on your Highest Path of Potential. You will receive the Wisdom, the steps, the path of co-creation with the Divine to opening up to your fullest, Highest Potential with your path. And that the Angels, Archangels, the many upon thousands and thousands of Beings, Angelic Beings, Presences available to you can support to open up the path, pave the way, support you in paving the way to move forward with grace..." End of Part 1 - Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View profile/website link to complete reading the Angelic Wisdom blog post. & by Azraella Raphael * * * * * #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #enlightenedmasters #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage See more
06.01.2022 Divine Guidance - How to receive it... "As we step forth, your beautiful Beloved Family of Light, we share with you that Divine Guidance is simply a heartbeat, a little breath away. That as you open up to receiving Divine Guidance, that there are various ways that this Divine Guidance can come through to you.... Divine Guidance firstly begins with your own Higher Self Connection. If you are calling on, invoking your Higher Self to merge with you, to pulsate through your heart, core, Being, you will start receiving Higher Guidance, Higher Clarity. And if you are finding that up until now, you have experienced or are experiencing a little difficulty with this, it may be Divine Timing for you to receive some Divine Assistance; some Divine Assistance from another Being, whether this be from the Enlightened Realms, or through another healer, another channel, another Messenger of Spirit. If it is in Highest Divine Order for you to receive Divine Guidance, receive Divine Support, to open up to your Divine Guidance; to receive the messages, the path of clarity, divine truth and wisdom, then the Divine Presence of Azraella Raphael, the Angels and Archangels can support you. This is one of the mediums, channels, supporters of the Divine Assistance work, of the Divine Guidance pathway; for the Presence of Azraella Raphael works as an Activator Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Divine Guidance - How to Receive It article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #divinelyguided #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #spiritualguidance #sydneypsychics #sydneypsychic #psychicaustralia See more
04.01.2022 I am Happy within Myself It is time now to accept that we can be happy within ourself, regardless of whatever may be occurring in our life. That we can, no matter what is occurring,... take time out, give ourself a break, honour how far weve come and how much we have done, and still despite it all, be happy within ourself. For perhaps it has not occurred to thee up until now to truly step back and look at, how much one has done, how much you may have achieved, how much you may have moved through, and that despite it all we can choose with our Will, as we align it to Divine Will, to be happy within ourself. That its safe to do this. That its a beautiful thing to do this, to honour ourself, love ourself, be receptive with ourself, and to take this love within, this happiness within, direct it into our heart as a blessing, as a sacred honouring to ourself; for have you truly honoured yourself today? Have your honoured yourself & said, Wow, look at how far Ive come. Look at what Ive done. Look at what Ive had to move through, and despite it all and even if I would have preferred a slightly different outcome, I can still be happy within myself, knowing Ive done a journey, a big journey, Ive traveled far & I simply need to step aside, love & honour myself, put myself..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the I am Happy within Myself article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #empowermentday #empowermenttemple #femaleempowerment #girlsempowerment #empowermentwoman #menempowerment #empowermentwomen #personalempowerment #empowermentmoment #womensempowerment #teenempowerment #womempowerment #empowermentmovement #womenempowermentquotes #empowermentforwomen #womenempowermentcoach #spiritualguidance #divineguidance #trustandbelieve #trustyourjourney #intuitiveguidance #divinetiming #trustthejourney #innerguidance #trustyourself See more
04.01.2022 Time to acknowledge, I am very Special "How many times have I thought, have I acknowledged that... I am very Special?... How many times have I not compared myself to another, sat in my own uniqueness and shared deep within myself: Yes, it is true; I am very Special. How many times have I looked upon how I have touched the world, given it: My love, My touch, My blessings through my actions or my thoughts? And acknowledged that as I did this, that to be able to do this, I am very Special. I am very Special because there is truly no one like me. I am very Special because all I have to give is unique from me. Nobody else has this. It is truly, truly very special and unique. I am Special, I am Unique, and I deserve to be honoured for this Uniqueness. This Uniqueness that starts within me. I honour and accept my Uniqueness. I honour and accept how Special I am. I honour and accept that I in divine truth - am Divine Truth. I am Divine. I am the Highest Light. I am willing to receive my own Divine Angelic Connection through simply honouring that it is worthy; it is Special; and it is a gift that I can send out through the Universe via the field, to bless everyone and everything with all that I do..." We give thanks to the Angels and Archangels now for this blessing. Blessed Be. Blessed Be. Blessed Be. Further Angelic Wisdom in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to read more Divine Wisdom articles. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #angelanswers #trusttheprocess #archangelguidance #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #enlightenedmasters #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage See more
04.01.2022 Two of Cups - Divine Union "In this card are two beautiful Beings, meeting and honouring each other deeply from the heart, and also the mind.... Seeing each other as truly Divine. And that as they honour and embrace their own Divinity, this makes it so much easier to honour and embrace the Divinity of another. When one honours Ones own Divinity internally, honours both heart and mind, soul and spirit, this can easily be reflected back to us through honouring another Being, whether this be your romantic partner, a loved one, a colleague, a friend, no matter who this Being may be that you may be in some form of relationship with, you will find that it is easy as you honour yourself as Divine that others will honour you as Divine. For this is the truth of Divine Union, honouring your own Divinity, having your heart and your mind on the same page regarding Self Love, Compassion for Self, Compassion for Others. As you do this, this is reflected back to you through the Divine, through the Divinity of others, and you have Divine Union, balance with another. And these Beings that are in some form of union, romantic, business wise or simply as family, as they are in Union together, on a project working towards something, all are in this card, in this venture emotionally, spiritually fulfilled; and that this is easy to achieve when..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Two of Cups - Upright article. & Azraella Raphael* * * * * * #twoofcups #2ofcups #suitofcups #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #tarot #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage #messagefortheday See more
03.01.2022 Ten of Wands: Too much Giving & Doing "Oh no, look what has happened here; we have taken on more than we could have possibly imagined.... And now there is simply too much; too much to do, too much to accept; its all simply too much. What can we do with all of these things that we have to do? What shall we do with all of this much stuff, so much action? And we have very little energy left to do it. As up until now we have been working hard; working so very, very, very, very hard to make all of this happen. And now weve reached a point where we cannot do it this way anymore. That we cannot move forward like this...its just simply too much; too much to hold for one Being. And therefore, this Being in this card needs to let go, surrender, take time out, offer some of the workload, or give some of the workload to others, or another to be able to reclaim their energy, their power back. When they reclaim their energy and power back, they will be able to begin again, and until this is done, they will continue to move around and around in circles, until a rock bottom has occurred; until they reach rock bottom, which they have virtually reached now. One way or another, the spiraling of out of control energy will cease, will stop; but will it be on your terms, or at the terms of...?" Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Ten of Wands - Upright article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #tenofwands #10ofwands #minorarcana #messagefortheday #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #tarotreadersofinstagram #sydneypsychic #sydneytarot #psychicsaustralia #riderwaitesmithtarot #weeklyguidance #weeklymessage #learntarot See more
03.01.2022 Seven of Pentacles - Keep going, your money making skills are growing exponentially With excitement, this gentleman in the Seven of Pentacles tarot card has done well; has grown a tree bearing fruit,... and there is much money, much success to be had at this stage. They have worked hard, they have saved, they have prepared, they are utilising their money, their finances well, and they are preparing to grow for the next step, to find the strength within themselves to know, 'What is the highest step next to do with our money, with our venture or ventures moving forward? What else is it that I need to do to learn or master money in a higher way to continue growing this money tree? Is it advice I am needing, from potentially other advisors such as financial ones? Is it Divine Guidance I'm needing to receive to know what is the highest to do with this financial gain I have achieved? What is the highest to do to continue growing the money tree?' And in doing this and connecting to this energy, we share with you that this is a job well done, growing this money tree to this size. That all goals are being achieved gracefully. We are not giving up. We are in the process of growing and growing and growing exponentially, if we embrace our power..." Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the ‘Seven of Pentacles - Upright’ article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #sevenofpentacles #7ofpentacles #minorarcana #pentaclessuit #suitofpentacles #pentacles #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #riderwaitesmithtarot #sydneypsychics #tarotaustralia #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #weeklymessage See more
02.01.2022 The Divine Truth of Tarot ANGELIC WISDOM has a deep connection to the LIBRARIES OF LIGHT.... There is old and new Wisdom. The Angelic Wisdom that we receive from presently is to assist many Divine Angelic Humans to connect to their SPIRITUAL GIFTS, their Power, their own Divine Wisdom. We do this by connecting you to your own Master Guides, your own WISDOM KEEPERS that offer you support and Wisdom for your path, for the truth of a Divine Truth Tarot Reader is to receive the Higher Divine Wisdom from Beloved God Source. That this Wisdom is held and passed on through via the Wisdom Keepers, of those connected to ourself and to you, and these Words of Wisdom are shared with you in a gentle loving way to support you to receive, a Higher Wisdom, a Higher View, a Higher Potential, than you may have realised consciously within yourself before. That the Divine Truth of the Tarot Reading is to receive, Divine Support, Divine Assistance, but most importantly DIVINE GUIDANCE; Guidance from the Divine, Guidance from the Enlightened Realms. For there are many realms where information can be obtained but the Highest Realms, the Highest of Realms, is where the Highest of Wisdom is held for you. If you truly wish to receive the Highest of Wisdom, the Highest of Potential, the Highest Reality that you can co-create here, then it would be wise... Balance of transmission in comments below by Azraella Raphael & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #tarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #tarotreadersofinstagram #messageoftheday #messageoftheweek #majorarcana #minorarcana #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotdecks #tarotcollection #sydneypsychics #tarotaustralia #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot
02.01.2022 The Divine Truth of Tarot ANGELIC WISDOM has a deep connection to the LIBRARIES OF LIGHT.... There is old and new Wisdom. The Angelic Wisdom that we receive from presently is to assist many Divine Angelic Humans to connect to their SPIRITUAL GIFTS, their Power, their own Divine Wisdom. We do this by connecting you to your own Master Guides, your own WISDOM KEEPERS that offer you support and Wisdom for your path, for the truth of a Divine Truth Tarot Reader is to receive the Higher Divine Wisdom from Beloved God Source. That this Wisdom is held and passed on through via the Wisdom Keepers, of those connected to ourself and to you, and these Words of Wisdom are shared with you in a gentle loving way to support you to receive, a Higher Wisdom, a Higher View, a Higher Potential, than you may have realised consciously within yourself before. That the Divine Truth of the Tarot Reading is to receive, Divine Support, Divine Assistance, but most importantly DIVINE GUIDANCE; Guidance from the Divine, Guidance from the Enlightened Realms. For there are many realms where information can be obtained but the Highest Realms, the Highest of Realms, is where the Highest of Wisdom is held for you. If you truly wish to receive the Highest of Wisdom, the Highest of Potential, the Highest Reality that you can co-create here, then it would be wise... Balance of transmission in comments below by Azraella Raphael & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #tarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #tarotreadersofinstagram #messageoftheday #messageoftheweek #majorarcana #minorarcana #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotdecks #tarotcollection #sydneypsychics #tarotaustralia #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot
02.01.2022 That time of year for Clarity ~ Peace ~ Direction ~ Inspiration ~ Wellbeing Love the start of a new year for Spiritual Clean Out, where we have the opportunity to ask ourself questions such as: - What no longer serves me?... - What is the highest for me to focus upon now? - What brings my heart happiness, and am I currently doing this? - Do I even know who I am now or am I amidst change, growing into - moving from caterpillar to butterfly? - Is this my limbo land phase, where I am in a deep process of spiritually letting go, preparing for my next big spiritual chapter in my life? - What is it I need to do that serves me now? These are some examples of wonderful questions you can ask your Higher Self for Divine Guidance on your Path of Highest Potential (your Purpose) to align your heart to a path of fulfilment. If you have experienced difficulty with your higher connection up until now with receiving divine guidance for yourself, you can always make a booking with yours truly for divine assistance. Wed be honoured to be of service to you. All my love, Azraella Raphael @bookstudio3 Azraella Raphael * * * * * #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #psychicsydney #psychicaustralia #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcollection #tarots #tarot #learntarot #minorarcana #majorarcana #divinationcommunity #sydneypsychic See more
02.01.2022 Devil Card - Mental Body Illusions This card is full of illusion; the illusion we are bound and trapped,... when in Divine Truth we are not bound or trapped. There is an illusion here that possibly we belong to another, are bound to another, that possibly we are stuck on our path with a project, with a task; that possibly our mind sees no way out of a situation; that possibly our mind is just playing devils advocate, seeing the worst within every situation, every possibility, that there is no way out. No way to move forward. When in Divine Truth there always is. Always is a way out. Always is a way to move forward. Yet sometimes it takes quite a bit of effort to release the shackles, the chains of the mind. To release the illusions we may have created in our mind, to release the falsehoods that seem like truth. For the falsehoods are not Divine Truth. Divine Truth always sees the highest way moving forward, and it may take a little effort when this card arises for you. It may take a little effort to break free of the chains that the mind may have placed upon you up until now. To liberate oneself of the illusions means to let go of certain beliefs, certain energies where we may have given our power away to another, whether this be our partner, a colleague, a family member, anyone in our community. Perhaps weve even... Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Devil Card - Upright article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #deviltarotcard #deviltcard #deviltcardtarot #thedevilcard #majorarcana #tarot #thedivinetruthoftarot #tinytarottip #tarotcardreadings #taroteveryday #instatarot #psychictarot #tarotreaders #angelmessages #tarotguidance #tarotcardreading #tarotofinstagram #tarotcardoftheday #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotreadersofig #oraclecardreading #divinelyguided #angelguidance #tarotreadersofinstagram #sydneypsychic #sydneytarot #psychics See more
02.01.2022 Energised & Peaceful - Angelic Wisdom on "For one to feel energised and at peace, it is important to understand our connection to the Unified Field. This Universal Field of Energy that pulsates all the way through and around us at all times;... this Universal Field of Energy that feeds us the love, the light, the compassion, the Divine Assistance and Guidance; if we are aware of this field and always being, remaining connected to it at all times, no longer seeing ourself as separate from God Source or the field, that is all the way around us and through us; if we choose to no longer feel separate or see ourself as separate to this field, this Source Connection, this field that connects us to Beloved God Source, we shall always feel at One, at Peace, Unified; unified with Source, unified with the Field, unified with All That Is. But to feel this, to know this, One must be willing to call on the field that is through and around you, to activate; this unified field - call on it now. Call on the Unified Field that pulsates through and around you to activate, for the Unified Field to activate; activate, activate, activate, in Highest Divine Order for your Being, bringing through the love, light, power that is in Highest Divine Order for you to receive at this time; to pulsate and come through you, pour through into, pour through all around you Complete transmission in blog of Azraella Raphael. View profile/site to complete reading the ‘Energised & Peaceful with the Unified Field’ article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #angelanswers #archangelguidance #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #enlightenedmasters #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #sydneypsychics #sydneypsychic #psychicaustralia #trusttheprocess #weeklyguidance See more
01.01.2022 "My Highest Path of Potential is... being written and rewritten as I take a step in life. As I make the highest decision for myself, a new door, a new potential opens.... As I accept that I am on a higher mission, a higher path, a higher purpose, I can allow the many versions of divine truth, for the many potentials before me to birth. I may sit with this within my consciousness, and simply receive out of all of these potentials, which is the highest for now? Right here in this moment, with this project, this person, this idea? What is my Highest Potential here? What does the Highest Potential bring me in the long term? What does the Highest Potential bring me Multi-Dimensionally? What does my Highest Potential bring me on many levels, on the material plane, the physical plane and spiritually, for me as a Soul with my Spirit? What Highest Potentials lay before for me? To truly receive the answer to this, ask your Higher Consciousness to guide you; to guide you in guiding you to your Highest Path of Potential. What is it I am needing to let go of, release, surrender now, to open to my Highest Path of Potential? What is it I need to be willing to RECEIVE, to embrace to walk upon my Highest Path of Potential? What is it that I am needing to fully forgive even... Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the My Highest Potential Path is article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #divinelyguided #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #spiritualguidance #tarot See more
01.01.2022 Energised & Peaceful - Angelic Wisdom on "For one to feel energised and at peace, it is important to understand our connection to the Unified Field. This Universal Field of Energy that pulsates all the way through and around us at all times;... this Universal Field of Energy that feeds us the love, the light, the compassion, the Divine Assistance and Guidance; if we are aware of this field and always being, remaining connected to it at all times, no longer seeing ourself as separate from God Source or the field, that is all the way around us and through us; if we choose to no longer feel separate or see ourself as separate to this field, this Source Connection, this field that connects us to Beloved God Source, we shall always feel at One, at Peace, Unified; unified with Source, unified with the Field, unified with All That Is. But to feel this, to know this, One must be willing to call on the field that is through and around you, to activate; this unified field - call on it now. Call on the Unified Field that pulsates through and around you to activate, for the Unified Field to activate; activate, activate, activate, in Highest Divine Order for your Being, bringing through the love, light, power that is in Highest Divine Order for you to receive at this time; to pulsate and come through you, pour through into, pour through all around you Complete transmission in blog of Azraella Raphael. View profile/site to complete reading the Energised & Peaceful with the Unified Field article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #angelanswers #archangelguidance #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #enlightenedmasters #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #sydneypsychics #sydneypsychic #psychicaustralia #trusttheprocess #weeklyguidance See more
01.01.2022 Angelic Blessings to You... We invite you to close your eyes and go within, to say a little prayer,... invocation of support, for a little divine inspiration; For you are divinely being inspired by the Angelic Realms of Light now. The Angels, Archangels step forth around you; they are gathering their energy, their gifts and they are placing them in your chakras now. For we are activating to our highest potential now, our Path of the Heart, opening your Angelic Heart to your Angelic Higher Consciousness now. Opening your own Higher Connection to your own Higher Self, your own Angelic Connection, to support you to receive the Divine Guidance, the Higher Guidance that youve been looking for. For the Divine Angelic Wisdom, the Divine Angelic Guidance is always there, should you be willing to open up and receive your Higher Divine Angelic Connection now. Opening up to receive the Higher Divine Angelic Connection now. Your Higher Divine Angelic Connection now is opening. Set the intention: I am opening my Divine Angelic Connection now, so that my Divine Truth, my Divine Wisdom, my Divine Power can hold me, guide me, clear and even heal me. This Divine Angelic Wisdom is brought through to you via Azraella Raphael, your Angelic Guide, your Angelic Mentor, your Angelic Inspiration behind this message. Full transcript in blog of Azraella Raphael. View our profile/website to complete reading the Angelic Blessings to You article. & Azraella Raphael * * * * * #angelanswers #divinebeings #divineconsciousness #divinetruth #lightworkers #angelwings #divineguidance #angelic #divinelight #angelmessages #angels #angelguidance #familyoflight #enlightenedmasters #oracleguidance #channelling #channeling #divineintervention #angel #archangelmetatron #archangelmichael #archangelraphael #archangelgabriel #archangel #archangels #ascendedmasters #messagefortheday #weeklyguidance See more
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2/14 Waters Road, Neutral Bay Neutral Bay, NSW, Australia
- All Things Magickal
Beauty, cosmetic & personal care Aromatherapy service Spa Gift shop Astrologist & psychic
Narre Warren 3805 Narre Warren East, VIC, Australia
- Maria Capone Attitude of Mind and Spirit
Other Brand Product/service Astrologist & psychic Health & wellness website
+61 417 250 112
- Healing Healers
Alternative & holistic health service Astrologist & psychic
+61 418 506 395
1/1 Roberts Street 4551 Caloundra, QLD, Australia