Barkuma in Adelaide, South Australia | Charitable organisation
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 8 8414 7100
Address: Level 3, 151B South Terrace 5000 Adelaide, SA, Australia
Likes: 3225
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25.01.2022 Barkuma is proud sponsors of Salisbury Football Club - Official in the Inclusive League and on Saturday they had their first win of the season. Congratulations to all involved and hoping it is the first of many wins.
25.01.2022 Did you know Barkuma has day options programs? In line with Barkuma’s existing programs, the Day Options approach is developmental and aims to assist people to maintain and further develop the skills required for their employment journey or for meaningful and regular engagement. The range of activities is informed by participant interests and includes cooking, woodwork, craft, card making, music, gardening, wellbeing and fitness. Find out more 8414 7100 [email protected] Picture description: icons of cooking, woodwork, painting, craft, gardening, yoga, music, well being
24.01.2022 Are you an NDIS participant? The NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme want to gain a further understanding of your experience during COVID-19.
24.01.2022 This week we announced the release of our new Participant Service Charter and Participant Service Improvement Plan. Weve been listening to participants, famil...ies, carers, providers and the disability community on what improvements would make the NDIS better. The charter is our commitment to you on how we will deliver the NDIS into the future. Tap to view the Participant Service Charter: Tap to view the Participant Service Improvement Plan:
24.01.2022 Congratulations to James a participant in our Transition Program on his exhibition as part of the SALA at City Library - I am AWE-tistic If you can go and check it out at Adelaide City Libraries
22.01.2022 We've been hitting the road and getting more kids involved in footy! See you again on Tuesday Clare High School! SANFL Baptcare NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme The Plains Producer, newspaper
22.01.2022 Cant wait for Sunday! Here are the teams for SANFLs Inclusive Academy Exhibition Match. If you cant make it to Woodville Oval to see the game, you can catch the LIVESTREAM on this page More details on the Academy and Exhibition Match here:
21.01.2022 Thank you Telstra our main line is now back up and running and diverting through to the lovely Kaye at home. You can contact us on 8414 7100 or [email protected]
20.01.2022 Opportunity for adults with intellectual disability on Wednesday with SACID Lunch and a voucher provided. More info below. Life is full of choice. How do yo...u choose what to do? How do you make your decision? SACID want some people to tell us their experience. We want to know how you make a decision. We want to know if you get help to make a decision. You are invited to join a feed back group. The group will meet 1 time. There will be about 4 people in the feed back group. It is on this Wednesday 16th September, from 11am to 2:30pm. We will ask you what you think. We have questions about how you get information. We have questions about decisions. In a feed back group people can talk about: Feelings Ideas Experience A feed back group is a safe place to talk about what you think. There are no right or wrong answers. The group is friendly. The SACID feed back group will talk about making decisions. A decision is where you think about doing something. The decision is your choice to do it or not. Making a decision is the way you choose what you want. A decision can be big or small. There will be questions about how you get information. If you are picked for the group you will get lunch and a voucher. The feed back group will be COVID-safe. Social distance 1.5 metres apart. No shared plates or cups. Hand sanitiser. If you can join this Feed Back Group contact SACID. Call SACID 8352 4416 Email [email protected]
20.01.2022 Your Story Disability Legal Support is a free national service that gives information and advice to people about safely sharing their story with the Disability Royal Commission.
20.01.2022 We’re sure Quentin Kenihan would be proud if he knew his dream to build an inclusive playground in the CBD had finally become a reality. Today, we officially o...pened the Quentin Kenihan Inclusive Playspace in Rymill Park. The Marshall Liberal Government was proud to commit $1 million to this worthy cause and partner with the City of Adelaide in honour of Q. There’s no doubt this space will be enjoyed by South Australians of all ages and abilities for many years to come.
19.01.2022 *sniff* *sniff* I smell a sausage sizzle fundraiser! Come past Bunnings Edwardstown on South Road (the new big one next to Castle Plaza) tomorrow, Sunday 8th November, buy a snag and support the work of SACID! See you there!
18.01.2022 Outstanding Employers Stand out from the crowd! COVID-19 has had significant impacts on people across the country. With unemployment rates at an all-time high and downturn in many businesses, these are unrelenting times. A shining beacon throughout this period of darkness has been Barkumas outstanding employer partners. Barkuma would like to make special mention of the following employers, who have continued to employ people with disability despite the turbulent and terrain: Allied Pickfords The Careful Mover Bruces Meat & Poultry Options Bunnings - Parafield Burnside War Memorial Hospital Cedrent Vehicle Hire CMI Toyota Coles Cushman & Wakefield Drakes Supermarkets Firewood Solutions Grace Australia Information & Records Management KFC - Yum Restaurants International Outback Sleepers Australia Rare Spares Adelaide Regis Burnside Lodge Ridleyton Greek Home for the Aged The Adelaide Tree Surgery Woolworths Goolwa 5668 If you could offer a job to a person with disability please get in touch with us on 8414 7100 to find out how Barkuma can support your business.
18.01.2022 We are currently recruiting a Senior Finance Officer for an 11 month maternity leave contract at Barkuma. Gain valuable experience in a pivotal, growing industr...y. Located in the CBD with parking options or easy public transport access. For more information, please go to: #Entree #EntreeRecruitment
17.01.2022 As we head towards the end of the year you can now check out our previous financial year in review by accessing our latest Annual Report with the Barkuma gardening crew on the front cover
17.01.2022 Sharing from SANFL Disability Programs a great opportunity HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! The SANFL Inclusive Academy (State Team) will play an exhibition match on Sept 6th after Eagles WWTFC v North Adelaide Football Club... There is a trial for players to be part of this match: Monday 24th August 6.30pm - 7.30pm Fitzroy Community Club, Swan Ct, Renown Park Players must REGISTER HERE: Eligibility criteria: must play in SANFL APM Inclusive League or be a past Inclusive State Team player
16.01.2022 Thank you to our good friends at South Australian Council on Intellectual Disability Inc for providing this easy read information on COVID-19
15.01.2022 We have an unique new role at Barkuma "Commercial Relationships Employment Manager" working with our commercial customers and partner employers to create opportunities and enhance the employment journey for people with disability. You need to apply via our website or the advertisements on Seek. To find out more and apply follow this link #employmentopportunities #inclusion See more
14.01.2022 The final Connect for 2020 is out. In it, we review the employment hearing and our promoting inclusion issues paper. There's an update on engaging First Nations... people with disability in prisons. And we have a story about how sport connects four friends See more
14.01.2022 We would love to hear your thoughts on how South Australian council and state elections can be made more accessible and inclusive for people living with disabil...ity. Consultation is now open on our draft Disability Access and Inclusion Plan, and we encourage you to have a say in how we provide services, information, and facilities to people with disability. Visit our website for more information:
14.01.2022 Imagine waking up and contributing to the community in a positive way with an organisation that truly cares. Barkuma is seeking an Accommodation Supervisor for its Northern sites. The Supervisor will provide support and mentorship to the team of Support Workers and our customers to achieve their life goals in their home and community. The role requires some nights and weekend work, but the roster means you only have to work 4 days in a week to receive full pay. If this so...unds like you, apply now. #liveyourall #opportunities
14.01.2022 We have opened the consultation for our draft Disability Access and Inclusion Plan. We want to hear your feedback about the actions we will take over the next ...four years to improve the accessibility and inclusiveness of our services and supports for people living with disability. If you, a member of your family, or a person you support, access services and supports provided by us we would like to hear from you. Our employees, contractors and agents and the broader South Australian community are encouraged to provide feedback too. To get involved and provide feedback head to
14.01.2022 Flash back to last week when 39 young people graduated from the 2020 Transition Program. This week the team have welcomed 2021's Transition Program students. Although some were nervous, we know how much they will learn and grow over the year ahead. #liveyourall #inclusion #classof2020
12.01.2022 Barkuma is recruiting multiple positions for more information and to apply follow this link to our website
12.01.2022 Final Relationship Wise workshops - northern suburbs Free workshops for parents and carers and free workshops for adults with intellectual disability. Works...hops will be in January and February 2021 - book now! This is likely the last time we can run these workshops under our current funding. For more info or to book Call SACID on 8352 4416 or email [email protected] See more
12.01.2022 Collaborating 4 Inclusion has a resource to assist with making your own emergency COVID-19 plan in Easy Read
11.01.2022 Barkuma has an opportunity for a Senior Finance Officer for a maternity leave contract listed with Entre Recruitment check out this link to find out more
10.01.2022 Leedham the way to retirement! After 34 years of dedicated service to Repatriation General Hospital, Dean Leedham celebrated his hard earned retirement! Deans outstanding career was celebrated by a shared lunch where he was presented with farewell gifts and a Certificate commemorating his years of outstanding and committed service.... Dean, we wish you all the best! May you enjoy the well-deserved sleep-ins and spare time you now have to play bowls and relax. Barkuma have supported Dean to maintain his employment for over 20 years. If you have a Developmental Disability and would like support to find and maintain a job, please contact Barkuma on 8414 7100 or visit #DES #disabilityemploymentservice #inclusion #openemployment #repat #barkuma
10.01.2022 Connect Issue 9 is out now. In this edition we feature Dr Dinesh Palipana the first quadraplegic medical intern in Queensland. We also have an update on a focus group we held with women with cognitive disability, and we wrap up a workshop we attended virtually which was hosted by Deaf Victoria. See more
10.01.2022 There are many different ways you can share your story with the Disability Royal Commission - through our website, by phone or email, or by making a video or audio recording. Watch the clip below for more information about how to share your story.
09.01.2022 Wesley lands in a hot tub of success ! Barkuma Employment supports Wesley with his employment at Sunlander Outdoor Products. Since starting a year ago, Wesley maintains the cleanliness of the factory and assists in the furnishing of fantastic gates, fences and hot tubs. Thanks to the team at Sunlander, Wesley enjoys going to work every single day. Looking to open a new gateway to employment like Wesley ? If you have a Developmental Disability and would like support to find an...d keep a job, please contact Barkuma on 8414 7100. #disabilityemploymentservices #des #inclusion #barkuma
08.01.2022 Campbelltown City Council (SA) has updated its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2023 following community consultation including with Barkuma undertaken in March and April. Barkuma provides ongoing job support to Bart who is currently undertaking a traineeship at Campbelltown City Council (SA) and is proving to be a much valued member of the team, well done Bart. Please contact us on 84147100 to find out more about how Barkuma Disability Employment Services can help y...ou. To view the Campbelltown City Council (SA) Disability Access and Inclusion Plan and provide feedback click on this link #DES #employment #inclusion
08.01.2022 The Adelaide Fringe has officially opened with a stellar program. What we are most excited about is their value of inclusion, with many new access initiatives this year. Have a look at their access guide online, and check out the large range of accessible shows and venues. Pic description: Adelaide Fringe Access Guide front cover, large black and white writing #liveyourall #inclusion #adelaidefringe2021...
07.01.2022 How do I teach my child with intellectual disability about Puberty?! Lets tackle it together! Join SACID in a FREE Puberty workshop for parents! W...hen: 31st August and 1st October Learn teaching strategies that cover - public and private - body changes - hygiene - menstrual management - sexual health - healthy relationships Call SACID on 8352 4416 or email [email protected] Read more at See more
07.01.2022 Due to high demand at Telstra unfortunately our main phone line has not yet been diverted and calls today may go unanswered until it happens. An alternate contact phone number is 0427 959 821. Other options include email [email protected] or sending a message here on Facebook.... We shall do our very best to keep in touch. Take care everyone.
07.01.2022 We are proud of our staff for speaking up about why connection, presence and inclusion in the community is so important Read the article below and tune in to ABC News 7pm tonight on your TV to see the full story.
06.01.2022 Have your say and connect with others. Registrations are open for the inaugural National Youth Disability Summit. The summit is an opportunity for young people ...with a disability to come together to discuss their experiences and ask questions about what is important to them. The summit will take place online making it accessible to all youth no matter where they are. Over 5 days, the youth-led national summit will discuss key themes, including: education, employment, mental health, the NDIS and housing and inclusion. Tap to register:
06.01.2022 25 Years in the bag! Barkuma would like to introduce you to Melissa Louend-Robertson. Mel began working at Public Service Association of SA Inc shortly after leaving school and has provided administrative support to the team now for 25 years!... She ensures accounts are mailed out on time and member packs are well stocked. Barkuma would like to congratulate Mel on her fantastic achievement, and thank Public Service Association of SA Inc for being a wonderfully supportive and inclusive employer. If you have a Developmental Disability and would like support to find and maintain a job, please contact Barkuma on 8414 7100 to find out more. #DES #inclusion #employment
06.01.2022 Tune into ABC Adelaide tonight at 7pm to hear from former Barkuma participant Sarah.
05.01.2022 Healthy Mind is a new website designed to help people with Intellectual Disability (ID) to recognise and regulate their thoughts and feelings. The Black Dog Ins...titute worked with people who had lived experience with intellectual disabilities to ensure that the website is designed to suit the needs of its users. Tap to visit the Healthy Mind website:
05.01.2022 Just in case you missed it ... At the end of last week, the Disability Discrimination Commissioner Dr Ben Gauntlett released some guidelines about the rights of... people with disability during the COVID19 pandemic. They have been written to make sure people with disability can get the same health care and support as other people in the community during the pandemic. And that their rights are respected and protected. The guidelines have been written to help health care workers and people who work in the disability sector to make good decisions when it comes to supporting people with disability. They give practical examples of what to do - and what not to do - so that people with disability get the care and support they need. They are also useful for people with disability and their families who want to know more about their rights - and how to protect them. And what to do if you think you have been discriminated against. You can find a copy of the guidelines here - And there is also an Easy Read version of the guidelines here - (Image description: A picture of the front cover of the Easy Read version of the guidelines. There is a photo of a young woman on the cover. She is smiling. Another person can be seen in the distance. The text reads "Human rights in health and disability care during COVID19. Guidelines. August 2020." The Australian Human Rights Commission logo is in the top left hand corner. An Easy Read logo is in the bottom right hand corner)
05.01.2022 Free Sexuality and Relationships workshop series for adults with intellectual disability Book now! Places are limited. Workshop series in the North and South.... You must book so that we can keep the event COVID-Safe. Call SACID on 8352 4416 for more information or to book. You need to be over 18 to join. For more information visit - See more
04.01.2022 Barkuma would like to introduce you to Lucia and her family. Lucia has been receiving support from Barkuma Employment for over 20 years. Lucia currently works for Drakes Supermarkets and has maintained her position for 19 years. During COVID 19 lockdown, Lucia and her family wanted to remain connected. This video was practised and created to maintain family connection and also pay tribute to the unique bond of loved ones no matter the distance.... Lucia in particular loves Pavarotti and she comes from an extremely Musically talented family. Stanley Dodds, member of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra , chief conductor and artistic director of the Symphony Orchestra Berlin, Germany. Daniel Dodds, artistic director and concertmaster, Festival Strings Lucerne, Switzerland. Kyli Dodds, concertmaster, Thuringen Symphony Orchestra Rudolstadt-Saalfeld, Rudolstadt, Germany Sofia Dodds-Debus, Director, Heart Strings Violin and Cello Studio, Armidale, NSW Please enjoy this wonderful video.
04.01.2022 Barkuma has another exciting opportunity for a newly created role Property and Procurement Officer. Details and all applications please via Seek
04.01.2022 Did you know Barkuma is the only specialist DES provider in SA working alongside people with developmental disabilty & Autism on their open employment journey. Make contact with us to find out more call 84147100 or email [email protected] #des #inclusion #employment
03.01.2022 The COVID-19 Health Professionals Disability Advisory Service has been established to provide specialised advice for health professionals involved in the care o...f people with disability - diagnosed with or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Calls to the Service will be answered by health professionals with disability service qualifications and experience working with people with disability. Health professionals can call the service on 1800 131 330 which is available between 7am 11pm (AEST) 7 days a week. Learn more
03.01.2022 Barkuma has jobs ! Another opportunity to join the team full time roles.
03.01.2022 Weve teamed up with Dylan Alcott and Get Skilled Access to talk about the importance of physical distancing and the part we all play in keeping each other safe.... Watch to find out what it means and the steps you can take to stay safe and feel supported mentally and physically. Tap to learn more
03.01.2022 LOOK N COOK: Have you heard about our Look n Cook Book yet? The Look n Cook Book breaks recipes down into simple steps with photos clearly explaining e...ach step of the recipe. Visit the Playford Civic Centre or Stretton Centre Playford Library to check out our Look n Cook Book in person. Our friendly Library Team, like Amber pictured, will be able to help you find a copy. Or you can make a copy yours for only $10, with all sales funding future projects for our Playford Friends Group to be involved in. Learn how you can make a copy yours for $10 #playlookcook The Look n Cook Book is an initiative of the City of Playford, sponsored by Feros Care and ICS Scaffolding.
02.01.2022 To our employees Managers are making contact with as many of you as possible this afternoon. Our factories at Elizabeth and Holden Hill will be open on Monday for you to come back to work, following the COVID safe social distancing requirements. You can only come to work if you are fit and well.... If you have been told to quarantine or self isolate you still need to stay home. If you have had a test and the result is negative you can come back to work with a note to say you can work. If you have had a COVID test and do not have the results you have to stay home and wait for the results. If you are sick you need to stay home. Please talk to your Manager if you are not sure if you can come back to work.
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