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Backyard Basement Op Shop Withcott in Withcott | Flea market

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Backyard Basement Op Shop Withcott

Locality: Withcott

Phone: +61 7 4637 4891

Address: Shop 5, 8561 Toowoomba Conection Road 4352 Withcott, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 YESSSSSS!!! OPEN TODAY TIL 3pm...

22.01.2022 It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind........This week only before we close for a much needed break - 1/2 PRICE STORE WIDE!!! (*Conditions apply to some furniture pieces & Hand Made items on consignment*)... Yes, that means the $2 clothing is now $1 !!! *Books, Cd's, Dvd's & Records 50 cents !!! *$5 dress rack now $2.50....!!! *Designer & Label Clothing now half the marked price !!! *Jewelry, shoes and bags half the marked price !! *Plants 1/2 price *All bric a brac & Crystal half the marked price !! *All kids toys & clothing half the marked price..!! HELP US CLEAR THE SHELVES BEFORE NEW STOCK ARRIVES IN THE NEW YEAR..

20.01.2022 We have a constant flow of amaaaazing interesting, ugly (but cute!) Weird, stunning, eclectic, vintagy donations on the floor for you daily!! Collectors paradise.. Open Tuesday to Saturday 8.30am - 3pm

20.01.2022 Our $2 CLOTHING SALE continues until we empty 3 shipping containers! Women's Dresses $5 Men's and women's clothing $2 Kid's clothes from 50c - $2... *Sale excludes Designer Label's & New with Tags* *Formal/evening gowns prices as marked*

19.01.2022 We are EXTENDING our HALF PRICE CLOTHING SALE for another WEEK!!! Even the already 'reduced' items are half price Come see us soon

19.01.2022 HOW TO ESCAPE THE AUGUST WINDS... (this weekend with our help ) Tip #1 - Stay inside and read a BOOK (or two) Tip #2 - Stay inside and settle in for a DVD marathon... Tip #3 - Stay inside with a stack of CD's and old RECORDS & turn that thing up loud enough to drown out the howling wind!! We are OPEN til 3pm TODAY & can help make all of the above possible Our books are cheap Dvd's & cd's $1 each Records $2 each... Blow in & see us soon

16.01.2022 We have a clothing "Sale Bin" at the entry to our store in which all items are 50 cents a piece or generously fill a big bag for $2.50!! These clothes may not be perfect, however we believe they still deserve love & have plenty of wear still in them ( & we're reducing landfill to boot!!) Dive in!!

16.01.2022 Get ready folks!!!!! 50% off ALL CLOTHING & MANCHESTER From tomorrow, Tuesday til Saturday only.. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ... * We ask you remain mindful of hygiene & social distancing rules at all times *

16.01.2022 SECRET SALE starts TODAY!! Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your neighbors, tell your pets....(but no one else..) All DRESSES $5 All other clothing $2...(or lesser marked price) *(does not include Labels/New with Tags rack)*... Use secret password at checkout "I love to op shop" (and wink at us!!) B.B

15.01.2022 UPDATE ON DONATIONS The sheer volume of clothing donations this year & the fact that we are extremely understaffed has left us no option but to close off donations of clothing for the time being. We would prefer to see the clothing taken to other op shops rather than sweat & spoil in our shipping containers. Our $2 CLOTHING SALE will continue until Christmas at least!!... We ARE ACCEPTING bric a brac, shoes, handbags, accessories, books, cd's, dvd's & all other household items as normal Larger furniture items must first be cleared with us before donating. Much & thanks, B.B

14.01.2022 Edit : we are accepting donations again! (Please be gentle ) To our wonderful customers... We are UNABLE to accept ANY DONATIONS until further notice.... We are full to overflowing which we are so grateful for, however we need some time to sort and process what we have. PLEASE share this with friends and family who regularly donate & hopefully we can accept items again very soon once we have this lot under control Anyone wishing to volunteer with us please get in touch!! We are in great need of hands, hands & more hands Thank you for your support

13.01.2022 "ARE YOU OK" DAY... Let's ask this EVERYDAY & mean it We may know your face, we may know you by name or we may never have met you, but please know we have a team of volunteers here with the biggest, kindest hearts & you are always welcome to just drop in for a chat, a ton of silliness & we'll even make you a cuppa!... (All with the utmost of privacy of course should you wish to divulge sensitive information with us) Life gets so busy but let's all make a conscious effort to see through "the smiles" of someone who may "not be ok" & give them some "time".... BB

12.01.2022 PLANTS & HAND CRAFTED POTS Open today til 3pm

12.01.2022 SOLD - ROCKING CHAIR If you're looking for "grandmas feather bed"....we CAN'T help you.... BUT.....we CAN help with bed frames & single near new mattresses (and a rocking chair.....)... Open Tuesday to Saturday 8.30 til 3pm

10.01.2022 That's a wrap for 2020 Much gratitude & love to all our amazing VOLUNTEERS & CUSTOMERS! What a crazy bunch of beautiful souls - I am so proud to be a part of ... A year of laughter & tears (99% hysterical laughter), friendships made, sadness shared, coffees a plenty, calories gained from morning tea's, sweaty bodies, melting eyebrows, exploding toilets, rockin' port-a-loo's, practical jokes, wigs, lampshades & absolutely anything else we can (& do) put on our heads, donations that leave us scratching our heads..."what in the world.....????" ......(big breath) artistic talents created, shared & developed; finding strange uses for ordinary items, recycling, upcycling, washing & repairing. AND...... total exhaustion - mentally & physically, stress levels often through the roof, tempers (softly) flared, the odd use of expletives from sheer frustration , relentless dust, heat & humidity, dehydration, icy poles & cold packs worn like accessories around our necks , rubbish dumped, donations stolen &/or rummaged through out of hours, hostile words when when we cannot accept donations, disappointment when our rules & regs, signs & f.b posts are blatantly not adhered to , mosquito plagues & smelly septic systems....... know we've made a difference to even just one person's day, each day - whether it be from a chat, a laugh, a smile, a helping hand, a monetary donation or donated items to those who may have very little - makes our hearts beam & our compassion & understanding grow! I wish our Backyard Basement Family & the Withcott Community the most joyous Christmas & all the love & kindness in the world Be good to each other.. Love Lisa, Pauline, Geoff, Kerry, Heather, Lee, Carmalena, Maria, Garry, Shirley, Greg, Bev, Sue, Jane, Jacinta, Denise, Karen, Keith & Julie. IMPORTANT : While we are having a well deserved break over the Christmas/New Year period PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ANY DONATIONS. Save them up til Tuesday Jan 5th when we re open or take to the Red Cross Store in Gatton - they are desperate for donations!!

10.01.2022 Can anyone else relate?? Op shops are the BEST for getting inspo & materials for those weird & wonderful creative ideas. We salute you, we support you & we encourage you to create art/craft messy chaos in your homes!!

09.01.2022 We are OPEN - Here's to a fantastic healthy & happy 2021!! Firstly a huge thankyou to all who respected our "no donations while we have a break" plea... To those who didn't....or those who stole our blackboard signage....really disappointing but we have your pretty faces on camera This year many Op Shops will be naming & shaming with our video footage across social media!... May we stress again how helpful it is to our limited volunteers that you only donate items that are worthy of selling i.e clean, undamaged. Before donating to any Charity ask yourself "Would I pay money for this, as it is, wrap it up & give it as a gift??" If not, perhaps help us all out & give it a fond farewell into your bins! We've nutted out a clothing pricing system and hoping we can continue to keep our prices as low as possible while still covering the running costs to keep the store open... Look forward to seeing you! B.B

09.01.2022 This week only : Tuesday - Saturday

09.01.2022 Winter at Backyard Basement Denim & leather coats and boots OPEN TODAY TIL 3PM!

07.01.2022 We are hoping to build up a little nursery of plants available for purchase If you have cuttings, pots, potted plants you no longer love, then we will give them a forever home!

07.01.2022 Brrrrrr....."Baby it's cold outside".. OPEN today til 3pm...

07.01.2022 HELP US SPREAD THE WORD.... "LIKE" our page, FOLLOW our page or "CHECK IN" when next in store... We'll confirm & you'll receive 20% off your purchase for helping us promote this gem of an op shop! ... BB Team..

06.01.2022 FINAL WINTER CLOTHING SALE (Ends Saturday 5th September) 50% off all winter clothing!!

05.01.2022 A word on DONATIONS & Reinforcement of RULES.... Firstly a heartfelt "THANK YOU" to all who support us by donating QUALITY, SALEABLE items (wouldn't be operating without you) & to our customers who buy the donated items - which enables us to give back to the community with $$$ from our profits! We do however get "DUMPED" with items that truly should be just that - dumped!!!... We save what we can, we give away what we can, we think of ways to re-use, recycle, re-purpose, however we are limited in space, limited in helping hands & frankly get very frustrated when folks fail to read the signs outlining items we DO NOT ACCEPT..(Perhaps this is why they are DUMPED after hours when we aren't around to refuse it....?) *security cameras capture all angles & we will be vigilant from now on & follow up on these people* We DO ACCEPT : *CLEAN, UNSTAINED, saleable clothing, shoes handbags & accessories *CLEAN linen etc *CLEAN, UNBROKEN household items, bric a brac etc *CLEAN, QUALITY books, dvds, cds & records *CLEAN, SANITISED, UNBROKEN childrens toys * CLEAN, UNBROKEN, saleable furniture items IF YOU WOULD NOT PAY MONEY FOR IT AS IS - PLEASE DON'T LEAVE IT... We Do NOT ACCEPT: *Baby car seats, capsules, potties or bike helmets (health and safety issues) * Large White Goods, heaters, air cons *Mattresses, couches etc that are stained, ripped or smelly *Broken furniture of any kind *Used underwear or soiled clothing *Boxes or bags of items that are covered with cockroach and mice droppings IF YOU WOULD NOT PAY MONEY FOR IT AS IS PLEASE DISPOSE IN YOUR BIN OR DUMP AT YOUR EXPENSE NOT OURS.. Each WEEK we FILL a large industrial bin with items that should never have been left..that's approximately $70 each week to JJ Richards that could/should be going to worthwhile causes - $280 per month!! When we get a load like the pics below ( delivered out of hours again....) we then have to find muscle, a ute, time & we are billed with the dumping costs! NOT ON...!! We have had folks say " but the dump's not open"...when we have refused to take items. We cop the odd bit of abuse & angry comments when we refuse items & "what am I supposed to do with it then??" FROM NOW ON : *Large furniture items i.e Lounge suits, beds, mattresses, tables, t.v units, gym equipment MUST be first cleared and accepted by Managent before donating. *Security cameras will be checked daily & followed up on should people not adhere to donation rules & regs or those "stealing" donated items. (Local Police work with us.) *Abusive comments, behaviours because of refusal to accept items will not be tolerated - our very limited team of volunteers are working above & beyond to keep up! Again, our heart felt thanks to those 90% who do the "right thing" by us. We love what we do, we take pride in all we do & we do it for our community Thank you for your understanding & patience when we need to close off donations to catch up... B.B

04.01.2022 MAKE THAT 1/2 PRICE STORE WIDE!!! (*some conditions apply*) We are CLOSING this Friday 19th at 3pm for the Christmas / New Year break... Re-opening Tuesday 5th January 2021!!... Until then............ See more

02.01.2022 Did you know.... We have a permanent REDUCED clothing rack... A Vintage/Retro clothing rack...... A "New with Tags" clothing rack.... A "Pre-loved Designer" clothing rack.... All at bargain prices!!

01.01.2022 Monday funny Rules to live by

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