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Ballarat Horse Show

Phone: +61 438 437 493


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22.01.2022 They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe.... They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. Lest we forget. #anzacday2020 #neverforget #freedomisnotfree

22.01.2022 Congratulations to Jukebox Park Fireflies and handler Michelle Datson who were the winners of the Supreme Shetland under 8.2hh exhibit. Thank you to Korwyn Stud and Lee Purchase for your sponsorship of this event. #ballaratevents #horseevents #westernvictoria #countryshows #agshows #vicagshows #ballaratshow #ballarat #ballarathorses #allthingscountry #horseshow

22.01.2022 This week is National Volunteers Week. The Ballarat Agricultural Society and the Ballarat Horse Show is run almost exclusively by a dedicated group of volunteers who work hard all year round to bring events to the community. We couldn’t do it without them and we are so grateful for their support. If you’d like to volunteer with the Ballarat Horse Show or the wider Ballarat Agricultural Society please message us or give us a call on 5338 1877.

21.01.2022 Crestwood Casanova Royale and Kim Simpson had a very successful show. Casanova was awarded the Isabel and Annette Bush Memorial Supreme Palomino exhibit presented by Balinda Broadbent and this was followed up by winning the Hewitt and Whitty Rudal Supplies Supreme ridden breed exhibit of the show. The committee are very appreciative of the ongoing support of our show by Hewitt and Whitty Rural supplies and Balinda Broadbent. #palominos #hewittandwhittyruralsupplies... #ballaratevents #horseevents #westernvictoria #countryshows #agshows #vicagshows #ballaratshow #ballarat #ballarathorses #allthingscountry #horseshow See more

20.01.2022 Whoo hoo. PBR Australia is nearly here

20.01.2022 How fantastic are these new healthcare packages from Ballarat Equine Clinic? Ensuring that we provide the best care to our beloved horses and ponies is everyone’s priority and these packages make that care so much more affordable.

19.01.2022 Vale to the legendary Subzero. A true champion of the track and of the people. Rest In Peace. Condolences to all his connections

16.01.2022 Off The Track winner proudly sponsored by Racing Victoria and Thoroughbred Breeders Victoria CONSUL REEF - Beck Groen Congratulations ... #OTT #vicagshows #racingvictoria #ballaratshow #ballaratevents #OTTseries #showingvictoria #showhorse

16.01.2022 Today is RU OK Day and World Suicide Prevention Day. Rates of depression and suicide are approximately 40% higher in rural areas than in metropolitan areas of the country. Take some time today to check in with your circle and ask RU OK? #ruokday #ruokdayeveryday #suicideprevention #itsoknottobeok

13.01.2022 A big shout out to our main lady and volunteer extraordinaire, Dianne Gow who has been stewarding for the horse show for at least 15 years. Di brings her passion and enthusiasm for horses every year, rain, hail or shine and is very much part of the Ballarat Horse Show family. A huge thank you for your amazing support. . Without people like you we can’t run events like the Ballarat Horse Show. #volunteers #volunteerinyourcommunity #ballaratevents #horseevents #westernvictoria #countryshows #agshows #vicagshows #ballaratshow #ballarat #ballarathorses #allthingscountry #horseshow

12.01.2022 One of the biggest boys at the show Talbena Jimiedean Supreme Clydesdale Congratulations to Dash Park and thanks for the photo share Thank you to Last Straw Hay Supplies for sponsorship of this section ... #ballaratshow #clydesdalehorse #supreme #vicagshows #ballaratevents #horseshows #

12.01.2022 Congratulations to Abby Loveday and her very handsome Mcllarkin who were the winners of the Durham Park Stud Supreme Standardbred exhibit at this years show. Thank you to Durham Park for your sponsorship of our standardbred events. Your support is much appreciated. #standardbred #retiredstandardbred... #ballaratevents #horseevents #westernvictoria #countryshows #agshows #vicagshows #ballaratshow #ballarat #ballarathorses #allthingscountry #horseshow See more

12.01.2022 Ballarat Spring Show/Ballarat Horse Show 2020 - Announcement On Wednesday 24th June the Society’s Executive Committee met to discuss and make a decision regarding the 2020 Ballarat Spring Show due to Covid19. Having considered all our options, we have made the difficult decision not to run the show this year. We are disappointed that we will not have a show in 2020, however, the health and safety of our competitors, judges and volunteers is our top priority. ... Due to the fact that there will not be a show we would like to give the council the opportunity to make alternative arrangements for the Friday public holiday for this year. By doing this the Society hopes that local business that have been hit hard by Covid19 will have an opportunity to recoup some revenue in the lead up to the Christmas shopping period. We would like to thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. We look forward to seeing everyone at the 2021 Horse Show.

10.01.2022 Exciting Job Opportunities As the Ballarat Agricultural & Pastoral Society (BAPS) enter an exciting period in the history of the organisation with the relocati...on of the Ballarat Showgrounds just around the corner, there has never been a more exciting time to join BAPS as a staff member & here is your opportunity! We currently have 2 positions advertised with JK Personnel Ballarat. Check out the links below for more details on the Executive Officer position & a newly developed Events Coordinator role Executive Officer - Events Coordinator - If you know someone who you think may be interested in either role please feel free to tag them or encourage them to check the roles out on SEEK. Applications close on Monday 17th February 2020. All enquiries must be directed to the team at JK Personnel Ballarat not BAPS. #ballaratshow #ballarat #vicagshows #vas #jobopportunities #events #eventcoordinator #executiveofficer #victoriansheepshow #ballaratwineshow

08.01.2022 Supreme Riding pony exhibit this year was Karlana Take a Bow shown by Sharyn Stallard. Thank you ChristieandDamien Linke for your support of this event and providing the beautiful garland for our winner. #ballaratevents #horseevents #westernvictoria #countryshows #agshows #vicagshows #ballaratshow #ballarat #ballarathorses #allthingscountry #horseshow

07.01.2022 How special is this Congratulations Harlow - and thank you for sharing with us And thank you to PETstock for your sponsorship #ballaratshow #ballarat #ballaratevents #vicagshows #horseshows #community #shoplocalballarat #champion

04.01.2022 Congratulations to Collandie Park Stud and Collandie Park Dreamgirl, the 2019 Betty Myers Perpetual Trophy and the Supreme Miniature Pony exhibit. #ballaratevents #horseevents #westernvictoria #countryshows #agshows #vicagshows #ballaratshow #ballarat #ballarathorses #allthingscountry #horseshow

04.01.2022 Happy official birthday to all the lovely horses out there. #ballarathorseshow #ballaratshow #ballaratshowgrounds #horsesbirthday ##ballaratevents #ballarat #ballaratlifestyle #agriculturalshow

02.01.2022 It’s that time of the year with lots of babies being born. Show us your future Ballarat Horse Show exhibits

01.01.2022 Some of our extremely cute and dedicated junior and topsy event competitors at this years show. The fancy dress event was particularly well supported with some amazingly inventive costumes being presented to the judge. Thank you Horse Shepard Equine Sanctuary for supporting these events with your generous sponsorship. #horse_shepard #juniorriders #topsyring #ballaratevents #horseevents #westernvictoria #countryshows #agshows #vicagshows #ballaratshow #ballarat #ballarathorses #allthingscountry #horseshow

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