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Bargara Triathlon Club

Phone: +61 433 317 731


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25.01.2022 Agnes Water ready Good luck to our Aquathlon competitors today #btc #aquathlon #agneswatertriathlon #agneswater #perfect #excitementplus

22.01.2022 Photos from the HB100 are up! Plenty of awesome shots of our team in action.

18.01.2022 Our first 'pop-up' training today. We had 6 ladies come along to practice ocean swimming and a nice drink to top it off. (There is a story why Corinne is showing off her sexy legs.... ). Keep an eye out for our next pop up training - Sunday's at 2.00pm.

16.01.2022 B.TC. LUNCH If you're in Agnes Water for the triathlon. Then join us for lunch at the Tavern. . .... 11:30 am. Sunday 4th October. #btc #trifamily #thisisus #agneswatertri #agneswatertavern #comejoinus #mmmlunch #cheers #joinus

15.01.2022 With Sarah Crowley #sarahcrowley #traininginparadise #btc #im #triathlonaustralia #greatwaytostarttheday #spinwithsarah #pro

15.01.2022 2020 State of Origin Game 3 is tomorrow night. Kit up in your teams colour at Bundy Road Runners. Bring a gold coin donation. Warm up 5.15pm at Quay St Riverside Parklands for the kick off at 5.30pm

14.01.2022 Pop-up Training starting this Sunday afternoon for beginner/intermediate level Focus area: ocean swim, tri tips and 4th leg practice (surf club is open for drinks). Meet at the Surf Life Club 2.00 pm Sunday afternoon. Bring goggles and swim cap. We will be practicing entering and exiting and swimming to build confidence. ... For info phone Trixie 0447552787 or pop message below.

14.01.2022 Who's who at the BTC Zoo! Today we caught up with our club secretary to find out more about why she competes in tri's. Name: ... Trixie James (Trixie is actually my second name but I have been called that all my life) Role: Bargara Triathlon Club Secretary. Why triathlon?: Last year I turned 50 and I wanted to challenge myself so I decided to complete a triathlon (as a non-sporty person this was an extreme challenge for me). I was a slow runner, hadn’t swum since a child and only ever rode a cruiser style bike. Challenge accepted!! Favourite triathlon leg: Absolutely the ride! I have found a sport I really enjoy. I love everything about riding, plus I get to do it with my hubby. Close behind is the swim, with the poor old run leg at the bottom. Equipment: I ride a Liv Envi. She is beautiful and very kind to me. I’ve also found a saddle that is comfy (yes ladies they do exist) so have a very happy tush. Most memorable triathlon: Absolutely without a doubt my first GIAT at Bargara. It was February last year when the cyclone was off the coast. The swells were huge and I thought I was going to die . Okay a bit of an extreme reaction, but it was a horrible first swim. The ride was great and when I crossed the finish line, I felt triumphant. Definitely have had better swim experiences since then but at least I know I can swim in rough water Who inspires you and why?: I don’t tend to have sporting idols. I am inspired by people who are similar to me and pushing themselves beyond their known limits. Inspirational quote: The body can achieve far more than the mind thinks it can (thanks Rooster). If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?: A Squirrel. Absolutely no reason, just I love squirrels. They are cute.

14.01.2022 Who’s up for a Wednesday afternoon run? See you at 5.15pm for 1 loop ~3.3km or 2 ~6.6km of Quay Street Riverside Bundy

14.01.2022 FREE BEER Saturday the 28th of Nov is our Christmas Party to all members, your first beer, wine, softdrink or juice is on us. (Maybe a bit more depending on numbers) The Barrel Award: To the senior athlete of the year.... The Post Award: To the Junior that committed to training and competed with passion. The Inscribed Pen Award: To the Committee that went well beyond. Will be awarded with prizes on the day. Come join us on Sat 28th At Bargara Lakes Tavern for fun and games. 12.30pm if eating, 1.00pm if joining the beverage train. (Family welcome)

13.01.2022 In preparation for our @1300smilesdentists Nov 1st Triathlon. What does your training have instore this long weekend? We have some great training options to get out and enjoy this long weekend!!! Shoot us a message. #1300smiles #btc #traininginparadise #tritime #longweekend #swimriderun #training #getready #haveyouregistered

13.01.2022 Our youngsters bringing the goods at Agnes Waters this arvo!!! Congratulations to all who raced and our 2 winners!!! Baylin McKay winner of boys U/10 Junior Aquathlon. 5 min 33sec. Max O'Brien winner of boys U/14 Junior Aquathlon 10min 41sec.

12.01.2022 Sorry for late results, President was obviously lazy, Here are our amazing athletes doing us proud in the HB100!!! Congratulations to all that competed, supported and helped out on a huge day/weekend. Hope those beers were extremely cold and plentiful!!... See you all at our Christmas Party Nov 28th. Michael Pronger 3rd 60-64 5.27.29 Darryl Shulte 17th 50-54 5.26.37 Karl Aplin (Hoff) Cracking swim and bike Brendan Smith (Skip) 16th 35-39 4.48.31 Wade (Falcon) 33rd 45-49 5.05.04 Cups of Tea 27th Mixed/T 5.30.11 Joanne Hatt 9th 35-39 5.00.15 Rebecca Jenner 4th 30-34 4.39.36 (Mechanical issue, 3rd TQ) Grant Little (Little G) 31st 40-44 5.16.46 Waves Wheelz Whiz 2nd Female/T 4.38.25 White Shadow (Jack) 13th 40-44 4.28.43 Snooze (Kody) 15th 35-39 4.47.54 Steve Sabo 20th 35-39 4.58.58 (Had to have a lay down At finish) Dimas Renaldi 23rd 35-39 5.05.58 (Mechanical, borrowed wheels) Ryan Lambert 14th 40-44 4.34.07 Bruce Thorpe 10th 55-59 5.21.56 Colin Stollery 3rd 55-59 4.37.30 Team Coffee Run 7th Female/T 5.21.02

12.01.2022 Register today for the @1300smilesdentists Bargara Triathlon. #1300smiles #registertoday #btc #bargaratriathlonclub #hatchlings #turtles #GIAT #sprint #triathlon #triathlonqueensland #funinthesun #bargara #swimriderun #weliveinparadise #crawfordpark #november1st #6am #bluegreenwhite

11.01.2022 Who's up for an ocean swim in the morning? The crew meet at Bargara Boat Ramp at 7.00am (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays) and work out from there where they are swimming. All welcome to join George and the crew.

10.01.2022 Sending out a huge CHEER to Colin Stollery and Sue Phillips as they compete in the Cairns Ironman this weekend. We wish you both the best and hope you have a fantastic experience. Can't wait to hear the report and see some photos. What a fabulous experience for you both. From all the BTC tribe.

08.01.2022 Sarah Crowley is a multiple Ironman winning Pro Triathlete, on top of these wins she stood on the Podium at the 2017 Kona Ironman World Championship!!! Which is the Pinnical of our sport. Tonight 7pm Sarah and Dale will be joining us to share there knowledge and some Pizza, seats are limited to 30 however we would like to reach this as any upcoming triathlete or athlete would get something out of this Q&A. Head to our events page.....there are new shoes on up for grabs as a bonus!!

07.01.2022 Who's who at the BTC zoo! :) Today we are looking at our amazing Jess who is the backbone of our club (and just had her 3rd bubba). Name: ... Jessica Alice Shilton, my family call me chooky Position in the club: Regulatory affairs (aka paper pusher) Equipment you use: I just got some Nike zoom shoes hoping they will make me speedier I have Cervelo TT bike for triathlon Who inspires you: My family.. Mum, dad, kids, siblings but especially my husband David, because of his willpower and ability to remain level headed in just about any situation.. he is also my biggest encourager. Share an inspirational quote: Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. TS Eliot Why triathlon: You get to experience all the outdoors has to offer in our beautiful part of the world, swimming in the coral sea, long picturesque rides amongst farm land and running wherever you want. What’s your favorite leg of triathlon? The run.. takes the least amount of co-ordination Your most memorable tri: Tweed Enduro 2018, the longest distance I have competed in, it hurt. What animal would you like to be: A lion, they are fast, are constantly on safari in Africa, and at the top of the food chain

06.01.2022 | This is Happening Fresh from IM Cairns, Sarah Crowley will be having a chat and answering some of your triathlon questions @bargarabrewingco Seats are limited to 30 so be quick! Get on down to your local and spend some time with a legend.... - Bargara Brewhouse. - 7pm. - Wednesday September 30. #sarahcrowley #qna #thisishappening #atyourlocal #bargarabrewingco #trilife #triathlonaustralia #freshoffironmancairns #im

06.01.2022 Would you believe it we are ‘halfway through the week’ and that means BRR Wednesday at 5.15pm for 5.30pm timed start. Gold coin donation.

04.01.2022 Looking for something fun for the kids to do this school holidays? How about entering them in the Agnes Water Pharmacy Junior Aquathlon? To be held on Saturday ...3rd October from 1.00pm, the aquathlon consists of a run/swim/run event. Kids from 7 up to under 14 can participate. 7 to 9 year olds do a 250M run, followed by a 100M swim/wade, and finishing with another 250M run. 10 to under 14 year olds do a 1 klm run, followed by a 200M swim, and finishing with another 1 klm run. The event is all about participation and having fun. All finishes receive a medallion. There are yummy treats for the kids following the event. And every child who participates, has a chance to win one of TWO, TREK mountain bikes (retail price of $579 each). One bike will be given away to a boy and a girl, on a random draw basis. Further details on the Agnes Water Triathlon website Cost to enter is $10 per child. You can enter via the link on the website, or you can enter on the day, at Tom Jeffery Park, Agnes Water. Many thanks to Agnes Water Pharmacy, our long term major sponsor. And thanks also to M1 Cycles, Gladstone for helping fund the bikes for the major prizes. See more

02.01.2022 Social Membership open for the 2020/2021 season Come and be a part of a family friendly club whose vision is to encourage and inspire athletes of all levels to enjoy Triathlon. We know that not everyone wants to compete competitively or may be the family member who tags along to the events. Social membership is a great option for you. ... Social membership includes: Coral Coast Physio FREE assessments musculo-skeletal, gait and podiatry assessments Newsletter Social events Training opportunities Volunteer opportunities Social gathering at events Other offers only available to members The opportunity to make new friends and meet training partners who will share your passion for triathlon! You can join as an individual $30 (receive a free visor) or family $50 (receive 2 free visors) for the 2020/2021 season. To join our club, please go to our website and click the social membership link

02.01.2022 Michael Pronger is heading to Archie’s at 2.30pm this afternoon for an ocean swim. Please comment if you’ll be joining him.Michael Pronger is heading to Archie’s at 2.30pm this afternoon for an ocean swim. Please comment if you’ll be joining him.

02.01.2022 Who's who at the B.T.C zoo EL PRESIDENTE . . We cornered our president @fluffy.ta_ while on his much deserved family holiday for this Bargara Triathlon Club profile. Read below to learn more.... . . . . Who: Troy Austin. but everyone calls me FLUFFY. Role: Bargara Triathlon Club President. Equipment: I've always raced Cervelo's. My race bike is a 45cm P5, but have a 47cm Scott roady for a training ride. Who inspires you and why?: Hard to say as I don't draw inspiration from one person but life in general...Wish I could be like many but that's not my life. Inspirational quote: "Purpose crosses disciplines... The struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose" (Chadwick Boseman). Why triathlon?: I was good at many sports I seemed to be better in these three Favourite triathlon leg: I would love to say ride, however over the years realised I can Run!! The swim is my leg to get me to the other two. Most memorable triathlon: Not 1 but 2. (1) Ironman NZ because it was a perfect race, from start to finish my game plan just worked and training married up to the red carpet finish in an amazing venue. (2) 2016 World ITU Championships because you just had to survive! Hot, windy, Hell!! Was only the support of the team that got us across the line. If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?: A Cattle Dog! Short, fast, loyal and full of heart. #troyaustin #fluffy #triathlonaustralia #traithlon #btc #elpresdente #chadwickboseman #whywhynot #inspiration #runner #ironman #ironmannz #2016itucrosstriathlonwordchampionships #ituchampionship #cattledog #short #fast #loyal #fullofheart

01.01.2022 Good job all!

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