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25.01.2022 ICAS sitting dates for 2020 have been extended and will now be held between Monday 12th October and Friday 23rd October The closing date is now Thursday 17th September. Students will be advised in Term 4 of their actual sitting date. Bairnsdale Secondary College encourages students to consider entering in ICAS Science, English and Mathematics competitions.... This fantastic assessment program allows students to challenge themselves and be recognised for their academic efforts. The assessment is now fully online, open to years 7-10 in 2020. Learn more by visiting See more
24.01.2022 Please click on the link below to read our important end of year messages. We hope our students and families have a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe new year
23.01.2022 Congratulations Destiny Harrison! ______________________________________________________________________ Koorie Academy of Excellence student shines in Outer Gippsland... The Outer Gippsland Koorie Academy of Excellence (KAE), recently assisted year 11 Bairnsdale Secondary College student, Destiny Harrison, with her application for the Arthur Grassby scholarship. The KAE would like to congratulate Destiny on successfully obtaining this scholarship. The Arthur Grassby scholarship is for year 11 Secondary College students within the East Gippsland Shire. The aim is to provide the younger generation with an insight into the connection between Gippsland and the Kokoda Trail, and the sacrifices made by men from this community so they can enjoy the lives they live today. In July 2021, Destiny, along with other East Gippsland students, will complete the Kokoda trail in Papua New Guinea. Students will research and follow in the footsteps of Arthur Grassby, a Bairnsdale Man, who fought with the 39th Battalion and was in the first Australian troops to encounter the Japanese at Kokoda. The scholarship will enhance the confidence and leadership skills that Destiny already displays. Destiny is excited to go on this journey as the first Koorie recipient of this scholarship and will be an amazing role model to the remainder of the KAE students. The staff at the KAE wish Destiny all the best on her leadership Journey
23.01.2022 VCE students, GET YOUR GAT ON today at our GAT practiceVCE students, GET YOUR GAT ON today at our GAT practice
23.01.2022 Its online learning 2.0!... this means the return of the Colleges Wellbeing Challenges. Challenges will be posted on Compass and Facebook each Tuesday to be completed by the following Monday. Challenge 1: Face mask fashionistas! To enter the challenge you must be a Bairnsdale Secondary College student or staff member. Take a photo of your fashionable face mask and email it to [email protected] by 4pm on Monday 17th August. Youll go into the draw to win a $2...0 Schoolworks voucher. The winners will be announced on Compass and Facebook. Can you guess the teacher behind this mask? Good luck! See more
23.01.2022 Today, Mr James Merlino announced extra initiatives designed to reassure all VCE students that they would not be disadvantaged by the Covid-19 impact. For further information please click on the link below.
21.01.2022 30 minute interval. Please join us back here at 8pm30 minute interval. Please join us back here at 8pm
21.01.2022 As we have neared the end of the year, our Year 7 students have been finishing up their studies of Measurement in Mathematics. To demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the topic, they have been completing a measurement project, in which they have worked in teams to design an obstacle course based on a theme of their own choosing. Some students have decided to take their obstacle course maps to the next level and build 3D objects out of recycled paper and materials, much like a real-world architect would! With plenty of enthusiasm, great teamwork and a lot of mathematical problem solving, the year 7 students have succeeded in creating a range of truly amazing maps
20.01.2022 This weeks challenge has been chosen by our school doctor; Jess Zimmerman. Challenge 4: Planking challenge To enter the challenge you must be a Bairnsdale Secondary College student or staff member. Ask a friend or family member to take a photo of you in plank position and email it to [email protected] by 4pm on Monday 7th September. Youll go into the draw to win a $20 Schoolworks voucher.
18.01.2022 Hello to our College community, The following webinars are FREE and should be of an excellent quality. This is an opportunity for you to listen to and engage with Stephen Biddulph ... Totally up to you -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve is well known to us all in education, but to quote his website, Steve Biddulph is one of the worlds best known parent educators. A psychologist for 30 years, he is now retired but continues to write and teach. His books, such as Raising Boys, Raising Girls and The New Manhood are printed in 31 different languages. He has presented seminars to over 140,000 people across 4 continents. Steve is offering 3 seminars, pre-recorded as webinars, for free, to parents in bushfire effected shires in Victoria - Tawong, Alpine and East Gippsland. His team in Melbourne have set up the web links and booking system. Links and dates are below Dates for webinars are as follows: Raising boys: October 8th 2020 - Booking link: Raising Girls: October 29th 2020 - Booking link: Secrets of Happy Families: November 19th 2020 - Booking link: Enjoy Trudie
18.01.2022 Theres still time to enter the best cob loaf challenge! Check out some of the delicious entries weve received so far. Challenge 3: Cob-off best cob loaf challenge Everyone loves a cob loaf! Bairnsdale Secondary Colleges very own Renee Barry is an absolute Cob Loaf Queen and our judge for this round. To enter the challenge you must be a Bairnsdale Secondary College student or staff member. Make a cob loaf, take a picture and email it to [email protected] b...y 4pm on Monday 31st August. Youll go into the draw to win a $40 Schoolworks voucher. The winners will be announced on Compass and Facebook. See more
18.01.2022 Remembrance Day 2020
16.01.2022 The Department of Education and Training is presenting a free webinar for parents and carers by renowned child psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. In this webinar, Dr Carr-Gregg provides tools and strategies for parents and carers to help manage the lockdown and remote learning. Date: Tuesday 25th August Time: 7.30pm Duration: 45mins - followed by 15mins Q&A session... Format: Online via Webex Cost: Free. Registration required. Click on the link below to register.
16.01.2022 Tune into ABC Gippsland bright and early tomorrow around 7.20am when Jonthan Kendall will be talking to our very own Tahli Holford, Will Ray and Ethan Sanderson about the fantastic opportunity they have been offered being awarded the Arthur Grassby scholarship to walk the Kokoda Trail - fingers crossed they will be able to go next year!!
14.01.2022 Due to a power outage in the Buchan district tomorrow, teachers will be uploading their lesson plans and some easy to access activities to Compass this afternoon to support these families.
14.01.2022 2021 Year 12 students are very excited about recreating their Year 7 Coonawarra camp picture at their Study Camp next week also at Coonawarra.
14.01.2022 Well hello and welcome to some good news! We have a plan and we have a date that will see all of our students back on site for face to face learning! Yippy!... I must be honest and say that I was a bit confused after the Premiers announcement yesterday, so I had to take the time to read, re-read and listen again. IN an effort to be clear to all, please read below. The key points that you need to know are: For the rest of term 3 we remain remote for all students. (This is no surprise really, I always expected this to be the case) 5 9 October (first week of Term 4) We remain on remote learning for all students BUT, and yes there is a but A student who is doing VCE or VCAL (including any who are in year 10 and completing a VCAL or VCE subject) may come on site, ONLY to complete an essential piece of assessment. (This is the same as it has been during term 3 and it really means only for essential SAC catch ups etc) The obvious example of this is: The GAT (General Assessment Test) All students completing a VCE Unit 3 and 4 subject are required to complete the GAT AND believe me, this year this is more important than ever! Hence we have been doing so much work on the practise GAT etc Organizational details around the GAT will follow soon Mark Wednesday the 7th October in your calendars now! GAT As of Monday 12th October individual schools may stagger the return of students, but everyone must be back on site by Friday 16th October. At BSC we will bring all students back to face to face learning as of the 12th! (This is where we differ from Metro, they remain remote, without an end date in sight) Face masks will remain compulsory at all times. I know how hard this has been It has been difficult for everyone and has had a toll on staff, teachers, families, students and me! I truly hope that we dont ever have to return to remote learning for all students. Remember this was and still is a Health crisis, not a crisis of education. On a brighter note: Some students have absolutely thrived during this style of learning I encourage you to talk with me and the staff in the Hubs, if you feel that this maybe a way forward for your child a more blended model if you like. I cant thank you all enough, this has been darn hard work, and we are certainly not out of the woods yet But we are indeed closer to the finish line now! Keep your eyes open for further updates and I am always happy to chat. Thanks again Trudie Nagle
13.01.2022 Well good afternoon and welcome to the last week of term 3. In some ways that excites me (I think we could all do with a break) and in some ways it scares me a little that the year is passing by so quickly! Now, there is a lot of information below, so make yourself a coffee and strap yourself in, please read it all....Continue reading
12.01.2022 The entire Bairnsdale Secondary College community would like to wish our Year 12 VCE students the very best as they start their final exams tomorrow. Be the absolute best you can be!The entire Bairnsdale Secondary College community would like to wish our Year 12 VCE students the very best as they start their final exams tomorrow. Be the absolute best you can be!
12.01.2022 Theres still time to enter the planking challenge! Please choose a safe location when planking. _______________________________________________________________________ Challenge 4: Planking challenge To enter the challenge you must be a Bairnsdale Secondary College student or staff member. Ask a friend or family member to take a photo of you in plank position and email it to [email protected] by 4pm on Monday 7th September. Youll go into the draw to win a $20 Schoolworks voucher.
11.01.2022 Our Doctors in Secondary Schools Program is still running via teleheatlh and we have appointments available TOMORROW! Please call The Colleges Wellbeing mobile on 0437 014 431 or email [email protected] to arrange an appointment.
11.01.2022 There is still time to enter the face mask fashonistas challenge! Check out some of our fashionable entrants so far :) Challenge 1: Face mask fashionistas! To enter the challenge you must be a Bairnsdale Secondary College student or staff member. Take a photo of your fashionable face mask and email it to [email protected] by 4pm on Monday 17th August. Youll go into the draw to win a $20 Schoolworks voucher.... The winners will be announced on Compass and Facebook. See more
11.01.2022 Hello to all our families: We are listening and responding ! It is clear that this period of Remote Learning is tough... The feedback that we have been receiving from students, families and teachers is clearly telling us that there is a toll associated with Remote 2.0. This Monday, the 31st of August, is going to be a day totally dedicated to Mental Health and Wellbeing of all. As I am calling it choose your own adventure day Students and staff may choose the style of their self directed learning for the day. There will be no formal classes, Webex or on compass, for the day. You may choose to, lighten the load for the day, study hard or complete work at your leisure. Relaxing and reading a book in the sun, is always healthy for body and mind. The College will be open for the day, but it will be minimal on site. Just myself and 2 office staff. As always, happy to chat, but most important of all: Is the message that we must look after our own health and wellbeing to get through this health crisis. Thanks Trudie Nagle
11.01.2022 What a brilliant community we live in! Through all the despair of recent times, East Gippsland will remain the greatest place on earth to live. Please take the time to read the Australian Geographic article below and ponder at the tremendous courage and power of community and working together.... Trudie
10.01.2022 The passing of the Baton Good afternoon and welcome to some bitter sweet news Gerry Ciavarella will be concluding his work at the College at the end of the year.... I say bitter sweet, because it will be a huge loss to the College (Bitter), yet an opportunity for new beginnings for Gerry (Sweet) Gerry has been working at the College now for 25 years, since he and Robyn first moved from Melbourne (Their original plan was to just stay for 5 years and then return . That didnt happen!) As is Gerrys way .. He is currently working to find his own replacement and to quote him: He wants everything to be in place and settled for the start of next year, so that no child is disadvantaged by his decision There will be details to come during Term 4, that will outline how the College will recognise the huge contribution that this remarkable musician and outstanding man has contributed. I know that the music KLA will rally and with new membership, that 2021 will play loud. Thanks, Trudie Nagle.
10.01.2022 Dont forget that you can monitor and support your childs education by regularly checking Compass. There are many different features that our school has adopted in Compass that enable you to: - Monitor your childs Learning Task progress... - View your childs timetable - Monitor your childs attendance, and enter approval for absences. - Download Progress and Semester reports. And more! Compass can be accessed at: You can also access Compass by downloading the COMPASS SCHOOL MANAGER APP from Google Play or Apple Store. If you have lost your username or password you can recover your details by clicking the Cant access your account link on the login page.
10.01.2022 A great opportunity for local youth currently looking for work.
10.01.2022 VCE students, if you work for the GAT, it will work for you. Practise your GAT practice on Thursday 27th August, 2020.
10.01.2022 We understand that families are effected by current power outages in the area and acknowledge that this may effect the ability of some students to access work remotely.
09.01.2022 Congratulations to Charisma Curtis who has won Challenge 5, Something yellow to make you smile.Yellow to highlight R U OK Day. Two of our lovely Learning Support Assistants chose the winner of this challenge, Pauline and Sue. The choice was tough!! Thank you all who entered. Charisma your $20 Schoolworks voucher is in the mail.
08.01.2022 Please click on the link below to read the latest information about KEVIN our Transition Program
08.01.2022 Parent/Teacher interviews are now open for bookings via Compass
08.01.2022 To access remote learning resources - please click on the link below to our webpage :)
08.01.2022 A massive thankyou to Turk, Gus and the Clontarf boys for the home delivery of yummy pancakes to raise the spirits of our teaching and support staff. Nice one boys!
07.01.2022 Hello to our College community. This note is just a reminder that we will be running parent teacher Interviews both Thursday night 20th and Friday 21st. If you have missed it, you can make an appointment via compass or ring the office and they will help you out.... Please remember that there will be no Webex classes on Friday, as teachers will be completing their PT Interviews. There will be no on-site supervision on Friday. Thanks for your co-operation and I hope that you enjoy your interviews. Please be sure that your children are present during the interview time, after all, they will be the topic of discussion! Thanks, Trudie Nagle.
07.01.2022 This weeks challenge is to highlight the colour yellow the colour of RU OK Day on Thursday 10.9.2020 Challenge 5: Something Yellow that makes you smile. To enter the challenge you must be a Bairnsdale Secondary College student or staff member. Take a photo of something yellow that makes you smile and email it to [email protected] by 4pm on Monday 14th September. Youll go into the draw to win a $20 Schoolworks voucher.
07.01.2022 Congratulations Jess Collier- the Winner of the facemask fashionistas challenge! Here are some more photos from our other entries. Now for challenge 2: Science Week Challenge- Rube Goldberg Machine!... Happy Science Week! To enter the challenge you must be a Bairnsdale Secondary College student or staff member. Make a Rube Goldberg Machine. For some inspiration see Record a video of your Rube Goldberg Machine and email it to [email protected] by 4pm on Monday 17th August. Youll go into the draw to win a $20 Schoolworks voucher. The winners will be announced on Compass and Facebook. Good luck!
04.01.2022 The Wellbeing Team is seeking feedback from the College community about their new logo. This is a further step towards reconciliation in our College. The logo will represent the greater Wellbeing Hub, including counsellors, Doctors in Secondary Schools (DISS), Clontarf and Girls at the Centre Yenella is Gunaikurnai language meaning to raise or lift up. ... We are seeking student voice and feedback from our College community about: - the type/species of tree - the shape/structure - the colours used Please tell us what you think by Friday 11th December. Students can provide feedback to the Wellbeing Hub or their Learning Hub. Community members can email the Wellbeing team at: [email protected]
03.01.2022 Ms Malberg is devastated that there were no entries into the Rube Goldberg machine. So the prize will JACKPOT. The winner of this challenge will receive 2 X$20 Schoolworks vouchers. Challenge 3: Cob-off best cob loaf challenge Everyone loves a cob loaf! Bairnsdale Secondary Colleges very own Renee Barry is an absolute Cob Loaf Queen and our judge for this round. To enter the challenge you must be a Bairnsdale Secondary College student or staff member. Make a cob loaf, take a... picture and email it to [email protected] by 4pm on Monday 1st September. Youll go into the draw to win a $40 Schoolworks voucher. The winners will be announced on Compass and Facebook. Good luck!
03.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone! just letting you know that theres still time to enter Challenge no.5! Heres a few pics of things that are yellow that make our current entrants smile :) _______________________________________________________________________... Challenge 5: Something Yellow that makes you smile. To enter the challenge you must be a Bairnsdale Secondary College student or staff member. Take a photo of something yellow that makes you smile and email it to [email protected] by 4pm on Monday 14th September. Youll go into the draw to win a $20 Schoolworks voucher.
02.01.2022 Dr Jess Zimmerman has judged the planking challenge. CongratulationsClare and Ashtyn Stone. Your Schoolworks voucher is in the mail.
02.01.2022 External VCAA VCE exams are going very well despite the interrupted year. Students are feeling well prepared and very excited. We look forward to hearing about our students' results.
02.01.2022 The Queen of the Cob Loaf Renee Barry has judged the Cob-off cob loaf competition. CongratulationsCaitlin OByrnes Mexican cob loaf. It was a tough competition.
02.01.2022 Congratulations and well done to all the Unit 3&4 VCE students who submitted their Writing Tasks today as part of our program to practise our GAT practice!
02.01.2022 7D have been completing a piece of art based on the work of artist Roy Lichtenstein. They have designed a ‘pop art’ portrait of themselves using a photograph as their reference. They have been completing these while listening to and discussing the book Wonder.
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