Bamboo Fitness | Fitness trainer
Bamboo Fitness
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25.01.2022 After no exercise for days, Macy aged 7 and I went for a slow and peaceful 6.30am run. She is super keen. She ran 1.7km without stopping. I hope shes got my love for running. Would be so special to have a running buddie when shes older I completed 3.7km 40m travelling lunch jumps 30 tri dips... 50 squats 50 feet push-ups (broken up by 2 x 25) 100 mason or russian twists I have eaten and drank like a fiend but Ive not been hard on myself. The day came where I felt like moving my body and feeling the good vibes that naturally come with it! Hopefully you have been active or start soon. No better feeling MERRY CHRISTMAS FRIENDS AND FOLLOWERS...PEACE AND LOVE
24.01.2022 Last session today! So grateful for training in this paradise with the most amazing girls and guys over the last 3 years! Quite an emotional moment to wrap things up before my family embark on an overseas adventure. Thanks so much to all who crawled out of bed and pushed their bodies for a greater good. We had many laughs, hacks, vomits and swims. But most of all we had a beautiful camaraderie that I will never forget
24.01.2022 Tuesday and Thursday at 6.15am this magic happens...ripper workout today. Always important to know my sessions are self paced and for ALL fitness levels. All welcome. Message me for more info xx
23.01.2022 Day 3 (did online yoga yesterday)...feeling sore (good sore which is another word for muscle growth/tone) I have a bung lower back but the yoga and stretching is helping so much. I just miss doing burpees...I really do Hmmm, love hate relationship with this concept. I know it to be so good for us and far out I completed a 10 day Vipassana where you meditate for 9hrs min. per day and cannot speak the entire 10 days, soooo in saying that I struggle to sit sti...ll for 5m. If youre the same do what I did this morning...sat for 3m and listed in my head everything I could hear. Focusing on this sense makes it so easy to block out other thoughts. I heard different species of birds, scooters, roosters, kids voices, the breeze in the heliconias and the whistle of the kite strings. Give it a go and tomorrow I will try for 4m. What do you hear?? * I need the posture police * I feel gratitude when I meditate * I need to be patient and not over do it! * Having a beautiful running place makes it so much easier * If you want or need to shed weight reduce your calories and increase your workouts (find the right equation)
20.01.2022 Hi everyone...been in Bali for 5 days of our indefinite move here. Just a little update to say my fitness has been at an all time low leading up to our big move plus some unfortunate family events taking priority. My motivation is obviously a reflection of this and to be honest Ive struggled all year. More on that later... In the coming days I have promised myself to start running. My beloved running always pulls me from the darkness. From here I will start body weight training and eventually some intense cardio spurts to elevate my fitness. Stay tuned...I hope you are all moving and grooving more than I have Heres where we ate lunch and hung out yesterday. Currently living in Nusa Lembongan. Island off Bali
20.01.2022 Day 4 Exercise - 40m beach session Additional food and drink - 5 mid strength beers enjoyed on my deck with a dear friend.... 2 lge handfuls crisps 3 squares lindt dark chocolate 2 litres of water, (approx 10 glasses water) 1 plunger coffee See more
19.01.2022 Day 7 (analysis coming soon) Exercise - very lazy day at home Additional food and drink:... 1 coffee 3 litres water 4 beers
19.01.2022 7 Day Food, Drink & Exercise Analysis: Overall, my food choices on average were not too bad between Monday and Friday. In terms of calories it was all good. In terms of variety it could have been better but I did have a decent range of protein, carbs and wholesome food from the ground. Lots from my garden. My portions were standard and sensible for my MAINTAINING WEIGHT lifestyle. My salad with proteins and noodle dishes were larger than usual simply because they were packed...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Oh dear, Im sorry if you get offended by swearing or straight to the f*****n point stuff, but I love this guy sooooo much! I love his accent too and he is just a straight up guy (PT)! If you want some truths about health, fitness, weight loss etc follow him. Hes also on instagram #jamessmithpt....hilarious!
17.01.2022 Just a reminder...
17.01.2022 Hello hello, I am back in the hood and looking forward to seeing you all. A big happy new year from me and hope the year gone by was a well rounded positive one. Ive had some interest for my beach sessions to continue so before I sink back into it, I would love a PM if you are keen. Most likely 6.15am same place (SGB Helen St entrance) possibly Tue & Thur but that could change with demand? ... Im also thinking about a teenage girls group and a gentle fitness/body strength group. Would love some input. Thank you....xx
14.01.2022 This is a big deal for me as it might be for you...Im going to do my first half marathon (21kms) in July and I would love love love if you did it with me. Just say yes and we can go from there. Anyone with two moving legs and a set of lungs can achieve this. Lets do this... Whos in? It will be so much fun and the emotion gained will sweep you off your feet xx...
13.01.2022 Day 6 (not a good eating day) Exercise - none except active lifestyle stuff like jumping off Bruns bridge with Macy and swimming in the river. Long strolls around town. Additional food and drink:... 1 flat white coffee 2 litres water 6 mid strength beers (at a party)
13.01.2022 If youre feeling super tired, body tired, irritable, moody and unmotivated, I encourage you to get your iron checked. I asked my Dr for pre menopausal and iron blood tests and turns out I was borderline anaemic and needed this iron infusion. Do yourself a favour all you wonder women
12.01.2022 Wow, what a ripper year Ive had with you lot! Ive had a fabulously amazing time training and getting to know you all. I feel super blessed to share that gorgeous beach for what is always a fun and memorable workout! You make my early mornings worth every bit of crazy, sleepy, funny, groans and grunts, heaving, cursing and those wonderful facial expressions.... Ive had an epic time thanks to you guys. May your Christmas and New Year be a saturation of good vibes and love Xx
11.01.2022 Hello hello...I have been so slack of late and procrastinating like crazy! This week Im taking control of my slack ass attitude so Im going to post a workout every second day for anyone who wants to join in. Every other day Im going to do a yoga session on Youtube. So it will be cardio/strength alternating with yoga. Im 45 and if I want to reign in my flabby everything I need to start NOW! Ive lost so much muscle and strength and its playing havoc with my lower back. My days of too many beers and noodles has to be left for the weekends... After this mornings workout I feel fabulous. If you want to join me and not sure of what some exercises are just shout out and Ill do some video demos...keeping moving people!
11.01.2022 Day 2 Exercise - did 3/4 of a session with my clients which consisted of: 125 burpees / 4.5m core / 4.5m arms and 6 x 20m assorted drills Personal time - 5.56km road and sand run and some arm exercise with dumbbell.... Added to my list of what Ive consumed is 2 cups of coffee before 8.30am and 6 or so glasses of water
11.01.2022 Good at home workout...I call it the FAB 5 because its full body 100 reps of each (or 50 each is no waste of time) Can break it up, take rests...... * SQUATS (I did squats jumps to grab some cardio) * KNEE PUSHUPS * JACK KNIVES OR RUSSIAN TWISTS (google these) * LUNGES (I did lunge jumps for cardio) * TRI DIPS
10.01.2022 How about this guys? Best at low tide....
10.01.2022 So simple yet so important. Quick video about maintaining your muscle mass, especially for the over 30s.
10.01.2022 Just saying hi and touching base...last week I shared some exercises and my leap back into the fitness world! This week I continue and must say Im really enjoying my online yoga each morning. My crazy problematic back has responded in such a positive way which is so exciting for me as this is what stopped me in my tracks for months back in Oz! Am feeling great and proud of myself and still throw in some of my beloved running. Running more than anything else gives me great cl...Continue reading
09.01.2022 N E V E R G I V E U P
09.01.2022 Day 3 Exercise : 1.8km walk (school runs) 5.6km road and sand run... Additional drink: 2 coffees, 8 glasses water, 2 beers
08.01.2022 Keeping it big supermarket processed anything! Love this Woman
08.01.2022 Hey all, Sorry I havent been on here for so long (may not reach anyone anymore?) but in case it does I am starting up again and the first day will be Tuesday the 5th March at 6.15am at same place on the beach as always. (Helen St entrance to beach and a little towards New Brighton) I have some ideas and different groups going around in my head but firstly Im going to start next week for starters.... I know we are all (unless there a some fit gurus in the mix) struggling after the festive season and getting back on track (I know I definitely am) so Im going to mark the first session as an easier than what youve done in the past session. I will focus on activating a few of the main muscle groups and getting them back into action and tone mode! Very little cardio for first session. Of course self paced is what its all about so if you want a flogging you can get one! It will be $12 for 45m. I may start a monthly pass thing but for now I just want to jump in and get going. Happy for feedback...times/days etc So Tuesday we can have a few laughs at our wobbles and gasping for breath and a bit of a muck around. Be ace to see your old faces and some new ones too.... xxx Tara
07.01.2022 I would love to see more people join in! All welcome!! Start feeling amazing before the clothes start peeling off for the warmer months. Taking in the beautiful sunrises, whales and dolphins really does make the session much more enjoyable. I promise all fitness levels are encouraged and catered for...
06.01.2022 2017 well wishes to you all...hope youve had or are having the most incredible holiday... sessions start for 2017 this Wednesday the 11th. Same time 6.15am. Same timetable. Im still camping but ready to greet the fitness and health goodness and hope you are too! If youd like more info please ask x
06.01.2022 For those who want to run better, further, faster or just get started...a wee blurb about what makes running more exciting for me and a little push to get you onto a running app. Running will increase your fitness, tone your muscles and shed weight faster than most exercise routines (unless of course youre smashing out high intensity, crossfit stuff)! If you dont mind solitary training or with a buddie style training then running is for you! I can hear you say....I cant r...un, running hurts, Im too fat to run, Im too old and bla bla!! I say zip it and get out there for your usual walk or get started if you dont walk (shit we all should be walking at least 5 days a week as part of our mental health, self love and longevity!) and every so often break out into a shuffle....guess what? Thats running in my eyes!! Progress, progress.... YOU CAN RUN! This morning I did 5km. Left just after 6.30am. Excuse mania going 3 period, didnt want to disturb boogs getting my stuff, did 500 reps of legs 1.5 days ago and I have something stuck in my throat (another story). But I bloody did it and it hurt!!! Pushed at the end and felt like my lungs were closing. They probably were! I have been off beers during the week so Im feeling amazing. New teeth helps too Here is a pic of my distance, time and pace. I love love this element to my running. Its like my personal accountability reward system. It helps me increase my pace or go further or just monitor my progress. Bonus is, after a few months you can calculate how many kms youve ran and it feels like singing top of the mornin to the world So unless youve got a kick arse watch with gps youll need to run with your phone (I use run keeper. Its free and there are lots of different apps. Just get an arm strap to carry it) Just set it to your, I like my robot voice lady to tell me where Im at every km on the km. It keeps me focused on my particular goal for that day! You can use it to walk, cycle or whatever. My run this morning was up and down my street which is 600m with slight incline one way so that was a factor with my average pace. Peace and love all and happy running. Enjoy the feeling after....its amazing
04.01.2022 Day 5 10k road run Additional food and drink:... 1 flat white coffee 6 mid strength beers for Friday night shenanigans 2 litres water
04.01.2022 Slow and steady wins the race After a 6 week back issue with no exercise except for the last week, Im stoked to say Im back...all in the name of pacing myself. No matter what your hurdles, children, obesity, self loathing, abusive relationship, unwell...whatever it is, exercise is the powerful key to transforming anyone from a negative place to a positive one. It will drag you out of misery, aid addiction, calm you down, help with relationships and most of all..., wherever there is a strong and healthy body there is a strong and healthy mind. Get moving, however small it may be. Stay tuned for an informative food share next week commencing Monday 13th Feb
02.01.2022 Yeeeww! Ana and Boogsy starting their Friday off with the old rope whip....
02.01.2022 Every evening (or early the following morning) for the next 7 days I will post a picture and description of what I eat & drink + any exercise I do. There are a lot of clients/friends who struggle with their weight, getting to their ideal weight, portion amounts & control & motivation for exercise. My input might help shed the light on food and give you some healthy ideas. The food Ill consume over the next 7 days is 100% true to what I would normally chose to eat. No alterat...ions at all. I pride myself with balance. Im not super healthy, nor am a super junk over eating person but I am my ideal weight of 61-62 kgs for my height and have been this way for years. Share this if you know someone who needs some guidance with a snapshot of mindful eating. xx
02.01.2022 Day 1 (description under each photo) 2km bike ride 2 beers - mid strength stubbie 5 glasses water
02.01.2022 First morning in our new villa so a fresh start was ideal for my state of mind! A current weight gain of 4kgs, lots of muscle mass & strength gonski! So it was an exploration run of our new village more than much else. Approx 2kms...then I returned to do some jumping lunges, push-ups, tri dips & then my LOVE HATE workout 7 min BURPEE CHALLENGE ... How many can you do...? This is a perfect full body (fitness enhancer + a full body tone) workout in only 7min. If youre time poor or prefer short spurts of high intensity then this is for you No push-up required, just a little jump in between each one. My personal fitness gauge... 30 - 60 beginner 60 - 90 intermediate 90 - 120 advanced 120 + superwoman / man I just completed 91....flogged and unfit but I will be back. I think my record is 143 but I actually cant recall to be exact. Whos with me? Do it and let me know...Ill do it again tomorrow and then every 2nd day until I feel like Ive accomplished a good hard slog of a score! Be determined and push hard!!
01.01.2022 Boys Club...a fun and a most welcoming bunch of guys turning up every Tuesday at 6.15am at SGB Helen St entrance. No contracts, just turn up...or msg me for more information. What beautiful sunrises this time of year and whales are on their way! Get down there... Flynn Gower Damian Mowbray
01.01.2022 Flogged! On a personal mission to loose 3kgs and tone the F up! Holiday mode of living like a foodie fanatic is over! Beers are carefully modified and my exercise is back on! My mission has always been get the job done! If I want to reach my ideal weight for my height etc and gain some strength through muscle then I do it!! I am strict because I want it off and I want change! I try my hardest not to eat shit! That only prolongs my goal and allows that second voice to kick... in, that evil one of guilt. Yes Im hard on myself because I know my personality calls for it! I have an addictive personality which can sometimes be a gift of determination but it can also self sabotage. This isnt that hard compared to some struggles other people go through with illness and general life trauma, this is simply a will to pay respect to your body! I owe it to my body, health and age and I will succeed. In 4 weeks I will have reached my weight goal and my muscle gain will be improving by the day. If you want to shed some unwanted fat (yes its fat) then try not to sway with your food. Go the salads and protein, veggies and protein (stack this up, its good healthy tucker)! Cut out all fatty foods like pizza, burgers chips etc and avoid too many carbs (for now), flick the sugar, and get into the good fats - avo, fish, poke bowls or nourish bowls (see pic). They derive from Hawaii and I guarantee, if you ate one for lunch and dinner or breakfast and lunch (I try not to eat a bucket load at night) you will loose weight. Accompany exercise 5 days a week with good natural eating (no need to starve yourself) and results will come your way. This morning I set out at 7am. The pelting rain had just stopped so I left my ph at home (has an app to record distance, speed etc) and guess what? I got lost...suffice to say I ran further than I set out to. I had 6kms in mind but ran for 50m. Approx 8 or 9 kms! Move your body guys and remember...shit processed food is a 5 sec taste sensation and can be half an hour slog to work it off. Is it worth it?
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