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Barr Street Naturopathy in Cairns, Queensland, Australia | Medical and health

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Barr Street Naturopathy

Locality: Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 420 233 174

Address: 532 Mulgrave Rd 4870 Cairns, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 The more time I spend as a citizen in Australia, the more important this day gets for me, additionally to my German background. I was lucky to visit the Gallipoli exhibit in Wellington this year. It was very real and I left with a sick feeling in my guts imagining the horrors everyone involved went through. Paying respect today is the least we can do. Lest we forget!

24.01.2022 #update My mustard seed sprouts are going really well and fast, there is one other seed that sprouted and I think it's the thyme...rosemary is still nothing! Maybe a bad batch? In the meantime, I also planted half a bunch of basil which I literally took from Woolies and my tomatoes are finally fruiting!!!! Can't believe it!!! So happy!! Makes me want to grow more edible plants! Doesn't get healthier for my gut, I reckon . .... . #mustardgreens #sprouts #thyme #cocktailtomatoes #basil #gardeninginthetropics #gardening #drgreenthumb #guthealth #sustainableliving #growyourown #nofilter #barrstnaturopathy @ Cairns, Queensland, Australia See more

23.01.2022 Mini Health Summit - Presenter No. 3 - Nicole Couchman Nicole is a Nutritional Naturopath and she will enlighten us with a wealth of information on stress, stress management and how nutrition can make a difference! If you followed her business on Facebook, The Mindful Mommy, you'd know that she's an expert when it comes to making healthy food look and taste great! Being a mother herself, she also knows the struggles of feeding your children right. Come along to our event and... reap the benefits of all of her experience! Bookings can be done here: Find the Facebook event here: . . . #minihealthsummit #stress #stressmanagement #nutrition #healthyfood #stressedmums #mother #healthychildren #tipsandtricks #barrstreetnaturopathy See more

23.01.2022 New - online booking system!!! Follow the Facebook link or go straight to the website to book your Naturopathic consult or Massage! Any time!!! See availabilities and you're also able to book the Tight Tuesday special for acute appointments ($30 for 30 minutes)! Also - get reminded 24hrs prior to your appointment! . .... . #onlineservices #tighttuesday #convenience #automated #tooeasy #cairnscity #qld #fnq #wholehealthcairns #barrstnaturopathy See more

22.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone! Hope your day is good, quick and the long weekend fully filled with good times! . . . #happyfriday #tgif #longweekend #bringon4pm #barrstnaturopathy

22.01.2022 So this is me, before I got Crohn's Disease, whilst I was on every medication possible and now. It's been a long journey and I can say, I'm doing very well now! Nothing teaches you like personal experience and hardship! I am a foodie at heart and love to eat but I know now what upsets me and what is good for me. At the beginning, elimination of certain foods was a MUST, but over time my body healed and adapted. There is no one recipe for healing your Crohn's Disease but you can follow certain guidelines that will improve your day to day health. If you have any questions for me, just comment below or message me. More than happy to chat and help! . . . #guthealing #foodie #crohnsdisease #beforeandafter #guthealth #nutrition #diet #personaldiet

21.01.2022 Who else tries themselves as a hobby gardener? I'm usually hopeless when it comes to a green thumb but something in me said "try again", so I started to set up a few seeds, waiting for them to sprout! Herbs of choice were rosemary, thyme and mustard greens. Things that go well with spuds and meat In 10 -16 days I should see first signs of growth. I'm excited to grow my own food...even if it's just herbs for a start. Bear with me, I'll keep you posted. Anyone else growing yummies? . . . #growyourown #loveherbs #gardening #foodiecairns #aromaticherbs #gardeninginthetropics #qld #cairns #barrstnaturopathy

21.01.2022 Sometimes you have to dress up and celebrate! It's important to celebrate your small wins or achievements along the way to big goals. In the end, they all count to the end goal! This is me, at a lovely bar up high overlooking Cairns Harbour! Celebrating in style! Go ahead, respect your small and big wins!!! . . .... #celebrate #styling #dolledup #achievement #smallwins #timeout #differentperspective #proud #barrstnaturopathy See more

20.01.2022 It's time to study again... Today at a fantastic seminar on Stress and its impact on the brain!!! Loving it! So much to learn after this as's been an eye opener! Everyone suffering from anxiety or insomnia - there is hope and new info for you . . . #furthereducation #stress #anxiety #insomnia #brain #study #barrstnaturopathy

20.01.2022 Stressed? Anxiety? Overwhelmed? Sometimes the best thing is to run away...into NATURE!!! Movement in fresh air! And do it until you feel better! I had a dose of that yesterday in the tropical rainforest that is part and parcel of #FNQ! And boy did that work, I had more energy afterwards, felt refreshed, hungry, my tummy felt happy and my mind calm. Needless to say, my sleep was incredible too! Now, do I have to write a prescription until you try it? PS: can't take me anywhere... . . . #nature #natureasmedicine #rainforest #fnq #stranglerfig #posing #fresh #stress #anxiety #energy #sleep #barrstnaturopathy See more

20.01.2022 Mini Health Summit - Presenter No. 4 - Me Claudia Koelbl My most favorite topic in the world is gut health and food! So naturally I will cover that topic in my presentation. I have long term experience with Crohn's Disease and had to adjust my diet through the years many times. Luckily I'm creative in the kitchen and love food which helps tremendously in making meals that taste good AND are good for the gut. Want to learn more? Come along to our summit on the 3rd August and... find out. Bookings can be done here: Or via our Facebook event:[%7B%5C%22surface%5C%22%3A%5C%22page%5C%22%2C%5C%22mechanism%5C%22%3A%5C%22main_list%5C%22%2C%5C%22extra_data%5C%22%3A[]%7D]%22%7D&aref=0&ref=bookmarks . . . #guthealth #foodie #foodlover #create #journey #practicaltips #gutlovingfood #feedyourgut #everyday #wholelifecairns #barrstnaturopathy See more

19.01.2022 This sums it up nicely! Looking for the positive feeds a positive attitude... It's the beast that you feed that will grow!!!

19.01.2022 Progress isn't linear! No matter if in your health journey, battling anxiety or depression, in your job, sport or relationship! It takes many fall backs as well as the good days! Embrace them all! They're part of the journey! Practice patience, you'll get there! I believe in YOU!!! . . . #embracegoodandbad #progress #reality #journey #journeytohealth #healthychoices #anxiety #depression #relationship #career #patience #barrstnaturopathy

19.01.2022 Nearly my last day at work... really it's tomorrow but today was the last day with these legends! I'm so grateful for the friendships we developed, the laughs we shared, the tears we eased for each other! THANK YOU! It's been a great ride and I can't wait to introduce my little boy to all of you when he's outside of my body! It's not a goodbye, it's a "cya later" really! However, work wise I'll be out if action for a while! I'll be keeping you all updated on social media and... at one point work again as a Naturopath for sure. It's just a matter of time, my son has priority though . . . #35weeks #mummatobe #lovemywork #missyouallalready #maternityleave #pregnancy #pregnantnaturopath #lookatthespread #wholelifecairns #barrstnaturopathy @ Barr Street Naturopath See more

18.01.2022 Your Health! Most people think that if they just eat right and do their exercise, that this will lead them to optimal health and happiness! No? Well, that's only correct to a certain extent. You as a whole human being have so many more facets and areas in your life that need to be addressed and satisfied! The Whole Health Cairn below is a beautiful representation on how every single stone keeps the balance of the whole. Take one out and it all comes crashing down! So take a m...oment and look at the different types in the stone - it may help you get clearer about what's still missing in your life to sit back relaxed and say: yep, I'm good! My life feels fulfilled and and happy where I'm at. Focusing and welcoming Love, Gratitude and Pleasure will help all areas in the Cairn. Focusing on Resentment, Greed and Negativity won't. Once again... it's the beast that you feed that grows! . . . #wholehealthcairn #holistichealth #mindset #mindfulness #holistic #allofme #happiness #love #gratitude #pleasure #selflove #nurtureyourself #wholehealthcairns #barrstnaturopathy See more

18.01.2022 We'll miss you Anne!!! Hope you enjoy your time off work and getting into mommy mode! I promise to stay in touch Not a good bye, more a see you soon! Much love

18.01.2022 What a great time we had today with a fantastic turn out/audience! I may say, our Mini Health Summit was a definite success! The beautiful ladies @chloecollinsnutrition @the.mindful.mummy @nicholaeaston and myself did what we do best: talk about health, food, give ideas and generally educate on healthy nutrition and lifestyle! Thanks to #meadowandmarrow for a generous taste testing and to #barrstmarkets #wholelifecairns for the location! Personally, I feel blessed to know such amazing and inspiring ladies on the same wavelength as I am and am also very grateful for the beautiful people in the audience who made this easy today! . . . #minihealthsummit #gratitude #successfulevent #cairnsevents #foodforyourgut #nutrition #lifestyle #barrstmarkets #wholelifecairns #barrstnaturopathy @ Barr St Markets

18.01.2022 Update: You can buy tickets for our Mini Health Summit NOW!!! Either follow the link to the event or book directly via this link: The beautiful Chloe Collins will kick off the event (stay tuned for details tomorrow) and will be followed by Nichola Easton - Skin Health, Nicole Couchman - Stress Management and myself (Claudia Koelbl) - Gut Health. We hope to see you there when we share our and enrich you with tips and tricks to optimal health in those areas! . . . #minihealthsummit #health #skin #stress #mums #guthealth #womenshealth #wholelifecairns #barrstnaturopathy See more

17.01.2022 As part our our Mini Health Summit, we are happy to announce that Meadow and Marrow will enable us to do a taste testing prior to the event! For those who have booked: be there from 9:30am to get a taste of this wholesome package of goodness benefiting your gut and joint health sip by sip. . . . #guthealth #meadowandmarrow #bonebroth #freesample #yummy #happytummy #jointhealth #minihealthsummit #wholelifecairns #barrstnaturopathy

16.01.2022 Today is the Peace Day Event in Yorkey's Knob! Beautiful venue, beautiful market stalls and lots of yoga sessions! Go and have a browse! Nothing better for the soul than to be at a great event in a beautiful location with like minded people! Check out the link below... Picture was taken at Yorkey's Knob

15.01.2022 Most of my clients know that I'm highly pregnant at this stage, either by seeing me in consults or by my newsletter announcement. In case you didn't know yet, here it is...I'm the proud mumma to be of a beautiful boy! He's due in December and I'm very excited! My last day at work is the 9th November but I'll be staying on social media providing updates and keeping true in contributions for my passion on gut, anxiety and fatigue related issues! So watch this space... If you n...eed a last minute appointment, just ring through or go on my website to book . . . #pregnant #babyboy #6weekstogo #mumma #pregnantwithcrohns #guthealth #fatigue #anxiety #wholelifecairns #barrstnaturopathy See more

14.01.2022 A picture of my daily morning walk! Views like that are the only reason why I get up early! It looks so stunning, I truly feel blessed to live in this part of the world...for me, it's paradise! Have a great day everyone and maybe you are grateful for something today too? . . . #nofilter #gratitude #paradise #postcard #earlystart #fnq #qld #notbad #barrstnaturopathy

13.01.2022 Special appreciation post for one of my clients who posted this on her timeline on Facebook yesterday! Thank you so much! I love helping people on their journey to health! If you think you could need a helping hand to guide you through the jungle of health information and put you on the right path, I'm only a phone call or mouse click away with a smile on my face ready to help! . . .... #gratitude #appreciationpost #help #guidance #healthjungle #journey #askforhelp #barrstnaturopathy See more

11.01.2022 Oh isn't that just the truth!!! The more you know the more you realize how much you don't know! I know this feeling all too well. People that are super confident in their knowledge can be frustrating to talk to as they tend to be closed-minded, have no room for a different perspective. On the other hand I am frustrated by myself as I am not confident enough in what I do know. Ahhh...the joys of knowledge sharing! Do you feel like this in your area of expertise?

10.01.2022 #timeout Off to a holiday to Sydney for a week! Need to spend quality time with my partner who I have seen 3 days in the last 5 weeks! Both working hard, now it's time to kick back and live a bit! I'll be back at work on the 11th June. I won't be able to answer any calls or texts in the meantime. Thanks for your understanding! Much love and health to you all! See you soon . .... . #holiday #timeout #workhardplayhard #Sydney #earlystart #qualitytime #familyfirst #barrstnaturopathy See more

09.01.2022 Very's tough out there at times! Much love to all of you with small businesses!

09.01.2022 Loving this comic series! It's so very true! And if your mind supports your heart then you can only come away happy on the other side! "You do you!" as they always confident, hold your head high and give less of a s**t what other people think or do. It's your life and there for you to live it! . . .... #nofear #free #confidence #followyourheart #thatslivingbarry #happiness #anxiety #depression #barrstnaturopathy See more

07.01.2022 Drum roll please.... May I introduce our second speaker at the Mini Health Summit on the 3rd August 2019: Nichola Easton - Clinical Nutritionist. She will tell you all about diet and lifestyle required for healthy, radiant skin! Book in now! Don't miss out on this great event covering a broad range of topics! Booking link: . .... . #skindeep #skin #diet #lifestyle #radiant #minihealthsummit #health #cairns #barrstnaturopathy See more

06.01.2022 A good friend of mine is doing this retreat! Highly recommend him and his work! Don't have to travel far to do these retreats, it's right here in Cairns!

06.01.2022 As part of Natural Medicine Week this week, I'd like to share some more information on our profession! Is your practitioner qualified? Qualified natural medicine practitioners must abide by the Standards of Practice set out by their association. These guidelines require the practitioner to operate within their level of training and protect consumers from possible harm from untrained individuals. The practitioner is required to abide by a Code of Ethics stipulated by their as...sociation and operate within local, state and federal laws. If you're unsure if your practitioner is qualified, ask them to see their qualifications if they haven't displayed them yet. It is your right to do so and you should only trust someone who has had training enabling them to be recognized by a state authority. Barr Street Naturopathy, Claudia Koelbl, has a triple Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy, Nutritional Medicine and Western Herbal Medicine and is recognized by the Australian Natural Therapies Association. . . . #naturalmedicineweek #qualifications #naturopathy #anta #firstdonoharm #barrstnaturopathy See more

05.01.2022 Happy (non)-Labour Day people!!! Hope you are enjoying this fantastic weather out there somewhere!!! I already went for a quick walk and workout and after a bit of updating things here on Facebook and working on my website, I will make sure to get some more sun rays! Remember that sunshine is good for your Vitamin D levels, for your moods, for your sleep rhythm and with a day off for all of this - how can you not love life!!! So get out there and enjoy this tropical paradise we're living in! . . . #paradise #lovinglife #sunshine #beach #sand #bbq #goodtimes #workout #fitness #gooutside #barrstnaturopathy

05.01.2022 Mini Health Summit Presenter Number 1 - Chloe Collins who is fantastic when it comes to Women's Health! We're glad to count her into our team at the Mini Health Summit as she has great tips helping women to live with a healthy menstrual cycle so that they can become their most authentic self!

04.01.2022 Struggling with your gut and dont know what to cook? Not sure which foods are good for your gut? Then come to our Mini Health Summit on Saturday and find out! Ill provide you with information with exactly what you can eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks that is beneficial for gut health! With these few simple guidelines you are on the right track to slowly but surely achieve optimal gut health!... At the end of the session youll be able to: + have a live Q&A with me if you have any specific questions ++ take home a guideline on how to structure your daily meals to achieve optimal gut health +++ receive a 20% discount on a first consultation with me! This could be your start to becoming healthy, inside and out! The event is THIS Saturday! Tickets are selling fast, book now and I look forward to see you there! Book here: #minihealthsummit #guthealth #cairnsevents #discount #wholelifecairns #barrstnaturopathy

04.01.2022 Just a little motivation for a Tuesday morning!!!

03.01.2022 Just a little inspiration by one of my favorite people in the world! I find him quite wise and down to earth at the same time. So to all of you wanting change but resisting doing anything different... listen to this bloke! He's in the same boat as all of us! . . . #selflove #discipline #butidontwanttodoit #resistance #selfsabotage #justdoit #lookafteryourself #dailypractice #learnnotcompete #barrstnaturopathy

03.01.2022 Now this is what I'll be doing for the next couple of weeks! Snorkeling and boating... I'm off people, back on Sep 6th! My partner and I are sailing our boat to its final destination - Cairns! What was planned for a long time finally is coming true! . . .... #holiday #sailing #boatlife #sealegs #noshoes #sunonmybelly #barrstnaturopathy See more

01.01.2022 Friendly reminder that this is going to happen in 1 week!!! Eeek! I'm very excited and hope to see you there! It's a great event if you have tried to change your habits so many times but always have fallen back into old routines. May it be Health, Relationships or Fitness Goals... this seminar will help you finally finding out what stops you and what to do to move forward! . . .... #Beyourbest #nomoreprocrastination #stopselfsabotage #goyou #barrstnaturopathy #kamerungameditationcentre See more

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