Anglican Cathedral Church of Christ the King in Ballarat, Victoria | Church
Anglican Cathedral Church of Christ the King
Locality: Ballarat, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5331 1183
Address: 49 Lydiard St South 3350 Ballarat, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Bishop Garry having a quick chat on national TV, launching our St Francis Day Appeal.
25.01.2022 The Cathedral all set to celebrate her patronal festival tomorrow. If you have booked in for lunch, please be at The Boatshed, Lake Wendouree at 11.30am please, as we only have 2 hours due to the current restrictions. Laus Deo
24.01.2022 Advent Day 3 Jesse Tree Noah and the Flood Genesis 6-9 This very Australian image of Noah and the animals saved on the Ark reminds us of the universal nature of both God’s promise to not destroy the world and these stories that speak to us here in Australia in 2020. We pray in the Lord’s Prayer Your [God’s] Kingdom Come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is the story of Noah that is the beginning of this promise that God will remake Heaven and Earth an...d that we have a role in bringing about the Kingdom of God. When has a rainbow broken through into your life? Comment below. #jessetree #advent #Ballarat
22.01.2022 Advent Tradition - the Jesse Tree. Each day of Advent we will post an image and a reflection related to the Jesse Tree Tradition. Read on to discover more... Advent has often been the catalyst for exploring different ways of engaging with Scripture and what it means to live a Christian life. You will be familiar with Advent Wreaths (Three purple candles, one pink candle for Gaudete Sunday and a white one for Christ-mas) and Advent calendars (you might be counting down with b...eers of the world or chocolate). But one way that is not as well known is the daily reflection presented by the Jesse Tree this is a tradition that is more common in Roman Catholic Churches and a wonderful website can be found here: A word.doc with the readings hyperlinked to the NRSVA translation in Bible Gateway can be found here: Like the beloved Nine Lessons and Carols service, the Jesse Tree readings can supplement the readings of the Lectionary as it traces the stories of the Old Testament that tell of God’s presence throughout the History of the Jewish People, right up to the birth of Christ. There are lots of ways of marking the days of advent, some of these will be listed here on our Cathedral Facebook Page, this collection of readings, thoughts and images might help you as we wait with expectation to celebrate Emmanuel God with us. Read more about Jesse and his son David: What's your favourite Advent Tradition? Comment below. #Ballarat #advent #jessetree
22.01.2022 23rd Sunday after Pentecost 8th November 2020 This Sunday’s readings are as follows : Josh. 24:1-3a, 14-25... Ps. 78:1-7 1 Thess. 4:9-18 Matt. 25:1-13 Watching for God's Kingdom - Sermon 33 in the Bishop's Sermon Series during COVID-19 (
21.01.2022 ** LATEST ANNOUNCEMENT ** ** PLEASE SHARE ** Dear Friends... Hope you are well and enjoying the warm weather. Just a quick mid-week update following the recent easing of COVID19 restrictions. I have just measured the Cathedral and we can easily sit 108 congregants (based on the current rules and slightly being conservative too). Therefore, you do not have to go through the process of booking for this Sunday onwards. All you have to do is attend church, either 8am or 10am, register your name and contact details just like you would do at a café or restaurant. Please also be informed that we are not continuing on with the 5pm Said Eucharist on Sundays as we added the additional service primarily to accommodate more worshippers. However, this may change in 2021. What we are doing now and need to continue on : Please keep to 1.5 metres between individual congregants, and other individuals or domestic couple or family groups. If you see an X on a pew or chair, you can sit there. Sanitize before entering the Cathedral and before leaving the Cathedral. Please a wear a masks at all times unless you are given an exemption by an authorized individual e.g. doctor. Communion in one kind only. Please follow the direction of the ushers. After each service all areas must be sanitized with appropriate form completed. What is NEW and may change as we progress further : Singing is allowed but you must wear a mask. We will only resume singing as a congregation from 20th Dec (Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols) onwards. Choir and celebrant are allowed to sing without masks on but must be 2 meters apart and 5 meters from the congregants. Doors, windows and other entrances should be open to allow maximum circulation of air. We are allowed to have a cuppa afterwards but we will only resume this hopefully from 6th Dec 2020 onwards. Most likely we will have it outside either near the main entrance of the Cathedral or at the side. We are still trying to work this out and of course more details will come out soon. Since we are unable to use the Holy Water stoop. We are planning to reinstate the liturgical practice of sprinkling with holy water or "asperges" as a reminder of baptism. The term comes from the Latin version of Ps 51, "Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop." It will be done as a preparatory ceremony before the Eucharist, with the altar, clergy, and people all sprinkled with holy water. An aspergillum is used for sprinkling the holy water. Once again, thank you so much for being agile and for fully cooperating with all these changes. Please pass this message around especially to all those who are not on any electronic media. If you need more information, please contact Fr Martin, your Asst. Curate. Prayers from your Cathedral
21.01.2022 Zoom In-To Pray - Happens twice, every Wednesdays. You can join us at 11am or 7.30pm. Details are as follows : ... Topic: Zoom In-To Pray: Morning Session Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 2292 0172 Passcode: 6wQrrJ Topic: Zoom In-To Pray: Evening Session Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 861 8053 4088 Passcode: 2VwCdF
20.01.2022 Dear Friends Tomorrow will be our final Zoom In-To Pray session. It was another COVID19 initiative to keep everyone connected with the Cathedral. Special thanks to The Revd. Christine Angus and The Revd. Deacon Kaye Hanks for your resilience and commitment since the first lockdown in March 2020, who shared the ministry to pray and reflect. We journeyed together and looking forward to our final session for this year. Yes, we may continue this again next year in a different for...mat. Stay tuned ! Meanwhile, please join us tomorrow, 2nd Dec 2020 30 minutes of quick conversation, reflection and intercession. Zoom In-To Pray: EVERY WED. @ 11AM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 2292 0172 Passcode: 6wQrrJ Zoom In-To Pray: EVERY WED. @ 7.30PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 861 8053 4088 Passcode: 2VwCdF Prayers from your Cathedral. Fr Martin
19.01.2022 Advent Jesse Tree - Day 2 - Fruit The reading for today is about Adam and Eve: Genesis 2:4-24 and Genesis 3 When I think of all the tempting fruit of the Australian Summer it is Cherries that I desire most!... Thinking about the story of the first rebellion, I am struck by how much I am more likely to do something if I have been forbidden to do it, but more than this, in Genesis 2, Verse 21 we get God’s response: And the Lord God made garments of skins for the man and for his wife, and clothed them. Even at this moment of epic betrayal God is looking out for the welfare of God’s people. Comment below: When was a time when you felt God was looking after you? #jessetree #advent
19.01.2022 We are open for public worship. Please call or email to book a ‘pew’.
18.01.2022 20 Special Care Packs are in production for another organisaton as part of our COVID19 i initiatives. *love your neighbor as yourself*
18.01.2022 Friends Another ‘doughnut’ day ! May I encourage you to start making arrangements to come back to church please ? ... 10am is fully booked for tomorrow. Few places left for 8am and 5pm. Please send an email to me or sms. See you in church ! Fr Martin
18.01.2022 Are you missing your ‘second’ home ? Are you missing each other’s company, laughter, buzz and friendship ? Are you missing the morning cuppa ?... Are you missing the thundering sound of our organ ? We shall meet soon.
17.01.2022 Dear Friends and Diocese family, We are celebrating our patronal festival this Sunday, 22nd Nov. Please keep us in your prayer especially in our search for a new Dean. Please click the link for order service - ( Prayers and blessings from your Cathedral, ... Fr Martin Asst. Curate See more
17.01.2022 Please tune in today at 2pm. We are back on the radio again...
16.01.2022 What people are waiting for from the church, whether they realize it or not, is that the church of today show them the gospel. Our contemporaries want to meet Christ who is alive today; they want to see Him with their eyes and touch Him with their hands. Our contemporaries want a meeting face to face with Christ. The invitation for us Christians is that they demand to see Christ in each one of us; they want us to reflect Christ as clearly as a pane of glass window transmits ...the rays of the sun. We want to see Jesus, are you His face? This Sunday’s readings are as follows : Exodus 16:2-15 Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45 Philippians 1 or 1:21-30 Matthew 20:1-16 What then will we have? - Sermon 26 in the Bishop's Sermon Series during COVID-19 (
16.01.2022 17th Sunday After Pentecost This Sunday’s readings are as follows : Exodus 17:1-7 Psalm 78:1-4, 11-16... Philippians 2 or 2:1-13 Matthew 21:23-32 Growing in Authority, Relinquishing Control - Sermon 27 in the Bishop's Sermon Series during COVID-19 (
15.01.2022 Coming soon to support our Ballarat community. Watch the space. Start wondering...
15.01.2022 All Souls Day Please join the Cathedral congregation today as we remember those who have gone before us. Please share this link so that your families can join us virtually too wherever they are. ... Fr Martin
14.01.2022 Join us today at 7.30pm Topic: Zoom In-To Pray: Evening Session Join Zoom Meeting ... Meeting ID: 861 8053 4088 Passcode: 2VwCdF See more
14.01.2022 All Souls Day, 2nd Nov 2020 @ 5.45pm A SERVICE REMEMBERING THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Please click for the Order of Service... ( See more
14.01.2022 REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE @ BALLARAT ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL will be held on 11th Nov at 11am. It will be led by the Bishop. If you would like to be part of it, please assemble just in front of the Cathedral at least 5 minutes before 11am. Given that it will be an outdoor service, we can certainly accommodate more than 20 with strict adherence to COVIDSafe rules - mask, sanitize and if you are unwell, please get tested and stay home until you have received your results. LEST WE FORGET
12.01.2022 Dear Friends, If you are new to Ballarat and searching for a church, why not try the Anglican Cathedral situated at 49, Lydiard St South, Ballarat Central (opposite of Ansonia Hotel)? Although, we have number limitations, you are still invited to join us and be part of the Cathedral family. If you would like to have a conversation about your church or any other spiritual matters, please feel free to contact me. To give you a glimpse, please read through the 10am Eucharist o...rder of service ( Fr Martin Asst. Curate
12.01.2022 If you are free today at 10am, please tune in to our local Christian radio channel to listen to Fr Martin Nadarajan talk about our COVID19 care pack initiatives and our journey as a community in Ballarat.
11.01.2022 Advent Day 4 The Stars God’s Covenant with Abraham Genesis 12 and 15 The stars that can be seen so much more easily as you head out of Melbourne and into the parishes of Ballarat are a constant and wonderful reminder that God’s promises are kept!... #jessetree #advent #Ballarat
10.01.2022 Dear Friends Hope you are well. Although, your clergy are on retreat, we will still go ahead with our Zoom In-To Pray. Please come and join us ! ... 30 minutes of quick conversation, reflection and intercession. Zoom In-To Pray: EVERY WED. @ 11AM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 2292 0172 Passcode: 6wQrrJ Zoom In-To Pray: EVERY WED. @ 7.30PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 861 8053 4088 Passcode: 2VwCdF Fr Martin
10.01.2022 This Sunday’s readings are as follows : Exodus 17:1-7 Psalm 78:1-4, 11-16 Philippians 2 or 2:1-13 Matthew 21:23-32... Growing in Authority, Relinquishing Control - Sermon 27 in the Bishop's Sermon Series during COVID-19 (
09.01.2022 Dear friends Greetings from your Cathedral. With all our churches in our Diocese now open for worship, hope you are slowly going back to your churches. We are still going ahead with Zoom In-To Pray today and the last session will be on 2nd Nov 2020. Please come and join us ! ... 30 minutes of quick conversation, reflection and intercession. Zoom In-To Pray: EVERY WED. @ 11AM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 2292 0172 Passcode: 6wQrrJ Zoom In-To Pray: EVERY WED. @ 7.30PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 861 8053 4088 Passcode: 2VwCdF Prayers from your Cathedral. Fr Martin
09.01.2022 Dear Friends Thank you to all our generous donors. We have 6 more days to go before we end this initiative. This is just another way we can support our local wildlife park and be part of Ballarat community. Skipping just one latte one morning will help one little koala live. Please share this post. Thank you
09.01.2022 We are out and about to love our neighbors as well as our animals !
08.01.2022 Dear Friends Our 10am Eucharist celebration is fully booked now. We still have couple more spaces for 8am Eucharist according to BCP and 5pm Said Eucharist. If you are joining us remotely, please click on this link to download the order of service for this Sunday, 15th Nov 2020 (
08.01.2022 Dear Friends For those who missed out this morning, there are still spaces available for our 5pm Eucharist tonight. Please let me know via text, email or messenger and I will book you in. See you soon. ... Fr Martin
07.01.2022 First Sunday of Advent Please come and join us this Sunday. We do have two services - 8am and 10am. Order of service for our Choral Eucharist at 10am (
06.01.2022 All Souls Day, 2nd Nov 2020 @ 5.45pm A SERVICE REMEMBERING THOSE WHO HAVE DIED (
05.01.2022 This morning at your Cathedral. All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voices with us sing....
05.01.2022 9 years ago today we enthroned a Bishop. (I can personally think of at least one person who would've killed to be able to fall back on a COVID-safe 4sq metre rule as he tried to squeeze in all +GW's last minute guests... :) ) Happy Anniversary!
05.01.2022 St Francistide - St Francis Appeal Fund Every year at the Cathedral, St Francis Day (4th October) is observed with a Blessing of Pets/Animals service. This year, because services have not yet resumed, we will join in a venture with Ballarat Wildlife Park. The Cathedral will be sponsoring a Go Fund Me page to raise money to help feed the animals at the Ballarat wildlife park which has had very little government support during the pandemic. The page is not yet operational..., but we hope it will be by this Friday and it will continue until the day after the Feast of St Francis (ie 5th October). Please lookout for the launch! Fr Martin
04.01.2022 You can now sing along Psalm 34 in the comfort of your home !
04.01.2022 Dear Friends, Although the restrictions are slowly being eased, we are still going ahead with Zoom In-To Pray until 2nd Dec 2020. It is just another avenue for us to gather to pray, reflect and have a conversation. Please come and join us ! ... 30 minutes of quick conversation, reflection and intercession. Zoom In-To Pray: EVERY WED. @ 11AM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 2292 0172 Passcode: 6wQrrJ Zoom In-To Pray: EVERY WED. @ 7.30PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 861 8053 4088 Passcode: 2VwCdF Fr Martin
04.01.2022 24th Sunday after Pentecost, 15th November 2020 This Sunday’s readings are as follows : Judg. 4:1-10 Ps 123... 1 Thess. 5:1-11 Matt. 25:14-30 Two Talents - Sermon 34 in the Bishop's Sermon Series during COVID-19 (
03.01.2022 Are we Zoom-ing today? Yes, we are ! Given it is Remembrance Day, we will begin with silence followed by the words of the Ode. Please come and join us ! ... 30 minutes of quick conversation, reflection and intercession. Zoom In-To Pray: EVERY WED. @ 11AM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 2292 0172 Passcode: 6wQrrJ Zoom In-To Pray: EVERY WED. @ 7.30PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 861 8053 4088 Passcode: 2VwCdF Fr Martin
03.01.2022 Our Cathedral is open for public worship again and another good article by The Courier !
02.01.2022 Patronal Festival, Said Eucharist at 5pm at The Cathedral. All are welcome !Patronal Festival, Said Eucharist at 5pm at The Cathedral. All are welcome !
01.01.2022 A huge thankyou from our staff and animals to The Anglican Diocese of Ballarat for their initiative to fund raise for our animals in honour of St Francis of Ass...isi the patron saint of animals. Father Martin Nadarajan also presented the staff with beautiful care packages consisting of home made jams and animal themed masks and cards made by local children. #anglicanchurchofballarat #feastofstfrancisofassisi See more
01.01.2022 Dear Friends We managed to get $270.00 on our 1st day after launching this new intiative. May I encourage you to share this page please. To the 6 individuals who donated ‘thank you so much !!’
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