Balanced Soul Mind & Body in Modbury Heights | Medical and health
Balanced Soul Mind & Body
Locality: Modbury Heights
Phone: +61 400 022 895
Address: 7, Leda Court 5092 Modbury Heights, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 A powerful message for the times we currently live in. Practice loving kindness not only to yourself but to others also. May you be safe from internal and external harm May you have a calm, clear mind and a peaceful loving heart May you be physically strong healthy and vital... May you experience love. joy, wonder and wisdom in this life just as it is May your heart be open with kindness and peace May you be filled with the spirit of loving kindness See more
23.01.2022 Connect with your heart
22.01.2022 Card of the Day (Monday) GRATITUDE This soulful card is telling you that it is time to stop, close your eyes, and become mindful of the incredible gift the universe has bestowed upon you in offering valuable and unique lessons, tailored especially for your soul. This is an important reminder to express your appreciation for what has been, what will be, and most important, who you are. It is time to acknowledge to the Universe how thankful you are for being provided these oppo...rtunities for insights and understanding. It is also time for your soul to share recognition of all those loved ones in your life - upon the earth or in spirit - who have helped form who you are now. You may even find it helpful to begin to write a list of all the things you are grateful for in your life. When you put forth the contemplation and the energy to do this, it awakens thoughts that acknowledge your connection to all that is. By bringing yourself into a state of gratitude, it not only has a transforming effect on the energy in the sacred space surrounding you, but also brings about an overall sense of health and well-being. Cards: The Souls Journey - James Van Praagh
21.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Tuesday) 7 Goddess of Creation It's time for you to chill out and let go of rigid and fixed ideas. Relax and take time out to just be. You really have been trying too hard lately and are taking things far too seriously. This has blocked your creativity and caused your energy levels to be low. You probably tell yourself that you don't have time to relax, but you must make the time. Make this a priority and you will find that an interesting transformation takes... place. Your creativity will increase and you will feel revitalised by a newfound sense of purpose and inspiration. Your mind may be telling you that relaxation is a futile waste of time, yet the opposite is true. Relaxation will slow down your thoughts and open your heart. It is fuel for the soul that will have a positive flow-on effect for your entire being. Your wellbeing is of paramount importance so do not take it for granted. Without it, nothing else really matters. Cards: Gaia Oracle - Toni Carmine Salerno
20.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Saturday and Sunday) After the soul searching of the last week take time this weekend to connect with nature. Breathe in the fresh air and take some time to relax, and as you take in her beauty listen to her voice as she quie often has something to share with us. From the leaves that drop from the trees because they have served their purpose to the seeds that are planted to allow something beautiful to grow, or the ebb and flow of the tides. Seek her wisdom and she will help you on your lifes journey. Cards: Self-Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson
20.01.2022 A Native American Prayer and blessing.
19.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Thursday) 13 Reflection What you see around you mirrors what you feel within you. The chaos you perceive or experience in your physical reality simply reflects your inner chaos and turmoil. If things are not working well in you outer world, what is it that is not working well within you? This card calls for a thorough self examination. Do not merely skim the surface. You must delve deep to uncover the truth. This will take time, patience and commitment. Obse...rve your thoughts and feelings throughout the day and make a note of negative or unconstructive thoughts and feelings. This practice, over time, will in itself help heal and restore balance to your life. It may be helpful to keep a diary in which you note your thoughts and feelings; what is it that triggers these thoughts and feelings? Journal writing will also help provided that the journal is for your eyes only. It may also be helpful to seek professional advice from a qualified counsellor or health practitioner who has experience in this field. Commit to this reflective journey, be disciplined in your approach and you will never look back. The rewards will be greater than you ever imagined. Cards: Gaia Oracle - Toni Carmine Salerno
19.01.2022 After the introspection of 2020 what does 2021 look like for you?
18.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Friday) 39 Perception The lady featured on this card looks directly at the observer. She radiates love and wisdom, yet stands frimly in her own truth. From this standpoint she is able to see beyond the veil of illusion. She has shown up in your reading today to reflect these same qualities within you. You are advised to stand your ground with regards to a particular person or issue. Stand within your own truth and don't be swayed by another's beliefs, opinions or view. If it doesn't feel right, then it's not; trust your intuition and gut feeling on this one. Be true to yourself. You can respect antoher's view without having to change your value systems. If it doesn't align with your values, then don't take it on. Cards: Gaia Oracle - Toni Carmine Salerno
18.01.2022 Card of the Day (Thursday) SUCCESS Success can mean many things to the ego self. But the soul only knows one triumph, and that is to love. When your soul is no longer manifested in the physical dimension, it is a time of reflection on how sucessful it was with that endeavor. The soul doesn't care how big your house was or how nice your car was or how many bank accounts you had. The soul only cares about how you expressed love and compassion. In the infinite wisdom of the Uni...verse, the more love you demonstrate, the more you will receive... and even your ego's definition of success is altered. Your notion of how you would be perceived as successful will change. The material things will not have the same appeal. Cards: The Souls Journey - James Van Praagh Cards: The Souls Journey - James Van Praagh
18.01.2022 Join me Monday nights for this 6 week program. Learn techniques that will help you in your everyday life to help you cope and to move forward. If you miss a week I will record the sessions so you will gain the most benefit from the program. YOU are the best person that can help YOU and the best way to do this is by learning which is what this program will help you with. I will be running this program through Talk Out Loud Australia who are a suicide prevention charity which is so important during these current times.
18.01.2022 I love you therefore I do not judge you.
18.01.2022 The old healer to the soul: It's not your back that hurts, but the burden. It's not your eyes that hurt, but injustice.... It's not your head that hurts, it's your thoughts. Not the throat, but what you don't express or what you say with anger. Not the stomach that hurts, but what the soul does not digest. It's not the liver that hurts, it's the anger. It's not your heart that hurts, but love. And it is love itself that contains the most powerful medicine. (UnknownAuthor)
18.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Saturday & Sunday) Cards - Guardian Angel Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno
16.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Wednesday) 37 Nine of Hearts This card signifies success, emotional fulfulment and wisdom. Something that is dear to you or something that you are working towards has a positive outcome. This leads to a period of peace and harmony and a deep sense of personal satisfaction and emotional fulfilment. That which you strive to create and achieve is granted and all is protected along the way. The light shines upon you: all is blessed. You can move forward with confidence. Cards: Gaia Oracle - Toni Carmine Salerno
16.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Monday) What is necessary and what we do because we feel we have to can be 2 different things. Where in your life are you putting too much pressure on yourself. Discern what is absolute on your priority list. If you waiver when making your decision and say yes, stop and ask yourself am I doing this for me or because it is expected of me, because there is a difference. Cards: Self-Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson
16.01.2022 You cannot change things in your life unless you change things in your life. This will probably mean stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things that are unfamiliar to you. But don't let that stop you because the unfamiliar can become familiar you just have to take that step.
15.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Thursday) Cards - Guardian Angel Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno
14.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Thursday) Believe that you have the Inner strength to make the changes you want in your life. Just like the Lion and the Lioness on the card you have both the warrior and the nurturer within you and when used together they can give you the courage to overcome your fears. Even though the woman holds a sword ready to do battle she also has softness to her energy balancing the masculine and the feminine. Cards: Self-Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson
12.01.2022 May 2021 bring you many blessings.
11.01.2022 Card of the Day (Wednesday) SURRENDER You need to understand the distinction between power and control. You have the power of internal control, but very little external control over people or situations. The majority of your external control is through the power of influence. You can lead by example. Every soul has its own unique path, and it is not your job to dictate it. Giving advice or direction in a compassionate manner is the way to go. Your soul, too, has a path, and y...ou possess the power to control it - but you must surrender the illusion that you have control over another. Remember that this is a process, and from time to time your ego will rise up and demand that things be the way they "should be". Envision a hot-air balloon being loaded up with all of the things you think you need to control, and let them ride away in the balloon. You'll be surprised to find that when you release the energy of control and accept the energy of surrender, doors will open that you never expected, because you have now given the Universe space in which to materialize what is needed for your highest soul growth. Cards: The Souls Journey - James Van Praagh
11.01.2022 Always look for the good in life.
10.01.2022 Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, But because we finally realize our own.
10.01.2022 Your thoughts and feelings together create your world so focus on what you want not what you don't want. Live a life of gratitude not ingratitude, a life of hope not hopelessness.
09.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Friday) Cards - Guardian Angel Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno
08.01.2022 Time for some healing. Be gentle with yourselves as you process all that is coming to the surface and remember Love is the key.
08.01.2022 Whenever we are faced with challenges always ask the question. "What is this here to teach me"
07.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Saturday & Sunday) 29 Thinking of You This card is confirmation that someone you have been thinking of is also thinking of you. It may be someone who has passed away or a living friend, family member or loved one. Our thoughts and feelings are enrgy frequencies or wave lengths that transcend space and time. We all transmit and receive information through our thoughts and feelings. It makes no difference whether someone is near or far, alive or has passed away...; we are subconsciously in constant communication with those we think about and love. Having heard this, you probably imagine your thoughts travelling through space and time. However, in actuality nothing really travels anywhere. This is because energetically, or spiritually, there is no separation in the first place. We are all interconnected and ultimately one, eternally held within an ocean of divine love. The great cosmic ocean of life is as vast and endless as we can imagine it to be, and at the same time it can be smaller than the smallest particle. Cards: Gaia Oracle - Toni Carmine Salerno
07.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Monday) 17. Achievement You will soon achieve a goal you had set for yourself. Your hard work and persistence is about to pay off. Know that you deserve all the success that is coming your way. Quietly acknowledge this for yourself as you celebrate your achievements. Thank the Earth and universe for this blessing in the knowledge that all you do is a co-creation with the higher powers that be. Then, refocus your attention back to the task at hand. Do not lose sight of your original purpose and intention. This is only the beginning: much more can be accomplished provided you keep focused on your dream. Remember what is truly important to you. It may be helpful to set a new goal. This could be bigger and more fulfulling than you ever imagined. Cards: Gaia Oracle - Toni Carmine Salerno
06.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Tuesday) Where in your life are you happy and content and where in your life is their turmoil? Take time to stop today and listen to the voice of your heart. It doesn't matter how you do it whether you Meditate or connect with nature anything that allows you to stop, breathe and listen.
05.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Friday) Over the week you have assessed your life (or part of it), you have worked out what is important to you and started to work towards it. Continue to focus on what is important to you (not what is important to others) and stay your path. Cards: Self-Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson
05.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Wednesday) With the assessment you have done from Monday & Tuesdays cards now is the time to take that leap of faith. Cards: Self-Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson
03.01.2022 We are co-creators of our future. See it. FEEL it. Believe it.
03.01.2022 The divine feminine at work.
02.01.2022 CARD OF THE DAY (Saturday and Sunday) I have been quiet on this page for some time so thought perhaps we could have some fun. My aim is to do a card of the day to help guide us, a message from the universe that we can all perhaps relate to. As always take what resonates with you and leave the rest. Also take a close look at the card each day and see what message you think it may have for you personally, listen to your own intuition (not your ego) sit quietly for a moment an...d listen to your heart. So our first card is from the Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor JOURNEY (2) The book reads Movement, Relocation, Travel Pack your bags! The Journey card foretells upcoming travel or a shift in location. It may be as simple as a vacation, a retreat or class, or even a work-related trip. This card could also signal a move of residence or a job relocation. Plans should go off without a hitch. Still, be clear about your motivations and mindful of logistics. All of life is a journey, and this card is telling you that you have some exciting and inspiring adventures ahead. MY MESSAGE There is several things that stick out for me on this card, firstly is the lantern which lights up the path on the bridge ahead but the woman is holding a lantern which lights the path behind her, she is looking ahead but is ready to turn back and return from where she came. The bridge has a support on one side and the other side is broken and fallen away making her feel unsure about how safe she may be if she continues. How often in life do we want to follow a path (our dreams and goals) but are afraid to because we are unsure about what is ahead. Spirit is helping to guide you if you can learn to trust that even though the path may be unclear spirit will help to light up the path if you are prepared to look. No matter the circumstance this card is indicating movement whether it be physical or a shift in you consciousness as to where you want your life to go.
02.01.2022 As the year closes and we reflect on the year that was, with all the highs and the lows remember to see and be grateful for the lessons learnt. So look back on the year with love in your heart, and when reflecting make sure you also look at yourself with love. No matter what you have been through during this year you have approached everything the best way you knew how at the time, and that also applies to the people in your life. Do not regret the choices and decisions you have made for they are in the past and cannot be changed. Remember, they have also taught you something, whether it be about yourself or those around you. Forgive yourself for anything that you perceive that you have done wrong and congratulate yourself for everything you did right.
01.01.2022 Card of the Day (Tuesday) HEALTH Your body is your temple, and you are responsible for its' care. You have chosen to incarnate in this physical dimension to learn certain lessons, and if you don't maintain the physical vehicle that your soul has chosen, then you are sabotaging your own plan. Your health is a vital element for your soul's progress, and you should never take it for granted. Be sensible about nourishment and exercise.You could be a "senstive" being who must be c...onscious of your surroundings because you can easily be drained by people, places or thngs. Always make a ritual of protection and cleansing before you work with a client, or just bring your mind back to your heart throughout the day to rejuvenate. This card may also signify a desire to assit other beings through physical or emotional healing work. You may be involved professionally in the medical fields, bodywork, or psychiatry and counselling - or maybe you're just a good listener who possesses sage advice. If you or someone you know inherited a congenital dis-ease, past-life work may be of some benefit. Cards: The Souls Journey - James Van Praagh
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