Bambalam in Adelaide, South Australia | Event planner
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 413 306 923
Address: PO BOX 623 Prospect East 5082 Adelaide, SA, Australia
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24.01.2022 Our major sponsor this year is the awesome Rock Retro Scissors It's more than just a "Hair Salon", it's the place to hangout, listen to cool tunes and get your hair "did". Katie, Matthew, Stacey, Ashlee and Riley are one great team. There is a definite reason why there is "Rock" in their business name. They LOVE music and into all things that rock, moves and grooves. They are also sponsoring the stages on both Saturday and Sunday making sure those bands all sound brilliant! We again love, treasure and grateful for their involvement and sponsorship over many years! Don't forget it's getting time to book in your hair appointments for KKW 18!
23.01.2022 Some folks have asked if we got any other music available. Sure have! Fangsand Valley of the Rattling Bones CDs $20 each plus $2.50 postage (Aust.) Ghoul Friend EP $12.50 and $2.50 postage (Aust) STD Union vs The Saucermen 7 vinyl $20. Cover artists Nano Barbero, Luis Fuzzhound, Owen Foley. Please DM for bank transfer details and international orders. Thank you fellow space travellers! #saucermen #tikibluerecords #fangs #ghoulfriend #valleyrattlinbones #adelaiderockabilly #neorockabilly #rockabilly
21.01.2022 The Saucermen will launch (finally! ) The Ghoul Friend EP at The Gaslight Tavern Friday 24th July from 7:30pm with the talented Green Circles. Gigs are on again after 8 months and looking forward to seeing everyone plus the new renovations at The Gassy. Strictly limited to 60 tickets (current COVID 19 restrictions and recommendations will apply) $10 entry. EPs $12.50 each. Pre-purchase ticket details will be announced in the event page to come folks. See you very soon! #ghoulfriend #nanobarbero #adelaiderockabilly #kustomkulturesa #kustomkulture #saucermen #greencircles #gaslight #Cdlaunch #musicsa #bambalam #giggingagain
21.01.2022 Where were you 27 years ago today? Chris Hayne, Jason Mallia and myself were at The Mitsubishi Hall Oct 1st 1993. Band called "Feel Like Rockin".. This band evolved and went onto to become Killer Instinct when Jess Mallia joined us on drums and Chris went to guitar. Some footage of the night right here folks! Onya Chris, Jess and Jase! You can expect this and much more this Saturday from 3pm at the Colonel Light Gardens RSL for the HotRod and Kustom Showdown. Also on the bill Don Morrison's Raging Thirst and DJJohn Standen plus all the craziness of Ms Showdown, stalls, art and money to the Little Heroes Foundation. Getting a ticket is a must as tickets are selling quickly and only 105 inside the hall! See you Saturday! #luckyseven #thesaucermen #adeladies #adelaiderockabilly #bambalam #kustomkulturesa
20.01.2022 This Saturday folks! Grab a ticket from The Gov or Oztix!
20.01.2022 New rockin' original Saucer-men track from the pen of Chris Hayne. Atmosphere! One of the new 5 songs recorded at The Adelaide School of Audio Engineering by Ben McNiel as part of a prize from Three D Radio 93.7FM. While we are waiting for the new Ghoulfriend EP to arrive (sorry folks it has been delayed and we will announce more info soon once it gets here), Chris used footage from good mate Cuppa T's video (DT-V) and linked the audio from the recording so folks can have a chance to hear another track from the EP and yes we understand not quite synched and we are working on that but nevertheless a chance for folks to hear Atmosphere. The clip footage that came from the party at The Grace Emily's was of course another mate's Poiter P's 50th celebration! Hope you dig it!
19.01.2022 SOLD OUT! Thank you to all those who bought a ticket for the October 17th show with Lucky 7 and JJ Fields at The Gaslight Tavern. We will hope to make an other announcement if COVID restrictions are lifted before the event thus allowing a further allocation of tickets. See folks on the 17th!
19.01.2022 As you've probably realised - the pub is closed as part of the Covid shutdown .. at this stage do not know when we will open again, but if you are holding ticke...ts for either this Saturday night (Nicky Walsh & Griffin) or the week after - these gigs will be re-scheduled as soon as we can and we'll post the new dates. So hang onto your tickets - they'll be honoured when the gig does happen..whenever that is.. See more
18.01.2022 SOLD OUT!! This Saturday's show with Runaway Boys, Liv and the Vida Locas, Barefoot Bluesy (Roj Cufone plus mystery guest) is still on at The Gaslight Tavern but it is sold out. Latest COVID safe restrictions do apply. If tickets do become available due to any cancellation we will notify those folks that have registered interest. Ticketed entry only will start in the Gaslight from 7pm. Thanks again to all and see you on Saturday!
18.01.2022 Lucky Seven. JJ Fields. THE GASLIGHT Chief St. BROMPTON.... $12pp / 8.30pm til late. Table bookings via The Gaslight Tavern: (dinner from 6pm) ph. 8346 3498 Seated event, bookings essential via BAMBALAM. *covid restrictions apply. BANK TRANSFER TO BAMBALAM BSB: 325185 ACC: 03336959
15.01.2022 25 years ago Jason and Jess Mallia, Chris Hayne and myself started a little band called Killer Instinct and had a lot of fun playing gigs around the place before we kicked off onto other projects notably Lucky 7, The Saucer-men and Memphis Suns. We played a couple of sets of mostly Jerry Lee, Elvis and other Sun tunes for a while. So for the first time since the ‘90s we’re playing a set of tunes at the Monarch’s 18th Kustom and Hot Rod Showdown at The Colonel Light Gardens RS...L on Sat November 7th from 3pm. Don Morrison’s Raging Thirst is also on the bill along with all the food, drinks and cool things. Only 105 tickets available for the indoors seated show due to Covid restrictions at $10. Don’t miss the 25 year reunion folks! Make sure you grab one! #monarchs #kustomandhotrodshowdown #moondog #bambalam #kustomkulturesa #killerinstinct #saucer-men #luckyseven #memphissuns #djjess #25reunion See more
15.01.2022 Stephen O'Malley's all original 6 track EP "Exile" is now available for sale! The new originals feature the well crafted thoughts and lyrics sung by the man and his guitar. You can hear some of the new tunes today for the first time on The Orange Blossom Special with Christine on 88.7 Adelaide's Coast FM from 2 -4pm and a lucky listener will get the chance to win a copy after 3pm. Tune in to Coast and Christine to grab it and of course be entertained to a great afternoon of... music. Exile features the tunes of Steve, the brilliant art work supplied by his friend Rachael, recorded by Phil McTaggert and designed by Owen Foley. If you want to purchase a copy they are currently in stock at Mr V Music, and Big Star records for $10 or they can be purchased here via bank transfer and posted to you. (Details in the comments section. Postage costs are extra). See more
14.01.2022 FIRST GIG FOR SATHH ON JANUARY 9th 2021 at the Glynde Hotel Home ground turf in the Eastern suburbs for both bands, The Glynde is still one of the great local watering holes and one of Adelaide’s huge local music venue’s back in the day. Free entry to get along too! SATHH is stoked to be playing with Matt Ward and the Rising Suns too. Matt’s debut album ‘Heartland’ defied expectations to secure the ARIA #1 Australian Country album spot, debuted at #1 on iTunes Country Album charts and has racked up over 150,000 streams worldwide. Rhythms Magazine described Heartland as "world class and testament to his ability to blend popular and alt. country elements in convincingly heartfelt songs. Good times awaits! See you there! #countrymusic #salvyandthehiredhelp #glyndehotel #mattwardandtherisingsons #adelaiderockabilly #bambalam #mattward
14.01.2022 The Runaway Boys, Liv & the Vida Locas plus Barefoot Bluesy (Roj Cufone plus mystery guest) show at The Gaslight Tavern on Sat Nov 28th is only a few tickets away from selling out! (Laws may change but there’s only 60 seats available). Get in before you miss out. DM on how to get a ticket. Get out and about and support Adelaide live music! #kustomkulturesa #livandthevidalocas #barefootbluesy #runawayboys #bambalam #gaslighttavern
13.01.2022 We have some good news for those not able to and wanted to see us play at The Gaslight Tavern here in Adelaide tonight. Great mate Danny, the roving from DT-V, will be live streaming our set from tonight’s gig from 10:30pm (ACST) or 11:00pm (AEST) for our friends east of Bordertown. Mucho grazias Danny! To do so just go the DT-V Facebook page and tune in to catch us playing and launching the new Ghoulfriend EP and a chance to see us live from the comfort of your sofa. Those out East and friends across the world please stay safe, keep well and take care. We are thinking about you and hoping life returns to a positive place soon for you once more. Catch us on DT-V! See more
13.01.2022 Just 18 tickets left now folks! We’re looking forward to another great night of live music at the revamped Gaslight Tavern. Steve O’Malley, The Isolaters and Fistful of Trojans will perform on Sat Aug 22nd from 7pm. Book early for dinner seating and grab a ticket now before they go. Contact us via direct message to grab purchase details for tickets. Covid restrictions and rules apply. #gaslighttavern #fistfuloftrojans #theisolators #steveomalley #bambalam #kustomkulture #samusic #livemusic
13.01.2022 Dear friends, It is with our sincerest regrets that we have to announce this weekend's Adelaide Kustom Kulture Weekend event will need to be postponed. We understand that a lot of people have made arrangements to be there be it financially, socially or logistically. We are sorry for the delay in the announcement but we had to contact everyone involved in performing and supporting AKKW. It is unprecedented times and what we have witnessed happening in other countries and begin...ning to occur here requires some sacrifices. Necessary, important and unqualified sacrifices. Our event does not work without the wonderful support of our community and their fantastic support. It is to that end we now want to support them and try to protect and minimize any risks to their health. Many of our friends and supporters of all ages have health issues, or of an age, that makes contracting an infection potentially dangerous. Such as asthma, cancer, diabetes. We are not selfish when we say we want these good people around for a long time so we can hear them laugh, see smiles, dance and enjoy the vibe of a kustom kulture event and share the experience with them. We also cannot thank Pat Capocci, King Cornelius, Memphis Star for their understanding, concern of everyone's wellbeing here and willingness to return to Adelaide when it is safe to do so to entertain us enough. We also need to say we do not want to put these good folks at risk through the need for interstate travel either. So the event is postponed to be held at a later date in 2020. Tickets will remain valid for Saturday and Sunday at a time that we will negotiate and announce later, Pat Capocci, King Cornelius, Memphis Star have committed to return when ok to do so.. (We will allow Dirty Devils to address their announcement separately). We want to thank everyone for the messages of understanding and support including Lori Lee, Jamie Suppa, George Cushnie, Melissa at The Gov, The Adelaide Bowling Club, the performers, stall holders and sponsors. So in summary Adelaide Kustom Kulture Weekend No 18 will be postponed from this weekend to later this year to a date to be confirmed. Tickets already bought will be honored for that event. Please stay healthy, stay a safe distance apart, wash your hands, check in on friends via phone and stay connected, self isolate if feeling unwell, don't hoard and where you can support each other. We truly are grateful and appreciate everyone's goodwill and understanding. Please stay healthy. With peace, respect and love to all folks! Ray Moondog and Francis Macri
13.01.2022 Tomorrow from 3pm! Little Stage, Big Evening. Hot Rods outside. Tunes inside- a Handfull of tickets left for Kustom Kultures 18th Annual Hot Rod & Kustom Showdown. 0419774588 to Grab a Seat. #kustomkulturesa #killerinstinct #msshowdown #moondog #bambalam #hotrodkustom #
13.01.2022 Adelaide Kustom Kulture Weekend returns in less than 2 weeks! The party starts Friday March 20th to Sunday March 22nd. Ticket info currently Friday Pre-party at DDK Bar now sold out. Saturday tickets available from Oztix or from The Gov and Sunday tickets (around 50% gone total 150) from Rock Therapy Records, Rock Retro Scissors or Moondog. Giddy up! #patcapocci #kustomkulturesa #bambalam #tickets #thegov #adelaidebowlingclub #ddkbar #adelaiderockabilly #thesaucermen
12.01.2022 Hi folks, just to reiterate that the Adelaide Kustom Kulture Weekend No 18 is still going ahead and we can confirm each event's capacity is around 200 with suitable room to keep away from other's personal space. We will be well below the 500 maximum capacity for an event. However we again express folks to maintain due diligence and show caution. No handshakes and wash hands often, maintain social distancing, and if you're not feeling well please don't attend. Of course if you... just arrived from overseas please self isolate for the 14 days. We are staying updated with our venues and SA Health if the situation changes and will notify immediately if matters change. We want people to have fun and enjoy themselves however we also want people to feel safe and comfortable. At this stage here in SA we are still on track for the weekend. Regards KKW. See more
11.01.2022 Hi folks! Dates for Kustom Kulture Weekend 19 Friday March 12th at DDK Saturday March 13th tba Sunday March 14th tba More news soon!Hi folks! Dates for Kustom Kulture Weekend 19 Friday March 12th at DDK Saturday March 13th tba Sunday March 14th tba More news soon!
11.01.2022 Adelaide’s KKW number 18! 3 weeks to go with a heap of cool things to see and do! Proudly sponsored by Rock Retro Scissors, Fruit for You, Gaslight Tavern, Dream Theater Rehearsals, Moondog, Dirty Devil Car Club, Monarchs. Go bananas and grab a ticket before they sell out! #adelaidekustomkultureweekender #bambalam #fruitforyou #dreamtheater #moondog #patcapocci #thesaucermen #chicachicaelectrica #kingcorneliusandthesilverbacks #djs #memphisstar #rockabillysa #ghoulfriend #kustomkulture #pinup
09.01.2022 SOLD OUT!! Thank you to everyone who have bought a ticket for the Fistful of Trojans, Isolators, Steve O'Malley show. It is a seated show with current COVID19 restrictions in play. Patrons must be seated to drink and eat. Table service to be provided for orders. Also Seating arrangements are 20 in back room, 30 in front room, 10 along bar. We're looking forward to a great night of live music oncemore at the Gassy!
05.01.2022 This Evening @6pm. Will be an Announcement Regarding 2020. Please stay Tuned.
03.01.2022 As folks may know we have a brand new 5 track EP penned by Chris Hayne and recorded by Ben McNiel. As you can imagine there’s a been a delay getting it out for you fellow space travellers to grab one and listen to it...however fear not self-isolating, co-habitants of the Milky Way, if you are impatient to hear the EP tune in tonight to WOW FM 100.5 from 10pm on the Velvet Goldmine and you will hear ALL 5 tracks! Thank you Velvet, Ben and Nano! Hope you dig it!
02.01.2022 New Saucermen EP Ghoulfriend, featuring 5 new Chris Haynes tunes, to be launched at Kustom Kulture Weekend on Saturday night March 21st at The Gov. Limited to 200 copies only. Designed once more from the creative flair and stylings of Mr Nano Barbero. Only $12.50 each. If you want to pre-order please send a message. See folks at The Gov! #thesaucermen #kustomkulture #kustomkultureweekender #thegov #ghoulfriend #bambalam #nanobarbero #adelaiderockabilly
02.01.2022 Hi folks just some consideration so we can all enjoy the chance to have fun, stay safe and experience live music again at Gaslight Tavern for the Saucermen, Green Circles and Kyle Landman this Friday. SA COVID19 restrictions apply. If you are not feeling well before and on Friday PLEASE stay home.A full refund will be available. Please maintain social distancing at the venue, The venue has 4 areas where folks can stand or sit safely in the back dining room, bar and stage a...rea, side bar area and pool room area plus pokie room. NO DANCING. There are several hand sanitising stations in the venue please clean your hands as required and needed. We will have some masks available for folks that may wish to wear one for $2.50 The show is sold out so if you don't have confirmation of a ticket from venue/Bambalam please do not attend. If tickets do become available we will notify people on social media.. Lastly thanks to everyone for their support and we hope a great time is had by all on Friday! See you there! See more
01.01.2022 Holly..Horton..Cash! Three great singer/song writers from a great era in American roots music. We’re all looking forward to our next gig at The Gaslight Tavern on Saturday 23rd January and getting to perform some great tunes from Buddy and the two Johnny’s. It has been a while! We are on the bill with the cool blues outfit The T-Bones and Colin Short. Tickets at $12 and with further information out soon. Stay tuned!
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