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Barossa Gourmet Mushrooms | Farm

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Barossa Gourmet Mushrooms

Phone: +61 434 941 446


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25.01.2022 Lion's Mane Mushroom These things will blow your mind. This is my personal opinion on this incredible and seriously sustainable little mushroom:... At first smell when cooking, there was seafood, mildly. At second smell, it started to smell a bit more like perhaps a piece of lamb maybe... At first taste, it was literally like biting into the most tender steak you can imagine (see third photo of my half eaten dinner). At second taste, it was a bit like a tuna cake. It was then that I flicked a bit of soy sauce over the salad and mixed it around a bit........ A delicious and seriously low fat, low calorie Asian lion's mane salad. Yum yum and double yum! #lionsmanemushroom #gourmetmushroomfarm #gourmetmushrooms #southaustralia #adelaidelocal #barossavalley #localmushrooms #adelaidefreshproduce #adelaidemushrooms

23.01.2022 Luncheon you say...? I'll bring the mushrooms #sundaylunch #healthylunch #beautifulfood #gourmetmushrooms #pinkoystermushrooms #adelaide #locallygrown #southaustralia #gourmetmushroomfarm #sustainablefoods

23.01.2022 Best of mates #catsanddogs #perfectpets #lovemyfurbabies #barossavalley #southaustralia #adelaide #local #mushrooms #gourmetmushrooms

21.01.2022 @colonel_28 not a bad effort with the fresh grilled lion's mane spring salad #gourmetmushroomfarm #localadelaidebusiness #southaustralia #barossavalley #lionsmanemushroom #mushrooms #gourmetmushrooms #superfoods #sustainablefoods #brainfood

19.01.2022 100% local South Australian gourmet mushrooms. Just one of the small king mushies available at @mountpleasantfarmersmarketau this Saturday... given the heat doesn't interrupt things. If the markets do go ahead, which we hope they do for everyone's sake, get down early for an 8am start. ... First in, best dressed to get your hands on limited stock. If however, the market is considered a potential "at risk" area due to heat and it's cancelled, please get in touch as we will spend our weekend delivering our delicious produce to mushroom-hungry Adelaidians #localadelaidebusiness #gourmetfood #mushrooms #gourmetmushroomfarm #adelaidelocal #southaustralia #kingoystermushroom #goutmetmushrooms #adelaidefoodie #adelaidefood #barossavalley #adelaidehills

18.01.2022 You can't go searching for something like this. You just sometimes get lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. #bees #beesofinstagram #adelaide #southaustralia #buddleia #sillhoutephotography #nature #healthyplanet #gourmetmushroomfarm #localadelaidebusiness

17.01.2022 This guy is no scientist, he isn't a doctor, nor is the the most exciting to listen to. But he explains his personal opinion in absolute lamens terms with no bias. This is the type of person who inspires us at BGM because he's been through the ringer, deals with mental health issues himself, is honest and tries to do the right thing by his body without going "full buddhist monk" about it. He didn't hide in the dark, he found a solution and is now trying to educate the world v...ia YouTube. Hat off to you brother, keep doing what you're doing. If you want to know about sustainable ways to introduce natural, organic raw products into your medicinal arsenal, have a listen. My story... in short ... For comfort I was taking meloxicam, a strong anti-inflammatory plus numerous Panadol Osteo each day, followed by ice packs on my knees, hip and back, if the day's work got me moving. At this time I looked into a plethora of organic teas and turmeric to lesson the pharmaceuticals in my system. This works, to an extent and it takes time for the effects to noticeably become the norm. Little did I know, this was just the start. After a bout of mental health issues that struck me down post military service including the two mentioned by this vlogger, I stumbled upon lion's mane mushrooms and gourmet mushrooms in general. Absolutely gobsmacked as to why their benefits are not as widely known as they should be, I decided to try and grow them as a hobby. I haven't been taking any lion's mane product up to date, other than a cooked and chewed version. My first BGM lion's mane extract is on the way in which I will be my first test dummy. I will do my own research, knowing I have all the resources and my own mental state as a start point. Stay tuned as I take you through my experiment and I'll keep everyone up to date consistently throughout the remainder of 2020. Please do not ask personal questions about my life or ailments, but please DO get in touch for more info on the medicinal benefits of our mushrooms and what products are available, or will be soon. #lionsmanemushroom #medicinalmushrooms #naturalmedicine #naturalhealth #localbarossabusiness #adelaidegourmetmushrooms #southaustralia #adelaide #barossavalley #adelaidehills #adelaidefoodie #adelaidebusiness

11.01.2022 Bubbles!!! #bubbledog #bubbles #dogsofinstagram #happiestdogalive #happylife #perfectday #adelaide #southaustralia #lastdaysofspring #gourmetmushroomfarm

08.01.2022 Poor Ellie the elephant being pulled apart by Team Puma-Wolf #ilovemyfurbabies #catdog #junglewarriors #superpets #gourmetmushroomfarm

08.01.2022 @mountpleasantfarmersmarketau Mushroom lovers get down to the markets bright and early for an 8am start. The day might get cut short due to heat so we are only taking limited stock.... All mixed packs $10 Single large king oyster $5 100% pink oyster powder $5 Dried gourmet mushrooms $3 a bag Come and talk to us about our DIY grow kits and lion's mane extract, ready for Christmas. Can't wait to see you down there Adelaide. #mushrooms #local #adelaide #barossa #adelaidehills #earlystart #marketday

07.01.2022 Pink Oyster Mushrooms As beautiful as they are delicious, these forest candies are not only one of the most sustainable foods on earth, but one of the healthiest things you can put in your body. Cooking: ... 50/50 unsalted butter and extra virgin olive oil in a preheated pan. Sprinkle salt, pepper, garlic and chilli into buttery oil until aromatic. Add sliced, torn or whole mushrooms for 3 - 5 mins turning only once on medium to low heat to cook through. Add as a side to a main by itself or on some lightly toasted sourdough, garnished with fresh garden parsley or coriander. A splash of lemon juice over everything and some steamed spinach underneath if you're feeling adventurous #mushrooms #gourmetmushrooms #gourmetfood #adelaidelocal #localadelaidebusiness #southaustralia #barossavalley #adelaidehills #superfood #sustainablefoods #naturalbeauty #naturalmedicine #medicinalfood #healthyeating #health #healthydiet #healthyadelaide

06.01.2022 Sun + Foliage = Natural Beauty #spring #naturalbeauty #southaustralia #adelaidelocal #barossavalley

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