Starbugs Sleep Consulting in Taylors Hill, Victoria, Australia | Product/service
Starbugs Sleep Consulting
Locality: Taylors Hill, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 414 921 978
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24.01.2022 Vitamin D is essential to facilitate a normal immune system. It is important now more than ever. Vit D deficiency is very common, particularly in Winter and increases your susceptibility to infection. Getting enough Vit D can also lift your mood and regulate your circadian rhythm. Being outside or in the sun can help. If this is difficult, try to open all your blinds and sit in a sunny part of your house.
23.01.2022 Is the dummy causing you grief? I’m not against the dummy as it can be a great soothing tool for your baby. However, the dummy can sometimes be an issue when the dummy falls out and they have a sleep association with it. If a baby or toddler is sleeping and the dummy falls out, this in itself does not tend to wake them up. What generally happens is that when they do wake up, they look for the dummy because they are used to falling asleep with it and will get upset if they d...on’t have it. Depending on their age, you can teach a baby or toddler to find and replace the dummy themselves. Alternatively, you can teach your little one to fall asleep without the dummy. Do you want to know how? Just send me a message. One tip - put multiple dummies in the cot so they can find one during the night
20.01.2022 Protein is essential for a good nights sleep. You can try lentil or quinoa pasta, beans or eggs. Use a rewards chart but don’t punish when the undesirable occurs. Don’t make quiet time too long or they may start to ask for one more book or one more song. Be consistent and don’t give in or they may think they can manipulate you. Toddlers get very thirsty at night. Make sure you leave a water bottle by the bed.
16.01.2022 REFLUX. Reflux in babies occurs when stomach acid moves up into the oesophagus. This is the result of an immature digestive tract. Some regurgitation or reflux is normal but sometimes it can cause pain for the baby.... Complicated reflux or GORD is frequent regurgitation (5x or more a day) and can cause vomiting. Keep baby more upright when feeding. Doing smaller but more frequent feeds can help. Do not feed your baby just before a nap. If you are concerned with how much your baby vomits, please see your GP.
15.01.2022 This little boy got a 7+ hour stretch of sleep last night. Well done Louis!
14.01.2022 This Sunday, clocks will be moving forward one hour. This may mean your early morning wake ups are not so early! If you struggle adjusting to daylight savings time, you can make small changes over this week. From Wednesday night, bring bedtime forward 15mins. Bring bedtime forward 15mins each night until Sunday.
11.01.2022 Case Study BABY: Chase - 8 months old. PROBLEM: Co-sleeping most of the night and waking 5 or more times.... SOLUTION: Worked on finding and replacing dummy, cutting out night feeds altogether and very gentle put down/put down technique. RESULT
10.01.2022 Night feeds! This is a general indication of how many night feeds you can expect over night between 7pm-7am. Working on self settling and re-settling can really help with the number of times you need to get up in the night.
10.01.2022 According to Priscilla Dunstan, newborns have 5 unique sounds. So helpful. I wish I had known about this when I had my first.
10.01.2022 Spaced Soothing or Controlled Crying is about helping your baby learn to fall asleep on their own. Many babies have a sleep association such as having to be rocked or fed to sleep and wake multiple times during the night. As a result, we need to teach some babies to settle on their own. Spaced Soothing is a great way to do this as we can go in the room at intervals so your baby knows you are there. This will also help your baby when they wake as they will not get confused as how they got there and resettling will be easier. Once you have established a great bedtime routine, the sleep environment is right and there are no medical concerns, you can start by leaving the room for a short period of 2mins, then slowly increase to 5min then 10min intervals. You can pick them up and give them a quick boring cuddle when you go in the room but the less touch the better. Do not continue with this technique for longer than 1 hour. I do suggest having a chat to a qualified sleep consultant before you do this and to determine if this technique is right for you and your baby.
10.01.2022 Do you feel anxious when bedtime comes around? I know I used to. My first night home from the hospital I had 10mins sleep on the bedroom floor whilst my son lay next to me. Every night after that I was anxious that I wouldn’t get enough sleep myself to function properly. I would also get very angry during the night as my son would constantly cry unless he was attached to me. A good routine will help. Getting some sleep during the day will too but I know how hard that is! Sometimes we need to teach our little bubs to master the art of sleeping well themselves. Don’t be afraid to ask me for some tips. I am here for you.
10.01.2022 Here is an example of an age appropriate routine for a 6 month old. This is just an example and may not be 100% suited for your baby. The idea is to get as close to the routine as you can so your baby will be well rested during the day. This will also help your baby to sleep better at night. If you would like to see more, send me a message.
10.01.2022 Follow me on IG for my full story
08.01.2022 Is your little one refusing naps? There may be a simple reason. 1. Your baby or toddler’s sleep needs have changed, making them less tired when you would normally put them down. 2. When your baby needs to nap can change over time. For example, after 7 months, some babies won’t need an afternoon nap. 3. Their morning nap may be too long, meaning, they may simply not be tired for their lunch time nap.... Nap strikes don’t always mean your little one is ready to drop that nap all together. Is your baby or toddler refusing their nap?
07.01.2022 Introducing solids is fun! Around 5-6 months you can start by introducing solids at lunch time to avoid any discomfort at night or increased night waking. Pureed pumpkin, sweet potato, apple, baby cereal are good examples. Protein should be avoided at dinner time until 10months but is great at lunch time. Yogurt, turkey, oats, and bananas will help produce melatonin and help with sleep.
07.01.2022 The midday nap is the most important nap of the day as this should continue until your child is 2-3 years old. The midday nap should be around 12.30-2.30pm. The midday nap should be the longest of the day and should aim for at least 2 sleep cycles to ensure your baby has the restorative sleep they need. Consolidating those cycles can be tricky. One of the best ways to consolidate that day time nap is to ensure adequate awake times. Awake times are important to avoid overtiredness and also to make sure your little one is tired enough to sleep. It can make a big difference in how your baby sleeps during the night. Awake times change depending on age as the older they get the longer the awake time. A dark room and white noise can also help as well as your baby knowing how to re-settle on their own.
05.01.2022 Your child may be ready to drop all naps if: 1. They struggle to fall asleep at bedtime. 2. They have fragmented night time sleep. 3. They are between 2-3 years old.
05.01.2022 After 3am melatonin lowers and cortisol rises getting you ready for your day. Babies as well as adults are generally in a light sleep after 3am and anything such as a bright light, loud noise, or garbage truck can wake you up. This is one reason why we may see early wake ups as it is often difficult to get back to sleep at this time.
05.01.2022 **TWINS** Having twins can often be overwhelming. We know that what works for one baby might not work for the other and sometimes you may need some trial and error. We need to treat each little one as an individual as they may have different temperaments. When it comes to sleeping, a lot of mums prefer to have their baby in their own cot but in the same room close together. This can be beneficial so that you can pat/shush both babies at once. White noise is a must to help block out external noises that may otherwise wake a baby.
01.01.2022 **Travel Tips ** 1. Take a block out blind that you can attach to windows with suction cups. 2. Take familiar things such as blankets, lovey or toy that your child is attached to or that smells familiar. 3. Try to follow the same nap/bedtime pattern as normal. (Eg. Wake at 7am, do not give them food overnight). 4. Get outside. The sunlight will help regulate your circadian rhythm. ... 5. Try to get plenty of sleep the day before travelling. A well rested baby is much best than a hysterical overtired baby. See more
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