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Bank Reform Now


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25.01.2022 AMERICA LOSES 2020 ELECTION - While Trump upsets the media and political commentators by lying. This is outrageous..!! Imagine that . a politician lying to the people!! Even so Trump has received more votes in 2020 than in 2016. How could that be..?? Perhaps nearly half of voters think that being lied to is better than being screwed. Problem is .. you’re screwed whichever way you vote. That’s the trick when both parties serve the same interests. Divide and conquer is the ...Continue reading

24.01.2022 PUNISHMENT ALERT - The bank has been hit by a ........ fine? - no .... a jailed CEO? - no ....... looks like ....... a half a lettuce leaf..!!??!! What do we need the Banking Code Compliance Committee for? We can all name the dodgy operators..!! Until now, it has never named a bank for breaches >> Just wait till responsible lending laws go out the window.


23.01.2022 Beware the #GreatReset - This character Klaus - along with his elite cronies - want to reshape the world. Their fourth industrial revolution looks more like the Fourth Reich. He’s not interested in your rights or freedom. Here’s a list of who is allowed to communicate with him on Twitter >> Guess what? . You ain’t on it..!!... We’re even further down the road to serfdom than many of us thought. Technocratic Fascism is the natural progression of Crony Capitalism. The authoritarian cashless surveillance state awaits. Just imagine .. every book you purchase will be recorded and stored. Everywhere you go will be monitored and logged. Everyone you meet or speak to. Facial recognition cameras . everywhere!! AI deciding what you see and hear. This is Stasiland on steroids!! The Reich will know who is with them and who is against them. If they don’t like you they don’t have to drag you out in the middle of the night. They just turn off your ability to purchase. Now it can be done by debanking you. Later by deactivating your access to their digital centrally controlled currency. It’s Utopia for the leaders . It’s Dystopia for you. Orwell knew the plan - "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." There is a better way to reset the world. One that suits humanity . but it means finding out what’s going on and taking a stand. It also means ending the banking cartel's power to create credit. Best of all it also means repatriating the wealth that has been stolen from all nations by criminals masquerading as benefactors, saints and royalty.

22.01.2022 Ya gotta read this folks.. !! Recently released documents show how hard bankers pushed to delay important reforms from the #banksRC. Looks like they are finding it a bit scary to work in the "best interests" of their clients. FOI docs shows what bankers are on about (and how pollies fall into line) >>

22.01.2022 URGENT - ACTION TODAY - RBA Martin Place Sydney 12pm - The Bank of England Must Return Australia’s Gold A grass roots campaign has been started to get the Reserve Bank of Australia to repatriate Australia’s national gold reserves from the Bank of England. An open letter to the RBA Governor will be presented to the RBA on Tuesday which requests that the RBA conducts: 1) A full and complete audit of 100% of Australia’s gold bars.... 2) The immediate repatriation of all of Australia’s gold reserves from the Bank of England. 3) That the RBA begins accumulating physical gold as a primary objective of monetary policy. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness about the precarious position of Australia’s national gold reserves and its impact upon Australia’s national sovereignty over monetary policy. The fundamental story underlying this event is does the Bank of England really possess the physical gold reserves that it claims to have? We believe they do not. The group will have a banner which reads BANK OF ENGLAND RETURN AUSTRALIA’S GOLD. The open letter and more background information can be found here >> The gathering has been organised by Samuel Hansen, an independent filmmaker from Sydney. The gathering will take place at the RBA at Martin Place, 12pm, Tuesday 1st December. For more details contact: [email protected] See Sam's brilliant documentary - The Battle For The Bank right here >> Bank Reform Now 100% backs this campaign. Getting Aussie Gold Back - now that's something Morrison should really be getting angry about...!! Let's see action from the LNP and the ALP.

21.01.2022 OUTRAGEOUS..!! Many nations are run by criminal psychopaths. What can we do about it? First step - get the Aussie government to work effectively to bring Julian Assange home. >>

20.01.2022 THIS IS NOT A SLEEPER ISSUE..!! We told Scott Morrison when he was still Treasurer that the Ponzi scheme was heading for a crash. The elite wanted to continue business as usual after the GFC. They continued pumping & fleecing while kicking the can down the road. It's almost too late now to stop the Greater Depression. #GreatDepression2

20.01.2022 This really is just PATHETIC..!! Taxpayer money going directly to corporate big shots. Psssst - don't tell anyone - but this is part of .......... the secret "bail out." >>

20.01.2022 How can we stop the banks stealing your deposits and superannuation (........ and country)? This is a good step (best 2 minute video you'll see all week) >> Great work from Robbie and the Australian Citizens Party crew.

20.01.2022 It’s now Labor’s ‘bail-in’ - Ask Anthony Albanese: why are you protecting Scott Morrison instead of our bank deposits? Opposition leader Anthony Albanese is more intent on protecting Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s position on bail-in than Australians’ deposits. Why? Call him today to demand he stop protecting Morrison and instead support the Banking Amendment (Deposits) Bill 2020 to explicitly protect Australian bank deposits from any sort of bail-in. Unless he does, this ...Continue reading

18.01.2022 Going into the Greater Depression ... what could go wrong with banks lending to people that can't afford a loan? With so many good ideas being proposed to make life less harsh this is the best the government can do..??!!?? "Treasurer Josh Frydenberg will overhaul the laws governing mortgages, personal loans, credit cards and payday lending to streamline decisions on whether customers can afford the loans they seek."... Let the predatory lending begin >>

18.01.2022 Can you believe this..??!!?? This is what we refer to as fleecing the serfs. "Boris Johnson’s government has confirmed it will top up the Queen’s income following a significant slump in the Crown Estate’s revenue during the coronavirus crisis. The royal family takes in rental receipts from shops in London’s Regent Street, alongside malls and retail parks around the country but the value of its portfolio has fallen by more than 500m since the pandemic hit."... Time's up >>

17.01.2022 Hitler’s new Nazi normal was meant to last for a thousand years, but came crashing down 988 years ahead of target. Just because Hitler said, with all the confidence of power, that his Reich would last for a millennium, didn’t mean that it was so. Just because Klaus Schwab and his mates say that we are now entering the Fourth Industrial Revolution and our world will be changed for ever doesn’t mean that it is so. We don’t have to accept their New Normal..!! We can win against ...the 0.1% - we are many and they are few. Shake off your chains before you have to become as nasty as they are to prevail. Behold - Technocratic Fascism >> #GreatReset #WarOnCash

16.01.2022 "Jail like tax is for the little people." Looks like Irish banks are much the same as "Aussie" ones. The reality is banks will continue to rob their customers because they know they can get away with it. It is past time these institutions were seen for what they are rogue organisations which cause as much damage to society as some criminal gangs... >>

16.01.2022 Can you believe this..?? - "Consumer advocates and banking royal commission witnesses who exposed their suffering at the hands of major banks are urging the Federal Government to stop the winding back of responsible lending laws, saying the change could lead to a debt crisis." Wonder why people don't trust the banks .... or the government...!!!

16.01.2022 This is what's known in the business as "a slap on the wrist." The profits always outpace the penalties >>

14.01.2022 TIME IS RUNNING OUT - Don't let the crooks get away with this >> #WarOnCash Great job from the Australian Citizens Party

14.01.2022 There's a once in a century health and economic crisis..!! People are told by the government they aren't allowed to work...!!! AND the banks think they should be allowed to continue with business as usual. WTF..!!!! WAIVE THE INTEREST..!! All businesses that were forced to shut should have had ALL their outgoing expenses stopped. A short sharp #BusinessHibernation in the beginning along with some key reforms would have seen us well on track to surviving and thriving. I suppos...e we needed statesmen rather than salesmen running the show.

13.01.2022 Ex NAB Chair Ken Henry ..... a Bank Reform hero? Check out his Q+A performance last Monday. He couldn't answer our question about the need to jail crooked bankers .... but what he did say was gold..!! Have a read of what Ken really told us and see the short clip (including his soliloquy on "trust") right here >> - We weren't too hard on him ...... were we?

12.01.2022 The fleecing will continue until the crooks are jailed >>

12.01.2022 STOP BANKIFICATION NOW - Prior to 1980, the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 maintained a strict separation between our banking system and our capital markets. However, financial regulators opened loopholes in Glass-Steagall during the 1980s and 1990s, allowing banks to engage in securities activities and permitting nonbanks to offer bank-like products. Universal banks (banks engaged in securities activities) and shadow banks (nonbanks offering bank-like services) dominated ou...Continue reading

12.01.2022 This is what war looks like in 2020..!! Who still wants a cashless society?? Cash is almost non-existent in China. Consumer payments for taxis, takeaway noodles or electricity accounts are made with mobile devices. Even Chinese street beggars take mobile payments with QR codes. BOOM...!! ... and the penny finally drops .........

11.01.2022 Crown goin' down ....... Crown's board wasn't held accountable because the 2020 virtual AGM enabled the company to dodge the hard questions. A great report from Rita Mazalevskis >> The government wants to make virtual AGMs the norm. Complain to treasury now..!! >> - submissions close this Friday.

10.01.2022 It's organised crime folks. Always has been ..... always will be - UNLESS you Stand Unite & Make It Right..!! "The records show that five global banks JPMorgan, HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Deutsche Bank and Bank of New York Mellon kept profiting from powerful and dangerous players even after U.S. authorities fined these financial institutions for earlier failures to stem flows of dirty money. U.S. agencies responsible for enforcing money laundering laws rarely prosecut...e megabanks that break the law, and the actions authorities do take barely ripple the flood of plundered money that washes through the international financial system." Learn what FREEDOM means because it will be gone before most of us know. The elite and their banks are running a racket and we are considered serfs - GET ACTIVE before it's too late. See comments below Bank Reform Now post of this article for what needs doing

10.01.2022 The mainstream media doesn't seem to get it. Let's make it clear. The crooks who run the world's finance system work for the elite. Every freelance criminal who is involved in money laundering pays a cut - via the bank - to the elite who are effectively State sanctioned criminals. Is that clear now? The system is working just as designed >>

07.01.2022 "Politicians often are loud and proud about their commitment to "law and order", to stamp out crime, except when it comes to finance and business." JUST PATHETIC..!! The pollies are letting the dogs loose ... people will be bitten ... and bloody hard too. You cannot trust the banks to work in clients' interests. FACT..!! Just like you can't trust politicians to work in the people's interest..!! Great read from Ian Verrender at ABC News >>

07.01.2022 Be prepared to see the worst of banking. During this crisis interest payments should have been waived in many cases - NOT added to the loan..!!

06.01.2022 We have a problem when governments want to put people in jail for telling the truth. Some governments even want to kill people for telling the truth. Those governments are not working in their people's interests. When psychopaths rule what the hell do you expect. MESSAGE to ScoMo - Julian Assange and his family are being being treated atrociously. DO YOUR BEST TO GET HIM HOME ... NOW..!! Great work from Shane Dowling and Kangaroo Court of Australia >>

06.01.2022 All the terrible effects of Stamp Duty have been known since it was first introduced. Dominic Perrottet's solution - a perpetual land tax - means that you can work your arse off and you will never own your own property outright. Just like the great resetters want. This is nothing new. The elite have been working on this stuff for decades. Perrottet is keen on reforms that all States and the Commonwealth can agree on. How about policies that work in the country's and people's ...interests Dom? Try these for size >> - It's freedom or slavery folks. Will you take a stand before it's too late? A taste of what can be done - A National Bank / A Sovereign Monetary System / A Citizenship Dividend / A peace dividend / Oh and don't forget - a Federal ICAC .... with teeth..!!! End the Age of Exploitation by reducing the paid employment needed to live well. Yes it can be done but the elite want everyone working and paying tax. Even BS jobs of zero value to anyone are encouraged. Stop the rot..!! #GreatReset #WarOnCash

05.01.2022 Jack's new duties involved walking around Sydney's banks depositing shopping bags filled with cash. Money-laundering experts say what Jack was doing was a textbook money-laundering technique and it should have made the banks he was visiting suspicious. Banks are required to ask questions about the source of funds in high-risk transactions. Instead, Jack said the banks treated the whole thing as a big joke.... "Not only I did not get asked any questions, I remember at NAB there was a guy working behind the counter, chatting to me [saying], 'Wow, that's a lot of money, congratulations.'" NAB told the ABC it took its anti-money-laundering obligations extremely seriously and worked with law enforcement to identify and report suspicious transactions. >>

05.01.2022 There is no conspiracy. The IMF, World Economic Forum; World Bank and UN etc. etc. etc. have all published their plans Cashless society; Negative interest rates; Bail-Out; Bail-In; The Great Reset; Confiscation of property; Helicopter money; the New Normal; the New World Order; Freedom of speech (unless you say something wrong); the Surveillance State. Yes the virus crisis is a great opportunity for reform and change. Don’t let the elite use the chaos to put in place t...heir agenda. We The People need to grab the opportunity. As we say IF YOU CAN’T JOIN THEM BEAT THEM. Only vote for politicians that support policies that are in your and your country's interests. #WarOnCash #IYCJTBT

04.01.2022 Free Assange now..!! And while you're at it pardon #EdwardSnowden. Whistleblowers are a National Treasure. #WeAreAllAssange

04.01.2022 This will end badly. Anna Bligh says - "Banks know that some customers are still struggling ... just as they helped last year, Australian banks are ready to continue supporting their customers in 2021." Talk is cheap. It's actions that count ...... right now Anna is fighting to see Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg axe Responsible Lending Laws. All the extra lending the government wants banks to make will be without legal protections to discourage predatory lending. See li...nk in Comments below and put a submission in to the Senate if you want Responsible Lending laws to remain in place. You have until 3.2.21

03.01.2022 Banks Must Not Be Allowed To Take Your Money..!! Which bank won't bail in your savings..? Two policies to reign in the power of the banks are right now on the agenda, and you can help achieve them. First - "bail-in": this week is the last sitting week of Parliament before the 30th of November, when the Senate will vote on Senator Malcolm Roberts' Banking Amendment (Deposits) Bill 2020 to make the law explicit that deposits cannot be bailed in. This is an opportunity to call ...ALL of the Senators from your state in their Parliament House offices, to demand they vote for the bill on 30 November. We can create a shock effect if we flood Canberra with calls this week. Find your Senators at this link (make sure to call the Canberra offices): Second - an Australia Post Bank: behind the scandal over Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate buying Cartier watches (two years ago) is a much bigger story Holgate was in talks for Australia Post to become a public postal savings bank. The big banks despise this idea, because deposits would flood into the postal banks as they would be fully guaranteed you won't be bailed in! and the big banks would have to truly compete for the first time since the privatisation of the Commonwealth Bank in 1996. The Citizens Party is asking the question: Did Scott Morrison force Holgate out to placate the banks? This episode is a reminder that a national post office savings bank would be a great idea. The Citizens Party is drafting legislation for an Australia Post Bank, to complement a national development bank. The postal bank would take savings and make loans, and invest any surplus deposits in the national development bank so Australians' savings can be put to work funding the infrastructure and industries that can make Australia prosperous. Share this idea and this post. We can make a difference. BRN thanks Robbie Barwick from the Citizens Party for this important information. Please take action today - ring Senators at their Canberra offices to support the Deposits Bill. More info here - Ring That Bell On "Bail-In"! >> Australian Citizens Party

03.01.2022 There's only one way out. Withdraw consent and only support politicians who work in your interests with policies like this: Freedom Budget >> If You Can't Join Them Beat Them. Beat the elite ... now..!! >> Bill Of Rights >> AND Critically ... fight the #WarOnCash >> Now is the time to Stand - Unite - and Make It Right. End the Age of Exploitation and Corruption that is corroding our Democracy and stealing our freedoms and rights. Reserve Bank dropping rates to virtually zero is a con to keep the current game going. Stop playing their game with their rules. Time is running short to save our great country from the plans the elite are putting in place right under our noses.

03.01.2022 What could go wrong with a centrally controlled and monitored digital currency? A building block of the authoritarian surveillance State - Unlike cash, the digital renminbi will have an encrypted string attached to each bill. The string can be used to track each transaction for as long as that money is in circulation. China's anti-Cryptocurrency - a warning to the rest of the world's people >> #WarOnCash

03.01.2022 BREAKING NEWS..!! Both Major Parties Expose Their Bankers’ Puppet Strings on bail-in. The two major parties have again colluded to ensure Australian bank deposits remain in danger of being bailed in. This morning the Senate voted 32-12 against Senator Malcolm Roberts’ Banking Amendment (Deposits) Bill 2020, with One Nation, the Greens and other cross-benchers voting for the bill, and the Labor Party and Coalition Senators voting against it. However, the debate reflected the i...ntense effort by concerned Australians to get Senators to support the bill. In a long speech, Labor Senator Jenny McAllister acknowledged the enormous number of calls which she said was unusual for a technical banking bill, and attacked the government for not doing enough to make the law clear to the public. But then, true to form, she justified Labor caving in to the government and voting with them against the bill, which is why Labor and the other major parties are becoming the agents of their own demise, and will eventually be replaced by parties the public know they can trust. This is not a defeat! The financial establishment goes to great lengths behind the scenes to keep the major parties in line, but when the major parties are forced to team up to stop a perfectly reasonable bill like thiswhich would have only put in writing in legislation what they claim to be their position anyway, that deposits can’t be bailed inthey expose to the public that the same puppet strings tie both of them to the banking power. We also know that the huge public campaign for this bill got the attention of backbenchers in the major parties, sparking an 11th-hour internal revolt which is ongoing, so this fight is not over Report from the Australian Citizens Party 30.11.20

02.01.2022 Circus Alert..!! APRA Slams The Bank..!!! Very strange .... as we all know - banks don't harm customers ... it's the people that work in them that do. Where does the buck stop? With the CEO, Senior Executives and the board. SIMPLE...!! Rather than the regular APRA, ASIC and AFCA circus performances how about clawing back the pay and bonuses of the CEOs and boards that presided over the misconduct and crimes? Westpac's new CEO Peter King has a chance to make things right. We ...need to remember bankers must be held accountable for their bad decisions. In the old days bonuses and promotions depended on profits under any circumstances ..... those days are over....!! As are the days of the cover up. Now is definitely not a good time for the government to bring in IRRESPONSIBLE LENDING LAWS..!! Do you trust the way banks operate? Here's what you can do>> PLUS - check out the Campaign website: Westpac "slammed by APRA (OUCH - that must hurt) .... >> Australian Citizens Party CHOICE Consumer Action Law Centre

01.01.2022 CASH BAN BILL DEFEATED - People power works...!!! Well done to all the people that joined in to expose and stop this attack. Especially Robbie Barwick, Martin North, John Adams, Melissa Harrison, Helen Edwards ... and the rest ... you're the best of the best..!! It's been a long fight - #WarOnCash >> Australian Citizens Party

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