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Bump 2 Babe-Childbirth Education & Postnatal Support
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23.01.2022 Author unknown. I used to say to myself toward the end of my first pregnancy that if I still haven’t given birth, there must be some important development going on and I wouldn’t want to rush that. This way of thinking really helped me push through all the pelvic discomfort and difficulty sleeping I was experiencing! . Don’t rush the natural process. It’s a long wait but in the scheme of things pregnancy is really only the beginning of the huge and wonderful parenting jour...ney ahead! . . . #bump2babe #babiesofmelbourne #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #melbournemums #mumsofmelbourne #armadalemums #malvernmums #empoweredbirth #positivebirth #toolsforbirth #ownyourbirth #pregnantandprepared #pregnantinmelbourne #melbournepregnancy #melbournepregnantmums #childbirtheducationclasses #childbirtheducationmelbourne #childbirtheducationmalvern #childbirtheducation
22.01.2022 A perfect poem by @holliepoetry for World Breastfeeding Week 2020 (World Baby Feeding Week-according to me). Not that we should have to defend our right to feed and nourish our children. And it’s no wonder this generation has so many issues with breastfeeding (if they choose to do so), when they haven’t had the opportunity to be exposed to it in the first place! When did we even start this whole idea of hiding such a natural and beautiful part of parenting and nurturing?!?!? ... Well, this is one aspect of what World Breastfeeding Week is all about! (Although I’d prefer to call it World Baby Feeding Week but I won’t get into that right now) Let’s normalise breastfeeding, support breastfeeders and those who can’t or choose not too as well. Let’s support women, women’s choices and their decisions about their bodies and let’s help and support women to value and love their bodies and themselves unconditionally!!!!....even more so, let’s help women, their choices, their bodies and breastfeeding be valued and respected BY OTHERS!!! . . . #embarrassed #holliepoetry #worldbabyfeedingweek #worldbreastfeedingweek2020 #bump2babe #fedisbest #breastorbottle #breastfeedwhereeverwhenever See more
22.01.2022 Wow!!! Great learning activity for those curious little minds!!!
22.01.2022 What a fantastic explanation with visual too!!!!!
22.01.2022 Having a positive outlook and hope through life can help you lead a happier and healthier lifestyle. In hypnobirthing we talk a lot about building a positive mindset through positive thoughts, affirmations, relaxation, self talk and adopting positive language...especially surrounding birth! We drop terms that can be easily perceived as negative such as pain, contraction, failure to progress, incompetent cervix. We replace such terms with anything more positive such as waves/...surges, intensity and focus on keeping the positive vibes flowing to encourage the flow all those wonderous hormones that make labour and birth happen! . I REJOICE in the work I do and in each and every one of my hypnobirthing parents’ joy I PRAY that they take and learn everything I have to offer and that their births are a memorable, empowering and positive experiences I GIVE THANKS for all who have turned to me for advice and learning, for the compliments and appreciation, birth photos and stories shared with me and for the honour bestowed upon me in entrusting me to play a small but vital role in your journey to bring new life into the world . . . #bump2babe #babiesofmelbourne #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #melbournemums #mumsofmelbourne #armadalemums #malvernmums #empoweredbirth #positivebirth #toolsforbirth #ownyourbirth #pregnantandprepared #pregnantinmelbourne #melbournepregnancy #melbournepregnantmums #childbirtheducationclasses #childbirtheducationmelbourne #childbirtheducationmalvern #childbirtheducation
20.01.2022 Are you ok? It’s ok to tell me. It’s also ok not to tell me. It would be great if you told someone. .... Reality is, not everyone wants to talk to someone about not being ok and so many people suffer in silence. I get it. I do the same...often! . What I’d like to highlight on R U OK Day 2020 is not only to ask your loved ones and friends how they are doing on any given day but go out of your way to show kindness and compassion to EVERYONE around you. To give the benefit of the doubt before judging a fellow human. And always show respect to every human being because we can never fully know or understand what a person is going through in their lives despite how good they look or how successful they seem to be. . It is my hope, that by showing kindness we can give each other less reason to have to not feel ok in the first place resulting in reduced rates of compromised mental health and suicide. . If you would like to talk to me about not being ok, please reach out! If not, please try think of someone else you’d feel comfortable to talk to. . Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to . . . #ruok #ruokday2020 #bump2babe #positivebirth #hypnobirthing #perinatalsupport #respect #kindness #compassion #understanding See more
19.01.2022 Amongst his many other wonderful attributes, our daddy skips!!! @mr_lipson - The dream daddy! Looking forward to the days when these girls get into make-up and makeovers . We have a very busy day planned for our stomachs tomorrow (considering we can’t go anywhere or do very much living in Melbourne right now) . Wishing all the daddies, daddies-to-be, grand-daddies, wish-to-be daddies, foster daddies, adoptive daddies, mums who are daddies and even the fur-daddies a wonderful day with your loved ones! Of course we appreciate you every day of the year but let’s take advantage of this selected day to make you feel extra special and spoilt
18.01.2022 In the late hours of last night I got to do something totally new and challenging....I became a HYPNOBIRTHING TELE-DOULA!!!! Yup! You heard right! Here’s the story: My little sister who lives in the USA did the face-to-face @hypnobirthingaustralia course with me a while back and was in labour all day yesterday (day time here in Australia). So, there I was, juggling messages and phone calls all whilst taking my car for a service, home-assisted schooling, cooking and feeding t...he fam. As night fell, hubby @mr_lipson took over with bedtime routine and I became a doula over the phone for the following 3 or so hours supporting my sister and her amazingly supportive hubby! Baby K was born 22:16 here in Australia and 08:16 in the US! . Firstly, that was a bloody tough gig!!! Working with audio only (and not even clear audio) I basically had to sense a lot of what was happening from what little I could hear. Secondly, bloody hell, I’m proud of the three of us!!!! What a team One of my favourite moments was when my brother-in-law stepped up and told the midwives in the room to be quiet...about 4 times! They were changing shift I think but talking about the inductions for the day... my absolute favourite part though, was hearing my sister squeal it’s a girl?!?!?!? Half question, half announcement. She thought all through the pregnant that she was having a boy To my baby sis, my little superhero and her awesome hubby....CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY K . . . #bump2babe #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #empoweredbirth #positivebirth #toolsforbirth #ownyourbirth #pregnantandprepared #melbournepregnancy #melbournepregnantmums #childbirtheducationclasses #childbirtheducationmelbourne #childbirtheducationmalvern #childbirtheducation #teledoula #phonedoula #virtualdoula #sisterhero #naturalbirth #drugfreebirth
17.01.2022 WTF!!!! Do not be deceived by anything like this ladies! Total misinformation
15.01.2022 Can not wait for the release of this beautiful song Maiden To Mother by @edde.ana Just imagine giving birth to this playing in the room!!! A song all about the exact miracle, experience and transformation you are going through! #bump2babe #hypnobirthing #positivebirth #empoweredbirth #repost @edde.ana ... MAIDEN TO MOTHER After 6 months of only writing commission works I am FINALLY releasing a song that YOU can purchase!! Maiden to Mother marks a pivotal point in my career. A song that encompasses EVERYTHING I believe music should be. MAGIC AND MEDICINE. I have always believed that a song is so much more then 3-5minutes of distracting sound, music is a tool for HEALING! I have spent a long time trying to find my way back to my most authentic expression and this song marks that achievement. I want my music to MEAN something to people, I want it to assist them through Pivotal transitions in their life and I want it to help mark incredibly important experiences in our lives. I want you to feel seen, and understood when you hear my voice. Becoming a mother is one of the most sacred journeys a woman can go through (if she chooses to and or is able to) and I wanted to create a song that held that energy within it. This song is my ode to Mothers. HERE’s WHERE I NEED YOUR HELP!!! As a part of the release I am wanting to create a music which is made up of home videos from women going through this sacred transition. Footage from finding out you were pregnant to giving birth and everything/anything in between. It would be an HONOURRRR to receive small snippers of your footage and use it to create a piece of visual MAGIC!!!! Videos from ANYYY stage of pregnancy is WELCOME! You will be credited in the video and In exchange I would LOVE to gift you maiden to mother before its release date. If you are interested or know someone who would love to involved PLEASE PLEASE either comment below or send me a DM! Thankyou sooo much in advance! LETS MAKE SOME MAGIC TOGETHER!!! See more
15.01.2022 #bump2babe #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #babiesofmelbourne #melbournemums #mumsofmelbourne #armadalemums #malvernmums #empoweredbirth #positivebirth #toolsforbirth #ownyourbirth #pregnantandprepared #pregnantinmelbourne #melbournepregnancy #melbournepregnantmums #childbirtheducationclasses #childbirtheducationmelbourne #childbirtheducationmalvern #childbirtheducation
15.01.2022 ’Nuf said! Happy World Baby Feeding Week (Still wondering when it’ll get changed to include all types of baby feeding) . . . #worldbabyfeedingweek #worldbreastfeedingweek2020 #fedisbest #bump2babe #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirthingpractitioner #positivebirth #empoweredbirth #melbournebirth #pregnantinmelbourne #melbournechildbirtheducation
14.01.2022 Wishing all the wonderful mothers, mothers-to-be, wish-to-be mother’s, those without mothers and mothers who’ve lost their children a very happy Mother’s Day!!! I am thinking of all of you! . May you always be loved, have love and give love! Ain’t nothing quite like a mother’s love Thanks to @mr_lipson, #mrbump2babe and my little ladies for their gorgeous handmade cards and my very first @bosh.tv cookbook!!! Thanks to my in-laws for the flowers and choccies .... Love, always, #bump2babe xxx . . . #mothersday #mothers #pregnancy #bump2babe #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #motherhood #lovebeingamum See more
12.01.2022 Thank you ACM for using common sense, valuing evidence-based and best practice and for standing up for our birthing women!
12.01.2022 To all my wonderful nursing colleagues and friends, wishing us all a very happy international nurses day! Hope all of you working today get more chocolate than usual, maybe some cupcakes and that we all continue to get the appreciation we deserve especially at this crazy time!!! . Love all that we do and many, many thanks! . . . ... #bump2babe #babiesofmelbourne #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #melbournemums #mumsofmelbourne #armadalemums #malvernmums #brightonmums #bentleighmums #southyarramums #caulfieldmums #carnegiemums #camberwellmums #stkildamums #thornburymums #northcotemums #toorakmums #empoweredbirth #positivebirth #toolsforbirth #ownyourbirth #pregnantandprepared #pregnantinmelbourne #melbournepregnancy #melbournepregnantmums #childbirtheducationclasses #childbirtheducationmelbourne #childbirtheducationmalvern #childbirtheducation
11.01.2022 Starting to feel the effects of wearing these so often. Only takes about 2 hours into my 10 hour night shifts on the postnatal ward to start feeling the pressure on the top of my ears....and yet so many people are complaining about wearing them for up to an hour! If I can do it, if our covid workers can do it, so can YOU! Do your bit or don’t go out! P.s. wearing a mask under your nose or chin is as good as not wearing one at all! . . . #bump2babe #maskup #staysafe #stillwalking #stillbreathing #protectyourselfprotectothers
10.01.2022 How gorgeous is this beautiful gift of appreciation from a wonderful couple I looked after on night duty at the hospital recently?!?!? These, along with the beautiful card, filled with such kind words, totally made my night on Monday. . This couple were such a great team and have been such amazing, dedicated parents from the very moment their little Theo was born (and I’m sure it started well before that too). He is one lucky little man to have the parents he was gifted to.... . @clairellenellis and Tim, thank you! . . . *shared/posted with permission from the couple . . . #gratitude #appreciation #thanks #newbaby #midwifelove #lovethymidwife #itsaboy See more
09.01.2022 Bruised and dehydrated nurses have slammed Victorians complaining about wearing masks, saying the discomfort is nothing compared to PPE worn by health workers. Thoughts? #9Today
09.01.2022 So true! Have experienced this myself. It really, really works!!!
09.01.2022 Here’s to our littlest hero’s
07.01.2022 RETIRED SURGEON Sam Laucks, has this to say about wearing masks: OK, here’s my rant about masks: I have spent the past 39 years working in the field of surgery.... For a significant part of that time, I have worn a mask. I have worked with hundreds (probably thousands) of colleagues during those years, who have also worn masks. Not a single one us of became ill, passed out or died from lack of oxygen. Not a single one of us became ill, passed out or died from breathing too much carbon dioxide. Not a single one us of became ill, passed out or died from rebreathing a little of our own exhaled air. Let’s begin here by putting those scare tactics to rest! (It is true that some people, with advanced lung diseases, may be so fragile that a mask could make their already-tenuous breathing more difficult. If your lungs are that bad, you probably shouldn’t be going out in public at the present time anyway; the consequences if you are exposed to Covid-19 would likely be devastating.) ~ But, you ask, can’t viruses go right through the mask, because they are so small? (Masks keep viruses out just as well as a chain link fence keeps mosquitoes out, some tell us.) It is true that individual virus particles can pass through the pores of a mask; however, viruses don’t move on their own. They do not fly across the room like a mosquito, wiggle through your mask like a worm, or fly up your nose like a gnat. The virus is essentially nothing more than a tiny blob of genetic material. Covid-19 travels in a CARRIER the carrier is a fluid droplet- fluid droplets that you expel when you cough, sneeze, sing, laugh, talk or simply exhale. Most of your fluid droplets will be stopped from entering the air in the room if you are wearing a mask. Wearing a mask is a very efficient way to protect others if you are carrying the virus (even if you don’t know that you are infected). In addition, if someone else’s fluid droplets happen to land on your mask, many of them will not pass through. This gives the wearer some additional protection, too. But, the main reason to wear a mask is to PROTECT OTHERS. Even if you don’t care about yourself, wear your mask to protect your neighbors, co-workers and friends! ~ A mask is certainly not 100% protective. However, it appears that the severity of Covid-19 infection is at least partially dose-dependent. In other words, the more virus particles that enter your body, the sicker you are likely to become. Why not decrease that volume if you can? What have you got to lose?! ~ But doesn’t a requirement or a request to wear a mask violate my constitutional rights? You’re also not allowed to go into the grocery store if you are not wearing pants. You can’t yell fire in the Produce Department. You’re not allowed to urinate on the floor in the Frozen Food Section. Do you object to those restrictions? Rules, established for the common good, are component of a civilized society. ~ But aren’t masks uncomfortable? Some would say that underwear or shoes can be uncomfortable, but we still wear them. (Actually, being on a ventilator is pretty darned uncomfortable, too!) Are masks really so bad that you can’t tolerate them, even if they will help keep others healthy? ~ But won’t people think I’m a snowflake or a wimp if I wear a mask? I hope you have enough self-confidence to overcome that. ~ But won’t I look stupid if I wear a mask? I’ve decided not to dignify that question with an answer!! ~ But I never get sick; I’m not worried. Well, then, wear a mask for the sake of the rest of us who are not so perfect! There is good evidence that masks make a real difference in diminishing the transmission of Covid-19. Please, for the sake of others (and for the sake of yourself), wear your mask when in public. It won’t kill you! P.S. - And, by the way, please be sure that BOTH your nose and mouth are covered! Recommendations around mask usage are confusing. The science isn't. Evidence shows that masks are extremely effective to slow the coronavirus and may be the best tool available right now to fight it. See more
06.01.2022 This . Posted @withregram @marissathemilkmom I can't tell you how many times I have received messages from women, asking if their milk has dried up because... their breasts feel soft or aren’t getting engorged anymore. Here's the deal...it's normal for breasts to feel softer or even "empty" around 6-12 weeks. (depending on the woman) Many mothers start to doubt their supply around this time because if they were pumping, they would likely notice a decrease. If they are exclusively nursing they may feel less full/heavy. It's normal for your breasts to feel mostly soft after the first few weeks. This means that your body has figured out how much milk is needed for your little babe and how much milk is being removed. It means that your breasts are no longer making an excess of milk! It doesn't mean your supply is gone. It doesn't mean you've dried up. It doesn't mean you need to supplement. Some women are never "engorged"! Even from the start. Signs a baby is thriving and drinking: + steady weight gain on their own individual curve (whether that's 2 percentile or 99 percentile) + has at least 3 yellow poos (for younger than 6 weeks) and at least 5 wet diapers + you can hear swallows when you listen closely (for mature milk) + is content for at least a few minutes in between nursing + has some calm alert times between feedings See more
04.01.2022 The new look at work Hopefully people stop doing the wrong thing in this country and the government makes the right decisions on how to manage things so this second wave moves on faster than the first! . . . #wishfulthinking #coronavirus #dotherightthing #maskup #pandemicprevention #letsfightthistogether
03.01.2022 Love this so much! It’s why I believe so deeply that there is such a strong need for more support of women and also their partners, older children and the newborn as well in the postpartum. Parenthood and family is long term therefore, invest in a great, supported start to build the confidence, strength and resilience for whatever come your way along the journey Quote: @laylabrachid . . . #bump2babe #babiesofmelbourne #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #melbourn...emums #mumsofmelbourne #empoweredbirth #positivebirth #toolsforbirth #ownyourbirth #pregnantandprepared #pregnantinmelbourne #melbournepregnancy #melbournepregnantmums #childbirtheducationclasses #childbirtheducationmelbourne #childbirtheducationmalvern #childbirtheducation See more
02.01.2022 Miscarriage. Stillbirth. Infant death. . Today is Pregnancy and Infant loss awareness day and October is the month for awareness. ... Pregnancy and infant loss is experienced by 1 in 4 women/couples. . 1 in 4 does not mean that pregnancy and infant loss is so common we just shrug our shoulders and say it’s normal, it happens...NO! 1 in 4 means that a quarter of couples or single women trying to have babies need understanding, need awareness, need empathy, need acknowledgement and need HUGS!!! And by the way, it really doesn’t matter how early or late in the pregnancy a baby is lost. Whether it was a simple bundle of cells, whether it had a beating heart or whether it had hair and nails yet...loss is loss. Don’t underestimate and shrug away the loss and pain because to that woman, that couple who already knew they were pregnant for even one day, for them the emotional connection and love is already there and intense! And therefore, so is the pain, the shocking emptiness... . Please be aware, understanding and compassionate today and this month during Pregnancy & Infant loss awareness day/month but remember for all the 1 in 4’s the pain and missing is there all the time. A life is a life, no matter how old or young. . . . #bump2babe #iam1in4 #pregnancyandinfantlossawareness #rememberingallangelbabies #alifeisalife #miscarriage #infantdeath #stillbirth See more
02.01.2022 Research studies have proven that Hypnobirthing has reduced the number of caesareans in Australia, it reduces perineal trauma, it's reduced the need to resuscit...ate a baby after birth, it's shortened stage 2 of labour by up to 32 minutes! and it's reduced the number of epidural use. Our Hypnobirthing Australia program is all based on the correct breathing techniques, the right body movement, visualisations, and acupressure. Our program encourages mothers to breathe the baby down rather than focus on coached pushing. Have you considered Hypnobirthing for your birth? We have a huge library of positive birth stories on our website, head on over for a read xx See more
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