Back in Balance Chiropractic & Massage- Palmerston | Medical and health
Back in Balance Chiropractic & Massage- Palmerston
Phone: +61 2 6241 0447
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25.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to all amazing dads out there
24.01.2022 Self-care massage with our Massage Therapist, Kody
22.01.2022 So proud of our very own Chiropractic Assistant, Lucy Sugerman - new single I'd Do It All Again is out today on Spotify and Itunes. Please listen, download and share widely
22.01.2022 From work to online learning. It’s the weekend of childhood neurodevelopment.
22.01.2022 Homeschooling is upon us. How can we support our children during this time? MOVING with adventure in mind (or move with purpose). Movement feeds the brain. Movement and an increased uptake of oxygen (fresh air) during exercise makes the brain grow bigger (eg. growing new neurones in hippocampus - important for all sorts of memory and navigation). And what about creativity and play an adventure can bring. Creativity builds on cognitive flexibility (fluid intelligence). Move. Take frequent movement breaks. Grow.
22.01.2022 Incidental exercise is a great way to achieve your health goals. Here is Dr Jana today doing all day online paediatric training. Resistance exercises are great for increasing muscles mass, bone density and cardiovascular health!
22.01.2022 Balance is an essential part of human psychological and physical health and wellness. People with poor balance are less likely to be involved in physical activity of all ages. Poor balance is associated with anxiety. Efficient balance in children has been related to academic performance and is a focus of current research. Balance performance predicts risks of falls elderly. It’s an important topic across lifespan!!
21.01.2022 This week we are looking how you can incorporate resistance bands exercises into your weekly activities. Resistance bands are great for muscle mass, bone density and general health. Next week it’s all about stretches, soft tissue releases ad self care. Have a wonderful day
20.01.2022 This Australian based study included 43 schools across Melbourne. It is unfortunate that pain is a frequent complaint among school aged children with headaches and abdominal pain being talked about most often. The pain appears to be increasing in 8-9 and 12-15 age groups in the recent decades. Pain can impact learning through interfering with child's emotional well being, concentration and school attendance. Pain has also been associated with anxiety. Unfortunately even with ...frequent occurrence, the research (and consequent effective population based interventions) are lacking across health care disciplines. There is a growing body of evidence indicating that child's posture may have a role to play. Poor posture in children has been associated with increased episode of HEADACHES (Mingels, Dankaerts, & Granitzer, 2019). Adolescents who assumed slumped posture during screen time such as TV watching or computer work were 4 TIMES MORE LIKELY to have neck pain (Meziat-Filho, Azevedo, Coutinho, Mendonça, & Santos, 2017). Neck pain were also associated with higher anxiety score in adolescents compared to those without neck pain. Pain and learning in primary school: A population-based study. Kosola S Pain 2017; 158:1825-1830
20.01.2022 This is a perfect example of modelling behaviour. Completely not staged and recorded quietly by Dr Wayne. Children are learning how to move, eat and think through observations. Let’s teach love instead of hatred, calmness instead of storm, movement instead of sedentary behaviour, nuitrients instead of fillers.
19.01.2022 To all the wonderful mothers out there: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! We hope you'll have an amazing day with your families.
18.01.2022 I almost forgot to post this: The forgetting curve is a mathematical formula by Hermann Ebbinghaus that originated in 1885. The curve demonstrated the rate at ...which information is forgotten over time if we don't attempt to retain it. ... Some studies suggest that humans forget approx 50% of new information within an hour of learning it. 4 ways to combat it: 1. Reinforce The Training Regularly Ebbinghaus discovered that information is easier to recall when it’s built upon things you already know. Every time you reinforce the training, the rate of decline reduces. The testing effect says that by simply testing a person’s memory, that memory will become stronger. 2. Improve Clarity Make the information easier to absorb in the first place. If you learn something from an essay or an article, it’s easier to forget the meaning or miss it entirely. Try to represent your information in a diagram, or create a video describing the learning objective. 3. Make It More Relevant The more relevant the training, the easier it is to recall, and the common focus continually encourages the behaviors that are important to your learning. 4. Make It More Interactive People learn better when they’re actively involved than when they’re just passive observers! From:
17.01.2022 When managing chronic low back pain addressing lifestyle factors such as diet, level of physical activity, sleep, stress management techniques and BMI (body mass index) are of paramount importance. Tip 1: poor sleep has been associated with increased pain in chronic low back pain suffers.
17.01.2022 Just a bit of an outline of the Spinal Health Exercise series Week 1: body awareness and core stabilization Week 2: body awareness and core stabilization (building on week 1) Week 3: resistance bands... Week 4: stretches, self soft tissue releases and active self care Week 5: all about balance Week 6 putting it all together Have an exercise mat or a non slip surface available to you for your comfort, a chair, a pillow and a towel. In week 3 we will be utilising resistance bands, if you don’t have them, you can use tin cans of fruit/baked beans as weights. In week 5, if you have a rocking board (although non essential), it can be use during balance exercises. A broom stick and a tennis ball will be useful for week 5. Looking forward to seeing you
17.01.2022 Have you noticed that there seems to be more sniffly, congested kids these days? . More kids with a bit of a wheeze or indications of asthma? . Well, in this st...udy, researchers looked at the impact of giving cow's milk formula (which is given to bubs in hospital when mum's milk supply is "slow to come in" or there are concerns with rate of weight gain) in the first 3 days of life on developing asthma or a recurrent wheeze at 24 months of age. . Two interesting findings came out of this study. . Firstly; "[breastfeeding] with or without [amino-acid based formula] for the first 3 days or more of life appeared to decrease the risk ofasthma or recurrent wheeze in young children compared with [breastfeeding] plus a small amount of [cow's milk formula] from the first day of life." . The second interesting aspect of this study was that they grouped infants based on Vitamin D levels. They were then ableto determine that Vitamin D status appeared to have an association with developing asthma/recurrent wheeze as well, "In the subgroup of infants with [Vitamin D] levels higher than the median at age 5 months, avoiding [cow's milk forumla] at birth significantly reduced the incidence of asthma or recurrent wheeze". . Essentially, higher levels of vitamin D in conjunction with avoiding cow's milk formula appeared to reduce the incidence of asthma or recurrent wheeze by the time they are 24 months old! . So take more Vitamin D!! . . #chiropractic #cowsmilkallergy #vitD #askdrchristian #health #healthy #wellbeing #wellness #healthylifestyle #development #growing #healthyeating #babies #infant #bubs #diet #asthma @chirochildhealth #melbourne #ivanhoe #bellfield #rosanna #wantirna #heidelberg #kids #sniffles See more
16.01.2022 We hope you had a peaceful long Easter weekend. The clinic re-opens this afternoon with normal hours. Dr Wayne has some appointments available this afternoon. Reading a map or finding your way is an important element of child development. It’s closely related to mathematical skills, spatial cognition and child’s balance. This is a fun little activity the kids can do at home. PS. Kids would use emotional as well as physical landmarks
16.01.2022 Week 1 spinal health exercises
15.01.2022 A timely reminder
15.01.2022 We hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter weekend. There are so many ways you can entertain the family at home. Keep physically active.
15.01.2022 This week we are concentrating on self help in form of stretches, soft tissue releases and change of body positions. Dr Wayne discuses the importance of variability for everyday life.
14.01.2022 For the next 6 weeks on Mondays at 7.30 am starting Monday 20th of April, Dr Jana and Dr Wayne will be life streaming spinal health exercises. This is a free service to our community. Hope you can join us. Lets wake up with healthy movement. Please note: these are general exercises. They are not designed to treat any conditions. This is a service to the community during the COVID 19 situation to promote physical activity. If you are experiencing any issues please contact your health provider.
13.01.2022 Our May newsletter...
13.01.2022 Is it time to consider some yoga in your physical activity? Yoga shows benefit in managing depressive symptoms (compare to other standard interventions) and attention control. This is based on a large review, which included 1080 participants and meta-analysis with 632 participants.
12.01.2022 In this study the researchers found that a total of 9 chiropractic lower back manipulations caused the mediators of inflammation to present a normalization response in individuals suffering from chronic low back pain.
12.01.2022 Recent research into diet and chronic pain indicates that diets high in saturated fats and sugars alter gut microflora and may have an impact on increased pain perception.
11.01.2022 Does you #baby get a good dose of TUMMY TIME in the day? . Well its very interesting, but since the adoption of the "Back to Sleep" campaign (which reduces your... risk of SIDS so please keep going!), there has been a trend in the reduction of active tummy time. . But why is tummy time so important? . Being on our tummy activates very specific muscles - the muscles of our back and neck. This is important as they are a very strong source of stimulation for our growing brains. . Plus, being on our tummy lets us lift our heads up, re-orient our vision, and start to see the world around us! . In fact, a 2020 review on this topic has just come out, and they state that their evidence "further confirms the importance of tummy time to enhance infant development". They saw benefits in: . - Motor development - Healthier BMI - Potential prevention of developing plagiocephaly (head asymmetry) . And this is just in 30 minutes per day! . So what if your bub can't handle tummy time very well? Well, there may be a reason for that. How is their tummy? Is the floor too cold? Might they have a bit of a restriction somewhere in their musculoskeletal system? . Could be worth investigating if you are finding your bub doesn't like being on their tummy too much! . . #askdrchristian #tummytime #babies #development #baby #child #children #pediatrics #paediatrics #chiropractic #chiropractor #health #happy #tummy #growth #growing #research #2020 #somethingpositivefrom2020seemsunlikely #motor #grossmotor @chirochildhealth #parenting #parents #mummies #melbourne #jama #wollongong #green #prettypicture #justarandomhashtag See more
10.01.2022 The study published by Curtin University found that more than 645,000 Australians misused opioids in the 12 months to June 2016. More than 100,000 Australians are estimated to have an opioid dependence, with misused prescription drugs now responsible for more death than heroin. A 2018 report by the National drug and Alcohol Research centre highlighted an increase in opioid related death from 3.8 to 6.6 per 100,000 Australians from 2007 to 2016. The use is linked to premature death of 2203 people a year and more than 70,000 years of life lost.
10.01.2022 We hope that everyone had a wonderful long weekend. The clinic re-opens this afternoon with normal hours. Dr Wayne Haynes still has some appointments available. 'The secret of getting ahead is getting started' - Mark Twain
09.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who attended the live session this morning. Unfortunately the facebook has rotated the video to 90 degrees again. We would suggest you watch the video on your phone so it can be rotated to landscape. The next sessions will be pre-recorded to avoid this happening. Have a great day!!
09.01.2022 October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and 15 October marked the International Day of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance. Her Canberra shared the stories of women who know these losses all too well, to honour their babies gone too soon. This is the story of Lyndsay and her Frankie.
07.01.2022 Dr Jana and Dr Wayne are going to be away from the clinic for the next 6 weeks. They will be In Sydney with their daughter as she needs specialised medical services. Dr Lynne and Dr Lisa will be looking after the clients in Palmerston. Both Dr Lynne and Dr Lisa are amazing chiropractors. Make sure you continue with your chiropractic care as your health is important to us. We wish Dr Wayne, Dr Jana and their daughter, Katya, all the best
06.01.2022 Good morning! The beauty of a crisp (0 degrees) morning walk is that you experience views like this.
04.01.2022 Thanks everyone for joining us for exercise class this morning (live and playback).If you are able to, can you repeat this sequence a few times this week, it will build on week 2. This is Smash waiting for his walk- he is guarding the shoes.
02.01.2022 It’s a beautiful morning!! Sun is shining the weather is mild (no rain or wind). How about you start your day with some cardio - it will set you up for the rest of the day!
01.01.2022 If there's a positive side to this pandemic, it's that it has motivated a lot of people to improve their health. Dr Aseem Malhotra is a Cardiologist from the UK and has some great advice on how easily and quickly you can improve your metabolic health and immune system function. Grab a cuppa and have a listen!
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