Bangoon Baby in Penrith, New South Wales | Shopping & retail
Bangoon Baby
Locality: Penrith, New South Wales
Address: Cranebrook 2749 Penrith, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 Today is the official "r u ok day?" The purpose of this day is an annual reminder to check in with friends, family, acquaitances etc to ask the question "are you ok?" It is not enough to just ask the quetstion. Be prepared to really listen, encourage action or even hold space until they ARE ready to talk.... Asking the question could save someone's life. Check out the r u ok website for some great resources. #ruok #ruokday2020 #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #askthequestion #checkinonyourfriends #itisokaynottobeokay #youmatter #kindnessmatters #kindnessiscontagious #learntolisten #suicideprevention
24.01.2022 Look what came in the mail yesterday! Officially completed @brookemaree.babywearing training Disappointed that the in person training was derailed due to COVID :( I was looking forward to meeting this beautiful soul in person!... We’ll get there one day Brooke! Thanks for putting the online course together. Excited to see the exciting projects that are coming up! #brookemareebabywearing #babywearingconsultant
23.01.2022 ~ New Product Alert ~ We are so proud to add 4 new children’s books so our collections by another talented Australian Author and Illustrator! Nikki Rogers @createdtobebooks is a mother, teacher, author and illustrator of children’s picture books from Queensland Australia. Nikki's books are designed to inspire and promote positive messages for children.... I had been holding off on the launch for these books as I wanted to take some more photos but something always seems to come up and I run out of time! I will do a profile on each title individually when I have some more time. These books would make a great Stocking filler for Christmas. Free shipping on orders over $80 AFTERPAY available
23.01.2022 Vixsa Halo covers are back in stock and now available in 6 different colours! Halo covers serve as a nursing, trolley & capsule cover as well as an infinity scarf! They also feature a handy hidden zipper pocket. Now available in:... Grey Ribbon (grey and white stripes)dots) Wild Love (Animal Print) Savannah (Black) Victoria Skys (Grey) Rain Dops (Grey with white polka dots) Grey Ribbon (grey and White stripes) Shop the range here: #bangoonbaby #vixsa #halocover #trolleycover #nursingcover #breastfeedingcover #breastfeedinginpublic #infinityscarf #4in1cover #breastfeedwithconfidence #breastfeedingmum #discretebreastfeeding #breastfeedingproblems #breastfeedwithoutfear #liquidgold #normalisebreastfeeding #breastfeedanywhereanytime #4thtrimester #fourthtrimester #breastfedbaby #fedisnotbest #informedandsupportedisbest #penrithnsw #penrithmums #penrithbabyshop #hawkesburyliving #hawkesburymums
22.01.2022 7am Kids are still asleep Hair tied back Tea in hand You know it’s about to go down!... Sneaking out to my studio early to get all those orders packed from my night owl shoppers! If only you guys could see the behind the scenes victory dance every single time an order comes through. And I’m serious, it is EVERY SINGLE TIME! Thanks again for the ongoing support and keep an eye on those inboxes (and junk folders) for tracking emails that will be sent shortly! Happy Saturday!
21.01.2022 *potential trigger warning* We are half way through Birth Trauma Week 2020. Seeing my feed flooded with others experiences during birth makes my heart ache and has prompted me to reflect on my own birth journeys yet again. Those of you that have been following me for some time may be aware that I am a 3 x csection mumma. I had 3 LONG labour’s and experienced some pretty horrendous treatment from health care professionals that did not approve of my choices.... In preparation for my VBA2C attempt with my 3rd baby I obtained my birth records for my previous births so that I could unpack the trauma I experienced. Just reading the notes from my first birth was enough to reduce me to tears. It is noted in my file that I had an anxiety attack while in labour, what is not written there is that the midwife tried to break my waters 3 times, each time turning up the gas because I was screaming in pain (as my waters had broken 12 hours prior but they were convinced they weren't fully broken) it was after the 3rd time I would not consent for them to do it again but they kept pushing and pressuring me but I wouldn't give in, I had an anxiety attack from being pressured into something that was painful and that I did not feel comfortable with. It's also all over my notes that my mood after delivery was depressed, I reported feeling like a failure. baby taken to nursery so patient can rest but patient turned up to nursery distressed. Drs notes expressing concerns of Severe PND. This kept happening for 5 DAYS! I don't get why if they knew I was having signs of PND and turning up to the nursery when Bub was taken away why didn't someone think hey! Maybe she needs to be with her baby!? Maybe she needs help bonding rather than we keep separating her? I was not "officially diagnosed" with PND Until 18 months after the birth. It also noted that both of my csections were class 3 indicating no signs of distress to myself or to Bub. Confirmation of what I thought all along. I’ve had 3 unnecessary Caesarians. I was a victim of obstetric abuse Sadly, I am not alone..... #birthtraumaweek2020 #informedconsent #birthrightsarehumanrights #maternalrights #birthprep
19.01.2022 Save a whopping 25% across the whole Cadenshae maternity, breastfeeding and postnatal range! Enter frenzy25 at checkout to claim your discount. Remember free shipping within Australia applies to orders over $80 and AFTERPAY is available.... Offer valid until 11.59pm AEST 30th November 2020 or while stock lasts.
18.01.2022 AND THE WINNER IS!!! @fivewildlings !!! Congratulations! Please contact me within 24 hours to claim your prize.... Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter and share the babywearing love. This concludes our International Babywearing Week celebrations for 2020. Hopefully next year we will be able to have a larger celebtration in person xx
17.01.2022 Are you pregnant or given birth during the pandemic? How have you been finding the experience?
16.01.2022 ~ Guest Blog Post ~ Jaime Hawkins from This is What I Doula joins us to chat about how you can improve your birth experience. Birth does not need to be like the horror scenes you see in the movies! If you are local to the Penrith/Blue Mountains area and expecting a baby check out This is What I Doula for available Hypnobirthing classes and/or Doula services.... Check out the blog post here:
15.01.2022 3 Random facts about me: 1. I have been deaf in one ear for most of my life and only started wearing a hearing aid last year. 2. I had brain surgery when I was around 16 years old to drain a build up of brain fluid. My Doctors told me my migranes were due to stress from sitting my HSC........ 3. I have PCOS and was told I could not concieve without the assistance of IVF. All of my babies were conceinved without assistance. Tell me a little bit about yourself. :)
14.01.2022 Baby Shark (doo doo do doo do doo) Come on tell me you didn’t sing that to yourself?! Now that I have your attention I just wanted to let you know that we have one of the last Baby Shark coast FTG Tula carriers in Australia left in stock.... FREE express shipping Australia Wide AFTERPAY available Get yours here
14.01.2022 On SALE NOW! Leather prewalker shoes were $32 now reduced to $24. Offer valid until 11.59om AEST 30th of November 2020 or while stock lasts.... Free shipping on orders over $80 AFTERPAY available
13.01.2022 Snuggle Hubby bibs are too cute to be used as bibs! We have restocked all colours in the waterproof ruffle bibs and have a large selection of dribble bibs available. Purchase 3 or more from the Snuggle Hunny range to save 10%. Discount automatically applied at discount.... Free shipping on orders over $80 AFTERPAY available Check out the range here:
13.01.2022 I apologise for being so quiet our socials lately. We are deep in renovation mode setting up the new studio Soon my son will finally get his own room and not have to share it with a mountain of boxes! Lots of new stock is on the way and 2 big boxes just sitting in my lounge room waiting to be uploaded onto the website!... All I can say is WATCH THIS SPACE! This picture was taken at our Penrith International Babywearing Week celebrations back in 2016! Back before COVID when we could gather and celebrate in person :( hoping for bigger and better things next year! Pop a babywearing photo here if you feel up to it! Current or old! #babywearersunite #internationalbabywearingweek2020 #internationalbabywearingweek
12.01.2022 Take fairy bread to the next level with novelty sandwich cutters! I recall getting so excited over fairy bread as a child now when I think of eating it I can’t help but think how gross it is! I think it’s the sort of thing you either love or hate. Do you or your kids like fairy bread?
12.01.2022 This is your weekly reminder that #youmattertoo As parents it is easy to get caught up in the business of life and out everyone first. Try to make yourself a priority every now and again and do something for yourself.... Something as simple as a solo walk, painting your nails, attending a gym class or a workshop, reading a book, crafting. What is something you enjoy doing that has taken a backseat? Do that! Drop a comment below once you’ve completed you task! I want to hear how you’ve treated yourself today :)
11.01.2022 Ring Slings are my top recomendation for summer babywearing for a few reasons: - One shouldered carrier allowing for more airflow - One thin layer of fabric - Linen fabric is breathable... - worn off centre - super easy to pop on and off Australian Summer + baby's body heat + your body heat + clothing + baby carrier = HOT It is important to remember that regardless of what carrier you use, wearing your baby in a carrier is going to be hot! Be sure to dress appropriately, hydrate and monitor your baby at all times. Shop our range of ring slings here:
11.01.2022 ~ NEW PRODUCT ALERT ~ Baking a Baby - Helping modern-day parents answer the question "Where did I come from?" "Baking a Baby" is a child-friendly resource design to support your child's understanding of conception, assisted reproduction, donor use, surrogacy, and adoption.... Check out my stories for more information! In stock now!
11.01.2022 During pregnancy health care providers will often ask if you intend to breast or bottle feed. It is a great idea to think about your feeding intentions during pregnancy so that you can educate yourself before bub is born. You'll also hear phrases such as: "Breast is best" "Fed is Best"... Here at Bangoon Baby we support the notion that "Informed and Supported is Best" Breastfeeding is a relationship between mother and child. It is also a learned skill and does not always come easily. Some babies will instinctively latch straight away. Others require more support. There may also be medical or personal reasons that prevent breastfeeding. My first baby was bottle-fed from birth due to a combination of medical complications at birth, lack of support, PND, lack of education around breastfeeding, and I strongly suspect an undiagnosed tongue-tie. I was a lot more educated the 2nd time around and received amazing support post-birth and therefore our experience was VASTLY different! Breast is best IF it is in the best interest of Mum and bubs physical and mental health. There is absolutely no shame in whatever method you choose. Just take the time to make the decision for yourself and not allow others to influence your decision. #bangoonbaby #liquidgold #breastmilk #breastmilkmagic #breastmilkfixeseverything #mumlife #normalisebreastfeeding #breastfeedingtoddler #normaliseextendedbreastfeeding #informedandsupportedisbest #breastisbest #fedisbest #normalisefulltermbreastfeeding #4thtrimester #fourthtrimester #postnatal #postpartum #oxytocin #oxytocinvibes #milkymumma #boobsareforbabies #penrithnsw #penrithmums #naturalparenting #attachmentparenting
10.01.2022 ~ NEW PRODUCT ALERT ~ Antenatal Expressing is the act of manually expressing breastmilk during pregnancy. The expressed milk is then refrigerated or frozen and may be used to feed your baby after birth. While some babies latch directly to the breast after birth there may be instances that this is not possible. This is when having prepared expressed colostrum can be helpful! Situations where expressed colostrum can be beneficial include but not limited to:... -Cesarean or Complicated Birth - Mothers may be separated for some time after surgery/birth while they recover. It can be helpful to offer expressed colostrum after birth until baby and mother can be united and breastfeeding established. Diabetes - Colustum after birth can help stabilise a baby's blood sugar levels Premature baby or other health complications - Sometimes babies are born with health conditions that prevent them from latching to the breast afterbirth. Having expressed milk on hand prevents the need for formula until baby is able to latch to the breast. This easy & convenient kit contains everything you need to express and store your liquid gold ready for the arrival of your new little bundle. Make sure to check with your health care provider if antenatal expressing is safe/recommended for you. #bangoonbaby #madetomilk #antenatalexpressing #colostrum #expressedmilk #expressedcolostrum #breastfeedingjourney #birthpreparation #birthprep #liquidgold #colostrummilk #breastfeeding #naturalparenting #attachmentparenting #pregnancy #4thtrimester #3rdtrimester #penrithmums #aussiemums #afterpayavailable #hawkesburylifestyle #breastfeedingmum #doulasofinstagram #doulalife
10.01.2022 As an anxiety sufferer I find it very difficult to step outside of my comfort zone even when I want to. A great example of this was yesterday. All of my children were at school and I had a rare day to be child free for a few hours. I planned to utlise this time by heading to the gym in the morning which is something I have been wanting to get back into for a long time. Despite genuinely wanting to go I spent the whole morning with butterflies feeling unnaturally worried about... it. It took so much energy to keep up the positive self-talk and reminding myself that this is where I want to be, there is no need to worry, I have done this before I can do it again. But the self-doubt kept creeping in. You’re a fake You don’t belong there You don’t deserve to be there You will never be fit again I stood at the front door for quite sometimes before heading in. Once I was there the negative self-talk continued but it was quieter. Yesterday I made a conscious decision to step out of my comfort zone in order to take a step towards my goal of regaining my fitness levels. Growth does not happen when you stay in your comfort zone. If you have a goal that you are wanting to achieve but like me are too scared to act on it, I encourage to take small steps regularly to move forward to your goal. Even if it feels uncomfortable. #bangoonbaby #mentalhealthawareness #affirmationsunday #affirmationsoftheday #positiveaffirmations #positiveselftalk #anxietywarrior #generalisedanxietydisorder #anxietyawareness #anxietyisreal #mumlife #mumguilt #impostersyndrome #feelinglikeafake #fakeittillyoumakeit #youareenough #mumsmattertoo #selfcaresunday #selfcare #penrithmums #penrithnsw #aussiemums #mummybloggeraustralia #sydneymums #babywearingconsultant #penrithbabyshop #normalisementalhealth
08.01.2022 I am an absolute sucker for plaid! And loving these green tones What about you? Do you gravitate more towards: Blues/Greens... Pinks/purples Geometric Floral Plain
08.01.2022 Keep your eyes out for the @westernweekender this week for an article featuring yours truely Highlight of the school holidays was heading into @westernsydneybusinesscentre for a photoshoot for the article. The kids were absolutely thrilled! Thank you to @katinabeveridge for your ongoing support
06.01.2022 There are many reasons mothers may choose to express breastmilk. - To provide breastmilk to babies that are unable to latch directly to the breast - Return to the workforce - To give other people the opportunity to feed baby... - Separation of mum and bub - Relieve pressure or engorgement - To increase supply - For breastmilk to be used to create keepsake art or jewellery - To Donate expressed breast milk to others Personally I have expressed breastmilk for all of the above! A silicone manual pump is a must have for any breastfeeding mums tool kit. @milkmate_au silicone breastpumps are proudly Australian owned and designed by a fellow Aussie Mumma. Free shipping on orders over $80 AFTERPAY AVAILABLE Get yours here: #bangoonbaby #breastfeeding #siliconebreastpump #expressedbreastmilk #liquidgold #breastmilkisthebestmilk #informedisbest #informedandempowered #mummamilk #normalisebreastfeeding #workingmumlife #breastmilk #breastmilkstorage #breastmilkstash #humanmilkforhumanbabies #breastmilkdonor #breastmilkdonation #postnatal #4thtrimester #fourthtrimester #boobymonster #breastfedbaby #breastfeedingprobs #penrithmums #penrithnsw #hawkesburymums #afterpayaustralia #afterpayavailable #supportaussiebusinesses
06.01.2022 Too often we hear things like: "enjoy it while it lasts" "they will only be little once" "this too shall pass"... The #mumguilt that comes with having a bad day is consuming. YES you can love your children and be grateful for your life and still not enjoy every day. It is absolutely Ok to not enjoy everyday. The bad days make the good days just that little bit more special. Chin up mumma. You are doing an awesome job! This card is from The Empowered Mama - Motherhood deck of affirmation cards. Link in bio
05.01.2022 #sundayaffirmations Due to the fact that my first labour resulted in an emergency cesarian section, my health care providers strongly recomended that I schedule a cesarian section for my 2nd and 3rd births. Despite the fact that my 2nd and 3rd labours also resulted in emergency c-sections if I had to do it over I would stand by my decision to attempt a Trial of Labour or otherwise known as a VBAC or NBAC.... I chose to allow my babies to decide when they were ready to enter this world. To give my body a chance and expose my baby to the feel good hormones that are released during pregnancy. In no way am I against c-sections. I am against care providers not respecting women's birth choices. #vbac #birthwithoutfear #vbacjourney
04.01.2022 Free webinar regarding birth trauma on tomorrow at 10am. Worth a listen if you have the time.
02.01.2022 Customer feedback :) I love these pregnancy shorts! I'm not sure how I didn't try these shorts until my sixth pregnancy. They are so comfortable and definitely feel supportive for my diastasis recti. Love them! By far the best pregnancy support pants ever! I suffer from Diastasis Recti and these shorts are giving the support needed. Highly recommended!... These shorts use clever patented CORETECT technology helps improve core strength and stability. Supports all major muscle groups using Body Mapping Compression which results in less soft tissue damage and pain. The seamless RIBTECH fabric gently massages your body when in motion by mimicking kinesiology-taping techniques. APPROVED AND ENDORSED BY THE AUSTRALIAN CHIROPRACTORS ASSOCIATION. YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR A PRIVATE HEALTH FUND REBATE. PLEASE CHECK YOUR FUND FOR ELIGIBILITY. FREE Shipping Australia wide and AFTERPAY Available Get yours here:
02.01.2022 Every product in our website has been carefully curated to ensure we are offering the highest quality, unique products to our customers. I love getting reviews and feedback like this! It’s the greatest feeling when our customers let us know that they love the products as much as we do! If you’ve purchased from us and you have a spare moment please leave us a review. It helps other shoppers with their purchases as well.... Want more information about this book? Find it here
02.01.2022 Another copy of Welcome Home is heading to its forever home today. Packaging these books always feels so special because I know that they are headed to a family that is preparing for a new bundle of joy. Knowing how special this book is to the author and her goal to see it in as many hands as possible makes each sale just that little more special.... If you have purchased a copy of Welcome Home I would really appreciate it if you would take the time to leave a review and if your comfortable send me a photo @alisha.bourke #welcomehomebook #homebirth
01.01.2022 **ENTRIES ARE CLOSED!** Winner will be drawn shortly *Edit* Winner has been announced. Congratulations @fivewildings! Today marks the first day of International Babywearing Week 2020.... To celebrate we are GIVING AWAY a Vixsa Stretchy Wrap! Enter for a chance to WIN your choice of IN STOCK Vixsa Stretchy wrap valued at $99.95 RRP To enter all you need to do is: 1. Follow us @ Bangoon Baby 2. Comment on this post with your favourite Vixsa design in stock on our website 3. Sharing is nice but not necessary to enter For an extra entry like our Facebook page and comment on the 1. Like @ Bangoon Baby Facebook Page 2. Comment on the post with your favourite Vixsa design in stock on our website 3. Sharing is nice but not necessary to enter Remember to tag any friends that might be interested so they don't miss out! Each tag gets you an additional entry. Terms and conditions: 1. Entries close Sunday 4th of October at 9pm AEST 2. Winner will be announced within 24 hours of competition closing 2. Each separate comment will be counted as an entry 3. Open to Australian residents only 4. Winner will be drawn by 5. Winner must make contact within 24 hours or we will redraw 6. Winner must choose from in stock products only 7. Prize is one in stock Vixsa Stretchy Wrap of your choice RRP $99.95 including shipping Australia Wide 8. Prize can not be transferred or exchanged for cash This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook or Instagram @_vixsa #bangoonbaby #ibw2020 #internationalbabywearingweek #internationalbabywearingweek2020 #babywearingweek #babywearingweek2020 #babywearingconsultant #babywearingeducator #sydneybabywearingconsultant #penrithbabyshop #sydneybabyshop #babywearing #sharethebabywearinglove #babywearingforthewin #babywearinglove #sydneybabywearers #penrithnsw #penrithmums #penrithsmallbusiness #hawkesburymums #ibwgiveaway #embracethefuture
01.01.2022 You may have noticed our socials have been a little quiet as of late. I’m finding myself suffering from writers block! Every time I sit down with my phone or at my computer my mind just goes blank. I’m trying not to force it and allow my mind to take some time off in the hopes that inspiration strikes again.... Tonight I’m indulging in a hot cup of tea and some cross stitching now that all 3 kids are in bed (finally!) My nearly 2 year old is in the awful transition between needing a day nap and not so most nights when he naps he is not going to bed until between 10-11 (despite my best efforts!) which means I am missing my down time! Gotta take advantage when free time comes up because it’s so rare! @tetleyaustralia #teadrinkersofinstagram #smallbusinessowner #writersblock
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