Basic Church Parramatta | Community organisation
Basic Church Parramatta
Phone: +61 401 477 745
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25.01.2022 Wednesday night is BASIC Prayer Night. We love coming together as a community and sitting in the presence of God and recognising that no matter what has been happening, where we have come from, or what we are going through our heavenly father always has open arms, a bended knee turning his ear towards his church. As the church prayer is one of the greatest privileges we have- its a pity we don't spend more time in this sacred place. We hope you can join us tonight at 7.30pm a...s we gather on Zoom to pray over our community, our neighbourhoods, our city, country and beyond. "I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!"- Psalm 116:1-2 Join Zoom Meeting
20.01.2022 Great morning of church under the Jacaranda trees at Lake Parramatta. Such a joy to take some time out and sit in the presence of the Father in his ‘cathedral’! If you missed our COMMUNION morning why not take some time out this week to be still, quiet your mind, and rest in Jesus’ presence knowing you are his beloved.
20.01.2022 We long for the LORD- for his work, his presence, his life giving spirit to come and pour out his blessing, for justice, for hope, for love, for redemption... The human heart longs for that which it was made for. And prayer is an invitation to rest in and be with the one we were made for- the one in whom our longing ends and our hope is fulfilled. We'd love you to join us for BASIC Prayer tonight 7.30-8.30 on Zoom. Who knows what God might do as those who long for him wait on him... it's one of the most exciting prospects of the Christian life. See you at 7.30 for prayer. "I am counting on the LORD; yes, I am counting on Him. I have put my hope in his word. I long for the LORD more than sentries long for the dawn... for with the LORD there is unfailing love. His redemption overflows.'- Psalm 130:5-7
20.01.2022 Found this graphic really helpful in articulating how small missional core's are key to seeing multiplication of mission. We are so blessed to have a few missional communities who are passionate about faithfully following Jesus, loving their neighbour and seeking to join Jesus where he is. But i also long for the day when people begin to see that they and a few friends might be the core of new communities who simply learn to live with Jesus on mission and see new groups reach...ed with the good news. I wonder if God is stirring your imagiation to join him in something new. Doesnt take many, it just takes someone, who is captured by the kingdom and begins to imagine that God might use them. This season of COVID, where big isn't possible, might just be the time where God stirs small seeds of his kingdom to be planted in places that are unexpected... its a mustard seed movement after all that embodies the kingdom in all the cracks and corners of our society. #100houses #AtTheTable
19.01.2022 Getting into it! Comission Sunday we are blessing Harris Park Community Centre with a working bee and Hamper Hub! Such a great way to ‘be church’ this morning.
19.01.2022 Wednesday night is BASIC Prayer night- we'd love you join us as we meet over zoom to pray, worship and encounter God together (7.30-8.30). Prayer is the work of faith- the place our hands get dirty in desiring and longing for the kingdom. James gives a challenging picture of prayer in his short epistle. In chapter 4 he challenges the churches that the first response to the shortcomings of their expectations in the Christian life should be prayer with a right heart, stating " do not have because you do not ask...". In Chapter 5 he then moves on to Prayerfulness as the right response too all situations- joy, sorrow, suffering, fruitfulness. In fact James calls the believers to see themselves in the line of the prophet Elijah whose prayer of faith held back the rain! How rarely our own view of prayer rises to James' invitation- for James prayer was the place where hands got dirty in the life of faith. Yes he calls us to align our actions with our faith, but he points to the life of prayer as the essential place where the work occurs. Why not take an hour out tonight to get your hands dirty?
19.01.2022 OPEN HOUSE- we're looking forward to gathering in our houses for our Rhythm of Communion- the rhythm of communion is all about intentionally developing a lifestyle that helps us know Jesus deeply and be shaped by His Spirit in us. Gathering with others is part of this- with community, in the word, around the table, with God! Its simple, its raw, and its one of the ways we meet God and be shaped by him. We'd love you to join us 9.30am tomorrow at Merrylands (meeting at Lake Parramatta) or North Parramatta.
16.01.2022 "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few..." BASIC Core Training is all about equipping followers of Jesus to live their everyday life intentionally with an eye on the harvest and an expectation on the Lord of the Harvest to show up and do something extraordinary. Its one of the joy's of discovering life with Jesus- that he invites us to be coworkers with him. To walk with him in his mission of changing and transforming lives. We'd love you to join us for session 5 as we explore how to journey with others into the word. Kicking off at 7.30pm on Zoom. See you there.
15.01.2022 Hey Church- last week was a great week getting both communities together in Parramatta Park. It was a ton of fun to celebrate Will turning 4, hear from Mike in the Word, and to get practical with our mission by delivering food hampers to international students around Parramatta. This week we're back to gathering around the table in our houses. Make sure you don't miss out gathering teogther in whatever way you can. 9.30am for Open House Merrylands and North Parramatta. See you then BASIC.
13.01.2022 BASIC has been partnering with Chaplaincy at WSU for almost three years to support students in Parramatta. This year it looks a little different. With so many international students finding themselves isolated from community and family, studying online, and very few jobs available in suitable work places, COVID-19 has hit this group exceptionally hard. We are partnering with Chaplaincy to provide ongoing support for students who need it through weekly/fortnightly provision of... food hampers, basic pastoral care, and a connection for support as the year goes on. We’d love you to get involved! We are wanting to connect students with caring people who can build connection and help support them as they need, we also want to be praying for this community in this tough time, and we are also looking for people to support financially the Table Project so we might be able to offer help to more students. If you are interested in learning more about the Table Project, or financially supporting check it out at See more
13.01.2022 Hey BASIC- after an amazing week of 'COMMISSION' two weeks ago at HPCC and a week off to celebrate Dads, we are back on in our houses this week. BASIC Open House at either Merrylands or North Parramatta @9.30am. Going to be a great week getting into the word, praying for one another, growing together and enjoying some great food around the table. See you Sunday.
10.01.2022 Hey BASIC Church- its the first Sunday of the month. So that mean's its all in! We'll be gathering at Parramatta Park near the George St Gatehouse 9.30am to have church in the park. With COVID restrictions in place we will make use of Parramatta Park's space and ensure we are socially distanced, as well as in appropriate group sizes. If you are unwell, we will miss you but unfortunately due to the current situation, you will need to stay home. ... See you tomorrow morning- 9.30am Parramatta Park, George St Gatehouse.
08.01.2022 The beautiful image of the mustard seed from Jesus' parable is a constant challenge and call to the church to not strive for what the society around us measures, but to be faithful to who we are as we follow intentionally the way of Jesus. A seed does grow, and from the ordinary something extraordinary is taking shape.
07.01.2022 One of our Core Rhythms at BASIC is Communion in Community- to intentionally cultivate intimacy with Christ with others. DNA groups is one of the ways we do that. A great reminder from Mike Peereboom to keep prioritising growing with others even in strange times. Thanks for tip Mike Peereboom
06.01.2022 How are you being shaped by the Word at the moment? One of our core rhythms is COMMUNION- Developing a lifestyle that helps us know Jesus deeply and be shaped by His Spirit in us. One of the ways we do this is by carving out time to learn and listen in the word and living in response. If you are wondering what to dig into throughout November, why not join us as we explore the General Epistles. The NT books of James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1,2 & 3 John and Jude speak to the experience o...f the first generation of Churches as they tried to figure out what following Jesus in community looked like in the challenging environment of the Roman Empire in which they found themselves living as 'aliens'- a community who 'looked like' but were often fundamentally different to the culture and values around them. As one writer states "The General Epistles reflect the essential challenge Christians faced in the Roman Empirehow to follow Jesus in a tough environment. Early Christians faced problems such as slavery, favoritism, and abuse by the rich and powerful. They dealt with harsh words and conflicts. They dealt with the real tensions between ambition and dependence on God, and the fear that doing things God’s way would put them in conflict with those in authority. In general, they felt a sense of alienation living and working in a world that seemed incompatible with following Jesus." - Theology of Work As the Church longed for the fullness of the Kingdom and the Return of Jesus they had to 'work out' the messiness of living their faith in the practical ordinariness of their everyday lives. In their working, their living, their neighbouring, their families, their engagement with culture and their comings and goings in society- how do they faithfully live out their faith and embody who they are? Our context and culture might be very different, but our experience of living in the liminal reality of the now-but-not-yet of the kingdom remains the same.
06.01.2022 Hey BASIC! This Sunday is Fathers Day- a chance to celebrate and remember the gift of Father's. For some this is a weekend that is full of joy and gratitude, for others its one marked with sadness and grief, loss or regret. We enter into this weekend recognising the limitations of our Dads- their inability to love as we needed all the time; their baggage and brokenness that often fell to us; and we also recognise that they loved and cared as they could. As we approach Fathers... day this year, we invite you to take a break and pause with the Father who loves and cares perfectly, the one who before you were even born knew you, called you and chose you. So whether you are celebrating with family, or taking it easy, ensure that you PAUSE and take a moment to be loved by your Father in Heaven. No gatherings at Merrylands or North Parramatta- we will see you again on Sept 13th. See more
04.01.2022 Hey BASIC- we're looking forward to getting together again tomorrow to celebrate all God is up to; to spend time in the word and in prayer; and to encourage one another as we seek to live as followers of Jesus where ever we are. Both Merrylands and North Parramatta houses will be running- Merrylands @ 9.30am// North Parramatta @ 9.30am in Parramatta Park at Georgie Boy Cafe. See you there church.
04.01.2022 Hey BASIC- Wednesday night is BASIC prayer night. We've been holding this space throughout the year as a time to gather with those who can, to be still with God and to recognise the awesome privelege to come and speak and listen with the one who made us an holds all things. It seems increasingly necessary as the year unfolds to continue to enter this space, and to make space for this essential work. We'd love you to join us as we gather on Zoom 7.30pm to lift up our community, neighbourhoods, city and nation and the Church broadly in prayer. See you there Basic peeps!
03.01.2022 The Christian life is a continual journey of opening oneself to God. A letting go, releasing, and receiving. It is a realising that so often the things I hold onto with grit and determination that I believe define me, give security, grant me safety or give me significance are actually the very things which prevent me coming fully alive. So the Journey to life is a journey of formation and opening ourselves to Him who is life, gradually, often with resistance and trepidation, ...until we realise that in letting go we have taken up something far more valuable and life giving. In this season of constant air of anxiety and uncertainty our grip tends to be a little tighter then usual, but it might just prove that in letting go and opening up we find greater life then usual. Where is the Spirit inviting you to open up and let go? Where is he working to tear down walls of our making so he can bring to life something of his making... do yourself a favour and find 5 min today to reflect, listen, and release. See more
03.01.2022 "Blessed are those who are poor in Spirit... who mourn... who are meek... who are hungering for righteousness... who are merciful... blessed are the peacemakers... who are persecuted... for theirs is the Kingdom of God."- Matt 5:3-10 The words of the Sermon on the mount throw into turmoil our vision of those who are blessed by God and to whom the Kingdom is given. It is an upside and inside out vision of where and with whom God is associating. It was a challenge to the list...eners in Jesus' day and it still a challenge to us today. Where will I find Jesus? Where is his Kingdom breaking in? Where is there blessing? Look to these, for the kingdom is theirs. In a season of uncertainty and challenge such as we are in, these words ring as comfort. For who has not mourned something in these days, who has not longed for the righteousness of God to break in, who has not experienced their own poverty and weakness... yet in these places we find the kingdom breaking in. In the words of the Celtic Fathers- these people live in 'thin places'. Do yourself a favour- take 6minutes today to sit in the sounds of this incredible prayer and be blessed. Find yourself in the story of the in-breaking kingdom, in-breaking amidst your chaos, your poverty, your hurt, your anxiety... and take a time to realise the blessing of the Kingdom that is here, and is coming, and is yours in Christ.
02.01.2022 We're really excited to be gathering at both location- Merrylands and North Parramatta tomorrow for Open House. While we can we will- so see you at 9.30 either at the Peerebooms for Merrylands or Parramatta Park for North Parramatta (rug up ) Everyone welcome for Worship, Word and Prayer around the Table.
02.01.2022 Wednesday night is BASIC Prayer night. We will be on Zoom from 7.30-8.30pm spending time in the Fathers presence and praying over our community, our neighbourhoods, our city and beyond. Hope to see you there. Zoom link in comments.
02.01.2022 How good is Sunday going to be!!! We can't wait to invite others to our table, to receive, to connect, and to be blessed. This Sunday is our COMMISSION rhythm and we will be heading to Harris park Community Centre to hold a hamper hub for international students and anyone else who might find it a help at this time. Hope to see you there BASIC- and feel free to share or PM if you want more details.
01.01.2022 Hey BASIC- we can't wait to see you tomorrow for OPEN HOUSE. Merrylands are meeting 9.30am at Lake Parramatta// North Parramatta gathering 9.30am Parramatta Park (meet at Georgie Boy Cafe). So looking forward to getting into the word, praying for one another and encouraging each other as we follow Jesus and join him wherever he is at work. See you Sunday Church!
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