Bamboo Productions | Arts and entertainment
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25.01.2022 By Camila Luzzi
25.01.2022 E finalmente a nossa Festa Junina.. Agostina rolou!!! ----------------------------- Um Viva todos os santos!! E um viva muito especial para voc nosso querido pblico que mesmo com todas as circunstncias dos ltimos meses, chuva, frio e ventania, ainda veio nos prestigiar! ... Sabemos que foi um privilgio o nosso de termos uma Festa Agostina com toda esta liberdade e alegria. Por isso, gostaramos demais de agradecer os nossos patrocinadores que tambm acreditaram neste projeto e em todas as suas adaptaes KCBT - Erik Dias MR Latino Luis, Carlos and team MAGIC Gigi e Mah Rezende DD - Douglas RIO 40 Alice de Freitas Um agradecimento especial tambm aos nossos queridos voluntrios que ajudaram desde a montagem at a animao desta festa Decorao & ambientao Alicinha Fontenele (Interior Designer) Gustavo, Karinna, Paul, Katie Kids Area Lariessa Ayala (Produo) Carol e equipe (Magic fan) Sarah e Robson (Voluntrios) Aline, Lilian e equipe (Projeto Cabana & Livros for Kids) Credenciamento Eduardo Franca (produtor) Adriano Costa Vinicius de Freitas Lucas Mariano Rafaela Paulinha Bandas Xoxote e Trio Evidencias Juliana Areias (que deu uma "canja" deliciosa la pra gente) Macarrao DJ Peterson Quadrilha e Salao Sarah Ana Lucia E alunos do Perth Samba/ Perth Forro Sandrinha Barbosa, Lucas e Hugo (participao especial na Quadrilha) Fotgrafos Dani Mendes Peter Camila Luzzi Cristiane Dourado Comidinhas e Delicias Alice de Freitas, Enrique, Tati, Danilo, Pipico e Miguel Niche Thiago, Tom e Rafael Correio pra l de elegante Gigi e Mah Rezende E claro a nossa amada, "rainha da pamonha" e tambem da coisa toda, Raquel Louro ( BrazilWA ) pela oportunidade, parceiria e todo o carinho com a gente e com a nossa comunidade. E agora? Peguem seus pares que a festa agora s em 2021!
24.01.2022 FALTAM 24 HORAS PRO ANARRI DE PERTH COMEAR! ---------------------- Listas de coisas que vocs precisam conferir: - INGRESSO - LOCAL... Niche Bar - Leederville - LOOKINHO AGOSTINO manda foto - DOCUMENTO DE IDENTIDADE (passaport, ID ou Australian dive license) - BARRIGA VAZIA Vai ter umas comidinhas delicias l - GOG AFINADO Amanha a partir do meio dia nossas portas esto abertas para a festa mais esperada do ano. City of Vincent disse que tem estacionamento DE GRTIS pela primeira hora, hein? Mas se for beber, v de carroa! Digo... Uber! Bamboo Productions com apoio da Brazil WA.
22.01.2022 Today guys!! Lets dance!!!!
22.01.2022 Rio Gyms is one of our Major Sponsor for the Samba & Feijoada on the 6th of September (next Sunday) at Scarborough Sports and Community Club. Limited tickets available online: Get to know more about them: Rio Gyms We help our community to achieve a better and healthier lifestyle by tailoring our services and products specifically to each client. Our focus is on small group classes which includes high intensity fitness exercises, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for kids and adults. At Rio everyone is welcome, no matter where you are with your fitness level. Come and join us for a free session. - Rio Gyms Rio 40 Fabio Macarro Mari Bamboo Mari Mazzio Alice de Freitas BrazilWA
22.01.2022 CHAMA A CRIANADA QUE A FESTA VAI COMEAR! ------------------ Dia 16 a partir das 12:30 pm at as 4 pm a diverso est garantida pela MAGIC FUN e o PROJETO CABANA.... Alguns dos nossos regulamentos so: Cada criana ter direito a ficar no mximo 1 hora no espao. Se o espao no estiver lotado, a criana poder ficar mais de uma 1 hora No nosso espao respeito e colaborao so muito importantes, por isso, contamos com o apoio dos pais se precisarmos de auxlio com algum desentendimento. Teremos um espao para troca de fralda O Evento contar com diversas atividades no espao: brincadeiras temticas, facepainting, contao de histrias, oficina de artes (cata-vento e cabaninha), glitter tatoo. Todas as atividades sero coordenadas por monitores treinados e especializados. Teu pequeno ja ta ansioso? PORQUE EU TO DOIDINHO DA SILVA AQUI! Te esperamos domingo!
20.01.2022 SORTEIO!!! A Unique Beauty & Style e a Juliana Braz Photography estiveram presente com a gente no Kids Day com as Saltimbancas e nós agradecemos imensamente a essa parceria. Como nada é mais gostoso e gratificante do que ter o seu filho participando dos nossos evento, então, temos um prêmio especial muito legal em agradecimento a sua presença neste dia.... Para participar é simples: 1. Poste nos comentários abaixouma foto do seu filho(a) no Kids Day com a #assaltimbancas. Para o sistema computar a sua participação é extremamente importante ter a hashtag 2. Não esquece de também dar aquele like especial nas páginas da: - Bamboo Productions - Unique Beauty & Style - Juliana Braz Photography Seu suporte é sempre muito importante para nós, além de permitir que você se atualize com tudo o que oferecemos para a nossa comunidade. Nosso elenco escolherá a foto mais especial ou o texto (via Instagram) para ganhar o seguinte prêmio: Um dia de princesa/príncipe + um mini book com a fotografa oficial do evento Juliana Braz O sorteio será realizado na sexta-feira e o comentários para o sorteio serão aceitos até 12pm de sexta! Boa sorte!!!
20.01.2022 SORTEIO ENCERRADO Festa da Bamboo tem que ter sorteio n gente?! E esse ser muito especial, pois celebrar o incio de uma nova fase da Bambo com a nova diretoria que promete unir ainda mais a comunidade.... Para participar muito fcil: 1. Curtir a pgina da Bamboo (Facebook e Instagram) 2. Curtir a pgina do Rio 40 (Facebook e Instagram) 1. Marcar 2 amigos nos comentrios seguidos da hashtag #abamboonossa Fcil n? Difcil ficar de fora do sorteio desse monto de prmios legal: 1. Unique Beauty & Style - 1 hora de massagem Ganhadora: Juliana Areias - 1 progressiva de cabelo Ganhadora: Alessandra Guimares - P e mo Ganhadora: Lvia Bueno Pires 2. DD Auto Clean - 1 higienizao completa (veculo domstico) Ganhadora: Alessandra Guimares 3. Move Homes - 1 Cesta de vinho & especiarias Ganhadora: Alessandra Guimares 4. Braza Churros - 10 churros recheados Ganhadora: Paula Rodrigues 5. Rio 40 - 1 Kit Festa com 50 salgadinhos variados Ganhadora: Lvia Bueno Pires 6. Bamboo Productions - Passe VIP para entrada FREE em todas as festas da Bamboo at Dez/2020 Ganhadora: Jamy Jamila O sorteio ser realizado em uma live na prxima tera-feira. A participao dos seguidores encerrar na segunda-feira as 10pm. Ento 1, 2, 3 valendo!!!! PS: Sintam-se vontade tambm para curtir a pgina dos nossos parceiros, dando aquele suporte especial para esses profissionais brasileiros da nossa comunidade.
19.01.2022 Bamboo Productions & Rio 40 are delighted to presente our traditional Samba & Feijoada, an event molded to bring together the Brazilian community in a party that combines the typical Brazilian atmosphere, traditional food and special drinks in an exclusive venue. DATE: Sunday, the 6th of September 2020 From 12pm... VENUE: Scarborough Sports and Community Club 75 Deanmore Rd, Scarborough ATTRACTION: Grupo TUDO FESTA Samba & Pagode Special Activities for kids with Projeto Cabana TICKETS Limited Tickets available online: Adults: $15 Kids: $5 Lets celebrate our culture, be entertained by our music and enjoy the Fathers Day with us! Mari Bamboo Fabio Macarro Maira Trindade Alexandre Pierre BrazilWA John Robbins Alice de Freitas
19.01.2022 Festa Junina... OPA! Agostina no pode faltar o bom e velho Forr Brasileiro -------------------- Esse ano, quem toma conta da pista de dana a turma do XOXTE! O que falta agora em tempos de preliminares pra essa festa voc e o seu par ensaiarem o... DOIS PRA L DOIS PRA C Porque no fim vai ser s PULA FOGUEIRA I I!
18.01.2022 SAMBA & FEIJOADA While Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo have their differences, one thing inhabitants of both cities can agree on is that pagode and feijoada go together like pizza and ketchup (its a Brazilian thing). Imagine a beautiful place, amazing vibe, delicious Brazilian dish (feijoada) and assorted types of Brazilian Finger Food, Desserts and a live music!... Dont miss it out! Come and have a real Brazilian experience with us! Scarborough Sports & Community Club Sunday, 6th September From 12pm Tickets on sale: See you all there!
18.01.2022 Hey Everyone! The SERTANEJO LIVE with TRIO EVIDÊNCIAS is TODAY!!! On The Rocks Bar & Bistro... 138 Barrack St, Perth 28 November 2020 (Saturday) From 7pm If you have purchased your ticket, this event is an 18+ event! So make sure to bring your ID. There are a few private parkings around the bar, but If you drink, don't drive or if drive, don't drink! It’s very simple! Tickets can be purchased in the link below until 6pm for $20 + Adm fees: Tickets: Door Tickets: $25 (subject to availability). Tickets are very limited due to COVID restrictions. Tap your feet to the beat of Brazilian music as you relax yourself with a cold beer! See you all soon!
18.01.2022 KIDS ACTIVITIES SAMBA & FEIJOADA Are you ready for tomorrow?... @projetocabana and @magicfunentertainment prepared lots of activities for our kids while we enjoy the show! See the timetable bellow DATE: Sunday, the 6th of September 2020 From 12pm VENUE: Scarborough Sports & Community Club 75 Deanmore Rd, Scarborough ATTRACTION: TUDO FESTA Samba & Pagode Band TICKETS Available for $15 only + GST. Limited Tickets available online: Good food, incredible drinks, great music, and friendly people! You will probably feel as you were in Brazil! See you all there!
17.01.2022 FESTAAAA Our main goal is to bring to the Brazilian community here in Perth, memorable parties and the feeling of being in Brazil. Our dream is to introduce the Brazilian culture to this beautiful city and all around Australia, making so that our dance, music and food are more recognised and appreciated with every other nationalities across the country.... To be able to achieve our goals, we are lucky to have the support of the Brazilian Community and we are very thankful for everything. Therefore we are presenting another edition of our Samba & Feijoada next Sunday, 6th if September at Scarborough Sports and Community Club. Samba & Feijoada is a great combination. The group Tudo Festa will be playing "Samba & Pagode" with acoustic instruments, so we can bring everyone together with the music, dance, foods and drinks of Brazil. Limited tickets available online: Dont miss out and see you all there! BrazilWA Rio 40 @riogyms FYME Move Homes Fabio Macarro Mari Mazzio Projeto Cabana Magic Fun - Entertainment for events Maira Trindade Alexandre Pierre @thiagosmesquita Lucas Storare Jacob @sena.rafa Ana Lcia Silva Paulinha Alves Sarah Quinn John Robbins Marcos Fyme Sandrinha Barbosa Mari Bamboo Alice de Freitas Braza Churros
17.01.2022 ACABOU-SE O QUE ERA DOCE! ---------------------- Mais uma vez, Bamboo Productions em parceria com a Brazil WA realizam o sucesso que a festa Junina.... AGOSTINA!!!! As vendas foram encerradas essa madrugada e estamos com capacidade mxima na casa.... A voc que est com seu ingresso garantido, MANDA FOTO DO LOOK! A voc que no conseguiu seu ingresso, CALMA M FI! Alguns ingressos sero vendidos na porta de acordo com a capacidade da casa, ento, de repente, voc ainda pode curtir um pouquinho dessa festa to esperada. CHORA NAAAAAAAAO COLEGUINHA! A gente ainda ta procurando voluntrio, viu? Temos 3 vagas e os trs primeiros emails sero nossos premiados. Manda email la pra Mari Mazzio no [email protected] SE VEREMOS LOGO LOGO, S!
17.01.2022 Because today is #tbt and also The meeting of the Forrozeiros in Perth, so stay with our gorgeous @aninha_luciasilva from #perthforrperthsamba and much more beautiful people. Last photos by from #agostinaparty @ On The Rocks Bar & Bistro
16.01.2022 WHAT IS FORR? Forr (pronounced for-hor) is a exciting and sensual music and partner dance originating in northern Brazil. Come and enjoy this rhythm with us.... Next Thursday by 6 pm at On the Rocks. Hurry up!!! It is selling fast. We have restrictions due to COVID-19 and we wanna you in this party!!
15.01.2022 We are happy to invite you all to celebrate the International Samba Day, the biggest celebration of samba in Perth. Scarborough Sport’s & Community Club’s 6 December 2020 (Sunday) From 1pm... Tickets*: Samba throughout its history has been known to be a uniting force and it’s calling for us to get together. Don’t miss it out! Only a few tickets left!!! See you all there! Sandrinha Barbosa
13.01.2022 In partnership with Rio 40, Maria & Joao will be in the Kids Day representing @mssugarbycarol ! Don’t forget to say hello to them and also buy their delicious deserts making with lots of love specially for you! Scarborough Sport’s & Community Club’s... 29nd November 2020 (Sunday) From 12pm to 5pm Tickets: Get to know more about them: Ms Sugar Hi! My name is Carol and I am the one behind Ms Sugar! Baking is my passion, my therapy, my heaven! It is where I can do what I love, where I can be just Carol. Just Ms Sugar. In my kitchen I only use the freshest and primest ingredients available, and I believe that is the key to rich and tasteful flavour in every cake I make. The secret however is love, lots and lots of love. And also condensed milk! Ms Sugar's products are diferent because I try to incorporate recipes from my childhood into my creations, flavours full of good memories and laughter. That's where the love of baking comes from. And it will never end. So let's get baking! - Carolina Camara See you all there!
13.01.2022 Meet our talent Loro Bardot!!! The original soundtrack of this play is remarkable and was created by Sergio Bardotti. However, we needed a woman's power to adapt it for nowadays. With a mix of various rhythms which brings this play for our present moment, Loro Bardot brightly signs her first international score, the fifth of her career. Singer and composer Loro Bardot launched her first EP in 2016 and she has been growing since as an artist, working in plays, short movies, se...ries and soap operas in the main channel os Brazil, Rede Globo. International Kids Day - As Saltimbancas Scarborough Sport’s & Community Club’s 29nd November 2020 (Sunday) From 12pm to 5pm Tickets: Join the event Don’t miss it out! Only a few tickets left!!! See you all there!
12.01.2022 Meet one of our partners for the entertainment on Kids Day: Projeto Cabana Get to know more about them: Projeto Cabana is a not for profit organisation that has a mission to create a cultural centre that acts as a meeting point for the bilingual Portuguese-speaking community, uniting various aspects of Brazilian identities, such as culture, literacy, dance, music, drama, arts and the Portuguese language. ... To involve the Brazilian community in Perth in activities and events where the Brazilian culture and the Portuguese language are the focus. Scarborough Sport’s & Community Club’s 29nd November 2020 (Sunday) From 12pm to 5pm Tickets: *Tickets are very limited due to COVID restrictions. Don’t miss the opportunity to offer your child this immersion in Brazilian culture including interaction with our language as all the activities will be in Portuguese. See you there!
11.01.2022 ATTENTION Only 2 days left for the Sertanejo Live with Trio Evidências at On The Rocks Bar & Bistro Don’t miss it out! Only a few tickets left!!! ... 28 November 2020 (Saturday) From 7pm Tickets: Join the event: Tag your friends and have a real Brazilian experience with us!
11.01.2022 We dont know about you, but #ThrowbackThursday always has us feeling a little nostalgic. This week, were throwing it back to our previous Samba & Feijoada parties. Who doesnt like a good party? Especially if theres amazing vibe in a family environment, delicious Brazilian dish and assorted types of Brazilian Finger Food, Desserts, a live music and lots of friends to celebrate our culture! Another edition of our Samba & Feijoada is coming up this following Sunday, 6th o...f September at Scarborough Sports and Community Club. Dont miss out! Limited tickets, available online only. See you all there!
10.01.2022 ATTENTION The 2nd release tickets for the Sertanejo Live with Trio Evidências finish MIDNIGHT TODAY . Grab it for $15 only before they go ... Only a few tickets left!!! Tickets*: *Tickets are very limited due to COVID restrictions. Join the event: SPONSORED BY * On The Rocks Bar & Bistro * Seven Migration Only a few tickets left!!!
10.01.2022 Meet our talents theatre director Eduardo Franca & Mariana Coentro! Eduardo Franca has been working in events, plays and performances for more than 30 years. Here in Australia, it is the second time he directs the play inspired on Os Saltimbancos. ... However, as this is a project created and produced just for women, he had to borrow his huge experience to coach Mariana Coentro, who dreams to become a theatre director in the future. So meet our little director Mariana Coentro end her coach Eduardo de Franca. International Kids Day - As Saltimbancas Scarborough Sport’s & Community Club’s 29nd November 2020 (Sunday) From 12pm to 5pm Tickets: Join the event Don’t miss it out! Tickets are very limited due to COVID restrictions. Don’t miss the opportunity to offer your child this immersion in Brazilian culture including interaction with our language as all the activities will be in Portuguese. See you all there!
09.01.2022 We are happy to bring another The Meeting of the Forrozeiros in Perth. Forr originating from the north east of Brazil is a dance that is both exciting and sensual, with moves and rhythms that are captivating and guarantee a night full of dancing For All! Complete your night with food menu and special drinks available from the bar.... WHERE? On The Rocks Bar & Bistro, Perth 138 Barrack St, Perth WA 6000 WHEN? Thursday, 17th September WHAT TIME? From 7pm to late HOW MUCH? Social: $5 + Adm fee WHO WILL BE THERE? Perth Forr / Perth Samba Team bringing the best forr to Perth Forrozeiros! Vamos Forrzear!! * Event Subject to COVID19 Restrictions and alterations * non refundable
08.01.2022 Nós da Bamboo Productions não temos palavras para agradecer a presença em massa dos nossos brasileirinhos no nosso Kids Day. Manter nossa cultura e língua vivas aqui na Australia e ajudar nossos filhos a terem referência do país de onde viemos não é uma missão muito fácil, mas sem dúvida nenhuma, nós da Bamboo, empresas parceiras neste evento e o elenco da peça nos sentimos honrados em ter este desafio. Cada sorriso, cada brilho no olhar das crianças e país e cada foto que ti...ramos restaurou a nossa vontade de produzir e comprir este desafio com cada vez mais empenho e orgulho da nossa gente. Agradecemos demais ao Elenco de As Saltimbancas por nos prestigiar com este espetáculo tão lindo e carregado de memorias emocionantes da nossa infância. Viviane Coentro Sandrinha Barbosa Renata Garcia De Melo Mari Mazzio MANUELA COENTRO LILIAN WODRASKA Nosso muito obrigada!!! Nossa ficha técnica: - DIRECAO - Eduardo Franca E SUA ASSISTENTE MIRIM MARIANA COENTRO - TRILHA SONORA Loro Bardot - OPERADOR DE SOM FABIO MACARRAO - CENOGRAFIA ALEX MARE - ARTE RENATA BIANCARDI Alguns agradecimentos especiais: - Alice de Freitas DO RIO 40 PELAS COMIDINHAS E PELA ADMINISTRACAO DAS NOSSAS MIDIAS SOCIAIS. - John Robbins DO SCARBOROUGH SPORTS CLUB FOR HIS SUPPORT - Juliana Braz Photography FOTOGRAFIAS - VIDEO EDUARDO DA COBO FOTOGRAPHY - AO STUDIO SANDDANCE Pelos milhares de ensaios e a bagunça toda que fizemos lá. - RAQUEL LOURO e PAULINHA ALVES pela ajuda na porta - LARISSA pela produção e ajuda na pré produção - ALINE E CAROL por estarem juntas no processo, sempre nos ajudando a pensar no melhor para nossas crianças. Ao amigo JORGE pela ajuda no transporte. Nossos patrocinadores, que incentivaram nossa cultura num momento tão conturbado como este, gratidão imensa por este carinho: - Churras - Seven Migration - Unique Beauty & Style - Braza Churros - Rio 40 Nossos apoiadores - BrazilWA - Projeto Cabana - Magic Fun - Entertainment for events - VITA CREATIVE - DROPS OF LOVE - Livros for Kids - Capoeira CDO Perth - MS SUGAR by Carolina Camara Até a próxima!!!
08.01.2022 We don’t know about you, but #ThrowbackThursday always has us feeling a little nostalgic. This week, we’re throwing it back to our previous Sertanejo Live parties. On The Rocks Bar & Bistro 28 November 2020 (Saturday) From 7pm... Tickets: Join the event: Don’t miss out! Tickets are limited due to COVID restrictions. SPONSORED BY * On The Rocks Bar & Bistro * Seven Migration PRODUCED BY * Bamboo Productions Ser you all there!
07.01.2022 Meet our lovely Lili! Lilia Wodraschka 'background is in art performance at O Tablado and a Bachelor degree in arts at Casa das Artes Laranjeira. Founder of Mulheres de Buco troupe, since 2014 she has been performing for multiples plays highlighting "The little witch that was good" directed by Caca Mourthe. ... She also toured in Portugal with the play "Lisbon and other random titles" She is performing the narrator and the villain Baroness. International Kids Day - As Saltimbancas Scarborough Sport’s & Community Club’s 29nd November 2020 (Sunday) From 12pm to 5pm Tickets: Join the event Don’t miss it out! Tickets are very limited due to COVID restrictions. Don’t miss the opportunity to offer your child this immersion in Brazilian culture including interaction with our language as all the activities will be in Portuguese. See you all there!
07.01.2022 After the successful first performance, we are very proud to present to you again the Trio Evidncias. They will bring the best of Sertanejo Style from ! On The Rocks Bar & Bistro 27nd September 2020 (Sunday) From 6pm... Few tickets available, hurry before stocks lasts! THIRD RELEASE: $20 + ADM FEES AT DOOR - $25 **** Online tickets, only: Lets celebrate our culture, be entertained by our music and enjoy! FYME Tiago Da Silva Rio 40 Fabio Macarro Maira Trindade Marcelo Macedo Mari Mazzio Mari Bamboo BrazilWA
06.01.2022 VENHA SER UM VOLUNTRIO A festa da Bamboo Productions em parceria com a Brazil WA est em busca de voluntrios para o dia 16 de agosto. Voc pode ajudar na rea Kids, na produo geral, na parte de food and beverages e ser nossa hostess do evento se quiser.... Falamos de 3 horas de voluntariado, mais uma comidinha delcia da Rio 40 e depois voc pode curtir a festa a vontade! Se isso se encaixa no que voc curte fazer, venha ser nosso voluntrio neste dia to especial. Manda um al pra Mari no [email protected] Voc no pode ficar fora dessa! A festa acontece no dia 16/08 l no Niche Bar. Das 12pm s 8pm. Acesse nossa pgina no Eventbrite #junefestival #festajunina #bambooproductions #brazilwa #brazilianfestival #brazilianparty #countrymusic
05.01.2022 ATTENTION Dont miss out our Samba & Feijoada! Bring the whole family, invite your friends, have a real Brazilian experience with us! ... DATE: Sunday, the 6th of September 2020 From 12pm VENUE: Scarborough Sports & Community Club 75 Deanmore Rd, Scarborough ATTRACTION: TUDO FESTA Samba & Pagode Band Special Activities for kids with Projeto Cabana and @magicfunentertainment TICKETS The Early Birds were sold out, but the second release is available for $15 only + GST. Limited Tickets available online: Good food, incredible drinks, great music, and friendly people! You will probably feel as you were in Brazil! See you all there! Rio 40 BrazilWA Move Homes FYME Marcos Fyme Fabio Macarro Mari Mazzio Mari Bamboo Maira Trindade Alexandre Pierre Lucas Storare Jacob Paulinha Alves Sarah Quinn Ana Lcia Silva Paty Aires WAZouk John Robbins Scarborough Sports and Community Club Braza Churros
05.01.2022 Move Homes is our Major Sponsor for the Samba & Feijoada on the 6th of September (next Sunday) at Scarborough Sports and Community Club. Limited tickets available online: Get to know more about our sponsor: Home designs, House & Land To help you determine your budget and borrowing capacity, their finance team do all the hard work by understanding your new home ownership goals and lifestyle. With access to a comprehensive list of lenders and finance packages, Move Homes finance team will match you with the perfect home loan to suit your personal circumstances. There is NO CHARGE for the finance service, because they understand the last thing you need is to worry about more fees and costs. Make your first move TODAY! Rio 40
05.01.2022 DONT MISS OUT Tudo Festa Samba & Pagode Group have a special invitation for you! Lets celebrate our culture, be entertained by our music and enjoy the delicious Food from Rio 40 Food Trailer & Braza Churros!... Scarborough Sports & Community Club 75 Deanmore Rd, Scarborough Sunday, the 6th of September From 12pm Limited Tickets! See you all there! Maira Trindade Lucas Storare Jacob Fabio Macarro Diego Soares
04.01.2022 SEGURA PEO!!!! ------------------------ Bom, vocs ja sabem que o premier ta nessa de vai ou no vai, fica ou no fica. Ento vamos fazer o seguinte: Vamos acender uma vela pra So Joo, So Pedro e Santo Antonio, que eles vo nos ajudar!... MENTIIIIIRA! Essa festa no vai mudar de data no! Os ingressos ainda esto a venda, mas por tempo limitado. Ento corre e garanta o seu antes que acabe! Acesse nossa pgina no Eventbrite. #junefestival #festajunina #bambooproductions #brazilwa
04.01.2022 Meet one of our partners for the entertainment on Kids Day: Magic Fun Get to know more about them: Magic Fun is a company that provides services for the entertainment market, doing it in a personalized and exclusive way, bringing lots of fun to the public and making your dream party come true, just like magic.... Face Painting: Through colours and brightness, our artists offer a range of amazing paintings that certainly will enchant your child when looking in the mirror. Balloons Twisting: Magic Fun entertainers perform balloon sculptures that captivate and amuse children. Everybody will have a blast on your party! Glitter tattoo: Glitter tattoos are popular for all ages. We use quality and non-toxic waterproof products, making it a great alternative for pool parties and events. Entertainment / Games: Do you remember your favourite play? Magic Fun brings back that most fun, a traditional game of all times! Scarborough Sport’s & Community Club’s 29nd November 2020 (Sunday) From 12pm to 5pm Tickets: *Tickets are very limited due to COVID restrictions. Don’t miss the opportunity to offer your child this immersion in Brazilian culture including interaction with our language as all the activities will be in Portuguese. See you there!
03.01.2022 We are happy to invite all the Perth Samba Dancers for our first Samba Community Flash Mob, which will be held at the International Samba Day ( on 6th December. We are organising 2 official rehearsals prior to the event to put everything together and the choreography can be checked in the link below: It is important to highlight that it is a free performance, however, a contribution of $7.50+tx is kindly requested from all participants to support the event production Check out the video and come dance with us! Please PM Jéssica Silva confirming your participation by 23/11/20. Keep calm and Samba on!!! Nicole de Mello Rio 40 BrazilWA SambOzzy Sarah Quinn Ana Lúcia Silva Seven Migration Mari Mazzio Fabio Macarrão Alice de Freitas John Robbins
03.01.2022 Almost show time!!! Some things you need to know: - @rio40perth and @churrus will be parking in front of the main entrance ... - Fee parking available - we will sell tickets at door $20 + tax - weacceptt card and also cash ( but please bring change ) - kids are welcome $5 +tax at door - including free activities by @projeto_cabana and @magicfunentertainment
02.01.2022 Hi guys, We are very proud to announce that we will have a reserved area for the kids activities with @projeto_cabana at Samba &Feijoada. So, come to celebrate the fathers day with the whole family because, in this event, kids are more than welcome!!...
02.01.2022 International Students, are you there? Estudiantes internacionales, ests ah? Estudantes internacionais, esto a?... THERE IS AN EVENT COMING ON 29/09, AND YOU CANNOT MISS IT! The Reset Project, created by students FOR STUDENTS! It happens on 29/09 at 5 pm. ECU - Campus Mount Lawley. Check the EVENTBRITE page and book your ticket. VOLUNTEERING IN AUSTRALIA HAVE NEVER BEEN SO WORTH TO DO!
01.01.2022 Our main goal is to bring memorable parties and the feeling of being in Brazil! We are lucky and very thankful to have the support of the Brazilian Community here in Perth. Our last three events of the year will suit all musical tastes and age groups. Sertanejo Live (28 Nov Sat)... Kids Day (29 Nov Sun) International Samba Day (6 Dec Sun) Don’t miss out, tickets are limited due to COVID restrictions.
01.01.2022 FALTAM 5 DIAS PARA O ANARRI ----------------------------- Peguem seus pares que a festa est quase l! Quem comprou, comprou.... QUEM NO COMPROU PODE SER QUE VENDA NA PORTA! *Ingressos sero vendidos de acordo com a capacidade da casa* .
01.01.2022 Samba & Feijoada . Pic your photo, tag your friend and lets remember this amazing party! . Pic by @danimendesphotography full album here, on Facebook... . . . . #tbt #throwbackthursday #samba #feijoada #brasileirosemperth #perthparty
01.01.2022 **Thanks everyone, tickets to the International Kids Day with As Saltimbancas are now SOLD OUT*** See you all there!
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